2014chapter14 Amar Fire Resistbio BAsed
2014chapter14 Amar Fire Resistbio BAsed
2014chapter14 Amar Fire Resistbio BAsed
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Fire-Resist Bio-based
Polyurethane for Structural
Foam Application
Khairiah Haji Badri and Amamer Musbah Omran
Keywords........................................................................................................... 418
Acknowledgment............................................................................................... 418
References.......................................................................................................... 418
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 387
about the cost and availability of chlorofluorocarbons has led the PU foam indus-
try to focus on pentane as the primary blowing agent, especially in construction
industry. Unfortunately, the inherent high flammability of pentane has resulted in
PU foams that fail to meet the required regulatory fire tests. Therefore, PU indus-
try has to respond to these challenges by designing additive packages (catalysts,
surfactants, cross-linkers, and flame retardants) that can overcome these flam-
mability shortcomings, while providing physical and mechanical properties com-
parable to those of rigid PU foams blown with HFC or HCFC (Tang et al. 2002).
Polyurethanes, like all organic materials, burn in the presence of oxygen (O2)
under the action of heat. This cause the generation of toxic smoke and reduces
O2 concentration in the surroundings. The application of PU, which is combus-
tible, leads to an increase in fire risk. Flame retardants have been widely used for
plastics, rubbers, coatings, and fibers to reduce the risks for applications in areas
where safety is essential, such as aircraft, building/construction, public transport,
and housings for electrical equipment. In these cases they have to be made incom-
bustible, or at least difficult to ignite and burn. The focus of the present study is to
enhance the mechanical and thermal properties and importantly the fire resistivity
of PU composites by using phosphite as an additive.
14.1.2 Flame Retardant
Flame retardant is a class of materials that when compounded into plastics, pro-
vides a specific reaction during combustion. These reactions cause the initially
flammable substances to ignite with more difficulty and will inhibit the propaga-
tion compared to the original substrate under laboratory test conditions (Frank
2000). Flame retardant is a substance that can be chemically inserted into polymer
molecules or physically blended in polymer after polymerization to suppress, re-
duce or delay the propagation of a flame through plastic materials. Combustion is
supported by three critical elements––energy, O2, and fuel. For flame retardants
to be effective, they must somehow interfere with one or more of those three ele-
Several mechanisms can account for flame retardant functions. Heat absorp-
tion can occur through the release of water during the burning process. Char form-
ing can occur that insulates the polymer substrate and also retard the fire by reduc-
ing the fuel needed to continue the burning process. Chemical reaction must occur
in the flame front for the fire to continue burning. These reaction can be halted
or slowed through interference by species (free radicals) generated from flame
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 389
retardant chemicals during the burning process. Flame retardants are added to
polymeric materials, both natural and synthetic, to enhance the flame retardancy
properties of the polymers (Innes & Innes 2001). There are two main categories of
flame-retardant chemicals, additive flame retardant and reactive flame retardant.
Additive flame retardants are the great majority of the flame retardant. They
include halogenated flame retardants (Lyons 1970), organophosphorus and nitro-
gen-based organic flame retardants (Lewin 2001). All of them are incorporated
into the plastic either prior to, during, or more frequently after polymerization
reaction. They are used especially in thermoplastics such as acrylonitrile buta-
diene styrene (ABS), polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), and thermoplastic
elastomers. Sometimes, an inorganic material is added to the compounds to show
synergistic effects. The most important one is antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) that has
no perceptible flame retardant effect on its own. Together with halogen-contain-
ing compounds, however, it produces a marked synergistic effect. One of the most
important disadvantages of these types of flame retardants (additives) is their vol-
atility and thus, their flame retardancy effect may be gradually lost (Pitts 1972).
A reactive flame retardant is just a small part relative to an additive flame
retardant. They are bonded chemically to the polymer chain together with other
starting components. This prevents them from bleeding out of the polymer and
vaporized, and thus their flame retardancy is retained. They have no plasticizing
effect and should not affect on thermal stability of the basic polymer. They are
used mainly in thermosets, especially polyesters, epoxy resins, and polyurethanes
in which they can be easily incorporated (Rumack et al. 1987). Their high price is
the limiting parameter for their wide application. Halogenated phenol and tetra-
chlorophthalic anhydride are example for reactive flame retardant.
