RACE - 02 - (Limits & Continuity)

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1. Find the limits :

4x 5  9x  7 x 3  3x 2  9x  2 x 1
(a) xlim (b) xlim (c)
1 3x 6  x 3  1 2 x3  x  6 x  1
6x 2  3  3x

x p 1 9  5x  4x 2  3
(d) xlim (p and q integers) (e) lim
1 x q 1 x 0 x

2. Find the limits based on factorisation :

2x 2  9x  5 x 4  81 8x 3  1 x2  x  6
(a) lim (b) lim (c) lim (d) lim
x5 x5 x3 x 2  9 x1/ 2 2x  1 x3 x 3  3x 2  x  3

(i) lim
 1
  2
2 

x3 x  3 x  4x  3 
 (q) lim
x 2 1  x  1
x 12
, x 1 (r) lim
x1  x2
 3
x  x x  3x 2  2x
2 
3. Find the limits based on rationalisation :

2x a 2  x2  a x 3
(a) lim (b) lim (c) lim
x0 ax  ax x0 x2 x3 x2  4x

5x  4  x x 1 1 x 1
(d) lim (e) lim
x1 2 (f) lim
x1 x 1 x 3 2 x0 x

4. Find the limits :

 x3
(a) x   2 
x2 
 (b) xlim  2
9x  1  3x  (c) xlim
2 x  33 x  5 5 x
 3x  4 3x  2     3x  2  3 2x  3

(d) x lim
 
 2x3  3  5x  (e) xlim
x  x2 1  x  (f) lim
x  
2x 2  3
4x  2
and lim
2x 2  3
x   4x  2

(g) xlim 52x /(x  3) .


4/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10

 1 1  x9  a9
1. lim   2  2. If xlim = 9, find the value of a
x  2 x(x  2) 2
x  3x  2   a x  a

 1 3  x 2  5x  6
3. lim    4. lim
x 1 1  x 1  x3  x  2 x 2  3x  2

2x 2  x  10 x3  3x 2  2x
5. lim 6. l im
x 5 / 2 2x 2  7x  5 x 2 x2  x  6
(n  1) 2 (n  1)3  (n  1)3
7. lim 8. lim
n  (n  1) 2  (n  1) 2
n  2n 2
(n  1) 4  (n  1) 4 2
n 3  2n  1
9. lim 10. lim
n  (n  1) 4  (n  1) 4 n  n2

n 3  2n 2  1  3 n 4  1 n!
11. lim 12. lim
n  4
n  6n  2  n  3n  1
6 5 5 7 3 n  (n  1)! n!

(n  2)! (n  1)! (n  2)! (n  1)!

13. lim 14. lim
n  (n  3)! n  (n  2)! (n  1)!

 1  2  3  ...  n n   1  2  3  4  ...  2n 
15. lim    16. lim  
n 
 n2 2 n 
 n2  1 
 1 1 1   1 1 1 
lim    ...  18. lim   ... 
(n  1)n  n   1.3 (2n  1)(2n  1) 
17. n  1.2
 2.3  3.5

Complete the given identities

Q.1 tan 15º = .................... = ................................. Q.2 tan 75º = ...................... = ................................

Q.3 tan (22.5º) = ................. = ................................ Q.4 cot (22.5º) = ................. = ................................

Q.5 cos (A + B) = ................................................... Q.6 cos (A + B) . cos (A – B) = ................................

Q.7 cos C + cos D = ................................................ Q.8 2 sin A sin B = ................................................

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x2  x  2
1. The value of lim is equal to
x 2
x2  4

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1/2 (D) 1/4

sin[cos x]
2. lim is (where [ * ] denotes greatest integer function)
x  0 1  [cos x]

(A) equal to 1 (B) sin 1 (C) equal to zero (D) non existent

 4
lim   2 
1  3x  x 2 

3 x4  1   
1 
x 1
  x  x 1  x3  x 3  x 1 

(A) 1/3 (B) 3 (C) 1/2 (D) none

4. Let a and b be the two distinct roots of the equation x3 + 3x2 – 1 = 0. The equation which has
(ab) as its root is equal to
(A) x3 – 3x – 1 = 0 (B) x3 – 3x2 + 1 = 0
(C) x3 + x2 – 3x + 1 = 0 (D) x3 + x2 + 3x – 1 = 0

x 2  1, x  0, 2
sin x x  n , n  0, 1, 2, 3.... 
5. If f(x) =  and g(x) =  4, x  0 then lim
x 0
2 otherwise  5, x  2

is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) non existent

[x] {x}
6. Let   lim and m = lim . Then which one of the following alternative is correct ?
x 2 {x} x  2 [x]

