Zoo501 Midtem Current 2023 Mcqs by Anees

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ZOO501 Current Midterm MCQS prepared by Anees Ahmad

1. Bird eggs are Telolecithal.

2. Estrogen is Hormone.
3. Gene is contained with the complex of DNA and protein is called Chromatin
4. MPF is degraded and chromosomes return to S phase
5. Fertilization is the process to transmit gene from parents to off spring.
6. Leeuwenhoek (1685) wrote that sperm is Seed
7. Orthopyxis not only secrete chemo-tactic factors but also regulate the Time
of it release.
8. Fusion is the process mediated by the specific fusogenic Proteins.
9. Resting membrane potential is 70mv.
10. After fertilization, the development of a multi cellular organism process by
11. The shell is the eggs outer coverage, accounting for that 9 to 12 % of its
total weight depending on the egg size.
12. The egg white is known as Albumen which is comes from albus.
13. The egg liquid weight is 67%.
14. Birth defects study is called Teratology.
15. Regulative development is critical for Development of identical twins.
16. Acrosome is in which part of sperm Head of the sperm
17. In birds and mammals, the cells at the midline of the neural plate is called
Medial hinge point (MHP).
18. Sea water is rich in Sodium Chloride.
19. Mouse fritilin is localized to the posterior plasma membrane of the sperm
20. Promoter is controlled by Enhancer
21. Non coding region of RNA is Introns
22. Tightly packed protein is histones form the core structure of nucleosome.
23. Highly express cadherin is N cadherin
24.Tadpole eats algae
25. Types of germ layer is three which is Ectoderm, Mesoderm and endoderm
26. Chordates belong to which group is Deuterostomes
27.Neural keel is formed in embryo during the early stages of development.
28. BHLH proteins are specific for development of
29. Negative enhancer are called Silencer
30. Spallanzani demonstrated that filtered toad semen devoid of sperm would
not fertilize eggs.
31. Sea urchin exhibit Radial holoblastic cleavage
32. Mucopolysaccharides released by the cortical granules.
33. Sexual reproduction done in minus and plus Chlamydomonas
34. Methametical modeling, which seeks to describes development phenomena
in terms of Equations.
35. In anurans include Frog and toad.
36. The major cell adhesion molecules appear to be in the Cadherins.
37. Eukaryotic genes are contained within a complex of DNA and protein called
38. A.V Leewenhoak first believed sperm to be parasitic animals.
39. One chemo-tactic molecule a 14 amino acid peptide called Resact.
40. It appears that the acrosome reacted sperm transfer their binding from ZP3 to
the adjacent ZP2
41. Calcium and Bicarbonate Ions may be critical in activating cAMP-
42. The drug A23187 is calcium ionophore transport free calcium ions across-
Lipid membranes.
43. Mitotic divisions whereby the enormous volume of egg cytoplasm is divided
into numerous smaller Nucleated cells
44. Secrete a Cellulose tunic which gave the name “tunicates” to these creatures.
45. Resact diffuses readily in sea water and has a profound effect at very low
concentrations when added to a suspension of Arbacia sperm.
46. Region of globular molecules lies between the nucleus and the acrosomal
47. The blastula stage of sea urchin has 128 cell stage
48. Discipline that studies embryonic and other developmental process is called
Developmental Biology
49. Fertilin appears to bind the sperm plasma membrane to the Egg plasma
50. Many insects also use a third means known as Syncytial specification
51. Microfilaments formed by the polymerization of Actin proteins.
52. Bilateral holoblastic cleavage, a pattern found primarily in tunicates.
53. Some snails their coil opening to the right side their shell, Dextral
54. The concentration difference is significant for sodium and…. Potassium
55. Mechanism to avoid polyspermy in sea urchin are two
56. Who digest the fertilization envelop ……. Sea urchin
57. A.V Leewenhoak is co discovered of sperm is in …..1678
58. Levels of commitment are 4
59. A fluid filled cavity is Blastocoel
60. Red blood cells make… globins
61. Responsible for binding RNA is ….. Promoter
62. In some species parasitic roundworm Ascaris, the sperm travel by the
amoeboid motion of Lamellipodial extensions.
63. Bindin isolated from acrosome of S.purpuratus binds to its dejellied eggs.
64. The lysis of portion of the envelope or zona in the region of the sperm head
by the acrosomal enzymes.
65. Mostly eukaryote produces microfilaments through the polymerization of
66. Vetalline is thicker in zona pellucid.
67. Blastomere formed after the process of Cleavage.
68. Outside plasma membrane is …. Vitelline envelop
69. Tail muscle cells form yellow crescent between the blastopore and yolk.
70. Pax6 Plays a role in eye formation.
71. Sea urchin egg contains number of cortical granules ….15000
72. Number of pores in eggs are 17000
73. At which stage small blastocoels formed and gastrulayion begins …32 cell
74. ZP3 is specific glycoprotein present in …..mouse
75. Which provide protection to the developing embryo ….. amniotic fluid
76. In hydra…. Diploblasts
77. How many domains are present for transcription …3
78.In many species, sperm are attracted toward eggs by …… Chemotaxis
79. The volume of the sea urchin is about picoliters….200
80. Spiral cleavage found in….. Snails
81. Tunicate gastrulation is characterized by the invagination of the endoderm,
the involution of the mesoderm and the epiboly of the …….. Ectoderm
82. Chlamydomona usually haploid having copies of chromosomes …..one
83. Modes of commitment involve interactions with…. Neighboring cells
84. Prechordal plate induces the formation of….. Forebrain
85. Sperm and egg plasma membrane join together.
86. Morphogenesis is stimulated by hormones from the todpoles…. Thyroid
87. In mammals the fertillin in the sperm plasma membrane are essential to
sperm fusion.
88. Fusion is an active process by…… fusigenic protein.
89. Precursor of gametes cells are ….. germ cells
90.……. is mitotically divide in cell body…. Cell
91. Acrosome is present at…. Head region of sperm
92. Fertilin is present on the …. Head of sperm
93. Fourth cortical granule protein is…. Hyaline
94. The male leopard Frog makes their sperm in summer.
95.Glochidia ….. larvae of snails
96. Microfilaments extend the egg surface into small projections called
97. What is in sperm acrosome ? Vesicle
98. Neural cadherin is first seen on mesodermal cells in the gastrulating embryo
as they lose their E-cadherin expression what is this type? N cadherin
99. It adhere the sperm to the egg by binding to the 6β1 integrin protein on the
egg plasma membrane.
100. The cell division occurs only in this small disc of cytoplasm, giving
rise to the discoidal pattern of cleavage.
101. The egg extends elongated microvilli whose tips attach to this hyaline
102. Rana pipiens usually lays around 2500 eggs, while the bullfrog, Rana
catesbiana , can lay as many as 20000.
103. When cell fate is not changed…… Determined
104. Annelids belong to group of lophotrochozoa
105. Yolky concentration rich pole in … Vegetal pole

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