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UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Node-Pore Sensing Techniques for Biomarker Discovery


Li, Brian

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University of California
Node-Pore Sensing Techniques for Biomarker Discovery


Brian Li

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the

requirements for the degree of

Joint Doctor of Philosophy

with the University of California, San Francisco



in the

Graduate Division

of the

University of California, Berkeley

Committee in charge:

Professor Lydia L. Sohn, Chair

Professor Zev J. Gartner, UCSF

Professor Sarah A. Stanley

Fall 2021
Copyright © 2021, by the author(s).

All rights reserved.

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Node Pore Sensing Techniques for Biomarker Discovery


Brian Lanjing Li

Joint Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering

University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco

Professor Lydia L. Sohn, Chair

Microfluidic technologies have in conjunction with the field of biomedical research for their utility
in making highly precise measurements of biological and chemical specimens. These
measurements help us search for specific analytes that can be associated with biological states such
as disease in a process called biomarker discovery. The analytes in question are the biomarkers of
the states they represent, and these associations become part of the greater body of knowledge that
guide other researchers in the recognition and study of other biological phenomena. Eventually,
this work helps guide clinicians in making diagnostic and prognostic decisions. In this dissertation,
I will describe work done to engineer and implement two microfluidic technologies designed to
perform biomarker discovery via different modalities, albeit with both analyzing single-cell
phenotypes. The first of these devices, called mechano-node-pore sensing, focused on the
mechanical properties of cells, and how the mechanics of the cell as a material can reveal
information about drug resistance in acute promyelocytic leukemia. The second of these devices
instead analyzed cells for surface proteins using a novel scheme for chemical immobilization of
antibody probes. In both cases, I demonstrate how mechanical properties and surface proteins can
be used as biomarkers to discriminate between cell phenotypes, and how such measurements can
help us more deeply understand a variety of biological phenomena, and eventually make
advancements in biomedicine.

Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. i
Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 References ............................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 2: A review of the fundamental theory governing the node-pore sensing devices
used to study cell mechanical responses ........................................................................ 3
2.1 A brief overview of key fluid dynamic considerations for microfluidic channels ..... 3
2.2 Fundamental principles for the use of four-terminal measurements in node-pore
sensing ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Mechanics of cells undergoing deformation in microfluidic channels ..................... 7
2.4 Concluding thoughts ............................................................................................ 13
2.5 References .......................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3: A perspective of the engineering principles involved in applying microfluidic
technologies to probe cell mechanics............................................................................ 14
3.1 Critical design parameters for mechano-node-pore sensing ............................... 14
3.2 Fabrication and manufacturing processes for mechano-node-pore sensing
microfluidic devices.................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Calibration and testing of mechano-node-pore sensing devices ......................... 19
3.4 Conditioning, processing, and analysis of raw current traces .............................. 20
3.5 Evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of results drawn from mechano-
node-pore sensing analysis ....................................................................................... 22
3.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 22
3.5.2 Device-to-device variability and its effects on mechanical phenotyping ........ 23
3.5.3 Comparing mechano-NPS results from experiments performed on different
instrumentation platforms ....................................................................................... 26
3.5.4 Discussion ..................................................................................................... 28
3.5.5 Methods ........................................................................................................ 29
3.6 References .......................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 4: Mechanical phenotyping of acute promyelocytic leukemia reveals unique
biomechanical responses in retinoic acid-resistant populations .................................... 34
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Results ................................................................................................................. 35
4.2.1 Single-cell mechanical phenotyping of APL cells .............................................. 35

4.2.2 ATRA-resistant APL cells are phenotypically and mechanically distinct ........... 37
4.2.3 APL single-cell mechanical phenotypes vary with DNA content ....................... 43
4.2.4 Influences of histone acetylation on APL cell mechanical phenotype ............... 46
4.2.5 Characterizing transcriptomic changes in APL cells with RNA-Seq .................. 47
4.3 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 52
4.4 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 53
4.5 References .......................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 5: Multiplexed DNA-directed patterning of antibodies for single-cell surface
marker analysis ............................................................................................................. 64
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 64
5.2 Results ................................................................................................................. 64
5.3 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 72
5.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 73
5.5 References .......................................................................................................... 74
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................... 75
6.1 Summary of presented work and principal findings ............................................. 75
6.2 Future work .......................................................................................................... 75
6.2.1 Genomic screens for investigating the contribution of single genes to
mechanical phenotype ........................................................................................... 75
6.2.2 Quantification of tumor-associated extracellular vesicles via
immunoprecipitation and lipid-inserting oligonucleotide labels ............................... 77
6.3 References .......................................................................................................... 82
Appendices ................................................................................................................... 83
Appendix 01: Lilliefors tests for mechanical phenotyping data to determine distribution
normality. ................................................................................................................... 83
Appendix 02: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to compare wCDI distributions
from replicate devices. ............................................................................................... 84
Appendix 03: Frequencies of MCF 10A cell recovery categories measured at Site A
and Site B. ................................................................................................................. 85
Appendix 04: Geometric dimensions of mechano-NPS devices. ............................... 86
Appendix 05: Power analysis for wCDI and recovery time constant by mechano-NPS
experimental groups. ................................................................................................. 87


It goes without saying that this dissertation is not the work of solely one person – countless
other people are involved in the support and progression in pursuing a doctoral degree.
However complex the network of people may be, I would nevertheless like to more
formally recognize several individuals.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Lydia L. Sohn. The work
finally enclosed in this dissertation and our exciting findings have been a long time
coming, propelled by your supervision, mentorship, and enthusiasm. As things here come
to an end, I cannot help but feel a sense of satisfaction at what we have accomplished in
working together.

I would also like to thank the faculty who served on my dissertation committee and
qualifying exam committee: Professors Aaron Streets, Sanjay Kumar, Lin He, Zev
Gartner, and Sarah Stanley. Your backgrounds and expertise cover a wide breadth of
topics relevant to bioengineering, and it is an honor to have learned from you all. Not to
mention – it is no small comfort that the ideas and work enclosed here have all been
shaped by your input, helping it to be the best that it can be.

I am grateful to have worked in research groups full of bright and enthusiastic colleagues
and mentors. Thank you to all who have taken the time to train me and help me learn
over the years: François Rivest, Junghyun Kim, and Olivia Scheideler from my time at the
University of California, Berkeley; Professors Jeanne Stachowiak and Tim Yeh at The
University of Texas at Austin, and Justin Houser, Ryan Woodall, and Avinash Gadok also
from my time at The University of Texas at Austin. Thank you as well to those who worked
alongside me in the Sohn Lab: Nahyun Cho, Roberto Falcón-Banchs, Sewoon Han,
Thomas Carey, Kristen Cotner, Nate Liu, Molly Kozminsky, Sean Kitayama, Rachel Rex,
Andre Lai, and Stephanie Eberly. And thank you to all of the undergraduate students I
have had the pleasure of training, teaching, and instructing over the years.

The last people to thank are, of course, my family and friends for their support and
encouragement through this time. Above all, I would like to recognize my brother Kris,
who is now pursuing his own doctorate in Electrical Engineering at Rice University,
perhaps to the chagrin of our very-much-scientist-and-not-engineer parents. It is funny to
see how the two of us have made the same decisions in our careers – there are simply
too many fun things to learn about to pass up opportunities like these.

Chapter 1: Introduction
In this dissertation, I will describe our efforts to develop microfluidic devices for two
applications in biomarker discovery. The term “biomarker” refers to measurable signs of
biological activity that can be associated with, or perhaps even more directly linked to, a
specific biological state such as disease. The process of biomarker discovery is frequently
concerned with identifying and validating these associations so that a biomarker can be
reliably exploited for biomedical applications, such as providing diagnostic information or
developing targeted therapeutics. In the past few decades, microfluidic technologies have
grown to meet a variety of needs in the similarly growing field of biomarker discovery.

For the research described within this dissertation, we constructed microfluidic devices
with integrated electronic sensors to track the size, shape, and trajectory of single cells.
These devices are part of a class of techniques known as node-pore sensing (NPS). For
much of the research discussed, NPS devices included an especially narrow section of
microchannel channel such that a cell is deformed when pushed through the device via
fluid flow in a technique called mechano-node-pore sensing (mechano-NPS). The cells’
response to this mechanical stress provides a way to study their mechanical properties,
which helps us understand the way these cells sense, respond to, and exert forces. This
field of study, generally called “mechanobiology,” is concerned with the mechanical
processes of living cells such as cell motility (i.e., crawling), or the reorganization of
organelles and subcellular structures.

A chief motivation of this dissertation was to explore this research space for mechanical
responses associated with a particular biological state – in other words, searching for
“mechanical biomarkers.” Indeed, several pieces of prior research have noted that cells
undergoing processes like crawling or morphological changes reflect some of the
dynamics of the cells’ mechanical properties 1,2. With this in mind, we chose to investigate
one disease in particular: acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).

This leukemia affects a type of immature blood cell known as a promyelocyte. In normal
physiology, promyelocytes are short-lived as they are undergoing hematopoiesis, a
process of differentiating naïve blood cell precursor cells into one of several classes of
functional blood cells. However, in this disease, a genetic abnormality halts differentiation,
causing an accumulation of immature and non-functional immune cells. Past studies have
shown that this differentiation can be resumed with a molecule known as all-trans retinoic
acid (ATRA); however, not all cells will fully respond to this drug, meaning it may not fully
cure a patient of APL 3–7. Noting that this differentiation process also involves a significant
reorganization of these cells’ internal structure, we set out to investigate whether these
morphological changes could be sensed with microfluidic probing of cell mechanics, and
whether any changes in mechanical properties might reveal why some cells respond to
ATRA, and why some do not. To summarize, this research was focused on the discovery
of mechanical biomarkers to investigate drug resistance in APL.

In addition to mechanical biomarkers, we developed novel strategies to functionalize

microfluidic devices with antibody probes, which we used to assay single cells for surface

protein biomarkers. As a cell’s surface is laden with proteins that help reveal the cell’s
function, it is extremely commonplace to probe these proteins to identify, for example,
disease-associated phenotypes. To this end, we developed a microfluidic device wherein
cells pass over regions of different antibodies, where these antibodies can be flexibly
arranged within the channel to probe for several proteins at once. If a cell contains the
protein that one such antibody is specific to, this binding slows the cell’s trajectory, which
we measure with our integrated electronic sensors. With this, we were able to use our
newly developed functionalization strategy and novel microfluidic channel designs to
analyze different cell populations for several surface proteins.

Thus, this body of work will explore two different avenues by which we used microfluidic
devices to probe for biomarkers. In Chapter 2, I will discuss several theoretical
considerations and physical principles that govern the technologies used. In Chapter 3, I
will focus on the engineering principles behind the design of the microfluidic devices used,
as well as their manufacture, optimization, and operation. I will also discuss how technical
variability in these devices affects their performance, especially their odds of producing
statistical errors, and how these error rates may affect the reproducibility of research
conducted with this technology. In Chapter 4, I will present my findings regarding how
APL cells respond to ATRA, and how this process can be sensed by testing the
mechanical responses of said APL cells. In Chapter 5, I will present a novel method for
immobilizing antibodies in specific geometric patterns inside a microfluidic channel,
providing a newly flexible method of screening cells for surface proteins. Finally, in
Chapter 6, I will summarize the primary findings from this dissertation and make note of
additional, future work that may be undertaken to explore more fully the topics within this

1.1 References

1. Rianna, C., Radmacher, M. & Kumar, S. Direct evidence that tumor cells soften
when navigating confined spaces. Mol. Biol. Cell 31, 1726–1734 (2020).
2. Urbanska, M. et al. Single-cell mechanical phenotype is an intrinsic marker of
reprogramming and differentiation along the mouse neural lineage. Dev. 144,
4313–4321 (2017).
3. Douer, D. et al. All-trans retinoic acid and late relapses in acute promyelocytic
leukemia: Very long-term follow-up of the North American Intergroup Study I0129.
Leuk. Res. 37, 795–801 (2013).
4. Puccetti, E. & Ruthardt, M. Acute promyelocytic leukemia: PML/RARα and the
leukemic stem cell. Leukemia 18, 1169–1175 (2004).
5. Tallman, M. S. et al. All- trans -Retinoic Acid in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. N.
Engl. J. Med. 337, 1021–1028 (1997).
6. Douer, D. et al. High frequency of acute promyelocytic leukemia among Latinos
with acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 87, 308–313 (1996).
7. Park, J. H. et al. Early death rate in acute promyelocytic leukemia remains high
despite all-trans retinoic acid. Blood 118, 1248–1254 (2011).

Chapter 2: A review of the fundamental theory governing the node-
pore sensing devices used to study cell mechanical responses
This chapter is chiefly concerned with the operating characteristics of the microfluidic
sensors used throughout the presented work. I will first discuss the transport of fluids
within microfluidic channels and how this drives the transport of solid particles (e.g., cells).
Next, I will describe the physical principles of the electronic measurement used to track
the size, shape, and trajectory of cells transiting our microfluidic channels. Last, I will
summarize some of the key theory, models, and assumptions about the mechanics of the
cells being tested, and how we sense mechanical responses with our microfluidic
technology known as mechano-node pore sensing (mechano-NPS).

2.1 A brief overview of key fluid dynamic considerations for microfluidic channels

The flow of viscous fluids through space are most generally described by a set of
fundamental partial differential equations known as the Navier-Stokes equations. While
these equations describe several phenomena involved in fluid transport, some key
characteristics of the flow regimes of microfluidic transport allow us to use a more
straightforward and generalized model of fluid transport. As such, in this section, I will
summarize some key points that allow us to approximate the fluid flow in our channels
according to this generalized model.

To start, our microfluidic devices transport aqueous solutions, which are composed of
water containing dissolved organic (e.g., proteins) and inorganic (e.g., ionic salts) species
and solid-phase particles (e.g., cells). Despite these additions, it is still true that (1) the
water is a Newtonian fluid, meaning the shear rate of the fluid is linearly dependent on
the applied shear stress via the fluid’s dynamic viscosity, and (2) the density of the fluid
does not vary in space, meaning the associated flow is incompressible.

Next, a critical feature of microfluidic devices is that the length scale of fluid transport is
small – on the order of 0.1 mm or less. The unitless number known as the Reynolds
number, 𝑅𝑒, is described by the following equation:

𝑅𝑒 =

(Eq. 1)

Which shows that 𝑅𝑒 depends on the density 𝜌, velocity 𝑣, characteristic length 𝐿, and
viscosity 𝜇 associated with the fluid flow in question. The Reynolds number is often
described as a ratio of inertial forces (the momentum associated with a fluid with density
𝜌 moving at a velocity 𝑣) to viscous forces (simply the viscosity, 𝜇). For fluid flow with a
low Reynolds number (on the order of 103-104 depending on flow geometry), these inertial
forces dominate the flow regime and fluids move in “sheets,” hence, the term: laminar

In microfluidic devices transporting aqueous solutions, the fluid properties (density and
viscosity) can be estimated or measured, and the flow properties (velocity and
characteristic length) depend on the operating characteristics of the device. For our
microfluidic devices where characteristic lengths are expected to be 0.1 mm or less, to
achieve a Reynolds number of 103, the flow velocity associated with water at 20 ºC would
be 10 m/s, which far exceeds the expected operating velocity for our devices. As such,
the small characteristic lengths of microfluidic devices mean we can expect the fluid flow
to be laminar even up to high velocities.

With these key conditions in mind – a Newtonian fluid undergoing incompressible laminar
flow – the velocity profile for this kind of flow through a pipe is today described as the
Hagen-Poiseuille equation:

ΔP =
(Eq. 2)

Which relates the volumetric flow rate 𝑄 generated by a difference in pressure 𝛥𝑃 by the
viscosity of the fluid 𝜇, the length of the circular pipe 𝐿, and the radius of the circular
pipe 𝑅. Most importantly, however, we can now assert that the flow of aqueous
solutions through a rectangular microfluidic channel follow Hagen-Poiseuille with
corrections to account for the geometric differences between a circular and rectangular
pipe. As a result, the flow velocity in our devices is predictable, allowing us to compute
theoretical expectations of device operation and performance. This flow velocity is also
what drives the transport of solid particles such as cells, so this model gives us the
capability to understand the trajectory of these particles apart from purely empirical

2.2 Fundamental principles for the use of four-terminal measurements in node-

pore sensing

Often, the resistivity of a material is assessed using one of several impedance

measurement techniques. These measurements take many forms, but for our purposes,
we will focus on the use of four-terminal measurements. Generally, a four-terminal
impedance measurement involves two pairs of electrodes. One is used to apply an
electric potential 𝑉 and are referred to as the force electrodes, while another pair is used
to measure an electric current 𝐼 and are called the sense electrodes (Fig. 2-01). The well-
known relationship between electric potential and current is described by Ohm’s law:

𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅,
(Eq. 3)

Which states that the current, 𝐼, through a conducting material is directly proportional to
the voltage, 𝑉, with this constant of proportionality being known as the resistance 𝑅.

