Deposit Position of Nepal Sbi Bank Limited
Deposit Position of Nepal Sbi Bank Limited
Deposit Position of Nepal Sbi Bank Limited
Submitted by
Priyanka Jha
T.U.Regd.No.: 7-2-122-17-2019
Exam Roll no.: 701220018
Campus Roll no.: 27/076
Universal Academy College, Janakpurdham
Submitted to
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University
Kathmandu, Nepal
Janakpur, Nepal
July, 2024
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “DEPOSIT POSITION OF NEPAL SBI
BANK LIMITED” submitted to the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu is an original piece of work under the supervision of Mr. SANTOSH
and is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Studies (BBS). This project work report has not been submitted to any other
university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma.
Priyanka Jha
The project work report entitled “DEPOSIT POSITION OF NEPAL SBI BANK
COLLEGE, JANAKPURDHAM, is prepared under my supervision as per the
procedure and format requirements laid by the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan
University, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Studies (BBS). I, therefore, recommend the project work report for evaluation.
We hereby endorse the project work report entitled “DEPOSIT POSITION OF NEPAL
COLLEGE, JANAKPURDHAM, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of the Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) for external evaluation.
This report has been prepared to fulfill the partial requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S), Tribhuvan University, Nepal. In the process of
preparation for this Term Paper, I got a lot of inspiration, cooperation, and suggestions
from various people.
Firstly, I owe a debt of gratitude to my respected adviser Mr. Santosh Thakur, Lecturer of
Universal Academy College for his valuable support and suggestions in the process of
preparation of this thesis. I am extremely indebted to their efforts despite their busy
I would like to express hearty thanks to all the members of my family who provided
regular inspiration and continuous contributions to my success.
Thanking You
Priyanka Jha
Table of Contents
Title page...................................................................................................................i
Supervisor Recommendation...................................................................................iii
Table of contents…
List of Tables….......................................................................................................vii
List of Figures…....................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...............................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................1
1.2 Profile of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. (NSBL).......................................................4
1.3 Statement of the Problems...........................................................................5
1.4 Objectives.....................................................................................................5
1.5 Rationale......................................................................................................6
1.6 Review of Literature.....................................................................................6
1.7 Research Methods........................................................................................9
1.8 Limitation of the Study...............................................................................10
CHAPTER II RESULTS AND ANALYSIS.........................................................11
2.1 Data Presentation......................................................................................11
2.1.1 Deposit Position of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd................................................11
2.1.2 Growth in Deposit Fund of Various Years.............................................12
2.1.3 Current Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio:................................................13
2.1.4 Saving Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio...................................................14
2.1.5 Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio.....................................................15
2.2 Results of Case Study.................................................................................16
2.3 Major Findings..........................................................................................17
CHAPTER III SUMMARY & CONCLUSION......................................................11
3.1 Summary....................................................................................................18
3.2 Conclusion.................................................................................................18
FD - Fixed Deposit
Ltd. - Limited
1.1 Background
Generally, bank is an institution which accepts deposits, makes business loans, and offers related
services. Commercial banks also allow for a variety of deposit accounts, such as checking,
saving, and time deposit. There institutions are run to make a profit and owned by a group of
individuals, yet some may be members of the Federal Reserve System.
According to Scholars, “The bank is defined as factory of money for credit where it does not
purchase goods and sells it rather produces credit inform of deposit and sells it inform of loans.”
According to C.R. Crowther, “A banks collects money from those who are saving it out of their
income and lends this money to those who required it.”
Thus in conclusion, we can say that bank is an organization which deals with the monetary
transactions for the mobilization of idle money in productive sectors, is essential for the
development of nation and this study will be equally useful to the other readers, students of
related subjects and other people who are concern with banking field.
Later in the year 1955, Nepal Rastra Bank Act was formulated for a better banking system and
Nepal Rastra Bank was established in 1956 as the Central Bank of Nepal accordingly. After
this date, the banknotes were issued by the Central Bank with the signatures of the governors of
the institution. Till the 1980s, the banking sector was wholly owned by the government, with
Agriculture Development Bank, Rastriya Banijya Bank, NBL and NRB being the pillars of
financial institution in Nepal.
1984 saw the start of the private banking industry with the establishment of Nabil Bank and the
introduction of foreign banks such as the Nepal Arab Bank, Nepal Indosuez Bank and Nepal
Grindlays. The banking sector in Nepal has faced many hurdles and hindrances. It has
undergone various political conflicts and instability. But today, it stands more liberalized and
modernized. There are various types of banks working in the modern banking system in Nepal.
