Index: Section A: Host Parasite Interactions
Index: Section A: Host Parasite Interactions
Index: Section A: Host Parasite Interactions
D3. Oncogenes 79
A. HOST PARASITE INTERACTIONS At times an infectious organism can enter a latent state in
which there is no shedding of the organism and no
If a symbiont either harms or lives at the expense of symptoms present within the host. This latency can be
another organism (the host), it is a parasitic organism, either intermittent or quiescent. Intermittent latency is
and the relationship is called parasitism. In this exemplified by the herpes virus that causes cold sores
relationship the body of the host can be viewed as a (fever blisters). After an initial infection, the symptoms
microenvironment that shelters and supports the growth subside. However, the virus remains in nerve tissue and
and multiplication of the parasitic organism. The parasitic can be activated weeks or years later by factors such as
organism is usually the smaller of the two partners and is stress or sunlight. In a quiescent latency the organism
metabolically dependent on the host. There are many persists but remains inactive for long periods of time,
parasitic agents or organisms among the viruses, bacteria, usually for years. For example, the varicella‐zoster virus
fungi, plants, and animals. causes chickenpox in children and remains after the
disease has subsided. In adulthood, under certain
By convention, when the word parasite is used without conditions, the same virus may erupt into a disease called
qualification, it refers specifically to a protozoan or shingles.
helminthic (nematode, trematode, cestode) organism.
Several types of parasitism are recognized. If an organism The outcome of most host‐parasite relationships is
lives on the surface of its host, it is an ectoparasite; if it dependent on three main factors: (1) the number of
lives internally, it is an endoparasite. The host on or in organisms present in or on the host, (2) the virulence of
which the parasitic organism either attains sexual maturity the organism, and (3) the host’s defenses or degree of
or reproduces is the final host. A host that serves as a resistance. Usually the greater the number of organisms
temporary but essential environment for some stages of within a given host, the greater the likelihood of disease.
development is an intermediate host. In contrast, a However, a few organisms can cause disease if they are
transfer host is not necessary for the completion of the extremely virulent or if the host’s resistance is low. A
organism’s life cycle but is used as a vehicle for reaching a host’s resistance can drop so much that its own microbiota
final host. A host infected with a parasitic organism that may cause disease. Such a disease is sometimes called an
also can infect humans is called a reservoir host. Because, endogenous disease because the agent originally comes
by definition, parasitic organisms are dependent on their from within the host’s own body. Endogenous diseases can
hosts, the symbiotic relationship between the host and be a serious problem among hospitalized patients with
parasite is a dynamic one (Table 1). very low resistance.
IFAS Publications 1
The steps for infections by pathogenic bacteria include compete successfully with the host’s normal microbiota for
1. Maintain a reservoir. A reservoir is a place to live before essential nutrients. Specialized structures that allow
and after causing an infection. bacteria to compete for surface attachment sites also are
2. Initially be transported to the host. necessary for colonization. Bacterial pathogens and many
3. Adhere to, colonize, and/or invade the host. non pathogens adhere with a high degree of specificity to
4. Multiply (grow) or complete its life cycle on or in the particular tissues. Adherence factors called adhesins are
host or the host’s cells. one reason for this specificity (Table 2). Adhesins are
5. Initially evade host defense mechanisms. specialized molecules or structures on the bacteria’s cell
6. Possess the ability to damage the host. surface that bind to complementary receptor sites on the
7. Leave the host and return to the reservoir or enter a host cell surface. They are one type of virulence factor.
new host. Virulence factors are bacterial products or structural
components (e.g., capsules and adhesins) that contribute
The first five factors influence the degree of infectivity and to virulence or pathogenicity.
invasiveness. Toxigenicity plays a major role in the sixth.
3. Attachment and Colonization by the Bacterial Only a few pathogens cause disease by colonizing surfaces;
Pathogen most have additional virulence factors that enable the
pathogen to invade tissues. The degree of invasiveness of
After being transmitted to an appropriate host, the a pathogen—its ability to invade and grow in host
bacterial pathogen must be able to adhere to and colonize tissues—is related to the virulence factors the pathogen
host cells and tissues. possesses and determines the severity of disease it
In this context colonization means the establishment of a produces.
site of microbial reproduction on or within a host. It does
not necessarily result in tissue invasion or damage.
Colonization depends on the ability of the bacteria to
IFAS Publications 2
Some bacteria, such as pneumococci and other 5. Growth and Multiplication of the Bacterial
streptococci, release digestive enzymes that allow them to Pathogen
invade tissues rapidly and cause severe illnesses.
