Zhang 2010
Zhang 2010
Zhang 2010
Received: 22 November 2009, Revised: 25 December 2009, Accepted: 4 January 2010, Published online in Wiley Online Library: 29 April 2010
Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777 Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Since UPR is like PET and epoxy with high oxygen content in
Table 1. Synthesis recipes
the molecular structure, DDP will probably be effective on the
enhancement of flame retardance for UPR. And the structure of
DDP allows for the facile incorporation of different phosphorus Sample ID
contents as an integral part of the molecular chain of UPR by melt
polycondensation. It was therefore chosen as a reactive flame Substrate (g) UPR FR-UPR1 FR-UPR2 FR-UPR3
retardant for the synthesis of phosphorus-containing UPR to
improve flame retardance and to avoid the migration problems MA 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
of blending flame retardants. flame-retardant unsaturated PA 36.7 28.7 20.6 12.6
polyester resin (FR-UPR) was based on MA, PA, DDP, and PG. DDP 0 10.0 20.0 30.0
The synthesized DDP and FR-UPR were identified by FTIR, PG 49.8 47.2 44.7 42.2
H-NMR, and 31P-NMR. Average molecular weight, apparent St 60.7 60.9 61.2 61.5
viscosity, thermal stability, and flame retardance were deter- DCP 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
mined, and fire reaction tests were examined. HQ 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777 Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat
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Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777 Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat
Figure 6. P-NMR spectra of DDP and FR-UPR3.
because the biphenyl configuration of DDP has a large steric TGA shows the differences in thermal behavior of different
effect. All of FR-UPR have a middle apparent viscosity, which is UPRs. All values of the initial decomposed temperature (T5) of
low enough to assure proper impregnation and easy to FR-UPR are higher than UPR in N2, and the TG curves shift toward
process. The viscosity gradually decreases with increasing higher temperature with increasing DDP content in both N2 and
DDP content. air, indicating that FR-UPR is characterized by slightly higher
thermal stability than UPR. TGA confirms that the chemical
structure of polyesters influences the thermal stability of cured
Thermal stability
UPR. And, as more DDP is incorporated in the chain of UPR, better
The thermal degradation of cured FR-UPR has been studied and thermal stability is shown by the chemical modification of
experimentally compared to cured UPR. Their thermograms in N2 polyesters. This result differs from the reports of other
and in air are shown in Fig 7 and 8, respectively. The characteristic researchers’,[21,22] where a phosphorus-containing monomer
temperature obtained from TGA is summarized in Table 4. introduced into epoxy system reduced its thermal stability.
Figure 7. TG curves of UPR with varying DDP contents in N2. Figure 8. TG curves of UPR with varying DDP contents in air.
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777
In N2 In air 6508C
UPR 247 293 365 259 291 362 574 3.4 2.5
FR-UPR1 256 306 373 251 295 380 562 7.2 3.5
FR-UPR2 252 307 378 251 300 382 561 8.5 5.9
FR-UPR3 264 315 382 265 312 377 589 10.3 12.0
T5: the initial decomposed temperature; T10: a temperature at 10% weight loss; Tmax: the maximum decomposition temperature in the
thermal degradation in N2; Tmax1: the maximum decomposition temperature in the first stage of thermal degradation in air; Tmax2: the
maximum decomposition temperature in the second stage of thermal degradation in air.
The thermal degradation pattern[23] of all copolymers exhibits Apparent activation energy of thermal degradation
one degradation step in N2, but shows the trend of two separate
degradation steps in air, with two maximum decomposition To estimate the kinetic parameters of the degradation process,
temperatures (Tmax1 and Tmax2) in the DTG curves calculated from dynamic thermogravimetric experiments were carried out in
Fig. 9, as noted in Table 4. This implies that the existing oxygen nitrogen at heating rates (b) of 5, 10, 20, and 408C/min (Fig. 9),
changed the thermal degradation process of UPR. respectively. The apparent activation energy (Ea) of the different
Figure 9. TG curves of UPR and FR-UPR3 at different values of heating rate in N2.
Figure 10. Application of the Kissinger method to the experimental data of UPR and FR-UPR3.
Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777 Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat
Figure 11. Plots of lg b versus 1000/T at different conversions of Figure 12. Activation energy (Ea) as a function of the degree of con-
FR-UPR3, calculated by the Ozawa method. version for the decomposition process of UPR and FR-UPR3 calculated by
the Ozawa method
degradation stages of UPR and FR-UPR3 can be evaluated by a result of the incorporation of DDP into the UPR chain.
the Kissinger[24] differential method and the Ozawa[25] integral This is consistent the activation energy calculated with the
method, respectively. Kissinger method.
With the Kissinger method and the temperature correspond-
ing to the maximum weight-loss rate (Tp) from the DTG curves, Ea
Flame retardance
for the decomposition of the UPR and FR-UPR3 systems was
estimated from the slope of a straight line of lg(b/T2p ) versus 1000/ It is clear from the LOI data in Table 5 that the flame retardance of
Tp, as shown in Fig. 10. Ea was calculated to be 150.4 kJ/mol for cured FR-UPR increases with phosphorus content in the
UPR and 174.5 kJ/mol for FR-UPR3. copolyesters. The enhancement of the flame retardance of
The Ozawa calculation method is applicable to all points of FR-UPR can also be observed from the vertical burning test
the TG curves, thus they are capable of providing reasonably results. FR-UPR becomes more difficult to flame with increasing of
reliable data, and are often used in analysis of thermal phosphorus content. 1.62% phosphorus in the resin allows
degradation mechanism. Ea at different degrees of conversion FR-UPR3 to achieve a V-0 rating in the UL 94 test.