(where [*] and {*} denotes greatest integer and fractional function respectively.)
(A)  exist but m does not (B) m exist but  does not
(C) Both  and m exist (D) Neither  nor m exist

1 1 1 2 4
7. If sin16a = 5 , then the value of    , is
cos a 1  sin a 1  sin a 1  sin 8 a
2 2 4

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10

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x 1
8. Let f (x) = 2 . Then
2x  7x  5

1 1
(A) xlim f(x)   (B) xlim f(x)   (C) lim f(x)  0 (D) x lim does not exist
1 3  0 5 x  5/2

9. Which of the following limit do not exist ?

x3  x  2  1 1 
(A) xlim (B) xlim  2
x3  x 2  x  1  2  x(x  2)2 x  3x  2 
 

 x2 x 4   x3 x2 
(C) lim  2  lim 
(D) x    2x 2  1 (2x  1) 
x  1 x  5x  4
 3(x  3x  2) 
 

10. If xlim
f(x) = p and xlim
f(x) = q then the correct statement(s) is/are true ?

(A) xlim f (x 3  x) 
q (B) xlim f (x 3  x) 
p (C) lim f (x 2  x 4 ) 
q (D) lim f (x 2  x 4 ) 
0  0  x 0 x 0

11. If the quadratic equation ax + bx + c = 0 ; (a,b,c  R) has real roots then match the following :

Column-I Column-II
(A) If a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, then roots are (P) positive
(B) If a < 0, b > 0, c < 0 then roots are (Q) negative
(C) If a > 0, b > 0, c < 0 then roots are (R) opposite in sign and positive root is
greater in magnitude
(D) If a > 0, b < 0, c < 0 then roots are (S) opposite in sign and negative root is
greater in magnitude

12. Let P and Q be polynomials. Find lim if the degree of P is
x  Q(x)
(a) less than the degree of Q and
(b) greater than the degree of Q. y

13. Refer to graph of y = f(x) and 4

g(x) = (x – 2)2 , x < 2 f(x)
= 7 – x, x  2 1
then which of the following limits are non existent 0 1 2 3 4 5

(a) limf(g(x)) (b) limg  f  x   (c) limg  f  x  

x 2 x 0 x 5

Complete the given identities

Q.1 sin (18º) = .................... = ................................ Q.2 cos (36º) = ................... = ...............................

Q.3 sin 2A = ........................................................ Q.4 cos 2A = ........................................................

= ........................................................ = ..........................................................

Q.5 tan 2A = ..................................................... = ..........................................................

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sin( n ) 2x  arcsin x
1. lim (m and n positive integers) 2. lim
0 (sin ) m x 0 2x  arctan x
1  cos3 x 1  sin x  cos x
3. lim 4. lim
x 0 xsin 2x x 0 1  sin x  cos x
1  sin x
lim  1 1 
5.  2 6. lim   
x   x  0 sin x
 tan x 
  x
2 
   cos x  cos  x
lim  2x tan x 
7. x 
 cos x  8. lim
x 0 x2

sin 2   sin 2  arcsin x

9. lim 10. lim
  2  2 x 1 x
sin(a  3h)  3sin(a  2h)  3sin(a  h)  sin a 2
11. lim
h 0 h3
 
sin  x  
 ya y   6
lim  sin .tan  lim
12. 13. x   3
y a
 2 2a  6  cos x
1  sin
lim 2 sin(a  2h)  2sin(a  h)  sin a
14. x  x x x 15. lim
cos  cos  sin 
h 0 h2
2 4 4
1  x sin x  cos2x
tan(a  2h)  2 tan(a  h)  tan a lim
16. lim 17. x 0 x
h 0 h2 tan 2

2  1  cos x 1  cos x cos2x

18. lim 19. lim
x 0 sin 2 x x 0 x2

sin 1 3x 1  sin x  1  sin x

20. lim 21. lim
x 0 sin 4x x 0 x

cos3x  3cos x cot x  cos x

22. lim 3 23. lim
x  / 2
  x  / 2 (   2x)3
  x
2 

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x  6  sin(x  3)  3
1. The value of lim is equal to
x 3 (x  3) cos(x  3)