As per the list issued by NRB as of Mid-June 2018, the modern banking sector includes 28
Commercial Banks, 33 Development Banks, 25 Finance Companies, and 63 Micro Credit
Development Banks.
2) Granting loan
A commercial bank provides a loan to persons and institution productive purposes against the
security of patents, shares, debentures, gold, silver and other fixed properties..
3) Serving with agency functions
A commercial bank performs a number of agency services like payment to the creditors,
water, and electricity bills, subscriptions, insurance premium, etc. and collection from
debtors receiving dividends, interest and commission, etc. on behalf of the clients as per
outstanding instructions.
4) Exchanging foreign currencies
Various business persons frequently demand foreign currencies to conduct their foreign
trade. General individuals may also need foreign currencies for their foreign tour and study
programs. A commercial bank provides the necessary foreign currencies on the permission of
Nepal Rastra Bank.
5) Transfer of money
Commercial banks transfer money from one place/person to another in a fast and safe means
of a different instrument of payment. Telegraphic transfer, travelers cheque, credit cards,
bank drafts, electronic transfer, etc. are the different instruments used by the banks to transfer
6) Issuing capital
Commercial banks also help trading and industrial companies by issuing or providing capital
through the sale of shares, debentures, etc. by motivating the investors.
7) Creates credit
It is the most important function of the commercial bank. It can grant more amount of loan
than the deposits it gets. The process of granting more amount of loan by the bank than the
deposits it has on a given point of time is known as credit function of the commercial bank.
8) Collects credit instrument
The commercial bank accepts credit instruments such as cheques, bill of exchange and bank
drafts of its customer and makes payment against them. It facilitates the customers in settling
NSBL, one of the largest overseas subsidiaries of SBI, is providing banking services in Nepal
from its 85 offices including 75 branches, 7 extension counter, and 3 regional offices. In terms of
the Technical Services Agreement between SBI and the NSBL, the former provides management
support to the bank through its expatriate officers including Managing Director who is also the
CEO of the Bank. Central Management Committee (CENMAC) consisting of the Managing
Director, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Credit Officer oversee the
overall banking operations in the Bank. The basic function of such bank is to accept deposits,
advancing loans, agency services, remittance and other several functions. Loan sectioning
procedure needs to be more & more precise and define in easy terms and condition. Nepal SBI
Bank Ltd provides the services to the different sector like entrepreneur, industries, weaker
section of society and several others who really need the services. It has accumulated large
number of clients due to its effective and balanced services.
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd has earned glory of making available services to all top business houses and
tycoon of the country. As a result of that it has got one of the best positions in regard to joint
venture bank in Nepal exporter and importer of the country have created banking relationship
with bank which enhance the popularity prestige in international standards with the continues
support of our valued customers Nepal SBI Bank has made all round and quick progress in every
sphere of its operation.
1.4 Objectives
The objective of the study is to find out the deposit collection resources, and mobilization of
collected fund of Nepal SBI Bank. I therefor list out objectives of case stud is following.
To find out the deposit collection resources of NSBL.
To analyzed the overall deposit position of NSBL.
To analyze the deposit distribution of NSBL.
To find out the changing situation of deposit offered by the bank.
1.5 Rationale
This report is prepared to analyze the liquidity position of Nepal SBI bank. This report comprises
the date from 2007 to 2017. This would help the bank to observe the trend of the liquidity
position hold in those periods. Besides that, this study also evaluates the role of short term
obligation and the bank ability to pay the currently maturity obligation. Moreover, the study will
check the profitability of the bank. This will help the bank to take the corrective actions if there
are any errors on the past performance and the study aims to recommend correcting the division
if the standard has not been met.
Savings accounts: - Accounts maintained by retail banks that pay interest but cannot be used
directly as money. Although not as convenient to use as checking accounts, these accounts let
customers keep liquid assets while still earning a monetary return.
Call Deposit: - A call deposit account is a bank account for investment funds that offers the
advantages of both a savings and a checking account. Like a checking account, a call deposit
account has no fixed deposit period, provides instant access to funds and allows unlimited
withdrawals and deposits.
Recurring Deposit: - The concept of recurring deposit was developed to encourage the thrift
amount the people of fixed regular earning. In recurring deposit scheme, the depositor is
required to deposit the fixed amount in each installment and is repaid a fixed amount at
Karki Barun, (2018) conducted a study in a topic of “Deposit Mobilization of Nepal SBI Bank”.
