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Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I

ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

IoT Intravenous Bag Monitoring and Alert System.

A.Karthik B.SaranTeja R.Ajay
UG Student, UG Student, UG Student,
Vardhaman college of engineering Vardhaman college of engineering Vardhaman college of engineering
Shamshabad, Hyderabad, India Shamshabad, Hyderabad, India Shamshabad, Hyderabad, India
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Assistant Professor,
Vardhaman college of engineering
Shamshabad, Hyderabad, India
[email protected]

Abstract— The day-to-day monitoring of patients in a line, allowing for prompt intervention to prevent harm to the
hospital is a challenging task under our existing medical care patient. Overall, IV drip monitoring systems help to ensure
system. During Health Hazard times like Covid 19 physicians the safe and effective delivery of fluids and medications to
or nurses are too busy to keep track of every patient. This leads patients, improving patient outcomes and reducing the risk of
to numerous issues. Work relating to health should be adverse events.
completed correctly and accurately. Saline or intravenous (IV)
fluid injections into patient veins are an example of this kind of Contributions of the paper are as follows:
activity in our hospitals. Inadequate drip system monitoring
can result in issues like blood loss, fluid backflow, and other
1. A Health Monitoring system is developed using IoT
issues. We present a solution called the IoT Intravenous Bag and an embedded system.
Monitoring and Alert System in order to lessen the strain and 2. Use of IoT for building Health Monitoring Systems
resolve such a dire issue in the domain of an intravenous drip has been emphasized.
monitoring system. Healthcare workers found themselves
overburdened at the height of the Covid-19 Epidemic due to This paper has been organized into five sections –
the constant influx of new patients. Frontline staff members introduction, related works, methodology, results and
cannot directly monitor and care for every patient during such analysis and conclusion.
periods. A medical procedure called Intravenous treatment is
used to inject nutrients, medicines, and fluids straight into a II. RELATED WORKS
patient's vein. IV therapy is essential to aid a patient in Author [1] Design and implementation of a wireless
recovering quickly because it is frequently used to rehydrate intravenous infusion monitoring system” by Gao et al.
and supply nutrients. Nonetheless, IV drips require routine
(2018): This study presents the design and implementation of
inspection and replacement. Depending on the patient and
their condition, the fluid flow must also be measured. The
a wireless intravenous infusion monitoring system that can
Weight Sensor used by this IoT intravenous fluid monitoring monitor the infusion process and provide alerts when there is
system detects when the fluid level in the IV infusion bottle a problem. The system is designed to be portable, low-cost,
drops and broadcasts the information over IoT. and easy to use. Author [2] Development of an intravenous
infusion monitoring and safety system using internet of
Keywords: Intravenous Therapy; IoT; Covid-19; Monitoring. things technology” by Kim et al. (2020): This study presents
the development of an intravenous infusion monitoring and
I. INTRODUCTION safety system using IoT technology. The system can monitor
Intravenous (IV) drip monitoring systems are used to the infusion process, detect any problems, and send alerts to
monitor and regulate the delivery of fluids and medication to healthcare providers. Author [3] Wireless Intravenous
patients through an IV line. The purpose of IV drip Monitoring System using ZigBee technology” by Kumar et
monitoring systems is to ensure the safe and effective al. (2015): This study presents the design and
delivery of fluids and medications to patients in healthcare implementation of a wireless intravenous monitoring system
settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home healthcare. IV using ZigBee technology. The system can monitor the flow
drip monitoring systems can help healthcare providers to: rate of the infusion and detect any anomalies, sending 3
Monitor the rate of infusion: IV drip monitoring systems can alerts to healthcare providers when necessary. Author [4]
measure the rate at which fluids and medications are Design and implementation of a smart intravenous infusion
delivered to a patient, helping to ensure that the right number monitoring system” by Lu et al. (2019): This study presents
of fluids or medication is administered at the right time. the design and implementation of a smart intravenous
Monitor the volume infused: IV drip monitoring systems can infusion monitoring system that can monitor the infusion
keep track of the total volume of fluids or medication that process and detect any problems, such as occlusion, air
has been infused into a patient, which can help to prevent bubbles, or disconnection of the IV line. The system uses an
overhydration or dehydration. IoT platform and can send alerts to healthcare providers in
real-time. Author [5] Wireless Intravenous Drip Monitoring
Detect potential problems: IV drip monitoring systems System Based on the Internet of Things” by Wang et al.
can alert healthcare providers to potential problems such as (2018): This study presents the design and implementation of
air bubbles in the IV line or an occlusion (blockage) in the a wireless intravenous drip monitoring system based on the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License
Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