(A) 1/5 (B) 5 (C) –3/4 (D) –5/6

2. lim (1 – x + [x – 1] + [1 – x]) is (where [ * ] denotes greatest integer function)

x 1

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D) does not exist

(sin x  tan x)2  (1  cos 2x)4  x 5

3. lim is equal to
x 0 7(tan 1 x)7  (sin 1 x)6  3sin5 x

(A) 0 (B) 1/7 (C) 1/3 (D) 1

1  cosax sin x
4. For a  R+ such that lim 2
 lim then the value of a is
x 0 x x    x

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2 /2

sin x
5. lim (where [*] denotes greatest integer function),is
x 
  1 
2 cos 1  (3sin x  sin 3x)
4 

(A) 2/  (B) 1 (C) 4/  (D) DNE

2 [x 2 ]
6. Let lim [x]2   and lim
x 0 x 2
 m , (where [*] denotes greatest integer function), then
x 0 x

(A)  exists but m does not

(B) m exists but  does not
(C)  and m both exists
(D) neither  nor m exists.
7. Statement-1 : Only one straight line can be drawn through the origin, at equal distances
from the points A(2, 2) and B (4, 0)
Statement-2 : Through two points only one fixed straight line passes.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation
for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

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8. Which of the following limit do not exist ?
tan  tan   sin 
(A) lim (B) lim
0 3
1  cos  
2 0 3

(1  cos  )2  1 1 
(C) lim (D) lim  
0 tan 3   sin 3  x 0 sin x
 tan x 


1  x 
9. The value of lim arcsin   is
 1x 
x 1

(x  1) 2  x
10. The value of lim is
x 1 x2  1

Complete the given identities

Q.1 tan (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.2 tan (45º + A) = .................................................

Q.3 cot (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.4 sin  + sin ( + ) + ......... + sin ( + (n – 1)) = ....................................................................................

Q.5 cos  + cos ( + ) + ......... + cos ( + (n – 1)) = .................................................................................

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1. x 

lim x e x  e x
1 –1

 2. 
lim x e x  e x
x 
3 –3

 3. lim
x 0
e x  e –x

x eax  e  bx a x  bx
4. lim 5. lim 6. lim
x 0 e x 1 x 0 x x 0 x

ex h  ex 6x  3x 2x  1
7. lim 8. lim 9. lim
h 0 h x 0 x x 0 1  x 1

3x  1 e tan x  e x 10x  2x  5x  1
10. lim 11. lim 12. lim
x 0 1  sin x  1 x 0 tan x  x x 0 x tan x

13. lim
x 0
32x  23x
x x 

14. lim x(a x  1) , a > 1

 15. lim
x 2
sin(e x  2  1)
log(x  1)

e x  e x  2
e x  cos x a tan x  a sin x
16. lim 17. lim 18. lim ,a>0
x 0 x2 x 0 x2 x 0 tan x  sin x

(1  3x  4x  12x ) (729)x  (243)x  (81)x  9x  3x 1

19. lim 20. lim
x 0 2cos x  7  3 x0 x3

27 x  9 x  3x  1 log x log(x  2)
21. lim 22. lim 23. lim
x  0 5  4  cos x x 1 x 1 x 3 (x  3)

(x 3  27) log(x  2) x  1 1 esin 3x  1

24. lim 25. lim 26. lim
x 3 (x 2  9) x 0 log(x  1) x 0 log(1  tan 2x)

1  sin 3x  1 sin{log(1  x)} ex  1  x

27. lim 28. lim 29. lim
x 0 log(1  tan 2x) x 0 log(1  sin x) x 0 x2

esin x  sin x  1
30. lim
x 0 x2

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5x 1  2x  cos x
1. lim equals
x 0 x
(A) n5 (B) n5e (C) 2 + n5 (D) none
2. Number of 4 digit positive integers if the product of their digits is divisible by 3, is
(A) 2700 (B) 6628 (C) 7704 (D) 5464

