Lesson 6 Making Appointment
Lesson 6 Making Appointment
Lesson 6 Making Appointment
Table of Contents
Project Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1-2 Rational3-4 Unit 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5-8 Warm Up................................................................................................................................. 5 Task 1--Aural. ...................................................................................................................... 5-6 Task 2--Reading...6-7 Task 3--Aural and Writing...7-8 Task 4--Activity.8 Unit 2.9-12 Warm Up..9 Task 1--Sorting..9-10 Task 2--Role-play10-11 Task 3--Forms.11 Task 4--Final Project..11-12 Appendix12-16
[Project Overview]
Target students: Adult EFL students Class size: 12 Proficiency Level: Elementary level Class time: M/W 10:00 to 11:30 (90 minutes) Goals: 1. Understand and properly use the appropriate manner, expression and strategies when making appointment in various contexts in the target culture 2. Be able to apply appropriate vocabulary and structures when making appointments in authentic context. Objectives: 1. Students will be able to understand appropriate expression and manner when making appointments with professional personal; be able to correctly use associated vocabulary and sentence structure in making appointment. 2. Students will be able to understand appropriate expression and manner when making appointments with friends; be able to correctly apply right vocabulary and sentence structure. 3. Students will be able to distinguish the difference between making appointment with professional personal and with friends and be able to function correctly in various authentic contexts.
Expected Outcomes:
Communicative outcome: Upon completing this lesson, Students will exhibit developing cultural awareness and sensitivity. It includes the greater sensitivity to language-specific cultural norm and customs; the ability to discern and compare similarities and differences between the target culture and the learners native culture as well as the ability to discern formal and informal address. In addition, students will demonstrate the ability to fulfill more complex conversations and exchanges that evidence their expanded knowledge and skill in making appointments at various contexts.
Linguistic outcome: 1. Students demonstrate the ability to use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure when making appointments. 2. Students can pick up the suitable vocabulary when having conversation with professional personal and friends. 3. Students can open/close conversation smoothly by using appropriate language expression. Materials: Video clips, textbook, PPT, notebook, Mentimeter,
Lesson 6 Making Appointment 2
Robinson Cognition Hypothesis: The cognition hypothesis of task-based language learning propose that pedagogic tasks be sequenced for learners largely on the basis of increase in their cognitive complexity so as to increase approximate the demands of real-world tasks (Robinson, 2001). Through increasing the cognitive demands of tasks from simplicity to complexity gradually, learners are able to gain greater accuracy and present L2 production with more complexity as they engage with greater functional and communicative demands. In our project, we have applied Robinsons resource-directing and resource-depleting dimension of task complexity theory to sequence our tasks. The eight tasks in this project are sequenced and scaled from simplicity to complexity based on Here-and-now, Few elements, No reasoning, planning time, prior knowledge as well as single task: Overall tasks complexity
Unit 1 Unit 2 Final Project
Sequencing criteria Few elements Here-andNow No reasoning Planning time Prior Knowledge Single task
Warmup + + + + +
Task1 + + + -
Task2 + -
Task3 + -
Task4 -
Warmup + + + -
Task1 + -
Task2 -
Task3 + + -
Task4 -
INFO INFO refers to Negotiation, Feedback and Output. These are four critical conditions in second language acquisition. By optimizing these four conditions, teachers are able to enhance teaching/learning effectiveness and help learners better acquire the target language. Now we like to briefly talk about how we used various tasks based on these four conditions. Optimizing input: Input could be language data in all manifestation. The quantity and quality of input play important role in SLA and When learners receive sufficient amount of input with the quality of being authentic, comprehensible, natural, contextualized and relevant, it will help learners accomplish SLA. In this final project, we have designed eight tasks and provided
various types of input including oral, audio, reading as well as written. Input is both shared inside and outside of the group. Optimizing negotiation: negotiation could be a two-way negotiation with oral or written format. In this project, task 2, 3 and 4 in unit one and task 2 and 4 in unit have provided students with opportunities to negotiation meaning with one another. Negotiation devices including confirmation check and clarification request are encouraged by the teachers throughout the lesson. Optimizing feedback: only having input is not sufficient to acquire the language, the input has to be noticed by the learners. It is necessary to learn certain language features through feedback. Task 2, part 2 in unit one has explicit correct feedback provided by the teacher. In addition, feedback like clarification request or recast is provided implicitly throughout the whole class by the teachers as well as by peers. Optimizing output: Output is the production from the learners. Without output, learners cant truly acquire L2. By producing the target language, learners are able to notice the gap between what they really know and what they want to say. They can test hypothesis and experience L2 in a real context. When learners involve in a meaningful talk, they are trying the language form, meaning and function at the same time. In this project, different kinds of output are required. In task 2 in unit 1 and task 2 and 4 in unit two require students with oral output. In task 3 unit one, written output is demanded. In task 2 of unit two, an integration of oral and written output is required.
