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Kyoto surf spots & local guide


▶ P.12-13

Takashima Kyuso

NOTE 注意事項
At first, we recommend that you travel the Tango ▶ P.10-11

Peninsula in a clockwise direction. HAMAZUME

The reason being is that you'd be driving closest to ▶ P.8
the ocean side and get the best views.
丹後半島は時計回りで回ることをおすすめします。 Hacchohama
Hamazume Tango
With a huge range of surf breaks to choose from,
take the time to choose a surf spot that suits both ▶ P.6-7
your ability.
自身の技量を考慮してサーフポイントを選びましょう。 Kazurano

Car break-ins rarely occur, however take care where Shotenkyo INE
you park. Take care not to leave any litter in the area.
▶ P.16
違法駐車、迷惑駐車が大問題になっています。 KUMIHAMA
7km / 10minutes
We promote the "One Hand Beach Cleanup Move- HAMAZUME
ment". This movement asks surfers when getting out
11km / 20minutes
of the sea with their surfboards in one hand, to take
out with their other hand any marine litter which they
may come across. 20km / 30minutes
▶ P.14-15
もう片方の手でゴミを拾って帰りましょう。 26km / 40minutes
With a degree of commonsense and courtesy, you
could make friends with the local people and surfers, 28km / 40minutes
and you may unlock a few secret places that only Kanzaki
local those people know about.
地元のサーファーと仲良くしましょう。彼等だけが知っている、素晴ら 11km / 15minutes ▶ P.16

Respect goes a long way. 13km / 20minutes

Tango Peninsula

Kyoto towards Route 178, we call

the Tango area, SURF HIGHWAY 178
touching its nature and surf
Kyoto City Ask any keen surfer what the Tango areas
has to offer, and most will talk about the
Travelers from all over the world come to Kyoto City every year for a good reason.
wonderful surf breaks along the 110km
Kyoto City is huge and full of historical sites, great restaurants, and tons to do.
It's worth visiting at least once in your life.

There are many surf spots on Surf Highway

The Tango region is located along the Sea of Japan, at the most northern area of
178. Mostly these spots start working from
Kyoto Prefecture, which is about two hours by car from Kyoto City.
late September to March.
The peak season is November to February,
The Tango Peninsular, this area includes Amano-
when you can surf almost every day, but you've got to be prepared, for the water is
hashidate, one of the three most beautiful sites in
cold! Come and meet the local Samurai type freaks hanging out there!!
Japan. Also Funaya-gun (boat houses) in Ine, and
Kotohikihama Beach famous for naki-suna (singing
Whilst surfing along highway 178 is the main attraction you'll meet a diverse range of
sand which produces sound when stepped on).
people, visit fascination places and enjoy various other activities that make this area
of Tango so unique.
The coastline in the Tango Peninsula has expansive with beautiful scenery and full of
Surf Highway 178 means something different to everyone who cruises its length
valuable geological conditions.
between Kumihama and Maizuru, and with its myriad of beaches, is the epitome of
There are many surf points. Hacchohama and Kotohikihama are the best spots on
coastal Japanese diversity and fascination.
this stretch. Both have beautiful white-sand beaches, and excellent surf.
Visitors can enjoy a delicious food gathered from the mountains and the Sea of Japan,
hot springs, (Tango region is the largest hot spring resort in Kyoto Prefecture), a variety
The Tango region is vastly different from the general image of Kyoto, with wonderful
of local products which have been produced by the weather, climate, and industrial
natures including great surf points along the Sea of Japan.
techniques, and so on.

Tango Peninsula has been approved as to be included into the San'in-Kaigan Geopark, and has also
been appointed as San'in-Kaigan National Park and as Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Surf Highway 178 is ideal for surfing and sightseeing also an invigorating stroll
Park. highlighted by sea breezes that originate in endless ocean depths.

