Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
6.0 Objective
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Background
6.2.1 British Thinking on Administration
6.2.2 British interests
6.3 Institutional Framework
6.3.1 Judicial System
6.3.2 Administrative System
6.3.3 Extent of Indian Participation
6.4 Let Us Sum Up
6.5 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
This Unit talks about how the structure of administration and judiciary were
gradually being built up by the British. This would involve looking at the
ideological orientation and specific requirements of the rulers on the one hand,
and the various changes and innovations made in the field of administration, on
the other. In this Unit you will study:
various ideas and elements that went into the making of the British
administrative policy
the institutional framework that evolved in accordance with that policy,
an assessment of the administrative and judicial system introduced by the
British in India.
You have seen in the earlier Units how the British gradually controlled the entire
country through a series of conquests. The East India Company was transformed
from a mere commercial body into a political force. Mere conquests could not
possibly hold the empire together for a long time. It had to be sustained by
evolving a comprehensive system of administration. This unit is therefore,
concerned exclusively with ideas and institutions. We discuss the British ideas on
how to govern India, and than go on to describe the kind of administrative
institutions which were evolved in order to govern and control India.
The vast territories of India were controlled by a massive administrative
structure, and various branches of which were held together by a set of laws.
Before we go into the details of this structure, let us look at the background to
these administrative innovations. These changes in the field of administration and
law were a product of certain ideas which had gained currency in 19th century
Britain. There administrative change also catered to certain British interests in
India. Let us look at both these aspects.
6.2.1 British Thinking on Administration
The administrative and legal system introduced by the British did not take shape
overnight and did not evolve in a vacuum. It was spread well over eighty years,
was implanted through a series of measures and acts, and was based on the
initiative taken by by British administrators and thinkers. A number of its
provisions and schemes continue even today. It did not evolve in a vacuum but
should be seen against the background of intellectual movements in the late 18th
and early 19th century Britain, which looked upon the British administration of
India as on one of its major concerns.
One of the earliest influences that can be seen is the idea of improvement. This
influence, evident at the earliest in Cornwallis, looked at the creation of English
style aristocracy in land as the best means of developing India. This aristocracy,
identified by Cornwallis as the Zamindars was looked upon as trustees who
would encourage the growth of trade and production under them. This coupled
with English style institution of law and administration- where the object was to
separate revenue and judicial function of administration would effectively ensure
the improvement of India under the landed aristocracy.
Whereas Cornwallis worked mainly with the ideas and perceptions which came
before utilitarianism, Macaulay was a liberal who had grown up in interaction
with both the missionary zeal of evangelicalism and the emerging pragmatism of
1830s and 1840s. Thus we see him take up the codification of laws with vigour.
However, though he approved of this aspect of institutionalism, he did not at all
agree with their goal of reforming India.
Between the concern of Cornwallis and Macaulay came the intellectual current
called ‘utilitarianism’ with James Mill, Jeremy Bentham, David Ricardo, John
Stuart Mill as were its major exponents showed a special interest in the Indian
question, and were largely responsible for the kind of administration and judicial
system that came into being in India. The utilitarians reflected on how to govern
and control India and their ideas gradually gained acceptance in British perhaps
became they represented and combined the interest of the British merchants,
manufacturers and missionaries. What were their ideas on India and prescription
for the Indian problem?
Indian society was seen by them as completely devoid of the values of
rationalism and individualism, which were seen as the essential principles
82 for building a modern society.
A traditional and decadent society like India could be improved through
proper legislation, which would impart “human justice” as against “divine
justice” practised in traditional societies. This meant that “British
administration with its principles of justice and uniformity could convert
India into progressive and dynamic society.
However in this scheme the instrumentality of education was rejected by
Mill. And so was the Indianisation of the Government structure. Given
their character, Indians were seen unfit in the task of their over
‘modernisation’. Mill therefore dismissed the idea of giving any power
and responsibility to Indians. Utilitarians prescribed a modern machine of
government, run by the British.