nx n1  (n  1)x n  1
3. lim where n = 100 is equal to
x 1 (ex  e)sin x

5050 100 5050 4950

(A) (B) (C)  (D) 
e e e e

2 2   cosx  sin x 

4. The limiting value of the function f (x)  when x  is
1  sin 2x 4

(A) 2 (B) 1 / 2 (C) 3 2 (D) 3/ 2

(2n  1)(3n  5)
5. L im
n  (n  1)(3n  1)(3n  2n )
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) does not exist

x a 
6. If lim f (x)  g(x) 
2 and lim[f(x)  g(x)] =1 then xlim
f (x) g(x)
x a

3 3 4
(A) need not exist (B) exist and is (C) exists and is (D) exists and is
4 4 3
7. Which of the following limits vanish ? (where [*] denotes greatest integeer function)
(A) xlim x 4 sin (B) x lim (1  sin x).tan x
 x  /2

2x 2  3 [x] 2 9
(C) lim . sgn(x) (D) lim
x  x2  x  5 x 3 x2  9
8. Which of the following limits vanish ?

x x sin x!
(A) lim (B) lim
x 0 cos1 x x  1  x2

 1 1  2n
(C) lim   (D) lim
x 0 sin x
 tan x  n  n!

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9. Column–I Column–II

sin 2 (x 3  x 2  x  3)
(A) xlim (P) –3
1 1  cos(x 2  4x  3)

6x 2 (cot x)(csc 2x)

(B) lim (Q) 6
x 0     
sec  cos x   tan   1
  4 sec x  

has the value equal to (R) 8

(2(a  3)(x  2)  6 sin 1 (x  2)) tan 1 (5x  10)

(C) If xlim =0 (S) 18
2 (x  2)2
then the value of a is equal to


x2 x sin x
10. (a) If the inequalities 1    1 hold for all values of x close to zero. Then find
6 2  2 cos x

x sin x
x 0 2  2cosx

(b) If 3 x  f(x)  x3 + 2 for 0  x  2, evaluate lim

x 1
f (x)

4x  1 4x 2  3x
(c) Find lim f(x) if  f (x)  for all x > 5.
x 
x x2
11. If a, b, c are non zero real numbers, then minimum value of the expression

 (a 4  a 2  1)(b 4  7b 2  1)(c4  11c2  1) 

  , is k then sum of digits of k is
 a 2 b 2 c2 

Complete the given identities

Q.1 sin (18º) = ............................ = ....................... Q.2 tan 75º = ............................ = .........................

Q.3 sin C – sin D = ................................................ Q.4 cos (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.5 tan (A – B) = ................................................... Q.6 2 cos A cos B = ................................................

Q.7 Sine Rule : ........................................................................................................................................

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tan3 x  tan x 3
1. The value of lim equals
x 0 x5
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
 x 1 
2. Let   lim 
x  x  1
 then {  } (where {*} denotes the fractional part function), is
 
(A) 8 – e2 (B) 7 – e2 (C) e2 – 6 (D) e2 – 7

 1  n
n    1  a
. Then the value of lim
n(n ) 
3. Let a = n 
and b =  n    b  is equal to

 n  n   n
 

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) e (D) 1/e

Paragraph for question nos. 4 to 6
Two fixed points A and B are 4 units apart, and are on the same side of a moving line L. If
perpendicular distances of A and B say p1 and p2 from the line L are such that p1 + 3p2 = k, k
being a constant, then the line L always touches a fixed circle C.
4. The centre of the circle C lies on
(A) line segment joining AB (B) perpendicular bisector of AB
(C) one of A or B (D) nothing definite can be said
5. If k = 4 then the radius of the circle is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8
6. If A and B are (–2, 0) and (2, 0) respectively, then the centre of the circle C is
(A) (0, 1) (B) (1, 0) (C) (3/2, 0) (D) can not be found
7. Determine whether the following functions are continuous at the indicated points :-

1  x n  x , 0  x  1/ 2 1
 
(a) f(x) =  1  x , x  1 n  N at x = 1 (b) f(x) =  1 / 2, x  1/ 2 at x =
 n  1 , x 1 1  x, 1/ 2  x  1

