Sheet N°43 - Camel Fattening Unit

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Sheet n°43-1/2- Camel fattening unit

Market indicators
Camel fattening unit consisting of: Target market(s) Target
: market: Local vs Export vs National
-200 12-15 month old Chamelons per batch of 25, with a fattening
period of 3 to 6 months Target market(s), (from highest to lowest priority) to be addressed :
-9 covered stables of 200 m² each and a space of 12 m² per animal
of which 5 m² is covered + National (including local) : Strong local and regional demand
Main customers : Livestock market, butcheries, slaughterhouses
Branch and sub-branch: Livestock / Camel breeding
Market size and development
Complexity -3,33 2,56 HS Code2 : 010613
of the product1 Camel herd-Morocco Growth projection of the camel
In thousands population-Morocco4
Key facts In thousands
➢ Growing global camel market, especially in the Middle East and North America (due to 3%.a
the endemic prevalence of diabetes) +1%.a 225
212 219
➢ The sector is growing rapidly, with between 2008 and 2019 : 200 206
174 176 178 180 183
• 14% growth in livestock to reach 183k heads in 2019
• Increase of +86% in meat production reaching 3598 t in 2019
• 84% increase in VA

Prerequisites (3)
➢ Rigorous supervision and health monitoring
➢ Establishment of partnerships with local camel breeders' associations to secure
upstream supplies 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

(1) Product Complexity Index: Diversity and sophistication of the know-how required to produce a product. The PCI is calculated according to the number of countries that produce the product and the economic complexity of 120
these countries. The most complex products, those that only a few countries can produce, have the highest PCI (e.g. electronics, chemicals) vs. the least complex products (e.g. raw materials, agricultural products)
(2) HS Code: Trade map : 010613: Live camels and other camelids Projection: Camel meat production: State of knowledge, current situation and perspectives
Source: TradeMap, Harvard economic complexity, press article
Sheet n°43-2/2-Camel fattening unit

Financial indicators (indicative) : Investment elements

Potential land
Potential investment 4 Mns MAD

Priority provinces
Turnover 8 Mns MAD
Laayoune Es Smara Boujdour Tarfaya
Estimated selling price 40-50 MAD/Kg

Type of land Area

ROI 3 years
State public domain (e.g. 2 ha of which 3,000m²
Es-Smara) covered
EBITDA (as % of sales) 19 %
Average land price Mode of mobilisation
Jobs 3 Unified Regional Investment Unified Regional Investment
Commission (CRUI) Commission (CRUI)

Human resources Raw materials and suppliers Main investment benefits

Agricultural Development Fund
HR skills needed Main inputs
Support for training TAEHIL", "IDMAJ" programme
• Technical expertise in breeding • 12 month old Chamelons
(temperature conditions, ventilation, • Livestock feed Other Tahfiz", "Nawat" programme
etc.), in food management (adapted
formulations, etc.) and in health

Training offers Main suppliers Full name : Telephone : 0661445891

• Agro-Industry sector -CMC Laâyoune • Local cooperatives (Halib Sakia El Bachir Lafkih E-mail :
Hamra, Attadamone) [email protected]

Source: Agricultural expert analysis

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