Streptococci produce the enzyme hyaluronidase, or For a bacterial pathogen to be successful in growth and
spreading factor. This enzyme digests hyaluronic acid, a reproduction (colonization), it must find an appropriate
gluelike sub stance that helps hold the cells of certain environment (nutrients, pH, temperature, redox potential)
tissues together (Figure 1a). Digestion of hyaluronic acid within the host. Those areas of the host’s body that
allows streptococci to pass between epithelial cells and provide the most favorable conditions will harbor the
invade deeper tissues. In some cases the same pathogen pathogen and allow it to grow and multiply to produce an
can display varying degrees of invasiveness and infection.
pathogenicity in different tis sues. Both bubonic plague
and pneumonic plague are caused by the bacterium Some bacteria invade specific cells in which they grow
Yersinia pestis. In bubonic plague, the organisms enter the and multiply. Many of these intracellular pathogens have
body by means of a flea bite, migrate through the blood, evolved such elaborate nutrient‐ gathering mechanisms
and infect many organs and tissues. Untreated, this disease that they have become totally dependent on the host’s
has a mortality rate of about 55%. As a victim of cells. Finally, some bacteria can actively grow and multiply
pneumonic plague coughs or sneezes, the bacteria are in the blood plasma. The presence of viable bacteria in the
spread by aerosols to other in dividuals. bloodstream is called bacteremia. The presence of
bacteria or their toxins in the blood often is termed
septicemia [Greek septikos, produced by putrefaction, and
haima, blood].
IFAS Publications 3
Depending on the cellular target, the final outcome of host Adhesion and Invasion
cell entry varies markedly.
1. Nonprofessional phagocytes are nonphagocytic, and Adhesion to mammalian cells is a prerequisite for
hence entry depends on expression of surface receptors extracellular colonization and for host cell invasion.
that can be exploited for invasion. Because of their low Bacterial adhesins that solely expedite adhesion to host
antibacterial activities, they primarily serve as a habitat. cells are expressed by numerous extracellular bacteria. In
2. PNGs are short-lived. Because they are highly phagocytic contrast, invasion-inducing molecules are a feature of
and express potent antibacterial activities constitutively, bacteria that permanently or transiently enter host cells.
uptake by PNGs is often fatal for the pathogen. Adherence to the cell membrane is based on protein-
3. Macrophages (MPs) are phagocytic and express medium protein interactions mediated by adhesins, such as
to high antibacterial activities depending on their internalins (bind E-cadherin) of L. monocytogens or
activation status. Accordingly, they serve both as habitat invasins (bind β1 integrins) from Yersinia. Adhesins may
and as effector cell. Following entry, bacterial pathogens be located on the bacterial surface or on pili. In addition,
begin intravacuolar life. adhesion may be induced by bacterial virulence factors,
which recruit fibronectin to attach to host cells by binding
Two main strategies are followed to avoid killing: to integrins. Although induced by the bacterium, invasion
1) avoidance of delivery to degradative lysosomes, either is ultimately a function of the host cell. Following adhesion,
by blocking phagosome maturation, divergence from the invasion can be induced in two ways. First, cell signaling
endocytic pathway to establish a vacuole with unique by host cell receptors that serve as targets of adhesion
features, or by escape into the cytosol; and induces uptake; second, uptake is induced independently
2) development of strategies to survive within acidic from the molecules that mediate adhesion. The term
degradative organelles. Certain bacteria have developed "zipper mechanism" refers to the first process. Bacterial
mechanisms that allow them to impede nutrient flow proteins interact with host cell surface proteins to mediate
inside the infected cell for their own benefit, to modulate internalization. This term has been suggested for the
generation of antimicrobial molecules, or to alter cell death highly selective receptor-mediated bacterial entry,
pathways. whereas the term "trigger mechanism" has been proposed
for indiscriminate, apparently adhesion-independent
In the following, the major steps from uptake to bacterial uptake. Bacterial effectors are delivered to the host cytosol
elimination by, or survival in, host cells will be described via a secretion system to induce bacterial entry.
(Figure 2).