 2  1
x sin   , x  0
(c) f(x) =   x at x = 0
 0 ,x0

  1 
(x  a)sin  ,xa
(d) f(x) =   x  a  at x = a
 0 ,xa

14/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10

8. Find k, if f(x) is continuous at indicated points.

 cos 2 x  sin 2 x  1
 ,x0
(a) f(x) =  x2 1 1 at x = 0
 k ,x 0

 2x  2  16
 ,x2
(b) f(x) =  4 x  16 at x = 2
 k ,x2

(c) f(x) =  kx  1 , x  
cos x , x  
at x = 

9. Find a and b so that function f(x) is continuous at indicated points

 1 , x3

(a) f(x) = ax  b , 3  x  5 at x = 3 and x = 5
 7 , x  5

 1  sin 3 x
 2
, x  / 2
 3cos x 
(b) f(x) =  a , x   / 2 at x =
 b(1  sin x) 2
 2
, x   / 2
 (  2x)

 (x3)n27 1 [x1]
e  27  9
 x
, x3
10. If f(x) =  3  27
 1  cos(x  3)
  (x  3)tan(x  3) , x  3

is continuous at x = 3 then find the value of  and f(3), where [] denotes the greatest integer
11. Discuss the continuity of the function

 a 2 [x]  {x}  1
 , x0
f(x) =  2[x]  {x}
 log a, x0
 e

at x = 0, where [x] and (x) are the greatest integer function and fractional part of x respectively.

Complete the given identities

Q.1 sin (15º) = .................. = ................................. Q.2 sin (75º) = .................. = .................................

Q.3 cos (15º) = ................. = ................................. Q.4 cos 75º = ................... = .................................

Q.5 sin (A + B) = ................................................... Q.6 sin (A + B) . sin (A – B) = ..................................

Q.7 sin C + sin D = ................................................ Q.8 2 cos A sin B = ................................................

MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10 15/24


 
1. lim 1  log 2 x cos x 
x 0 cos
 2 
(A) is equal to 4 (B) is equal to 9 (C) is equal to 289 (D) is non existent

x 2n  1
2. The function f(x) = lim is identical with the function
n  x 2n  1
(A) g(x) = sgn(x –1) (B) h(x) = sgn (tan–1x)
(C) u(x) = sgn(|x| –1) (D) v(x) = sgn (cot–1x)

 ax  1 if x  1

3. Let ƒ(x)  3 if x 1 . If ƒ(x) is continuous at x = 1 then (a – b) is equal to-
bx 2  1 if x  1

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4

4. 
For the function ƒ(x)  1 
, x  2 which of the following holds ?
 
x2  x2 

(A) ƒ(2) = 1/2 and ƒ is continuous at x = 2

(B) ƒ(2)  0, 1/2 and ƒ is continuous at x = 2
(C) ƒ can not be continuous at x = 2
(D) ƒ(2) = 0 and ƒ is continuous at x = 2.

4  x2
5. The function ƒ(x)  , is discontinuous at
4x  x 3
(A) only one point in its domain. (B) two points in its domain.
(C) three points in its domain. (D) nowhere in its domain

1  sin x n  sin x   
6. Let ƒ(x) . x  . The value of ƒ   so that the function is
   2x  n 1    4x  4x 
2 2 2
2 2
continuous at x = /2 is-
(A) 1/16 (B) 1/32 (C) –1/64 (D) 1/128

 
 4sin x  cos x for x

 
7. ƒ(x)  a sin x  b
If for   x  is continuous then
 2 2
 
 cos x  2 for x
 2
(A) a = –1, b = 3 (B) a = 1, b = –3 (C) a = 1, b = 3 (D) a = –1, b = –3

16/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10

1  2 
 4 3x  1   x  1

8. The function ƒ(x)  5  4x 1  x  4 is
 4  x 4x

(A) continuous at x = 1 & x = 4 (B) continuous at x = 1, discontinuous at x= 4

(C) discontinuous at x = 1 & x = 4 (D) continuous at x = 4, discontinuous at x = 1

x 2  bx  25
9. If ƒ(x)  for x  5 and ƒ is continuous at x = 5, then ƒ(5) has the value equal
x 2  7x  10
(A) 0 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 25
x  e  cos 2x