4 5
Kumihama area 小天橋 Kumihama area 葛野

Shotenkyo Kazurano

This point is the furthest westerly surf point on the Tango Best wind/Offshore The NE swells are very good at this point. And also you can Best wind/Offshore
Peninsula. It is possible to surf at this point when the West W ∼ SE catch a wave by the West swell, although the waves don't SW ∼ SE
swells are big and the other points are closed, because the Swell Direction break so well. Enjoy the small waves here when waves are Swell Direction

West swells indirectly hit this point. But depending on the W ∼ NE not so good at other points. At times of big swells, be careful NW ∼ NE
Bottom Bottom
changes of the sands condition. of strong side currents.
Sand Sand
丹後のサーフポイントの中では一番西に位置しているポイントです。砂付きに 西寄りのウネリも入りますが、波はあまり良くありません。北東ウネリがここ
Stoke rating Stoke rating
大きく左右されますが、西寄りのウネリが強く、他のポイントがクローズの時でも では良いです。波のサイズが大きくなると、サイドへのカレントが強くなるため
3/5 注意が必要です。他のポイントが小波であまり良くない時でも遊べることがあり
others ます。 others
Shops & Restaurants

Shops & Restaurants

Restaurant / レストラン P 有 Accommodation / 宿 P 有 Sake brewery / 清酒製造(酒小売り販売) P 有 Cafe / カフェ P 有

Bay Cook / ベイクック HOLIDAY HOME / ホリデーホーム Kinoshitasaketen / 木下酒造有限会社・木下酒店 Sora / ミルク工房そら
Splendid view of the Kumihama Bay. Wonderful hotel in the Kabutoyama Mt. British chief brewer is working at here. Tango jersey farm dairy kitchen.
10:00 ∼ 21:30(L.O. 21:00) 〒629-3410 京都府京丹後市久美浜町 2575 9:00 ∼ 17:00 10:00 ∼ 17:00
Closed: Tuesday / 火曜日定休 0772-83-3131 Closed: Open 365 days / 無休 Closed: Thursday / 木曜日定休
〒629-3410 京都府京丹後市久美浜町 2794 〒629-3442 京都府京丹後市久美浜町甲山 1512 〒629-3441 京都府京丹後市久美浜町神崎 411
0772-82-1576 0772-82-0071 0772-83-1617

6 7
Hamazume area 浜詰


Hamazume area

Yuhigaura is famous for its beautiful sunset which is
The right-hander wave which starts to break from the left Best wind/Offshore
listed in "Japan's best 100 sunset spots".
side of the tetrapod is very good. In good conditions, you SW ∼ SE
Have you ever seen such a splendid sunset?
could get a barrel. The waves at this point are approximately Swell Direction

one foot lower than the waves at Hacchohama point, W ∼ NE

depending on the direction of the swell. The surfing at the
East side of this point is recommended for beginners. Sand
Stoke rating
ワンサイズ小さくなります。初心者は東側でのサーフィンがおすすめです。テトラ others
Shops & Restaurants

Hot spring / 日帰り温泉施設 P 有 Sweets shop / ジェラートショップ P 有

HANAYUMI / 花ゆうみ Royal Merry / 酪ママ工房 Royal Merry

A natural hot spring facility. The handmade ice cream and gelato.
10:00 ∼ 22:00 Closed: Thursday (The latter half of Jul.-Aug.& 10:00 ∼ 17:00
Nov.-Mar. Open 365 days) / 木曜日定休(7 月後半∼ 8 月、11 月∼ 3 月は無休) Closed: Irregular days off / 不定休
〒629-3245 京都府京丹後市網野町浜詰 256-1 〒629-3245 京都府京丹後市網野町浜詰 46
0772-74-1306 0772-74-1911

8 9
Amino area 八丁浜 Amino area 琴引浜

Hacchohama Kotohikihama

The right-hander wave break on the center is particularly good Best wind/Offshore Kotohikihama point is the best of all the locations among Best wind/Offshore
for the NW swells. The left-hander wave break on the left side W∼E these points for its swells. This point reacts to western swells SW ∼ SE
which is named CCZ is very good for the NE swells. North swells Swell Direction earlier than at the other points. If the bottom shifts into a Swell Direction

