Chemistry Notes
Chemistry Notes
Chemistry Notes
i.Square close packinge: Here the spheres of second row are placed eiactly
above those of the frst row. In this arrangement, each sphere is in contact with
four adjacent spheres. So the co-ordination number of each sphere is 4.
When we join the centres of these spheres, we get a square. So this close packing
is called square close packing in two dimensions.
ii.Hexageonal close packinge: Here the spheres of the second row are placed in
the depressions of the frst row, the spheres of the third row are placed in the
depressions of the second row and so on.
In this arrangement, each sphere is in contact with sii adjacent spheres. So the co-
ordination number of each sphere is 6.
When we join the centres of these spheres, we get a heiagon. So this close
packing is called heiagonal close packing in two dimensions.
Heiagonal close packing is more efcient than square close packing in two
dimensions. This is because in Heiagonal close packing maiimum space is
occupied by spheres.
3.Close packinge in Three Dimensions
Here the particles are arranged in layers. This can be possible in two ways.
i.Three simensional close packinge from teo simensional square close-
packes layers:
Here the spheres of the second layer are placed eiactly above those of the frst
layer. In this arrangement spheres of both the layers are perfectly aligned
horizontally as well as vertically.
The spheres of the third layer are placed eiactly above those of the second layer
and so on.
If the arrangement of the spheres in the frst layer is denoted as ‘A’, all the layers
are of ‘A’ type. So this arrangement forms AAA….. type pattern.
The lattice thus generated is the simple cubic lattice and its unit cell is the
primitive cubic unit cell.
ii.Three simensional close packinge from teo simensional hexageonal
close-packes layers:
Here the frst layer is arranged as heiagonal manner. The second layer is placed
above the depressions of the frst layer.
On placing the second layer there arises two types of voids (vacant spaces) above
the second layer – tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids.
Thus when we place the third layer over the second there are two possibilities:
Coveringe tetrahesral voiss: Here the spheres of the third layer are placed
above the tetrahedral voids of the second layer.
In this arrangement, the spheres of the third layer are vertically above those of the
frst layer, i.e. the frst layer and the third layer are identical.
If we call the frst layer as ‘A’ and the second layer as ‘B’, then the third layer will
be ‘A’, the fourth layer will be ‘B’ and so on.
This will form the pattern ABAB…… This type of close packing is called Hexageonal
close packinge (hcp) in three simensions.
This type of arrangement is found in metals like Mg, Zn etc.
Coveringe octahesral voiss: Here the spheres of the third layer are placed above
the octahedral voids of the second layer.
In this arrangement, the third layer is diferent from the frst or the second layer.
But the spheres of the fourth layer are vertically above those of the frst layer, i.e.
the frst layer and the fourth layer are identical.
If we call the frst layer as ‘A’, the second layer as ‘B’, and the third layer as ‘C’,
then the fourth layer will be ‘A’, the ffth layer will be ‘B’ and so on.
This will form the pattern ABCABC……This type of close packing is called Cubic
close packinge (ccp) or face-centres cubic(fcc) packinge in three
This type of arrangement is found in metals like Cu, Ag etc.
In both hcp and ccp 74% of the available space is occupied by spheres. So both are
equally efcient.
Co-orsination Number
In a close packed arrangement the number of nearest neighbours with which a
given sphere is in contact is called the co-ordination number of that sphere.
In both hcp and ccp each sphere is in contact with 12 adjacent spheres.
Thus the co-ordination number in both hcp and ccp is 12.
Interstitial voiss
The vacant space in close packed arrangement is called voids. These are of two
types- tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids.
Tetrahesral vois: A void surrounded by four spheres in tetrahedral position is
called tetrahedral void. In a close packed arrangement the number of tetrahedral
voids is double the number of spheres, i.e. there are two tetrahedral voids per
Packinge Efficiency
The percentage of the total space occupied by spheres (particles) is called packing
Volume occupied by all the spheres in the unit cell 100
Packing Efficiency %
volume of the unit cell
Packinge fraction (P.F.):It is defned as ratio of the volume of the unit cell
that is occupied by spheres of the unit cell to the total volume of the unit cell. Let
radius of the atom in the packing = r
Edge length of the cube = a
Volume of the cube V = a
4 3
πr Z
4 νZ 3
ν = πr 3 = =
Volume of the atom (spherical) 3 , then packing density V a3
Density of the unit cell : It is defned as the ratio of mass per unit cell to the
total volume of unit cell.
mass of unit cell
Density of unit cell ( )
volume of unit cell
Number of particles mass of each particle Z M
or 3
volume of the unit cell a N 0
The density of the substance is same as the density of the unit cell.
Numerical problems
1. An element having atomic mass 60 has face centred cubic unit cell. The edge
length of the unit cell is 400 pm. Find the density of the unit cell.
zM 4 atoms 60 g mol 1
d d
a 3 N A In fcc, z = 4 (400 10 10 cm)3 (6 023 10 23 atoms mol 1 ) = 6.226 g cm–3
2. Metallic iron crystallizes in a particular type of cubic unit cell. The unit cell
edge length is 287 pm. The density of iron is 7.87 g cm–3. How many iron
atoms are there within one unit cell and name the type of crystal lattice.
zM d a 3 N A (7 87 g cm 3 ) (287 10 10 cm) 3 6 023 10 23 atoms mol 1
d z
a3 NA M 55 845g mol 1 z=2
So, the type of crystal lattice is BCC
3. Lead crystallises with fcc unit cell and has a density of 11.35 g cm–3.
24 1/3
a3 121 12 10 24 a = (121 12 10 ) Let i = (121.12)1/3
1 1
log x log(121 12) 2 0831
3 3 = 0.964
4. Metallic iron crystallizes in a particular type of cubic unit cell. The unit cell
edge length is 287 pm. The density of iron is 7.87 g cm–3. How many iron
atoms are there within one unit cell and name the type of crystal lattice.
a3 NA
Z M 1209
a3 3 23
3.34 10 6 cm
d N 0 91.5 10 6.023 10
7. Silver forms FCC lattice ans X-ray stusies of its crystals shoe that
the esgee lengeth of unit cell is 408.6pm.calculate the sensity of
silver.(atomic mass of silver is 107.9u).
Z M 4 107.9
(d ) 3 10.56 g / cm3
Density of unit cell
a N 0 24 3
(4.08 10 ) 6.023 10 23
11. A unit cell of sosium chlorise has four formula units. The esgee lengeth
of the unit cell is 0.564 nm. What is the sensity of sosium chlorise?
a3 N A
4 58.5
3 24 23
2.165 g / cm3
5.64 10 6.022 10
12. A bosy centeres cubic element havinge sensity 10.3 ge/cm3, has a esgee
lengeth of 314pm. Calculate the atomic mass of the element.
(Avogeasro’s number= 6.023 1023/mol)
a3 N A
d a 3 N A
3 24
10.3 3.14 10 6.022 10 23
13. Calcium metal crystallizes in a face centeres cubic lattice eith esgee
lengeth of 0.556nm. Calculate the sensity of the metal.
(Atomic mass of calcium = 40ge/mol ans Avogeasro number= 6.022
a3 N A
4 40
3 24 23
1.54 g / cm3
5.56 10 6.022 10
14. Copper crystallizes into afcc lattice eith esgee lengeth 3.61 x10-
cm.Calculate the sensity of the of the crystal (Atomic mass of
copper =63.5ge/mol ans Avogeasro number= 6.022 1023mol-1).
a3 N A
4 63.5
3 24 23
8.9 g / cm3
3.61 10 6.022 10
d a 3 N A
10.5 4.077 10 24
107.09 u
16. The sensity of Li atoms is 0.53ge/cm .The esgee lengeth of Li is 3.5 A0.
Fins out the number of Li atoms in a unit cell (NA=6.022 1023/mol &
M= 6.94)
a3 N A
d a 3 N A
0.53 3.5 10 –24 6.022 10 23
6.94 The number of lithium atoms in unit cell is 2
17. An element eith molar mass 2.7 10- 2 kge/mol forms a cubic unit cell
eith esgee lengeth 405pm. If its sensityis 2.7 103 kge/m3, ehat is the
nature of the cubic unit cell.
a3 N A
a 3 d N A
2.7 103 405 10 —27 6.022 1023
2.7 10 2
Since there are 4 atoms of the element present per unit cell. Hence, the cubic
unit cell must be face centered or cubic close packed structure (ccp)
18. Niobium crystallises in bosy-centeres cubic structure. If sensity is
8.55ge/cm3, calculate atomic rasius of niobium, geiven that its atomic
mass is 93 u.
a3 N A
zM 2 93
a3 23
19. d N A 8.55 6.022 10
For BCC r a
r 330 143 pm
20. An element has a bosy-centeres cubic (bcc) structure eith cell esgee
of 288pm. The sensity of the element is 7.2 ge/cm3. Hoe many atoms
are present in 208ge of the element?
a3 N A
a 3 d N A
7.2 2.88 10 24 6.022 10 23
51.78 u
51.78 g (1mole) contains 6.022 1023 atoms.
Therefore 208g contains 4.01 6.022 i1023 = 24.187 1023 atoms.
are related as a = 2r Total volume of the cubic unit cell = a3 = (2r)3 = 8r3
4 3
Volume of one atom Packing efficiency 3 3 100 100 52.4%
Packing efficiency 100% 8r 6
Volume of the unit cell
The vacant space available in simple cube = 100 – 52.4 = 47.6%
So, packing fraction in simple cube is 0.524 and fraction of vacant space available
is 0.476.
2. Calculation of the packing efciency in body centered cubic lattice or bcc
The number of atoms per unit cell in bcc structures is two. Each atom is considered
4 3
as one sphere. So, the volume of two atoms (two spheres) = 2 × 3
From the fgure 1.14 it is clear that there are three spheres touching each other
along the body diagonal.
Let a be the edge length of the cube and r be the radius of the sphere. The body
diagonal AF = c and face diagonal FD = b, then AF = c = 4r In EFD,
b2 = a2 + a2 = 2a2 b= 2 a
c2 = a2 + b2 = a2 + 2a2 = 3a2 c= 3 a
But c = 4r Therefore, 3 a = 4r a= 3
Volume of the unit cell = a3 = 3
4 8 3
2 r 3 r
Packing efficiency 3 3 100% 3 3 100%
4r 64r 3
100 68%
3 3 3 8
Therefore, 68% of unit cell is occupied by atoms and the rest 32% is empty space
in bcc structures. The packing fraction in bcc structures = 0.68
The fraction of empty space in bcc structures = 0.32
3. Calculation of the packing efciency in face centered cubic lattice or cubic close
packing (ccp) structures.
The number of atoms per unit cell in fcc structures is four. Each atom is considered
4 3 16 3
r r
as one sphere. So, the volume of four atoms (four spheres) = 4 × 3 = 3
From this fgure it is clear that there are three spheres touching each other along
the face diagonal. Let a be the edge length of the cube and r be the radius of the
The face diagonal AC = b, then b = 4r.
b= 2 a = 4r 2 a = 4r
a= 2 = 2 2r
16 3 16 22 3
r r
Packing efficiency 3 100 % Packing efficiency 3 73 3 100 %
(2 2 r)3 8( 2) r
16 22
Packing efficiency 3 7 100 % 74%
8( 2)3
Therefore, 74% of unit cell is occupied by atoms and the rest 26% is empty space
in fcc structures . The packing fraction in fcc structures (ccp) = 0.74
The fraction of empty space in fcc structures (ccp) 0.26.
Note: The packing efciency in hcp is same as in ccp. But the method of
calculation is diferent.
Imperfections in soliss (Crystal Defects)
The deviation from the regular orderly arrangement of particles of a solid is termed
as imperfections or crystal sefects.
The crystal defects are broadly classifed into two – point defects and line defects.
The imperfection around a point (an atom) in a crystalline substance, it is termed
as point sefect. The imperfection along a row is termed as line sefect.
Point sefects
Point defects can be classifed into three types: Stoichiometric defects, Non-
stoichiometric defects and Impurity defects.
1.Stoichiometric sefects:
These are point defects which do not disturb the stoichiometry of the solid. They
are also called intrinsic or thermodynamic defects, because these defects can also
develop when a substance is heated.
These are of two types – vacancy defects and interstitial defects.
a.Vacancy sefect: When some of the lattice sites are vacant, the crystal is said to
have vacancy defect. This defect decreases the density of the solid.
b.Interstitial sefect: When some constituent particles occupy an interstitial site,
the crystal is said to have interstitial defect. This defect increases the density of
the solid.
The above two types of defects are shown by non-ionic solids.
Ionic soliss show two types of stoichiometric defects – Schottky sefect ans
Frenkel sefect.
i.Schottky sefect: It is basically a vacancy defect. It arises due to the missing of
equal number of anions and cations from the lattice site.
It is shown by ionic crystals in which the anionic and cationic sizes are almost
equal. NaCl, KCl, CsCl, AgBr etc. show Schottky defect. Due to this defect the
density of the solid decreases.
ii.Frenkel sefect: It is a stoichiometric defect arising due to the misplacing of an
ion (generally a cation) from the lattice site to the interstitial site. It is also called
dislocation defect.
This type of defect is shown by ionic solids in which there is a large diference in
the size of the ions.
E.g. ZnS, AgCl, AgBr, AgI etc. This defect does not change the density of the solid.
A+ B- A+ B- A+ B- A+ B-
B- B- A+ B- A+ B- A+
A+ B- A+ B- B- A+ B-
B- A++
A A+ B- A+ B- A+
Na+ Cl–
F Centre
F-centre in a Sodium chloride crystal
This defect is shown by alkali metal halides. For eiample when NaCl is heated in
an atmosphere of sodium vapour, some sodium atoms are deposited at the surface
of the crystal. The Cl- ions difuse to the surface of the crystal and combines with
Na atom to form NaCl.
Na + Cl-
NaCl + e-
The electron so formed difuse into the crystal and occupies the anion vacancy.
These electrons absorb light energy and get eicited. As a result the crystal
becomes yellow in colour. Similarly, eicess of Li makes LiCl crystals pink and
eicess of K makes KCl crystals violet.
2.Metal excess sefect sue to extra cations at interstitial sites: Here some
cations occupy the interstitial sites. The electrical neutrality is maintained by
occupying some electrons in adjacent interstitial sites.
A+ B– A+ B– A+
B– A+ B– A+ B–
A+ B– A+ B– A+
– +
B A B –
A+ B–
A+ B– A+ B– A+
E.g. When ZnO crystals are heated, the white coloured crystals becomes yellow.
This is because on heating, the crystal loses oiygen as follows:
Zn2+ + 2 O2 + 2e-
The Zn ions now move to the interstitial sites and the electrons to neighbouring
interstitial sites.
ii) Metal seficiency Defect:
Here the number of cations is smaller than the number of anions. This is mainly
arises due to cation vacancies. This type of defect is commonly shown by transition
metal compounds. E.g. FeO
A B- A++
A B-
B- B- A+
A+ B- A2+ B-
B- A+ B- A+
Properties of soliss
1) Electrical properties: Based on the electrical conductivity, solids are
classifed into three types:
i.Consuctors: They are solids which allow the passage of electricity through
them. Their conductivity ranges from 104 to 107 ohm-1m-1.
Metals have conductivities in the order of 107 ohm-1m-1.
ii.Semi-consuctors: They are solids which allow the passage of electricity only
partially. Their conductivity ranges from 104 to 10-6 ohm-1m-1.
iii.Insulators: They are solids which do not allow the passage of electricity through
them. Their conductivity ranges from 10-10 to 10-20 ohm-1m-1.
Consuction of Electricity in metals - Bans Mosel
Metals conduct electricity in solid as well as in molten state. The conductivity of
metals depends upon the number of valence electrons.
The atomic orbitals of metals combine to form molecular orbitals, which are so
closely spaced that they form a band.
If this band is partially flled or it overlaps with a higher energy unoccupied
conduction band, the electrons can fow easily under an applied electric feld and
the metal shows conductivity.
If the gap between flled valence band and the unoccupied conduction band is
large the electrons cannot jump to it and such substances act as insulators.
2) Magenetic properties
Every solid has some magnetic properties associated with it due to the presence of
Each electron in an atom behaves like a tiny magnet. Electron being a charged
particle and due to spin and orbital motions,has a permanent spin and orbital
magnetic moment.
The magnitude of this magnetic moment is very small and is a measured in the
unit called Bohr Magneton (μB). (1 μB = 9.27×10-24 Am2 (amperemetre square)).
Based on the magnetic properties, solids can be classifed into five types.
1.Diamagenetic Substances: These are weakly repelled by an eiternal magnetic
feld. Diamagnetism arises due to the presence of only paired electrons.
Pairing of electrons cancels their magnetic moments and so they have no net
magnetic moment. E.g.: H2O, NaCl, Benzene (C6H6)
2.Paramagenetic Substances: They are weakly attracted by an eiternal magnetic
feld. Paramagnetism is due to the presence of one or more unpaired electrons.
They have a net magnetic moment.
They lose their magnetism in the absence of eiternal magnetic feld. So they are
temporary magnets. Eg: O2, Cu2+, Fe3+, Cr3+ etc.
3.Ferromagenetic Substances: They are very strongly attracted by a magnetic
feld and can be permanently magnetised.
In solid state, the metal ions of ferromagnetic substances are grouped together
into small regions called domains.
In the absence of an eiternal magnetic feld, these domains are randomly
oriented. When the substance is placed in a magnetic feld, all the domains get
oriented in the direction of the magnetic feld and a strong magnetic efect is
This ordering of domains do not change even when the eiternalmagnetic feld is
removed and so they become permanent magnets.
Eg: Fe, Co, Ni, Gd (Gadolinium), CrO2 etc.
4.Anti-ferromagenetic Substances: Here the domains are oppositively oriented
and cancel each other. So they have no net magnetic moment. Eg: MnO
5.Ferrimagenetic Substances: Here the domains are arranged in opposite
directions but in unequal numbers. So they have a net magnetic moment.
Eg: Fe3O4 (magnetite) and ferrites like MgFe2O4, ZnFe2O4 etc
ferromagnetism Anti ferromagnetism Ferrimagnetism
A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances, the
composition of which may vary within limits. “A solution is a special kind
of mixture in which substances are intermixed so intimately that they
can not be observed as separate components”. The dispersed phase or
the substance which is to be dissolved is called solute, while the
dispersion medium in which the solute is dispersed to get a
homogenous mixture is called the solvent. A solution is termed as
binary, ternary and quartenary if it consists of two, three and four
components respectively.
Types of solutions
Based on the physical state of the solvent, binary solutions are classifed
(1)Gaseous solutions (2)Liquid solutions (3) Solid solutions
Gaseous solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is gas and solute
is either solid, liquid or a gas are called gaseous solutions.
Liquid solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is liquid and the
solute is either a solid, liquid or a gas are called liquid so0lutions.
Solid solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is solid and the solute
is either a solid, liquid or a gas, are called solid solutions.
Different types of solutions and some examples
Types of solutions Solute Solvent Common example
Gaseous Gas Gas Mixture of oxygen and nitrogen
Solutions Liquid Gas gases
Solid Gas Chloroform in nitrogen gas
Camphor in nitrogen gas
Liquid Solutions Gas Liquid Oxygen dissolved in water
Liquid Liquid Ethanol dissolved in water
Solid Liquid Glucose dissolved water
Solid Solutions Gas Solid Solution of hydrogen in palladium
Liquid Solid Amalgam of mercury with sodium
Solid Solid Copper dissolved in gold
Note: In aqueous solution water is the solvent.
Methods of expressing concentration of solutions
The concentration of a solution is the amount of a solute present in a
given quantity of solvent or solution.
(a) Molarity (M) (b) Molality (m) (c) Mole fraction (x)
Molarity (M): Molarity of a solution is defned as the number of moles of
the solute dissolved in one litre of the solution.
Number of moles of the solute
Molarity = Volume of the solution∈litre
If WB gram of the solute of molar mass M B is dissolved in V dm3 of the
solution, then the molarity is given by,
W B ×1000
Molarity= M × V Units: mol/L or mol/dm3
Mole fraction of the solute B is xB=
n A +n B
For a solution that contains a large number of components A,
B,C,D,E……….I, mole fraction of component D is given by
xD =
n A +n B +… ..+n I
Sum of mole fraction of all the components in a solution is always equal
to one i.e., x A + x B =1
Mole fraction is defned to a component and not to the solution
Mole fraction has no unit
This unit is highly useful in the
Calculation of partial pressure of a component gas in a solution of
Calculation of relative partial pressures of the vapour which is in
equilibrium with the solution.
Mass percentage (w/w):Mass(w/w): percentage of a solution is defned as the
number of parts by mass of the solute dissolved in100 parts by mass of
the solution.
Mass of the solute
Mass percentage = Masof the solution ×100
Note: Units of the two masses should be same
Volume percentage (v/v):Volume
(v/v): percentage of a solution is defned as
the number of parts by volume of the solute dissolved in 100 parts by
volume of the solution.
Volume of the solute
Volume percentage = Volume of the solution ×100
Note: Units of the two volume unit be same.
This unit is more useful when both the solute and solvents are liquids.
Mass by volume percentage (w/v):Mass
(w/v): by volume percentage of a
solution is defned as the number of parts by mass of the solute
dissolved in 100 parts by volume of the solution.
Mass of the solute
Mass by volume percentage = Volume of the solution ×100
In this case, generally gram and cm 3 are used as the units.
Otherwise system of units should be same.
Parts per million (ppm):
(ppm) Parts per million of a solute is defned as the
member of parts of solute dissolved in one million parts of the
Number of parts of the solute 6
Parts per million = Number of parts of the solution ×10
Note: The units of the parts of the solute and the solution should be
Parts per million are also expressed in w/w, v/v and w/v.
This unit is suitable when solutes are present in trace quantities.
Note:(I)Mass percentage, ppm, mole fraction, and molality are
independent of temperature because mass is independent of
(II) Molarity, volume percentage and mass by volume
percentage depends on temperature because volume depends on
When a solute is mixed with a solvent, particles of the solute leave the
solute phase and get mixed with the particles of the solvent phase. This
process is known as dissolution. The solute is said to be dissolved in
Compounds like sugar, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, etc.,
dissolve in water whereas they are insoluble in benzene or ether.
