Test 2 Ethics
Test 2 Ethics
Test 2 Ethics
CULTURE: learned beliefs, traditions, and guides for behavior shared among members
Organizational Culture
Situational Ethics
Contextualism: Ethical decisions depend on the context rather than universal rules.
Emphasizes the need for flexible, situation-specific ethical guidelines.
Informal Cultural Systems: Role Models and Heroes, Norms, Rituals, Myths and Stories, Language.
was a rebellious state of mind that questioned all artistic, scientific, social, and moral conventions.
They viewed the world and human existence as meaningless.
Rejected the belief that morality and organized religion provided the means for social evolution and/or
the betterment of man.
They questioned all systems (academy, church, etc)
Explored the uncivilized nature of man.
Embraced the natural primal roots of primitive man.
Pursuit of personal and artistic freedom.
1. Newton: Relativity is Space, Time and Light (he said this was absolute, objective) Moderns say it was
subjective reality
◦ Alfred Whitehead: “Reality is not static but in a state of flux, always in the process of becoming. Each
object is relevant to its surroundings in that it is in the process of becoming another object”
2. Albert Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity: Space and time are relative; only the speed of light
is constant. There is no such thing as a favored point of view.
Postmodernism aesthetic, literary, political or social philosophy. Means 'after the modernist movement'. a
reaction to modernism.
Biologist Richard Dawkins “generally are intellectual charlatans who deliberately obscure weak or
nonsensical ideas”
The linguist Noam Chomsky “is meaningless because it adds nothing to analytical or empirical
Chapter 6: Structuring Ethics
Communicating Ethics
Have principles.
Evaluating Ethics Communication.
Communication Channels
Ethics Training Programs
Have a reporting system
Compliance-Based: Rooted in laws and regulations, often reactive with limited senior management
involvement and clear penalties. Require signature.
o Employees think company is protecting itself, they could be cynical and less committed.
Values-Based: Driven by organizational culture and values, proactive with senior management
commitment. Aspirational and proactive.
o Employees are committed, willing to report, and support decisions. HERE THEY COULD ACT
Cultural, organizational, environmental influence >> individual influence >> ethical behavior
Principles in organizations: Honesty, integrity, Loyalty, Fairness, concern for others, trustworthiness.
Unethical Behaviors: Include corruption, undue influence, arbitrariness, sexual harassment,
favoritism, and partiality.
o Reprimand: A formal written notice
o Letter of Censure: Prohibition of office for respondent and superior.
Influencing and Encouraging Ethical Behavior
Influencing Employees with actions that develop trust, consistency, truthfulness, integrity, and
Encourage ethical: Communicating code of ethics, Managers as role model, establish disciplinary
actions and rewards for good behavior.
Management should:
Do Ethics Audits
Communicate and show the model behavior with education
Protect employees
Employee Engagement: Defined as discretionary effort that employees bring to their work.
Engaged: Passionate, enthusiastic, connected to the company, drive innovation, go the extra mile.
Not Engaged: Checked out, sleepwalking, execute but not energy or passion.
Actively Disengaged: Negative drag on culture, may sabotage company initiatives, no loyalty.
Drivers of Engagement
Line of Sight: Understanding company's strategic direction and how individual efforts contribute.
(ethical: Evaluation of credibility)
Involvement: Active participation and having ideas heard (ethical:2 ways communication)
Information Sharing: Access to necessary information, fostering an open culture. (ethical:
Rewards & Recognition: Clear goals and values, ensuring ethical behavior is rewarded.
Managing the Basics: Hiring, work assignments, performance evaluation, discipline, terminations.
Ethical Leadership: is Influencing activities towards goal achievement in a socially responsible way and
pushing ethical goals.
Leadership is a process that involves influence, occurs in groups, and needs common goals. Is important
10 activities of a Moral leader (Daft): Develop, articulate and uphold, Focus On, Set, Be, drive our, Establish
and communicate, develop, reward, treat, and Do.
Northouse’s five principles of ethical leadership: Respect others, serve, are, are honest and build
Managing a Diverse Workforce: Diversity, Harassment, Family and Personal Issues and Ethical Problems.
Treatment: Identical Treatment: Christmas for all people. VS Equitable treatment: when you celebrate.
The glass ceiling describes a barrier that keeps many females from advancing to top management
positions in many organizations.
Individual strategies: Understanding diversity, have empathy, be tolerant and have 2 way communication.
Multicultural Organization: Pluralism, full structural integration, absence of prejudice, and low levels of
intergroup conflict.
Manager's Role: Establish clear standards, communicate expectations, and act as role models.
Standards go both ways
Deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) were introduced under Canadian law in September 2018.
voluntary agreements that are negotiated between an accused and the Crown to resolve corporate wrongdoing
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Goes beyond economic and legal obligations to act ethically and
contribute positively to society.
Definitions of CSR
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (1999): Companies commitment to ethical
behavior and economic development while improving quality of life for employees, families, and the
World Bank (2008): Contribution to sustainable economic development.
Kotler & Lee (2005): Improving community well-being through discretionary business practices and
Carroll (1979): Encompassing economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations from society.
The Commission of the European Communities (2001): “voluntarily contribute to a better society
and a cleaner environment. Responsibility towards stakeholders.”
Models of CSR
Carroll's Pyramid (1979): Four areas of corporate social performance: economic, legal, ethical, and
Dahlsrud’s Dimensions (2008): Environmental, social, economic, stakeholder, and voluntariness
Large Corporations: Standardized and formalized CSR policies, often developed at board level.
Small Businesses: More informal and organic approaches to CSR.
Challenges: One-size-fits-all approaches do not work due to differences in structure and resources.
CSR impacts Stakeholders: Owners, organizations, employees, suppliers, government, financial institutions,
competitors, customers, community, interest groups, and media.