[Unit 1 Monday]
Pre-stage: [Warm-up] Time: 5 min Goal: Help students gain a sense of the new topic, which is making appointments. Procedure: 1. The teacher presents the question ? to the whole class and has individual student give their responses. 2. For those who gave responses, the teacher will present another question /? And encourage students give their individual answers. 3. Based on the answers, the teacher will present a follow-up question: / ? ??
During-stage: [Task 1-Aural] Time: 10 min Goal: Let students have a general idea about the process of making appointment. Input: video clip from YouTube Conditions: the input is used in a converging manner Procedure: Show a video clip twice: Making appointment by phone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLcWYDGw-gU Part 1: Ask students working in pairs, discuss following question: 1. What is the video about? 2. What do you think their relationship is, friends, stranger, professional, etc.?
3. What did you know about making appointment in Chinese before? 4. Any question about the video? Part 2: Show the video again, this time focus on the detail of the conversation, try to answer the following question. 1. What did they say in the beginning of the conversation? 2. Does Ms. Qian have time on Friday? 3. When will they meet? Expected outcomes: students notice some expressions that these two speakers have used when making appointment on the phone.
Goal: Students able to understand the process of making appointment in Chinese and the suitable vocabulary and sentence structure. Input: reading input, Unit 6, Dialogue 1&2 Conditions: the input is used in a converging manner Procedure: Part 1: focus on meaning
1. Separate the class into two big groups. 2. Read both dialogues individually. Then working together as a group to figure out the meaning for both dialogues. And each group come up with five to ten meaning-based questions based on the dialogue that they have been assigned. The teacher will be a facilitator whenever students need help.(10-15 min).Ask students to close the book. 3. Ask students to close the book
4. Each group present questions based on their assigned dialogue to the other group for responses vice versa. Negotiation is encouraged when confusion happens. Until all the questions have been answered, figure out which group has more correct responses.
Part 2: focus on forms 1. During the process of part 1, teacher use clarification request, recasts, and elicitation to provide feedback implicitly and take notes of the vocabulary/structure that student struggled with. 2. After completing part 1, teacher will point out the particular vocabulary or sentence structure that they have struggled with and reinforce them. Possible grammar point: , , Example: 1. Point out the wrong sentence that student made. 2. Ask students to do self-correction first as a whole class. 3. If students do not know how to make the correction and why, the teacher provide clues with explanation promptly. 4. Ask students to do correction again and create new sentences. Vocabulary list: , Expected outcome: students know how to make appointment in Chinese and understand vocabularies that used during making appointment.
[Task 3-Aural and Writing] Time: 15 min Goal: students know how to use the vocabularies and pay more attention on correct forms. Input: video clip from Task 1 & (See Appendix I) Condition: the input is used in a converging manner Procedure:
1. Listen to the dialogue and write down the transcript. (If necessary, play the clip twice).
4. Comparing with the original transcript that will be displayed on the board and
make correction individually. 5. The teacher asks students what they have noticed by comparing their work with the original work and encourages them to realize some common mistakes. Expected outcome: students will notice more functional word and know how to use the vocabularies.
Post-stage: [Task 4-Activity] Time: 20 min Goal: students will be able to make appointment with others in the target language. Input: 4 things need to be done in one day Condition: the input is split between groups and it is used in a diverging manner Procedure: 1. Students are divided into pairs (A and B). Members of each pair will be given a list of four tasks, Member B will have an extra task in the list which is a request of making appointments with A. 2. They are asked to fill in these four tasks anytime within one day. The individual schedule is not shared with their partner. 3. After the schedule is made, members will come back to their pair. 4. Students will have to figure out each others schedule through negotiation and decide a time for the appointment. Expected outcome: students use the vocabularies and phrases that learnt previously to make an appointment with their partners.