Compounds like naphthalene, anthracene, diphenyl, etc., dissolve in
solvents like benzene and ether but not in water. By these examples it
may be broadly generalized that ‘Like dissolved like’. It means to say
that polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents and non polar solutes
dissolve in non polar solvents. Thus dissolution of a solute in a given
solvent takes place when the nature of inter particle attractive forces in
the solute and the solvent are same.
Solubility of a solid in a liquid:
Dissolution of a solute in a solvent is a reversible change. If
dissolution is the forward change then crystallization is the backward
change that takes place simultaneously.
When a large amount of solid solute is added to given amount
of a solvent, initially dissolution of the solute takes place. But as the
concentration of the solute particles in the solution phase increases, the
back ward change, i.e., crystallization begins and its rate starts to
increase. At one stage the rates of dissolution and crystallization
become equal resulting in a dynamic equilibrium between the solid
solute and the solute particle in the solution phase
Solute dissolution solute particles in solution
(Solid) ¿
P a rtia l p re s s u re o f
low temperature favours exothermic changes.
H C l / to rr
That is why gases dissolve more at low
temperatures and less at high temperatures in
Increase in temperature increases the kinetic 0
0 .0 1 0 0 .0 2 0
energy of dissolved gas molecules. As a result, the gas molecules
escape more from the solution phase by overcoming the attractive
Note: Solubility of oxygen is more in cold water than in warm water.
That is why aquatic speices are more comfortable in cold waters than in
warm waters.
Effect of pressure:
The solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with the increase in its partial
pressure above the liquid.
Henry’s law:
This law gives the quantitative relationship between the solubility of a
gas in a liquid and the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid at a
given temperature. Henry’s law states that “at constant temperature
the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial
pressure of the gas above the solution”.
If the solubility of a gas is in mole faction, the law can also be stated as
“ the partial pressure of the gas above the solution is directly
proportional to the mole fraction of a gas in the solution”.
i.e., p ∝x where p is partial pressure of the gas and x is solubility in mole
p = KH x Here, KH is called Henry’s law constant.
X= K ;
Vapour Pressure
p A > p 0A x A PB
pB > p x B
∆ H mixing =+ ve
∆ V mixing =+ ve i .e . , ( V solution >V A +V B ) . X A 1 Mole Fractoo XA 0
XB 0 X B 1
Partal aod t ot al 翔apour pressure cur翔es 翔or solutoos t hat shou postt翔e de翔tatoos 翔ro
Acetone + ethanol
Water + ethanol
Acetone + CS2
CCl4 + toluene
Water + methanol
Non-ideal solution showing negative deviation:
The solutions for which the total vapour pressure is lower than that of an
ideal solution of same composition and temperature are called Solutions
with negative deviations.
For solution with the negative deviation from Raoult’s law, partial
vapour pressure of each component A and B is lesser than the one that
is calculated from Raoult’s law for the same composition. So, the total
vapour pressure of the solution is less than that of ideal solution of same
Boiling point of such a solution is relatively higher than the boiling
points of A and B respectively.
In this case the intermolecular attractive forces between the solute-
solvent molecules are stronger than those between the solute-solute
and solvent-solvent molecules. This means that in such solutions,
molecules of A (or B) will not fnd it easier to escape than in pure state.
This will decrease the vapour pressure and result in negative deviation.
pA < pA x A
pB < p 0B x B
∆ H mixing =−ve
∆ V mixing =−ve i .e . , ( V solution <V A +V B ) .
Acetone +aniline Acetic acid + pyridine
H2O + HNO3 Acetone + chloroform
Chloroform + diethylether CH3OH + CH3COOH
Chloroform + benzene Water + HCl
Azeotropic Mixtures (or) constant Boiling Mixtures:
There are certain binary liquid mixture, which boil at constant
temperature like a pure liquid such that both the components are
distilled out simultaneously. The components of such mixtures cannot
be separated during functional distillation. Such mixtures are named as
Azotropic mixtures.
The mixture of liquids which boils at constant temperature and possess
same composition for both liquid and vapour phases is named as
azeotropic mixture.
Types of azeotropes:
Based on the relative values of boiling points of the components and the
mixture, azeotrops are of 2 types:
1.Minimum boiling azeotropes: The azeotropic mixtures for which the
boiling point is lower than the boiling points of both the component
liquids are named as minimum boiling azeotropes.
Conditions for formation: Minimum boiling azeotropes are formed by
non-ideal solutions with positive deviation. The composition of mixtures
at which the vapour pressure is highest represents the azeotropic
composition. Since the vapour pressure is highest, boiling point is
minimum and hence is lower than both the components.
For example: a mixture of ethanol and water at a composition of
95.574% by mass of ethanol shows a constant boiling point of 351.1 K.
This is lesser than both ethanol (b.p : 351.3 K) and water (b.p : 373 K).
2.Maximum boiling azeotropes:
The azeotropic mixtures for which the boiling point is higher than the
boiling points of both the component liquids are named as maximum
boiling azotropes.
Conditions for formation: Maximum boiling azeotropes are formed by
non-ideal solutions with negative deviation. The composition of mixtures
at which the vapour pressure is lowest represents the azeotropic
composition. Since the vapour pressure is lowest, boiling point is
maximum and hence is higher than both the components.
For example: a mixture of HN O3 and water at a composition of 68% by
mass of HN O3 shows a constant boiling point of 393.5 K. This is greater
than both HN O3 (b.p : 359 K) and water (b.p : 373 K).
Table 2 : Differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions of two
Ideal solutions Non-ideal solutions
Obey Raoult’s law at all range of Do not obey Raoult’s law at all range
concentration. of concentration.
∆ H mixing =0 (Neither heat is evolved nor ∆ H mixing ≠ 0. (Either heat is evolved or
absorbed during dissolution). absorbed during dissolution).
∆ V mixing =0 (Volume of the solution is ∆ V mixing ≠ 0 (Volume of the solution is not
equal to the sum of volumes of the equal to the sum of volumes of the
components). components).
ptotal= p0A x A + p 0B x B ptotal ≠ p0A x A + p0B x B
The intermolecular attractive forces The intermolecular attractive forces
between A-A, B-B and A-B are same. between A-A, B-B and A-B are not
=x B
p A
p 0A− p nB
From Roult’s Law, A
p 0
n A +nB
Here n A ∧n B are the number of moles of solvent and solute respectively
present in the solution. For dilute solutions n B ≪ n A , hence neglecting n B in
the denominator we have
p 0A− p n p 0A− p w ❑B / M B
= B or A
p 0
nA p0
p A− p wB× M A wB × M A × p 0A
=¿ or M B=
wA × MB W A׿¿
Here W A and w B are the masses and M A ∧M Bare the molar masses of the
solvent and solute respectively. Thus by determining the value of
relative lowering of vapour pressure of a dilute solution of known
concentration experimentally, the molar mass of the solute can be
1000 × ∆ H vap
Where R = gas constant, M A= molar mass of the solvent, T b (solvent )= boiling
pint of pure solvent, ∆ H vap=¿the enthalpy of vapourisation.
3.Depression in freezing point:
Freezing point (T f ¿ of a liquid is the temperature at which the vapour
pressure of the liquid becomes equal to that of its solid. The vapour
pressure of the solution is less than that of pure solvent. Therefore, the
vapour pressure of the solution becomes equal to that of solid solvent at
lower temperature than that of pure solvent. Hence, the freezing point
of the solution is less than that of the solvent as shown in the graph.
Let T 0f be the freezing point of the pure solvent and T f be the
freezing point of the solution. The depression in freezing point,
∆ T f =T f −T f
So, depression of freezing point (∆ T f ¿ is the difference in the freezing
point of the pure solvent and freezing point of solution.
Experiments have shown that for dilute solutions the depression of
freezing point (∆ T f ¿ is directly proportional to the molal concentration of
the solution. Thus
∆Tf ∝m or ∆ T f =K f m
Where m is the molality of the solution and K f is the molal depression
constant or freezing depression constant or cryoscopic constant.
When molality of solution, m = 1, then ∆ T f =K f
Therefore, molal depression constant of a solvent is defned as the
depression in freezing point caused by dissolving one mole of non
volatile solute in one kg of solvent.
SI unit of the constant K b is Kkg mol-1 or Kmolal-1 and is specifc for a
given solvent.
Calculation of molar mass of a solute using depression in freezing point:
Let w B be the mass of the solute of molecular mass M B dissolved in w A
gram of the solvent, then molality (m) of the solution is given by the
w B ×1000
M B× wA
B w ×1000
Substituting the value of m in equation 1, we get, ∆ T b=K f × M × w
Tfs Tf0
A strong solution of sugar is taken in a thistle funnel, the mouth of which
is covered with a piece of animal bladder or cellophane (semipermeable
membrane). This is kept immersed in water taken in a beaker as shown
in fgure. It is observed that the level of the solution inside the stem of
the thistle funnel starts raising. It must be due to the fow of solvent
molecules (water) into the solution through the semi-permeable
membrane. This phenomenon is known as osmosis.
The spontaneous movement of solvent molecules from the solution
of lower concentration to the solution of higher concentration through
semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.
Osmosis in natural processes:
A raw mango placed in concentrated salt solution loses of water
via osmosis and shrivel into pickle.
Wilted fowers revive when placed in fresh water due to osmosis.
A carrot that has become limp because of water loss, when placed
in water, water will move into them through osmosis making it
frm once again.
When blood cells are placed in a solution containing more than
0.9% (mass/volume) of sodium chloride, blood cells shrink due to
loss of water by osmosis.
People taking a lot of salt or salty food experience water retention
in tissue cells and intercellular spaces because of osmosis. The
resulting pufness or swelling is called edema.
Water movement from soil into plant roots and subsequently into
upper portion of the plant is partly due to osmosis.
The preservation of meat by salting and of fruits by adding sugar
against bacterial action through the process of osmosis, a
bacterium on salted meat or candid fruit loss water, shrivels and
Note: 0.9% sodium chloride in water is called saline solution.
4.Osmotic pressure:
Osmotic pressure of a solution is defned as the pressure to be
applied on the solution of higher concentration just to stop osmosis.
Osmotic pressure is a colligative property because it depends on the
number of moles of solute in the solution and not on the nature of
the solute.
For dilute solutions, it has been found experimentally that osmotic
pressure is proportional to the molarity of the solution at a given
temperature T.
π∝C π=kC
Where k is proportionally constant and is equal to RT where R is
universal gas constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Therefore,
π=CRT If n B moles of solute is dissolved in V litres of the solution, C=
⇒ nB
❑π= RT
If w B grams of the solute of molar mass ( M B ¿ is present in the solution,
B w ⇒ wB RT
then n B= M ❑π=
⇒ w B RT
❑ M B=
Thus, by measuring the osmotic pressure O s m o t i c
Sem i
of a solution of known concentration, molar p r e s s u r e p e r m ia b le
m e m b ra n e
mass of the solute can be calculated using P i s t o n
the above equation.
Determination of molecular
P u r e liq u id
masses of solute by osmotic pressure S o lu tio n
S o lv e n t
measurements is highly useful in fnding
out the molecular masses of
macromolecules like polymers, proteins,
Isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions:
When such solutions are separated by semi-permeable membrane, no
osmosis occurs. For example, the osmotic pressure of the fuid inside
the blood cell is equivalent to that 0.9% (mass/volume) sodium chloride
solution, called normal saline solution.
That is why normal saline solution is safe to inject intravenously
because no osmosis takes place.
On the other hand, if we place the cells in a solution containing more
than 0.9%(mass/volume) sodium chloride, water will fow out of the cell
and they would shrink . Such a solution is named as hypertonic
A solution having higher osmotic pressure with respect other is called
hypertonic solution. If the sodium chloride concentration is less than
0.9%(mass/volume), then water will fow into the cells if placed in this
solution and they would swell.
The solution having lower osmotic pressure with respect other is called
hypotonic solution.
Reverse osmosis and water purifcation:
When a solvent and a solution are separated by a semiprmeable
membrane, osmosis occurs. However, if an external pressure, which is
just equivalent to osmotic pressure is applied on solution side, no
osmosis occurs. If the external pressure is greater than the osmotic
pressure, then water will be forced to pass from solution to solvent side.
The process of reversing the direction of osmosis by applying the
pressure higher than the osmotic pressure to the solution of higher
concentration is called reverse osmosis. During reverse osmosis, the
pure solvent fows out the solution through the semi-permeable
membrane. Reverse osmosis is used in desalination of sea water. When
pressure, more than osmotic pressure (30 atm at 25 ° ∁ ) is applied to the
sea water, pure water is squeezed out of the sea water through the
semi-permeable membrane as shown in fgure.
A variety of membranes are used for reverse osmosis. Examples,
Cellulose Tri-Acetate (CTA) membrane, Thin-Film-composite (TFC)
membranes, etc.
Abnormal molar masses:
Molecular masses of solutes can be calculated by measuring any of the
colligative properties of dilute solutions.
These methods are applicable only if
The solution is dilute, so that Raoult’s law is obeyed.
The solute is non dissociable or non associable in the solution.
In case of solutes which either dissociate or associate in solutions,
molecular masses of solutes determined by these methods will be
Association of solute molecules:
Certain solutions in solution are found to associate. This leads to
decreases in the number of molecular particles in the solutions. Thus, it
results in a decrease in the value of colligative properties.
Molecular mass of solute ∝ Colligative proper ty
Therefore, molecular masses determined, will
be higher than the normal values for solutes
which undergo association in solution.
Example: Acetic acid in benzene undergoes
dimerization as indicated below.
Therefore, the molecular mass of acetic acid in benzene determined by
collegative property method will be approximately double the actual
2 C H 3 COOH ⇌ ( C H 3 COOH )2
Dissociation of solute molecules:
Certain solutes in solution are found to dissociate into ions. This leads to
the increase in the number of particles in the solutions. Thus, it results
in a increases in the value of collegative properties.
Molecular mass of solute ∝ Colligative property
Therefore, molecular mass determined, will be lower than the normal
values for solutes which undergoes dissociation in solution.
Example: The molecular mass of NaCl in water determined by colligative
property method will be approximately reduced to half the actual value
due to dissociation. NaCl →Na+ + cl-
Van’t Hoff’s factor (i):
In 1886, Van’t Hoff introduced a factor ‘i’ called van’t Hoff’s factor, to
express the extent of association or dissociation of solutes in solution.
The van’t Hoff’s factor is a ratio of the normal molecular mass to the
observed molecular mass of a solute.
Normal molecular mass Observed coligative property
i= Observed molecular mass or i = Calculated colligative property
Consequently, introduction of the van’t Hoff’s factor modifes the
equations for the colligative properties as:
p A− p A
Relative lowering of vapour pressure = 0
=i x B
Elevation of boiling point, ∆ T b=i K b m
Depression in freezing point, ∆ T f =i K f m
Osmotic pressure, π=
or π=iCRT
75. Which type of solutions show negative deviation from Raoult’s law?
If the vapour pressure of the solution is lower than that calculated by Raoult’s
law shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law. Examples: HCl and water,
HNO3 and water, Chloroform and acetone
76. Draw the graph to show non ideal solutions with negative deviations.
91. Derive the relation between depression in freezing point and the molecular
mass of a solute.
We know that T = K m
f f
where m is the molality of the solution and Kf is the molal depression constant
or freezing point depression constant or cryoscopic constant.
But for the given mass of solute and solvent, molality is given by
w B 1000 w 1000 w B 1000
m Tf K f B Tf K f
M B w A M B w A M B w A or
K f w B 1000
Tf w A .
92. Give the relation to calculate molar depression constant with respect to
enthalpy of fusion.
R M A Tf2(solvent )
1000 H fus where R = universal gas constant
MA= molecular mass of solvent
Tf = freezing point of solvent, Hfus = Enthalpy of fusion.
93. What is reverse osmosis?
When a pressure larger than the osmotic pressure is applied on a
concentrated solution, solvent fows from concentrated solution to dilute
solution through a semi permeable membrane.
This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is used in the
desalination of sea water to obtain fresh drinking water.
94. What is van’t Hoff’s factor?
It is the ratio of normal molar mass to the abnormal molar mass.
normal molar mass observed colligative property
i or i
abnormal molar mass calculated colligative property
95. Give the signifcance of van’t Hoff’s factor.
If i = 1, the solute doesn’t undergo either dissociation or association.
If i > 1, solute undergo dissociation.
If i < 1 solute undergo association.
96. Write the colligative properties for solutes undergo dissociation or association.
Elevation in boiling point, Tb i K b m
Depression in freezing point, Tf i K f m
Osmotic pressure iCRT
po p
i x2
Relative lowering of vapour pressure, p
97. After removing the outer shell of two eggs in dilute HCl, one is placed in
distilled water and the other is placed in a saturated solution of NaCl. What will
you observe and why?
Egg in water swell and egg in NaCl solution shrinks because in water the
solvent molecules enters into the egg cell (hypotonic). In NaCl solution egg
shrinks because water fows out of the egg cell (hypertonic)
98. What do you expect to happen when RBC is placed in 1% NaCl solution and
0.5% NaCl solution.
In 1% NaCl solution RBC will shrink (hypertonic). In 0.5% NaCl solution RBC will
swell and may even burst (hypotonic). The above phenomena is because RBC
is isotonic 0.91% NaCl solution.
Solubility of as substance in the solvent is the measure of the capacity of the
solute to dissolve in the solvent at a given temperature and pressure. “Solubility
of a substance may be defned as the amount of solute dissolved in 100gms of a
solvent to form a saturated solution at a given temperature”. A saturated
solution is a solution which contains at a given temperature as much solute as it
can hold in presence of dissolving solvent. Any solution may contain less solute
than would be necessary to saturate it. Such a solution is known as
unsaturated solution. When the solution contains more solute than would be
necessary to saturate it then it is termed as supersaturated solution. It is
Weight of solute
Solubility= ×100
weigtht of solvent
Types of solutions
Based on the physical state of the solvent, binary solutions are classifed as
Gaseous solutions
Liquid solutions
Solid solutions
Gaseous solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is gas and solute is
either solid, liquid or a gas are called gaseous solutions.
Liquid solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is liquid and the solute
is either a solid, liquid or a gas are called liquid so0lutions.
Solid solutions: The solutions in which the solvent is solid and the solute is
either a solid, liquid or a gas, are called solid solutions.
Different types of solutions and some eaamples
Types of Solute Solven Common eaample
solutions t
Gaseous Solutions Gas Gas Mixture of oxygen and
Liquid Gas nitrogen gases
Solid Gas Chloroform in nitrogen gas
Camphor in nitrogen gas
Liquid Solutions Gas Liquid Oxygen dissolved in water
Liquid Liquid Ethanol dissolved in water
Solid Liquid Glucose dissolved water
Disadvantages of molarity
Molarity of a solution decreases with the increase in temperature since the
volume of the solutions increases with the increase in temperature. Thus
molarity is temperature dependent and cannot be used in experiments that
involve temperature variations.
The exact amount of the solvent in a given volume of the solutions cannot be
determined if the density of the solution is not known.
Advantages of molality
Molality is temperature independent quantity. Therefore this unit can be
conveniently used in experiments involving temperature variations
The exact mass of the solvent in given amount of the solution can be
calculated easily.
Mole fraction:
Mole fraction of a component in a solution is the ratio of number
moles of
that component to the total number of moles of all the components.
Let us consider a binary solution that contains nA moles of solvent ‘A’ and nB
moles of the
solute ‘B’
This unit is more useful when both the solute and solvents are liquids.
Note: The units of the parts of the solute and the solution should be same.
Parts per million are also expressed in w/w, v/v and w/v.
This unit is suitable when solutes are present in trace quantities.
Note: (I) Mass percentage, ppm, mole fraction, and molality are independent of
temperature because mass is independent of temperature
(II) Molarity, volume percentage and mass by volume percentage depends
on temperature because
volume depends on temperature.
When a solute is mixed with a solvent, particles of the solute leave the solute
phase and get mixed with the particles of the solvent phase. This process is known
as dissolution. The solute is said to be dissolved in solvent.
Compounds like sugar, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, etc., dissolve in
water whereas they are insoluble in benzene or ether. Compounds like
naphthalene, anthracene, diphenyl, etc., dissolve in solvents like benzene and ether
but not in water. By these examples it may be broadly generalized that ‘Like
dissolved like’. It means to say that polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents and non
polar solutes dissolve in non polar solvents. Thus dissolution of a solute in a given
solvent takes place when the nature of inter particle attractive forces in the solute
and the solvent are same.
Solute dissolution
solute particles in solution
(Solid) ¿
Once the equilibrium is reached, the concentration of the solute particles in the
solution remains constant. No more solute dissolves in the solvent. The solution
thus formed is said to be saturated solution. A solution in which no more solute
can be dissolved at the same temperature and pressure is called saturated
solution. The amount of the solute present in a given quantity of the
saturated solution at a given temperature and pressure is called solubility
of the solute in the given solvent. A solution in which some more solute can
be dissolved at the given temperature and pressure is called unsaturated
Note: For exothermic dissolution, enthalpy solution, ∆ sol H <0 and for endothermic
dissolution, enthalpy of solution∆ sol H >0
Effect of pressure:
There is no signifcant efect of pressure on the solubility of a solid solute in a liquid
solvent. This is because solids and liquids are highly incompressible and practically
remain unafected by changes in pressure.
Note: Solubility of oxygen is more in cold water than in warm water. That is why
aquatic speices are more comfortable in cold waters than in warm waters.
Effect of pressure:
The solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with the increase in its partial
pressure above the liquid.
Henry’s law:
This law gives the quantitative relationship between the
P a rtia l p re s s u re o f
solubility of a gas in a liquid and the partial pressure of the
H C l / to rr
gas above the liquid at a given temperature. Henry’s law
states that “ at constant temperature the solubility of
a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 2 0
pressure of the gas above the solution”. If the solubility of a gas is in mole
faction, the law can also be stated as “ the partial pressure of the gas above
the solution is directly proportional to the mole fraction of a gas in the
Similarly, for component B
pB ∝ x B
pB =PB X B
Where p0B is the vapour pressure of the pure component B at the same
According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, the total pressure is the
sum of the partial pressures of all components at the same temperature.