He collected the data of 5 year data in this bank. The study carried out with the following
To analyzed the overall deposit position of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
To find out the general financial status of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
To find out the changing situation of different deposit offered by Nepal SBI Bank.
Bhandari Shiva Hari, (2017) conducted a study in topic of “Deposit Position of Nepal SBI Bank
Ltd.” He studies on all the strength and threats on collection of deposit as well as deposit position
of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd and he carried out with some objectives which is list out following
To analysis the deposit position of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
To explain the changing position of deposit collection along with the interest rated in
last five years period of NSBL.
To find out the deposit collection resources of NSBL.
proposed to engage, and shall be clearly presented the appropriate information on the basis of
understanding the existing reality of Challenges of deposit mobilization. Research methodology
covers the data analysis tools as well.
Presentation means the presentation of the collected data through table; figure etc. presentation is
the process of understanding the study or the report and calculating the opinion. Therefore, this
chapter focuses on presenting the data related to Nepal SBI Bank Ltd., deposit position and
utilization of fund. Likewise NSBL also as to collect the deposits and invest in different sectors
for the fulfillment of the company’s internal and external obligations and for the economic
development of country. The most essential factor is to gather and accept scattered savings of
people as deposit first and utilize it, the interest rate is another influence able factor.
One of the main functions of commercial bank is to accept various deposits and make its
utilization in various other sources and gain profit from such utilization. The term “deposit”
represents the liability of the bank. Hence deposit may create either by customers or by bank
itself. It is created by the banks when the banks when the bank credits customers account in the
form of loans. Higher the volume of deposit, higher will be the volume of lending and
investment, which again generates higher volume of income.
Deposit position of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd., for the fiscal year 2075/76 to 2079/80
“Rs. In Million”
FY 2075/76 FY 2076/77 FY 2077/78 FY 2078/79 FY 2079/80
Total Deposits
42,658.58 51,628.22 65,213.52 81,664.55 95,216.42
1. Current 4,222.05 4,818.05 5,531.33 6,299.39 7,133.10
2. Saving 19,226.03 21,485.40 26,831.78 28,660.38 29,158.24
3. Fixed 15,256.30 19,129.48 23,019.30 41,776.67 44,444.60
4. Call Deposit 3,500.20 5,673.45 9,173.10 4,358.29 2,566.79
5. Margin Accounts 304 324.37 339.79 566.63 906.56
6. Overdue FD 150 197.47 318.22 3.20 7.13
Table No. 1 Deposit Position of NSBL of Various fiscal years
In above table no. 1 shows the deposit rend of NSBL of various fiscal year in different deposit
scheme. There is increasing trend in deposit year by year. Total deposit position is Rs. 42,658.58
million at the end of Ashadh end 2076, Rs. 51,628.22 million at the end of Ashadh 2077, in FY
2076-77 it is increasing to Rs. 65,213.52 million, in FY 2077-78 it is increasing to Rs. 81,664.55
million and similarly in F 2078-79 its position is Rs. 84,216.42. We saw in FY 2079-80 is around
3 million is increasing which is less growth rate than previous year growth in deposit. We
express this figure of Total deposit in this line chart.
Total Deposits
FY 2075/76FY 2076/77FY 2077/78FY 2078/79FY 2079/80
𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡
𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 =
𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠i𝑡
Where Growth Amount = Present year total deposit- Past year total deposit
From the table no.3 there is show the current deposit position and compare to total deposit of the
bank of various fiscal year. The trend of ratio of current deposit on Total deposit is in fluctuating
state. And growth rate of current deposit and total deposit also fluctuates. In the fiscal year
2076/77, the bank has the current deposit of 0.093 times of total deposit liability. In the year
2077/78 its 0.085 times, in 2078/79 its 0.077 times and in FY 2079/80 its 0.085 time.
50,000.00 Total Current Deposit
40,000.00 Total Deposits
2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Fiscal Year wise Deposit position
From the above table and chart shows the current deposit status with total deposit position of the
bank. In this chart we conclude current deposit ratio is lower on all the year and there is need to
increasing current deposit ratio for the better performance in the financial performance, profit
In above table no. 4 there’s show the saving deposit position and compare to total deposit of the
bank of various fiscal year. The trend of ratio of saving deposit on Total deposit is in fluctuating
state. And growth rate of saving deposit in decreasing rate. In the fiscal year 2076/77, the bank
has the Saving deposit of 0.416 times of total deposit liability. In the year 2077/78 its 0.411
times, in 2078/79 its 0.351 times and in FY 2079/80 its 0.346 time.