[Unit 2 Wednesday]
Pre-stage: [Warm-up] Time: 15-20 mins (at home) Goal: Through watching two different dialogues, students will be able to notice the difference when making appointments with professional personals and friends. Input: video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTjhKRhmpS8 Mentimeter: www.govote.at and enter 839313 for question1 and then enter 277438 for question 2. Condition: the input is shared with the whole class in a divergent manner Procedure: Students are assigned to watch two dialogues on YouTube at home and then go to Mentimeter to comment on two questions that are presented by the teacher. Question 1: what is the relationship in dialogue 1 and dialogue 2? Question 2: based on the different relationship, please list some different expressions used in these two dialogues? (Key words/sentences) Expected outcome: students leave their comments on Mentimeter. The comments could be key words, sentences structures.
During-stage: [Task 1Sorting] Time: 20 mins Goal: students will be able to understand the difference when making appointments with professional personals and with friends Input: written input provided by students
Condition: input is shared within whole class Procedure: 1. The teacher will present all the answers left by the students on mentimeter when students come back to the class. 2. Give students five minutes to talk about these outcomes as pair. 3. Sorting: teacher presents with words and phrases and ask students sort into two categories. ? . .......? 4. Category: making appointment with professional personal making appointment with friends Expected outcome: students sort the words and phrases into the right category
[Task 2: Role-play] Time: 20mins Goal: students will be able to use appropriate expression in the target language to make appointment with professional personals. Input: oral input between students; written input between pairs Condition: the input is shared within group in a convergent manner Procedure: 1. The teacher will divide students into six pairs and each pair has two members. 2. Three different scenarios are presented by the teacher and distributed into different groups. 3. Each group has ten minutes to orally complete the role-play in target language. 4. Following the orally completion, each pair is asked to write down the transcript of their conversation in a piece of paper. 5. Transcripts are exchanged between groups and each group will give written feedback and then exchange back. 6. Each pair is given two minutes to talk about the feedback which is given by another pair Expected outcome: 1. Students use appropriate vocabulary and sentence expression to complete the role-play. 2. Students write the transcript based on their conversation.
Lesson 6 Making Appointment 10
3. Students provide written feedback to another pair based on their knowledge about making appointment. Scenario 1: teacher/student: make appointment to ask question related with homework Scenario 2: employee/boss: make appointment to ask for taking several days off Scenario 3: teacher/headmaster: make appointment to talk about students
[Task 3--focus on forms] Time: 15mins Goal: Through reviewing vocabulary and grammar structure, students will be able to better understand how to use correct forms when making appointments in authentic contexts Input: example sentences by using , , Condition: the input is shared within whole class Procedure: 1. The teacher reinforces these structures with examples once again. 2. Ask students provide to create their examples. Expected Outcome: students are able to use those grammar points accurately in context of making appointment.
Post-stage: [Task 4Final Project] Time: 35 mins (in class); some time at home Goal: Ss will use the vocabulary, sentence structure and strategies that they learned about making appointments in class into practice
Input: teachers oral/written instruction, Ss oral/written input Condition: the input is split between groups and shared within groups in a diverging manner Procedure: Students are divided into three groups and each group has four members. They will have a party or event (BBQ, outing to the movies, hiking, etc.). In the end, the whole class including teacher will vote together to decide one event, which they will actually do it. In each group, the teacher will appoint a group leader, a note taker an announcer who will notify the class of the decided date, time and location of the outing. During the process, students in each group need to find a date that works for everyone including the teacher by calling each other or talking in person and finding dates and times that would work for all. Each group is given one week to make a detailed written plan. In the end, each written plan will be posted on the classroom board and have students/teachers to vote. Expected outcome: 1. Students use knowledge and language skills they have learned in the class to negotiate with each other. 2. Students write a detailed plan in the target language Rubric for the written plan: Group member name, event time/date, location, and agenda
[Appendix I]
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
[Appendix II-A] Complete the following schedule and make sure to include these four tasks in one day. And then when your partner wants to make appointment with you, please use this schedule. Please Do not share the information with anyone else. (guitar class), (grocery shopping), (have lunch or dinner with friends), (do homework) 7AM-9AM 9AM-10:30 AM 10:30AM-12PM 12PM-2PM 2PM-3PM 3PM-4PM 4PM-7PM 7PM-12AM
[Appendix II-B] Step 1: Complete the following schedule and make sure to include these four tasks in one day. Please do not share it with others. (physical exercises), (have lunch or dinner with friends), (play video game with friends), (shopping). Step 2: You need help with the Chinese assignment and wants to make an appointment with A for help. 7AM-9AM 9AM-10:30 AM 10:30AM-12PM 12PM-2PM 2PM-3PM 3PM-4PM 4PM-7PM 7PM-12AM