Slope =
tanθ=P A
X A mole fraction of
The plots of p A and pB verses the mole fractions x A∧x Bfor a solution at a constant
temperature are linear graphs as shown
Following conclusions can be drawn from the above equations and graphs;
Total vapour pressure over the solution is directly proportional to the mole
fraction of any one component ( x A∨x B ¿ .
Total vapour pressure of the vapour phase of the solutions varies linearly with the
mole fraction of component
B(or A).
Depending on the vapour pressures of the pure components A and B, total vapour
pressure over the solution decreases or increases with the increase of the mole
fraction of component A (or B).
In general
ΔH mixing =0
mixing =0
Non-ideal solutions:
A solution which does not obey Raoult’s law at all concentration range of the
components and temperature is called a non ideal solution.
The non ideal solutions are accompanied by change in enthalpy and volume
during their formation i.e., ∆ H mixing ≠ 0 ∆ V mixing ≠ 0 ¿
In general, most of the solutions are non ideal and deviate from ideal
behaviour. It must be remembered that in non- ideal binary solution none of
the components follows the Raoult’s law. The non-ideal solutions are further
classifed into two categories. They are
I. Non-ideal solution showing positive deviation
II. Non ideal solution showing negative deviation
p A > p 0A x A
pB > p B x B and Pressure
∆ H mixing =+ ve PA
Vapour Pressure
pA< p x A
pB < p x B
B and PA
∆ H mixing =−ve X A 1
Mole Fraction
XA 0
∆ V mixing =−ve i .e . , ( V solution <V A +V B ) . XB 0 X B 1
Eaamples: A vapour pressure curve showing negative deviation (solid lines) from idea
Acetone +aniline
H2O + HNO3
Acetic acid + pyridine
Acetone + chloroform
Chloroform + diethylether
Chloroform + benzene
Water + HCl
Types of azeotropes:
Based on the relative values of boiling points of the components and the mixture,
azeotrops are of 2 types:
i Minimum boiling azeotropes: The azeotropic mixtures for which the boiling
point is lower than the boiling points of both the component liquids are named as
minimum boiling azeotropes.
Table 3 : Differences between non ideal solution with positive and negative
Positive deviation from raoult’s Negative deviation from Raoult’s
law law
∆ H mixing >0 (Heat
( is absorbed during ∆ H mixing <0. Heat is evolved during
dissolution.) dissolution
0 0 0 0
ptotal > p A x A + pB x B ptotal > p A x A + pB x B
Id e a l s o lu t io n P o s it iv e d e v ia t io n N e g a tiv e d e v ia tio n
p 0A p A0 p A0
pB 0
pB 0
p B0
V a p o u r p re s s u re
V a p o u r p re s s u re
P re
V a p o u r p re s s u re
A p B)
Id e a l
p0A x B =p 0A− p A
p 0A− p
=x B 0
p A
p 0A− p nB
Mathematically, Raoult’s law of relative of vapour pressure is A
=x B=
p 0
n A + nB
p0A nA
p 0A− p w ❑B / M B
W A /M A
p A− p A wB× M A
wA × MB
wB × M A × p A
M B=
W A׿¿
Here W A and w B are the masses and M A ∧M Bare the molar masses of the solvent and
solute respectively. Thus by determining the value of relative lowering of vapour
pressure of a dilute solution of known concentration experimentally, the molar mass
of the solute can be calculated
Let T 0bbe the boiling point of pure solvent and T bbe the boiling point of solution.
The increase in the boiling point ∆ T b=T b −T 0b where ∆ T bis known as
elevation in boiling point.
Experiments have shown that for dilute solutions, the elevation of boiling point (
∆ T b ¿is directly proportional to the molal concentration of the solution. Thus
∆ T b ∝m
∆ T b=K b m
Where m is the molality of the solution and K b is the boiling point elevation constant
or molal elevation constant or Ebullioscopic constant. Here molality is used because
it is not afected by change in temperature.
When molality of solution, m=1, then ∆ T b=K b
The value of K b depends upon the nature of the solvent and it can be determined
using the formula:
R × M A × T 2b
Kb= solvent
1000 × ∆ H vap
Where R = gas constant, M A = molar mass of the solvent, T b (solvent )= boiling pint of
pure solvent, ∆ H vap=¿ the enthalpy of vapourisation.
Depression in freezing point:
Freezing point (T f ¿ of a liquid is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of
the liquid becomes equal to that of its solid. The vapour pressure of the solution is
less than that of pure solvent. Therefore, the vapour pressure of the solution
becomes equal to that of solid solvent at lower temperature than that of pure
solvent. Hence, the freezing point of the solution is less than that of the solvent as
shown in the graph.
Let T 0f be the freezing point of the pure solvent andT f be the freezing point
of the solution. The depression in freezing point, ∆ T f =T 0f −T f
Experiments have shown that for dilute solutions the depression of freezing point (
∆ T f ¿ is directly proportional to the molal concentration of the solution. Thus
∆Tf ∝m
∆ T f =K f m
Where m is the molality of the solution and K f is the molal depression constant or
freezing depression constant or cryoscopic constant.
The value of K f depends upon the nature of the solvent and it can be determined
using the formula:
R × M A ×T 2f ( solvent )
Kf =
1000 × ∆ H fus
Where R= gas constant, M= molar mass of the solvent, T f ( solvent ) = freezing point of
pure solvent, ∆ H fus=¿ the enthalpy of fusion.
Solid solvent
V a p o u r p re ssu re
Tfs Tf0
A strong solution of sugar is taken in a thistle funnel, the mouth of which is covered
with a piece of animal bladder or cellophane (semipermeable membrane). This is
kept immersed in water taken in a beaker as shown in fgure. It is observed that the
level of the solution inside the stem of the thistle funnel starts raising. It must be
due to the fow of solvent molecules (water) into the solution through the semi-
permeable membrane. This phenomenon is known as osmosis.
The spontaneous movement of solvent molecules from the solution of
lower concentration to the solution of higher concentration through
semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.
Osmotic pressure:
Osmotic pressure of a solution is defned as the pressure to be applied
on the solution of higher concentration just to stop osmosis.
Osmotic pressure is a colligative property because it depends on the number of
moles of solute in the solution and not on the nature of the solute.
For dilute solutions, it has been found experimentally that osmotic pressure is
proportional to the molarity of the solution at a given temperature T.
Where k is proportionally constant and is equal to RT where R is universal
gas constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Therefore,
If n B moles of solute is dissolved in V litres of the solution, C= B
⇒ n
❑ π = B RT
If w B grams of the solute of molar mass ( M B ¿ is present in the solution, then n B=
⇒ wB RT
⇒ w B RT
❑ M B= O s m o tic S em i
πV p ressu re p e r m ia b le
m e m b ra n e
Thus, by measuring the osmotic pressure of a P is to n
solution of known concentration, molar mass of the
solute can be calculated using the above equation. P u r e liq u id
S o lu tio n
Determination of molecular masses of S o lv e n t
A variety of membranes are used for reverse osmosis. Examples, Cellulose Tri-
Acetate (CTA) membrane, Thin-Film-composite (TFC) membranes, etc.
Consequently, introduction of the van’t Hof’s factor modifes the equations for the
colligative properties as:
p 0A− p A
Relative lowering of vapour pressure = =i x B
Elevation of boiling point, ∆ T b=i K b m
Depression in freezing point, ∆ T f =i K f m
Osmotic pressure, π= or π=iCRT
From the value of ‘i’, it is possible to calculate degree of dissociation or
association of substances.
Electrolyt i i
e (Measured (Calculate
) d)
Sucrose 1.0 1.0
HCl 1.9 2.0
NaCl 1.9 2.0
Degree of MgSO4 1.3 2.0 Dissociation:
MgCl2 2.7 3.0
FeCl3 3.4 4.0
1+ ( n−1 ) α
Or Degree of dissolution, α =
Degree of Association:
It is defned as the fraction of total number of molecules which combine to
form associated molecules.
1. How many grams of a dibasic acid are (mol. wt. 200) present in 100 ml of
its aqueous solution to give decimolar strength?
mol / litre
Molarity of solution = 10
Massof soluteingram
GMMof solute Volumeof solutioninlitre
Molarity =
Mass of solute in grams = molarity GMM of solute V(L)
1 100
200 2 grams
10 1000
2. Calculate the quantity of sodium carbonate required to prepare 200ml of
10 solution.
Mass of solute in gram= molarity GMM V(L)
1 200
106 2.12g
10 1000
3. Vapour pressure of water at 300 K is 12.3 kPa. What will be the vapour
pressure of one molal solution of non volatile solute in water at 300K?
One molal solution means one mole of solute is present in 1 kg of water.
moles of solute = 1
Moles of water = 18
Mole fraction of solvent i.e., water = 56.55
Vapour pressure of solution containing non volatile
Solute = vapour pressure of solvent mole fraction of solvent =
Psolvent Xsolvent
= 12.3 0.9823 = 12.08 kPa
4. Calculate the vapour pressure of a solution at 373K containing 3.42g of
cane sugar in 36g of water.
Moles of sugar = 342
Moles of water = 18
Vapour pressure of pure water at 373K is 760 mm of Hg
P0 Ps n
P0 n N
Where P0 vapour pressure of pure solvent
Ps vapour pressure of solution containing non-volatile solute.
n moles of solute and N moles of solvent
P0 Ps 0.01 0.01
P0 0.01 2 2.01
P0 Ps 1 P 1
or 1 s
P0 P0 201 P0 201
Ps 1 200
P0 201 201
12 90
0.5 5
(i) solute(n2) = 60 mole (ii) solvent(n1) = 18 mole
n2 0.5
Relative lowering in vapour pressure = 1 = 5
Relative lowering in vapour pressure = 0.2 / 5 = 0.2 /5 = 0.03846
(ii) we have
P0 Ps
1 Ps
Ps = ( 1-0.1) P0 = 0.9 ×3000= 2700 Pa
14. 1.065 g of substance dissolved in 30.14 g of ether raised its
boiling point by 0.2960 C. The molar elevation constant for ether 2.11.
Calculate the molecule mass of the substance.
1000 kb W2
W1 Tb
1000 2.111.065
30.14 0.296
251.8 g
15. Pure water boils at 1000 C. A solution prepared by dissolving 1.2
g of solute in 9 g of water boil at 100.7 0C. Calculate molecular mass of
solute (molal elevation constant of water = 0.52 0 /kg or 0.520 /1000 g)
1000 kb W2
W1 Tb
1000 0.52 1.2
9 0.7
99.04 g
Once the equilibrium is reached, the concentration of the solute particles in the
solution remains constant. No more solute dissolves in the solvent. The solution thus
formed is said to be saturated solution. A solution in which no more solute can be
dissolved at the same temperature and pressure is called saturated solution. The
amount of the solute present in a given quantity of the saturated solution at a given
temperature and pressure is called solubility of the solute in the given solvent. A
solution in which some more solute can be dissolved at the given temperature and
pressure is called unsaturated solution.
Generally solubility is measured in mass percentage (w/w). Therefore, solubility of a
solid solute in a given liquid solvent at a given temperature is the mass of the
solute in gram dissolved in 100 grams of the saturated solution.
Effect of temperature on solubility of solid solute in a liquid solvent:
Since, solid solute and solvent particles in solution are in dynamic equilibrium, it
follows Le-chatelier’s principle.
According to this principle increase in temperature shifts the equilibrium towards
endothermic change and decrease in temperature shifts the equilibrium towards
the exothermic change.
Therefore, if the dissolution of a solute in a given solvent is endothermic then its
solubility increases with the increase in temperature.
If the dissolution of a solute in a given solvent is exothermic, then the solubility
of the solute decreases with increase in temperature.
For exothermic dissolution, enthalpy solution, ∆ sol H <0 and for endothermic
dissolution, enthalpy of solution∆ sol H >0
Effect of pressure:
There is no signifcant effect of pressure on the solubility of a solid solute in a liquid
solvent. This is because solids and liquids are highly incompressible and practically
remain unaffected by changes in pressure.
Solubility of a gas in a liquid :
Gases dissolve in liquids to form liquid-gas solution. Example, carbon dioxide
dissolves in water to form soda water. Water in wells, rivers, and sea contains
dissolved air which is used by aquatic animals for their breathing.
Factors that infuence solubility of gases in liquids:
The factors that infuence the solubility of gases in liquids are
The nature of the gas and Temperature
solvent External pressure
Nature of the solvent
The nature of gases and nature of solvents:
Non-polar gases are less soluble in polar solvents like water. For example, gases
like, O2, N2, H2 etc., which are non-polar are very less soluble in water which is a
polar solvent at room temperature and pressure. But CO 2, HCl, NH3 etc., being polar
gases, are highly soluble in water under identical conditions.
Effect of temperature on the solubility of gases:
Generally solubility of all gases in liquids decreases with the increases in
temperature. This is because of two reason ;
Generally dissolution of any gas in a liquid is exothermic.
According to Le-Chatelier’s principle, low temperature 1000
P a rtia l p re s s u re o f
favours exothermic changes.
H C l / to rr
That is why gases dissolve more at low temperatures and 500
less at high temperatures in liquids.
Increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of
dissolved gas molecules. As a result, the gas molecules
escape more from the solution phase by overcoming the 0
0 .0 1 0 0 .0 2 0
attractive forces.
Note: Solubility of oxygen is more in cold water than in warm water. That is why
aquatic speices are more comfortable in cold waters than in warm waters.
Effect of pressure:
The solubility of a gas in a liquid increases with the increase in its partial pressure
above the liquid.
Henry’s law:
This law gives the quantitative relationship between the solubility of a gas in a liquid
and the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid at a given temperature.
Henry’s law states that “at constant temperature the solubility of a gas in a liquid is
directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the solution”.
If the solubility of a gas is in mole faction, the law can also be stated as “ the
partial pressure of the gas above the solution is directly proportional to the mole
fraction of a gas in the solution”.
i.e., p ∝x where p is partial pressure of the gas and x is solubility in mole fraction
p = KH x Here, KH is called Henry’s law constant.
X= ;
Characteristics of Henry’s law constant:
Higher is the value of KH lower is the solubility of gas.
Different gases have different KH values. Therefore KH value depends on nature of
the gas.
For example, KH value. of CO2 and O2 in water at 20 0 C are respectively 1.67k bar
and 457k bar. That is why CO2 is about 28 times more soluble in water than oxygen
at given temperature.
KH value increases by increasing the temperature. This indicates that solubility of
gases in liquid decreases by increasing temperature. This is because the dissolution
of gas in liquid is an exothermic process.
Units of Henry’s law constant are same as pressure.
Applications of Henry’s law:
(a) Carbonated beverages:To increase the solubility of carbon dioxide in soda water
and soft drinks, bottles are sealed under high pressure of CO2.
(b) Deep sea diving:Oxygen cylinders used by sea divers (Scuba divers) are flled
with air which is diluted with helium to minimize the solubility of nitrogen in the
blood by decreasing its partial pressure to avoid the risk of ‘bends’.
(Otherwise more nitrogen will be dissolved due to high pressure deep under sea
water. When a sea diver comes back to the surface, the solubility of nitrogen again
decreases and the dissolved gas is released, leading to the formation of nitrogen
bubbles in the blood. This results in the blockage of capillaries and leads to a
medical condition known as ‘bends’ or decompression sickness which causes acute
(c) High altitude sickness:At high altitudes, partial pressure of oxygen is less than
that at a ground level. This leads to low concentrations of oxygen in the blood and
tissues of mountain climbers. Low-blood oxygen causes climbers to become weak
and unable to think clearly. These are symptoms of anoxia.
Equilibrium vapour pressure of a liquid:
Consider a liquid taken in a closed container. The liquid being volatile, molecules of
the liquid escape from the liquid phase and occupy the space above the liquid
forming vapour phase.
But after some time molecules of the vapour phase also starts condensing into
Thus at one stage there will be a dynamic equilibrium between the vapour phase
and the liquid when the rate of vapourisation becomes equal to that of
The pressure exerted by the molecules of the vapour phase on the liquid phase at
equilibrium is called equilibrium vapour pressure.
For simplicity it is also called vapour pressure. At constant temperature, different
liquids have different vapour pressures since they depend on nature of the liquids.
Vapour pressure of a solution of liquid in liquid:
The vapour phase of a binary solution placed in a closed vessel consists of vapours
of both the components. The French chemist F.M Raoult (1886) gave quantitative
relationship between the partial pressures of the components in the vapour phase
and their mole fractions in the solution phase. This relationship is known as Raoult’s
Raoult’s law for a solution of two liquid components:
Raoult’s law states that for a solution of volatile liquids, the partial pressure of each
component in the vapour phase is directly proportional to the mole fractions of the
respective components in the solution phase at a given temperature.
Let us consider a solution containing two volatile components A and B (that
have measurable vapour pressures) in a closed container. The equilibrium is
established between vapour phase and the liquid phase at constant temperature.
Let Ptotal be the total vapour pressure of the vapour phase about the solution and p A
and pB be the partial vapour pressure of the two components A and B.
These partial pressures are related to the mole fractions x A∧x B of the two
components A and B respectively. According to Raoult’s law for component A,
pA ∝ x A or 0
pA= pA x A
Where p0A is the vapour pressure of the pure component A at the same temperature.
Similarly, for component B pB ∝ x B or 0
pB =PB X B
Where p0B is the vapour pressure of the pure component B at the same temperature.
According to Dalton’s law of partial pressures, the total pressure is the sum
of the partial pressures of all components at the same temperature.
0 0
ptotal= p A + p B or ptotal= p A x A + p B x B
ptotal= p0A ( 1−x B ) + p0B x B or ptotal = p0A − p0A x B + p0B x B
ptotal= p0A + ( p0B− p0A ) x B
Total vapour pressure over the solution is directly proportional to the mole fraction
of any one component ( x A∨x B ¿ .
Total vapour pressure of the vapour phase of the solutions varies linearly with the
mole fraction of component B(orA).
Depending on the vapour pressures of the pure components A and B, total vapour
pressure over the solution decreases or increases with the increase of the mole
fraction of component A (or B).
The composition of vapour phase in equilibrium with the solution is determined by
the partial pressures of the components. If y A ∧ y B are the mole fraction of the
component A and B respectively in the vapour phase then, using Dalton’s law of
partial pressures:
p A = y A ptotal or pB = y B × p total
In general pi= y i ptotal
Raoult’s law as a special case of Henry’s law:
According Henry’s law “the partial pressure of the gas (p) in vapour phase is
proportional to the mole fraction of the gas (x) in the solution i.e., p=K H x
According to Raoult’s law “the partial pressure of each component of the solution
is directly proportional to its mole faction present in the solution.
i.e., pi= p0i x i
By comparing equations for Henry’s law and Raoult’s law, we can conclude that
the partial pressure of volatile liquid or gas is directly proportional to its mole
fraction in solution.
Only the difference is in their proportionality constants K H ∧ p0i . Hence Raoult’s law is
a special case of Henry’s law in which K H = p0i .
Ideal and non- ideal solutions:
The binary solutions of the volatile liquids can be classifed into two types. They are
ideal and non-ideal solutions.
Ideal solutions:
A solution which obeys Raoult’s law at all concentration range of the components
and temperature is called an ideal solution.
In ideal solutions,solvent(A)–solute (B) interactions are equal to solute
(B)–solute(B)and solvent(A)–solvent(A)interactions.A perfectly ideal solution is
rare but some solutions are nearly ideal in behaviour.
A few examples are:
Benzene and toluene
Chlorobenzene and bromobenzene
Carbon tetrachloride and silicon tetrachloride
n-Hexane and n-heptane
Ethylene bromide and ethylene chloride
Characteristics of Ideal solution
0 0
(i) It should obey Raoult’s law, i.e., P A=P A X A and PB =P B X B .
ΔH mixing =0
ΔV mixing =0
Non-ideal solutions:
A solution which does not obey Raoult’s law at all concentration range of the
components and temperature is called a non ideal solution.
The non ideal solutions are accompanied by change in enthalpy and volume during
their formation i.e., ∆ H mixing ≠ 0 ∆ V mixing ≠ 0 ¿
In general, most of the solutions are non ideal and deviate from ideal behaviour.
It must be remembered that in non- ideal binary solution none of the components
follows the Raoult’s law. The non-ideal solutions are further classifed into two
1. Non-ideal solution showing positive deviation
2. Non ideal solution showing negative deviation
The causes for these deviations lie in the nature of interactions at the molecular
Non-ideal solution showing positive deviation:
The solutions for which the total vapour pressure is higher than that expected from
Raoult’s law are called solutions with positive deviations.
For solutions with positive deviations from Raoult’s law, partial vapour pressure of
each component A and B is higher than that one that is calculated from Raoult’s law
for the same composition.
In these solutions, the intermolecular attractive forces between the solute-solvent
molecules are weaker than those between the solute-solute, solvent-solvent
This means that in such solutions, molecules of A (or B) will fnd it easier to escape
than in pure state. This will increases the vapour pressure and result in positive
Due to decrease in magnitude of intermolecular attractive forces, the molecules are
loosely held and thus increasing intermolecular distances. Therefore formation of a
non ideal solution is associated with increase in volume and absorption of energy.
p A > p 0A x A
Vapour Pressure
0 PB
pB > p B x B
∆ H mixing =+ ve
X A 1 XA 0
∆ V mixing =+ ve i .e . , ( V solution >V A +V B ) . Mole Fractoo
XB 0 X B 1
Examples: Partal aod total vaapour pressure curvaes for solutoos thaat shao positvae devaiatoos from Ra
Acetone + ethanol CCl4 + toluene
Water + ethanol Water + methanol
Acetone + CS2
Non-ideal solution showing negative deviation:
The solutions for which the total vapour pressure is lower than that of an ideal
solution of same composition and temperature are called Solutions with negative
For solution with the negative deviation from Raoult’s law, partial vapour pressure of
each component A and B is lesser than the one that is calculated from Raoult’s law
for the same composition. So, the total vapour pressure of the solution is less than
that of ideal solution of same composition
Boiling point of such a solution is relatively higher than the boiling points of A and B
In this case the intermolecular attractive forces between the solute-solvent
molecules are stronger than those between the solute-solute and solvent-solvent
molecules. This means that in such solutions, molecules of A (or B) will not fnd it
easier to escape than in pure state. This will decrease the vapour pressure and
result in negative deviation.
p A < p 0A x A
pB < p B x B
∆ H mixing =−ve
∆ V mixing =−ve i .e . , ( V solution <V A +V B ) .