Phosphites are the type of decomposed hydroperoxide secondary antioxi-
dants. The organic phosphite is used widely as affirmer to any polymer type and
to keep its physical polymer nature such as its color and molecular weight during
processing. Activity such as hydroperoxide decomposition decreased due to its
increasing ability in receiving electron and its group size attach to phosphite and
blocked aryl phosphite (Schwetlick 1990). Figure 1 shows a type of phosphite
antioxidant that is used as a stabilizer for polymer and is used in this study. Irgafos
168 is a phosphite type of antioxidant with low volatility and extreme resistant to
hydrolysis. It provides excellent antioxidizing stability to organic polymers, re-
sistance to discoloration and adds long-term protection against thermo-oxidative
degradation after processing.
390 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
This type of phosphite can act as primary antioxidizing agent in the chain
scissoring and chain transfer agent in its reaction with alkyl peroxide and then
forms hindered aryloxyl radical that can prevent chain auto-oxidation reaction.
Nevertheless, hindered aryl phosphate’s activity as antioxidant in chain scissoring
is lower compared to hindered phenol (Schwetlick 1990). Trivalent phosphorus
compounds such as commercialized brand name Irgafos are excellent hydroper-
oxide decomposers. It is used as flame retardant and works once fire is set. Phos-
phite flame retardants dissociates into radical species that compete with chain
propagating and branching steps in the combustion process.
The flame retardants are chemical substances used in various products such as
plastics, textiles, and furnishing foam to reduce their fire hazards by interfering
with the composition of the polymeric materials. The use of polymeric materials
as adhesives or as organic composites, for naval, aeronautic or electronic applica-
tions, becomes more and more important. However, one of the most important
disadvantages of these materials concerns is their thermal and fire resistance be-
haviors (Aseeva & Zaikov 1985).
To limit the flammability of these materials, it is necessary to incorporate
fire retardant (FR) in the polymer. The molecules containing phosphorous groups
belong to these fire retarding agents allowing improved material thermal and fire
properties. Phosphorus, silicon, and nitrogen compounds are the agents mostly
used for replacing halogenated compounds in flame retarding resins, especially
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 391
epoxies. The halogen free products are attractive and welcome worldwide. Or-
ganophosphorus polymers have already been the subject of several works be-
cause of the large variety of applications of these products. For example, they
can improve adhesive properties and are thus used as adhesion promoters, paints,
lacquers, and as adhesives. They are also used for fibers and films with a high me-
chanical resistance, as an ion exchanger and as lubricants (Spirckel et al. 2002).
Halogen-free flame retardants (HFFR) have also received much attention be-
cause of the absence of toxic gases and smokes during combustion compared
to halogen-type flame retardants. Intumescent flame retardants, containing phos-
phorus and nitrogen have become more and more attractive in various industrial
applications in recent years. During combustion, the HFFR forms an expanding
charred crust to protect the underlying polymeric material from further attack
from flame or heating (Zhu & Shi 2001). The action of flame retardants can occur
across both or either of the vapor phase and the condensed phase. Halogen-type
flame retardants usually follow the vapor phase mechanism while intumescent
systems containing phosphorus and nitrogen generally follow the condensed
phase mechanism. However, combustion is a complex process, there may be dif-
ferent mechanisms with different flame retardants.
For many years, halogenated hydrocarbons, such as CF3Br, were used as fire
suppressants. However, due to their high ozone depletion potential, they are no
longer being manufactured in industrialized countries, as stipulated in the 1990
Montreal Protocol. The search for effective replacements has led to a family of
organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) that have shown considerable promise as
flame inhibitors. The early work of Twarowski (1993) demonstrated that phos-
phine (PH3) accelerated radical recombination in hydrogen oxidation, and subse-
quent work by Korobeinichev et al. (2004) began to explain how OPCs inhibited
hydrogen flames and hydrocarbon flames. Chemically active flame inhibitors alter
flame chemistry by catalytic recombination of key flame radicals, especially H
and O atoms, and OH radicals. The H atoms are particularly important in flame
propagation, since the principal chain branching reaction in hydrogen and hydro-
carbon flames is H + O2 → OH• + O•. Fast elementary reactions interconnect these
small radical species, and removal of any of them through recombination reduces
concentrations of all of them correspondingly. Therefore, radical recombination
leads to fewer H atoms in the reaction zone, which leads to reduced chain branch-
ing and a lower burning velocity in a premixed flame (Korobeinichev et al. 1999).