1. Entry by Zipper Mechanisms
IFAS Publications 4
Different molecules and mechanisms participate in host Phagocytosis of inert particles initiates a series of events
cell entry by S. enterica. Interactions between S. enterica that ultimately lead to the formation of a phagolysosome
and host cells causes large "membrane ruffling'' at the site (see Fig 1). Phagosome maturation is a strictly
of attachment followed by bacterial entry. Ruffling induces co-ordinated sequence of fusion and fission events, which
indiscriminate uptake even of other particles in the involves defined compartments of the endocytic pathway.
vicinity of S. enterica. This process has been termed Immediately after or even during phagosome sealing,
macropinocytosis. S. enterica triggers its uptake by phagosome maturation proceeds.
exploiting the signaling machinery of the host cell, thus The early phagosome is characterized by a slightly
including cytoskeletal rearrangements. In certain mouse acidic to neutral pH (6.0 to 6.5) and membrane
cells, S. enterica induces phosphorylation of the receptor markers, such as MR, the tryptophane aspartate-
for the epidermal growth factor. Yet, S. enterica can also containing coat protein, and the transferrin
enter cells that do not express the epidermal growth factor receptor (TfR) with its ligand transferrin, small
receptor. This pathogen possesses two T3SS that allow it GTPase (Rab5), early endosomal antigen 1,
to directly manipulate intracellular molecules within host phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, and
cells. Syntaxin13.
• The late phagosome is characterized by a pH
Salmonella outer proteins are secreted into the host cells between 5.0 and 6.0 and the acquisition of the
rapidly after contact. Salmonella outer proteins activate vacuolar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)
the small GTP-binding protein cell division control proton pump (V-H+ATPase), mannose-6
(CDC42) of the Ras superfamily, which, in turn, induces the phosphate receptor, Rab-interacting lysosomal
reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, thus promoting protein, and Rab7.
bacterial invasion through membrane ruffling. A homolog • The phagolysosome results from the fusion
of Salmonella outer protein (termed Salmonella outer between phagosomes and lysosomes,
protein 2) performs similar functions, and hence the two characterized by a pH between 4.0 and 5.5, high
molecules may partly compensate each other's functions. density of lysosome-associated membrane
The transiently intracellular pathogen proteins, and typical lysosomal enzymes (such as
Shigella utilizes similar mechanisms for uptake via
membrane ruffling. More recently, filopodia were shown to The three stages form a continuum involving the sorting of
trap and direct shigellae to target cells in a process that membrane proteins, as well as budding of, and fusion with
involves bacterial type III secretion system(T3SS). other vesicles. During this dynamic process, the
Generally, modulators of the eukaryotic cell cytoskeleton phagosomes successively interact with the corresponding
are T3SS or T4SS products which modulate GTPase cycling endosomes and subsequently with lysosomes.
of proteins of the Rho, Rab, and Arf families.
Characterization of the Rab family of GTPases on vacuoles
Invasion of Nonprofessional Phagocytes harboring pathogens facilitates identification of the host
membrane transport pathways, which are turned on
Microbe-directed uptake allows entry into nonphagocytic during infection. M. tuberculosis and S. enterica interfere
cells and hence can be seen as an evasion mechanism of with the endocytic pathway by retaining Rab5 and Rab7,
phagocytosis by professional phagocytes. The target respectively, on their vacuoles. L. pneumophila, Brucella
spectrum of intracellular bacteria ranges from very broad abortus, and C. trachomatis interact with the secretory
to highly specific. M. leprae is found in a large variety of pathway as revealed by the presence of Rabl, Rab2, and
host cells and hence shows a broad target cell spectrum. L. Rab6, respectively, on their phagosomes.
monocytogenes enters the host through the gut epithelium
and its major target besides MPs is the hepatocyte; M. Acquisition of a vacuolar ATPase proton pump plays a
tuberculosis is almost, if not exclusively, restricted to MPs, central role in acidification of the phagosome. Immediately
although pneumocytes have been proposed as a safe niche after phagocytosis, the phagosome becomes alkaline for a
in the lung. It is noteworthy that intracellular bacteria are short time before acidification is initiated. The basic milieu
often capable of entering a variety of cell lines in vitro. is optimal for the activity of defensins and basic proteins,
These in vitro experiments do not necessarily reflect an in whereas the acidic pH is optimal for lysosomal enzymes.
vivo situation, and care should be taken in extrapolating Defensins are small (3.5 to 4.0 kD) peptides rich in
conclusions from them. For obligate intracellular bacteria, arginine and cysteine. They are abundant in PNG and
nonprofessional phagocytes rather than MPs represent the present in some, though not all, MPs (depending on species
preferred habitat. These bacteria are primarily found in and tissue location). Purified defensins are microbicidal for
endothelial and epithelial cells. certain intracellular bacteria, such as S. enterica and L.
