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The Impact of Wealth on Child Development Outcomes

Invited Testimony to the Senate Finance Committee,

Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy

Trina R. Williams Shanks, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
University of Michigan School of Social Work

April 28, 2005

University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Tel: 734-764-7411
Fax: 734-763-3372
E-mail: [email protected]
Thank you, Senators Santorum and Conrad and Members of the Senate Finance
Committee Subcommittee on Social Security and Family Policy, for inviting me here
today. I am honored to give this testimony.

It is well documented that income poverty has negative consequences for children
(Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997). But if a poor family accumulates wealth, does this
ameliorate negative consequences (wealth building as a promotive or protective factor)?
In the last decade, with more attention being given to wealth as an indicator of inequality,
several authors have included it as an aspect of household socio-economic status (SES)
when considering child outcomes. Conley (1999) tests the hypothesis that most of the
differences attributed to race are actually class differences defined primarily by wealth.
Measuring the adult outcomes of children born since 1962, Conley analyzes differences
in net worth, high school graduation, college graduation, repeating a grade, labor force
participation, wages, welfare receipt, and pre-marital childbearing (for daughters) and
finds that racial differences are either no longer significant or dramatically lessen once
parental wealth is added to the equation. Shapiro (2004) makes a similar case using
qualitative interviews to demonstrate how parents use either personal wealth or money
inherited from their own parents’ wealth to create transformative opportunities for
children, particularly via enrollment in better schools.

It is difficult, however, to disentangle the effects of wealth, income, parental education,

home environment, and neighborhood effects on child outcomes. Thus some doubt
whether encouraging asset building would be most beneficial to children as a policy
option. I have tried to respond to this conversation in two ways. Firstly, by examining
the impact of wealth on child development outcomes using a longitudinal nationally
representative dataset, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and its 1997 Child
Development Supplement. Most of the research presented here comes from this
secondary analysis. But secondly, I am also currently working with colleagues to gather
primary data that directly tests the efficacy of children’s savings accounts (more
information on SEED demonstration and research is provided later).

My initial research question is simply: what is the impact of household wealth on the
academic and behavioral outcomes of young children?

A second research question is: Do racial disparities in child outcomes decline as wealth is
added to regression models? This inquiry reflects the idea that large and longstanding
differences in wealth by race may be an important contributing factor to racial disparities
in a variety of child outcomes.

Using PSID data, I examine the impact of household wealth on multiple child
development outcomes for Black, White, and Hispanic children between the ages of three
and twelve. Overall, household wealth is a significant predictor for academic
achievement test outcomes and reported behavior problems even at these young ages. In
a few instances, not only does having information about household wealth over and
above traditional SES measures such as income and parental education add explanatory
value, but it also reduces the statistical significance of income. Turning to the issue of
racial differences, disparities in the academic achievement domain by race go away or are
significantly reduced as wealth and the other SES variables are added to the model.
Initially there are no racial differences in reported behavior problems. After all the SES
measures are added, however, Blacks and Hispanics become less likely to have such
problems. (See Tables 1-2 in the Appendix to observe selected specific statistical

A third question is whether household wealth is of benefit to children in families that are
poor or face other disadvantages. Thus far, it has been established that even when
controlling for other important variables, wealth seems to influence child outcomes. But
is this a robust finding or does it really just confirm that households with few assets also
have less of other resources so wealth just serves as a proxy for these other things? The
issue is complex because so many of these factors are interconnected. In an attempt to
address this question, I divide the sample into four groups based on whether the
household is income poor and or asset poor. Income poverty is based on the standard
definition of whether household income falls below the federal minimum for a given
family size. Asset poverty is based on a measure of net worth including home equity.
Households that are in the bottom quartile of the wealth distribution (net worth <$750)
are defined as asset poor.

The distribution of these various subcategories can be found in Chart 1. Although a

slight majority of the income poor is also asset poor, 40 percent of these households do
have a net worth higher than $750. And although the majority of those above the poverty
line have some wealth, 18 percent are poor in assets, with a net worth of lower than $750.
Given that there is some differentiation of asset holdings within income groups, it
becomes possible to examine income poor households that have some assets to see if
their children fare better than poor households with few or no assets. It is also possible to
consider households that are above the poverty line but have few assets and examine if
their children fare worse than households with more wealth.