392 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
The need for fire retarding building materials, such as rigid PU foam insula-
tion, has led to the development of many new phosphorus-containing polyether
and polyesters. Piechota (1965) has shown the value of phosphorus compounds
in such fire retarding systems, and that phosphorus-containing rigid PU foams
develop an optimum flame protection at phosphorus content of 1.5%. In general,
chemically bond phosphorus compounds are preferred over noncreative additive
types. The rigid PU foams containing chemically bond phosphorus flame retard-
ing agents retain essentially all of their phosphorus and most of the initial flame
resistance after exposure to various combinations of heat and moisture (Gjurova
et al. 1986). The test formulations employing noncreative flame retardants be-
came non-self-extinguishing because of loss of phosphorus during one or more
of the aging tests employed. Hydrolytic stability was the main determining factor
for retention of phosphorus in the reactive additives. The presence of phosphorus-
oxygen-carbon bonds, which are susceptible to hydrolysis in many compounds,
has made compounds containing them unsuitable for use under conditions of hu-
midity and heat. This has led to the interest in preparing phosphorus compounds
containing stable phosphorus-carbon bonds, especially compounds in which the
phosphorus moiety is linked to a carbon-carbon backbone. These compounds, in
turn, must also contain suitable groups for further reaction to form polyethers or
polyesters useful in preparing polyurethanes (Quinn 1970).
14.1.4 Palm-based PU
Palm oil is one of the most widely used plant oils in the world. It is produced from oil
palm tree which is grown in mass plantation in tropical countries such as Malaysia. In
Malaysia, a ton of its fresh fruit bunches (FFB) yields 200 kg crude palm oil and 40 kg
palm kernels which, in turn, yield about 50 wt%, or 20 kg of palm kernel oil (PKO). A
hectare of estate can yield 20–24 tons of FFB per year, which in turn yield 4 to 5 tons
of palm oil and 400–500 kg of PKO (Tuan Noor Maznee et al. 2001).
There is several research studies carried out that made use of palm oil for PU
preparation (Chian & Gan 1998; Tuan Noor Maznee et al. 2001). Palm oil consists
of mainly triglycerides (Tri-Gs), thus, it is necessary to introduce hydroxyl groups
to a molecule of Tri-G for urethane reaction (Badri 2012). PU which sometimes
is also known as urethane or isocyanate polymer has once been of the most im-
portant segments in the polymer industry for decades (Healy 1963). The onset of
urethane bond dissociation is somewhere between 150°C and 220°C, depending
on the type of substituent; the isocyanate and polyol. Saturated hydrocarbons are
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 393
lecular weight (MW = 646 g/mol) compound. It has low volatility and extremely
high resistant to hydrolysis (Fischer et al. 1999). It provides excellent antioxi-
dant process stability to organic polymers, resistance to discoloration and adds
long-term protection against thermo-oxidative degradation after processing (Ciba
Specialty Chemicals 2003). In this study, it undergone sieving procedure and was
used without further treatment. An Endocott sieve was used to screen the FR into
a size of 45 µm in order to obtain uniformity of particle size and to avoid ag-
glomeration during preparation of the composites. The FR was analyzed using
Scanning Electron Microscope X-100 model Philips reveals an average size of 18
µm as shown in Figure 2.
The melting point was determined using digital melting apparatus model
Barnstead, UK. The moisture content was determined by drying of FR in the
conventional oven at 105°C for 20 h. It is insoluble in water. The moisture content
was 0.33% with melting point of 182°C. The physical properties of Irgafos 168
are tabulated in Table 1.
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 395
Parameters Properties
Color White
The FTIR spectroscopy analysis of the FR indicated the presence of low intensity
and broad peak at 3429 cm-¹ refer to OH (moisture) and sharp peak at 1491 cm-¹
and 1212 cm-¹ belong to C=C (aromatic). The P–O–C group respectively as sum-
marized in Table 2. The absorption peaks at 2961 cm-¹ and 2868 cm-¹ indicate the
CH3 and CH stretching respectively (Pavia et al. 2001).
