Assessment Evaluation

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1. Who among the teachers described below is doing 7. Mr.

Cidro wants to test students’ knowledge of the

assessment? different places in the Philippines, their capital and their
A. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her products and so he gave his students an essay test. If you
students. were the teacher, will you do the same?
B. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained A. No, giving of an objective test is more
by the students in his test. appropriate than the use of essay.
C. Mrs. Leyva who is computing the final grade of B. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate
the students after completing all their because essay is difficult.
requirements. C. Yes, essay test could measure more than what
D. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial other tests could measure.
instruction after knowing that students perform D. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type
poorly in her test. of knowledge.

2. Mr. Fernandez is judging the accuracy of these 8. Mrs. Pua is judging the worth of the projects of the
statements. Which statements will he consider as students in her Science class based on a set of criteria.
correct? What process describes what she is doing?
I. Test is a tool to measure a trait. A. Testing
II. Measurement is the process of B. Measuring
qualifying a given trait. C. Evaluating
III. Assessment is the gathering of D. Assessing
quantitative and qualitative data.
IV. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative 9. Mrs. Achebuche is comparing measurement from
and qualitative data for decision evaluation. Which statement explains the difference?
making. A. Measuring is assigning a numerical value to a
A. I and II only given trait while evaluation is giving meaning to
B. III and IV only the numerical value of the trait.
C. I, II, and III B. Measurement is the process of gathering data
D. I, III, and IV while evaluation is the process of quantifying the
data gathered.
3. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a C. Measurement is the process of quantifying data
short quiz to find out how well the students have while evaluation is the process of organizing
understood the lesson. What type of assessment was data.
done? D. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment
A. Summative Assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of testing.
B. Formative Assessment
C. Diagnostic Assessment 10. Ms. Ricafort uses alternative methods of assessment.
D. Placement Assessment Which of the following will she NOT likely use?
A. Multiple Choice
4. You are assessing FOR learning. Which of these will you B. Reflective Journal Writing
likely do? C. Oral Presentation
A. Giving grades to students D. Developing Portfolios
B. Reporting to parents the performance of their
child. 11. Ms. Camba aims to measure a product of learning.
C. Recommending new policies in grading Which of these objectives will she most likely set for her
students. instruction?
D. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of A. Show positive attitude towards learning
students. common nouns
B. Identify common nouns in a reading selection
5. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment OF C. Construct a paragraph using common nouns
learning. Which of these should she include in her plan D. Use a common noun in a sentence
considering her purpose for assessment?
A. How to give immediate feedback to students’ 12. The students of Mrs. Valino are very noisy. To keep
strengths and weaknesses them busy, they were given any test available in the
A. How to determine the area of interest of learners classroom and then the results were graded as a way to
B. How to certify student’s achievement punish them. Which statement best explains of the
C. How to design one’s instruction practice is acceptable or not?
A. The practice is acceptable because the
6. Mr. Ravelas made an essay test for the objective students behaved well when they were given a
“Identify the planets in the solar system”. Was the test.
assessment method used the most appropriate for the B. The practice is not acceptable because it
given objective? Why? violates the principle of reliability.
A. Yes, because essay test is easier to construct C. The practice is not acceptable because it
than objective test. violates the principle of validity.
B. Yes, because essay test can measure any type D. The practice is acceptable since the test results
of objective. are graded.
C. No, he should have conducted oral
questioning. 13. Ms. Delos Angeles advocates assessment FOR
D. No, he should have prepared an objective test. learning. Which will
she NOT likely do?
A. Formative Assessment D. Technically sound
B. Diagnostic Assessment
C. Placement Assessment 22. If Teacher Jhocelle is assessing the authentic
D. Summative Assessment experiences of her students, which of the following will
she consider?
14. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year old A. Portfolio Assessment
pupils were tested to find out among them can already B. Holistic Assessment
read. The result was used to determine their sections. C. Alternative Assessment
What kind of test was given to them? D. Performance-Based Assessment
A. Diagnostic
B. Formative 23. Which of the following forms of assessment Teacher
C. Placement Nick will use if he wants to measure the degree of
D. Summative authenticity of learning outcomes among his students?
A. Analytical
15. Which is WRONG to assume about traditional B. Traditional
assessment? C. Summative
A. It can assess individuals objectively D. Performance-Based
B. It can assess individuals at the same time.
C. It is easier to administer than performance test. 24. Mr. Herrera administered an achievement test in
D. It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence Science to his Grade 7 students. He considered the
of an individual. performance of one student as basis for assigning the
grade equivalence of the score obtained by the other
16. Mr. Labalanga, an elementary school teacher in students. What type of assessment did he use?
Science found out that many of his pupils got very high A. Holistic
scores in the test. What measure of central tendency B. Contextualized
should he use to describe their average performance in C. Norm-referenced
the subject? D. Criterion-referenced
A. Mean
B. Median 25. Which is the LEAST authentic method of assessment?
C. Mode A. Research output in History Class
D. Range B. Photofolio in Educational Technology class
C. Paper-and-pencil test in Physical Education
17. Which is the midpoint of a score distribution? D. Collection of outputs and experiments in
A. Mean Science
B. Median
C. Mode 26. Mr. Kenjie is doing a performance-based assessment
D. Standard Deviation in web site development with the use of different
programming systems in her Information Technology
18. If a test item has a difficulty index of 0.06, how would course. Which of the following will most likely happen?
you describe the test item? A. Students are evaluated using portfolio
A. It is very easy. B. Students are evaluated by traditional testing
B. It is moderately difficult. C. Students are evaluated on actual
C. It is very difficult. demonstration
D. It is difficult. D. Students are evaluated based on past
19. If score are plotted in the histogram, which do you
call that with 27. What should be considered in planning for
the highest frequency? performance-based assessment?
A. Mean A. The table of specifications of the tasks
B. Median B. The purpose of assessment
C. Mode C. The level of cognitive domains to be measured
D. Standard Deviation D. Available paper-and-pencil