has been also evaluated with the Ozawa method. Figure 11 To further investigate how a phosphorus moiety in FR-UPR
shows nearly parallel fitted straight lines, indicating the improves flame retardance, a NOVA NANOSEM with an EDS
applicability of this method to our system in the conversion analysis system was used to examine the variations of char
range studied. On the basis of isoconversional analysis, Ea of residues on the surface of different burned resins. Char residues
the thermal decomposition process at different conversion for SEM scan were prepared as described previously.[27] In Fig. 13,
calculated by the Ozawa method from TG curves is provided clear differences in the morphology of three char residues have
in Fig. 12. The calculated Ea values of UPR are similar to been observed. The residue particles of UPR are piled loosely.
those reported by other researchers.[26] Figure 12 illustrates FR-UPR2 forms a layer of continuously and smoothly consolidated
the Ea values of FR-UPR3 are consistently higher than those char with a few small pores (Fig. 13b). In FR-UPR3, the formation
of UPR. In the thermal decomposition process, it is necessary of a compact whole carbon layer demonstrates that phosphorus
for FR-UPR3 to overcome a higher energy barrier. This plays an important role in flame retardation.[28] During burning,
implies that the degradation mechanism was changed as phosphorus in polymers is converted to phosphoric acid and
Table 5. Cone calorimeter results and flame retardance for cured UPR and FR-UPR
residue TTI PHRR TTP THR Hc SEA average
Sample (%) (sec) (kW/m2) (sec) (kJ) (MJ/kg) (m2/kg) LOI UL 94
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777
Figure 13. SEM photographs of char residue of (a) UPR, (b) FR-UPR2, and (c) FR-UPR3. 2k.
further thermal decomposition leads to the formation of dots in Fig. 14) have been taken from EDS observations at 10k
polyphosphoric acid.[9] The polyphosphoric acid esterifies and magnification before and after burning. In Fig. 14, the
dehydrates the pyrolyzing polymer and a simultaneously forming distribution density of phosphorus element in the residue is
phosphorus-rich carbonaceous layer further inhibits pyrolysis larger than that before burning and the phosphorus content on
reactions. This protective layer is resistant to even higher the surface increases from 1.8 to 9.6% after burning. These
temperatures and shields the underlying polymer from attack by results along with the variation of Ea of degradation
oxygen and radiant heat. mentioned-above reveal that the phosphorus moiety confers
On the other hand, the distribution and amounts of flammability resistancy mainly by the condensed phase
phosphorus on the surface of FR-UPR3 (shown as the bright flame-retardant mechanism.
Figure 14. SEM photographs of P-mapping and EDS analysis of FR-UPR3 (a) before burning and (b) after burning. 10k.
Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777 Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat
Fire reaction tests different phosphorus contents. UPR burns rapidly and the HRR
peak is much larger than those of the FR-UPRs. The difference in
The cone calorimeter is a bench-scale fire test apparatus which THR curves is presented in Fig. 15(b), and indicates that an
provides a wealth of information on combustion behavior.[29] increase of phosphorus content reduces the total amount of fuel
Some cone calorimeter results have been found to correlate well available for combustion. At the end of burning, all FR-UPRs
with those obtained from large scale fire tests, so that it can be produce a greater of amount of residue than UPR, particularly
used to predict the behavior of materials in a real fire.[30] It FR-UPR3 for which the residue amount is 1.8 times that of UPR as
quantifies fire parameters such as peak heat release rate (PHRR), shown in Fig. 15(d), indicating an improvement in the thermal
heat release rate (HRR), total heat release (THR) and smoke stability of FR-UPR. The increasing amount of residue with
emission (SEA—specific extinction area). phosphorus content is in agreement with the results obtained
In the present study, sample thickness was maintained at from thermogravimetric analysis.
5 0.5 mm to minimize any thickness effects.[31] Table 5 shows Smoke extinction area (SEA), which represents the relation-
some data obtained from the cone calorimeter. All FR-UPR ship between the volatile property and smoke emission, is
samples have higher TTI (time to ignition) values than UPR, and another very valuable parameter.[32] It can be observed from
FR-UPR3 has the highest value. An increase in phosphorus Fig. 15(c) and Table 5 that the FR-UPRs released higher
content from 0 to 1.62% decreases PHRR values from 655 to quantities of smoke from volatiles than UPR during all burning
375 kW/m2 (a 42.7% reduction) and THR values from 146 to tests. This may be attributed to the contribution of an aromatic
83 kJ (a 43.2% reduction). Hc is the quantity of heat produced structure from DDP; aromatic compounds produce more smoke
by the combustion of unit quantity of a material and is in a fire. The increase of released smoke together with char
measured in the cone throughout the burn period from the residues during burning results is not sufficient flaming of
heat release rate divided by the mass loss at each time. In FR-UPR. This is the main reason why THR, PHRR, and Hc are
FR-UPR3 sample, Hc is reduced to 40.7% of the control sample reduced greatly. However, the increase of SEA can be avoided by
(UPR) value. introducing modified layered double hydroxides (LDH) into UPR
Selected results are graphically shown in Fig. 15(a–d). Figuire to improve the strength of the char residue layer formed during
15(a) shows curves of HRR against time for UPR and FR-UPR with the burning process[33].
UPR 140
Heat Release Rate kW/m
500 FR-UPR3
Total Heat Released
40 FR-UPR1
100 20 FR-UPR3
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time s Time s
1800 FR-UPR1 FR-UPR1
m /kg
80 FR-UPR2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time s Time s
Figure 15. Cone calorimetric results for UPR and FR-UPR with different phosphorus contents: (a) heat release rate, (b) total heat released, (c) specific
extinction area, and (d) mass residue versus time curves.
wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pat Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2011, 22 1768–1777
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