10. If ƒ(x) , x  0 is continuous at x = 0, then
(A) ƒ(0)  (B) [ƒ(0)] = –2 (C) {ƒ(0)} = –0.5 (D) [ƒ(0)]. {ƒ(0)} = –1.5
where [*] and {*} denotes greatest integer and fractional part function

log e 1  3ƒ(x) 
11. y = ƒ(x) is a continuous function such that its graph passes through (a,0). Then Lim
x a 2ƒ(x)
3 2
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) (D)
2 3
12. If a, b, c and d are the solutions of the equation x4 – bx – 3 = 0, then an equation whose
abc a bd acd bcd
solutions are , , and is
d2 c2 b2 a2
(A) 3x4 + bx + 1 = 0 (B) 3x4 – bx + 1 = 0
(C) 3x4 + bx3 – 1 = 0 (D) 3x4 – bx3 – 1 = 0

Complete the given identities

Q.1 Cosine Rule : Q.2 sin 3A = .........................................................

(i) cos A = ....................................................... Q.3 cos 3A = .......................................................

(ii) cos B = ...................................................... Q.4 tan 3A = .........................................................

(iii) cos C = ..................................................... Q.5 cos 2 A – sin 2

B =............................................

MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10 17/24


(sin x  x)2  1  cos x 3

1. The value of the limit lim is equal to
x 0 x 5 sin x  (1  cos x)2 (2x 2  sin x 2 )

19 4 19
(A) (B) (C) (D) 0
45 9 25

1  cos( x  sin x )
2. The value of lim is equal to
x 0
1  x3  1
(A) 0 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/6 (D) DNE

e2x  (1  4x)1/ 2
3. If f(x) = for x  0, then f has
n(1  x 2 )
(A) an irremovable discontinuity at x = 0
(B) a removable discontinuity at x = 0 and f(0) = – 4
(C) a removable discontinuity at x = 0 and f(0) = –1/4
(D) a removable discontinuity at x = 0 and f(0) = 4

 1 1  3x  x 3
4. Let f :   ,   R, defined by f(x) = , then f(x) is
 3 3 1  3x 2
(A) one-one and into (B) many-one and into
(C) many-one and onto (D) one-one and onto


5. Which of the following function(s) not defined at x = 0 has/have non-removable discontinuity
at the point x = 0 ?

1 1 ex 1 1
(A) f(x) = (B) f(x) = arc tan (C) f(x) = (D) f(x) =
x 1
12 x e 1

0 , x
6. Let f(x) and g(x) be defined by f(x) = [x] and g(x) =  2 then
x , x  R  
(where [ * ] denotes the greatest integer function)

(A) lim
x 1
g(x) exists, but g is not continuous at x = 1

(B) lim
x 1
f(x) does not exist and f is not continuous at x = 1.
(C) gof is continuous for all x
(D) fog is continuous for all x

18/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10

7. Draw the graph of the function
f(x) = x – |x – x2|, –1  x  2 and discuss the continuity or discontinuity of f(x) in the interval
x  [–1, 2].

8. If f(x) =  | x 1| ; x  0
x ; x0
 | x | 1; x  1
and g(x) = 
  | x  2 |; x  1

Then find f(x) + g(x), draw its graph and discuss its continuity
9. Discuss the continuity of the function

[x]  x  [x] ; x0

f(x) =  (Where [*] is G.I.F.)
 sin x ; x0

sin 3x  A sin 5x  Bsin x

10. The function f(x) = , x  0
x 4 tan 1 x

AB  C
and f(0) = C. If f is continuous at x = 0, then find the value of .


11. Column–I Column–II

(A) lim
x   x x  x x  equals (P) –2

(B) The value of the limit (Q) –1

sin 2x  2 tan x is
x0  n(1  x 3 )

(C) xlim ( n sin 3 x  n (x 4  ex 3 )) equals (R) 0


(D) Let tan (2  |sin  |)= cot (2  |cos  |) (S) 1

where   R and f(x) = (|sin  |+cos  |)x.

 2 
The value of lim
x   f(x) 
 

(where [*] represents greatest integer function)

Complete the given identities
Q.1 cot (A + B) = ................................................... Q.2 tan 2A = ...................................................

Q.3 cos (A + B) = ................................................... Q.4 sin (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.5 cos (A + B) . cos (A – B) = ................................ Q.6 tan (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.7 cos 3A = ..................................................... Q.8 sin C – sin D = ................................................

MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10 19/24


  x if x 0

1. Consider the function f(x) =  0 if 0 x  4
 x  4 if x  4

choose the answer which best describes the continuity of this function
(A) The function is unbounded and therefore cannot be continuous
(B) The function is right continuous at x = 0
(C) The function has a removable discontinuity at 0 and 4, but is continuous on the rest of the
real line.
(D) The function is continuous on the entire real line
2. On the interval I = [–2, 2], the function

  1 1
  
(x  0)
 [x] x 
f(x)  (x  1)e
0 (x  0)

(A) is continuous for all values of x  I

(B) is continuous for x  I – (0)
(C) assumes all intermediate values from f(–2) & f(2)
(D) has a maximum value equal to 3/e.

  
3. Let f(x) = [tan x [cot x]], x   ,  (where [*] denotes greatest integer function).
12 2 
Then the number of points, where f(x) is discontinuous is equal to
(A) one (B) zero (C) three (D) infinite

4. A particle starts from point P  3,1  and moves along the circumference of the

circle x2 + y2 = 4 and after covering a quarter of the circle in anticlockwise direction, it leaves
the circle tangentially. The equation of the line along which point moves after leaving the
circle is :

(A)y 3x  4 (B) 3 y x  4 (C)

 y 3x 4 (D) 3y x  4

7kx  8
5. If lim is finite then complete set of values of k is
x  75x  6

(A) ( , 5] (B) {5} (C) ( , 5) (D) [5, )

6. A straight line through A(–15, –10) meets the line x – y – 1 = 0, x + 2y = 5, x + 3y = 7 respectively
12 40 52
at B, C and D such that   . The equation of line will be :
(A) 3y = 2x (B) 2y = 3x (C) 3y = –2x (D) 2y = –3x

20/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10


3   
7. If f(x) = nlim x   [cosx]  n2  1  n2  3n  1   where [*] denotes greatest integer function
  2  
then idenify the correct statement(s).
(A) lim
x 0
f(x)  0 (B) limf(x) 
 4

3x     3 
(C) f(x)   x  0,  (D) f(x)  0  x   , 
2  2 2 2 

8. lim f(c) does not exist when

x c

(A) f(x) = [[x]] – [2x – 1], c = 3 (B) f(x) = [x] – x, c = 1

tan(sgn x)
(C) f(x) = {x}2 – {–x}2, c = 0 (D) f(x) = , c=0
sgn x
(where [*] & {*} denotes step up & fractional part function respectively)


9. Column–I Column–II

 a  3cos x
 x0
 x2
(A) If f(x)=  is continuous at x = 0, then (P) |a + b|= 0
b tan    x  0
  [x  3] 
 

 2sin x,    x   / 2

(B) If f(x) = a sin x  b,  / 2  x   / 2 is continuous in [–  ,  ] then (Q) |a – b|= 0
cos x, / 2  x  

 (cot 3 x / cot 2x )
(3 / 2) ; 0x  /2

 
(C) If f(x) = b  3 ; x/2 is continuous at = , then (R) |a + 2b| = 1

1  cos x  a tan x 
 ; / 2x  
  b 
  

where [*] denotes the greatest integer function (S) |a + 2b| = 4

(T) [a – 2b]= –2

10. Let S denotes the sum of an infinite geometric progression whose first term is the value of
sin(x  ( / 6))
the function f(x)= at x =  /6, if f(x) is continuous at x =  /6 and whose common
3  2 cos x

sin(x)1 / 3 n (1  3x)
ratio is the limiting value of the function g(x) = 1/3 as x  0. Find the value
(arc tan x )2 (e5 x  1)

of 2S.
MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10 21/24

Convert the given angles in Radians and write their numerical values :

Q.1 sin (15º) = .................. = ................................. Q.6 tan 75º = ...................... = ................................

Q.2 sin (75º) = .................. = ................................. Q.7 tan (22.5º) = ................. = ................................

Q.3 cos (15º) = ................. = ................................. Q.8 cot (22.5º) = ................. = ................................

Q.4 cos 75º = ................... = ................................. Q.9 sin (18º) = .................... = ................................

Q.5 tan 15º = .................... = ................................. Q.10 cos (36º) = ................... = ...............................

Complete the given identities :

Q.1 sin (A + B) = ................................................... Q.21 sin 2A = ........................................................

Q.2 sin (A – B) = ....................................................

= ........................................................
Q.3 cos (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.4 cos (A – B) = ...................................................