Acetone +aniline Chloroform + diethylether
H2O + HNO3 Chloroform + benzene
Acetic acid + pyridine CH3OH + CH3COOH
Acetone + chloroform Water + HCl
Azeotropic Mixtures (or) constant Boiling Mixtures:
There are certain binary liquid mixture, which boil at constant temperature like a
pure liquid such that both the components are distilled out simultaneously. The
components of such mixtures cannot be separated during functional distillation.
Such mixtures are named as Azotropic mixtures.
The mixture of liquids which boils at constant temperature and possess same
composition for both liquid and vapour phases is named as azeotropic mixture.
Types of azeotropes:
Based on the relative values of boiling points of the components and the mixture,
azeotrops are of 2 types:
1.Minimum boiling azeotropes: The azeotropic mixtures for which the boiling
point is lower than the boiling points of both the component liquids are named as
minimum boiling azeotropes.
Conditions for formation: Minimum boiling azeotropes are formed by non-ideal
solutions with positive deviation.
The composition of mixtures at which the vapour pressure is highest represents the
azeotropic composition.
Since the vapour pressure is highest, boiling point is minimum and hence is lower
than both the components.
For example: a mixture of ethanol and water at a composition of 95.574% by mass
of ethanol shows a constant boiling point of 351.1 K. This is lesser than both ethanol
(b.p : 351.3 K) and water (b.p : 373 K).
2.Maximum boiling azeotropes:
The azeotropic mixtures for which the boiling point is higher than the boiling points
of both the component liquids are named as maximum boiling azotropes.
Conditions for formation:Maximum boiling azeotropes are formed by non-ideal
solutions with negative deviation.
The composition of mixtures at which the vapour pressure is lowest represents the
azeotropic composition.
Since the vapour pressure is lowest, boiling point is maximum and hence is higher
than both the components.
For example: a mixture of HN O3 and water at a composition of 68% by mass of HN O3
shows a constant boiling point of 393.5 K.
This is greater than both HN O3 (b.p : 359 K) and water (b.p : 373 K).
n A + nB
Calculation of molar mass of solute using relative lowering of vapour pressure:
nB p 0A− p nB
The mole fraction of solute x B = From Roult’s Law, = A
n A +n B 0
pA n A +nB
Here n A ∧n B are the number of moles of solvent and solute respectively present in
the solution. For dilute solutions n B ≪ n A , hence neglecting n B in the denominator we
p 0A− p nB p 0A− p w ❑B / M B
= A
or = A
p0A nA p0A W A /M A
p 0A− p wB× M A wB × M A × p 0A
=¿ or M B=
p0A wA × MB W A׿¿
Here W A and w B are the masses and M A ∧M Bare the molar masses of the solvent and
solute respectively. Thus by determining the value of relative lowering of vapour
pressure of a dilute solution of known concentration experimentally, the molar mass
of the solute can be calculated
2.Elevation of boiling point:
Boiling point (T b) of a liquid is the temperature at which its vapour pressure becomes
equal to the external pressure. The vapour pressure of a non volatile solute is less
than that of pure solvent. Therefore higher temperature is required to make the
vapour pressure of the solution equal to the external pressure as shown in the
graph. Hence, the boiling point of solution is more than that of pure solvent.
The difference in boiling points of the pure solvent and the solution is
called the elevation in boiling point of solvent.
Let T 0bbe the boiling point of pure solvent and T bbe the boiling point of solution.
The increase in the boiling point ∆ T b=T b −T 0b where ∆ T bis known as
elevation in boiling point.
Experiments have shown that for dilute solutions, the elevation of boiling point (
∆ T b ¿is directly proportional to the molal concentration of the solution. Thus
∆ T b ∝m or∆ T b=K b m
Where m is the molality of the solution and K b is the boiling point elevation constant
or molal elevation constant or Ebullioscopic constant. Here molality is used because
it is not affected by change in temperature.
When molality of solution, m=1, then ∆ T b=K b
Therefore, molal elevation constant of a solvent is defned as the elevation of boiling
point caused by dissolving one mole of non volatile solute in one kg of solvent.
SI unit of the constant K b is K Kg mol-1 and is specifc for a given solvent.
1000 × ∆ H vap
Where R = gas constant, M A= molar mass of the solvent, T b (solvent )= boiling pint of
pure solvent, ∆ H vap=¿ the enthalpy of vapourisation.
3.Depression in freezing point:
Freezing point (T f ¿ of a liquid is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the
liquid becomes equal to that of its solid. The vapour pressure of the solution is less
than that of pure solvent. Therefore, the vapour pressure of the solution becomes
equal to that of solid solvent at lower temperature than that of pure solvent. Hence,
the freezing point of the solution is less than that of the solvent as shown in the
Let T 0f be the freezing point of the pure solvent and T f be the freezing point
of the solution. The depression in freezing point, ∆ T f =T 0f −T f
So, depression of freezing point (∆ T f ¿ is the difference in the freezing point of the
pure solvent and freezing point of solution.
Experiments have shown that for dilute solutions the depression of freezing point (
∆ T f ¿ is directly proportional to the molal concentration of the solution. Thus
∆Tf ∝m or ∆ T f =K f m
Where m is the molality of the solution and K f is the molal depression constant or
freezing depression constant or cryoscopic constant.
When molality of solution, m = 1, then ∆ T f =K f
Therefore, molal depression constant of a solvent is defned as the depression in
freezing point caused by dissolving one mole of non volatile solute in one kg of
SI unit of the constant K b is Kkg mol-1 or Kmolal-1 and is specifc for a given solvent.
Calculation of molar mass of a solute using depression in freezing point:
Let w B be the mass of the solute of molecular mass M B dissolved in w A gram of the
solvent, then molality (m) of the solution is given by the equation.
w ×1000
m= B
M B× wA
w B ×1000
Substituting the value of m in equation 1, we get, ∆ T b=K f ×
MB × wA
Therefore, the molar mass of the solute ( M B ¿ can be determined according the
K f ×w B ×1000
equation, M B=
∆ T f × wA
Thus, in order to determine M B , molar mass of the solute, known mass of the solute
in a known mass of the solvent is taken and ∆ T f is determined experimentally for a
solution whose K f value is known.
The value of K f depends upon the nature of the solvent and it can be determined
R × M A ×T 2f ( solvent )
using the formula: Kf =
1000 × ∆ H fus
Where R= gas constant, M= molar mass of the solvent, T f ( solvent ) = freezing point of
pure solvent, ∆ H fus=¿ the enthalpy of fusion.
Solid solvent
V a p o u r p ressu re
Tfs Tf0
A strong solution of sugar is taken in a thistle funnel, the mouth of which is covered
with a piece of animal bladder or cellophane (semipermeable membrane). This is
kept immersed in water taken in a beaker as shown in fgure. It is observed that the
level of the solution inside the stem of the thistle funnel starts raising. It must be
due to the fow of solvent molecules (water) into the solution through the semi-
permeable membrane. This phenomenon is known as osmosis.
The spontaneous movement of solvent molecules from the solution of lower
concentration to the solution of higher concentration through semipermeable
membrane is called osmosis.
Osmosis in natural processes:
A raw mango placed in concentrated salt solution loses of water via osmosis
and shrivel into pickle.
Wilted fowers revive when placed in fresh water due to osmosis.
A carrot that has become limp because of water loss, when placed in water,
water will move into them through osmosis making it frm once again.
When blood cells are placed in a solution containing more than 0.9%
(mass/volume) of sodium chloride, blood cells shrink due to loss of water by
People taking a lot of salt or salty food experience water retention in tissue
cells and intercellular spaces because of osmosis. The resulting pufness or
swelling is called edema.
Water movement from soil into plant roots and subsequently into upper
portion of the plant is partly due to osmosis.
The preservation of meat by salting and of fruits by adding sugar against
bacterial action through the process of osmosis, a bacterium on salted meat
or candid fruit loss water, shrivels and dies.
Note: 0.9% sodium chloride in water is called saline solution.
4.Osmotic pressure:
Osmotic pressure of a solution is defned as the pressure to be applied on the
solution of higher concentration just to stop osmosis.
Osmotic pressure is a colligative property because it depends on the number of
moles of solute in the solution and not on the nature of the solute.
For dilute solutions, it has been found experimentally that osmotic pressure is
proportional to the molarity of the solution at a given temperature T.
π∝C or π=kC
Where k is proportionally constant and is equal to RT where R is universal gas
constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Therefore,
π=CRT If n B moles of solute is dissolved in V litres of the solution, C= B
⇒ nB
❑ π = RT
If w B grams of the solute of molar mass ( M B ¿ is present in the solution, then n B=
⇒ wB RT
❑π= O s m o tic Sem i
MBV p re ssu re p e r m ia b le
m e m b ra n e
P is to n
⇒ w B RT
❑ M B=
P u r e liq u id
S o lu tio n
S o lv e n t
Thus, by measuring the osmotic pressure of a solution of known concentration,
molar mass of the solute can be calculated using the above equation.
Determination of molecular masses of solute by osmotic pressure
measurements is highly useful in fnding out the molecular masses of
macromolecules like polymers, proteins, etc.
Isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions: When such solutions are
separated by semi-permeable membrane, no osmosis occurs. For example, the osmotic
pressure of the fuid inside the blood cell is equivalent to that 0.9% (mass/volume) sodium
chloride solution, called normal saline solution.
That is why normal saline solution is safe to inject intravenously because no osmosis
takes place. On the other hand, if we place the cells in a solution containing more
than 0.9%(mass/volume) sodium chloride, water will fow out of the cell and they
would shrink . Such a solution is named as hypertonic
A solution having higher osmotic pressure with respect other is called hypertonic
solution. If the sodium chloride concentration is less than 0.9%(mass/volume), then
water will fow into the cells if placed in this solution and they would swell.
The solution having lower osmotic pressure with respect other is called hypotonic
Reverse osmosis and water purifcation:
When a solvent and a solution are separated by a
semiprmeable membrane, osmosis occurs. However, if an
external pressure, which is just equivalent to osmotic
pressure is applied on solution side, no osmosis occurs. If
the external pressure is greater than the osmotic pressure,
then water will be forced to pass from solution to solvent side.
The process of reversing the direction of osmosis by applying the pressure higher
than the osmotic pressure to the solution of higher concentration is called reverse
osmosis. During reverse osmosis, the pure solvent fows out the solution through
the semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis is used in desalination of sea
water. When pressure, more than osmotic pressure (30 atm at 25° ∁) is applied to
the sea water, pure water is squeezed out of the sea water through the semi-
permeable membrane as shown in fgure.
A variety of membranes are used for reverse osmosis. Examples, Cellulose Tri-
Acetate (CTA) membrane, Thin-Film-composite (TFC) membranes, etc.
Abnormal molar masses:
Molecular masses of solutes can be calculated by measuring any of the colligative
properties of dilute solutions.
These methods are applicable only if
The solution is dilute, so that Raoult’s law is obeyed.
The solute is non dissociable or non associable in the solution.
In case of solutes which either dissociate or associate in solutions, molecular
masses of solutes determined by these methods will be abnormal.
Association of solute molecules:
Certain solutions in solution are found to associate. This leads to decreases in the
number of molecular particles in the solutions. Thus, it results in a decrease in the
value of colligative properties.
Molecular mass of solute ∝
Colligative property
Therefore, molecular masses determined, will be
higher than the normal values for solutes which
undergo association in solution.
Example: Acetic acid in benzene undergoes
dimerization as indicated below.
Therefore, the molecular mass of acetic acid in benzene determined by collegative
property method will be approximately double the actual value.
2 C H 3 COOH ⇌ ( C H 3 COOH )2
Dissociation of solute molecules:
Certain solutes in solution are found to dissociate into ions. This leads to the
increase in the number of particles in the solutions. Thus, it results in a increases in
the value of collegative properties.
Molecular mass of solute ∝
Colligative property
Therefore, molecular mass determined, will be lower than the normal values for
solutes which undergoes dissociation in solution.
Example: The molecular mass of NaCl in water determined by colligative property
method will be approximately reduced to half the actual value due to dissociation.
NaCl →Na+ + cl-
Van’t Hoff’s factor (i):
In 1886, Van’t Hoff introduced a factor ‘i’ called van’t Hoff’s factor, to express the
extent of association or dissociation of solutes in solution. The van’t Hoff’s factor is a
ratio of the normal molecular mass to the observed molecular mass of a solute.
Normal molecular mass Observed coligative property
i= or i=
Observed molecular mass Calculated colligative property
Consequently, introduction of the van’t Hoff’s factor modifes the equations for the
colligative properties as:
p 0A− p A
Relative lowering of vapour pressure = =i x B
Elevation of boiling point, ∆ T b=i K b m
Depression in freezing point, ∆ T f =i K f m
Osmotic pressure, π= or π=iCRT
From the value of ‘i’, it is possible to calculate degree of dissociation or
association of substances.
No . of moles of the substance dissociated
Degree of dissociation=
Total no . of moles of the substance taken
Suppose a molecule of an electrolyte give ‘n’ ions after dissociation. If we
start with 1 mole of the solute, and ' α ’ is the degree of dissociation, then at
No. of moles of solute left undissociated =1-α
No. of moles of ions formed = nα
Total no. of moles of particles = 1-α +nα=1+(n−1)α
Total no . of moles of particles after dissociation 1+ ( n−1 ) α
Van’t Hoff’s factor, i= ¿
No . of moles of particles before dissociation 1
Or Degree of dissolution, α =
Degree of Association:
It is defned as the fraction of total number of molecules which combine to form
associated molecules.
No . of moles of the substance associated
Degree of association=
Total no . of moles of the substance tasken
For example, suppose ‘n’ simple molecules of the solute associated to form the
associated molecule An .
nA ⇋ An
If we start with 1 mole of simple molecule and α is the degree of association, then
that at equilibrium
No. of moles of solute left unassociated ¿ 1−α
Total no. of moles after association¿ 1−α +
α 1
Van’t Hoff factor,
1−α +
[ ]
1+ α −1
1 1
(or) Degree of association, 1
One mark questions
1. What is binary solution?
solution containing only two components is called binary solution.
Example: salt solution (salt + water)
2. What is solid solution?
A solution in which solid acts as a solvent is called solid solution.
3. What is liquid solution?
A solution in which liquid acts as a solvent is called liquid solution.
4. What is gaseous solution?
A solution in which gas acts as a solvent is called gaseous solution.
5. What is concentration?
The amount of solute present in the given quantity of the solution is called
6. Name the units used to express concentrations.
(i) Molarity (M) (ii) Molality (m) (iii) Mole fraction (x)
7. Among molarity and molality which is independent on temperature.
8. Defne solubility.
The maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a specifed
amount of solvent at a specifed temperature is called solubility.
9. What is the basic rule (principle) to decide the solubility of solute in solvent?
“Like dissolves like”
10. What is dissolution?
When a solute is added to the solvent, some solute dissolves and its
concentration increases in solution. This process is called dissolution.
11. What is saturated solution?
A solution in which no more solute can be dissolved at the same temperature
and pressure is called a saturated solution.
12. What is unsaturated solution?
A solution in which some more solute can be dissolved under the same
temperature is called unsaturated solution.
13. What is the effect of pressure on solubility of solubility of solid in liquid?
Pressure does not have any signifcant effect on solubility of solids in liquids.
14. What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of gas in liquid?
Solubility of gas in liquid decreases when temperature is increased.
15. Solubility of gas in liquid decreases as temperature increases. Why?
Because dissolution of gas in liquid is exothermic process.
16. Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold waters rather than in warm
waters. Give reason.
Solubility of O2 in cold water is more than warm water.
17. What is the signifcance of Henry’s law constant?
The higher the value of KH lower is the solubility.
18. At a given temperature and pressure nitrogen gas is more soluble in water
than Helium gas. Which one of them has higher KH value?
19. What is vapour pressure?
The pressure exerted by the vapours above the liquid surface at constant
temperature when they are in equilibrium with the liquid is called vapour
pressure or saturated vapour pressure or equilibrium vapour pressure.
20. Write the mathematical form of Raoult’s law for volatile solutes.
o o
Ptotal = p A xA p B xB
21. Name the types of azeotropes or azeotropic mixtures.
Azeotropic mixtures are of two types:
(i) Minimum boiling azeotropes (ii) Maximum boiling azeotropes.
22. What happens to the vapour pressure of the pure liquid when a non volatile
solute is dissolved in it?
Vapour pressure decreases.
23. Write the mathematical form Raoult’s law of relative lowering of vapour
poA PA nB
pA nA nB
24. What is boiling point?
The temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to
the atmospheric pressure is called boiling point.
25. What happens to the boiling point of a liquid when a non volatile solute is
dissolved in a pure solvent?
Boiling point increases.
26. Defne Ebullioscopic constant or molal elevation constant.
It is the increase in the boiling point produced when one mole of non volatile
solute is dissolved in 1 kg of a pure solvent.
27. What is the value of Kb for water?
0.52 K kg mol1.
28. What is the SI unit of Kb?
K kg mol1.
29. What is freezing point?
The temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to
the vapour pressure of the solid is called freezing point.
30. What happens to the freezing point of a pure solvent when a non volatile solute
is dissolved in it?
Freezing point decreases.
31. Give the relation between depression in freezing point and molality.
Tf m or Tf K f m
75. Which type of solutions show negative deviation from Raoult’s law?
If the vapour pressure of the solution is lower than that calculated by Raoult’s
law shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law. Examples: HCl and water,
HNO3 and water, Chloroform and acetone
76. Draw the graph to show non ideal solutions with negative deviations.
91. Derive the relation between depression in freezing point and the molecular
mass of a solute.
We know that T = K m
f f
where m is the molality of the solution and Kf is the molal depression constant
or freezing point depression constant or cryoscopic constant.
But for the given mass of solute and solvent, molality is given by
w B 1000 w 1000 w B 1000
m Tf K f B Tf K f
M B w A M B w A M B w A or
K f w B 1000
Tf w A .
92. Give the relation to calculate molar depression constant with respect to
enthalpy of fusion.
R M A Tf2(solvent )
1000 H fus where R = universal gas constant
MA= molecular mass of solvent
Tf = freezing point of solvent, Hfus = Enthalpy of fusion.
93. What is reverse osmosis?
When a pressure larger than the osmotic pressure is applied on a
concentrated solution, solvent fows from concentrated solution to dilute
solution through a semi permeable membrane.
This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is used in the
desalination of sea water to obtain fresh drinking water.
94. What is van’t Hoff’s factor?
It is the ratio of normal molar mass to the abnormal molar mass.
normal molar mass observed colligative property
i or i
abnormal molar mass calculated colligative property
95. Give the signifcance of van’t Hoff’s factor.
If i = 1, the solute doesn’t undergo either dissociation or association.
If i > 1, solute undergo dissociation.
If i < 1 solute undergo association.
96. Write the colligative properties for solutes undergo dissociation or association.
Elevation in boiling point, Tb i K b m
Depression in freezing point, Tf i K f m
Osmotic pressure iCRT
po p
i x2
Relative lowering of vapour pressure, p
97. After removing the outer shell of two eggs in dilute HCl, one is placed in
distilled water and the other is placed in a saturated solution of NaCl. What will
you observe and why?
Egg in water swell and egg in NaCl solution shrinks because in water the
solvent molecules enters into the egg cell (hypotonic). In NaCl solution egg
shrinks because water fows out of the egg cell (hypertonic)
98. What do you expect to happen when RBC is placed in 1% NaCl solution and
0.5% NaCl solution.
In 1% NaCl solution RBC will shrink (hypertonic). In 0.5% NaCl solution RBC will
swell and may even burst (hypotonic). The above phenomena is because RBC
is isotonic 0.91% NaCl solution.
poA p A w B M A w B M A p oA
p oA w A M B w A (poA p A )
105. How is the molecular mass of a solute calculated by ebullioscopic method
(elevation in boiling point).
We know that Tb K b m …(1)
Let wB be the mass of the solute of molecular mass MB dissolved in wA gram
of the
solvent, then molality (m) of the solution is given by the equation:
w B 1000
M B w A
w B 1000
Substituting the value of m in equation 1, we get, T = K × M B w A
b b
The molar mass of the solute (MB) is calculated using the equation,
K b w B 1000
Tb w A
Thus, in order to determine MB, molar mass of the solute, known mass of
solute in a known mass of the solvent is taken and Tb is determined
experimentally for a known solvent whose Kb value is known.
Derive the expression to calculate the molar mass of solute by osmotic
pressure experiment. C
1 w
C and n B B
CRT or n B CRT but V MB
w 1 w B RT
where R = solution constant whose value is same as that of gas constant.
The above equation is used to calculate the molecular mass of a solute.
106. Explain the desalination of sea water (purifcation of water) by reverse
The process of reversing the direction of osmosis
by applying the pressure higher than the osmotic
pressure to the solution of higher concentration is
called reverse osmosis.
During reverse osmosis, the pure solvent fows out of the solution
through the semi permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis is used in
desalination of sea water.
When pressure, more than osmotic pressure (30 atm at 25oC) is applied
to the sea water, pure water is squeezed out of the sea water through the
semipermeable membrane as shown in fgure.
16. Calculate the mass of a non–volatile solute (molar mass 40 g mol–1) which
should be dissolved in 114 g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%.
Molecular mass of octane (C8H18) = MA = 8 × 12 + 18 × 1 = 114 g mol–1
0.8p oA
Vapour pressure of octane after dissolving solute 100
p oA pA nB wB 114
nB nA 1
pA nA nB 40 mol, 114 mol
poA 0 8p oA
poA wB p0A 0 8p 0A wB
1 0
40 ; pA w B 40
0 2
w B 40 w B 10g
17. The boiling point of a solution of 0.1050 g of a substance in 15.84 g of ether
was found to be 0.1oC higher than that of ether. What is the molecular weight
of the substance? (Kb = 2.02 K kg mol–1)
K b w B 1000 2 02 0 1050 1000
MB 133 9 g mol 1
Tb w A 0 115 84
18. The molecular weight of an organic compound is 58 g mol–1. Calculate the
boiling point of a solution containing 24 g of the solute and 600 g of water.