This technique has been used to great effect in microfluidic channels to comprise a
technology known as resistive-pulse sensing 1. Here, a four-terminal measurement is
performed across a microchannel containing a conductive fluid (in our case, the same
aqueous solution under flow conditions). To do this, the positive leads for each electrode
pair are placed in a fluid reservoir on one end of the microchannel. At the other end of the
microchannel, the corresponding leads for each electrode pair are placed in another fluid
reservoir (Fig. 2-01). Using these electrode pairs, a four-terminal measurement can be
used to measure the current across the channel, based on the relationship between the
applied potential and the conductivity of the fluid within1.

Figure 2-01: An example circuit diagram for a four-terminal measurement. A potential is applied across the
two out electrodes, and the current through the sample is measured with an ammeter connected to the two
inner electrodes.

A technique called resistive-pulse sensing takes advantage of this microfluidic four-

terminal measurement to assess the transit of solid, insulating particles through the
microfluidic channel (Fig. 2-02)1. If one of these particles is of adequate size relative to
the channel, it will obstruct the electric field generated by the force electrodes. In such
cases, this obstruction causes an increase in the apparent resistivity measured by the
four-terminal measurement1-4. In our applications, this increased resistivity is measured
with the inner electrodes, and manifests as a decrease in electric current. For the case
where a solid particle is in motion, the measured current will be at a baseline value while
the particle is in the fluid reservoir and not yet obstructing the electric field. The current
drops when the particle leaves the reservoir and enters the microchannel, and the current
recovers to baseline when the cell reaches the reservoir at the other end. In a plot of
current over time, this generates a pulse, where the width of this pulse is dependent on
the particle’s transit time through the narrow microchannel (Fig. 2-02).

Figure 2-02: Schematic representations of microchannels (top) and current traces (bottom) in resistive
pulse sensing. Planar electrodes applying voltage (V) and measuring current (I) are placed in fluidic
reservoirs with a substantially larger volume than the microchannel. A larger particle (left) generates a larger
current drop (ΔI) than a smaller particle (right).

The degree to which this current decreases, or the amplitude of the aforementioned pulse,
is strongly dependent on how much of the electric field is obstructed by the particle, which
is obviously a function of the particle’s size. Prior work has established a generalized rule
for this relationship, and given a spherical particle in a rectangular channel with an
effective diameter 𝐷 , the precise diameter of the particle, 𝑑, can be determined based
on the current pulse amplitude 𝛥𝐼 relative to the baseline current 𝐼. This relationship is
described by the following equation from Saleh and Sohn, adapted from DeBlois and

Δ𝐼 𝑑 1
= ⎛ ⎞
𝐼 𝐷 𝐿 𝑑
1 − 0.8
⎝ 𝐷 ⎠
(Eq. 4)

A newer technique called node-pore sensing (NPS) extends the concepts of resistive-
pulse sensing, punctuating single current pulses into several subpulses for a myriad of
different applications5,6. Node-pore sensing accomplishes this by modulating the
microchannel geometry to include widened nodes. These nodes are similar to the
reservoirs in the original resistive-pulse sensing concept; the electric field is no longer as
substantially obstructed by the solid particle, so the current returns to baseline. In
between these widened nodes are pores, or narrow microchannels where the entry of a
particle still results in a drop in current. A channel design with a mixture of nodes and

pores generates a series of rectangular subpulses, where the pulse width and amplitude
refer to the particle’s velocity and size (relative to the pore) in each pore segment (Fig. 2-

Figure 2-03: Schematic representation of a microchannel (top) and current trace (bottom) in node-pore
sensing. A single particle can generate several current subpulses when the microchannel is geometrically
modulated to contain narrow sections (pores) and wide sections (nodes). When the particle enters a node,
the current returns to baseline.

A key application of node-pore sensing is mechano-NPS, which involves the inclusion of

an especially narrow pore segment7. This pore is designed to be smaller than the
expected diameter of a cell, such that the cell is deformed as the flow field drives it through
the contraction. The response of the cell to this mechanical stress reveals information
about its mechanical properties, and is the basis for the mechanical biomarker discovery
discussed later in this dissertation.

2.3 Mechanics of cells undergoing deformation in microfluidic channels

As much of the work in this dissertation is concerned with the mechanical properties and
responses of single cells, this section is devoted to providing the theoretical background
needed to understand some of the mechanical phenomena at play. Cells contain a
mixture of solid-phase and liquid-phase components, and so the mechanical properties
of cells necessarily include characteristics of both solids and liquids. For solids, the
simplest way to describe how materials respond to deformations is by approximating them
to be linear elastic8. For fluids, the intrinsic property that defines deformation under shear
is called viscosity9. Cells, like all materials expected to have solid-like and fluid-like
components to their mechanical properties, are described by a combination of both
components in a general model called viscoelasticity 10.

A key difference between linearly elastic solids and purely viscous fluids is that such a
solid will only experience deformation so long as mechanical stress is applied. If this
applied stress is held at a certain level, the solid will maintain a constant degree of
deformation, or strain. This is not the case for fluids, whose rate of deformation under a
certain stress is described by viscosity. If a non-zero degree of shear stress is constantly
applied to a fluid, that fluid will continuously deform according to a quantity called the
shear rate, which is linked to the applied shear stress by the fluid’s viscosity.

In a viscoelastic material, both elastic and viscous behaviors occur when a stress is
applied. A key result of this mixed behavior are the phenomena known as stress
relaxation and creep, though for our purposes, we will focus on creep. In solid polymers,
such as the fibrous and helical proteins that comprise a cell’s cytoskeleton, the application
of some mechanical stress will see an immediate strain response according to the
material’s intrinsic elasticity10. However, both individual polymer molecules and groups of
polymer molecules can rearrange after a stress is applied; this molecular-scale
rearrangement occurs over time and means the strain will not be constant even if the
applied stress is held constant. This change in strain over time under a constant stress is
a property of fluids, but for viscoelastic materials, is appropriately called viscoelastic

Numerous other microfluidic techniques have been used to measure the time-dependent
deformation of single cells, applying both compressive and tensile stresses and
estimating the mechanical properties of cells based on their apparent propensity to
deform11-13. Apart from the use of optical stretchers, most of these techniques lacked a
model for viscoelastic behavior, or the capability to measure cells over long timescales,
or both11-14. Mechano-NPS addresses this latter shortcoming, although work by Kim et al.
simplified the measurement of viscoelastic creep to a categorical classification, rather
than a quantitative model7. To remedy this, used a relatively simple model of viscoelastic
creep to describe this behavior in our measurements of single cells. This model, called
the Kelvin-Voigt model, assumes that the elastic and viscous components of the material
experience the same strain. Because strain occurs instantly in the elastic component but
occurs over time in the viscous component, it can be described as a first-order, linear
differential equation dependent on the applied stress:

𝜎(𝑡) = 𝐸𝜀(𝑡) + 𝜂 𝜀(𝑡)
(Eq. 5)

Where 𝜎(𝑡) is a function describing stress, 𝐸 is the elastic modulus, 𝜀(𝑡) is a function
describing strain, and 𝜂 is the viscosity. Thus, the stress depends on both the strain in the
elastic component of the material, as well as rate of change in strain in the viscous
component of the material.

In our prior example of creep, several different molecules (e.g., collagen, elastin)
rearrange after a stress is applied; we can approximate this as a step (sudden) change
in stress, such that 𝜎(𝑡) is constant at 𝜎 for all 𝑡 after a time 𝑡 . We also make the

assumption that under viscoelastic creep the strain eventually reaches a steady-state
value, 𝜀 , which would ostensibly be zero if 𝜎 were zero, and the material is no longer
experiencing a mechanical stress. The solution to the above differential equation given
the above is:
𝜀(𝑡) = [1 − exp(−𝑡/𝜏)] + 𝜀
(Eq. 6)

Note that this solution informs us that the strain will start at an initial value exactly as it
would if the material were linearly elastic. The strain will then exponentially decay at a
rate defined by the time constant, 𝜏, to the steady-state value we mentioned above (𝜀 ).
This time constant, interestingly, is simply the ratio of coefficients for the two strain terms
in Eq. 3: 𝜂/𝐸. As such, the rate at which the strain decays to its steady state value is
dependent on the relative contributions of elastic vs. viscous forces in the material.

This model is relevant to our research because it can be used to describe the mechanical
behavior of cells in our mechano-NPS devices. In mechano-NPS, the microfluidic channel
is designed to apply a target strain to a cell as it transits the contraction segment. The
behavior of the cell in this contraction has been previously described but is approximated
to be a property of the cell’s elastic modulus (i.e., viscous forces are not in consideration)7.
This modulus governs the cell’s response to this deformation; a cell with a greater elastic
modulus, or stiffness, will transit this contraction more slowly than a cell with a lower
elastic modulus. This effect is primarily driven by the friction between the cell’s surface
and the channel walls (Fig. 2-04).

Figure 2-04: Left: free body diagram of a cell transiting a narrow contraction in mechano-NPS. The driving
pressure propels the cell in the direction of flow (FD). This force is opposed by wall friction (Fµ), which results
from the normal force (FN) acting against the cell’s compressive force (FC), which itself arises from the cell’s
internal stress acting on the wall. Right: high-speed microscopy image of a cell transiting a mechano-NPS
contraction segment. Scale bar represents 25 µm.

In this case, the force due to friction 𝐹 acts opposite to the cell’s direction of travel, and
is classically dependent on the coefficient of friction, 𝜇, and the normal force, 𝐹 in the
following equation:

𝐹 = 𝜇𝐹 . (Eq. 7)

In this system, the normal force acts in a direction orthogonal to the plane in which the
cell surface and channel walls are in contact, and opposite in magnitude and direction to
the force applied by the cell surface to the wall while the cell is compressed. The
magnitude of the normal force, then, is simply the product of the internal stress due to
compression and the area of surface contact. The internal stress is difficult to calculate,
but as both the stress and elastic modulus are of the same units, we know the stress
depends on the elastic modulus of the cell. As such, the magnitude of the normal force is
related to the elastic modulus. Since the area of surface contact will vary with cell size,
this method of measuring a cell’s transit time through a narrow contraction is also highly
dependent on cell size. Accordingly, a unitless number called the whole-cell deformability
index (wCDI) was developed by Kim et al. to both describe this behavior, and account for
differences in length scale7. This is defined as:

𝑙 𝑑
𝑤𝐶𝐷𝐼 = ×
𝑢 ×ℎ 𝑡

(Eq. 8),

where 𝑙 is the length of contraction segment, 𝑢 is the cell’s velocity in the pore before
the contraction segment, ℎ is the height of the contraction segment, 𝑑 is the
cell’s initial diameter, and 𝑡 is the transit time through the contraction segment.

While a cell’s elastic response is described by the wCDI, its viscoelastic response is
described by the rate at which creep occurs. In mechano-NPS, after a cell transits the
narrow contraction, it enters a series of wider pores and nodes that form the recovery
segments of the device. As such, the aforementioned wall-to-wall contact force is abruptly
removed, constituting a step change in stress (Fig. 2-05). As we described earlier, this
step change in stress is associated with an exponential decay in strain. This exponential
decay manifests in the cell as a gradual recovery of cell shape and size from an ellipsoid
back to a sphere (Fig. 2-06).

Figure 2-05: High-speed microscopy image of a deformed cell entering a mechano-NPS recovery segment,
which is designed to allow the cell to recover to its original shape. Scale bar represents 25 µm.

Figure 2-06: High-speed microscopy images of (left) a cell with its leading edge deformed into an ellipsoid
while exiting a mechano-NPS contraction segment, and (right) another cell fully recovered to its original
spherical shape after deformation. Scale bars represent 25 µm.

As the current drop in an NPS device depends on cell size, so too can the cell shape be
measured via the magnitude of current drop. In our measurements, the current drop from
a deformed cell is less than that of a spherical cell. As described above in Eq. 6, the cell
strain will relax to a steady-state value according to the exponential decay model derived
from Kelvin-Voigt. A transform of variables from the stress-strain space to the voltage-
current space gives the following equation governing the measurement of this viscoelastic
creep in mechano-NPS:

Δ𝐼(𝑡) = Δ𝐼 [1 − exp(− 𝑡⁄𝜏)] + Δ𝐼

(Eq. 9)

where Δ𝐼 is equivalent to a difference in current from the baseline: 𝐼 − 𝐼(𝑡), Δ𝐼 is

the current drop associated with a cell at the time of release from the contraction channel,
and Δ𝐼 is the current drop associated with a cell at its steady-state strain after complete

relaxation. Rewriting Eq. 9 as a function of measured current rather than current drop

𝐼(𝑡) = 𝐼 exp(− 𝑡⁄𝜏) + 𝐼

(Eq. 10)

where 𝐼(𝑡) is the measured current over time after the step change in stress, 𝐼 is the
current associated with the cell at the time of release from the contraction channel, 𝜏 is
the time constant of the exponential decay in voltage, and 𝐼 is the current associated
with the cell at its steady-state strain after complete relaxation. Mechano-NPS subpulses
produced after the cell exits the contraction channel provide values for 𝐼(𝑡) and 𝑡 to which
we fit a linear model to estimate 𝜏 via least squares regression (Fig. 2-07). Since 𝜏 is
simply the ratio of viscosity to elasticity, this method allows us to quantify the relationship
between viscous and elastic forces in this viscoelastic creep model.

Figure 2-07: (Top) Schematic of mechano-NPS microchannel, including a segment for measuring cell size
and velocity, a contraction segment, and a series of recovery segments. After it leaves the contraction
channel, the cell recovers from an ellipsoid shape to a sphere. (Bottom) Current pulse (amplified and
converted to voltage) resulting from a cell transiting a complete mechano-NPS channel. The subpulse with
the largest amplitude is generated when the cell transits the contraction segment. The series of short
subpulses immediately following the contraction subpulse are generated as the cell transits each recovery
segment. These subpulses gradually increase in amplitude due to viscoelastic creep.

2.4 Concluding thoughts

Overall, the contents of this chapter serve to contextualize the operating principles of the
node-pore sensing devices used throughout this dissertation. The equations, models, and
laws listed are especially important for Chapter 3, where I will describe critical design
parameters of NPS devices, which are governed by the theory in Chapter 2. This same
theory is critical for understanding how to test, calibrate, and practically apply node-pore
sensing devices to pursue the research questions described in Chapters 4 and 5.

2.5 References

1. Saleh, O. A. & Sohn, L. L. Quantitative sensing of nanoscale colloids using a

microchip Coulter counter. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 4449–4451 (2001).
2. DeBlois, R. W. & Bean, C. P. Counting and sizing of submicron particles by the
resistive pulse technique. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 41, 909–916 (1970).
3. Kubitschek, H. E. Electronic Counting and Sizing of Bacteria. Nature 182, 234–235
4. DeBlois, R. W. et al. Electrokinetic measurements with submicron particles and
pores by the resistve pulse technique. J Colloid and Interface Sci 61, 323-335
5. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-pore sensing: a robust, high-dynamic range method
for detecting biological species. Lab Chip 13, 1302 (2013).
6. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-Pore Sensing Enables Label-Free Surface-Marker
Profiling of Single Cells. Anal. Chem. 87, 2988–2995 (2015).
7. Kim, J. et al. Characterizing cellular mechanical phenotypes with mechano-node-
pore sensing. Microsystems Nanoeng. 4, 1–12 (2018).
8. William D. Callister, D. G. R. Materials Science and Engineering. (Wiley, 2014).
9. Munson, B. R., Okiishi, T. H., Huebsch, W. W. & Rothmayer, A. P. Fundamentals
of Fluid Mechanics. (Wiley, 2013).
10. Park, J. & Lakes, R. S. Biomaterials. (Springer, 2007).
11. Guck, J. et al. Optical deformability as an inherent cell marker for testing malignant
transformation and metastatic competence. Biophys. J. 88, 3689–3698 (2005).
12. Mietke, A. et al. Extracting Cell Stiffness from Real-Time Deformability Cytometry:
Theory and Experiment. Biophys. J. 109, 2023–2036 (2015).
13. Byun, S. et al. Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 7580–7585 (2013).
14. Gossett, D. R. et al. Hydrodynamic stretching of single cells for large population
mechanical phenotyping. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 7630–7635 (2012).