are bad here, as they become dumper breaks. Take care as there W∼E position good for waves spectacular waves appear. However, W∼E
Bottom Bottom
are artificial reefs, slippery seaweed on the rocks and a strong beware as sometimes the sand shifts in a way that exposes
side current. (Caution:Local surfers are somewhat possessive of this point.) Sand rocks beneath the sand. Sand/Reef
Stoke rating Stoke rating
北西のウネリでは中央でブレイクするライトの波が、北東のウネリでは左側(CCZ この辺りでは一番敏感なポイントで、西寄りのウネリに最も早く反応します。
4/5 4.5/5
ポイント)でブレイクするレフトの波が良いです。北寄りのウネリはあまり良くなく、 地形がよく変わりますが、決まればクオリティーの高い波が現れます。砂の付き方
ダンパーブレイクになりがちです。人口リーフが入っているので注意が必要です。 others によっては、数カ所で岩が見えることもあり危険です。また、色々なところに others
インサイドのサイドカレントや、岩場の海苔にも注意が必要です。灯台のグー 流れがあり、沖へ向かうカレントにも注意が必要です。
Shops & Restaurants

Shops & Restaurants

Accommodation / 宿 P 有 Cafe / カフェ P 有 Restaurant / レストラン P 有 Accommodation / 宿 P 有

Morigen Ryokan / 守源旅館 Kanabun / カナブン MA MAISON / マ・メゾン New Marutaso / ニュー丸田荘
Soldier Blue Surf Shop is inside. The cafe which can be relaxed with a delicious cake. The European style restaurant. About 3 minutes walk to Kotohikihama.
〒629-3101 京都府京丹後市網野町網野 656 10:00 ∼ 20:00 lunch 11:30 ∼ 15:00 dinner 17:00 ∼ 22:00 〒629-3112 京都府京丹後市網野町掛津 13
0772-72-0155 Closed: Wednesday / 水曜日定休 Closed: Irregular days off / 不定休 0772-72-5716
〒629-3101 京都府京丹後市網野町網野 2808-2 〒629-3101 京都府京丹後市網野町網野 138
0772-72-6030 0772-72-4269

10 11
Hei / Kyuso area 平 Hei / Kyuso area 久僧

Hei Best wind/Offshore

Swell Direction
Stoke rating

In the Hei point, the main breaks are along the front and left side. There is a need for
a strong NW swell as the bottom is deep. This point usually has massy breaks, but in
good conditions, we can get a long ride.
主に正面と左側の 2 カ所のブレイクポイントでサーフィンが可能です。北西ウネリが良いと言われていますが、
よければ厚い波ですがロングライドが可能です。 When other points are crowded, it is best to surf along Best wind/Offshore
Kyuso's quieter points. Kyuso has the W-NW swells. The SW ∼ SE
W-NW swells here are sometimes good for left-hander Swell Direction

waves. Unfortunately, some tetrapods have been placed W ∼ NE

Hei / Kyuso area 高嶋 along the coasts east side. Bottom

Best wind/Offshore 普段から人が少なめなので、休日の混雑回避としては狙い目なポイントです。
Stoke rating
SW ∼ SE 西∼北西のウネリの時は、レフトの良い波がブレイクすることがあります。以前は
Swell Direction
割れなくなりました。 others
W ∼ NE

Shops & Restaurants

Stoke rating

In the Takashima point, the W-NW swells are good. Particularly the W swells are best.
However the N-NE swells are not so good here. The river-mouth point of Takashima
Accommodation / 宿 P 有 Restaurant / 食堂 P 有
has a mix of gravel and sand on the bottom. So it's best to check this point after
TOTOYA / 海辺のうまし宿 とト屋 Resuto Konoshiro / レスト斯城
rainfall and the chance of catching a barrel is increased. Various activities are available. Local fish and vegetables.
〒627-0201 京都府京丹後市間人 566 11:00 ∼ 16:00(lunch11:30 ∼ 14:00)
0772-75-2639 Closed: Thursday, Friday / 木曜日・金曜日定休
〒627-0232 京都府京丹後市丹後町此代 994
ショアブレイクのチューブがねらえます。 0772-76-0837