Summaries of dependent variables, independent variables, and mediating variables for the
four combinations of income and asset poverty can be found in Table 3. Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to test for significant differences between groups.
When a group’s mean for a variable is significantly higher than the groups below it, the
value is in bold type. When a group’s mean is significantly lower than the groups above
it, the value is marked with a “+”. As can be seen in the table, outcomes often increase
in an orderly fashion from the most disadvantaged group (Asset poor and Income Poor)
to the most advantaged group (Asset rich and Income Rich).

There are several interesting patterns that emerge. For many measures, the most
advantaged group (Income rich and Asset Rich) is far ahead of all other groups. This is
true for the academic test scores, the behavior problem index, parental expectations and
economic strain. For other measures, the two Income poor groups are similar and the two
Income rich groups are similar, regardless of asset level. This is true for several of the
physical health outcomes and parental depression. For some measures, the two mixed
groups are similar with the advantaged group faring significantly better and the more
disadvantaged group (Income Poor and Asset Poor) faring significantly worse. This is
true for homeownership, neighborhood rating, and the food security scale. Overall, assets
don’t seem to help much in terms of the physical health variables although even within
households with incomes above the poverty line, children in those with assets have
statistically higher birth weights. For school attendance (days absent), those that are
income poor but asset rich are not statistically different from either of the non-poor

Income poor asset rich households tend to have the most favorable outcomes within the
intermediary variables. In a sense, they look more like the non-poor households.
Excluding parental depression, HOME scores, and economic strain, the income poor
households with a net worth above $750 are most similar to the income rich asset poor
group. They rate their neighborhoods as a better place to raise kids, they read to their
young children, they are less likely to experience food insecurity, they have higher
expectations for their child’s schooling, and their children watch less television on
average. Thus, it is possible to make the case that community and family processes differ
for households with assets. This criteria alone might lead to the expectation that children
in income poor, but asset rich households are better off than children income poor
households without assets.

Of course, assets are not a panacea for all potential problems that are associated with
income poverty. However, in most instances children living in households with higher
levels of net worth seem to have consistently better results than those in households with
little or no net worth. This seems to hold true even for those households that fall below
the income poverty line. These analyses were done with a low threshold for asset poverty
(net worth including home equity < $750). This is reflective of the UK finding that even
low levels of savings and assets seem to make important differences (Bynner, 2001).
Patterns are similar, however, when higher levels of wealth are considered. Chart 1
demonstrates how the distribution of households in each category changes with a higher
cut-off point. When summarizing the same variables in Table 3 defining asset poverty
using the higher $5000 threshold, results are almost identical.

Although there are benefits to using large-scale nationally representative longitudinal

datasets to address important policy concerns, there are also limitations. In the PSID,
there are possibly unobserved variables that influence parental economic situation as well
as child outcomes. Thus, any significant findings may not be solely due to the effects of

Arnold Sameroff in his studies of child development in the context of environmental risk
finds that any one risk factor (such as low-income or single parent households) does not
guarantee poor child outcomes. Typically it is a constellation of multiple high-risk
variables that is most predictive of the most negative child results. In fact, he
consistently finds that a competent child with a high level of human capital living in
conditions of high environmental risk does worse than children of low competence in
low-risk environments.
A second way to examine the impact of wealth and asset accumulation on child
development is through primary data collection where families in a variety of contexts
are offered the opportunity to participate. With support from philanthropic foundations, a
group of national partners is undertaking an intensive multi-year initiative known as
SEED—Saving for Education, Entrepreneurship, and Downpayment. This demonstration
will develop and test the efficacy of matched savings accounts and financial education for
children and youth. For more information on the specifics of SEED, visit the website

I am co-investigator for the impact assessment portion of SEED where in the context of a
quasi-experimental design, 500 low-income families with pre-school children will be
offered college savings accounts in Michigan. These families will be followed over a
four year period and compared with a control group on a variety of parental and child
outcomes. Wave One surveys have already been completed and the families are now
being recruited to sign up for accounts.

As we look forward to the findings of the SEED initiative to address questions about the
possible impact of child accounts more concretely in the near future, there is one result
my colleagues and I found from in-depth interviews with ADD (American Dream
Demonstration) participants I would like to highlight. In addition to saving money and
over time possibly acquiring an asset such as a home or secondary education, being in the
program seemed to create focus and generate hope, even in economically fragile
households. This focus and hope was not found at the same level in the control

In the SEED impact assessment survey, we ask questions about parental expectations for
their child’s future and how much money is being put aside for their child’s education.
We know from theoretical work by Jackie Eccles that the beliefs and expectations of a
child’s socializer can impact their own self-schemas, which in turn affects a child’s
achievement related choices and performance over time. If findings similar to those from
ADD can be found in SEED, we might note that parents have more hope and focus on
helping their children reach goals of education and personal betterment using money set
aside in these specially designated accounts. Based on my analyses of data from
longitudinal nationally representative datatsets, it is feasible that assets and household
wealth can lead to better outcomes for children. The potential, at least, is that with child
accounts or some focused asset-building plan more young people could have glimpses of
hope rather than expectations of repeating intergenerational experiences of failure both
academically and economically.

