6732 Unit Test PHY2G

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Edexcel GCE Physics (6732/01)

Summer 2005
Mark Scheme (Results)

Physics (6732/01)

Edexcel GCE

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Notes on the Mark Schemes Unit PHY2 Mark Scheme

1 2

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Notes on the Mark Schemes 1. Alternative responses: There was often more than one correct response to a particular question and these published mark schemes do not give all possible alternatives. They generally show only the schemes for the most common responses given by candidates. They are not model answers but indicate what the Examiners accepted in this examination. Error carried forward: In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised there but not subsequently, i.e. candidates are penalised once only, and can gain credit in later parts of a question by correct reasoning from an earlier incorrect answer. Quantity algebra: The working for calculations is presented using quantity algebra in the mark schemes for Units PHY1, PHY2, PHY3 (Topics), PHY4, PHY5/01, and PHY6 but candidates are not required to do this in their answers. Significant figures: Use of an inappropriate number of significant figures in the theory papers will normally be penalised only in show that questions where too few significant figures has resulted in the candidate not demonstrating the validity of the given answer. Use of an inappropriate number of significant figures will normally be penalised in the practical tests. In general candidates should nevertheless be guided by the numbers of significant figures in the data provided in the question. Unit penalties: A wrong or missing unit in the answer to a calculation will generally lose one mark unless otherwise indicated. Quality of written communication: Each theory paper will usually have 1 or 2 marks for the quality of written communication. The mark will sometimes be a separate mark and sometimes be an option in a list of marking points.




5. 6.

Within the schemes: / indicates alternative marking point ( ) brackets indicate words not essential to the answer [ ] brackets indicate additional guidance for markers The following standard abbreviations are used: a.e. e.c.f. s.f. no u.e. arithmetic error (1 mark) error carried forward (allow mark(s)) significant figures (1 mark only where specified) no unit error

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6732 Unit Test PHY2 1. Circuits Base unit: Derived quantity: Derived unit: Base quantity: ampere OR amperes OR amp OR amps charge OR resistance volt OR volts OR ohm OR ohms current

[If two answers are given to any of the above, both must be correct to gain the mark]

2.(a) Io and Jupiter: Time taken for electrons to reach Jupiter t = s/ = (4.2 108 m)/(2.9 107 m s-1) = 14.48 s Correct substitution in = s/t (ignore powers of ten) Answer: 14.48 s, 14.5 s [no ue] (b) Estimate of number of electrons Q = ne = It n = It/e n = (3.0 106 A) (1s)/(1.6 10-19 C) 2

Use of ne = It (1.8 2.0) 1025 (c) Current direction From Jupiter (to Io) / to Io / to the moon 1 ___ 5

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p.d. across 4 resistor 1.5 (A) 4 () =6V 1


Resistance R2 Current through R2 = 0.5 A R2 =

6 (V) 0.5 (A)


R2 = 12 [allow ecf their pd across 4 ] (c) Resistance R1 p.d. across R1 = 12 6 4 =2V Current through R1 = 2 A R1 =

2 (V) =1 2 (A)

[allow ecf of pd from (a) if less than 12 V] Alternative method Parallel combination = 3 Circuit resistance = 12(V)/2 (A) = 6 R1 = 6 (3 + 2) = 1 [allow ecf of pd from (a) and R from (b)]
3 ___ 6

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Current in filament lamp

P = VI or correct rearrangement

2A (b)(i) Sketch graph Correct shape for their axes IV quadrant showing fair rotational symmetry


Explanation of shape (As the voltage/p.d. increases), current also increases (As the current increases), temperature of lamp increases

(This leads to) an increase in resistance of lamp so equal increases in V lead to smaller increases in I OR rate of increase in current decreases OR correct reference to their correct gradient [If a straight line graph was drawn though the origin then the following:
V is proportional to R therefore the graph has a constant gradient]

4 ___ 8


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5.(a)(i) Graph Attempt to find gradient at start of graph ie over 11 oC rise or less Value calculated with units in K s-1 / K min-1 / oC s-1 / oC min-1 Range 0.07 0.18 K s-1 or 4.4 11.0 K min-1 (ii) Power of heater Formula Q/t = mcT/t used Converts g to kg Value for rate within acceptable range 18 50 W or 1100 3000 J min -1 [no ecf from gradient] (b) Heating process (rate of) energy lost to the surroundings OR due to evaporation[do not credit boiling] approaches (rate of ) energy supply OR increases with temperature difference. (c) (i) Graph Curve of reducing gradient starting at 20 C, 0 s initially below given graph (consequential mark) (ii) Explanation Reference of need to heat mug Hence reduced rate of temperature rise [consequential mark] Reference to insulating properties of mug
Max 2 ____ 11 2

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Definition of quantities
n R

number of moles molar gas constant


Meaning of the temperature absolute zero Temperature at which pressure [or volume] of a gas is zero OR temperature at which kinetic energy of molecules is zero


Number of moles of gas Use of pV = nRT


1.1 105 (Pa) 60 (m3 ) 8.31(J K -1 mol-1 ) 298 (K)

= 2665 moles Conversion to kelvin Answer

3 ___ 6

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7.(a)(i) Replacement V1 (ii) Explanation [ONE pair of marks] Resistance: resistance of V1 [not just the voltmeter]is much larger than 100 OR combined resistance of parallel combination is approximately 100 Voltage: p.d. across V1 is much greater than p.d. across 100 OR all 9 V is across V1 OR Current: no current is flowing in the circuit / very small current Resistance: because V1 has infinite/very large resistance OR (Correct current calculation 0.9 x 10 -6 A and) correct pd calculation 90 x 10 -6 A This is a very small/negligible pd
2 1

(b) (i)

Circuit diagram V1 V2 or equivalent resistor symbol labelled 10 M or equivalent resistor symbol labelled 10 M

[They must be shown in a correct arrangement with R] (ii) Value of R 6 (V): 3 (V) = 10 (M): 5 (M) / Rtotal of parallel combination is 5 M 1/5 (M) = 1/10 (M) + 1/R OR some equivalent correct substitution to show working
R = 10 M 3 ___ 8

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Terms in efficiency equation T1: temperature of hot reservoir/hot source T2: temperature of cold reservoir/cold sink Reference to kelvins/absolute
Max 2

(b)(i) Calculation of initial temperature

T2 T1

T2 = 1 E = 1 0.53 T1

T1 = 373 (K) 0.47 T1 = 794 K/521 oC

Substitution into equation [no rearranging] E and T1ignore powers of 10 Use of 373 K

Answer (ii) Improvement of efficiency of power station Increase value of T1 / reduce value of T2 / increase temperature difference [ecf their terms for T1 / T2 ]
1 ___ 6

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Smoke particles

Smoke particles/bright specks moving randomly/irregularly [Ensure it is not air] Motion is due to collisions with air molecules / gas molecules Any one further comment from:

air molecules cannot be seen / invisible uneven collisions produce / resultant force produced air molecules have high speed (in order to be able to move heavier smoke particles)

Quality of written communication (b) Diagram Path that has different length straight sections (min of 5) different directions

2 ___ 6

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