10 Questions Brand Strategy MariaRoss
10 Questions Brand Strategy MariaRoss
10 Questions Brand Strategy MariaRoss
Adapted from Branding Basics for Small Business: How to Create an Irresistible Brand on Any Budget, 2 Edition by Maria
Ross (2014, Norlights Press) All rights reserved. Learn more at: www.red-slice.com/branding-basics-book
2. What are the products or services and how are they packaged and priced?
Answer this question in a more detailed way than Q#1 above. Include pricing information as this will eventually
contribute to how you represent your brand.
Exercise: In the table below, list each product or service you offer and how much you charge. If you offer
packages, note these and write down everything they include. If you are a retail shop or online store with many
items, list a representative sample of items and the price ranges for each. For example, a boutique might offer
“Casual dresses, ranging from $200 to $500; Jewelry, ranging from $50 to $400.”
6. What are the main customer benefits and why do they matter? Why can you make those claims?
If you don’t have a good handle on how to verbalize the benefits you provide, you won’t be able to build a brand
that resonates both consciously and subconsciously with customers. The lack of benefits will leave all your
marketing messages flat. The answers to this step form the basis of a full-blown messaging platform and help
you create your elevator pitch.
Exercise: Compose a list of three to five main benefits your business provides, from a customer’s point of
view. Think about what customers ultimately gain by using your products or services. Do your products/services
increase their profits, lower their costs, or improve their efficiency? Do you increase their profits, lower their
costs, make them more beautiful, boost self-confidence, preserve precious memories, or reduce stress? For
each main benefit, create a bulleted list of three proof points that show why you can make that claim. Try to be
concise with your language — don’t ramble on for multiple sentences about each benefit.
can’t boil your single greatest asset down to one thing that no other business can claim, you need to put more
thought into your positioning, your product/services mix, or the audience you serve.
Exercise: Review your strengths, competitive differentiators, and your customer benefits from the
previous questions. Write down the single greatest asset of your business. What is the top item that will put
your offerings in a unique market position? What is the one claim no one else can make in your market space?
What unique asset benefits your customers the most and helps you stand out?
The Brand Strategy is a dynamic document that lives and breathes. It will refresh over time as you learn more about
your customers, as your market changes, or as you adapt your offerings. It will form the foundation for all your other
marketing and even operational decisions.
It works from the bottom up. You can’t decide on room décor and paint until you have a strong foundation upon which
to build the house in the first place.
For more strategies to ignite your brand (and delight your mind), plus exclusive
offers, events and insights, please visit Maria at www.red-slice.com and sign up
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