IFAS Publications 5
The contribution oflysosomal enzymes to bacterial killing attachment protein receptor to modulate membrane
is likely minor. Their major task is the degradation of transport. Legionella uses an array of proteins to control
already killed bacteria. These enzymes reside in the Rabl1 activity in the vacuole. Bacterial DrrA (SidM protein)
lysosome and are delivered into the phagosome during is a highly efficient guanine nucleotide exchange factor for
maturation through several independent waves, and they Rab1A. C. burnetii have evolved to live in the acidic late
reach their optimum activity during later stages, that is, in phagosome. Recent in vitro studies confirmed Coxiella's
the phagolysosome. requirement for low pH and oxygen tension. The fusogenic
properties of the vacuole are tightly regulated by the T4SS
Most intracellular bacteria interfere with phagosome apparatus, through ankirin proteins.
maturation and alter the phagosome in order to facilitate
their own survival (see Fig. 1). These include L. Egression into the Cytoplasm
pneumophila, M. tuberculosis, S. enterica, C. burnetii, and
Chlamydia. Although the specific mechanisms are Egress from the phagosomal into the cytoplasmic
incompletely understood, mycobacterial sulfatides and compartment represents a highly successful microbial
some mycobacterial glycolipids, most notably survival strategy because bacterial killing is focused on the
mannosylated lipoarabinomannans, impede phagolysosome to limit self-damage of MPs. This egression
phagolysosome fusion. has been extensively studied in L. monocytogenes, but is
known to be utilized by other intracellular pathogens,
Mycobacterial products, such as SapM and MptpB, including shigellae, rickettsiae, francisellae, and
contribute as well to the arrest of maturation of the early mycobacteria(see Fig. 1). Cytoplasmic invasion by L.
endosome. Antibody-coated M. tuberculosis organisms monocytogenes depends on listeriolysin (LLO), an SH-
lose their capacity to block discharge of lysosomal activated cholesterol-dependent cytolysin. LLO requires
enzymes, suggesting an auxiliary function of antibodies in activation by a host factor (gamma-IFN-inducible
cell-mediated protection against TB. Finally, the robust, lysosomal thiol reductase), a thiol reductase.
lipid-rich cell wall of mycobacteria renders them highly
resistant against enzymatic attack. M. tuberculosis, as well In the cytosol, LLO is degraded, thus avoiding killing of
as M. avium, arrest phagosome maturation at an early host cells. Deletion of the LLO gene (hly) renders L.
stage. They restrict phagosome acidification via the monocytogenes avirulent. LLO is also required for
exclusion of the V-H+ ATPase proton pump from the replication of L. monocytogenes in spacious listeria-
phagosome. Additional mechanisms may contribute to this containing phagosomes. These compartments are
event, such as NH4+ production by M. tuberculosis. nonacidic and allow slow replication of the pathogen.
Consistent with intraphagosomal NH4+ production, the Other molecules, such as phospholipase and lecithinase,
urease of M. tuberculosis is active at low pH. It has been are likely involved in membrane transition but are
known for some time that NH4+ also interferes with insufficient on their own. Invasion of L. monocytogenes into
phagosome-lysosome fusion. Exogenous adenosine the cytoplasmic compartment is markedly reduced in
triphosphate (ATP) has been shown to promote IFNγ-activated macrophages in which the microbe,
phagolysosome fusion resulting in concomitant death of entrapped in the phagosome, rapidly succumbs to attack
macrophages and killing of M. bovis bacillus Calmette- by toxic oxygen and nitrogen species and/ or defensins.
Guerin (BCG). Cytosol evasion of shigellae is mediated by factors, which
are also involved in bacterial entry (eg, IpaB, product of
Phagosome maturation is arrested somewhere between T3SS). Listeria simultaneously activates caspase-1 and
the early and late stages by M. tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG, L. consequently modulates death of infected cells via danger
pneumophila, S. enterica, and C. trachomatis, all of which signals represented by remnant vacuolar membranes. M.
replicate in non-acidified vacuoles. Phagosomes containing tuberculosis uses proteins encoded by the T7SS, located in
S. enterica, M. bovis BCG, or C. trachomatis appear the region of difference 1 gene region, to successfully
uncoupled from the maturation process through which translocate to the cytosol.
phagosomes containing inert particles proceed.