Bynner, J. (2001). The effect of assets on life chances. In J. Bynner & W. Paxton (Eds.),
The asset-effect (pp. 17-37). London: IPPR.

Conley, D. (1999). Being Black, Living in the Red: Race, Wealth, and Social Policy in
America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New

York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Eccles, J., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational Beliefs, Values, and Goals. Annual
Review of Psychology, 53, 109-132.

Sameroff, A., & Bartko, W.T. (1998). Political and scientific models of development. In
D. Pushkar, W. M. Bukowski, A. E. Schwartzman, D. Stack, and D. R. White
(Eds.), Improving competence across the lifespan: Building interventions based
on theory and practice (pp. 177-192). New York, Plenum.

Shapiro, T. M. (2004). The hidden cost of being African American: How wealth
perpetuates inequality. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sherraden, M., Moore McBride, A., Johnson, E., Hanson, S., Ssewamala, F. M., &
Shanks, T. R. (2005). Saving in Low-Income Households: Evidence from
Interviews with Participants in the American Dream Demonstration. St. Louis,
MO: Center for Social Development, Washington University.

Williams, Trina R. (2004). “The Impacts of Household Wealth on Child Development.”

Center for Social Development Working Paper 04-07. Saint. Louis, MO: Center
for Social Development, Washington University in Saint Louis.

Williams, Trina R. (2003). The Impact of Household Wealth and Poverty on Child
Development Outcomes: Examining Asset Effects. Dissertation. St. Louis, MO:
Washington University in St. Louis.

Table 1: OLS Regression Model Predicting Applied Problem


Independent Model I Model II Model III Model IV

Variables B(s.e) B(s.e) B(s.e) B(s.e) Beta

Child Controls
1. Female -3.36 (1.1)** -3.04 (1.1)** -3.11 (1.0)** -2.97 (1.0)** -.09**
2. African-American -13.05 (1.2)*** -7.68 (1.3)*** -7.27 (1.3)*** -6.25 (1.4)*** -.13***
3. Hispanic -15.47 (2.3)*** -10.92 (2.0)*** -10.90 (2.1)*** -10.29 (2.3)*** -.21***
4. Number of children -1.01 ( .6) -1.20 ( .5)* -1.08 (.5)* -.95 ( .6) -.06
5. Age of child .87 ( .2)*** .89 ( .2)*** .84 (.2)*** .78 ( .2)*** .17***
Parental Controls
6. Female-headed .51 (1.3) 2.09 (1.4) 2.72 (1.4) .07
7. Education of head 1.52 ( .3)*** 1.08 ( .3)*** .91 ( .3)** .15**
8. Parental Skills Test .60 ( .1)*** .54 ( .1)*** .52 ( .1)*** .15***
9. Permanent Income .60 ( .2)*** .34 (.2) .08
10. Net Worth .45 (.2)** .11**
11.Cash Accounts 2.67 (1.4) .07
12.Debt/Cr.Cards -2.99 (1.0)** -.09**
13.Stocks/IRA 1.01 (1.3) .03

R2 .13 .21 .22 .24

R2 Change -- .08 .01 .02

F-value 32.77*** 37.63*** 34.99*** 27.60***

Note: Models I-IV contain unstandardized coefficients; analysis weighted by 1997 child level weight.
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 2: OLS Regression Model Predicting Behavior Problem Index

Independent Model I Model II Model III Model IV

Variables B(s.e) B(s.e) B(s.e) B(s.e) Beta

Child Controls
1. Female -1.06 ( .5)* -1.12 ( .5)* -1.09 ( .5)* -1.07 ( .5)* -.07*
2. African-American .87 ( .5) -1.58 ( .7)* -1.85 ( .7)* -1.70 ( .8)* -.08*
3. Hispanic -1.70 (1.4) -2.84 (1.3)* -3.08 (1.2)* -2.68 (1.3)* -.12*
4. Number of children -.11 ( .2) -.25 ( .2) -.24 ( .2) -.28 ( .2) -.04
5. Age of child .09 ( .1) .10 ( .1) .12 ( .1) .14 ( .1) .07
Parental Controls
6. Female-headed 2.32 ( .7)*** 1.73 ( .8)* 1.76 ( .8)* .09*
7. Education of head -.29 ( .1)* -.08 ( .1) -.08 (.1) -.03
8. Employment Status -3.55 (1.2)** -3.33 (1.2)** -3.29 (1.1)** -.14**
of Head
9. Permanent Income -.26 ( .1)*** -.19 (.1)* -.09*
10. Net Worth -.18 (.1)* -.10*
11. Cash Accounts -.03 (.8) .00
12. Debt/Cr.Cards 1.48 (.5)** .09**
13. Stocks/IRA .43 (.7) .03