The boiling point of water = 100oC. Kb for water = 0.52 K kg mol–1.
K b w B 1000
M B w A
0 52 24 1000
Tb Tbo
58 600 Tb 0 358 Tbo 0 358 100 100 358 C
25. What is the osmotic pressure of 0.05% urea solution in water at 20oC? R =
0.0821 lit atm mol–1 K–1 molar mass of urea = 60 g mol–1.
0.05% urea means 0.05 g urea present in 100 mL water.
w B RT 0 05 0 0821 293
MBV 60 0 1 L ( 100 nL 0 1 L) 0 2 atm
26. 200 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of the protein.
The osmotic pressure of such a solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 × 10–3
bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein. (R = 0.083L bar mol–1 K–1)
w B RT
V V 200 cm3 0 2 L
1 26 0 083 300
2 57 10 3 0 2= 61039 g mol–1.
27. Calculate the osmotic pressure in pascals exerted by a solution prepared by
dissolving 1.0 g of polymer of molar mass 185000 in 450 mL of water at 37oC
(R = 0.0821 L atm K–1 mol–1).
w B RT
MBV V 450 mL 0 45L
1 0 0821 310
185000 0 45 0 00030572 atm 0 00030572 101325 = 30.9768 Pa.
The branch of Chemistry that deals with the rate of chemical reaction, factors
afecting the rate and the mechanism of a reaction is called Chemical Kinetics.
Rate of a chemical reaction
The rate of a chemical reaction is the change in concentration of any one of the
reactant or product in unit time. Or, it is the rate of decrease in concentration of any
one of the reactant or the rate of increase in concentration of any one of the product.
For a chemical reaction, if Δx is the change in concentration of a reactant or a
product in a time Δt, the rate of reaction (r) = Δx/Δt.
[ N 2 ] 1 [ H 2 ] 1 [ NH 3 ]
rates of reaction
t 3 t 2 t
It can be concluded from these expressions that the rate of disappearance of H2 is 2
of the rate of appearance of NH3.
Units of Rate of reaction: concentration is in mol L–1 and time is in seconds then
the units will be mol L-1s–1. However, in gaseous reactions, when the concentration of
gases is expressed in terms of their partial pressures, then the units of the rate
equation will be atm s–1.
If concentration is expressed in moles/L and time is in second, the unit of rate of
reaction is mol/L/s. In general the dimension of rate of reaction is
For gaseous reactions, the concentration is replaced by partial pressure and so the
unit of rate of reaction is atm/s.
Instantaneous Rate of a reaction
The rate of a reaction at a particular instant of time is called Instantaneous Rate of a
reaction. Or, it is the rate of a reaction when the time interval approaches zero.
1. For the reaction R P, the concentration of a reactant changes from 0.03 M
to 0.02 M in 25 minutes. Calculate the average rate of reaction using units of
time both in minutes and seconds.
[R] [R]2 [R]1 0 02 0 03
M min 1
Average rate of reaction t t 2 t 1 25
0 01
M min 1
25 4 10 4 M min 1
4 10 4
M s 1
60 = 6.667 × 10–6 Ms–1
2. In a reaction 2A products,the concentration of A decreases from 0.5 mol
–1 –1
L to 0.4 mol L in 10 minutes.Calculate the rate during this interval?
C o n c e n tr a tio n o f r e a c t a n ts
R 1 ra v
t 2 t1
d R
R 2
d R
rin st slo p e
t1 t2 t tim e
In order to determine the Instantaneous Rate at a particular time, mark the point on
the graph at that time and draw a tangent at the point. The slope of this tangent
gives the instantaneous rate at that time.
Average rate depends upon the change in concentration of reactants or products
and the time taken for that change to occur.
d P
rin st s lo p e
dt P
d P
C o n c e n t r a tio n o f p r o d u c t s
P1 t P P P1
rav 2
t t 2 t 1
t1 t2 t tim e
Rate [A]x[B]y Or, r = k [A]x[B]y (where x and y may or may not be equal to a and
This expression is known as rate law or rate equation. Thus rate law is a
“mathematical equation relating the rate of a chemical reaction and concentration of
reactants, in which each concentration term is raised to a power which may or may
not be equal to the stoichiometric coefcients in the balanced chemical equation.”
In the above equation ‘k’ is a constant called rate constant or velocity constant or
specifc reaction rate of the reaction.
It is defned as the rate of the reaction when the concentration of each of the
reactants is unity.
Units of rate constant
Molecularity of a reaction
It is the total number of reacting species collides simultaneously in a
chemical reaction.
It is a theoretical quantity. It cannot be zero or fractional. It can have values 1,2,3
etc. it is applicable only to elementary reactions.
If the molecularity of a reaction is 1, it is called unimolecular reaction.
Molecularity Order
ln kt
[R]0 [R] [R]0 e kt
1. For a first order reaction, show that time required for 99% completion is twice the time required
for the completion of 90% of reaction.
For a first order reaction, the time required for 99% completion is
2 303 100 2 303 2 303
t 99% log log100 2
k 100 99 k k
For a first order reaction, the time required for 90% completion is
2 303 100 2 303 2 303
t 99% log log10
k 100 90 k k
2 303
t 99% k
t 99%
t 90% 2 303 2
k t 90%
For a frst order reaction, n =1, Hence, rate α [A].Thus a plot of rate of reactions Vs
conc. Will be a Straight line.
For a second order reaction, n=2. Hence rate α [A]2.Thus a plot of rate of reaction Vs
conc. will be a Straight line.
ii) Initial rate method: in this method, the rate law of the reaction is determined
by determining the orders of reaction with respect to all the reactants one by one.
This is done by changing the initial concentration of only one reactant keeping the
concentrations of all other reactants constant and measuring the rate of the reaction.
The procedure is repeated with respect to each reactant and the order determined.
The overall order of the reaction can be obtained by summing up the individual
orders of reaction with respect to the reactants involved.
iii) Integrated rate law method: in this method, the data obtained from an
experiment is fed into the rate equation of a particular order and the values of k are
calculated for diferent sets of observations.
If the values of k are found to be constant for all the sets, the reactions is supposed
to obey that particular rate law and follows the order suggested by that integrated
rate law. In case, the values of k are not constant, the data is used in the rate
equation of other order. The rate equation for frst and second order reactions are
as follows.
2.303 a
For frst order reactions: k = t a x
1 x
For second order reactions: k = t ( a x)
iv) Half life method: the half life (t1/2) of a reaction is related to the initial
concentration of the reactant as [ A]n 10
Where [A]0 is the initial concentration of the reactant and n is the order of reaction.
Suppose t1/2 is the half life of a reaction when the initial conc. Is [A] 0 and t1/2 is the
half life of the same reaction when the initial conc. Is [A]0 .
t1/2 [ A]0 n 1
( )
Then we have t1/2 [ A]0
generally taken are 35 C and 25 C. thus, Temperature coefcient = k25C
For most of the homogeneous reactions, the value of temperature coefcient lies
between 2 and 3.
Molecularity of a reaction: the number of reacting species which must collide
simultaneously in Order to bring about a chemical reaction is called the molecularity
of that reaction.
The molecularity of a reaction is a whole number and may have values 1, 2, 3 etc.
The reactions with molecularity 1 are called unimolecular reactions.
Similarly, we have bimolecular and trimolecular reactions when the values of
molecularity are 2 and 3 respectively.
Molecularity of elementary reactions: The simple chemical reactions which occur
only in one step are called elementary reactions. The molecularity of an elementary
reaction is equal to the number of reacting species as represented by the balanced
chemical equation of the reaction, for example.
H 2O2 H 2O O2 (molecularity 1, unimolecularreaction )
2 HI H 2 I 2 ( molecularity 2, bimolecularreaction)
2 NO O2 2 NO2 (molecularity 3, trimolecularreaction )
Molecularity of complex reactions: the reactions which occur in two or more
steps are called complex reactions.
Complex reactions proceed through a series of steps, each involving one, two, or at
the most three molecules. Each step is an elementary reaction and has its own rate.
The overall rate of a complex reaction is governed by the rate of the slowest
elementary step called the rate determining step.
The number of reacting species taking part in the slowest elementary step of a
complex reaction is called the molecularity of the complex reaction.
For example, the reaction 2NO +2H2 N2+H2O is a complex reaction and takes
place in the following two steps.
2 NO H 2 N 2 H 2O2 (slow)
H 2O2 H 2 2 H 2O ( fast )
Obviously, step 1 is the rate determining step and therefore the molecularity of the
overall complex reaction is 3.
Most of the chemical reactions involve the simultaneous collisions of one, two or at
the most three molecules.
Therefore, the molecularity of most of the reactions is either 1 or 2. Even the
reactions with molecularity 3 are only a few in number.
The reactions with higher molecularity are rare.
KClO3 6 FeSO4 3H 2 SO4
KCl 3Fe2 SO4 3 3H 2O
This reaction which apparently seems to be of tenth order but it is actually a second
order reaction. This shows that the reaction takes place in several steps. Which step
controls the rate of the overall reaction. or slow reaction that is called as rate
determining step.
Consider the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide which is catalysed by iodide
I medium
2 H 2O2 Alkaline 2 H 2O O2
ion in an alkaline medium.
d H 2O2
k H 2O2 I
The rate equation for this reaction is found to be Rate = dt
H 2O2
and I .
This reaction is frst order with respect to both
Evidences suggest that this reaction takes place in two steps.
Pseudo-unimolecular reactions: for elementary reactions, the molecularity and
order are usually the same.
However, there are several frst order reactions in which molecularity difers from the
The frst order reactions having molecularity greater than one are called pseudo-
unimolecular reactions.
A pseudo-unimolecular reaction is obtained when one of the reactants is present in
large excess.
The reactant present in large excess does not contributes to the rate of reactions.
Its concentration remains almost constant during the course of reaction and
therefore the rate of the reaction does not depend upon its concentration. Some
examples of pseudo-unimolecular reactions are as follows.
CH 3COOC 2 H 5 +H 2O
CH 3COOH+C 2 H 5OH rate=k[CH 3COOC 2 H 5 ]
C12 H 22 O11 +H 2 O
C6 H12 O 6 +C6 H12 O6 rate=k[C12 H 22O11 ]
It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of nature of surfaces and the
different processes taiin place at the surface
The important surface phenomena are adsorption, corrosion, electrode process,
hetero eneous catalysis, dissolution etc
ADSORPTION It is the process of concentration or accumulation of a substance on the
surface of another substance
The substance which is adsorbed is called adsorbate and the substance whose surface
on which adsorption taies place is called adsorbent
The commonly used adsorbents are charcoal, silica el, alumina el, clay, colloids,
metals in fnely divided state etc
Adsorption is a surface phenomenon Some examples of adsorption are:
1 Powdered charcoal adsorbs ases liie H2, O2, CO, Cl2, NH3, SO2 etc
2 Silica el adsorbs moisture
3 Animal charcoal adsorbs colourin material from su ar solutions
Desorption: The process of removal of an adsorbed substance from the surface of
adsorbent is called desorption i e it is the reverse of adsorption
Distinction between adsorption and absorption
In adsorption, the substance is concentrated only at the surface while in absorption, the
substance is uniformly distributed throu hout the buli of the solid So adsorption is a
surface phenomenon while absorption is a buli phenomenon
Sorption: If adsorption and absorption occur simultaneously, the process is called
Absorption Adsorption
1 It is the phenomenon in which 1 it is the phenomenon of hi her
the particles of as or liquid et concentration of particles of as or
uniformly distributed throu hout liquid on the surface than in the buli
the body of the solid of the solid
2 The concentration is the same 2 The concentration on the surface of
throu hout the material the adsorbent is different from that
Therefore, it is a buli in the buli
phenomenon 3 Adsorption is rapid in the be innin
3 Absorption occurs at uniform and its rate slowly decreases
Mechanism of Adsorption The surface particles of the adsorbent are not in the same
environment as the particles inside the buli (inner part)
Inside the adsorbent, all the forces are mutually balanced But at the surface, there is
always some unbalanced or residual forces
These forces of the adsorbent are responsible for adsorption
Heat of adsorption (Enthalpy of Adsorption) Adsorption is an exothermic process
i e some heat is always evolved durin adsorption
The amount of heat evolved when 1 mole of an adsorbate is adsorbed on the surface of
an adsorbent is called heat of adsorption
Thermodynamic aspects of adsorption Adsorption is an exothermic process When
a as is adsorbed, the de ree of freedom (randomness) of its molecules decreases and
hence the entropy decreases i e ,ΔS becomes ne ative
Adsorption is thus accompanied by decrease in enthalpy as well as decrease in
entropy of the system For a process to be spontaneous, ΔG must be ne ative
On the basis of equation, ΔG = ΔH – TΔS, ΔG can be ne ative if ΔH >TΔS
As the adsorption proceeds, ΔH becomes less and less ne ative ultimately ΔH becomes
equal to TΔS and ΔG becomes zero At this state equilibrium is attained
Types of adsorption Dependin on the force of attraction between adsorbent and
adsorbate, adsorption is of two types–physical adsorption or physisorption and
chemical adsorption or chemisorption
1 physical adsorption or physisorption: If the force of attraction between adsorbent and
adsorbate is weai van der Waals force, it is called physical adsorption or physisorption
For physisorption, the heat of adsorption is low and it is not specifc since the van der
Waals forces are universal That is any substance can form van der Waals force with
any surface
2 chemical adsorption or chemisorptions: If the force of attraction between adsorbent
and adsorbate is chemical bond It is also called activated adsorption since it involves
some activation ener y
For chemisorption, the enthalpy of adsorption is hi h and it taies place at hi h
It is hi hly specifc in nature and it will occur only if there is some possibility of
chemical bondin between adsorbent and adsorbate
A physisorption at low temperature may pass into chemisorption at hi h
temperature For e Hydro en as is frst adsorbed on niciel by van der Waals force
But at hi h temperature, the molecules of H 2 dissociate to form H atoms and they are
adsorbed on the surface of Ni by chemical bond
Both physisorption and chemisorption increases with increase in surface area of the
adsorbent Surface area can be increased by powderin the adsorbent
Distinction between physisorption and chemisorptions
physisorption Chemisorption
In this type of adsorption, the
In this type of adsorption, stron
adsorbate is attached to the
chemical bonds are formed
1 surface of the adsorbent with
between the adsorbate and the
weai van der Waal’s forces of
surface of the adsorbent
No new compound is formed in New compounds are formed at the
the process surface of the adsorbent
It is enerally found to be
3 It is usually irreversible in nature
reversible in nature
Enthalpy of adsorption is low as Enthalpy of adsorption is hi h as
weai van der Waal’s forces of chemical bonds are formed The
attraction are involved The values values lie in the ran e of 40-400 iJ
lie in the ran e of 20-40 iJ mol−1 mol−1
It is favoured by low temperature It is favoured by hi h temperature
conditions conditions
It is an example of multi-layer It is an example of mono-layer
adsorption adsorption
Adsorption Isotherms The variation in the amount of as adsorbed by the adsorbent
with pressure at constant temperature can be expressed by means of a raph called
adsorption isotherm
Freundlich adsorption isotherm:
Freundlich ave an empirical relationship between the quantity of as adsorbed by unit
mass of solid adsorbent and pressure, at a particular temperature
Based on the nature of particles: Based on this, colloids are of three types –
Multimolecular colloids,Macro molecular colloids and Associated colloids
1.Multimolecular colloids: They contain an a re ate of atoms or molecules havin
dimension < 1nm
These particles are bind to ether by weai van der Waal’s force of attraction and form
particles of colloidal dimension
e Arsenic sulphide (As2S3) sol, sulpher sol and metal sols liie old sol, silver sol etc
2.Macromolecular colloids: Macromolecules (Polymers) in suitable solvents form
solutions in which the size of the particle is in the colloidal ran e Such systems are
called macromolecular colloids These colloids are quite stable and resemble true
solutions in many properties
Example: solutions of starch, cellulose, proteins, enzymes, polythene, nylon,
polystyrene, synthetic rubber, etc in suitable dispersion medium
3.Associated colloids: These are substances which behave as normal stron
electrolytes at low concentrations, but as colloids at hi her concentrations The
colloidal behavior is because of the formation of a re ates They are also called
The formation of micelles taies place only above a particular temperature called Kraft
temperature (Tk) and above a particular concentration called critical micelle
concentration (CMC)
Surface active a ents such as soaps and synthetic deter ents are examples for
micelles These colloids have both lyophobic and lyophilic parts
Mechanism of micelle formation An example for micelle is soap solution Soap is
sodium or potassium salt of a hi her fatty acid and may be represented as RCOO–Na+
When dissolved in water, it dissociates into RCOO– and Na+ ions
The RCOO– ions consist of two parts — a lon hydrocarbon chain R (also called non-
polar ‘tail’) which is hydrophobic (water repellin ), and a polar roup COO– (also called
polar-ionic ‘head’), which is hydrophilic (water lovin )
CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 C
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2
H y d r o p h o b ic ta il H y d r o p h ilic
S t e a r a t e io n head
H y d r o p h ilic h e a d
H y d r o p h o b ic ta il
The RCOO– ions are present on the surface with their COO– roups in water and the
hydrocarbon chains (R) at the surface But at critical micelle concentration, the anions
are pulled into the buli of the solution and a re ate to form a spherical shape Thus a
micelle is formed
Durin peptization, the precipitate adsorbs one of the ions of the electrolyte on its
surface and forms a positive or ne ative char e on it Thus the particles of the
precipitate breai up into smaller particles of the colloidal size
Purification of colloids The colloidal solution prepared contains excess amount of
electrolyte and some other soluble impurities
Even thou h small amount of electrolyte is required for the stability of colloid, lar e
amount may cause precipitation
The process of reducin the concentration of electrolyte and other impurities is inown
as purifcation of colloids
Some methods used for purification are:
1. Dialysis: It is the process of removin dissolved substances from a colloidal solution
by means of diffusion throu h a semi-permeable membrane Here the sol particles are
taien in a parchment or cellophane ba and it is suspended in a runnin stream of
The impurities are diffused throu h the membrane and the sol particles are left behind
These particles are then suspended in suitable dispersion medium so as to et a
colloidal dispersion
The speed of dialysis can be increased by usin hot water instead of cold water Then
the process is inown as hot water dialysis
The speed of dialysis can also be increased by dippin two electrodes and passin
electricity Then the process is inown as electrodialysis.
