Energy Recovery Using Ratchet Mechanism: An Experimental Study
Energy Recovery Using Ratchet Mechanism: An Experimental Study
Energy Recovery Using Ratchet Mechanism: An Experimental Study
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4 authors, including:
Zubair Rashied
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences
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Procedia118 (2017) 000–000
00 (2017) 104–109
2017 2nd International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research, ICACER 2017,
2017 2nd
2nd International
International Conference
Conference onon Advances
Advances onon Clean
Clean Energy
Energy Research,
Research, ICACER
ICACER 2017,
7-9 April 2017, Berlin, Germany
7-9 April 2017 Berlin, Germany
7-9 April 2017, Berlin, Germany
Energy Recovery Using Ratchet
The 15th International SymposiumMechanism: AnandExperimental
on District Heating Cooling
Energy Recovery Using Ratchet Study Mechanism: An Experimental
Assessing the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor
temperature function
Tanzila Younas a
, Muhammad Saadatbb*, Imran
for a long-term district
Hussain b
b demand
, Zubair b
Rashied b
Tanzila Younas , Muhammad
a Saadat *, Imran Hussain , Zubair Rashied
“ Assistant Professor,Szabist,Karachi and 75600, Pakistan”
I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pina
a a“bStudent,Szabist,Karachi
Ferrãoa, J. Fournier
,bP. Professor,Szabist,Karachi
“ Assistant and 75600,
Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
., B.Pakistan”
and 75600,
“ Student,Szabist,Karachi and 75600, Pakistan”
IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract b
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Abstract c
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
Renewable energy is widely used term in today’s world as it is pollution free and ecofriendly and people are focusing towards
Renewable sources
energy of energy which
is widely used term is cost effectiveworld
in today’s and canas itbeisused for a long
pollution free period of time. The
and ecofriendly andproposed
people are technique
in this paper
alternative as a of
sources solution
basedison costratchet mechanism
effective and can be designed
used forfor speed
a long breakers.
period TheThe
of time. load passes technique
proposed over speeddiscussed
inAbstract Potential
this paper as a energy
solutiononto rack and
is based pinion arrangement.
on ratchet mechanism designed Designed formechanism depends
speed breakers. Theonload
the passes
flow ofovertraffic to generate
speed breaker
electricity which isenergy
transmit Potential the loopontohole
rackfor andtransmitting load to rackDesigned
pinion arrangement. and pinion. The back
mechanism and forth
depends motion
on the flow isofresponsible for the
traffic to generate
electricity of Potential
District heating is the Energy
networks into
looparehole Kinetic
commonly Energy and
addressed inacquiring
load to rack
the Kinetic
literature as energy
oneTheof is further
the andutilize
most forth by
effective converting
motion it into
is responsible
solutions for Electrical
for the
decreasing the
greenhouse dynamo
ofgasPotential generator
emissionsEnergy stored
frominto in power
building Energybank.
sector. and AC voltage
These systems required
require for
energy lightsutilize
is further
investments and Traffic
whichby are system
converting acquired using
into Electrical
the heat
Energy Thistodynamo
sales. Due mechanism canclimate
the changed bestored
installed where
in power
conditions flow
and ACof voltage
building is high and
renovation higherheat
for street
policies, the demand
lights number of the
and Traffic
in vehicles
system could over
acquired this
inverter. This
prolonging results maximum
investment can voltage.
be period.
return installed where flow of traffic is high and higher the number of vehicles passes over this
© 2017
The Thescope
main Authors.
results Published
this isby
to Elsevier
papervoltage. assess the Ltd.
feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
© 2017 The Authors.
Peer-review under Published by
responsibility ofElsevier
thelocated Ltd committee of ICACER 2017.
2017 TheThe Authors.
district Published
of Alvalade,by Elsevier Ltd.
in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Advances on Clean
Energy under
Research. varyresponsibility of the organizing
in both construction period andcommittee
typology. of ICACER 2017. scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
Three weather
renovationRack and Pinion;
scenarios wereRatchet Mechanism;
developed Renewable
(shallow, Energy; Speed
intermediate, breaker
deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
Keywords: withandresults
Pinion;from a dynamic
Ratchet Mechanism; heat Renewable
demand model,Energy;previously developed and validated by the authors.
Speed breaker
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
TheThevalue of slope
present energy coefficient
requirementsincreased on average
of Pakistan arewithin the range
met through oil,ofgas,
3.8% up topower
hydro 8% peranddecade,
nuclear that corresponds
power. [1] Amongto the
them Thehydroin the
present and number
energy of heating
are used
requirements hours
only of for
of Pakistan areduring
energy the heating
met through oilseason
oil, andhydro
gas, (depending
gas are also
power on thenuclear
and combination
in additional
power. of [1]
weather and
them hydro scenarios
and from considered).
nuclear energy On
are generation.the
used only for other hand,
[2, 3, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per
4] generation, oil and gas are also used in additional industrial
energy decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested
capacities asides from energy generation. [2, 3, 4] could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
Unlike the top developed countries, Pakistan has a major problem of power (electricity). The country’s economy is
badly affected by this recent power shortage and the life of the people is degrading every day because of it. [5]
During this situation we need to generate electricity from renewable sources of energy. [6]
According to the general survey reports 67% of the population has the facility of electricity [7] but still the
government is unable to manage a steady power to them. The major reasons behind this situation are poor planning,
oil prices and politics. In these situations, we are not able to produce required electricity.