CH (stretching) 2868
The patented method described by Badri (2012) is used in preparing the PKO-
based monoester-OH (PE) through polycondensation and esterification processes.
The synthesis is carried out at temperature range of 185–195°C for 30 min with
396 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
nitrogen gas blanket. The production is managed by UKM Technology Sdn Bhd
through its pilot plant in MPOB-UKM Station, Selangor, Malaysia. The PE is
stored in a screw-tight container and used without further purification. The FTIR
spectroscopy analysis is carried out using Perkin Elmer spectrum V-2000 spec-
trometer for the liquid phase PE. Sodium chloride (NaCl) window was used. The
PE is scanned between wavenumbers of 4000 to 700 cm-¹. The moisture content
of PE is determined using Karl Fischer Titrator model Metrohm KFT 701 series
following ASTM D4672-91 standard. The PE is a golden yellowish liquid. It has
low moisture content (0.09%) and low viscosity (374 cps). These are advanta-
geous in formulating PU system especially when processing of end product is
concerned. The physical properties are summarized in Table 3.
Parameter Result
Odor Odorless
C−N - 1622
PE 90 90 90 90
Niax L5404 2 2 2 2
Glycerin 10 10 10 10
The free-rise density was calculated by dividing the mass of the foam in the
cup, with the capacity of the cup as shown in Equation (1):
398 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
The FRD was set at the range of 37–39 kg/m3 to ensure the resulted mold-
ed foam is in the range of 42–45 kg/m3. The above procedures were repeated
and the mixture was poured into a pre-waxed mold, covered and screwed tight.
The PU was demolded after 30 min. The molded density was calculated using
Equation (2).
The FTIR Spectroscopy analysis was carried out on Perkin Elmer spectrum
V-2000 spectrometer by potassium bromide (KBr) method for the solid sample of
PU and its composites. The samples were scanned at wavenumbers ranging from
4000 to 700 cm-¹. The differences in peaks of the control PU (0% FR), and the
FR-filled composites (2–6%) were observed to identify any chemical changes in
the urethane linkage.
Polyurethanes are linear polymers that have a molecular backbone containing
carbamate groups. This group, better known as urethane, is produced through
a chemical reaction between diisocyanate and polyamide. The FTIR spectra of
control PU is shown in Figure 3. The FTIR spectrum of FR-filled PU did not
show any significant different or any presence of new peaks compared to the
spectrum of the control PU except at one peak. This peak is attributed to the pres-
ence of P–O at 853 cm-1 and 905 cm-1 (as summarized in Table 6). It is not clearly
shown when 2% of FR is added but with increasing amount of FR it is obviously
shown as indicated in Figure 4. The FR only reacts with the radical that was pro-
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 399
C–H Stretching 2925, 2848 2924, 2848 2926, 2848 2925, 2853
C=C Aromatic 1413, 1607 1413, 1607 1412, 1599 1412, 1601
14.3.2 Mechanical Properties
Shore D Hardness
A Portable shore D hardness indentor (Durometer Affri system Series 3300 MRS,
Affri Cee-Versea, Italy) is used, with measurement being conducted according to
ASTM D2240 standard to determine the hardness of the sample. The boards are
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 401
Impact Strength
impact strengths are calculated by dividing the energy (J) recorded on the tester
by cross-sectional area (mm²) of the specimens. The values of the obtained impact
strengths represented the mean of five specimen measurements.
Figure 6 shows the impact strength of the control PU and FR-filled PU com-
posites. The impact strength of materials reflected its ability to resist fracture.
Impact strength of the FR-filled PU composites decreased with increasing FR
content. This may be attributed to weaken interfacial bonding between FR and
PU matrix with higher amount of FR. The highest impact strength is observed
for control PU (6.9 k/m2). The PU composite with 6% FR has the lowest impact
strength compared to others, in agreement with research carried out by Liu and
Wang (2006) where red phosphorus (RP) and melamine cyanurate (MC)-encapsu-
lated RP (MERP) were used as FR. They observed that impact strength decreased
with increasing FR loading, but the situation is much better for MERP flame retar-
dant system due to better compatibility between MERP and the polymer matrix.