IoT. The system can monitor the infusion process, detect any Electronics and Communication Engineering 7 by Espressif
problems, and send alerts to healthcare providers. Systems, a Chinese company known for creating cutting-
edge IoT solutions. The ESP32 is the successor to the
Author [6] reviewed the use of wireless sensor networks ESP8266, offering improved performance and added
in healthcare, including intravenous drip monitoring systems. features.
The authors discussed the advantages and disadvantages of
different wireless sensor network technologies and 2) Load Cell
highlighted the need for secure and reliable communication A load cell is a device used to measure force or weight. It
protocols in healthcare systems. converts the physical force applied to it into an electrical
Author [7] conducted a qualitative study to explore the signal that can be measured and analyzed. Load cells are
experiences of nurses using intravenous drip monitoring commonly used in industrial and commercial applications to
systems in a hospital setting. The authors found that the use measure the weight of materials or products during
of these systems improved the efficiency and safety of manufacturing, shipping, and other processes.
medication administration, but also required additional time 3) Moisture Sensor
and effort from nurses to learn and use the technology. Moisture sensors are devices used to measure the
Author [8] conducted a systematic review of the literature moisture content of soil, air, or other materials. They are
on smart infusion pumps, which are a type of intravenous commonly used in agricultural, environmental, and industrial
drip monitoring system. The authors found that the use of applications to monitor moisture levels and make decisions
smart infusion pumps reduced medication errors and based on that data. Moisture sensors come in a variety of
improved patient safety, but also noted that the types and designs, each with its own strengths and
implementation of these systems can be challenging and weaknesses.
requires careful planning and staff training. Author [9] 4) Water Pump Motor
conducted a retrospective analysis of medication error The R385 water pump is a miniature, high-quality, and
reports in a hospital setting before and after the low-cost water pump that is widely used in a variety of
implementation of smart infusion pumps. The authors found applications. It is a DC (direct current) brushless motor
that the use of these pumps reduced the number and severity pump, which means it is highly efficient and operates
of medication errors, and suggested that their use should be quietly. The R385 water pump is compact in size, with a
expanded to other healthcare settings. maximum length of only 53mm and a diameter of 39mm.
A. Block diagram The 16x2 LCD display is a type of alphanumeric display
that can show up to 16 characters in each of its 2 rows. It is
The components used in our project are: 1. ESP 32. 2. widely used in electronic devices, such as calculators, clocks,
Load Cell. 3. Moisture Sensor. 4. Water Pump Motor. 5. and appliances, to display information to the user. The 16x2
LCD Display. 6 Motor Driver Module. 7. PCB Circuit LCD display is typically made up of a liquid crystal display
Board. 8. LDR Sensor Module. 9. Load Cell Amplifier. (LCD) panel and a controller, which communicates with the
10.Thing Speak (Software). 11. Telegram (Software). The microcontroller to display the desired characters.
Block Diagram consists of the following Hardware
components: ESP 32, Load cell, Water Pump Motor, Motor 6) Motor Driver Module
Driver, LDR Sensor Module, PCB Circuit Board, LCD The L298N motor driver is a popular motor driver used
Display, Moisture Sensor. The Software components used in in robotics and other electronic projects to control DC motors
this project are ThingSpeak and Telegram. First the ESP 32 and stepper motors. The L298N is a dual H-bridge motor
is given power supply via 12v DC Power adapter and is driver, which means it can control two motors independently
connected to a PC/Laptop through a USB port. Once turned or control one motor with increased torque.
on the ESP Module is connected to a registered Wireless
Network (Wi-Fi), on successful connection the ESP asks the 7) PCB Circuit Board
user to place a weight on the Load cell which is displayed A printed circuit board (PCB) is an essential component
through the LCD Display connected to the ESP processor. in the design and manufacture of electronic devices. It is a
After an object/bag is placed on the Load cell the weight of flat board made of a non-conductive material, such as
the object/bag is calibrated and is both displayed on the LCD fiberglass, with conductive pathways etched onto its surface
and will be uploaded to the cloud which can be seen on the to connect various electronic components. PCBs are widely
ThingSpeak Platform. Live Monitoring of the weight of the used in electronic devices, ranging from small consumer
bag can be seen on the ThingSpeak Website. If the electronics to large industrial systems.
weight/liquid level of the bag is below a certain threshold 8) LDR Sensor Module
level an alert message is sent to the user via the Telegram An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor module is an
app to Refill/Replace the bag. Also the Water Pump Motor is electronic component that detects the amount of light in its
automatically turned on after the reduction in weight below surrounding environment. It consists of an LDR and a
the Threshold value, this indicates that the refilling of the bag comparator circuit that converts the analog signal from the
is active. LDR into a digital signal that can be processed by a
B. Components microcontroller or other digital circuits.
1) ESP 32 9) Load Cell Amplifier
ESP32 is a powerful, low-cost system-on-chip (SoC) A Load cell amplifier is an electronic device used to
microcontroller that combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth amplify and condition the signal output from a load cell.
capabilities. It is designed and manufactured Department of Load cells are used to measure weight or force, and they

Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

generate a small voltage output in response to changes in the

applied load. This voltage signal is very small and requires
amplification to be accurately measured by a data acquisition
10) Thing Speak (Software)
ThingSpeak is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that
allows users to collect, analyze, and visualize data from
connected devices. The platform was developed by
MathWorks, a software company that specializes in
engineering and scientific computing.

Fig. 2. Proposed Flow of Execution


The Working of the system is divided into different steps
of analysis and results to get a clear picture and understand
the functioning of the project. In the following steps different
operations and results are shown where the flow chart of the
project is satisfied.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system

11) Telegram (Software).

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that was
launched in 2013. It was developed by two Russian brothers,
Pavel and Nikolai Durov, who also founded the social
network VKontakte (VK). Telegram is available on multiple
platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and
Linux. It is known for its strong focus on privacy and
security, with end-to-end encryption for all messages and the
ability to send self-destructing messages.
C. Flow of execution
Fig. 3. Title is displayed.
Figure .2 shows the flow of execution. Once the system is
turned on the it asks to place a bag/bottle on the Load cell.  As the system is turned on the Title of the Project is
Once a weight is placed the Load cell calibrates the weight of displayed on the LED Display.
the bottle/bag and sends the measured data to the IoT Server
via cloud. Also, the moisture sensor measures the liquid level
of the placed bag. The Preset threshold values are also
simultaneously checked by the system. If the measured
weight is less than the threshold value (below 50g) or if the
liquid level of the bag is less, then an alert message is sent
via the telegram app followed by a red alert on the IoT
Server. The Water Pump is also turned to indicate automatic
refilling of the bottle.
If the weight of the measured bag is above the threshold
value (above 50g) or if the water level measured by the
moisture sensor is proper, then no alert is sent and the weight
of the bag placed is continuously monitored and is kept
updated via the IoT server through Cloud. The Weight can
be seen by both the LCD Display or via the IoT server. Fig. 4. Message displayed on Wi-fi Connection.

Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

 The System is automatically connected to a saved  Once the system is successfully connected to the Wi-
Wi-Fi Network named “Elegant.” Once connected to Fi the system asks the user to place a saline
the Wi-Fi a message is displayed on the LED. bottle/bag to measure the weight of the bag.
Each image is an output image of the project which  The Weight of the Bag is calibrated by using the
represents several stages of execution of the system. Load Cell. Weight up to 500gms can be measured
using the Load Cell.
 Once the weight of the bottle is measured it is both
displayed on the LED Display and simultaneously
updated on the ThingSpeak server which can be seen
in Fig.8&9.

Fig. 5. Title is displayed.

 Several Messages and alerts through out the process

of the project are shown on the LED.
Fig. 8. Measured Weight is shown on the ThingSpeak Server.

 Once the data is sent to the ThingSpeak Server the

weight of the measured bag is displayed on the
Website as shown in the above figure.