2. Ultrafiltration:
It is the process of separatin the colloidal particles from the impurities by usin a
special type of flter paper called ultraflters or ultra flter paper
It is prepared by dippin ordinary flter paper in collodion solution (a 4%
solution of nitrocellulose in a mixture of alcohol and ether)
When colloidal particles are fltered usin ultraflters, the sol particles are retained on
the flter paper while the impurities and the electrolyte are passed throu h it
When these sol particles are suspended in suitable dispersion medium, we et a
colloidal solution
Properties of colloids
1. Colligative properties:In colloids, the number of particles are very small
compared to that of true solution
So the values of colli ative properties such as relative lowerin of vapour
pressure, elevation of boilin point, depression of freezin point and osmotic pressure
are small compared to that of true solution
2. Tyndall efect:When a li ht beam is passed throu h a colloidal solution, we can see
the path of the li ht beam This phenomenon is inown as Tyndall effect
It is due to the scatterin of li ht beam by the colloidal particles The visible path is
called tyndall cone
Tyndall effect is observed only when the followin conditions are satisfed:
(i) The diameter of the dispersed particles is much lar er than the wavelen th of the
li ht used
(ii) The refractive indices of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium differ
reatly in ma nitude
Collodial solution
True solutions do not show tyndall effect since the size of particles are very small so
that they cannot scatter the li ht beam Thus tyndall effect is used to distin uish a
colloidal solution from a true solution
Ultramicroscope used to see the colloidal particles woris on the principle of tyndall
3. Brownian movement In colloids, the particles of dispersion medium are in a state
of continuous zi -za motion This motion was frst observed by Robert Brown and it is
inown as Brownian movement It is independent of the nature of the colloidal
particles but depends on the size of the particles and viscosity of the solution Smaller
the size and lesser the viscosity of the medium, faster is the motion
Brownian movement is due to the unbalanced bombardment of particles of the
dispersed phase by the particles of dispersion medium It is responsible for the stability
of colloids
4 Charge on colloidal particles:
Colloidal particles always carry an electric char e For a iven colloidal solution, the
nature of the char e is the same on all the particles
The char e on the sol particles is mainly due to preferential adsorption of ions from
When 2 or more ions are present in the dispersion medium, preferential adsorption of
the ion common to the colloidal particle taies place
e when A NO3 is added to KI, A I is precipitated, which adsorbs iodide ions from the
dispersion medium and thus et a ne ative char e
A NO3 + KI A I + KNO3
But when KI is added to A NO 3, the precipitated A I adsorbs A + ions from the solution
and thus et a positive char e
AgI / I AgI / Ag
Negatively charged Positively charged
If is added to excess of hot water, a positively char ed sol of ferric
Fe OH 3 / Fe3
hydroxide is formed due to adsorption of Fe ions Positively charged
How ever, when ferric chlorde is added to NaOH a ne atively char ed sol is obtained
with adsorption of ions
Due to the positive or ne ative char e in the sol particles, they attract the
counter ions (opposite ions) from the medium Thus a double layer of opposite char es
is formed This is inown as Helmholtz electrical double layer
The layer in which the ions are directly adsorbed to the sol particles is termed as fxed
layer The second layer is mobile and is termed as diffused layer
Due to the opposite char es on the fxed and diffused layers, there arises a potential
difference between these layers
This potential difference between the fxed layer and the diffused layer of
opposite char es is called the electrokinetic potential or zeta potential
The presence of similar char es on colloidal particles leads to repulsion between the
particles and prevent them from coa ulation when they come closer
So the char e on the sol particles is mainly responsible for the stability ofcolloidal
5.Electrophoresis:Since colloidal particles carry char e, they move under the
infuence of an electric feld This movement of colloidal particles is called
The positively char ed sol particles move towards cathode (cataphoresis) and the
ne atively char ed particles move towards the anode (anaphoresis)
Cathode Anode
Stop cock
If the movement of the sol particles is prevented by some suitable method, the
particles of dispersion medium itself move under the presence of electric feld This
mi ration is termed as electro-osmosis
6. Coagulation (precipitation or focculation)
The process of settlin of colloidal particles is called coa ulation or precipitation of the
sol This can be done by different ways:
i) By electrophoresis
ii) By mixin two oppositely char ed sols
iii) By continuous dialysis
iv) By boilin
v) By the addition of electrolyte
When an electrolyte is added to the sol, the ions carryin opposite char e to that of the
sol neutralize the char e and causes precipitation
The ion of the electrolyte which causes the precipitation is called the coa ulatin ion or
the focculatin ion
Hardy-Schulze rule A ne atively char ed ion causes the precipitation of positively
char ed sol and vice versa enerally, the greater the valency of the coagulating
ion, the greater will be the coagulating power. This is known as Hardy –
Schulze rule
Thus for the coa ulation of a ne ative sol liie As 2S3, the focculatin power of the +ve
ions is of the order: Al3+ > Ba2+ > Na+
Similarly for a +ve sol liie ferric hydroxide, the focculatin power of the counter ion is
of the order: [Fe(CN)6]4- > PO43- > SO42- > Cl-
Coagulating value: The minimum concentration of an electrolyte in millimoles per
litre required for the coa ulation of a sol within 2 hours is called coa ulatin value
The smaller the coa ulatin value, the hi her will be the coa ulation power
Protection of colloids
Lyophilic sols are self stabilized, while lyophobic sols require some stabilizin a ents
For this purpose, some lyophilic sols are added to lyophobic sols
These lyophilic sols are called protective colloids
When a lyophilic sol is added to a lyophobic sol, the lyophilic particles form a layer
around lyophobic particles and thus protect them from electrolytes
These are colloidal solutions in which a liquid is dispersed in another liquid Generally
one of the two liquids is water
There are two types of emulsions:
1 Oil in water (O/W) type and 2 Water in oil (W/O) type
In oil in water type emulsion, oil is the dispersed phase and water is the dispersion
E mili In mili, the liquid fat is dispensed in water In water in oil type emulsion,
water is the dispersed phase and oil is the dispersion medium
E butter and cream an emulsion obtained by mixin oil with water or water with oil is
not stable
In order to prepare a stable emulsion, a third substance called emulsifyin a ent is
The emulsifyin a ent forms an inter facial flm between dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium
The common emulsifyin a ents for O/W emulsions are proteins, ums, natural and
synthetic soaps, etc , and for W/O, heavy metal salts of fatty acids, lon chain alcohols,
lampblaci, etc
The two types of emulsions can be distin uished by dilution with dispersion medium
The droplets in emulsions carry ne ative char e and they can be precipitated by
electrolytes They also show Brownian movement and Tyndall effect
Uses of emulsions:
(i) Cleansin action of soaps is based on the formation of emulsions
(ii) Di estion of fats in intestines taies place by the process of emulsifcation
(iii) Antiseptics and disinfectants when added to water form emulsions
(iv) The process of emulsifcation is used to maie medicines
Applications of Colloids
1. Formation of Delta: Deltas are formed at the river mouth This is because river
water is a ne atively char ed colloid of sand particles
When this water enters into sea, the positive ions present in sea water coa ulate the
colloidal solution of sand and so the particles settle down This will result in the
formation of delta
2. Electrical precipitation of smoke (Cottrell precipitation): Smoie is a colloidal
solution of carbon, arsenic compounds, dust particles etc in air
The smoie before comin out of the chimney is passed throu h a chamber (Cottrell
precipitator)containin plates havin a char e opposite to that of smoie particles
Thus neutralization of char es occurs and the particles settle down and pure air fows
out of the chimney
3. Purification of drinking water: The water obtained from natural sources often
contains suspended impurities In order to coa ulate these impurities, alum is added to
The positive ions present in alum neutralize the suspended impurities and hence et
4. Medicines: Most of the medicines are colloidal in nature This is because they have
lar e surface area and are therefore easily assimilated
For example, ar yrol is a silver sol used as an eye lotion Colloidal antimony is used in
curin ialaazar Colloidal old is used for intramuscular injection
5. Tanning: Animal hides are colloidal in nature When a hide, which has positively
char ed particles, is soaied in tannin (which contains ne atively char ed colloidal
particles) mutual coa ulation taies place This results in the hardenin of leather This
process is termed as tannin
6. Photographic plates and films: Photo raphic plates or flms are prepared by
coatin an emulsion of the li ht sensitive silver bromide in elatin over lass plates or
celluloid flms
7. Rubber industry: Rubber latex is a colloidal solution of rubber particles which are
ne atively char ed Rubber is obtained by coa ulation of the latex
8. Food articles: Mili, butter, halwa, ice creams, fruit juices, etc , are all colloids in
9. Blood: Blood is a colloidal solution of an albuminoid substance When alum and
ferric chloride (FeCl3) solution are added to blood, then coa ulation of particles taie
place which results in clottin of blood
10. Industrial products: Paints, inis, synthetic plastics, rubber, raphite lubricants,
cement, etc , are all colloidal in nature
6.General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Minerals: Which are naturally occurring chemical substances in the
earth’s crust which includes Metal and impurities.
Ores: The Minerals in which metal is extracted proftably called ores.
Ex: Copper glance ( Cu2S), Haematite ( Fe2O3)
Gangue: Undesired materials which present along with the metal in the
earth crust known as gangue.
Metallurgy: The entire scientifc and technological process used for
isolation of the metal from its ores is known as metallurgy
The extraction and isolation of metals from ores involve the following
major steps:
A) Concentration of the ore (or) Purifcation of the Ore
B) Isolation of the metal from its concentrated ore
C) Purifcation of the metal (Or) Refning of the Metal.
A) Concentration of the ore (or) Purifcation of the Ore:
i) Hand picking: In this process the earthy impurities (heavy impurities)
which are present in the ore like rocky materials, pellets are picked with
ii) Hydraulic washing:
In this process the lighter impurities are removed.
The ore is fed in to the tank from the top, and the water is allowed with
high pressure from the bottom of the tank.
During this process the lighter impurities which are adhere to the ore
float over the water which can be removed .
The ore particles will settle down at the bottom of the tank.
iii) Electromagnetic Separation:
This process is used for the Iron ore only.
The ore is passed through a belt which is connected by two rotating
wheels, one among is made up of magnetic material.
Once the ore is passed through the belt, the ore particles are attracted
by the magnetic wheel, and fall near to it.
The impurities which are nonmagnetic are not attracted by the magnetic
wheel, and fall away from the magnetic wheel as shown in the fgure.
Ellingham Diagram
The following examples explains better understanding of Ellingham
Diagram in reduction of metal oxide to metal using suitable reducing
agent at diferent temperatures.
Extraction of some metals from their metal oxides:
1) Iron from Iron oxide:
a) Removal of chemical impurity:
Silica (SiO2) is a chemical impurity which is acidic in nature present along
with the ore.
A basic flux like calcium oxide (CaO) is added to remove Silica.
CaO is obtained from the Lime stone (CaCO 3) which decomposes to CaO
and CO2 in the furnace due to intense heat.
CaCO3 CaO + CO2.
The impurity SiO2, combines with CaO to form calcium silicate (CaSiO 3)
called Slag.
CaO + SiO2 CaSiO3.
b) Extraction of Iron:
The pure Haematite ore, Ferric oxide (Fe 2O3) is reduced to iron in
presence of a reducing agent Coke (carbon).
Coke (C) combines with CO2 to form carbon monoxide which is a very
good reducing agent which reduces Fe2O3 in to Iron (Fe).
C (Coke) + CO2 2CO
Fe2O3 + 3 CO 2Fe (molten) + 3 CO2
The slag calcium silicate ( CaSiO 3), is lighter than molten Iron which
floats over the molten iron and also which also prevents the molten Iron
to oxidize in presence of oxygen in the furnace.
The slag and the molten Iron are collected separately as shown in the
The Pure Alumina having high melting point i.e 2348K., it is highly
expensive to carry the electrolytic reduction process at this temperature.
To reduce the melting point and by increase the electrical conductivity of
Alumina a substance called Cryolite (Na 3AlF6) is added.
The electrolytic reduction process carried as shown as
Cathode reaction : Al+3 + 3e- Al
Anode Reaction : 2O-2 - 4e- O2
The oxygen gas liberated at anode reacts with graphite anode and form
CO2 gas, so anode is to be replaced from time to time.
C(graphite) + O2 CO2 .
The pure aluminium (Al) is collected from the cathode from time to time.
3) Copper from Copper Oxide :
a) Removal of chemical impurity:
The ore contains FeO is a basic impurity which is removed by adding an
acidic flux silica. Iron oxide ‘slags of’ as iron silicate and copper is
produced in the form of copper matte. This contains Cu2S and FeS.
FeO SiO2
Copper matte is then charged into silica lined convertor. hot air blast is
blown to convert the remaining FeS2, FeO and Cu2S/Cu2O to the metallic
copper. Following reactions take place:
2FeS + 3O2 2FeO + 2SO2
FeO + SiO2 FeSiO3
b) Extraction of Copper:Auto reduction/ Self Reduction:
Method 1: Process takes place in a reverbatory furnace:
Hot air is blown to convert the Cu 2S to Cu2O. The Cu2O formed converted
in to metallic copper in the presence of remaining Cu 2S which acts as a
reducing agent.
2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2
2Cu2O + Cu2S 6Cu + SO2
The solidifed copper obtained has blistered appearance due to the
evolution of SO2 and so it is called blister copper.
Method 2: Process takes place with the help of a reducing agent C/CO :
In the Ellingams diagram the Cu2O line is almost at the top.
So it is quite easy to reduce oxide ores of copper directly to the metal
by heating with coke (both the lines of C, CO and C, CO 2 are at much
lower positions in the graph particularly after 500 – 600K).
The sulphide ores are roasted/smelted to give oxides
2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2
The oxide can then be easily reduced to metallic copper using coke:
Cu2O + C 2 Cu + CO
4) Extraction of zinc from zinc oxide:
The reduction of zinc oxide is done using coke. The temperature in this
case is higher than that in case of copper. For the purpose of heating,
the oxide is made into brickettes with coke and clay.
ZnO + C (coke) Zn + CO at 673K
The metal is distilled of and collected by rapid chilling.
C) Purifcation of the metal (Or) Refning of the Metal:
A metal extracted by any method is usually contaminated with some
impurity. For obtaining metals of high purity, several techniques are
used depending upon the diferences in properties of the metal and the
impurity. Some of them are listed below.
(a) Distillation:
This is very useful for low boiling metals like zinc and mercury. The
impure metal is evaporated to obtain the pure metal as distillate.
(b) Liquation:
In this method a low melting metal like tin can be made to flow on a
sloping surface. In this way it is separated from higher melting
(c) Electrolytic refning:
In this method,
The impure metal is made to act as anode.
A strip of the same metal in pure form is used as cathode.
They are put in a suitable electrolytic bath containing soluble salt of
the same metaL
The more basic metal remains in the solution and the less basic
ones go to the anode mud.
The reactions are:
Anode: M Mn+ + ne–
Cathode: Mn+ + ne– M
Example: Copper is refned using an electrolytic method. Anodes are of
impure copper and pure copper strips are taken as cathode. The
electrolyte is acidifed solution of copper sulphate and the net result of
electrolysis is the transfer of copper in pure form from the anode to the
Anode: Cu Cu2+ + 2e–
Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e– Cu
Impurities from the blister copper deposit as anode mud which contains
antimony, selenium, tellurium, silver, gold and platinum.
(d) Zone refning :
Principle: The impurities are more soluble in the melt than in the solid
state of the metal.
Method: Circular mobile heater is fxed at one end of a rod of the impure
metal. The molten zone moves along with the heater which is moved
forward. As the heater moves forward, the pure metal crystallises out of
the melt and the impurities pass on into the adjacent molten zone.
The process is repeated several times and the heater is moved in the
same direction. At one end, impurities get concentrated.
This end is cut of.
This method is very useful for producing semiconductor and other metals
of very high purity, e.g., germanium, silicon, boron, gallium and indium.
(e) Vapour phase refning :
In this method, the metal is converted into its volatile compound. It is
then decomposed to give pure metal. So, the two requirements are:
(i) The metal should form a volatile compound with an available reagent,
(ii) The volatile compound should be easily decomposable, so that the
recovery is easy.
Examples :.
1) Mond Process for Refning Nickel:
In this process, nickel is heated in a stream of carbon monoxide forming
a volatile complex, nickel tetracarbonyl.
330 – 350 K
Ni + 4CO
The carbonyl is subjected to higher temperature so that it is decomposed
giving the pure metal
450 – 470 K
Ni + 4CO
2) Van Arkel Method for Refning Zirconium or Titanium:
This method is very useful for removing all the oxygen and nitrogen
present in the form of impurity in certain metals like Zr and Ti.
The crude metal is heated in an evacuated vessel with iodine. The metal
iodide being more covalent, volatilizes.
Zr + 2I2 ZrI4
The metal iodide is decomposed on a tungsten flament, electrically
heated to about 1800K. The pure metal is thus deposited on the
ZrI4 Zr + 2I2
(f) Chromatographic methods:
Principle: This method is based on the principle that diferent
components of a mixture are diferently adsorbed on an adsorbent.
Method: The mixture is put in a liquid medium which is moved through
the adsorbent.
Diferent components are adsorbed at diferent levels on the column.
Later the adsorbed components are removed by using suitable solvents.
Column chromatography: In one such method the column of Al 2O3 is
prepared in a glass tube and the moving medium containing a solution of
the components is in liquid form.
This is very useful for purifcation of the elements which are available in
minute quantities and the impurities are not very diferent in chemical
properties from the element to be purifed.
The elements in which the last electron enters in the valence p-sub shell are called
p-block elements.
They include elements of the groups 13 to 18. Their general outer electronic
configuration is ns2np1-6 (except He which has 1s2 configuration).They includes
metals, non-metals and metalloids.
Group 15 Elements
Group15 includes nitrogen(N),phosphorus (P),arsenic(As),antimony(Sb)and bismuth
Element Electronic confiurrtion (
2 3
s ns np )
2 3
7N [ He ] 2s 2 p
2 3
15 P [ Ne] 3s 3 p
10 2 3
33 As [ Ar] 3d 4 s 4 p
10 2 3
51 Sb [ Kr ] 4 d 5s 5 p
14 10 2 3
83 Bi [ Xe ] 4 f 5 d 6s 6 p
Ammonia is a colourless gas with pungent smell. It is highly soluble in water because
of its ability to form inter molecular hydrogen bond with water.
H – N : .... ...... H – O : .......... H – N :
h y d r o g e n b o n d in g b e tw e e n N H 3 a n d H 2 O m o le c u le s
Liquid ammonia has high melting and boiling points because of inter molecular
hydrogen bonding.
H – N : .......... H – N : .......... H – N :
in te r m o le c u la r h y d r o g e n b o n d in g in a m m o n ia
The ammonia molecule has a trigonal pyramidal geometry. It has three bond pairs
and one lone pair of electrons.
Its aqueous solution is weakly basic due to the formation of OH– ions.
NH3(g) + H2O(l)
NH4+ (aq) + OH– (aq)
As a weak base, it precipitates the hydroxides of many metals from their salt
solutions. For example,
2FeCl3(aq)+ 3NH4OH (aq) Fe2O3.xH2O(s) + 3NH4Cl (aq)
ZnSO4(aq) + 2NH4OH (aq) Zn(OH)2(s) + (NH4)2SO4 (aq)
The presence of a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of the ammonia
molecule makes it a Lewis base. It donates the electron pair and forms complex
compounds with Cu2+, Ag+ etc. So it is used for the detection of these metal ions.
Cu2+ (aq) + 4NH3(aq) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (aq)
(blue) (deep blue)
Ag+ (aq) + Cl (aq)
− AgCl (S)
(colourless) (white ppt)
AgCl + 2NH3 (aq ) [Ag (NH3)2]Cl (aq)
(white ppt) (colourless)
Uses: Ammonia is used i) to produce various nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium
nitrate, urea, ammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate) ii) in the manufacture
of nitric acid iii) liquid ammonia is used as a refrigerant.
Oxides of Nitroien
Nitrogen forms a number of oxides in diferent oxidation states. They are:
Group 16 Elements
The members of this group are oxygen (O), sulphur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te)
and polonium (Po).
Element Electronic configuration (
2 4
s ns np )
2 4
8O [ He ] 2s 2 p
2 4
16 S [ Ne ] 3s 3 p
10 2 4
34 Se [ Ar] 3d 4 s 4 p
10 2 4
52 Te [ Kr ] 4 d 5s 5 p
14 10 2 4
84 Po [ Xe ] 4 f 5 d 6s 6 p
They are also called chalcogens (means ore producing).
Oxygen and sulphur are non-metals, selenium and tellurium are metalloids, while
polonium is a radioactive metal.
Ionisation enthalpy of these elements decreases down the group. It is due to increase
in size. However, the elements of this group have lower ionisation enthalpy values
compared to those of Group15 elements.
This is due to the fact that Group 15 elements have extra stable half- filled p orbitals
Oxygen atom has less negative electron gain enthalpy than sulphur because of the
compact nature of its shells due to which the electronic repulsion is greater.
Oxidrtion strtes:
The elements of Group 16 exhibit a number of oxidation states(-2,+2,+4 & +6).
The stability of -2 oxidation state decreases down the group.
Since electronegativity of oxygen is very high, it shows only –2 oxidation state
(except in the case of OF2 where its oxidation state is + 2).
Other elements of the group exhibit + 2, + 4 & + 6 oxidation states.
But + 4 and + 6 are more common.
Sulphur, selenium and tellurium usually show + 4 oxidation state in their
compounds with oxygen and + 6 with fuorine.
Down the group, the stability of + 6 oxidation state decreases and
that of + 4 oxidation state increases (due to inert pair efect).
Hydrides of 16th iroup elements
All the elements of Group 16 form hydrides of the type H2E (E = S, Se, Te, Po).
Their acidic character increases from H2O to H2Te.
This is due to the decrease in bond (H–E) dissociation enthalpy down the group.
So the thermal stability also decreases down the group.
All the hydrides except water possess reducing property and this character increases
from H2S to H2Te.
Dioxyien (O2)
Preprrrtion: (i) By heating chlorates, nitrates and permanganates.
MnO2 /
2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2
(ii) By the thermal decomposition of the oxides of metals low in the electrochemical
series and higher oxides of some metals.
2Ag2O(s) 4Ag(s) + O2(g); 2Pb3O4(s) → 6PbO(s) + O2(g)
2HgO(s) 2Hg(l) + O2(g) ; 2PbO2(s) → 2PbO(s) + O2(g)
(iii) By the decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in presence of manganese
dioxide. 2H2O2(aq) 2H2O(1) + O2(g)
(iv) On large scale it can be prepared from water or air. Electrolysis of water leads to
the release of hydrogen at the cathode and oxygen n at the anode. It is also obtained
by the fractional distillation of air.
Dioxygen directly reacts with metals and non-metals (except with some metals like
Au, Pt etc and with some noble gases).
e.g. 2Ca + O2 2CaO P4 + O2
4Al + 3O2 2Al2O3 C + O2 CO2
Uses: 1) oxygen is used in oxyacetylene welding, in the manufacture of many
metals, particularly steel.
2) Oxygen cylinders are widely used in hospitals, high altitude fying and in
3) Liquid O2 is used in rocket fuels.
Oxides are binary compounds of oxygen with other elements. There are two types of
oxides – simple oxides (e.g., MgO, Al2O3 ) and mixed oxides (Pb3O4, Fe3O4)
Simple oxides can be further classified on the basis of their acidic, basic or
amphoteric character.
An oxide that combines with water to give an acid is called acidic oxide.
(e.g., SO2, Cl2O7, CO2, N2O5).
Generally, non-metal oxides are acidic but oxides of some metals in higher oxidation
states also have acidic character (e.g., Mn2O7, CrO3, V2O5 etc.).
The oxide which gives an alkali on dissolved in water is known as basic oxide.
(e.g. Na2O, CaO, BaO).
Generally, metallic oxides are basic in nature.
Some metallic oxides exhibit a dual behaviour. They show the characteristics of both
acidic and basic oxides. Such oxides are known as amphoteric oxides.
They react with acids as well as alkalies. E.g.: Al2O3, Ga2O3 etc.
There are some oxides which are neither acidic nor basic. Such oxides are known as
neutral oxides. Examples of neutral oxides are CO, NO and N2O.
Ozone (O3)
Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen.
Preprrrtion: When a slow dry stream of oxygen is passed through a silent electric
discharge, oxygen is converted to ozone. The product is known as ozonised oxygen.
3 O2(g)
2 O3(g); ΔH= +142 kJ/mol.
Since the formation of ozone from oxygen is an endothermic process, a silent electric
discharge should be used, unless the ozone formed undergoes decomposition.
Properties: Pure ozone is a pale blue gas, dark blue liquid and violet-black solid.
Ozone has a characteristic smell.
Ozone is thermodynamically unstable with respect to oxygen since its decomposition
into oxygen results in the liberation of heat (ΔH is negative) and an increase in
entropy (ΔS is positive).
So the Gibbs energy change (ΔG) for this process is always negative (ΔG = ΔH –
Due to the ease with which it liberates nascent oxygen (O 3 O2 + O), it acts as a
powerful oxidising agent. For e.g., it oxidises lead sulphide to lead sulphate
PbS(s) + 4O3(g) PbSO4(s) + 4O2(g)
Oxides of nitrogen (particularly nitric oxide) combine very rapidly with ozone and
deplete it.
Thus nitrogen oxides emitted from the exhaust systems of supersonic jet aeroplanes,
slowly depleting the concentration of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.
NO(g) + O3(g) NO2(g) + O2(g)
Structure: O3 has an angular structure. It is a resonance hybrid of the following two
Uses: It is used as a germicide, disinfectant and for sterilising water. It is also used
for bleaching oils, ivory, four, starch, etc. It acts as an oxidising agent in the
manufacture of potassium permanganate.