The impact strength decreased by 9%, 13%, and 17% from 2 to 4 and to 6% FR
loading respectively. The optimum loading is observed at 2% FR. The presence of
higher loading of FR embedded in the polymer matrix results in reduced ability
to absorb impact energy. The FR created matrix discontinuity, and each particle
acted as site of stress concentration, and led to micro-crack (Dvir et al. 2003).
The investigation of the impact strength of the composites revealed that the
impact strength of the PU control is higher than with FR -PU composites. This
again showed that composites with FR are not able to absorb more energy from
the matrix and distributed it efficiently in the composites. The impact strength
decreased as the percentage of FR loading increased.
The flexural strength by means of three points bending testing is conducted ac-
cording to ASTM D790-86 standard. Samples are cut to dimensions of 130 mm
× 13 mm × 3 mm (length × width × thickness). The flexural test is carried out
by using a Universal Test Machine (Model 5525, Instron Corporation, Norwood,
Massachusetts, USA) at a cross-head speed of 3.1 mm/min. The values obtained
represented the mean of five specimen measurements.
Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the flexural strength and modulus of the control
PU and the FR-filled PU composites respectively. As the content of FR increased,
the flexural strength decreased. The reduction in strength is ascribed to the poor
adhesion between FR and PU matrix due to agglomeration of FR particles as ex-
hibited in the SEM micrographs.
14.3.3 Thermal Properties
TABLE 7 The TGA results for the control PU and FR-filled PU composites with 2 wt%,
4 wt%, and 6 wt% of FR
The thermal behavior of control PU and its composites were determined using a
Perkin Elmer Model DSC-7 differential scanning calorimeter interfaced to Model
1020 controller. The samples were analyzed from room temperature to 250°C (as
PU decomposed at a temperature more than 250°C) at a heating rate of 10°C/min.
the standard aluminum pan is used to analyze about 10 mg samples under nitrogen
gas atmosphere.
There is no evidence of the presence of melting and crystallization tempera-
tures peak in the DSC thermogram of the control PU and FR-filled PU composites.
The PU is an amorphous polymer (Fedderly et al. 1998). The PU is convenient-
ly described in terms of it characteristic glass transition temperature (Tg) which
identify the point where the material changes from rigid to a rubbery behavior
(Bernhard 2005). The Tg of control PU is observed at 60°C. The Tg of FR-filled
PU composites increased by 3.3% with loading of 2% FR. The Tg is associated
with mobility of the polymeric chains. Consequently, an increase in Tg can be at-
tributed to the presence of FR in the PU system which implies that the addition of
the flame retardant constrains the motions of the chains (Gregoriou et al. 2005).
But an insignificant improvement is observed with the addition of 4% and 6 %
FR as summarized in Table 7. The degree of interaction between particles of the
FR is not strong enough to modify the activation temperature of molecular move-
ments. The cross-linking phenomenon during the built-up of the polymerization
is disrupted by the presence of FR (Yakushin et al. 1999).
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 407
The same trend is observed for the specific heat capacity. The intensity of
the change in specific heat capacity (Δ Cp) is associated with Tg. Specific heat
capacity of control PU is 1392 J/kg·K. Specific heat capacity of the PU composite
increased by 5.8 % when 2% FR is added. However, specific heat capacity of FR-
filled PU composites decreased by 3.5% and 14% when 4% and 6% FR respec-
tively are added. A significant drop in specific heat capacity (Δ Cp) is observed
when more flame retardant is introduced to PU composites, therefore gradual and
linear reduction occurred according to addition of FR (Sarier & Onder 2007).
TABLE 8 The Tg and specific heat capacity of control PU and FR-filled PU composites
Control PU 60 1392
PU + 2% FR 62 1472
PU + 4% FR 61 1440
PU + 6% FR 57 1190
combine them with montmorillonite nanoparticles, and use it to retard flame and
incorporate them in epoxy resin.