2076/77 2077/78 2078/792079/80
Fiscal Year wise Deposit position with
saving deposit
In above table no. 5 there’s show the fixed deposit position and compare to total deposit of the
bank of various fiscal year. The trend of ratio of fixed deposit on Total deposit is in fluctuating
state. In the fiscal year 2071/72, the bank has the fixed deposit of 0.371 times of total deposit
liability. In the year 2072/73 its 0.353 times, in 2073/74 its 0.512 times and in FY 2074/75 its
0.528 time.
Fiscal Year wise Deposit position with Fixed Deposit
In above figure no. 5, we sows the fixed deposit ratio is higher on the ratio to total deposit. It is
increasing year by year continuously. Fixed deposit is 37.71%, 35.30%, 51.20% and 52.80% of
Total Deposit of the bank in FY 2076/77, FY 2077/78, FY 2078/79 and FY 2079/80
Fixed deposit are the higher interest rates deposit it means there is higher cost of fund on fixed
deposit and bank collets more funds from fixed deposit so that bank cost of fund is slide high.
Established under joint venture and high level staffs are experienced in international market.
Increasing branches network.
Two Robert (Pari) is used on banking sectors first in Nepal.
Well capital structure.
Staffs are trained by parent company SBI Bank Ltd, Central office Mumbai.
Low deposit collection in Margin account then other deposit account
Lack of sufficient working areas
High cost of fund
Employment opportunities due to increase of branches.
Inward and outward remittance opportunities from India mainly and other country.
Cut market competition.
Small market size.
Total deposit is increasing by 19%, 21%, 26%, 25% and 17% in recent five fiscal years
FY 2075/76, FY 2076/77, FY 2077/78, FY 2078/79 and FY 2079/80respectively.
Ratio of FD is 0.35, 0.37, 0.25, 0.51 and 0.53 times in last five fiscal years FY 2075/76,
FY 2076/77, FY 2077/78, FY 2078/79 and FY 2079/80 respectively it shows FD
collection is high and cost of fun is increasing but liquidity risk is decreasing cause FD is
more than one year time period.
Saving Deposit Ratio is 0.42, 0.41, 0.40, 0.51 and 0.35 times in last five fiscal years FY
2075/76, FY 2076/77, FY 2077/78, FY 2078/79 and FY 2079/80 respectively it shows
saving account deposit ratio is medium level and it is in decreasing trend.
The proportion of the saving deposit account is high in total deposit liability. So, it is
recommended that the bank should utilize the amount collected from the saving deposit
account carefully. It should be invested in the higher yielding areas.
The key transaction costs affecting deposit collection is interest on saving deposits, rental
cost of branches and costs of stationary and printings.
The previous chapter presented the analysis of the findings, while this chapter deals with the
summary and conclusions based on the findings of the study. Accordingly this chapter is
organized into two subsections. The first section presents the summary while; the second
section presents the conclusions.
3.1 Summary
To get the more reliable and accurate information regarding the Nepal SBI Bank Limited. The
collection the various types of data such as annual report of various years, some websites of
banks, regulatory and other financial institutions. Saving/deposit amount and collection of fund
from various sources and it is clear from the information given that most of the saving /deposit
amount of cover. So, a deep study and analysis on the deposit position of Nepal SBI Bank
limited. It could be summarized that the deposit position of NSBL.
In this study has been based upon the objective to evaluate the Deposit position of Nepal SBI
Bank Ltd. also to study the trend of working progress of NSBL. The overall deposit of NSBL has
been capable for maintaining its short term solvency and overall efficiency.
3.2 Conclusion
Nepal is one of the least developed countries of the world. For most of the developing process, it
is financially depending upon the foreign countries. It is economically too weak. Thus, the
economic condition of the people is weak. In Nepal 85% of the people are depended upon
agricultural sector which is unable to provide full employment to the people. Nepal government
has to activate people in the nation’s development through overall industrialization of nation. For
this purpose, development of sound banking system is essential.
Ever, since the establishment of Nepal SBI Bank, it is playing a vital role to foster in the
economy of Nepal. Strong financial position of the organization is a must to survive, grow and
succeed in this world passing thought tumultuous changes. The crux of this fieldwork report is to
analyze the financial status of Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. with the help of ratio analysis.