Allotropes of Sulphur
Sulphur forms a large number of allotropes. Among these yellow rhombic
(α-sulphur) and monoclinic (β -sulphur) forms are the most important. The stable
form at room temperature is rhombic sulphur, which transforms to monoclinic
sulphur when heated above 369 K.
1. Rhombic sulphur (α-sulphur)
It is prepared by evaporating the solution of roll sulphur in CS 2. It is insoluble in water
but readily soluble in CS2.
2. Monoclinic sulphur (β-sulphur)
It is prepared by melting rhombic sulphur in a dish and cooling, till a crust is formed.
Two holes are made in the crust and the remaining liquid is poured out.
On removing the crust, colourless needle shaped crystals of β-sulphur are formed. It
is stable above 369 K and transforms into α-sulphur below it. At 369K both the forms
are stable. This temperature is called trrnsition temperrture.
Sulphur Sulphur
Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur have S8 molecules.
The S8 ring in both the forms is puckered and has a crown shape.
S 1050 S S
Uses: Sulphur dioxide is used (i) in refining petroleum and sugar (ii) in bleaching
wool and silk and (iii) as an anti-chlor, disinfectant and preservative (iv) for the
production of Sulphuric acid, sodium hydrogen sulphite and calcium hydrogen
sulphite (v) Liquid SO2 is used as a solvent to dissolve a number of organic and
inorganic chemicals.
Oxorcids of Sulphur
Sulphur forms a number of oxoacids such as Sulphurous acid (H 2SO3),Thiosulphuric
acid (H2S2O3),Dithionous acid (H2S2O4),Peroxomonosulphuric acid (Caros acid, H2SO5),
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4),Pyrosulphuric acid (oleum, H2S2O7),Peroxodisulphuric acid
(H2S2O8). Structures of some important oxoacids are:
They are collectively known as the halogens (means salt producers). They are highly
reactive non-metallic elements. All these elements have seven electrons in their
outermost shell (ns2np5) and so they do not readily lose their electron.
So they have very high ionisation enthalpy.
Halogens have maximum negative electron gain enthalpy in the corresponding
periods. This is due to the fact that the atoms of these elements have only one
electron less than stable noble gas configurations. Electron gain enthalpy of these
elements decreases down the group. However, the negative electron gain enthalpy
of fuorine is less than that of chlorine. It is because, in fuorine the incoming electron
goes to the 2p subshell, but in Cl it enters in to the 3p subshell.
Due to the compactness of 2p subshell compared to 3p subshell, the electron
– electron repulsion is greater in fuorine than in chlorine. So F does not easily gains
Halogens have very high electronegativity.
The electronegativity decreases down the group.
Fluorine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table.
All halogens have characteristic colour.
For example, F2 has yellow, Cl2-greenish yellow, Br2-red and I2, violet colour.
This is due to absorption of radiations in visible region which results in the excitation
of outer electrons to higher energy level.
The bond dissociation enthalpy of F 2 is low. This is due to the relatively large
electron-electron repulsion among the lone pairs in F2 molecule.
All the halogens are highly reactive. They react with metals and non-metals to form
The reactivity of the halogens decreases down the group.
Halogens are strong oxidising agents since they readily accept electron.
F2 is the strongest oxidising halogen and it oxidises other halide ions in solution or in
the solid phase.
Oxidrtion strtes
All the halogens exhibit –1 oxidation state. Chlorine, bromine and
iodine also show +1, +3, +5 and +7 oxidation states in their oxides, oxy acids and
in inter halogen compounds.
Due to the absence of vacant d orbitals and the maximum electronegativity, fuorine
exhibits only –1 oxidation state.
Anomrlous behrvior of fuorine
Due to the small size, highest electronegativity, low F-F bond dissociation enthalpy,
and non availability of d orbitals in valence shell, fuorine shows properties diferent
from other halogens.
Some of the anomalous properties of fuorine are:
1. Ionisation enthalpy, electronegativity, enthalpy of bond dissociation and electrode
potentials are higher for fuorine than expected.
2. Ionic and covalent radii, m.p. and b.p. and electron gain enthalpy are quite lower
than expected.
3. Most of the reactions of fuorine are exothermic (due to the small and strong bond
formed by it with other elements).
4. F forms only one oxoacid while other halogens form a number of oxoacids.
5. Hydrogen fuoride is a liquid due to strong hydrogen bonding. While the hydrogen
halides of other elements are gases.
Hydrides of hrloiens
Halogens react with hydrogen to give hydrogen halides which dissolve in water to
form hydrohalic acids. The acidic strength of these acids varies in the order:
HF < HCl < HBr < HI. The stability of these halides decreases down the group due to
decrease in bond dissociation enthalpy from HF to HI.
Chlorine (Cl2)
Preprrrtion: It can be prepared by any one of the following methods:
(i) By heating manganese dioxide with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
MnO2 + 4HCl MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
Conc. HCl can be replaced by a mixture of common salt and concentrated H2SO4
4NaCl + MnO2 + 4H2SO4 MnCl2+ 4NaHSO4 + 2H2O + Cl2
(ii) By the action of HCl on potassium permanganate.
2KMnO4 + 16HCl 2KCl + 2MnCl2 + 8H2O + 5Cl2
Mrnufrcture of chlorine
(i) Dercon’s process: By oxidation of hydrogen chloride gas by atmospheric oxygen
in the presence of CuCl2 (catalyst) at 723 K.
4HCl+O2 2Cl2 +2H2O
(ii) Electrolytic process: Chlorine is obtained by the electrolysis of brine solution
(concentrated NaCl
solution). During electrolysis chlorine is liberated at the anode.
Properties: It is a greenish yellow gas with pungent and sufocating odour.
It is soluble in water.
It reacts with a number of metals and non-metals to form chlorides.
2Al + 3Cl2 2AlCl3 P4 + 6Cl2
2Na + Cl2 2NaCl S8 + 4Cl2 4S2Cl2
2Fe + 3Cl2 2FeCl3 ;
With excess ammonia, chlorine gives nitrogen and ammonium chloride whereas with
excess chlorine, nitrogen trichloride (explosive) is formed.
8NH3 + 3Cl2 6NH4Cl + N2 NH3 + 3Cl2 NCl3 + 3HCl
(excess) (excess)
With cold and dilute alkalies chlorine produces a mixture of chloride and hypochlorite
but with hot and concentrated alkalies it gives chloride and chlorate.
2NaOH + Cl2
NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
(cold and dilute)
6 NaOH + 3Cl2 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
(hot and conc.)
With dry slaked lime it gives bleaching powder.
2Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O
Chlorine reacts with hydrocarbons and gives substitution products with saturated
hydrocarbons and addition products with unsaturated hydrocarbons.
CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl
Methane Methyl chloride
C2H4 + Cl2 ⎯⎯⎯→ C2H4Cl2
Ethene 1,2-Dichloroethane
Chlorine water on standing loses its yellow colour due to the formation of HCl and
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) so formed is unstable and dissociates to give nascent
oxygen which is responsible for oxidising and bleaching properties of chlorine.
(i) It oxidises ferrous to ferric, sulphite to sulphate, sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid
and iodine to iodic acid.
2FeSO4 + H2SO4 + Cl2 Fe2(SO4)3 + 2HCl
Na2SO3 + Cl2 + H2O
Na2SO4 + 2HCl
SO2 + 2H2O + Cl2
H2SO4 + 2HCl
I2 + 6H2O + 5Cl2
2HIO3 + 10HCl
(ii) It is a powerful bleaching agent; bleaching action is due to oxidation.
Cl2 + H2O
2HCl + [O]
Coloured substance + [O] Colourless substance
It bleaches vegetable or organic matter in the presence of moisture. Its bleaching
action is permanent.
Uses: It is used
for bleaching wood pulp, bleaching cotton and textiles,
in the extraction of gold and platinum
in the manufacture of dyes, drugs and organic compounds such as CCl 4,CHCl3,
DDT, refrigerants, etc.
in sterilising drinking water
preparation of poisonous gases such as phosgene (COCl 2),tear gas (CCl3NO2),
mustard gas (ClCH2CH2SCH2CH2Cl).
Hydroien Chloride (HCl)
Preprrrtion: It is prepared in the laboratory, by heating sodium chloride with
concentrated sulphuric acid.
420 K
NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl
NaHSO4 + NaCl Na2SO4 + HCl
Properties: It is a colourless and pungent smelling gas. It is extremely soluble in
water and ionises as: HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl-
Its aqueous solution is called hydrochloric acid, which is a strong acid in water. It
reacts with NH3 and gives white fumes of NH4Cl.
NH3 + HCl NH4Cl
When three parts of concentrated HCl and one part of concentrated HNO 3 are mixed,
aqua regia is formed which is used for dissolving noble metals, e.g., gold, platinum.
Au + 4 H+ + NO3- + 4Cl- AuCl4- + NO + 2H2O
3Pt + 16H++ 4NO3- + 18Cl-
3PtCl62- + 4NO + 8H2O
Hydrochloric acid decomposes salts of weaker acids like carbonates, hydrogen
carbonates, sulphites, etc.
Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + CO2
Na2SO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + SO2
Uses: It is used
(i) in the manufacture of chlorine, NH4Cl and glucose (from corn starch),
(ii) for extracting glue from bones and purifying bone black,
(iii) in medicine and as a laboratory reagent.
Oxorcids of Hrloiens
Due to high electronegativity and small size, fuorine forms only one oxoacid, HOF
known as fuoric (I) acid or hypofuorous acid. The other halogens form several
oxoacids like Hypohalous acid (HOX), halous acid (HOXO) , halic acid(HOXO 2) and
perhalic acid (HOXO3). They are stable only in aqueous solutions or in
the form of their salts.
Chlorine forms 4 types of oxoacids – hypochlorous acid (HOCl), Chlorous acid (HOClO
or HClO2), Choric acid (HOClO2 or HClO3) and perchloric acid (HOClO3 or HClO4).
Element 2 6 All
Discovery Electronic confiurrtion ( ns np )
2 He Lockyer and Janssen (1868) 1 s2
10 Ne Ramsay 1s 2 ,2 s2 2 p 6
2 2 6 2 6
18 Ar Rayleigh and Ramsay 1s ,2 s 2 p ,3s 3 p
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6
36 Kr Ramsay and Travers (1898) 1s ,2 s 2 p ,3s 3 p 3d , 4 s 4 p
Xe 2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14
54 Ramsay and Travers (1898) 1s ,2 s 2 p ,3s 3 p 3d , 4 s 4 p 4d 4 f ,
2 6
5s 5 p
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 10 14
86 Rn Dorn (1900) 1s ,2 s 2 p ,3s 3 p 3d , 4 s 4 p 4d 4 f ,
2 6 10 2 6
5s 5 p 5d ,6 s 6 p
noble gases have general electronic configuration ns2np6
(except helium which has 1s2).
Due to stable electronic configuration these gases have very high ionisation enthalpy
and electron gain enthalpy.
Even though these elements are chemically inert,Kr and Xe form some compounds
with oxygen and fuorine under special conditions.
(r) Xenon-fuorine compounds
Xenon forms three binary fuorides, XeF 2, XeF4 and XeF6 by the direct reaction of
elements under suitable conditions.
673 K , 1bar
Xe (g) + F2 (g) XeF2(s)
(xenon in excess)
873 K , 7 bar
Xe (g) + 2F2 (g) XeF4(s)
(1:5 ratio)
573 K , 60 70 bar
Xe (g) + 3F2 (g) XeF6(s)
(1:20 ratio)
XeF6 can also be prepared by the interaction of XeF4 and O2F2 at 143K.
XeF4 +O2F2 XeF6 +O2
XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6 are colourless crystalline solids. They are powerful fuorinating
agents. They are readily hydrolysed even by traces of water.
For example, XeF2 is hydrolysed to give Xe, HF and O2.
2XeF2 (s) + 2H2O(l) 2Xe (g) + 4 HF(aq) + O2(g)
XeF2 and XeF4 have linear and square planar structures respectively. XeF 6 has seven
electron pairs (6 bonding pairs and one lone pair) and thus, have a distorted
octahedral structure
(b) Xenon-oxyien compounds
1. XeO3: It is obtained by the hydrolysis of XeF4 and XeF6 with water.
6XeF4 + 12 H2O 4Xe + 2XeO3 + 24 HF + 3 O2
XeF6 + 3 H2O XeO3 + 6 HF
2. XeOF4 & XeO2F2:
Partial hydrolysis of XeF6 gives oxyfuorides, XeOF4 and XeO2F2.
XeF6 + H2O XeOF4 + 2HF
XeF6 + 2 H2O XeO2F2 + 4HF
XeO3 is a colourless explosive solid and has a pyramidal molecular structure. XeOF 4 is
a colourless volatile liquid and has a square pyramidal molecular structure.
ground state as well as in their common oxidation states. So they are not
regarded as transition elements.
General characteristics of transition elements
1. Atomic and ionic radii
In a given transition series, the atomic and ionic radii frst decreases, then
become constant and increases towards the end of the series. This is because in
transition elements the new electron enters in a d orbital.
Initially since there is a few numbers of d electrons, the shielding efect is very
poor. As the atomic number increases, the nuclear charge also increases, so the
atomic radius decreases.
Towards the middle of the series, the increase in nuclear charge is balanced by
the shielding efect and so the atomic radius becomes constant.
Towards the end of the series, as the e - - e- repulsion increases the atomic radius
also increases.
The atomic and ionic radii of 2nd and 3rd row transition metals are quite similar.
This is due to the Lanthanide contraction.
In between the 2nd and 3rd row transition elements, 4f electrons are present.
The 4f electrons have very poor shielding efect and as a result the atomic and
ionic radii of Lanthanides decrease from left to right (Lanthanide contraction).
2. Meltini and boilini points
In a given transition series the melting and boiling points 1st increases up to the
middle and then decreases.
This can be explained in terms of metallic bond strength which depends on the
number of unpaired electrons. As the number of unpaired electron increases, the
metallic bond strength increases. Hence the melting point also increases.
In a given transition series, the number of unpaired electrons increases up to the
middle and then decreases.
Another factor which afects the m.p is heat of atomization. Mn and Tc
have low melting point even though they have d5 confguration. This is because
of their low heat of atomization.
The of second and third row transition series is higher than that of the frst
row due to their higher enthalpies of atomization.
3. Ionisation enthalpy
The ionisation enthalpy of transition elements generally increases from left to
right. This is due to increase in nuclear charge. But the increase is not regular.
This can be explained as follows.
After the removal of one electron, the relative energies of 4s and 3d orbitals get
changed. Hence the remaining electron in the 4S level is transferred to 3d level.
So the unipositive ions have dn confguration with no 4s electrons.
During this re-organisation of electrons, some energy is released and it is known
as exchange energy. So the net energy required to remove the 1st electrons is
equal to the sum of ionisation enthalpy and exchange energy.
The frst ionisation enthalpies of Cr and Cu are low. This is because the removal
of one electron does not change their d confguration. Similarly frst ionisation
enthalpy of Zn is high becauseafter the removal of one electron there is no
change in the d confguration
Zn → Zn+ + e-
3d 4s
10 2
The 2nd I.E of Cr and Cu are very high. This is because the removal of one more
e- from these metals disrupted their stable confguration (d5 or d10)
The 2nd I.Es of Mn and Zn are low, this is because after the removal of one more
electron, they attain the stable half flled or completely flled electronic
4. Oxidation State
Transition metals show variable oxidation states. This is because in these
elements d and s electrons have comparable energies.
So in chemical reaction along with s-electrons, d-electrons also participate. In a
given transition series, the maximum oxidation state increases up to the middle
and then decreases.
This is due to the half-flled or noble gas confguration. The common oxidation
state of 1st row transition elements is +2.
The maximum oxidation state increases from top to bottom in a group. In lower
oxidation state, the transition element mainly forms ionic compounds.
Sc generally shows +3 oxidation state because after the removal of 3 electrons,
it gets a stable noble gas confguration. The oxidation state of Zn is +2 because
of the completely flled confguration of Zn2+.
5. Electrode Potential
The electrode potential values of frst row transition series generally increases
from left to right with some exceptions. The E 0(Cu2+/Cu) is positive (+0.34V),
while the E0 values of all the other frst row transition elements are –ve.
This is because the high energy to transform Cu(s) to Cu2+(aq) is not balanced by
its hydration enthalpy. So Cu does not easily reacts with acid and liberate
H2.Only oxidizing acids [HNO3 and hot Conc. H2SO4] react with Cu and the acid
get reduced.
Along the series the E 0 values become less –ve due to the increase in the sum of
1st and 2nd ionisation enthalpies.
The E0 values of Mn2+ and Zn2+ are more –ve, this is because of the half flled
confguration of Mn2+ (d5) and completely flled confguration of Zn 2+ (d10).
E0(M3+/M2+ ) value of Sc is very low and that for Zn is very high. This is because
of their stable electronic confguration.
E0 (Mn3+/Mn2+) is high because of the stable half flled confguration of Mn 2+.
Similarly E0 (Fe2+/Fe3+) is low, this is because after the removal of one electron
from Fe2+, it gets a stable electronic confguration.
Fe2+ → Fe3+ + e-
The magnetic moment increases with increase in no. of unpaired e -s. Thus the
observed magnetic moment gives an idea about the no. of unpaired e-s present
in the atom or ion.
Most of the Transition metals ions or compounds are coloured. This is because of
the presence of partially flled d orbitals. When an electron from a lower energy
d orbital is exited to higher d level, it absorbs energy and this is equal to the
energy of certain colours in visible region.
So the colour observed is the complementary colour of the light absorbed.
In aqueous solution most of the Transition metal ions are coloured since water
molecules act as the ligands.
Among Ti2+ and Ti4+, Ti2+ is coloured while Ti4+ is colourless. This is because Ti 4+
has no partially flled d orbitals. Ti2+ - [Ar] 3d2 Ti4+ - [Ar] 3d0 Similarly among
Cu+ and Cu2+, Cu2+ is coloured while Cu+ is colourless. This is due to the lack
(absence) of partially flled d orbitals in Cu+.
8. Formation of Complexes
Transition metals form a large no. of complexes. This is due to:
1. Comparatively smaller size
2. High ionic charge
3. Presence of partially flled d orbitals
4. Ability to show variable oxidation state
Eg: K4[Fe(CN)6], K3[Fe(CN)6], [Ni(CO)4] etc.
9. Catalytic Property
Transition metals act as catalysts in a large no. of chemical reactions. This is due
to their large surface area and their ability to show variable oxidation state.
10. Interstitial Compognd Formation
These are formed when smaller atoms like H, N, C, B etc. are trapped inside the
crystal lattice of the metal. They are usually non-stoichiometric and neither
typically ionic nor covalent. E.g.: Fe3H, Mn4N, TiC, VH0.56, TiH1.7 etc.
Some the properties of these compounds are:
1) They have high melting point.
2) They are very hard.
3) They retain metallic conductivity.
4) They are chemically inert.
11. Alloy Formation
Alloys are homogeneous solid solutions of elements in which at least one
element is a metal. They are formed by atoms with metallic radii within about
15% of each other.
Because of similar radii and other characteristics of Transition metals, they
readily form alloys.
The alloys formed are hard and have high m.p. e.g.: Bronze (Cu, Zn), Stainless
steel (Fe, C, Ni, Mn and Cr).
radioactive. The elements after Uranium are artifcially prepared and so they
are called trans-granigm elements or trans-granic elements.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
Double salt and Complex salt
A salt that keeps its identity only in solid state is called a double salt. In solution
they dissociate into component ions.
E.g.: Mohr’s salt [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O], Carnalite [KCl.MgCl2.6H2O], Potash alum
The salt that keeps its identity both in solid and solution states is called a complex
E.g.: K4[Fe(CN)6], [Cu(NH3)4]SO4, K2[PtCl4], [Ni(CO)4] etc.
Some defnntnons
1.Co-ordnnatnon entnty: The central metal atom or ion and ligands form a co-
ordination entity. For example,
[CoCl3(NH3)3] is a co-ordination entity in which the cobalt ion is surrounded by
three ammonia molecules and three chloride ions. Other examples are [Ni(CO) 4],
[PtCl2(NH3)2], [Fe(CN)6]4–, [Co(NH3)6]3+.
2.Central atom/non: In a co-ordination entity, the atom/ion to which a fxed
number of ions/neutral molecules are attached is called the central atom or ion.
For example, the central atom/ion in the co-ordination entities: [NiCl 2(H2O)4],
[CoCl(NH3)5]2+ and [Fe(CN)6]3– are Ni2+, Co3+ and Fe3+ respectively.
These central atoms/ions are also referred to as Lewis acids, since they accept
electron pairs from ligands.
3.Lngands: The ions or neutral molecules bound to the central atom/ion in the
coordination entity are called ligands.
For a species to act as ligand, it can donate atleast one pair of electron to the
central atom. The atom of the ligand which is directly bonded to the central atom
or ion is called co-ordinating atom or donor atom.
Examples for ligands are Cl-, Br-, F-, I-, OH-, CN-, NC-, CNO-, NCO-, SO42-, NO3-, CNS-,
H2O, NH3, CO etc.
Types of lngands Based on the number of donor atoms of the ligand that binds to
a metal ion or atom, the ligands are classifed as follows:
a) Monodentate or unndentate lngand: A ligand that binds to the central atom/
ion through a single donor atom, is said to be unidentate ligand. E.g.: Cl -, Br-, I-,
OH-, H2O, NH3, CN-, NC-, SCN- etc.
b) Bndentate (Dndentate) lngands: A ligand that binds to the central atom
through two donor atoms is called a bidentate ligand. E.g.: Ethane-1,2-diamine or
ethylenediamine (H2NCH2CH2NH2) notated as ‘en’ and oxalate ion (C2O42–).
c) Polydentate lngand: A ligand that binds to the central atom through more than
two donor atoms is called polydentate ligand.
E.g.: Triethylamine ammonia [N(CH2-CH2-NH2)3],
Ethylenediamine tetraacetate ion (EDTA4–) etc.