Chapter 3: A perspective of the engineering principles involved in
applying microfluidic technologies to probe cell mechanics
This chapter is, in part, a postprint of the following journal article:

Brian Li, Kristen L. Cotner, Nathaniel K. Liu, Stefan Hinz, Mark A. LaBarge, Lydia
L. Sohn. Evaluating sources of technical variability in the mechano-node-pore
sensing pipeline and their effect on the reproducibility of single-cell mechanical
phenotyping. PLoS ONE 16, e0258982 (2021).

While the previous chapter discussed several theoretical considerations surrounding the
mechano-node-pore sensing devices used in our research, this chapter will instead
explore the practical implementation of this technology from an engineering perspective.
First, I will review some of the critical design parameters and considerations for mechano-
NPS. Second, I will describe the manufacturing process for these devices, and the
importance of these process controls on device performance. Third, I will discuss how
these devices are tested and calibrated, and how such work guides the design iteration
process. Fourth, I will provide an overview of how raw data traces from mechano-NPS
devices are conditioned, processed, and analyzed so that we can interpret a cell’s
response to an applied deformation. Last, I will show results from specific experiments
that we performed to evaluate how technical variability can affect the reliability of our
technology and the reproducibility of the results that it generates.

3.1 Critical design parameters for mechano-node-pore sensing

As described in Chapter 2, both the fluid flow and signal amplitude in a node-pore sensing
device depend on the geometry of the microchannel. Consequently, the design of a
mechano-NPS is most principally concerned with matters of microchannel geometry.

These microchannels are made by way of soft lithography, a process where

photolithographic patterning of a negative-tone epoxy photoresist called SU-8
(MicroChem) is used to make relief masters, which are in turned used to embed a
microchannel in polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) (Sylgard 184, Dow Corning), a silicone
rubber. For this process, PDMS a liquid pre-polymer base is mixed with a curing agent,
which sets the polymer into an elastomeric solid. After curing the PDMS, it is peeled from
the relief master, which leaves the microchannel pattern in the now-solid silicone.

In this process, the primary method of controlling channel geometry is in the

photolithographic patterning of SU-8. The length and width of microchannel features are
set according to a photomask, as is standard in any photolithographic process (Fig. 3-
01). In designing a photomask for mechano-NPS, it is important to consider the expected
size of the cells to be analyzed. The pores of the channel must be small enough for cells
to cause an adequately large drop in current, but not so small that any cells are deformed
before reaching the contraction segment, or that the cells lack the space to fully recover
to their undeformed shape after exiting the contraction segment. Conversely, the
contraction segment must be of a width such that cells experience a particular strain rate;
for example, in work by Kim et al., mechano-NPS channels were designed to deform cells
by approximately 30% of their starting diameter. The length and width of the nodes must
also be adequately large such that the current fully returns to baseline when a cell is not
in any pore.

Contraction segment

Pore Recovery segments Reservoir


In-line filters

Figure 3-01: Example schematic of a photomask for a single mechano-NPS device with two identical
channels containing one reference pore, one contraction segment, and ten recovery segments. White
regions allow UV light to pass, whereas black regions block UV light. A stamp with wafer location, pore
width, and contraction channel width is included in the device as identifying information when the device is
viewed under a microscope. The numerical stamp in the northeast corner is a series of two-digit codes that,
in order, describe the device location on the wafer, the pore width in microns, and the contraction segment
width in microns. Nodes are 85 µm wide and 50 µm long. For this example, the pore is 800 µm long and 17
µm wide and the contraction segment is 2000 µm long and 9 µm wide. The series of 10 recovery node-
pore pairs maintain the same node dimension, but each pore is 290 µm long and 17 µm wide. Reservoirs
were 0.5 mm wide, and include in-line filters with a pore size of 20 µm.

While the overall length of the channel is not a critical dimension, a longer channel will
have a greater baseline resistance and thus reduce the amplitude of an NPS subpulse.
To this end, we chose to use a single pore to measure a cell’s starting size and velocity
and a single contraction segment to apply deformation to limit the channel’s overall length.
To measure cell recovery, we included 10 node-pore pairs to track a cell’s size over time.
Together with minimally short nodes that ensure full recovery of the current to the
baseline, our 10 recovery segments provided enough information to reliably calculate the
rate of viscoelastic creep in recovering cells.

3.2 Fabrication and manufacturing processes for mechano-node-pore sensing
microfluidic devices

As mentioned above, mechano-NPS microchannels are manufactured using a standard

soft lithography process (Fig. 3-02). More specifically, negative relief structures are
fabricated onto polished silicon wafers using SU-8 3000-series epoxy resist. The resist is
first poured onto the wafer, then spun to coat a silicon wafer a thin film of resist. The film
for one class of mechano-NPS devices used for smaller cells (mean diameter of 10 µm)
involved spin-coating of SU-8 3010 at 1850 RPM, yielding a film thickness of 12.9 µm as
measured by contact profilometry. For mechano-NPS devices meant for larger cells
(mean diameter of 16 µm), SU-8 3025 was spun at 2950 RPM for 60 seconds, yielding a
film thickness of 22.3 µm. This film is then baked at 95 °C for several minutes to evaporate
the majority of the carrier solvent, depending on the relative concentration of SU-8 solids
and thickness of the film. This soft bake was 8 minutes for the SU-8 3010 film, and 11
minutes for the SU-8 3025 film. The resist-coated wafer is then exposed to UV light
through a Mylar transparency photomask, with the dose also depending on the resist and
film thickness. The UV dose used was 170 mJ/cm 2 for the SU-8 3010 film, and 200
mJ/cm2 for the SU-8 3025 film. For SU-8 exposed to the UV dose, the resist begins to
cross-link, which is accelerated with a post-exposure bake at 95 °C, where the length of
this thermal step is again dependent on the film thickness. This post-exposure bake was
4 minutes for both SU-8 3010 and 3025 films. Finally, the entire wafer is immersed in SU-
8 developer to remove the resist that was not crosslinked (not exposed to UV). SU-8 3010
films were immersed in developer for 3 minutes, whereas SU-8 3025 films were immersed
in developer for 4 minutes. After rinsing and drying by baking at 120 °C for 3 minutes, the
silicon wafer is left with SU-8 features that comprise the relief master for mechano-NPS

Figure 3-02: An overview of the process of constructing a PDMS-on-glass microfluidic device.

To form these microchannels, PDMS pre-polymer and curing agent are thoroughly mixed
at a 9:1 ratio before being poured onto the wafer containing microchannel relief masters.
After curing the liquid PDMS for 2 hours at 85 °C, solid PDMS slabs with the embedded
microfluidic channels are peeled from the relief masters, cut according to device
dimensions, and cored with a 1.5 mm biopsy punch to provide input/output access to the

The other primary feature of mechano-NPS devices are the planar metal electrodes,
which we pattern on glass substrates for bonding to PDMS devices. Platinum (Pt) and
gold (Au) electrodes are fabricated using a lift-off process with electron-gun evaporation
for metal deposition. The Pt electrodes and Au contact pads were patterned onto glass
slides using a photolithographic process for S1813 positive-tone resist. To accomplish
this, S1813 resist was poured onto glass slides and spun at 3000 rpm. After spin-coating,
the glass slide is soft-baked at 100 °C for 1 minute to evaporate latent solvent. The glass
was then exposed to UV light at a dose of 300 mJ/cm 2 through another Mylar

transparency photomask defining the electrodes. Resist exposed to UV was removed
from the glass slide by immersing the substrate in MF-321 developer. A thin metal film
consisting of 75 Å Ti, 250 Å Pt, and 250 Å Au was then deposited onto the patterned
glass slides using electron-gun evaporation. Lift-off was finally accomplished by
dissolution of the remaining photoresist with acetone, which also removed the metal from
the glass slide except for where the S1813 had previously been exposed to UV and
developed away. As such, the only metal remaining on the glass slides form the Pt/Au
electrodes used to perform a four-terminal measurement within a node-pore sensing

For final assembly, the glass slides containing electrodes and the molded PDMS devices
were simultaneously treated with oxygen plasma (2 minutes, 450 mTorr, 30 W, Harrick
Plasma) before being bonded together and baked at 125 °C for 5 minutes, finally yielding
complete node-pore sensing devices (Fig. 3-03).

Figure 3-03: Photograph of a mechano-NPS

device, with microchannels embedded in PDMS
and Pt/Au electrodes patterned on a 2.5 cm x 2.5
cm glass substrate.

3.3 Calibration and testing of mechano-node-pore sensing devices

As was mentioned in Chapter 2, the degree to which the current drops in a resistive-pulse
(or node-pore) sensor is dependent on the relative size of the particle compared to the
microchannel. Work by DeBlois and Bean established an empirical model to determine
the size spherical particles in circular pores based on resistive-pulse amplitudes 1. This
model was later demonstrated by Saleh and Sohn to also be appropriate for performing
similar measurements on spherical particles in rectangular pores, highlighting a
characteristic effective diameter that can be used in place of the circular diameter of a
pipe 2. While mechano-NPS is concerned with both subpulse duration (in the
measurement of wCDI) and amplitudes (in measuring cell size and cell recovery), larger
signal amplitudes (i.e., signal-to-noise ratio) make it easier to identify cell events in the
current measurement.

To determine this characteristic effective diameter (Deff), we calibrated mechano-NPS

channels with polystyrene spheres with a manufacturer-specified mean and coefficient of
variation (C.V.) for the particle diameter. We then measured the amplitudes of several
pulses generated by these polystyrene spheres transiting a mechano-NPS channel with
a particular geometry. We used the following equation derived from previous work by
Saleh and Sohn1–3:

Δ𝐼 𝑑 1
= ⎛ ⎞
𝐼 𝐷 𝐿 𝑑
1 − 0.8
⎝ 𝐷 ⎠

(Eq. 1)

Which describes the relationship between the current drop Δ𝐼 relative to the baseline
current 𝐼 and the particle diameter 𝑑, channel length 𝐿, and aforementioned effective
diameter 𝐷 . By measuring Δ𝐼 and 𝐼, designing a particular length 𝐿, and knowing both
the mean value and uncertainty for 𝑑, we can compute 𝐷 .

Having determined this critical parameter that permits accurate sizing of spherical
particles in a mechano-NPS device, we can now use these devices to find an accurate
average diameter for a population of cells, and thus select an optimal device design. To
this end, after the basic mechano-NPS design (described above) was decided upon, a
“panel” was designed to vary pore width from 13 µm to 21 µm, as well contraction
segment widths ranging from 7 µm to 13 µm. The use of supporting tools such as a
hemacytometer and microscope, or commercial Coulter counters for cells (e.g., the
Millipore Scepter 2.0 Handheld Automated Cell Counter) to estimate the diameter of a
cell in suspension can help narrow the selection of devices from this panel.

A cell population is then analyzed with several identical mechano-NPS devices to find a
sample mean and standard deviation for cell size, as well as quantify the normalized

current drop, Δ𝐼/𝐼. We will discuss the latter in more detail in the next section, but to
accomplish the former, assuming a coefficient of variation of 10%, a 95% confidence
interval calculated from 100 analyzed cells will be approximately 0.4 µm wide. Using the
sample mean 𝑥̅ and standard deviation 𝜎 from those 100 cells, we can compute a
probability distribution function for cell diameter. If this distribution is sufficiently close to
normal according to a Lilliefors test, then 97.7% of cells will be smaller than 𝑥̅ + 2𝜎. As
such, we set a criterion that the pore width of a mechano-NPS should be at least as wide
as 𝑥̅ + 2𝜎 for a particular cell population. While this means 2-3% of cells may contact the
channel walls before entering the contraction segment, any such events can be easily
recognized by calculating the cell diameter from Δ𝐼/𝐼 and Eq. 1, then discarded, if
desired. Following this process, the appropriate channel size can be selected for a wide
variety of cell types, ranging from leukocytes (9 µm) to epithelial cells (17 µm).

3.4 Conditioning, processing, and analysis of raw current traces

The extraction of mechanical information from cells analyzed by mechano-NPS is

accomplished by quantifying the amplitude and width of current subpulses. The
instrumentation used to acquire these data consist of a custom printed-circuit board, a
Keysight E36311A digital power supply (or equivalent), a DL Instruments 1211 current
preamplifier (or equivalent), and a National Instruments PCIe-6351 DAQ to transmit data
to a desktop computer. To improve signal-to-noise ratio, Kim et al. developed a pipeline
of data conditioning to make it easier to process and analyze current pulses 3 (Fig. 3-04).

Figure 3-04: Unfiltered mechano-NPS current pulse (left) and the same current pulse after low-pass filtering

Because the subpulses are relatively low-frequency (< 100 Hz for cell velocities on the
order of 10 mm/s), the noise can be easily reduced by an order of magnitude (Fig. 3-04).
To then find the edges of rectangular subpulses, we can approximate the first derivative
of the signal by taking the element-wise difference and searching for local maxima, which
align with the step changes from the rectangular current subpulses. Even for the low-pass
filtered signal, the difference vector is extremely noisy; however, the signal-to-noise ratio
can be improved by resampling the signal before the element-wise difference is
calculated (Fig. 3-05). Performing this resampling step massively improves the contrast
between subpulse-associated peaks and the noise floor and allows for precise
quantification of subpulse durations.

Figure 3-05: Element-wise difference of a low-pass filtered mechano-NPS current pulse (left) and the
element-wise difference of the same current pulse that was first resampled from 50 kHz to 2.5 kHz (right).

The amplitudes of these peaks depend on the degree of current drop in the pulse itself.
We found that, for the difference vector, a minimum 𝛿𝐼 peak of 2×10-4 is adequate to
reliably find subpulse boundaries and quantify transit times, which corresponds to a Δ𝐼/𝐼
in the current pulse of approximately 4×10-3. However, as 𝐼 may change over time due to
baseline fluctuations, the current pulse itself is detrended via asymmetric least-squares
smoothing after subpulse boundaries are found (Fig. 3-06)4. From this detrended signal,
the current drop for each subpulse can be easily found.

Figure 3-06: Mechano-NPS current pulse detrended with asymmetric least-squares smoothing.

Having quantified the durations and amplitudes of each subpulse in the mechano-NPS
signal, we can then derive mechanical information from these data. The amplitude of the
first subpulse is used to find the size of the cell prior to deformation using Eq. 1. Since the
lengths of each pore are known, we can additionally use the duration of the first and

second subpulse, which are the cell’s transit times through the reference pore and
contraction segment, respectively, to find the respective velocities through these pores.
From this information, we can calculate wCDI3:

𝑙 𝑑
𝑤𝐶𝐷𝐼 = ×
𝑢 ×ℎ 𝑡

(Eq. 2)

where vc is the cell’s velocity in the contraction segment, v0 is the cell’s velocity in the
reference pore, d0 is the cell’s initial diameter, and h is the height of the channel. The
remaining subpulses pertain to the calculation of recovery time, which is accomplished
using the model described in Chapter 2:

𝐼(𝑡) = 𝐼 exp(− 𝑡⁄𝜏) + 𝐼

(Eq. 3)

3.5 Evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of results drawn from mechano-
node-pore sensing analysis

This section is, in part, a postprint of the following journal article:

Brian Li, Kristen L. Cotner, Nathaniel K. Liu, Stefan Hinz, Mark A. LaBarge, Lydia
L. Sohn. Evaluating sources of technical variability in the mechano-node-pore
sensing pipeline and their effect on the reproducibility of single-cell mechanical
phenotyping. PLoS ONE 16, e0258982 (2021).

3.5.1 Introduction

As cells frequently generate and experience a variety of forces in normal physiology, their
mechanical properties are an important aspect of their function. Cell mechanical
properties are implicated in many diseases, including metastatic cancer and a variety of
laminopathies 5,6. More recently, there has been increasing research on the use of
“mechanical phenotyping” to identify and screen single cells for mechanical properties
associated with malignancies 3,7,8. In this work, we focus specifically on the use of
mechano-NPS to analyze cells from breast epithelial tissue and from a drug-resistant
leukemia cell line 3,9. Mechano-NPS, like other microfluidic methods for single-cell
mechanical testing, has demonstrated enhanced deformability in cancer cells, reflecting
invasive potential 3,5,7,10,11. Uniquely, by measuring cell recovery from deformation,
mechano-NPS has also been used to uncover age-dependent changes in viscoelastic
properties and offers roughly 10 fold faster throughput for viscoelastic testing over more
established methods such as optical tweezers 3,12.