12 13
Yura / Kanzaki area 丹後由良 Yura / Kanzaki area 神崎

Tangoyura Kanzaki

Tangoyura beach break area along the inland sea mainly Best wind/Offshore Across the river, next to Tangoyura, is Kanzaki point. The Best wind/Offshore
consists of two break points. However waves don't break here SW ∼ SE mountain located at the east side of this point works as SW ∼ SE
unless at times of big swells in case of W-NW swell. One of the Swell Direction a wind break to easterly winds. When the conditions are Swell Direction

good points is in front of a convenience store. The cliff located NW ∼ NE excellent, the good right-hander break emerges here. Be NW ∼ NE
at the west side of this point works as a wind break to westerly careful of the tetrapod. Bottom
winds. The other good point is at the river-mouth. Be careful of Rivermouth
Stoke rating Stoke rating
the strong currents here. (Note:There are not much parking space.) 風をかわし、条件次第では形の良いレギュラーの波がブレイクします。テトラ
3/5 ポッドに注意が必要です。
others others
ます。ブレイクポイントは主にコンビニ前と河口の 2 ケ所。コンビニ前のポイ
Shops & Restaurants

Type of Wetsuits ウェットスーツ指数

April 5mm × 3mm Fullsuit October 3mm × 2mm Seagull Wetsuit

4月 5mm × 3mm Semi-Dry Fullsuit 10 月 3mm Fullsuit

May 3mm Fullsuit

November 3mm Fullsuit
5月 11 月

June December 5mm × 3mm Fullsuit

3mm × 2mm Seagull Wetsuit
6月 12 月 5mm × 3mm Semi-Dry Fullsuit Boots

Sweets shop / 菓子製造・一般小売 P 有 Cafe / カフェ P 有 July January 5mm × 3mm Semi-Dry Fullsuit Boots/
3mm × 2mm Spring Wetsuit
7月 1月 Gloves
HAKUREISYA / 白嶺舎 Pagopago / 古民家カフェ パゴパゴ
Sake brewery presents. Yummy Natto rice in nostalgic space. August 3mm × 2mm Spring Wetsuit February 5mm × 3mm Semi-Dry Fullsuit Boots/
10:00 ∼ 17:00(cafe ∼ 16:00)Closed: Wednesday, 10:00 ∼ 17:00 8月 Shorts/Rash Guard 2月 Gloves
Tuesday (Confirmation required) / 水曜日・火曜日(要確認) Closed: Monday, Tuesday / 月曜日・火曜日定休 September 3mm×2mm Long-Sleeved March 5mm × 3mm Fullsuit
〒626-0071 京都府宮津市字由良 949 〒626-0077 京都府宮津市脇 339 9月 Spring WetSuit Shorts/Rash Guard 3月 5mm × 3mm Semi-Dry Fullsuit
0772-26-0001 0772-20-2070

14 15
Other area その他のエリア Recommended surf shop おすすめサーフショップ

Cafe / 台湾茶カフェ P 無 Restaurant / 食事処・呑み処 P 無
伊根 伊根 〒629-3101
Chinzao / 靑竈(チンザオ) Nagisa / 食事処 なぎさ
Taiwanese tea in Funaya (boat houses). The shop which is famous for a sea cucumber.
京都府京丹後市網野町網野 656(守源旅館内)
10:00 ∼ 19:00 10:30 ∼ 21:00 TEL:0772-72-6309 FAX:0772-72-6356
Closed: Irregular days off / 不定休 Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday / 火曜日・水曜日定休 [email protected]
〒626-0423 京都府与謝郡伊根町字平田 69 〒626-0423 京都府与謝郡伊根町字平田 563
0772-32-0037 0772-32-0022

Michiaki Moriyama
守山 倫明

Born 1958, Kyotango City Kyoto.

Mr. Moriyama is a surfer that home points at
Hacchohama and Kotohikihama and sets up SOLDIER BLUE SURF SHOP
Accommodation / 農家民泊 P 有 Cafe / カフェ P 有
弥栄町 宮津 in 1983.
Hokkori / 温古里 ほっこり Sakurayama / nagaya cafe 桜山
Old private house lodging. Machiya (Japanese traditional houses) cafe. Third generation owner of Morigen Ryokan.
〒627-0102 京都府京丹後市弥栄町須川 419-2 11:30 ∼ 17:00(夜ご予約承ります) Surfrider Foundation Japan Advisor.
0772-66-0218(施設) 0772-62-0934(問合わせ予約専用) Closed: Thursday / 木曜日定休 〒626-0008 京都府宮津市字万年 1 番地 Representative of
0772-21-1047 He feels the problem of littering, marine litter, wave dissipating concrete
block, and destruction of the home point by reclamation, work on
enlightenment such as the beach cleaning up by the surfer and gives a
lecture in all parts of Japan to appeal for importance of nature.