20. A negative discrimination index simply indicates that 28. Mr. Garcia, a business management professor,
____. makes sure that he includes performance tasks at the
A. The test item has low reliability. end of the course study that will enable the students to
B. The test item could not discriminate between practice and apply what they have learned in the real
the lower and upper groups. world of business. Which task is being practiced by Mr.
C. More from the lower group answered the test Garcia?
item correctly. A. Capstone Performance
D. More from the upper group got the item B. Completing an Inquiry
correctly C. Solving a Problem
D. Presentation Tasks
21. Assessment emphasizes the use of feedback and
helps in development of learners. What characteristic of 29. Which kind of rubric is BEST for rating a student's
21st century assessment is described? photofolio?
A. Communicated A. Holistic
B. Informative B. Analytic
C. Responsive C. Both holistic and analytic
D. Either holistic or analytic A. It provides students an opportunity to show what
they can do.
30. What is the first step in planning for performance- B. It encourages students to become reflective
based assessment? learners.
A. Prepare a scoring rubric. C. It is student-centered and directed learning.
B. Evaluate the performance D. All of the above.
C. Identify performance tasks
D. Determine the purpose of assessment 39. Students will gather evidence of accomplishments
for each of the criteria and present these output clusters
31. What refers to the nature of interpersonal interactions that relate to the criteria given. Which type of portfolio is
and functioning in group setting? described?
A. Classroom development A. A Product Portfolio
B. Altruism B. Process Portfolio
C. Preferences C. Documentation Portfolio
D. Social Relationship D. Standard-Based Portfolio

32. The predisposition to respond favorably or not to a 40. What type of portfolio is exemplified if Teacher
particular situation, concept, object, institution, or Chrissel wants her students to select their best narrative
person, what concept is described? paragraphs written during the month?
A. Values A. A Process Portfolio
B. Preferences B. Showcase Portfolio
C. Attitudes C. Documentation Portfolio
D. Motivation D. Standard-Based Portfolio

33. What should be the focus of motivation targets?

I. Academic subject
II. Types of Learning
III. Interest
A. I, II, & III
B. I & II
D. I & III

34. What formative assessment strategies monitor

specific skills, behaviors or dispositions of individual or
group of students?
A. Rating Scale
B. Likert Scale
C. Checklist
D. Semantic Differential Scale

35. Teacher B is a newly hired substitute teacher. To

avoid negative feedback from her students, she gave
average grade to the whole class. Teacher B committed
a rating error of ___.
A. Central Tendency Error
B. Severity Error
C. Personal Bias
D. Halo Effect

36. Which refers to the collection of students’ products

and sample works for evaluation purposes?
A. Performance-Based
B. Structured Record
C. Traditional
D. Portfolio

37. From which assumption is portfolio assessment based

A. Assessment should stress the knowledge
B. Test scores are the basis for learners’
C. Learner is adequately described by the
affective domains.
D. Portfolio assessment is dynamic.

38. Which is a strength of portfolio assessment?

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