Previously, the technical variability of microfluidic techniques like mechano-NPS has only
been addressed through simple validation and calibration. For mechano-NPS, Kim et al.

made comparisons to published measurements of cortical tension and elastic modulus
for several cell lines, showing that their measure of deformability followed trends
established with atomic force microscopy and micropipette aspiration, the gold standards
for measuring cell mechanical properties 3. Similarly, a comparison among three recently
developed mechanophenotyping microfluidic techniques—hydrodynamic stretching,
suspended microchannel resonators, and real-time deformability cytometry—show that
all three can, with limited agreement, sense similar trends in deformability 13. To calibrate
hydrodynamic stretching, Gossett et al. carried out measurements on droplets of various
viscosities, demonstrating the relationship between measured deformability and known
values of viscosity 14. Kang et al. calibrated their suspended microchannel resonators
using polystyrene beads and hydrogel spheres of varying elastic modulus 15. For real-
time deformability cytometry (RT-DC), Mietke et al. and Girardo et al. employed
theoretical modeling of soft matter deformation in combination with experimental
measurements of agar and polyacrylamide beads of varying stiffnesses to validate
observed changes in apparent cell deformability as measured by RT-DC 16,17. Notably,
only Gossett et al. and Kim et al. performed any reliability testing of their respective
platforms, and even here, such testing was limited to assessing only a handful of sources
of variability 3,14. It is thus clear that the field is lacking in reproducibility analyses for
microfluidic platforms that measure single-cell mechanical properties. Such analysis
would provide a critical performance benchmark for the growing number of researchers
who may seek to adopt these technologies for their own applications.

Observing this need for reproducibility analyses in our field, we set out to examine the
reproducibility of the mechano-NPS system and its measurements of single-cell
mechanical phenotypes. To device-to-device variability, we quantified the differences in
mechano-NPS results when a single biological sample is tested across multiple replicate
devices with relatively low sample sizes. Then, to assess the reproducibility of the
mechano-NPS technology platform, we evaluated the similarity in results from two
identical experiments conducted on two different sets of mechano-NPS hardware by
different researchers in different physical locations.

Overall, we show that average measures of single-cell mechanical parameters using

mechano-NPS are highly repeatable. We show that the current mechano-NPS analysis
pipeline is capable of high degrees of consistency, high throughput (allowing for large
sample sizes), and significantly faster analysis of large data sets compared to prior,
manual methods. This work provides an important insight into the performance and
reproducibility of mechano-NPS, demonstrating its maturity as a technology and potential
for further adoption by other research groups.

3.5.2 Device-to-device variability and its effects on mechanical phenotyping

We first characterized how device-to-device variability could affect mechano-NPS
reproducibility, which can be masked when pooling data from several replicate devices
and samples. Device-to-device variability can arise from manufacturing, resulting in
differences in channel geometry (e.g., channel height and width) that in turn may affect
flow rates through a given device. We mechanically phenotyped small samples of
AP-1060 cells (127 ≤ n ≤ 184), determining the wCDI and recovery time constant using

seven different mechano-NPS devices as described above (Fig. 3-06). These AP-1060
cells will also be used later in this dissertation as a model of acute promyelocytic leukemia
with a drug-resistant phenotype for which we aimed to uncover mechanical biomarkers.

Figure 3-07: A) Top-down schematic view of a mechano-NPS device (top), with corresponding expected
electric current pulse (bottom) caused by a single cell transiting the microfluidic channel. A potential is
applied across the channel, causing a drop in measured current when a cell enters a narrow segment of
the microchannel (pore). Inset: An actual current pulse caused by an MCF-10A cell traversing the channel.
(B) Top-down schematic views of mechano-NPS channel designs used in this work for screening AP-1060
and MCF-10A cells.

We found the wCDI distributions (Fig. 3-08A) from each device to be non-normal
(Appendix 01). We tested whether the data from these seven devices were sampled from
the same distribution with a Kruskal-Wallis test and found that these data reject the null
hypothesis of an equal originating distribution (p < 0.0001). Pairwise comparisons for all
devices showed that only Device 5 was significantly different from Device 3 (p = 0.0021),
Device 4 (p = 0.0007), and Device 7 (p = 0.0010) (Fig. 3-08A). Pairwise tests of wCDI
cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) similarly showed that the wCDI data from
Device 5 was not sampled from the same distribution as Device 3 (p = 0.0012), Device 4
(p = 0.0004), or Device 7 (p < 0.0001) (Bonferroni-corrected for 21 pairwise comparisons,
α = 0.0024), whereas all other wCDI data from each device were sampled from the same
distribution (Appendix 02).

We performed a similar analysis on recovery time constant data from the same cells (Fig.
3-08B). We found that the distributions from several devices were non-normal (Appendix
01). Analyzing the recovery data obtained from these seven devices, we found that the
recovery time constant data for all seven groups were sampled from the same distribution
(p = 0.21), precluding the need for further pairwise comparisons. This analysis suggests
that compared to wCDI, the measurement of continuous recovery time constant is less
sensitive to device-to-device variability and is thus more robust against variability in
Figure 3-08: (A) Box plots of whole-cell deformability index (wCDI) for a single sample of AP-1060 cells
analyzed using seven separate devices. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true sample
median for each distribution. ** indicates p < 0.01; *** indicates p < 0.001. Statistical significance between
devices was determined using pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests for unequal medians, where the critical
value for multiple comparisons was calculated using a Tukey-Kramer method. (p3,5 = 0.0021, p4,5 = 0.0007,
p5,7 = 0.0010; n1 = 182, n2 = 184, n3 = 127, n4 = 176, n5 = 134, n6 = 155, n7 = 167). (B) Box plots of recovery
time constant (τ) for the AP-1060 cells analyzed in (A) on each of seven devices. Notches represent 95%
confidence intervals for the true sample median for each distribution. A Kruskal-Wallis test failed to reject
the null hypothesis that the recovery time constants measured by each device came from the same
distribution. (n1 = 182, n2 = 184, n3 = 127, n4 = 176, n5 = 134, n6 = 155, n7 = 167).

For typical mechano-NPS experiments, the data from replicate devices are pooled before
comparisons are made among experimental conditions 3,9. The discrepancy among wCDI
data from the different devices highlights the importance of this data pooling, which

reduces the influence of device-to-device variability. This variability may cause the wCDI
for cells in a certain condition or sample to appear more extreme than they truly are,
whereas combining the measurements from several devices increases the statistical
power of tests against other conditions by reducing the influence of such extreme values
to the test statistic at hand. Even though similar variations were not observed in recovery
time constant measurements, data pooling would serve the same purpose. In comparing
the difference in median wCDI among the seven devices, there was only a 5.04%
difference in the two most extreme median values (between Device 5 and Device 6).
Devices 3 and 4, which were the next most extreme pair, only varied in median wCDI by
2.46%. We consider even 5% variance to be within acceptable tolerances for
mechano-NPS devices, as they account for a difference in wCDI of approximately 0.06,
whereas biologically meaningful differences in wCDI using this device design often
exceeded 0.1 9.While biological variability may also influence this result, each of the seven
samples of AP-1060 cells were biological replicates and were handled identically prior to
mechano-NPS measurements (see Methods). While this served to minimize differences
between replicates, biological variability is impossible to completely eliminate. As such,
the measured 5.04% difference in median wCDI may be an overestimate of the actual
device-to-device variability in mechano-NPS. Overall, we demonstrate the degree to
which device-to-device variability in mechano-NPS can affect measurements of wCDI and
recovery time constant.

3.5.3 Comparing mechano-NPS results from experiments performed on different

instrumentation platforms
We also investigated whether results from a mechano-NPS experiment are reproducible
if another research group utilizes a physically different mechano-NPS platform and
conducts the same experiment. Two mechano-NPS platforms were used in this
comparison: one located in Berkeley, California and operated by mechano-NPS
researchers (Site A), and another located in Duarte, California and operated by a
collaborating research group specializing in breast cancer research (Site B) (see Methods
for a complete list of hardware). Although there were slight differences in the
instrumentation used (e.g., digital vs. analog current preamplifier), the platforms are
functionally identical. At both sites, an identical mechano-NPS device design was used
to measure MCF-10A cells, and all devices were fabricated at Site A using an identical
process (see Methods) 3. We chose to measure MCF-10A cells in this experiment instead
of AP-1060 cells (as above) due to the expertise in breast cancer at Site B (and by
extension, the availability of devices designed to measure breast epithelial cells). To
compare mechanical phenotyping results, replicate vials of cryo-preserved MCF-10A
cells were distributed from Site B, thawed, and cultured in identical growth medium (see
Methods). A researcher at each site measured the cells using that site’s mechano-NPS
platform and extracted two mechanical phenotyping parameters—cell deformability and
recovery category—as described in previously published work 3.

Between Site A and Site B results, the MCF-10A mean and median wCDI varied by less
than 0.4% and 2%, respectively (Fig. 3-09A). Lilliefors tests for wCDI distributions
determined that both Site A (p < 0.001) and Site B (p < 0.001) distributions were non-
normal, and a Mann-Whitney U-test found that the median wCDIs were not statistically

significantly different (p = 0.055). We then performed a post hoc power analysis of this
test to determine the minimum effect size detectable with 80% power and a significance
criterion of α = 0.05. We computed this effect size to be 0.0275; since the actual effect
size for this experiment was only 0.0201, we conclude that the difference in median wCDI
between Site A and Site B is not a meaningful difference. However, we compared the
empirical CDFs for wCDI data obtained at Site A and Site B (Fig. 3-09B) and found that
they were statistically significantly different (p = 0.042), with the maximum absolute
deviation occurring between the sample medians.

We then investigated the reproducibility of MCF-10A recovery categories. Kim et al.

classified cell recovery into three categories: immediate, finite, and prolonged. A cell is
classified as “immediate” if it is observed to recover its original shape immediately, “finite”
if it recovers within a finite time range, or “prolonged” if it does not recover within the finite
range (implying slow, prolonged recovery) 3. We classified the MCF-10A recovery
categories measured by Site A and Site B and, using a Pearson’s Chi-squared test, found
that the frequencies of recovery categories were significantly different (p < 0.0001) with a
Cramér’s V of 0.094, which is considered a small-to-medium effect size (Fig. 3-09C) 18–

Figure 3-09: (A) Box plots of wCDI for MCF-10A cells analyzed at Site A and Site B. Black points represent
cells with outlier values of wCDI, defined as 1.5 times the inter-quartile range. Notches represent 95%
confidence intervals for the true sample median for each distribution. (Site A n = 1960, Site B n = 625).
(B) Empirical CDFs for Site A and Site B wCDI data. A two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test determined
that these data are sampled from different distributions (p = 0.042; Site A n = 1960, Site B n = 625), with
the maximum absolute difference occurring at wCDI = 1.00. (C) Stacked bar graph representing the relative
categorical frequency of MCF-10A cells recovering instantaneously (ΔTr = 0 ms), within the finite time
window (0 < ΔTr < 100 ms), or failing to recover within the finite time window (ΔTr > 100 ms). Chi-squared
analysis determined that these frequencies were statistically significantly different (p < 0.0001; Site A
n = 1960, Site B n = 625; see Appendix 03).

By comparing wCDI and recovery category data between the two sites, we observed
statistically significant differences according to a standard significance criterion of 0.05.
As mechano-NPS is easily capable of measuring hundreds to thousands of cells, it is
reasonable that even small differences may be statistically significant. In this case, we
would expect differences in cell culturing and handling (e.g., expert vs. novice tissue
culture technique, lot-to-lot differences in trypsin-based disassociation solutions, etc.) to
account for some differences in measured mechanical properties such as those observed
here. Furthermore, based on our characterization of device-to-device variability, we
cannot exclude the possibility that manufacturing variations also contribute to the
differences observed between Site A and Site B.

The effect sizes we observed between sites are small in comparison to biologically
meaningful effect sizes observed in past mechano-NPS work. For example, Kim et al.
tested the effects of immortalizing primary human mammary epithelial cells to mimic
malignant progression, which we consider biologically relevant and meaningful 3.
Specifically, we measured a between-sites difference in median wCDI of 2%, whereas
Kim et al. reported differences ranging from 5.8% to 12.8% for their primary strain 122L
when treated with shRNA targeting p16 or cyclin D1 to mimic malignant progression. For
recovery category, we reported a Cramér’s V of 0.094, and while Kim et al. did not report
this figure, we computed a value of 0.242 based on their raw data, which is considered
medium-to-large 19,20. Consequently, while our measurements of MCF-10A cells at Site A
and Site B produced statistically significantly different results for wCDI and recovery
category frequencies, the magnitudes of the effect sizes indicate that these differences
may not be meaningful.

Based on this experiment, we conclude that the mechano-NPS results from one research
group are highly replicable and reproducible when an identical experiment is performed
by another group, even with differences in instrumentation hardware, environmental
factors due to climate control, and different individuals performing the experiment. As
such, we expect that our results here can be generalized to most other laboratories.

3.5.4 Discussion
Our work assessing experimental reproducibility represents a novel kind of analysis
regarding the use of microfluidic technologies for measuring cell mechanical properties.
Increasingly complex and powerful devices can introduce greater opportunity for
variability, and the repeatability of the measurements made with these technologies
should be addressed accordingly. We investigated how technical variation between
mechano-NPS devices might affect a measurement, as well as how mechano-NPS
measurements might vary when performed by different research groups at different
locations. A study such as this one provides a performance benchmark for other
researchers who adopt a technology like mechano-NPS and sets expectations of
technical variability to assess the reproducibility of experiments. Understanding and
minimizing sources of technical variability is especially important because single-cell
measurements are inherently sensitive to biological heterogeneity.

3.5.5 Methods
Device design: Design parameters for MCF-10A and AP-1060 devices followed designs
from previously published work 3,9. Geometric features were chosen to optimize the
signal-to-noise ratio of the microfluidic four-terminal measurement and apply a specific
degree of strain to cells (Appendix 04).

Device fabrication: The mechano-NPS channels were fabricated using standard soft
lithography. Briefly, a negative-relief master was lithographically fabricated onto a
polished silicon substrate using SU-8 epoxy photoresist (MicroChem) (SU-8 3025 for
MCF-10A devices, SU-8 3010 for AP-1060 devices). Polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS)
(Sylgard 184, Dow Corning) was mixed at a ratio of 9:1 pre-polymer base to curing agent,
degassed with a vacuum desiccator, and then poured onto the negative relief masters.
The PDMS was cured at 85 °C on a hotplate for 2 h, and a PDMS slab containing the
embedded microfluidic channel was subsequently excised. The inlet and outlet ports were
cored with a biopsy punch (Harris Uni-Core, Fisher Scientific).

Thin-film metal electrodes and contact pads were fabricated on a glass substrate. Briefly,
standard photolithography was used to pattern Shipley 1813 photoresist (MicroChem) on
the substrate. Electron-gun evaporation was then used to deposit a 75/250/250 Å
titanium/platinum/gold thin film onto the patterned substrate, and photoresist liftoff was
accomplished with immersion in acetone (JT Baker 9005-05 CMOS grade). For the
MCF-10A devices, a gold wet etch solution (GOLD ETCHANT TFA, Transene Company)
was drop-cast onto the area of electrodes crossing the microfluidic channel, exposing the
platinum electrodes.

Mechano-NPS device fabrication was completed by treating the PDMS slab and glass
substrate with pre-fabricated electrodes with oxygen plasma (Harrick Plasma, 450 mTorr,
30 W, 2 min). 20 µL of 2:1 methanol (ACS Grade, VWR BDH1135-4LG) to water
(18.2 MΩ) was drop-cast onto the glass substrate to aid in alignment. The slab and
substrate were then aligned, mated, and baked on a hotplate to evaporate the methanol-
water mixture. The MCF-10A devices were baked at 85 °C for 2 h, and the AP-1060
devices were baked at 125 °C for 5 min.