Q.5 sin (A + B) . sin (A – B) = .................................. Q.22 cos 2A = .....................................................

Q.6 cos (A + B) . cos (A – B) = ................................

= ........................................................
Q.7 2 sin A cos B = ................................................

Q.8 2 cos A sin B = ................................................

= ........................................................
Q.9 2 cos A cos B = ................................................

Q.10 2 sin A sin B = ................................................ = ........................................................

Q.11 sin C + sin D = ................................................

Q.12 sin C – sin D = ................................................

Q.23 tan 2A = ........................................................
Q.13 cos C + cos D = ................................................

Q.14 cos C – cos D = ................................................

Q.24 sin 3A = ........................................................
Q.15 tan (A + B) = ...................................................

Q.16 tan (A – B) = ...................................................

Q.17 tan (45º + A) = ................................................. Q.25 cos 3A = ........................................................

Q.18 tan (45º – A) = .................................................

Q.19 cot (A + B) = ................................................... Q.26 tan 3A = ........................................................

Q.20 cot (A – B) = ...................................................

Q.27 sin  + sin ( + ) + ......... + sin ( + (n – 1)) = ....................................................................................

Q.28 cos  + cos ( + ) + ......... + cos ( + (n – 1)) = .................................................................................

22/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10


15 p 5
1 (a) (4), (b) , (c) 1, (d) q , (e) ,
11 6

1 1 2 1
2. (a) –11, (b) 18, (c) 3, (d) , (i) , (q) , (r) 2
2 2 2

1 1
3. (a) 2 a , (b) , (c) 1, (d) 2, (e) 2, (f) ,
2a 2

2 2 1 2 2
4. (a) , (b) 0, (c) , (d) + (e) , (f) and – , (g) 25
9 3 2 4 4
1. D.N.E. 2. a = ±1 3. –1 4. –1 5. 3 6. –2/5
7. 1/2 8. 3 9. 0 10. D.N.E. 11. 1
12. 0 13. 0 14. 1 15. –1/2 16. –1
17. 1 18. 1/2

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D
8. A,B,C,D 9. A,B 10. A,B,D 11. (A)–Q; (B)–P; (C)–S; (D)–R
12. (a) 0 (b) ±  13. b,c

1. 0 n > m, 1 n = m, D.N.E. n < m 2. 1/3 3. 3/4 4. –1 5. 1/2

( 2   2 )  sin 2 
6. (0) 7. –2 8. 9.   10. (0) 11. –cosa
2  2 

12. –a/ 13. 2 14. 1/ 2 15. –sina 16. 2sec2a.tana

17. (6) 18. 1/ 4 2 19. 3/2 20. 3/4 21. 1 22. 4 23. 1/16

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D
8. A,C 9. /6 10. 1/2

1. 2 2. 6 3. 2 4. 1 5. a + b 6. log e 7. ex

MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10 23/24

8. loge2 9. log4 10. log9 11. 1 12. (log5)(log2) 13. log  8 
 

14. logea 15. 1 16. 17. 1 18. log a 19. – 12(log2)(log3)

20. 6(log3)3 21. 8 5 (log 3)2 22. 1 23. 1 24. (9)

1 3 3 1 1
25. 26. 27. 28. 1 29. 30.
2 2 4 2 2
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A,B,D
8. A,B,C,D 9. (A)–S; (B)–P; (C)–Q 10. (a) 1; (b) 3; (c) 4
11. 9

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B
7. (a) Discontinuous ; (b) Continuous ; (c) Continuous ; (d) Continuous

1 2 1
8. (a) –4 ; (b) ; (c) k = – 9. (a) a = 3, b = –8 ; (b) a = ,b=4
2  2

2 1  1
10.   and f(3) = 11. L.H.L. =  1   & R.H.L. = logea ; f(x) is discontinuous at x = 0
9 9  a

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A
10. D 11. C 12. D

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A,B,C 6. A,B,C
7. f(x) is continuous in the interval [–1, 2] 8. discontinuous at x = 0, 1
9. f(x) is continuous everywhere. 10. 14 11. (A)–S; (B)–P; (C)–Q; (D)–R

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A,C,D 8. B,C
9. (A)–T; (B)–P, Q, R; (C)–Q, S 10. 5

24/24 MATHS / RACE # 01 TO 10

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