Cell-to-Cell Spreading
S. enterica remains in the spacious membrane-bound
phagosome, which is formed after uptake by the trigger L. monocytogenes is cleared from the blood by Kupffer cells
mechanism. Moreover, the bacteria manipulate the and then spreads to adjacent hepatocytes without
cytoskeleton via kinesin and tether the vacuole to reentering the extracellular milieu. Having entered the
membranes of the Golgi apparatus. The vacuole containing cytoplasm, L. monocytogenes induces a tail of host actin
C. trachomatis, which lacks any specific phagosome filaments, which push the bacterium forward to the outer
markers, is loaded with ATP, which is required by the region of the cell, where it induces pseudopod formation.
pathogen, by an unknown mechanism. In addition, Intracellular movement is achieved by coordinated actin
elements of the cytoskeleton (actin and filamin) are used polymerization at, and polarized release from, the
to stabilize the vacuole. L. pneumophila prevents fusion of bacterial surface.
the vacuole with the endosomal compartment and recruits
vesicles derived from Golgi and ER by use of the T4SS.
Moreover, Chlamydia employ mimics of soluble NSF
IFAS Publications 6
The ActA gene encodes a 90-kDa protein located on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) complexes, the components of
bacterial surface, which is responsible for these actin- which vary among genera. They are relatively stable
based movements. A host cytosolic complex composed of molecules that do not display affinities for particular
eight polypeptides has been identified which, on binding tissues. Bacterial endotoxins have nonspecific effects such
Act A, induces actin polymerization. The pseudopod- as fever or a sudden drop in blood pressure. They also
containing L. monocytogenes is engulfed by the adjacent cause tissue damage in diseases such as typhoid fever and
cell, and the microbe reaches the phagosome of the epidemic meningitis (an inflammation of membranes that
recipient cell, which is still endosed by cytoskeletal cover the brain and spinal cord).
material from the donor cell. The two plasma membranes
of the host and recipient cells apparently fuse, thereby Exotoxins are more powerful toxins produced by several
allowing the introduction of L. monocytogenes into the Gram-positive and a few Gram-negative bacteria. Most are
cytoplasm of the recipient cell. Thus, L. monocytogenes can polypeptides, which are denatured by heat, ultra violet
infect numerous cells without contacting extracellular light, and chemicals such as formaldehyde. Species of
defense mechanisms. Shigella use similar mechanisms for Clostridium, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and
evasion and intracellular movement, and a similar several other bacteria produce exotoxins.
spreading mechanism seems to be employed by S. enterica
and by R. rickettsii, but not by R. prowazekii and R. typhi. A A-B toxins were the first toxins to be studied intensively
role for motility and manipulation of host actin-based and are so named because they consist of two parts
structures was recently demonstrated for virulent designated A and B, both of which are polypeptides. Most
mycobacterium Bacterial T7SS mediates ejection from the exotoxins are A-B toxins. The A part is the active (enzyme)
infected host cell and facilitates spreading through actin component, and the B part is the binding component. An
structures coined "ejectosomes." example of an A-B toxin is the diphtheria toxin, which is
illustrated in Figure 3.
A3. BACTERIAL TOXINS In the first step, the A-B toxin is released from the
A toxin is any substance that is poisonous to other The B component attaches to a host cell receptor.
organisms. Some bacteria produce toxins, which are The plasma membrane of the host cell invaginates
synthesized inside bacterial cells and are classified (folds inward) at the point where the A-B exotoxin
according to how they are released. Exotoxins are soluble and plasma receptor make contact, and the
substances secreted into host tissues. exotoxin enters the cell by receptor-mediated
Endotoxins are part of the cell wall and are released into endocytosis.
host tissues—sometimes in large quantities—from Gram The A-B exotoxin and receptor are enclosed by a
negative bacteria, often when the bacteria die or divide. pinchedoff portion of the membrane.
Giving antibiotics that kill such bacteria can release The A-B components of the exotoxin separate. The
sufficient toxin to cause the patient to die of severely A component alters the function of the host cell,
reduced blood pressure (endotoxic shock). often by inhibiting protein synthesis. The B
component is released from the host cell, and the
Let us look at some of the properties and effects of receptor is inserted into the plasma membrane for
endotoxins and exotoxins (Table 3). Relatively weak reuse.
(except in large doses), endotoxins are produced by
certain Gram-negative bacteria. All endotoxins consist of
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