Cell culture: AP-1060 cells (DSMZ ACC 593), a gift from Dr. S. Kogan, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., were cultured at 37 °C with 5% CO 2. They were
initially seeded at a density of 1 x 106 cells/mL in growth medium comprised of 70%
Iscove’s modified Dulbecco’s medium (IMDM, Gibco 12440053), 20% fetal bovine serum
(FBS, VWR 89510-186), 10% conditioned medium from cell line 5637 (ATCC HTB-9),
and 1X Penicillin-Streptomycin (Gibco 15070063). Cells were passaged when
suspension cultures reached a density of 2.5 x 10 6 cells/mL. Conditioned medium from
cell line 5637 was prepared by seeding 2.5 x 105 cells in 10 mL of growth medium
consisting of 90% RPMI-1640 (Corning 10-040-CV), 10% FBS, and 1X Penicillin-
Streptomycin. Medium was changed after 24 h and collected after another 24 h. Before
adding to AP-1060 growth medium, the conditioned medium was filtered using a 0.22 µm
polyethersulfone filter (Millipore Sigma SLGPM33RS). For intra- and inter-user
repeatability experiments, two samples of AP-1060 cells were treated with LatA (Abcam

ab144290). LatA was reconstituted in ACS reagent grade ethyl alcohol (Sigma-Aldrich
459844) to a stock concentration of 2 mM, then aliquoted and kept frozen at –20 °C until
use. LatA was thawed and added to growth medium at a concentration of 2 µM. Cells
were subsequently incubated in the LatA-supplemented growth medium for 30 min at 37
°C with 5% CO2. After 30 min, LatA-treated cells were collected by centrifuging at
200 RCF for 5 min. Cells were washed once with 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS)
and centrifuged again for 5 min at 200 RCF before immediately being resuspended for
mechano-NPS measurements (see below).

MCF-10A cells (ATCC CRL-10317) were cultured at 37 °C and 5% CO 2 in M87A medium

containing cholera toxin and oxytocin at 0.5 ng/mL and 0.1 nM, respectively. Cells were
passaged when adherent culture reached 75% confluence. After the fifth passage, cells
were frozen at a concentration of 1 x 106 cells/mL for use in reproducibility testing at Sites
A and B. Upon thawing at Sites A and B, the cells were seeded at a density of
1 x 105 cells/mL and medium was changed every 48 h until they were passaged at 75%
confluence, with the last medium change 24 h prior to cell dissociation. Cell dissociation
was accomplished by incubating cells in 0.25% trypsin-EDTA (Gibco, 25200056) at 37 °C
and 5% CO2 for 5 min, followed by trypsin neutralization with complete M87A medium
(twice the volume of trypsin solution used). MCF-10A cells were collected by centrifuging
at 200 RCF for 5 min, washed once with 1X PBS, then centrifuged again for 5 min at
200 RCF before immediately being resuspended for mechano-NPS measurements (see

Mechano-NPS measurements: Suspension-culture AP-1060 cells were prepared for

mechano-NPS by first transferring the cell suspension into microcentrifuge tubes and
centrifuging for 5 min at 200 RCF. After aspirating the growth-medium supernatant, cells
were washed with 1X PBS solution and centrifuged again for 5 min at 200 RCF. The PBS
was aspirated, and the AP-1060 pellet was resuspended in 1X PBS supplemented with
2% FBS to reduce adhesion between cells and cell adhesion to PDMS. The cell density
was diluted to 3 x 105 cells/mL in 1X PBS supplemented with 2% FBS.
MCF-10A cells were prepared for mechano-NPS in a similar fashion. Cells were
dissociated from the culture dish by incubating with 0.05% trypsin-EDTA (Gibco
#25300062) for 10 min at 37 °C, centrifuged for 5 min at 200 RCF, and resuspended in
1X PBS to a cell density of 1 x 105 cells/mL.

To perform mechano-NPS measurements, diluted cell suspensions were aspirated into

polytetrafluoroethylene tubing (1/32” ID, 1/16” OD, Cole-Parmer EW-06407-41) using a
1 mL slip-tip syringe (BD 309659) fitted with a 20-ga blunt-tip needle (Jensen Global
JG20-0.5TX). For MCF-10A experiments, the tubing was inserted into a 1” (length) x
20-ga 304 stainless steel connector (New England Small Tube Corp) which was then
inserted into the inlet ports. For AP-1060 experiments, the tubing was directly inserted
into PDMS inlet ports. The needle was then disconnected from the syringe and connected
to an Elveflow OB1 microfluidic pressure controller. A nominal inlet pressure of 200 mbar
(20 kPa) for MCF-10A experiments and 80 mbar (8 kPa) for AP-1060 experiments was
applied to induce flow through the mechano-NPS device. A four-terminal current
measurement was performed as previously described, using a DC potential of 2.5 V for

MCF-10A experiments and 3 V for AP-1060 experiments, and measuring the current at a
sample rate of 50 kHz 2,3,21,22.

The instrumentation used to acquire the mechano-NPS data consisted of a custom-

printed circuit board (PCB) to perform the four-terminal measurement, a benchtop power
supply, a current preamplifier, and a PCIe DAQ to interface with a computer. The data
was recorded using custom MATLAB software as previously published 3. The same
custom PCB was used at Site A and Site B, and the circuit diagram can be found in
Kim et al. 3. Site A used a Keysight E36311A power supply, a DL Instruments 1211
current preamplifier, and a National Instruments PCIe-6351 DAQ. Site B used a Hewlett-
Packard/Agilent E3630A power supply, a Stanford Research Systems SR570 current
preamplifier, and a National Instruments PCIe-6351 DAQ. The raw data was processed
using custom MATLAB code as previously published to calculate the size and mechanical
properties of measured cells 3,9,21,22.

Data processing and analysis for mechano-NPS: Current data sampled at 50 kHz was
first low-pass filtered using a 200-sample-wide rectangular moving average filter. The
filtered signal was downsampled to 2.5 kHz, then detrended using asymmetric least
squares smoothing 4. The element-wise difference of the entire data vector was computed
and thresholded according to user-supplied values; for example, for AP-1060 cell
measurements, we used a normalized drop-change in current (relative to baseline) cutoff
of 2 x 10–4 for pores and 1 x 10–3 for contraction segments. As a cell enters or exits a
pore, it causes a step change in the current, which manifests as an extreme value in the
first-order discrete time-difference in current. Thus, the threshold separates noise-related
fluctuations from these step changes in current. As cells of different sizes generate step
changes of varying amplitude, the threshold is set to a value specific to the signal-to-noise
ratio of the data. By identifying these step changes, pulse and subpulse boundaries are
established, allowing for calculation of subpulse amplitude (i.e., cell size) and duration
(i.e., cell velocity). Mechanical parameters are computed as previously described 3,9.

The user-dependent data processing pipeline is described in Fig 1C (code available at

https://github.com/sohnlab/mechanoNPS_Li-et-al-2020/releases/tag/mNPS_2020). By
finding peak locations in the first-order difference in current, a list of potential data
“windows” where a pulse that might belong to a cell are generated. Many windows are
automatically classified by the software as signal interference and discarded (e.g., if a
subpulse is missing from the window). For the remaining windows, manual confirmation
regarding whether the pulse belongs to a cell is necessary through a MATLAB CLI.
Threshold values are adjusted as needed by the user before confirming to the program
to extract information from the pulse in the window. The user can choose to let the
program automatically compute threshold values based on the peak heights in the
window or to manually adjust these values.

Statistical methods and analysis: Data for wCDI and recovery time constant were
tested for normality using a Lilliefors test implemented in MATLAB R2020a. To evaluate
differences in non-normal distributions, a Kruskal-Wallis test for non-parametric analysis
of variance (ANOVA) across groups was implemented in MATLAB R2020a. For pairwise

comparisons, a Wilcoxon rank sum test with a Tukey-Kramer method to correct the critical
value (when applicable) was implemented in MATLAB R2020a. To determine if the
probability distributions of wCDI and recovery time constant were equal, a two-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a Bonferroni correction (when applicable) was
implemented in MATLAB R2020a. For recovery category data, the proportions of cells in
each recovery category were analyzed with a Pearson’s Chi-squared test implemented
in MATLAB R2020a.

3.6 References

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3. Kim, J. et al. Characterizing cellular mechanical phenotypes with mechano-node-
pore sensing. Microsystems Nanoeng. 4, 1–12 (2018).
4. Eilers, P. H. C. & Boelens, H. F. M. Baseline correction with asymmetric least
squares smoothing. Leiden Univ. Med. Cent. Rep. (2005).
5. Guck, J. et al. Optical deformability as an inherent cell marker for testing
malignant transformation and metastatic competence. Biophys. J. 88, 3689–3698
6. Lammerding, J. et al. Lamin A/C deficiency causes defective nuclear mechanics
and mechanotransduction. J. Clin. Invest. 113, 370–378 (2004).
7. Tse, H. T. K. et al. Quantitative diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions by single-
cell mechanophenotyping. Sci. Transl. Med. 5, (2013).
8. Toepfner, N. et al. Detection of human disease conditions by single-cell morpho-
rheological phenotyping of blood. Elife 7, 1–22 (2018).
9. Li, B., Maslan, A., Streets, A. M. & Sohn, L. L. Mechanical phenotyping of acute
promyelocytic leukemia reveals unique biomechanical responses in retinoic acid-
resistant populations. bioRxiv (2021)
10. Kim, J., Li, B., Scheideler, O. J., Kim, Y. & Sohn, L. L. Visco-Node-Pore Sensing:
A Microfluidic Rheology Platform to Characterize Viscoelastic Properties of
Epithelial Cells. iScience 13, 214–228 (2019).
11. Byun, S. et al. Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110, 7580–7585 (2013).
12. Ekpenyong, A. E. et al. Viscoelastic Properties of Differentiating Blood Cells Are
Fate- and Function-Dependent. PLoS One 7, (2012).
13. Urbanska, M. et al. A comparison of microfluidic methods for high-throughput cell
deformability measurements. Nat. Methods (2020) doi:10.1038/s41592-020-0818-
14. Gossett, D. R. et al. Hydrodynamic stretching of single cells for large population
mechanical phenotyping. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 109, 7630–7635 (2012).
15. Kang, J. H. et al. Noninvasive monitoring of single-cell mechanics by acoustic
scattering. Nat. Methods 16, 263–269 (2019).
16. Mietke, A. et al. Extracting Cell Stiffness from Real-Time Deformability Cytometry:

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17. Girardo, S. et al. Standardized microgel beads as elastic cell mechanical probes.
J. Mater. Chem. B 6, 6245–6261 (2018).
18. Cramér, H. Mathematical Methods of Statistics (PMS-9). (Princeton University
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19. Cohen, J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. (Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2013).
20. Kim, H.-Y. Statistical notes for clinical researchers: Chi-squared test and Fisher’s
exact test. Restor. Dent. Endod. 42, 152 (2017).
21. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-pore sensing: a robust, high-dynamic range
method for detecting biological species. Lab Chip 13, 1302 (2013).
22. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-Pore Sensing Enables Label-Free Surface-Marker
Profiling of Single Cells. Anal. Chem. 87, 2988–2995 (2015).

Chapter 4: Mechanical phenotyping of acute promyelocytic
leukemia reveals unique biomechanical responses in retinoic acid-
resistant populations
This chapter is, in part, derived from the following journal article under consideration at

Brian Li, Annie Maslan, Sean E. Kitayama, Corinne Pierce, Aaron M. Streets, Lydia
L. Sohn. Mechanical phenotyping of acute promyelocytic leukemia reveals unique
biomechanical responses in retinoic acid-resistant populations. (2021)

4.1 Introduction

Increasingly, physical and mechanical properties such as mass growth rate and
deformability, are being explored as possible biomarkers of cancer cells 1–6. While cells
from solid tumors have been the primary focus of these studies, those from liquid tumors
have also been investigated, albeit to a lesser extent. Atomic-force microscopy and
optical stretcher studies have shown that deformability and mechanical compliance are
important in the pathological dissemination of leukemic cells throughout the circulatory
system 7–11. More recently, studies involving suspended microchannel resonators have
correlated physical properties (e.g., cell mass and growth rate) of leukemias and
lymphomas to important pathological processes such as drug sensitivity or proliferation
12,13, and have determined the biophysical factors that influence cell mechanical

properties, such actin remodeling and cell cycle phase 14. Despite these investigations,
the relevance of the physical and mechanical attributes of liquid tumor cells to sensitivity
to therapy has yet to be examined 7,13.

Here, we assess the cell mechanics of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL), an acute
myeloid leukemia (AML) subtype characterized by a fusion gene between PML
(promyelocytic leukemia protein) and RARA (retinoic acid receptor alpha) 15. In APL, the
PML-RARA fusion gene occurs in granulocytic-precursor cells known as promyelocytes,
halting their differentiation and causing rapid proliferation of the immature blasts. Because
of the PML-RARA fusion gene, the standard of care for APL patients is to administer all-
trans retinoic acid (ATRA), which induces differentiation of the promyelocytes and, in turn,
resolves the acute phase of the disease 16–19. This acute phase can rapidly progress to
mortality within a week if left untreated. Early deaths due to disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy are of especially great risk in ATRA-resistant cases, which comprise nearly
20% of all APL cases 20–23. Although APL has been well-characterized biochemically
using cDNA microarrays and RT-PCR 24–27, there has only been limited characterization
of APL cell mechanics. Specifically, Lautenschläger et al. showed that the APL cell line,
NB4, becomes more deformable with ATRA treatment as it differentiates 9. However,
beyond this work, there have been no investigations of the mechanical responses of
ATRA-resistant APL to our knowledge.

We used mechano-node-pore sensing (mechano-NPS) 5, a microfluidic platform that
utilizes a narrow channel to deform cells and measure their mechanical properties, to
investigate ATRA-sensitive and ATRA-resistant APL cells. Through our mechano-NPS
measurements, we determined that ATRA-resistant APL cells are significantly stiffer than
ATRA-sensitive APL cells and are influenced by the organization of various structural
subcellular components. Using chemical cell-cycle arrest and perturbation of chromatin
accessibility, we evaluated how both major and minor changes in nuclear structure,
respectively, affect APL mechanical phenotypes. We discovered that only ATRA-resistant
APL cells are measurably softened after pharmacological chromatin decondensation. By
performing RNA-Seq analysis of ATRA-resistant and ATRA-sensitive cells, we have
obtained a whole-transcriptome perspective of how gene expression changes in response
to ATRA. This work, in particular, establishes a resource for further studies of ATRA
resistance in APL. Overall, our studies show that ATRA-resistance in APL corresponds
to a state of cell rigidity that can be measured with mechano-NPS.

4.2 Results

4.2.1 Single-cell mechanical phenotyping of APL cells

Mechano-NPS 5 is an electronic method for mechanophenotyping cells that involves
measuring the current across a microfluidic channel segmented by widened “nodes” (Fig.
4-01A,B). The width of one segment is narrower than a cell diameter (hereafter referred
to as the “contraction” segment), and cells must squeeze through this segment in order
to traverse the entire channel (Fig. 4-01C). Wider “recovery” segments immediately
following the contraction segment allow the cell to recover from deformation. When a cell
transits the channel, a unique current pulse is measured. This current pulse is comprised
of subpulses that correspond to the cell traversing specific mechano-NPS segments (Fig.
4-01D). It is these subpulses from which physical and mechanical properties of the cell
can be extracted. Specifically, the magnitude and duration of the subpulse prior to the cell
entering the contraction segment reflect the cell size and velocity, respectively. The
dramatically large subpulse corresponds to the cell entering the contraction segment, and
its duration provides information on the cell’s deformability (i.e., a more deformable cell
will transit the contraction segment faster than a stiffer cell). Finally, the series of
subpulses produced by the cell transiting the series of node-pores following the
contraction segment tracks the cell’s recovery from deformation. As the cell relaxes back
to its original size and shape, the magnitude of the subpulses return to that of the initial
subpulse, i.e., the one caused by the cell initially entering the first node-pore segment of
the device.

Figure 4-01: Overview of mechano-node-pore sensing (mechano-NPS) platform. A. Top view
schematic of mechano-NPS microchannel. A four-terminal measurement is used to measure the current
across the microchannel. Cell size (𝑑 ) and velocity (𝑢 ) are measured prior to cell deformation. During
deformation, the transit time of a cell is dependent on the cell’s elastic modulus. After it leaves the
contraction channel, the cell recovers from an ellipsoid shape to a sphere. B. Photograph of a mechano-
NPS platform, with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold embedded with two mechano-NPS channels and
bonded to a glass substrate with prefabricated metal electrodes. C. High-speed image of an NB4 cell
deforming in transit through the contraction channel. D. Expected current pulse caused by a cell transiting
the entire mechano-NPS channel. The current pulse consists of subpulses that reflect the three main
regions of the microchannel. (1) In the initial cell sizing segment (red), the free diameter and transit time of
the cell are measured by the subpulse amplitude and duration, respectively. (2) In the contraction segment
(blue), the transit time of the cell is measured by the subpulse duration, where more deformable cells transit
this segment faster. (3) In the 10 cell recovery segments (magenta), cells recover from a deformed ellipsoid
shape to a sphere, which is reflected in the gradual increase in subpulse amplitude over time. The inset
shows an actual current pulse produced by an NB4 cell transiting a 6 mm long mechano-NPS channel at
an inlet pressure of 80 mbar.