This test is carried out to determine the relative burning characteristics and flame
resistance properties. It measured and described the properties of materials, prod-
ucts or assemblies in reactions to heat and flame under controlled laboratory con-
ditions. The test results represented flaming plus glowing time in seconds, for a
material under the conditions of the test. ASTM D 5048-90 (procedure B-test of
plaque specimens) is conducted as shown in Figure 11.
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 409
FIGURE 11 Schematic diagram of fire test from ASTM D 5048-90: Procedure B.
FIGURE 13 Phosphites prevent the split of hydroperoxides into extremely reactive
alkoxy and hydroxy radicals (Ciba Specialty Chemicals 2003).
Fire-Resist Bio-based Polyurethane for Structural Foam Application 411
• •
R + O2 → R O2
• •
R O 2 + P(OR)3 → ROO P (OR)3
• •
ROO P (OR)3 → R O + O = P(OR)3
• •
R O + P(OR)3 → R O P (OR)3
• •
R O P (OR)3 → R + O = P(OR)3
2R O 2 → ROOR + O 2
• •
R1OOH + P(OR)3 → [R 1O P (OR )3 H O]
• • •
[R1O P (OR )3 H O ] → R 1OH + O = P (OR )3
• •
R1OOH + P(OR)3 → [HO P (OR )3 R1 O]
• •
[HO P (OR )3 R1 O ] → R 1OH + O = P (OR )3
very useful in studying the structure of polymers and the vibrational properties
in relation to end-use performance (Costa et al. 2005). It is conducted due to (a)
Tg determined from tan δ curves is more accurate than by other thermal methods
and (b) any decrease in elastic moduli accompanying Tg can be monitored by the
storage modulus (Lu et al. 2003).
The storage modulus of the FR-filled PU composites with 0%, 2%, 4%, and
6% FR is shown in Figure 14 (a). The DMA curve indicates a significant de-
crease in storage modulus E´ around the onset Tg of FR-filled PU composites.
Storage modulus of FR-filled PU composites with 2% and 4% FR decreases by
15% and 20% respectively, attributing to poor interaction between FR and PU
matrix as supported by SEM micrographs in the following section. Addition of
FR decreased storage modulus of the PU composites to a minimum value with
loading of 6% FR (975 MPa). The excess amount of FR in PU matrix gives out
poor mechanical properties resulting in reduction in flexural and impact strengths.
This finding was also obtained by Mat Amin and Badri (2007) where, an increase
in the amount of kaolinite in the polymer matrix reduced the mechanical strength
of the composite.
TABLE 9 Storage and loss moduli and the onset glass transition (Tg) of control PU and
FR-filled PU composite extracted from DMA Analysis
tion is made at 250 times magnification on control PU (0% FR) and its composites
with 2%, 4%, and 6% FR.
The SEM micrographs support the findings in the analysis of mechanical
properties. Figure 15 (a) shows SEM micrographs for fractured surface of control
PU. The control PU has uniform structure with homogeneity in the matrix. SEM
micrograph (Figure 15 (b)) of the PU composite with 2% FR indicates uneven
distribution of FR particles in the PU matrix. This non-uniformity between FR
particles and PU matrix is due to weak interaction between both of them, as indi-
cated by poor mechanical strength of the PU composites. Increase of FR content
in the PU matrix by 4% causes initial agglomeration of particles, affecting ad-
versely on dispersion and distribution of FR particles in the PU matrix. This led to
further reduction in the mechanical properties of the PU composites; due to poor
adhesion between FR and PU matrix as shown in Figure 15 (c). Agglomeration
is clearly observed in PU composite with 6% FR as shown in Figure 15 (d). The
agglomeration becomes dominant at higher FR content creating a non-uniform
distribution of PU composites thus directly affecting the mechanical properties of
PU composites (Sumaila et al. 2006). The occurrence of particles agglomeration
is responsible for the FR–FR particle contacts instead of PU-FR particle contacts.
This shows that there is no physical interaction between FR particles and PU
Figure 15 SEM micrographs of (a) PU control, (b) PU with 2% FR, (c) PU with 4%
FR, and (d) PU with 6% FR.
14.4 Conclusion
•• 2, 4-Ditert-butylphenyl phosphite
•• Burning properties
•• Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
•• Flame retardant
•• Palm-Based Polyurethane
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