R2 .01 .06 .07 .08

R2 Change -- .05 .01 .01

F-value 2.37* 6.01*** 7.10*** 6.17***

Note: Models I-IV contain unstandardized coefficients; analysis weighted by 1997 child level weight.
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 3 Variable Summaries, by Income Poverty and Asset Poverty (Net Worth, <$750)
Group 1 : Group 2 : Group 3 : Group 4 :
Variable Asset Poor and Asset Rich and Asset Poor and Asset Rich and
Income Poor Income Poor Income Rich Income Rich
N Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d. Mean s.d.

Dependent Variables
Letter-Word Identification 1663 94.5 14.1 97.1 19.2 99.4 16.3 106.1 17.8
Applied Problems 1656 97.1 17.6 98.7 15.5 101.9 15.8 108.7 17.3
Sum of Digit Span 1820 10.1 4.7 9.5 5.0 10.2 4.9 11.3 5.1
Passage Comprehension 1153 95.3 14.8 98.6 14.1 100.4 15.3 106.8 15.6
(Children 6-12)
Calculation Standard Score 1148 94.7 15.4 95.7 17.5 97.6 16.1 104.0 17.9
(Children 6-12)
Birth Weight 2910 6.73 1.6 7.04 1.54 7.24 1.4 7.49 1.3
Health at Birth 2923 1.88 .57 1.88 .57 1.82 .56 1.79 .57
Disability 2933 .06 .24 .09 .29 .03 .18 .03 .17
Child’s Current Health 2919 2.05 .99 2.06 .87 1.79 .88 1.61 .76
Specific Medical 2936 1.18 1.7 1.16 1.3 .92 1.4 .90 1.2
Behavior Problem Index 2230 43.8 10.8 42.1 9.4 41.0 9.1 39.2 7.5
Repeat a Grade 1467 .15 .35 .15 .36 .10 .30 .06 .24
School Attendance 863 2.17 3.9 1.28 1.4 1.53 3.1 .77 1.8

Independent Variables
Permanent Income 2933 $9,511 6,667 $17,918 12,773 $30,139 20,205 $56,635 36,216
(average of 1994-1997)
Homeownership 2936 .08+ .26 .38 .49 .36 .48 .76 .43
Change in net worth, 1967 $6,258 18,583 $-3,828 26,983 $17,778 30,465 $24,065 52,514
1994-99 (truncated)
Net Worth 1994 (top-coded 2076 $56 157 $25,201 32,567 $58 153 $49,839 38,299
at 100,000, bottom 0)

Intermediary Variables
Neighborhood Rating 1852 3.29+ 1.04 2.79 1.08 2.60 1.09 2.11 1.09
Parent Reads to Child 2928 3.82 1.7 4.24 1.81 4.23 1.66 4.13 1.78
HOME Scale 2936 17.78 3.01 18.60 3.00 19.52 2.89 21.03 2.77
Parental Depression 1829 4.12 .74 4.06 .77 4.30 .67 4.44 .48
Food Security Scale 2936 1.25+ 2.79 .61 2.79 .44 2.51 -.43 1.63
Parental Expectations 2877 4.00 2.08 4.48 1.89 4.68 1.93 5.47 1.65
Economic Strain 1796 2.50 1.90 2.40 2.15 2.05 1.73 1.55 1.78
Television Use 1731 8.34 4.35 7.44 5.54 6.24 4.32 5.30 3.64
(hours a day)

Note: Bold denotes that the group mean differs significantly from all groups below, + denotes a sig. difference from all groups above.
Chart 1 Alternative Cross-tabulations of Income Poverty and Asset Poverty

With asset poverty threshold set at $750

Income Poor Income Rich

Asset Poor 200 317

131 1426
Asset Rich

With asset poverty threshold set at $5000

Income Poor Income Rich

Asset Poor 250 480

81 1263
Asset Rich

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