1958 年生まれ 京都府京丹後市出身

83 年より Soldier Blue Surf Shop を開業。
Cafe / カフェ P 有 Cafe,Restaurant / カフェ、レストラン P 有 守源旅館三代目館主。Surfrider Foundation Japan 現顧問。
宮津 舞鶴
MogMog / もぐもぐ Honobonoya / ほのぼの屋 守 .jp 代表。
Small pretty cafe on the alley. Authentic French restaurant. ゴミのポイ捨て、漂着ゴミ、消波ブロックの投入、
11:00 ∼ 16:00 10:00 ∼ 21:00(lunch 11:30 ∼ 14:00(L.O.13:00) 埋め立てによるホームポイントの破壊などに問題を感じ、
Closed: Wednesday / 水曜日定休 dinner 18:00 ∼ 21:00( 予 約 制 ))Closed: Wednesday,
〒626-0017 京都府宮津市島崎 2041 1st&3rd&5th Tuesday / 毎週水曜日 第 1・3・5 火曜日
080-5324-4083 〒625-0007 京都府舞鶴市字大波下小字滝ヶ浦 202-56

16 17
Surf Highway
178 CastaNet Ltd, based in Kyoto, is a company
that engages primarily in the sale of office
supplies. However our company has a strong
emphasis on various social contributions both within A percentage of money made from our cookies and our flower
Japan and internationally. delivery service contributes towards our social programs.
Our company's motto is to harmonize business in a クッキーやお花のデリバリーサービスなどを購入すると、お支払い代金の一部が
We created way as to be beneficial to society. 支援組織に「寄付」されます。

this as… 株式会社カスタネットは京都市にあるオフィス用品の販売を主に行って

する姿追い求めること」をモットーに日本で CSR の重要性が問われ始め
We introduce local tourist attractions and approach to
community development by Four-frame comic.
Our assistance to Cambodia, Sponsorship of the National その地域の企業キャラクターが、地域の観光資源や、まちづくりの取り組みを
in the construction of a primary Wheelchair Ekiden Race 4 コマまんがで分かりやすく紹介します。
school 全国車いす駅伝競走大会への協賛

Do you know that the Sea of Japan is in Kyoto?


Kyoto is one of the foremost destinations in the world for travelers.

However most visitors who come to Kyoto City are completely unaware
Cookies of Kyoto Friends of the vast beauty within Kyoto as a prefecture.
京のおともだちクッキー As a result most of the greatest destinations in Kyoto are unvisited.
Our company sells emergency We think that if visitors were to become more aware of those little
supplies known areas within Kyoto, it would lead to a revitalization within those
Good for
毎年、日本人だけでなく、海外からも多くの旅行客が訪れて Do yo u wa nt to go on
います。 a 1da y Su rf Tri p!?
Ple ase co nta ct us for
oth er inq uiries .
[email protected]
Kikuya-delicacy (in Nishiki Market)
Nishiki-dori Tomikoji east Iru Higashiuoya-cho
198 Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 地域の活性化にも繋がるのではないかと考えています。 珍味の喜久屋(錦市場内)京都市中京区錦通富小路東入ル
東魚屋町 198
The publisher: 編集・発行:
CastaNet Ltd. 株式会社 カスタネット

Association for the Promotion of Miyazu Social-manga 宮津ソーシャルマンガ普及協議会

model: モデル:
Ayako Yamada 山田 絢子

Thanks to: Thanks to:

Ms. Ashida 芦田さん
Mr. Imai 今井さん
Ms. Hatano 羽田野さん
Maiko experience transformation AYA 舞妓体験処 ぎをん彩
Mr. Moriyama 守山さん
Jidaikobo Inc. 有限会社 時代工房
Park Shincha Park Shincha
Steve Ring Steve Ring


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