A cell’s mechanical response is dependent on the degree of applied strain, 𝜀:

𝜀 = (𝑑 − 𝑑 )/𝑑 ( 1 ),

where 𝑑 is the cell’s initial diameter and 𝑑 is the cell’s deformed diameter. For our
studies, e ≈ 0.35 in the contraction segment. To describe a cell’s deformability, we use
the whole-cell deformability index (wCDI), a dimensionless parameter that relates a cell’s
size and transit time through the contraction segment 5:

𝑙 𝑑
𝑤𝐶𝐷𝐼 = ×
𝑢 ×ℎ 𝑡

( 2 ),

where 𝑙 is the length of contraction segment, 𝑢 is the cell’s velocity in the pore before
the contraction segment, ℎ is the height of the contraction segment, 𝑑 is the
cell’s initial diameter, and 𝑡 is the transit time through the contraction segment. As Kim
et al. established with micropipette aspiration studies, the wCDI is inversely related to the
cell’s cortical tension 5, and cells that are softer will have a higher wCDI than those that
are stiffer. Moreover, the wCDI negates cell-size effects: larger cells will naturally take
longer to transit the contraction channel compared to smaller cells with similar stiffnesses.
To ensure that the friction between channel walls and cell surfaces remained constant in
our measurements, we flowed all cells in PBS supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum.

As cells are intrinsically viscoelastic materials, the time-dependent response to changes

in applied stress is a critical aspect of cell mechanical phenotype. To measure cell
viscoelastic behavior, we use the recovery segments in our mechano-NPS channel to
quantify how cells recover from deformation. For the experiments we report here, we
designed a device with 10 recovery channel segments, which provided sufficient
information to calculate the time constant of a cell’s recovery using linear least squares
regression for a Kelvin-Voigt model. This recovery time ranged from 20 ms to 800 ms,
with longer recovery times indicative of more viscous behavior.

4.2.2 ATRA-resistant APL cells are phenotypically and mechanically distinct

Of the only three cell lines established from APL patients, we investigated two—NB4 and
AP-160—which have varying degrees of sensitivity to ATRA and from which the majority
of published APL studies have been performed 9,28–30. NB4 was derived from a patient
who retained the characteristic sensitivity to ATRA differentiation, and AP-1060 was
derived from an individual who displayed ATRA resistance 31–33. We cultured NB4 and
AP-1060 cells in media supplemented with ATRA in concentrations ranging from 10 nM
to 10 µM and subsequently evaluated their propensity to differentiate (see Materials and
Methods). Using flow cytometry to measure expression of CD11b and CD18, two integrins
expressed by mature innate immune cells 34, we confirmed that while NB4 cells respond
to ATRA, AP-1060 cells were largely resistant (Fig. 4-02).

Figure 4-02: Flow cytometric analysis of APL cell line response to ATRA. A, B. Gating strategy for
flow cytometry measurements of the CD11b and CD18 expression of AP-1060 and NB4 cells induced to
differentiate with ATRA (representative plots from cells treated with 1 µM ATRA for 4 days). A. Myelocytes
are first identified as a cluster in side scatter (SSC) v. forward scatter (FSC). Live cells are then gated by
the LIVE/DEAD-low cluster based on fluorescence from the LIVE/DEAD Violet dye. Fluorescence-minus-
one (FMO) controls for each marker were used to determine the true negative fluorescence intensity
distribution for the markers’ respective fluorophores. B. Using gates established by FMO controls, the
proportion of ATRA-differentiated cells expressing a certain marker can be measured. C. Proportions of
cells positive for CD11b and CD18, markers associated with mature/differentiated myelocytes, after
treatment with varying doses of ATRA. A stronger differentiation response is seen in NB4 cells, indicating
a higher susceptibility to induced differentiation via ATRA. D, E. Box plots of wCDI (D) and recovery times
(E) for AP-1060 (left) and NB4 (right) cells treated with 1 µM ATRA for 4 days and sorted for CD11b
expression. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true median of each distribution. AP-1060
CD11b- n = 343; AP-1060 CD11b+ n = 191; NB4 CD11b- n = 234; NB4 CD11b+ n = 212 measured on 3
different devices. ****p < 0.0001, determined by two-sample Student’s t-tests.

The differences between AP-1060 and NB4 cells extend well beyond their biochemical
response to ATRA. Upon mechanophenotyping these cells, we found that untreated AP-
1060 cells have a significantly lower wCDI (p < 0.0001) than that of untreated NB4 cells,
indicating that they are stiffer (Fig. 2A). After treating both cell lines with two doses of 1
µM ATRA over the course of 4 days (see Materials and Methods), we observed that only
NB4 cells showed a significant change in their wCDI (p < 0.0001) and became more
deformable (Fig. 4-03). Although the ATRA dose we chose did lead to a limited degree
of maturation in AP-1060 cells (Fig. 4-02C), there was still no significant change in their
overall deformability.

As with their wCDIs, we observed differences between the apparent viscosities of the two
cell lines via their recovery times. AP-1060 cells were more viscous, taking far longer to
recover from deformation than NB4 cells (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-03B). While ATRA-treated
AP-1060 recovered significantly faster from deformation than untreated AP-1060 cells (p
< 0.0001), we surprisingly observed no significant difference in the recovery times of
ATRA-treated and untreated NB4 cells (p = 0.99). Although AP-1060 cells are overall
resistant to ATRA according to their expression of CD11b and CD18, these cells are not
completely unresponsive to ATRA when introduced to a high concentration, as has been
previously shown (Fig. 4-02C)34. This partial response, as we have discovered, also
corresponds to a partial response in mechanical phenotype where changes in recovery
time, but not wCDI, occur. Mechano-NPS analysis of ATRA-treated APL cells sorted for
CD11b expression showed that both CD11b+ AP-1060 and NB4 cells were far more
deformable than CD11b- AP1060 cells (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-02D) and that only for AP-
1060 did CD11b+ cells recover significantly faster than their CD11b- counterparts (p <
0.0001) (Fig. 4-02E). Together, these results show that the differences between AP-
1060’s and NB4’s responses to ATRA affect not only protein expression but also
mechanical phenotype, in which ATRA treatment promotes cell softening in cells that are
induced to differentiate.

Figure 4-03: APL cell responses to all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). A, B. Box plots of whole cell
deformability index (wCDI) (A) and recovery times (B) for AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after treatment
with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true median of each
distribution. AP-1060 n = 246; AP-1060 + ATRA n = 333; AP-1060 + ATRA + ATO n = 424; NB4 n = 124;
NB4 + ATRA n = 402; NB4 + ATRA + ATO n = 419 from 3 biological replicates each measured on a different
device. ****p < 0.0001, NS corresponds to no significance; statistical significance was determined by a
Tukey test for multiple comparisons. C. Fluorescence images of AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after
treatment with ATRA. Cell nuclei stained with Hoescht 33342 (blue); F-actin stained with rhodamine
phalloidin (yellow). Lobulated (U-shaped) nuclei in ATRA-treated NB4 cells are highlighted with a white
dashed outline. Scale bar = 15 µm.

We additionally evaluated whether arsenic trioxide (ATO), which is commonly
administered in conjunction with ATRA to prevent relapse 35, affects APL cell mechanics.
Mechano-NPS analysis of AP-1060 and NB4 cells treated with ATRA as before plus 0.25
µM ATO showed that these cells were significantly less deformable and faster to recover
compared to those only treated with ATRA (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-03B). ATO is known to
alleviate APL primarily by promoting degradation of the PML-RARα fusion protein,
whereas ATRA-induced differentiation involves transcriptional regulation mediated by
retinoid signaling pathways 36–38. We hypothesize that it is this difference in
pharmacological mechanisms that is reflected in our observations with mechano-NPS;
i.e. the cell stiffening after ATO treatment relates to the fact that ATO does not induce
differentiation like ATRA.

Because the spatial organization and reorganization of the nucleus constitute a critical
part of cell mechanics 39–41, we employed fluorescence microscopy to image the nuclei of
APL cells before and after ATRA treatment (see Methods). We observed lobulation only
in NB4 nuclei (recognizable by the U-shaped nuclei) after ATRA treatment, indicating that
differentiation in promyelocytes was progressing (Fig. 4-03C)42. In contrast, we did not
observe such lobulation in ATRA-treated AP-1060 nuclei, which is consistent with the
resistance of these cells to differentiate. In general, lobulation is associated with
downregulation of lamin A, a protein associated with the nuclear lamina that strongly
influences nuclear and whole-cell deformability43,44. While immunoblotting for lamin A
revealed no detectable expression of this protein in either APL cell line both before or
after ATRA treatment (Fig. 4-04), this result was expected given prior Western blotting of
HL-60 44, a cell line that was derived from a patient mistakenly diagnosed with APL, but
later to be found to lack the PML-RARA fusion gene 46. Despite the lack of a detectable
amount of lamin A in our samples, the striking morphological changes in NB4 nuclei
nevertheless suggest that ATRA-associated softening is influenced by structural changes
in the nucleus.

Figure 4-04: Western blot for Lamin A in APL cells. Western blotting of protein isolated from whole-cell
lysates of APL cells before and after ATRA treatment. MDA-MB-231 whole-cell lysate was used as a
positive control.

In addition to the nucleus, we examined the F-actin network, which provides mechanical
support for the cell and its organelles and drives cell motility 45–49. Although there were no
major visual differences in the F-actin network between cell types or before and after
ATRA treatment (Fig. 2C), we sought to determine how F-actin might affect cell
mechanical properties. We destabilized F-actin with Latrunculin A (LatA) and confirmed
the disruption of cortex-localized F-actin in both AP-1060 and NB4 cells (Fig. 4-05). Upon
mechano-NPS screening of LatA-treated APL cells, we observed no significant
differences in the deformability of AP-1060 (p = 0.61) or NB4 (p = 0.19) cells (Fig. 4-05B).
However, the recovery times for both cells with disrupted actin cortices were significantly
faster than those of untreated cells (AP-1060, p < 0.0001; NB4, p = 0.0027) (Fig. 4-05C),
with differences more pronounced with AP-1060 cells than with NB4 cells (125 ms vs. 27
ms faster median recovery, respectively). These results agree with previous work in the
literature utilizing latrunculins to measure the mechanical properties of cells in microfluidic
contractions 3,5. Specifically, it was shown that actin destabilization had a greater effect
on the viscoelastic processes of cells undergoing deformation (e.g., the time needed for
a cell to deform and enter a contraction, or to recover from deformation) than on the transit
velocity through narrow contractions 3,5. Overall, since ATRA affected both the elastic and
viscoelastic regimes of APL cells and LatA only affected cell viscoelasticity, we conclude
that the mechanical changes in ATRA-treated APL cells are not solely due to any
remodeling of the F-actin network that may arise after ATRA treatment.

Figure 4-05: Filamentous actin in APL cell cortices primarily influence cell recovery times. A.
Fluorescence microscopy of AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after treatment with Latrunculin A. Blue
represents DNA stained with Hoechst 33342 dye, and yellow represents actin stained with rhodamine
phalloidin. B, C. Box plots of wCDI (B) and recovery times (C) for AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after
treatment with latrunculin A. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true median of each
distribution. AP-1060 n = 268; AP-1060 + LatA n = 327; NB4 n = 341; NB4 + LatA n = 239 from 3 biological
replicates each measured on a different device. **p < 0.01 ****p < 0.0001, NS no significance; determined
by two-sample Student’s t-tests.

4.2.3 APL single-cell mechanical phenotypes vary with DNA content

Because DNA content and nuclear volume change throughout a cell’s life cycle, cell-cycle
phase is also an important contributor to whole-cell mechanical properties 50–52. We
demonstrated this by performing a series of experiments in which we mechanically
phenotyped cells that were synchronized either in M- or S-phase (high DNA content or
low DNA content, respectively) Specifically, we used colcemid (a mitotic inhibitor) to arrest
cells in M-phase prior to mechanophenotyping (Fig. 4-06A). Both NB4 and AP-1060 cells
showed a significant increase in stiffness (p < 0.0001), with stiffening more pronounced
in NB4 cells (Fig. 4-06B). Only colcemid-treated NB4 cells had significantly slower
recovery times, and thus were more viscous, as compared to their respective untreated
cells (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-06C).

Figure 4-06: Mechanical phenotypes of APL cells are strongly influenced by cell-cycle phase. A.
Histograms of DNA content in AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after colcemid treatment. Colcemid
treatment causes small increases in cell counts staining high for DNA, indicating an increased mitotic index.
B, C. Box plots of whole-cell deformability index (wCDI) (B) and recovery times (C) for AP-1060 and NB4
cells before and after treatment with colcemid. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true
median of each distribution. AP-1060 n = 616; AP-1060 + Colcemid n = 236; NB4 n = 123; NB4 + Colcemid
n = 167 from 3 biological replicates each measured on a different device. ****p < 0.0001, NS no significance;
statistical significance was determined by two-sample Student’s t-tests. D. Histograms of DNA content in
AP-1060 and NB4 cells before and after synchronization at S-phase with a double thymidine block. Cell
cycle synchronization reduces the bimodal distribution to a unimodal distribution, representing a decreased
mitotic index. E, F. Box plots of wCDI distributions (E) and recovery times (F) for AP-1060 and NB4 cells
before and after double thymidine block. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the true median
of each distribution. AP-1060 n = 268; AP-1060 S-phase n = 282; AP-1060 + Colcemid n = 209; NB4 n =
341; NB4 S-phase n = 122; NB4 + Colcemid n = 151 from 3 biological replicates each measured on a
different device. *p < 0.05, ****p < 0.0001, NS no significance; statistical significance was determined by
two-sample Student’s t-tests.

To determine whether low DNA content would lead to increased deformability and lower
viscosity, we mechanophenotyped AP-1060 and NB4 cells that we arrested in S-phase
using a double thymidine block (Fig. 4-06D) (Bostock, 1971). In contrast to cells arrested
in M-phase, cells in S-phase were significantly more deformable than untreated cells (p
< 0.0001) (Fig. 4-06E). Moreover, compared to non-arrested cells, both NB4 and AP-
1060 cells recovered from deformation significantly faster after the double thymidine block
(NB4, p = 0.0105, AP-1060, p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-06F).

Thus, increasing or decreasing DNA content can also increase or decrease cell stiffness.
To further confirm that DNA content is a strong driver of whole-cell mechanical phenotype,
we mechanophenotyped NB4 cells that we sorted based on DNA content (see Materials
and Methods) and subsequently and similarly observed that low-DNA content cells had a
greater wCDI and faster recovery time compared to high-DNA content cells (Fig. 4-07).

Figure 4-07: NB4 cells sorted for DNA content demonstrate inverse relationship between DNA
content and cell pliability. Box plots of wCDI (left) and recovery times (right) for NB4 cells stained for DNA
(Hoechst 33342) and sorted by DNA content. NB4 populations were sorted into a “DNA Low” tube,
indicating non-dividing cells, or a “DNA High” tube, indicating cells undergoing division at the time (M-
phase). Cells from each tube were the analyzed with mechano-NPS. Notches represent 95% confidence
intervals for the true median of each distribution. DNA low n = 125; DNA high n = 123 measured on 3
different devices. ****p < 0.0001, determined by two-sample Student’s t-tests.

Because it inhibits cell division by interfering with microtubule dynamics, we focused on

determining colcemid’s contribution to cell mechanophenotypes independent of
modulating DNA content. We first used a double thymidine block to arrest AP-1060 and
NB4 cells in S-phase and then treated these cells with colcemid. For AP-1060 cells only,
wCDI was significantly smaller after this treatment (p < 0.01) (Fig. 4-06E). However, the
recovery time of both AP-1060 and NB4 cells significantly increased (p < 0.01 and p <
0.0001, respectively) (Fig. 4-06F). Thus, colcemid does affect the mechanical phenotype
of AP-1060 and NB4 cells, though these effects are far less dramatic than the cell
stiffening we observed when cells are arrested in M-phase.