This study examined the challenges and prospects of deposit mobilization of Nepal SBI Bank
Ltd. Based on the result of descriptive and empirical analysis, the study had concluded the
The external factors such as Age Dependency Ratio, Money supply and Investment
and legal environment affects the operation and performance of financial institutions.
The internal factors such as literacy about saving, quality customer service and
narrow scope of branch affects the total deposit.
One of the main factors that affect the savings mobilization is the awareness of the
people. The more the people are conscious the higher will be the savings
The key transaction costs affecting deposit mobilization is interest on saving deposits,
rental cost of branches and costs of stationary and printings.
The difference in deposit mobilization among branches are convenience of bank
branches, quality customer services, and proximity of branches to job or home,
awareness of the society, convenient working hours, low cost /charges and General
appearance of office materials.
Adhikari Dev Raj and Pandey D.L, Business Reasearch Methods of Asmita’s Publication.
Bajracharya, B.C. (2053), Business statistics & mathematics, M.K. publishers and Distributors.
Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology”, Mc. Grow Hill Company, second Edition.
Karki, Barun (2018) A study on deposit mobilization of Nepal SBI Bank Limited.
Bhandari, Shiva Hari (2018) A study on deposit position of Nepal SBI Bank Limited.
Appndix-1 List of Commercial Banks in Nepal
Operation Paid up
S. Date (A.D.) Capital
Name Head Office
N. ( Crore)
1 Nepal Bank Ltd. 1937/11/15 Dharmapath,Kathmandu 804.27
2 Agriculture Development Bank Ltd. 1968/01/21 Ramshahpath, Kathmandu 1393.79
3 Nabil Bank Ltd. 1984/07/12 Beena Marg, Kathmandu 804.32
4 Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd. 1986/03/09 Durbarmarg, Kathmandu 1064.56
5 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd. 1987/02/28 Nayabaneshwor, Kathmandu 801.14
6 Himalayan Bank Ltd. 1993/01/18 Kamaladi, Kathmandu 811.45
7 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. 1993/07/07 Kesharmahal, Kathmandu 804.69
8 Everest Bank Ltd. 1994/10/18 Lazimpat , Kathmandu 810.69
9 Kumari Bank Ltd. 2001/04/03 Durbarmarg, Kathmandu 596.95
10 Laxmi Sunrise Bank Ltd. 2002/04/03 Hattisar, Kathmandu 822.17
11 Citizens Bank International Ltd. 2007/04/20 Narayanhitipath, Kathmandu 803.32
12 Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. 2007/09/24 Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu 803.33
13 Sanima Bank Ltd. 2012/02/15 Nagpokhari, Kathmandu 800.13
14 Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. 2012/7/9 Lazimpat , Kathmandu 805.57
15 NIC Asia Bank Ltd. 2013/6/30 Thapathali, Kathmandu 803.11
16 Global IME Bank Ltd. 2014/4/9 Panipokhari, Kathmandu 888.84
17 NMB Bank Ltd. 2015/10/18 Babarmahal, Kathmandu 646.18
18 Prabhu Bank Ltd. 2016/2/12 Babarmahal, Kathmandu 800.13
19 Siddhartha Bank Ltd. 2016/7/21 Hattisar, Kathmandu 846.44
20 Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd. 2018/05/02 Singhadurbarplaza, Ktm 900.48
Source: “”
Particulars FY FY FY FY FY
2075/76 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
1. Interest Income 411.05 397.66 382.13 398.13 591.12
2. Interest Expenses 248.70 223.16 177.38 156.52 299.45
Net Interest Income 162.35 174.50 204.75 241.61 291.67
3. Commission and Discount 31.37 32.04 34.04 46.58 48.76
4. Other Operating Incomes 15.78 21.73 30.77 31.81 44.79
5. Exchange Fluctuation Income 10.19 10.78 11.95 13.64 22.09
Total Operating Income 219.69 239.05 281.51 333.64 407.31
6. Staff Expenses 41.66 44.31 55.22 54.90 79.05
7. Other Operating Expenses 47.72 50.60 51.58 61.68 75.47
8. Exchange Fluctuation Loss 0 0 0 0 0
Operating Profit before 130.31 144.14 174.71 217.06 252.79
Provision for Possible Loss
9. Provision for Possible Losses 12.80 8.30 11.66 11.13 18.79
Operating Profit 117.51 135.84 163.05 205.93 234.00
10. Non-Operating Income -0.03 0.87 1.07 1.00 0.56
11. Provision for Possible Loss 4.39 7.18 5.21 4.27 2.80