In other words, from the 19th century onwards when information about India
began trickling into the European societies, there began a debate among thinkers,
scholars and administrators on the Indain problem and its solution. Among them
the utilitarians, with their well defined structure of ideas, a set its of followers,
their keenness on India, and the readymade applicability of their concerns (of
taxation, forms of government and administration of justice) to India, proved to
be the most outspoken and effective. In 1819, James Mill was admitted into the
executive government of the East India Company. This made it easier for the
utilitarian ideas to be implemented in the Indian situation. Their ideas can be
summed up in the format of problems and prescribed solutions.
Indian society was backward, decadent, retrograde and despotic. There
was degradation of the many by the few and absence of any security for
the individual and his rights.
This resulted in poverty, therefore crime
Servility and superstition was (characteristic of Indian people)
Advancement of society through the establishment of a good government
with good laws and sound administration.
This would lead to freeing of individual initiative from despotism,
customs and communal ownership (which Mill saw a sign of a primitive
society and inhibiting the making of a civil society).
This would give a free and full scope for capital and labour and place due
emphasis on individual rights and ownership (as against communal
ownership, characteristic of Indian society).
Towards the same and it was necessary to legally define and protect
individual right in land.
To put it briefly, the utilitarian thinking was an advocacy of a ‘Rule of Law’.
Laws were to be scientifically defined and embodies in a written form in codes.
They were to be implemented through the creation of a body of local courts to
make law accessible to every man. Only this could create and individualist
competitive society.
6.2.2 British Interests
By now you must have become familiar with British ideas on law and its
relationship with the society. But at the same time, it would be wrong to overlook
the interests, which were also at work behind the introduction of British
administration and law in India. It suited the British requirements in India to have
a uniform system of administration. And the British need for a new
administration and laws varied with the changes in the British interest in India
and the combination of interest groups in Britain.
As you are aware, the imperial interest in India did not remain the same
throughout. They changed during the different stages of the British rule. They
also represented the interests of different social groups in Britain in different
stages. During the first stage of the British rule in India till 1813, British interests
lay mainly in
the East India Company’s monopoly of trade with India, and the
elimination of other European competitors,
the control over financial resources, through taxation.
Both these objectives could be fulfilled without having to disturb the existing
institutions and administrative apparatus. British rulers at this stage were not very
different from that of traditional rulers, interested mainly in the appropriation of
agricultural surplus. No attempt was, therefore, made to create a uniform
administrative structure or even to renovate the old one at this stage. No basic
changes were introduced in the judicial system and administration. Whatever
little changes were made in the field of administration were only made at the top
of the structure of revenue collection and were linked to the objective of smooth
revenue collection. A modern judicial system or a uniform administrative
structure for India was not seen as necessary at this stage, since it was not
considered relevant for the fulfillment of British objectives during the first stage
of the British rule in India.
This scenario changed considerably after 1813. As you are aware, the British
economy and society were going through a major transformation, caused mainly
by the Industrial Revolution. The mercantilist trading corporations were now
giving way to the industrial bourgeoisie which had become the dominant force in
the British society. The East India Company was gradually losing its monopoly
over Indian trade. The British interests in India no longer represented the interests
of the company but of the Industrial capitalist class. The interests of the British
industrialists by in using India as
a market for their manufactured industrial good,
a source of raw material (like Jute, Cotton etc.) for their industries, and
foodgrains, opium etc. for export.
All the required much greater penetration into Indian economy and society and
control over Indian trade not only with Britain but with other countries also. India
was now expiated to play a new role. It was perhaps not possible to perform the
new role with the traditions administrative institutions. They had to be changed
and transformed to suit the new requirement s. And hence started the process of
transforming Indian administration the details of which you will study in the next
section. Similarly, the entire legal structure had to be overhauled to promote
modern business, create a market economy, free commercial relations and to
regulate the various economic transactions smoothly with the help of modern
laws. And hence started the process of the transformation of Indian
administration and judiciary, the details of which you will need in the following