Fig. 6. Message will be also sent in Telegram.

A Message on successful Wi-Fi Connection is also sent

on Telegram to identify the user through mobile/laptop.

Fig. 9. Figure.8: Weight displayed on LED.

 The Measured weight of the bottle is shown on the

LED Display.
 A Bottle of 222gms is placed on the system. Any
weight up to 500gms can be measured by the system
using the Load Cell.
 The Calibrated Weight of the bottle is sent as data
via the cloud to the ThingSpeak server.

Fig. 7. Asks the user to place a bottle/bag.

Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

Fig. 10. Graph of Different Measured Weights Fig. 13. Another Weight is Placed on the System.

The Above graph shows different weights measured by  The Previous Bag which weighed 221 gms is
the system at different intervals. Depending upon the weight removed, and another bag is placed on the system
placed the graph is automatically adjusted. whose weight is calibrated as shown in the above

Fig. 11. Lamp Indicator

Fig. 14. Weight updated on the Graph.
 A Lamp Indicator is used as a widget on the
ThingSpeak server to indicate the reduction of  The Above Graph represents several weights which
weight. It glows when the weight falls under the are measured by the system as a graph. The Updated
Threshold Level(<50gms). The Above Lamp weight can be also seen on the graph.
Indicator is a result for 221 gms of weight.

Fig. 15. Lamp Indicator turns Red.

Fig. 12. Weight displayed on ThingSpeak
Since the new weight placed(38gms) falls below the
 As the weight is changed, the weight of the bag is threshold level(<50gms) the Indicator glows. The Indication
simultaneously updated on the ThingSpeak server is also to replace/refill the bottle/bag placed.
which is shown in the above figure.

Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

Fig. 16. Alert on LED Display

Therefore, the alert to replace/refill the bottle is given

through three sources:
1. First on the LED Screen.
2. ThingSpeak Server.
3. Telegram.

Fig. 18. Prototype of the Proposed Model.

The future of intravenous (IV) bag monitoring systems is

promising as new technologies and advancements are being
Fig. 17. Alert through Telegram.
made in the healthcare industry. Some potential areas for
Once the weight falls below the Threshold level the user development and expansion in IV bag monitoring systems
is alerted through telegram as well. An alert “Replace with include:
New Bottle” is sent on telegram. Integration with electronic medical records (EMRs): The
integration of IV bag monitoring systems with EMRs could
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE allow for real-time monitoring of IV fluids and medications,
Intravenous (IV) drip monitoring systems play a critical providing healthcare professionals with accurate and up-to-
role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of patient treatment. date information.
These systems can help healthcare professionals to
accurately monitor the delivery medications and fluids, Use of wearable technology: Wearable technology such
detect any deviations from prescribed dosages or flow rates, as smartwatches or other sensors could be used to monitor IV
and quickly respond to any potential complications or bag levels and flow rates, allowing patients to move around
adverse events. The use of an Intravenous Bag Monitoring and engage in activities while receiving IV therapy.
system can help healthcare providers to monitor the status of Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: AI and
intravenous therapy in real-time and take appropriate actions machine learning could be used to analyze data from IV bag
if any issues arise. Intravenous Bag Monitoring systems have monitoring systems to predict potential complications, such
several benefits for patients and healthcare providers. They as blockages or air bubbles, and provide alerts to healthcare
can help reduce the risk of medication errors, improve professionals.
patient outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. By providing
real-time monitoring of intravenous therapy, healthcare Remote monitoring: Remote monitoring capabilities
providers can quickly identify and respond to issues, such as could allow healthcare professionals to monitor patients
changes in fluid levels, that could negatively impact patient receiving IV therapy outside of the hospital or clinic setting,
care. In conclusion, IV drip monitoring systems are essential enabling home-based care and improving access to treatment
tools for modern healthcare settings, and their use can for patients in rural or underserved areas.
significantly improve patient outcomes and safety. As Automated IV bag replacement: Automated IV bag
technology continues to advance, it is likely that these replacement systems could be developed to replace empty or
systems will become even more sophisticated and effective near-empty bags, reducing the need for manual interventions
in the years to come, further enhancing the quality of care
provided to patients receiving IV treatments.

Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology Volume IX and Issue I
ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11

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