A. Energy Generation
The Energy is being shortened because of the day by day increasing energy demands and we should think of
developing a system which will utilize the unused energy as a source of renewable energy. The solution proposed in
this paper for this problem is generating electricity by the flow of traffic on roads. This is done by implementation of
speed breakers generators which simply converts mechanical energy into electrical energy; validating the Julius
Robert Mayer Law that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed it only changes from one form to another”. The
electricity produced will be stored in any power storing device like battery or banks and will be sent to the loads.
B. Source of Energy
The energy is an ability of an object to do work on another object or any system so we can say that there are
different ways that an object cans possess energy it has different forms which can be interconverted in one to another.
The working principle for energy generation is concerned with generation of electricity from speed breakers-like
set up. The load acted upon the speed breaker - setup is there by transmitted to rack and pinion arrangements. This
system is capable of generating electricity by the flow of traffic on the speed breaker which is responsible for
transmitting the load to the rack and pinion [8] as shown in Fig. 2
B. Sprocket
Sprockets, as shown in Fig. 4, which are chained to each other the large sprocket on the upper shaft rotates with
the rotation in pinion and transfer the rotation to the smaller sprocket by multiplying the speed with the factor of 3.
C. Gear
Gears, in the system the large gear on the lower shaft has 45 teeth which is meshed with the smaller gear on the
dynamo generator having 15 they are meshed with the velocity ratio of 3:1 to have greater number of rotation to
produce electricity.
D. Fly Wheel
Flywheel is used in the system to absorb energy and provide smooth rotations.
E. Dynamo
The dynamo generator is used to produce DC power supply by rotation. The basic principle of the generator is
H. Inverter
It is used to invert 12 V DC current to 220V AC.
2. Experiment Setup
A. Physical Structure
The rack and pinion mechanism is used in this design for the conversion of the linear reciprocating motion of the
speed breaker to the rotatory motion of the mechanism installed to rotate dynamo generator. The mechanism has two
shafts attached horizontally the upper shaft is coupled with the sprocket arrangement. The large sprocket on the
upper shaft is chained with the smaller sprocket on the lower shaft. When the upper shaft starts motion by means of
pinion it generates the power in the large sprocket which then transfers in the smaller sprocket which results in
relatively multiplication of the speed of the lower shaft. [11]
In the lower shaft we have small sprocket, a flywheel, gear assembly and two gear with different diameters with the
ratio of 4:1. Therefore the speed that has been multiplied at the smaller sprocket is transferred to the flywheel which
makes sure that the shaft movement is constant and maintains speed to the large gear coupled with the lower shaft
Tanzila Younasa et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 104–109 107
Tanzila Younas et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
which is meshed with the smaller gear coupled with the dynamo shaft this is how we get more speedy rotations in
the last which rotates required amount of rotation inside dynamo generator. Hence, although the speed due to the
rotary motion achieved at the larger sprocket wheel is less, as the power is transmitted to gears, finally the speed is
multiplied to a higher speed. This speed which is sufficient to rotate the rotor of a generator is fed into to the rotor of
a generator. [12, 13] The rotor rotates within a static magnetic stator cuts the magnetic flux surrounding it, in result
generating the electric motive force (emf). A voltage regulator is used to regulate the generated electric motive force
and give desired output value of 12V. This 12V voltage is sent to a battery charging circuit which stores the voltage
into a battery bank. This battery bank is connected to an inverter which gives us AC voltage as output. The power
generated can be used in the city development projects like road signal, street lights or any household loads [14] as
shown in Fig. 5.
B. Modelling Parameters
For system modelling, some basic values to calculate the results of experiments.
1. Rack Displacement (Max.): = 145 mm
2. Radius of Pinion: = 30 mm
Circumference of Pinion: =2 π r = 2 ×3.142 ×15 = ૢ.ૡ ܕܕ
4. Rotations in pinion: = 1.5 rotations (if the Rack cover 142 mm displacement).
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ (1)
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ = 1.5
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ (2)
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ = 15
6. Rotations in Dynamo Shaft: = . × = ૡ ܛܖܗܑܜ܉ܜܗܚ.
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ (3)
ܸ݈݁= ݅ݐܴܽݕݐ݅ܿ =4
108 Tanzila Younasa et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 104–109
Tanzila Younas/ Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
=ݎ݁ݓܲݐݑ݊ܫ (4)
3. Results
By keeping our constant weight and variation the repetitions or frequency to observe the changes in Voltage
produced by the system as more repetitions may allow more rotations in minutes resulting in higher voltages values
so that we may increase the efficiency of the system as shown in Table 2.
As shown in Table 3, different weights with constant repetitions causing displacements in rack to measure the
voltage and current produced. As voltage and currents are directly proportional to the force applied moreover, input
mechanical power applied by the vehicle and output electrical power generated by the system is also calculated.
Tanzila Younas et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2016) 000–000
Tanzila Younasa et al. / Energy Procedia 118 (2017) 104–109 109
Current (A)
Weight (kg)
Voltage (V)
Force (N)
Rack (m)
1 50 490. 0.07 8.87 532 54 0.130 21.87 7.020 32%
2 75 735. 0.08 10.2 616 66 0.180 37.96 11.88 31%
3 110 1079 0.10 12.6 761 82 0.210 68.75 17.22 25%
It is observed from the results that when we consider load with constant frequency the output is lower in terms of
voltages but considering constant load with higher frequency we can get higher voltages which ultimately results in
higher efficiency this is how we can make system more efficient. Electricity generation through this system is echo
friendly for the environment and also help in saving the cost that is spent on electricity for roads in form of street
lights and traffic lights.
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