4.2.4 Influences of histone acetylation on APL cell mechanical phenotype
We next probed how the mechanical phenotypes of APL cells depend on the modulation
of chromatin accessibility downstream of retinoid signaling (e.g., due to ATRA) 17,54,55. We
perturbed chromatin accessibility independently of ATRA treatment by inhibited histone
deacetylase (HDAC) activity with trichostatin A (TSA) (see Materials and Methods), which
has been previously shown to soften isolated nuclei 56,57. To measure primarily the
mechanical properties of the nucleus and the effect of TSA, we destabilized actin cortices
with LatA and arrested cells in S-phase using a double thymidine block (see Materials
and Methods). We then treated the cells with TSA or ATRA and subsequently
mechanophenotyped them. As a control, we mechanophenotyped synchronized and
LatA-treated cells without further perturbations.

TSA treatment significantly increased wCDI in both AP-1060 (p < 0.0001) and NB4 (p =
0.0014) cells, suggesting that chromatin decondensation indeed causes nuclear
softening (Fig. 4-08A). In contrast to our earlier experiments when cells were solely
treated with ATRA (Fig. 4-03A), we unexpectedly observed a dramatic decrease in wCDI
(p < 0.0001) of ATRA-treated actin-destabilized and S-phase arrested AP-1060 cells
ATRA (Fig. 4-08A). Moreover, actin-destabilized and S-phase arrested NB4 cells were
more deformable after ATRA treatment (p < 0.0001) (Fig. 4-08A), agreeing with the
results of our earlier experiments when these cells were only treated with ATRA (Fig. 4-
03A). Recovery time responses were also different depending on treatment: TSA
significantly decreased recovery times in AP-1060 (p = 0.0095) but not NB4 (p = 0.13)
cells (Fig. 4-08B); ATRA-treated AP-1060 cells showed no significant difference in
recovery time (p = 0.15); but NB4 cells took significantly longer to recover (p = 0.0030).

Overall, these measurements highlight the complexity of measuring whole-cell

deformability, where the effects of certain perturbations (i.e., ATRA) on cell stiffness can
change depending on the state of other subcellular components (i.e., F-actin, DNA
content). For actin-destabilized and S-phase arrested cells, TSA had a more consistent
softening effect than ATRA across both cell types and mechanical parameters, most likely
because TSA causes chromatin decondensation. While nuclear softening is expected,
TSA treatment may also modulate the expression of genes that could affect single-cell
mechanical phenotype 58,59.

Figure 4-08: Mechanical phenotype of ATRA-resistant APL nuclei is sensitive to histone acetylation.
A, B. Box plots of wCDI (A) and recovery times (B) for S-phase synchronized AP-1060 (left) and NB4 (right)
with actin cortices destabilized with Latrunculin A. Cells were treated with TSA to promote accumulation of
decondensed chromatin or ATRA to induce differentiation. AP-1060 + LatA n = 155; AP-1060 + TSA + LatA
n = 84; AP-1060 + ATRA + LatA n = 199; NB4 + LatA n = 75; NB4 + TSA + LatA n = 114; NB4 + ATRA +
LatA n = 95 from 3 biological replicates each measured on a different device. **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001,
NS no significance; statistical significance was determined by a Tukey test for multiple comparisons.

4.2.5 Characterizing transcriptomic changes in APL cells with RNA-Seq

Studies involving cDNA microarrays have identified patterns of differential gene
expression in APL cells undergoing differentiation after ATRA treatment 26,27. In contrast,
total RNA sequencing captures entire transcriptomes and can thus provide a more
thorough exploration of how ATRA differentially affects the gene expression of ATRA-

responsive and ATRA-resistance cells. Here, we performed RNA-Seq on APL cells
treated with both ATRA and TSA to identify transcriptional changes potentially associated
with mechanical response to treatment. To compare, we performed the same treatments
and RNA-Seq analysis on HL-60 cells, a cell line derived from a patient mistakenly
diagnosed with APL but whose cells were found to lack the PML-RARA fusion gene 60.
We found that HL-60 cells also lacked the same softening response as APL cells (Fig. 4-
03, Fig. 4-09). We thus performed RNA-Seq on three cell lines under four different
conditions, and identified differentially expressed genes between samples and conditions

Figure 4-09: HL-60, a non-APL cell line, treated with ATRA. Box plots of wCDI (left) and recovery times
(right) for HL60 cells before and after ATRA treatment. Notches represent 95% confidence intervals for the
true median of each distribution. HL-60 n = 184; HL-60 + ATRA n = 252 from 3 biological replicates each
measured on a different device. ****p < 0.0001, determined by two-sample Student’s t-tests.

In comparing cell lines, NB4 had the most differentially expressed genes (2,523) between
untreated and ATRA-treated samples (Fig. 4-10A). AP-1060 had fewer differentially
expressed genes (1,907), reflecting its ATRA resistance, and HL-60 had the least (1,176),
corresponding to its lack of sensitivity to ATRA due to the absence of the PML-RARA
fusion gene. Although NB4 cells demonstrated a stronger response to ATRA than AP-
1060, there was only one differentially expressed gene (C1QA, part of the classical
complement pathway) between TSA-treated and untreated NB4 compared to 86 with AP-
1060 in a similar comparison (Fig. 4-10B). We also evaluated the interaction of TSA with
ATRA by comparing gene expression of ATRA-treated cells to cells treated with both TSA
and ATRA. This analysis revealed 13 differentially expressed genes in NB4, compared to
385 in AP-1060 (Fig. 4-10C). The greater number of differentially expressed genes in AP-
1060 compared to NB4, underscores the former’s sensitivity to TSA HDAC inhibition that
we previously measured with mechano-NPS.

Figure 4-10: Differential expression analysis across cell lines and treatment groups. A-C. Venn
diagrams for differentially expressed genes identified via RNAseq A, B. Untreated AP-1060, NB4, and HL-
60 cells were compared to respective ATRA-treated samples (A) or TSA-treated samples (B). The sets of
differentially expressed genes from each cell line-specific pairwise comparison were then compared. C.
Comparisons to determine what effect TSA has on gene expression, in addition to or in interaction with
ATRA. The set of differentially expressed genes for ATRA-treated vs. untreated samples was compared to
that of ATRA- and TSA-treated vs. ATRA-treated samples for NB4 (left) and AP-1060 (right). D. Biplot for
top 5 genes of each principal component according to PC loadings. E, F, G. Gene set overlap between the
top 100 highest-loading genes of PC1 (E), PC2 (F), and PC3 (G) and MSigDB C5 (gene ontology) gene
sets for GO cellular component (GO_CC) and GO biological process (GO_BP). For PC2, only one GO
MEMBRANE_NETWORK, 13 overlapping genes) overlapped with input genes. H. Differentially expressed
genes related to immune function and immunophenotyping identified in comparing ATRA-treated vs.
untreated AP-1060 (left) and NB4 (right).

We performed principal component analysis on all differentially expressed genes and

evaluated the loadings of individual genes to each principal component (Fig. 4-11A, Fig.
4-10D-G). The first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) clearly separate the
different cell types. The third principal component (PC3) separates only AP-1060 samples
treated with TSA. Analyzing the top 100 highest-loading genes for each principal
component, PC3 was especially enriched for gene ontology terms associated with
immune cell function and activation compared to PC1 and PC2. PC1 was primarily
enriched for cellular reorganization and RNA processing. PC2 was enriched for several
biological processes including metabolism and cell activation.

We analyzed the expression of the 86 differentially expressed genes between untreated

AP-1060 and TSA-treated AP-1060. The retinoid signaling-related genes RARRES2 and
RBP4 were among the most highly downregulated genes (1 st and 11th, respectively) (Fig.
4-11B). RARRES2 was found to be upregulated in an HL-60 population made multi-drug
resistant via selection with ATRA, and RBP4 has been shown to promote the extracellular
transport of retinoic acid 62,63. As such, downregulation of these two genes could increase
sensitivity to ATRA. We filtered these 86 genes by association to the cytoskeleton to
identify genes that might also affect cell structure and, by extension, mechanical
properties. Several microtubule-associated genes were downregulated, as were
cytoskeleton-associated OBSL1, MYBPH, EPSNL, ANKRD22, KRT18, and LMNA (in
decreasing order of log-fold change in expression). Only microtubule-associated MAP1A
was upregulated. Although the softening in TSA-treated AP-1060 cells is most likely due
to direct decondensation of chromatin, the downregulation of these cytoskeletal genes
may also contribute to cell softening. Future work is needed to quantify whether any of
these genes, by themselves or in concert, have a substantial impact on mechanical

Figure 4-11: RNA-Seq and differential expression analysis of APL cells highlights transcriptional
differences in ATRA-resistant AP-1060 cells. A. Principal component analysis of counts per differentially
expressed gene identified in any of 66 between-sample pairwise comparisons. B. Differentially expressed
genes identified in comparing TSA-treated vs. untreated AP-1060. C. Enrichment map of positively (red)
and negatively (blue) enriched gene sets for ATRA-treated AP-1060 cells. GSEA was performed from the
GO_CC (Gene ontology cellular component) collection. D. Enrichment map of positively (red) and
negatively (blue) enriched gene sets for ATRA-treated NB4 cells. GSEA was performed from the GO_CC
(Gene ontology cellular component) collection.

We next investigated the differentially expressed genes in AP-1060 and NB4 after 96
hours of ATRA treatment. First, we compared our differential expression results to cDNA
microarray results from Yang et al. in which NB4 cells were also treated with ATRA for 96
hours. While we found agreement in 24 of 62 upregulated genes and 15 of 43
downregulated genes27, we did not find the remaining genes to be differentially expressed

as Yang et al. had. To understand the whole-transcriptome effects of ATRA on our APL
cells, especially in the context of controlling cell mechanical phenotype, we carried out
gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) comparing ATRA-treated AP-1060 and NB4
samples to their untreated counterparts. Enrichment maps from this analysis demonstrate
a wide range of transcriptional effects from ATRA, and additionally reflect the more
dramatic response in NB4 (Fig. 4-11C, D). ATRA treatment for both cell lines resulted in
positive enrichment of gene sets for granulocytic functions (phagocytosis, granules)
associated with differentiation induced by ATRA treatment, with this effect being more
pronounced in NB4, as expected. Negatively enriched gene sets in both cell lines were
linked to transcription, RNA processing, and chromosome/chromatin organization (Fig.
5C), reflecting the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation that occurs downstream of
retinoid signaling 17,54,55. Furthermore, ATRA-treated NB4 were also negatively enriched
for components of DNA replication and epigenetic regulation, including histone
methyltransferases (Fig. 4-11D). As we showed that DNA content (Fig. 4-06) and
chromatin decondensation (Fig. 4-08) both modulate mechanical phenotype, genes
affecting the synthesis and organization of DNA may be important drivers of cell softening
in ATRA-treated NB4.

Last, we constructed a gene set to investigate specifically the immunophenotypic

landscape of differentiating AP-1060 and NB4 cells. As expected, NB4 cells exhibited
greater upregulation of innate immunity-related genes (indicative of differentiation) after
ATRA treatment compared to AP-1060 (Fig. 4-10H). These data provide a more thorough
transcriptomic analysis of ATRA-induced differentiation compared to prior work using
cDNA microarrays 26,27, as well as how this response differs in an ATRA-resistant cell line.

4.3 Discussion

APL is a highly aggressive AML subtype that can quickly lead to patient death if
therapeutic ATRA regimens are unsuccessful. ATRA induces differentiation of malignant
immature promyelocytes, which would otherwise proliferate to the point of patient
morbidity. Using mechano-NPS, we have, for the first time, uncovered specific cell
mechanical properties that correlate with ATRA-resistant APL. Specifically, we
determined that ATRA-resistant AP-1060 cells are stiffer and more viscous than ATRA-
sensitive NB4 cells. Through an in-depth study, we determined that the mechanics of APL
cells are more dependent on the mechanical properties of their nuclei rather than
cytoskeletal components such as microtubule and actin networks. Specifically, major
changes in DNA content strongly influenced cell mechanical phenotypes, with high DNA
content associated with stiffer and more viscous cells. While it had a more subtle effect
on APL cells, chromatin decondensation led to the softening of ATRA-resistant AP-1060
cells, a response seen only in differentiating APL cells. Through RNA-Seq, we discovered
enriched gene sets that may also affect mechanical phenotype by way of chromatin
remodeling. We also discovered several cytoskeleton-associated genes that were
differentially expressed, and so their potential influence on mechanical phenotype should
be more fully investigated in future studies. Because ATRA or TSA could directly affect
cell structure without affecting transcriptional regulation (e.g., like the destabilization of
actin with LatA), it would be valuable to know if changes in transcription, protein structure,

or both are what drive changes in mechanical phenotype.

The importance of nuclear mechanics in APL is further strengthened when considering

our results with cells that were synchronized into S-phase and had their F-actin networks
disrupted. Synchronized and actin-destabilized AP-1060 cells treated with TSA were
more deformable and less viscous than similarly treated NB4 cells. ATRA treatment
stiffened these AP-1060 cells, in contrast to cells that were solely treated with ATRA. This
may be a consequence of AP-1060’s ATRA resistance and the unique epigenomic state
of S-phase synchronized cells, where decondensed chromatin is more accessible and
susceptible to retinoid signaling 64. However, further work is warranted to identify the exact
mechanism behind this unexpected synergistic effect between cell cycle synchronization
and ATRA. Unlike AP-1060 cells, synchronized NB4 cells with disrupted F-actin networks
consistently softened after ATRA treatment. Overall, we conclude that while NB4 is
robustly sensitive to ATRA, AP-1060 is sensitive to HDAC inhibition with TSA.

Identifying the biophysical factors that link a particular pathological phenotype to a specific
mechanical phenotype is a new approach toward the implementation of physical and
mechanical biomarkers to characterizing cancer cells. Understanding these factors can
explain the biological underpinnings of the mechanical properties of cancer cells, whose
potential clinical applications are frequently discussed 65,66. Within this light, we
systematically perturbed subcellular components of APL cells and assessed their
relevance to the mechanical phenotype associated with ATRA resistance. In our RNA-
Seq analysis, we highlighted genes and gene sets associated with our observations of
APL cells and their mechanical properties and provided a resource characterizing the
transcriptome of differentiating and ATRA-resistant APL cells. We bridge together two
critically under-examined aspects of APL, ultimately uncovering a previously unknown
relationship between drug resistance and mechanical phenotype.

4.4 Materials and Methods

Device design and fabrication: All mechano-NPS devices utilized in these studies
consisted of a 12.9 ± 0.1 µm high microfluidic channel molded into a polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) slab that was bonded to a glass substrate with pre-defined platinum (Pt)
electrodes and gold (Au) contact pads. PDMS slabs included in-line filters with a pore
size of 20 µm to prevent cell clusters that would clog the channel. The central contraction
segment, 7 µm x 2000 µm (W x L), was flanked by a single node-segment at its entrance
and 10 recovery segments at its exit. While all nodes were 85 µm x 50 µm (W x L), the
single segment located in front of the contraction segment was 13 µm x 800 µm (W x L)
and the recovery segments were each 13 µm x 290 µm (W x L). Contraction segment
length was chosen such that cells experienced deformation for ~150-200 ms. The series
of 10 recovery segments provided up to ~500 ms of sampling for recovering cells, which
was sufficient to observe the exponential decay of cell strain to a steady-state value.
A standard soft lithography process was used to create the PDMS microfluidic channels.
Briefly, negative relief structures were fabricated onto polished silicon wafer using SU8-
3010 epoxy resist (MicroChem). SU-8 3010 was spun at 1850 rpm for 30 seconds and
baked at 95 °C for 8 minutes. The resist-coated wafer was then exposed to a mask with
UV light at a dose of 160 mJ/cm2, baked again at 65 °C for 1 minute, and then at 95 °C

for 3 minutes. Finally, the wafer was immersed in SU-8 developer (MicroChem) for 2
minutes, then rinsed with water and dried. This process yielded a film thickness and
microchannel height of 12.9 ± 0.1 µm (mean ± std. dev.). Sylgard 184 PDMS (Dow
Corning) pre-polymer and curing agent were mixed in a ratio of 9:1, degassed, and then
poured onto the negative-relief masters. After curing for 2 hours at 85 °C, PDMS slabs
with the embedded microfluidic channels were cut and peeled from the relief masters,
cored with a 1.5 mm biopsy punch (Harris Uni-Core, Fisher Scientific) to provide
input/output access to the microchannel, and then cleaned with isopropanol and
deionized water (DI, 18 MW).