Ethylenediamine tetraacetate ion (EDTA4–) is an important hexadentate ligand. It
can bind through two nitrogen and four oxygen atoms to a central metal ion.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
counter ions. For example, in the complex K 4[Fe(CN)6], the coordination sphere is
[Fe(CN)6]4– and the
counter ion is K+.
7.Co-ordnnatnon polyhedron: The spatial arrangement of the ligands around the
central atom/ion defnes a coordination polyhedron about the central atom. The
most common co-ordination polyhedra are octahedral, square planar and
tetrahedral. For example, [Co(NH3)6]3+ is octahedral, [Ni(CO)4] is tetrahedral and
[PtCl4]2– is square planar.
8.Oxndatnon number of central atom: The oxidation number of the central atom
in a complex is defned as the residual charge on it, if all the ligands are removed
along with their electron pairs that are shared with the central atom. The oxidation
number is represented by a Roman numeral in simple brackets. For example,
oxidation number of copper in [Cu(CN)4]3– is +1 and it is written as Cu(I).
9.Homoleptnc and Heteroleptnc complexes: Complexes which contain only one
type of ligand are called homoleptic complexes.
E.g.: [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Fe(CN)6]4- etc.
Complexes which contain more than one type of ligands are called heteroleptic
e.g., [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+, [Cu(NH3)2Cl2] etc.
IUPAC Nomenclature of Co-ordnnatnon Compounds
The following rules are used while naming co-ordination compounds:
(i) The cation is named frst in both positively and negatively charged co-ordination
(ii) The ligands are named in alphabetical order before the name of the central
(iii) Names of the anionic ligands end in –o, those of neutral and cationic ligands
are the same except ‘aqua’ for H2O,‘ammine’ for NH3, ‘carbonyl’ for CO and
‘nitrosyl’ for NO.
(iv) Prefxes mono, di, tri, etc., are used to indicate the number of individual
ligands in the co-ordination entity. When the names of the ligands include a
numerical prefx, then the terms bis (for 2 such ligands), tris (for 3), tetrakis (for 4)
are used. Here the name of the ligand is placed in simple bracket.
(v) Oxidation state of the metal is indicated by Roman numeral in simple bracket.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
(vi) If the complex ion is a cation, the central atom is named same as the element.
If the complex ion is an anion, the name of the metal ends with the sufx –ate. For
example ferrate for iron, cobaltate for cobalt, zincate for Zn etc.
(vii) The neutral complex molecule is named similar to that of the cationic
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
Applncatnons of VBT
It is usually possible to predict the geometry of a complex from the knowledge of
its magnetic behaviour on the basis of the valence bond theory.
E.g.: 1) [Co(NH3)6]3- Here the central atom Co is in +3 oxidation state.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
In this complex, the co-ordination number of Fe is 6 and hence the no. of vacant
orbitals required = 6. In presence of the ligand NH 3, the electrons in 3d level get
Now the two 3d orbitals, one 4s orbital and three 4p orbitals undergo d 2sp3
hybridization to form 6 new orbitals.
Six pairs of electrons, one from each NH3 , occupy these six hybrid orbitals. Thus,
the complex has octahedral geometry and is paramagnetic because of the
presence of one unpaired electron.
In the formation of this complex, since the inner d orbitals (3d) are used for
hybridization, the complex is called an nnner orbntal or low spnn or spnn panred
E.g.: 2) [CoF6]3- Here the central atom Co is in +3 oxidation state.
In this complex the co-ordination number of Co is 6 and hence the no. of vacant
orbitals required = 6. In presence of the ligand F-, the electrons in 3d level do not
get paired.
Now the one 4s orbital, three 4p orbitals and two 4d orbitals undergo sp 3d2
hybridization to form 6 new orbitals. These hybrid orbitals overlap with the flled
orbitals of the ligand to form ligand– metal co-ordinate bond.
Since the hybridization is sp3d2, the shape of the molecule is octahedral and due to
the presence of 5 unpaired electrons, it is highly paramagnetic. In the formation of
this complex, since the outer orbitals (4d ) are used for hybridisation (sp3d2), it is
called outer orbntal or hngh spnn or spnn free complex.
E.g.: 3) [NnCl4]2- Here the central atom Nn is in +2 oxidation state.
In this complex the co-ordination number of Ni is 4 and hence the no. of vacant
orbitals required = 4. In presence of the ligand Cl-, the electrons in 3d level do not
get paired.
Now the one 4s orbitals and three 4p orbitals undergo sp3 hybridization to form 4
new orbitals. These four hybrid orbitals are occupied by the four electron pairs
from each Cl- ligands. Thus, the complex has tetrahedral geometry and is
paramagnetic because of the presence of unpaired electron.
E.g.: 4) [Nn(CN)4]2- Here the central atom Nn is in +2 oxidation state.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
In this complex the co-ordination number of Ni is 4 and hence the no. of vacant
orbitals required = 4. Even though it contains 4 orbitals, in presence of the ligand
CN-, the electrons in 3d level get paired.
Now the one 3d orbital, one 4s orbital and two 4p orbitals undergo dsp 2
hybridization to form 4 new orbitals. Four pairs of electrons, one from each CN-
ions, occupy these four hybrid orbitals. Thus, the complex has square planar
geometry and is diamagnetic, because of the absence of unpaired electron.
Magnetnc Propertnes of Co-ordnnatnon Compounds
By knowing the magnetic moment, we can predict the geometry of complexes. For
e.g. [Mn(CN)6]3– has magnetic moment of two unpaired electrons while [MnCl6] 3–
has a paramagnetic moment of four unpaired electrons. [Fe(CN) 6] 3– has magnetic
moment of a single unpaired electron while [FeF 6]3– has a paramagnetic moment of
fve unpaired electrons.
[CoF6]3– is paramagnetic with four unpaired electrons while [Co(C 2O4)3] 3– is
This can be explained by valence bond theory in terms of formation of inner orbital
and outer orbital co-ordination entities. [Mn(CN) 6] 3–, [Fe(CN) 6] 3– and [Co(C2O4)3]3–
are inner orbital complexes involving d2sp3 hybridisation, the former two
complexes are paramagnetic and the latter diamagnetic. On the other hand,
[MnCl6]3–, [FeF6]3– and [CoF6]3– are outer orbital complexes involving sp3d2
hybridisation and are paramagnetic corresponding to four, fve and four unpaired
Lnmntatnons of Valence Bond Theory
Even though the VB theory explains the formation, structures and magnetic
behaviour of co-ordination compounds, it has the following limitations:
(i) It involves a number of assumptions.
(ii) It does not give quantitative interpretation of magnetic data.
(iii) It does not explain the colour exhibited by co-ordination compounds.
(iv) It does not give a quantitative interpretation of the thermodynamic or kinetic
stabilities of co-ordination compounds.
(v) It does not make exact predictions regarding the tetrahedral and square planar
structures of 4-co-ordinated complexes.
(vi) It does not distinguish between weak and strong ligands.
3.Crystal Fneld Theory
The crystal feld theory (CFT) is an electrostatic model which considers the metal-
ligand bond as purely ionic.
Here the ligands are treated as point charges in case of anions or as dipoles in
case of neutral molecules. The fve d orbitals in an isolated gaseous metal
atom/ion have same energy, i.e., they are degenerate. This degeneracy is
maintained if a spherically symmetrical feld of negative charges surrounds the
metal atom/ion. But when this negative feld is due to ligands in a complex, the
degeneracy of the d orbitals is lost. It results in splitting of the d orbitals. This
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
Strong feld ligands produce large splitting whereas weak feld ligands produce
small splitting of d orbitals.
Fnllnng of electrons
For d1, d2 and d3 coordination entities, the d electrons occupy the t2g orbitals singly
in accordance with the Hund’s rule. For d 4 ions, two possible patterns of electron
distribution arise:
(i) the fourth electron could either enter the t2g level and pair with an existing
electron, or (ii) it could enter into the eg level.
Here the electron distribution depends on the relative magnitude of the crystal
feld splitting (Δo) and the pairing energy (P).
If Δo< P, the fourth electron enters one of the eg orbitals giving the confguration
t2g3eg1. Ligands for which Δo< P are known as weak feld ligands and form high
spin complexes.
If Δo>P, the fourth electron occupy a t2g orbital with confguration t2g4eg0. Ligands
for which Δo<P are known as strong feld ligands and form low spin complexes.
b) Crystal feld splnttnng nn Tetrahedral coordnnatnon entntnes (tetrahedral
A tetrahedron can be considered as a cube in which only alternate corners are
occupied by ligands and the metal ion is at the centre of the cube.
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
The dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals (called e orbitals) point towards the centre of each faces
of the cube and the dxy, dyz and dxz orbitals (called t2 orbitals) point towards the
edge centre of the cube.
Since the ligands are approaching through the corners, there is no direct
interaction between the ligands and the d-orbitals. However, the ‘t2’ orbitals lie
closer to the ligands than the ‘e’ orbitals.
As a result the energy of the ‘t2’ orbitals increases and that of ‘e’ orbitals
decreases. So the d orbitals split into two – triply degenerate ‘t2’ orbntals with
higher energy and doubly degenerate ‘e’ orbntals with lower energy.
1. From the assumptions, that the ligands are point charges, it follows that anionic
ligands should exert the greatest splitting efect. But the anionic ligands actually
are found at the low end of the spectrochemical series.
2. It does not take into account the covalent character of bonding between the
ligand and the central atom.
The metal-carbon bond in metal carbonyls possess both s and p character. The M–
C s bond is formed by the donation of lone pair of electrons on the carbonyl carbon
into a vacant orbital of the metal. The M–C p bond is formed by the donation of a
pair of electrons from a flled d orbital of metal into the vacant anti-bonding p*
II-PUC-CHEMISTRY co-ordinaton compounds
orbital of carbon monoxide. Thus the metal to ligand bonding creates a synergic
efect which strengthens the bond between CO and the metal.
b)Allylic halides: Here the halogen atom is bonded to an sp3 hybridized carbon atom
next to a C = C bond. E.g.: CH2=CH-CH2X
Common name of alkyl halides is obtained by adding –yl halide to the word root (i.e.
word root + yl halide) and the IUPAC name is obtained by adding the prefx ‘halo’ to the
name of the parent alkane (i.e. halo + alkane). Some examples are:
Methods of preparation
I) From alcohols:
a) By the action of concentrated halogen acids on alcohols in presence of anhydrous
ZnCl2 as catalyst.
an. ZnCl2
R-OH + HX R-X + H2O
Reactions of primary and secondary alcohols with HI require the presence of an. ZnCl2,
while tertiary alcohols do not require the catalyst.
b) Alkyl chlorides are obtained by the action of PCl3,PCl5 or SOCl2 with alcohols.
3R-OH + PCl3 3 R-Cl + H3PO3.
R-OH + PCl5
R-Cl + POCl3 + HCl
R-OH + SOCl2 R-Cl + SO2 + HCl
Among these methods, the reaction with thionyl chloride (SOCl 2) is preferred, since the
byproducts are gases and are easily escaped from the reaction medium.
For the preparation of alkyl bromides and iodides, alcohols are treated with bromine or
iodine in presence of red phosphorus, since PBr3 and PI3 are unstable.
X 2 / Red P
R-OH R-X (where X2 = Br2 or I2)
II)From Hydrocarbons
a)Free radical halogenation:
Alkanes react with chlorine or bromine in presence of sunlight; we get a mixture of
mono, di and polyhaloalkanes.
b)Electrophilic substitution:
Benzene or its derivatives when heated with Cl2 or Br2 in presence of iron or Lewis acids
like anhydrous FeCl3 (ferric chloride) or AlCl3, we get aryl chlorides or bromides.
The ortho and meta isomers can be easily separated due to their large diference in
melting point.
For the preparation of aryl iodides, arenes are treated with I 2 in presence of an
oxidising agent like HNO3 or HIO4 (periodic acid) to oxidise the HI formed during the
c)Sandmeyer’s reaction:
Aromatic primary amines when treated with mineral acids like HCl and sodium nitrite
(NaNO2) at cold condition (0 – 50C), an aromatic diazonium salt is formed. This reaction
is called Diazotisation.
When a diazonium salt is treated with HX in presence of cuprous halide (Cu 2X2), we get
a halobenzene. This reaction is called Sandmeyer’s reaction.
Note: If the cuprous halide is replaced by copper powder, the reaction is called
Gattermann’s reaction.
For the preparation of iodobenzene, the diazonium salt is treated with potassium
d) From alkene:
i) Addition of hydrogen halide (HX): Alkenes add HX (HCl, HBr or HI) to form alkyl
halides. In the case of unsymmetrical alkenes, the addition takes place according to
Markownikof’s rule. [The rule states that “when an unsymmetrical reagent is added to
an unsymmetrical alkene, the negative part of the addendum (adding molecule) gets
attached to the carbon containing lesser number of hydrogen atoms”].
b) Swarts reaction: This method is used for the preparation of alkyl fuorides. Here
alkyl chloride or bromide is treated with a metallic fuoride like AgF, Hg 2F2, CoF2 or SbF3,
to get alkyl fuoride.
Physical Properties
Melting and boiling points:
In haloalkanes, the C-X bond is polar due to the greater electronegativity of halogen
atom. Due to greater polarity and higher molar mass, the inter molecular forces of
attraction (dipole-dipole and van der Waals forces) are strong and so they have higher
melting and boiling points than hydrocarbons of comparable molar mass.
For the same alkyl group, the boiling points of alkyl halides decrease in the order:
RI> RBr> RCl> RF. This is because with the increase in size and mass of halogen atom,
the magnitude of van der Waal forces increases.
The boiling points of isomeric haloalkanes decrease with increase in branching. This is
because as branching increases, the surface area of the molecule decreases. So the
van der forces decreases and hence the b.p.
The haloalkanes are only very slightly soluble in water. This is because they cannot
form hydrogen bonds with water (except alkyl fuorides).
i) Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions:
CN- is an ambident nucleophile. i.e. here both C and N contain lone pair of electrons
and can bind to the carbon atom of the alkyl group either through C or through N.
Another e.g. is NO2- Reaction with KCN gives alkyl cyanides.
This is because KCN is mainly ionic and gives CN- ions in solution. So both C and N are
free to donate electron pairs. But C – C bond is stronger than C – N bond. So cyanides
are formed as the major product.
But AgCN is mainly covalent and only N is free to donate an electron pair. So
isocyanides are the main product.
Mechanism of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
There are two types of mechanisms: Substitution Nucleophilic bimolecular (SN2) and
Substitution Nucleophilic unimolecular (SN1)
1. Substitution Nucleophilic Bimolecular (SN2) Mechanism
Here the incoming nucleophile interacts with alkyl halide causing the carbon-halogen
bond to break while forming a new carbon-OH bond. These two processes take place
simultaneously in a single step and no intermediate is formed. As the reaction
proceeds, the bond between the nucleophile and the carbon atom starts forming and
bond between carbon atom and leaving group (the halogen atom) weakens. In the case
of optically active alkyl halides, during this process, the confguration of carbon atom
inverts and hence this process is called as inversion of configuration. In the
transition state, the carbon atom is simultaneously bonded to fve atoms and therefore
is unstable.
An example is the reaction between CH 3Cl and hydroxide ion to yield methanol and
chloride ion. This reaction follows a second order kinetics, i.e., the rate depends upon
the concentration of both the reactants.
Mechanism of this reaction is:
Since this mechanism requires the approach of the nucleophile to the carbon bearing
the leaving group, the presence of bulky substituents on or near the carbon atom
decreases the rate of this reaction.
Thus the order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards SN2 reaction is:
Primary halide > Secondary halide > Tertiary halide.
2. Substitution nucleophilic unimolecular (SN1):
SN1 reactions are generally carried out in polar protic solvents (like water, alcohol,
acetic acid, etc.). Here the reaction occurs in two steps. In the frst step, the C—X bond
undergoes slow cleavage to produce a carbocation and a halide ion. In the second step,
the carbocation is attacked by the nucleophile to form the product. Here frst step is
the slowest and reversible. So it is the rate determining step. Since this step contains
only one reactant, it follows frst order kinetics.
E.g.: The reaction between tert-butyl bromide and hydroxide ion to give tert-butyl
This reaction occurs in two steps. In step I, the polarised C—Br bond undergoes slow
cleavage to produce a carbocation and a bromide ion.
The carbocation thus formed is then attacked by nucleophile in step II to form the
Thus in SN1 reaction, there is an intermediate called carbocation. The greater the
stability of the carbocation, the greater will be the rate of the reaction.
In case of alkyl halides, 3 0 alkyl halides undergo SN1 reaction very fast because of the
high stability of 30 carbocations. So the order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards SN 1
reaction is: 30 > 20 > 10.
Allylic and benzylic halides show high reactivity towards
the SN reaction. This is because of the higher stability of the carbocation formed. The
For both the mechanisms, the reactivity of halides follows the order: R–I> R–Br>R–
Stereochemical Aspects of nucleophilic substitution Reactions Plane
Polarised light
It is a light beam in which the particles vibrate in only one direction. It is produced by
passing ordinary light beam through a Nicol prism. When such a light beam is passed
through solutions of certain compounds, they rotate the plane of polarisation.
Such compounds are called optically active compounds.
The angle by which the plane polarised light is rotated is called optical rotation, which
is measured by an instrument called polarimeter. If a compound rotates the plane
polarised light towards right (i.e. clock-wise direction), it is called dextro rotatory or d-
form or + form and if it rotates the plane polarised light towards left (i.e. anticlock-wise
direction), it is called laevo rotatory or l-form or – form. The d and l form of a compound
are called optical isomers and the phenomenon is called optical isomerism.
Molecular asymmetry and Optical isomerism
Optical isomerism is due to molecular asymmetry. If all the 4 valencies of a carbon
atom are satisfed by 4 diferent groups, it is called asymmetric carbon or chiral
carbon or stereo centre. The resulting molecule is called asymmetric molecule. Such
molecules are non-super imposable to their mirror images and are called chiral
molecules and this property is known as chirality. The molecules which are super
imposable to their mirror images are called achiral molecules.
Enantiomers:The stereo isomers related to each other as non-super imposable mirror
images are called enantiomers. They have identical physical properties. They difer
only in the direction of rotation of the plane polarised light. If one of the enantiomers is
dextro rotatory, the other will be laevo rotatory.
Racemic mixture
A mixture containing d and l form of a compound in equal proportion has zero optical
rotation and such a mixture is called racemic mixture or racemic modification. It is
denoted by dl or (+). Here the rotation due to one isomer is cancelled by the rotation
due to the other isomer. The process of conversion of an enantiomer in to a racemic
mixture is called racemisation.
Retention and Inversion of configuration
If during a chemical reaction, there is no change in the spatial arrangement of bonds to
an asymmetric centre, we can say that the reaction proceeds through retention of
confguration. (Or, preservation of the integrity of confguration of a compound is
termed as retention).
In general, if during a chemical reaction, no bond to the stereo centre is broken, the
product will have the same confguration as that of the reactant. Such reactions always
proceed through retention of confguration.
E.g. Reaction of 2-Methyl-1-butanol with HCl.
If (A) is the only compound obtained, the process is called retention of confguration.
If (B) is the only compound obtained, the process is called inversion of confguration.
Nucleophilic Substitution and Optical Activity
In the case of optically active alkyl halides, the product formed as a result of SN 2
mechanism has the inverted confguration. This is because here the nucleophile attacks
on the side opposite to that of the halogen atom.
In the case of optically active alkyl halides SN 1 reactions follow through racemisation.
Here the intermediate carbocation formed is SP 2 hybridised and hence it is planar. So
the attack of nucleophile can take place from either side resulting in a mixture of
products with opposite confguration. e.g. Hydrolysis of optically active 2- bromobutane
results in the formation of , a racemic mixture.
b)Wurtz reaction: Alkyl halides react with sodium in dry ether to give alkanes with
double the number of carbon atoms. This reaction is known as Wurtz reaction.
Reactions of Haloarenes
1.Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction:
Aryl halides are less reactive towards Nucleophilic substitution reactions due to the
following reasons:
i)Resonance efect: In haloarenes, the electron pairs on halogen atom are in
conjugation with π-electrons of the ring and the following resonating structures are
So the C—X bond acquires a partial double bond character. Since it is difcult to break
a C=C bond, the replacement of halogen atom by other atoms is not easy. So
haloarenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.
ii) Diference in hybridisation of carbon atom in C—X bond: In haloalkane, the
halogen atom is attached to an sp 3 hybridised carbon while in haloarene, it is attached
to an sp2 hybridised carbon. Due to the greater scharacter of sp2 hybridised carbon, it is
more electronegative and can hold the electron pair of C—X bond more tightly than
sp3-hybridised carbon in haloalkane. So the C – X bond in haloarene is shorter than that
in haloalkane. Since it is difcult to break a shorter bond than a longer bond,
haloarenes are less reactive than haloalkanes towards Nucleophilic substitution
iii)Instability of phenyl cation: In haloarenes, the phenyl cation formed as a result of
self-ionisation will not be stabilized by resonance and therefore, SN 1 mechanism does
not occur.
iv)Repulsion between nucleophile and electron rich benzene ring: Because of
the possible repulsion, it is less likely for the electron rich nucleophile to approach
electron rich arenes.
Replacement by hydroxyl group (Conversion to phenol)
Chlorobenzene when heated with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature
of 623K and a pressure of 300 atmospheres followed by acidifcation, we get phenol.
The efect is more when -NO2 group is present at ortho and para- positions. However,
no efect on reactivity is observed by the presence of electron withdrawing group at
2.Electrophilic substitution reactions: Haloalkanes are resonance stabilized as
ii)Nitration: On nitration using Conc. HNO3 and Conc. H2SO4, chlorobenzene gives
p-nitrochlorobenzene as the major product.
v)Friedel – Crafts Acylation: Chlorobenzene when treated with acetyl chloride (CH3-
CO-Cl) in presence of anhydrous AlCl3, we get p-chloroacetophenone as the major
For e.g. when Chlorobenzene is treated with methyl chloride in presence of metallic
sodium in ether medium, we get toluene.
b)Fittig reaction: Aryl halides when treated with sodium in dry ether, we get diaryls
(diphenyls). This reaction is called Fittig reaction.