Pt/Au electrodes were fabricated using a lift-off process with electron-gun evaporation for
metal deposition. The Pt electrodes and Au contact pads were patterned onto glass slides
using standard photolithography. First, glass slides were patterned with positive-tone
S1813 resist (MicroChem) by spin-coating at 3000 rpm and soft-baking at 100 °C for 1
minute. The wafer was then exposed to a mask with UV light at a dose of 300 mJ/cm 2,
and subsequently developed in MF-321 developer (MicroChem) for 45 seconds. A thin
metal film consisting of 75 Å Ti, 250 Å Pt, and 250 Å Au was then deposited onto the
patterned glass slides using electron-gun evaporation. Excess metal and photoresist
were lifted off using acetone. The fabricated metal electrodes were then cleaned with
acetone, isopropanol, and DI water. The glass slides with pre-fabricated electrodes and
the molded PDMS devices were simultaneously treated with oxygen plasma (2 minutes,
450 mTorr, 30 W, Harrick Plasma) before being bonded together and baked at 125 °C for
5 minutes.

Mechano-node pore sensing: Mechano-node pore sensing was performed as

previously described 5. A DC potential (< 3 V) is applied across the mechano-NPS
channel and a four-terminal measurement is performed. Cells transiting the channel
partially block the flow of electric current, leading to a modulated current pulse. In the
experiments performed, cell suspensions were prepared at a concentration of 300,000
cells/mL in 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution supplemented with 2% fetal
bovine serum (FBS, VWR 89510-186) to reduce cell-cell and cell-PDMS adhesion. Cell
suspensions were injected into mechanoNPS devices using a microfluidic pressure
controller (Elveflow OB1) with a nominal inlet pressure of 80 mbar. Signals were sampled
at 50 kHz, post-processed with a moving-average low pass filter, and then downsampled
to 2.5 kHz. A custom command-line interface program, written in MATLAB (available on
GitHub) rapidly identifies mechanoNPS pulses, determines subpulse features (i.e.
magnitude and duration), and extracts physical and mechanical parameters.

Cell culture: AP-1060 cells, obtained from Dr. S. Kogan, University of California-San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., were cultured in 70% IMDM (Gibco 12440053)
supplemented with 20% FBS, 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin (Gibco 15070063), and 10%
conditioned medium from cell line 5637 (ATCC HTB-9). For conditioned medium from cell
line 5637, cells were seeded in 10 mL of RPMI-1640 (Corning 10-040-CV) supplemented
with 10% FBS and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin (Gibco 15070063). Medium was
exchanged after 24 hours, then collected at 48 hours after initial seeding. Conditioned
medium was then sterilized using a 0.22 µm polyethylsufone filter (Millipore Sigma

SLGPM33RS). NB4 (DSMZ ACC 207) and HL-60 (ATCC CCL-240) cells were cultured
in 90% RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin. AP-
1060 cells were passaged at a density of 2 x 10 6 cells/mL, seeded in wells of a 24-well
plate at a density of 1 x 106, and maintained at 37 °C in 5% CO2. NB4 and HL-60 cells
were passaged at a density of 5 x 105 cells/mL, seeded in wells of a 24-well plate at a
density of 1 x 106, and maintained at 37 °C in 5% CO2.

Pharmacological treatments: Dry powder all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA, Sigma-Aldrich

R2625) was reconstituted in anhydrous dimethylsulfoxide to 25 mg/mL for an 83.3 mM
concentrated stock solution (Sigma-Aldrich 276855). Concentrated stock solution was
aliquoted and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen, then transferred to a -80 °C freezer for long-
term storage. Concentrated stock ATRA was thawed and diluted to 10 mM in dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) prior to use, then further diluted to working concentration (10 nM to 10
µM for testing ATRA response; 1 µM otherwise) in cell-culture media. Dry powder arsenic
trioxide (ATO, Sigma-Aldrich 202673) was prepared in a 2 mM solution by first dissolving
dry ATO in 10% w/w sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in DI water. The NaOH was then
neutralized with an equimolar amount of 1 M hydrochloric acid, then diluted with additional
DI water. Concentrated stock ATO was diluted to 25 µM in water prior to use, then further
diluted to 0.25 µM in cell-culture media. Cells receiving both ATRA and ATO received
doses of 1 µM ATRA and 0.25 µM ATO upon seeding and at 48 hours after seeding.
LatrunculinA (LatA, Abcam ab144290) was reconstituted in ethyl alcohol (Sigma-Aldrich
459844) and added to cell-culture media at a concentration of 0.5 µg/mL for 30 minutes
to disrupt actin filaments. 100 nM of Trichostatin A (TSA, Fisher Scientific 14-061, Mfg.
Tocris Bioscience), reconstituted in DMSO, was added to cells for 24 hours to inhibit
histone deacetylase activity. For synchronized and LatA-treated cells, cell cultures were
first synchronized in S-phase (see below). Cells not receiving further treatment were
treated with LatA (see above) immediately prior to mechano-NPS analysis. Cells treated
with TSA were incubated in cell culture media supplemented with 100 nM TSA for 24
hours, then treated with LatA (see above) immediately prior to mechano-NPS analysis.
Cells treated with ATRA were incubated in cell-culture media supplemented with 1 µM
ATRA at 0 and 48 hours after the completion of cell-cycle synchronization, then treated
with LatA (see above) 96 hours after synchronization, followed by immediate analysis
with mechano-NPS. For all pharmacological treatments, cells were pelleted via
centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes, rinsed once with 1X PBS, then pelleted again, and
resuspended for mechano-NPS analysis (see above).

Cell-cycle arrest: A double thymidine block was used to arrest cells at S-phase. Cells
were resuspended at 1 x 106 cells/mL in cell-culture media supplemented with 2 mM
thymidine (Abcam ab143719) and incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 for 18 hours. They were
then isolated via centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes, resuspended at the same density
in cell-culture media supplemented with 10 µM deoxycytidine (Abcam ab146218), and
subsequently incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 for 8 hours. Finally, cells were again collected
via centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes, resuspended at the same density in cell-culture
media supplemented with 2 mM thymidine, and incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 for 18
hours. Synchronized cells were then isolated via centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes
and rinsed once with 1X PBS for further experiments. Colcemid solution in 1X PBS (Gibco

15212012) was used to arrest cell division and synchronize cells in M-phase. Colcemid
was added directly to cells in culture media at a concentration of 1 µg/mL. Cell cultures
were then incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 for 2 hours. Synchronized cells were then
isolated via centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes and rinsed once with 1X PBS for further
experiments. Cell cycle arrest in either S- or M-phase was confirmed via flow cytometric
analysis of DNA content (see below).

Fluorescence staining and immunostaining: Silicone isolators (Grace BioLabs CWS-

13R-0.5) were pressed onto poly-L-lysine glass slides (VWR 16002-116) to form small
wells. Cells in suspension culture were resuspended at 5 x 10 5 cells/mL in 1X PBS, then
pipetted into the wells, and allowed to settle and adhere for 1 hour while incubating at 37
°C in 5% CO2. Wells were then washed with 1X PBS to remove unbound cells. Cells were
then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich P6148) and permeabilized with
0.1% Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich T8787). For immunocytochemistry, cells were blocked
with donkey serum (Sigma-Aldrich D9663) for 1 hour at room temperature, washed with
1X PBS, then stained overnight with anti-LaminA primary antibody (Invitrogen MA1-
06101) at a ratio of 1:200 at 4 °C. Fluorescence staining solutions for
immunocytochemistry contained 40 µM Hoechst 33342 (Thermo Scientific 62249), 165
nM rhodamine phalloidin (Biotium 00027), and 1:1000 donkey anti-mouse Alexa-Fluor
488-conjugated secondary antibody (Invitrogen A-21202). Fluorescence staining
solutions for ATRA and LatA experiments contained the same concentrations of Hoechst
33342 and rhodamine phalloidin.

Flow cytometric analysis: Cells were isolated by centrifugation at 200 rcf for 5 minutes
and resuspended in 1X PBS. For assessing DNA content, cells were stained with 40 µM
Hoechst 33342 for 30 minutes, washed with 1X PBS, and analyzed on a BD LSR Fortessa
X20 with BD FACSDiva 9.0 software. For immunostained flow cytometry, cells were
blocked with an anti-Fc Receptor polyclonal antibody (Invitrogen 14-9161-73) for 30
minutes. An antibody mix for a three-color flow cytometry panel was prepared, consisting
of FITC-anti-CD11b (Biolegend 101206), Super Bright 600-anti-CD18 (Invitrogen 63-
0189-41), and PerCP-eFluor 710-anti-CD52 (Invitrogen 46-0529-41). Samples were
incubated with fluorophore-conjugated antibodies for 35 minutes, then washed several
times with 1X PBS. Samples were then stained with LIVE/DEAD Fixable Violet (Invitrogen
L34955) and washed several times with 1X PBS prior to analysis. For each experimental
condition, one unstained control and three fluorescence-minus-one controls for each
antibody-conjugated fluorophore were prepared (Supplementary Fig. S2). Single-stain
positive control samples for each fluorophore were prepared prior to all analysis to
compute a compensation matrix. Compensation was set such that the median
fluorescence intensity in negative channels was the same across single-stain control
samples. All analysis of flow cytometry data was performed using Cytobank Community
67. Sorting of APL cells for both DNA content and CD11b expression was performed with

a BD FACSAria Fusion.

Immunobloting: Protein was isolated from whole cell lysates using RIPA buffer (50 mM
Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton-X 100, 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate) supplemented
with 1X Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Thermo Scientific 78430). The concentration of

protein in lysates was quantified using a bicinchoninic acid assay (Thermo Scientific
23225). Lysates were diluted in LDS Sample Buffer (Invitrogen NP0007), reduced with 5
mM TCEP-HCl (Sigma-Aldrich 646547), and diluted to 0.4 mg/mL with deionized water
to ensure equal loading. The samples were then boiled for 10 minutes before being
electrophoretically separated on NuPAGE Bis-Tris gels (Thermo Scientific NP0335PK2).
Proteins from the gel were then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (Thermo
Scientific 88013). After transfer, the membrane was blocked for 1 hr with 5% non-fat milk
in 1x Tris-buffered saline + 0.1% TWEEN 20 (Sigma-Aldrich P9416) (1x TBS-T), then
stained with primary antibodies against Lamin A (Invitrogen MA1-06101) and GAPDH
(CellSignaling 2118S) diluted 1:1000 in 5% non-fat milk in 1x TBS-T overnight at 4 ºC.
The membrane was then washed three times for 10 minutes with 1x TBS-T, then stained
with anti-mouse (LI-COR 926-68070) and anti-rabbit (LI-COR 926-32211) secondary
antibodies diluted 1:10,000 in 5% non-fat milk in 1x TBS-T for 1 hr. The membrane was
then washed three times with 1x TBS-T before being imaged on a LI-COR Odyssey.

RNA-Seq and differential expression analysis: RNA was extracted from ~1 M cells
using the QIAGEN RNeasy Mini Kit (QIAGEN 74104). A total of 36 samples were
prepared: for each of three cell lines (AP-1060, HL-60, and NB4), the four conditions of
untreated, ATRA, TSA, and ATRA & TSA were run in triplicate. Libraries were prepared
using NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs E7770S)
and the NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module (New England Biolabs
E7490S) with 1 𝜇g total RNA input. Paired-end 2 x 100 bp sequencing was performed on
three Illumina HiSeq 4000 lanes with twelve samples per lane for an average sequencing
depth of 31M reads per sample. Transcripts were quantified using Salmon (version
0.10.0) 68 in mapping-based mode with the human reference transcriptome (Ensembl
GRCh38 version 86) 69. Read counts were then converted to counts per gene using
Bioconductor (version 3.7) 70 with the tximport package 71. Differential expression was
determined using edgeR (version 3.22.0) and limma (version 3.32.0) 72–76. Significance in
differential expression was then filtered by a log-fold change greater than 1 using the
TREAT method (treat function from limma) 61. Principal component analysis was
performed with the scikit-learn library in Python 77, and gene set overlaps were computed
using the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) and its Investigate Gene Sets tools
78,79. Gene set enrichment analysis was carried out using GSEA 4.0.3, using 497 gene

sets from GO Cellular Component (c5.go.cc.v7.2.symbols.gmt) 78,80 after applying a

maximum and minimum size threshold of 500 and 15 genes, respectively. For enrichment
mapping, enriched gene set nodes were filtered using a false discovery rate cutoff of 25%,
and edges were filtered using a similarity cutoff of 50% 81,82.

High-speed imaging: 100 mbar of nominal inlet pressure from an Elveflow OB1 pressure
controller drove cells through a mechanoNPS device. Images were acquired using a
Fastec IL-5 high-speed camera at 1500 frames per second with a 167 µs shutter speed.
Movie playback was set to 50 frames per second.

Mechano-NPS statistical analysis: Statistical tests for mechano-NPS data were applied
to measurements of both wCDI and recovery time. Significant differences were principally
calculated using two-sample Student’s t-tests with a significance criterion of 𝛼 = 0.05. For

experiments involving multiple comparisons, test statistics were instead computed using
a Tukey’s range test. Where applicable, a Bonferroni correction to the significance
criterion (by default, 𝛼 = 0.05) was made for experiments involving multiple comparisons.
To quantify the power of all mechano-NPS statistical tests, we performed a post hoc
power analysis on all statistical tests made for both wCDI and recovery time (Appendix
05). The statistical power for each test given the measured effect size and sample size
was calculated and reported. For tests not exceeding a power value of 0.80, we reported
the minimum effect size needed for a statistical power of 0.80, as well as the measured
effect size.

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Chapter 5: Multiplexed DNA-directed patterning of antibodies for
single-cell surface marker analysis
This chapter is, in part, a postprint of the following journal article:

Molly Kozminsky, Olivia J. Scheideler, Brian Li, Nathaniel K. Liu, Lydia L. Sohn.
Multiplexed DNA-Directed Patterning of Antibodies for Applications in Cell
Subpopulation Analysis. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (2021).

5.1 Introduction

The expression of surface proteins is a critical component of a cell’s phenotype and is

commonly measured using antibody labels. For example, liquid biopsy devices have used
immobilized antibodies to analyze and capture circulating tumor cells (CTCs) 1. However,
CTCs may have a number of different phenotypes, especially due to epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transitions (EMT) 2. As a result, there is increasing demand to analyze cells
for several surface markers to identify phenotypic subpopulations in a sample of cells.
For this application, it is necessary to immobilize multiple antibodies in a way that makes
it possible to analyze a single cell for several antigens. We address this need by
employing DNA-directed patterning to immobilize antibodies along the base of PDMS-on-
glass microfluidic devices utilizing node-pore sensing, which was previously used to
assay cells for surface proteins 3,4. Here, we demonstrate that DNA-directed patterning of
antibodies is a highly flexible method for functionalizing surfaces for label-free surface
marker screening. The previous method for functionalizing NPS channel segments with
different antibodies involved an aminosilane-based conjugation chemistry scheme that
required two overnight steps in cold and humidity-controlled storage 4. In addition, an
orthogonal temporary channel to flow antibodies across prepared areas was needed.
Finally, permanent bonding of the NPS channel to the prepared glass substrate was not
possible, as antibody damage occurred due to exposure to oxygen plasma and high
heat4. Manual clamping between the PDMS-based NPS channel and the substrate was
therefore necessary, leading to uneven pressure applied to the channel that then altered
cell velocities and also resulted in leakage.

Our results show that a next-generation node-pore sensing device, in which anti-EpCAM
is patterned, can differentiate between MCF-7 and Jurkat cells based on EpCAM
expression. We also highlight the advantage of our multiplexing capabilities by
immunophenotyping MCF10A, MCF-7, and Hs 578T cells for E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and
β-integrin, markers corresponding to epithelial-mesenchymal transitions, using a next-
generation NPS device that integrates the three antibodies against these surface
markers. Together, the results from these proof-of-concept applications highlight that our
antibody immobilization strategy utilizing DNA-directed patterning allows for high-
throughput screening of surface markers with a flexible and multiplexable conjugation

5.2 Results

Reaction scheme for linkage of antibodies to glass via DNA-directed patterning
DNA-directed patterning has been described in detail in other work by our lab 3 (Fig. 5-
01). To summarize, aldehyde-functionalized glass serves as the solid-phase substrate to
which single-stranded oligonucleotides are conjugated. To define features and patterns
of DNA, positive-tone S1813 photoresist is patterned using photolithography to mask
regions of the aldehyde-functionalized glass where DNA should not be conjugated. With
these photolithographic masks in place, 5’-aminated ssDNA is drop casted onto the glass
and covalently bonded in the exposed regions. The resist is then stripped with acetone,
leaving the immobilized ssDNA and allowing for further rounds of photolithographic
patterning and DNA drop casting. Finally, to attach a biomolecule such as a protein, the
protein is first conjugated to another ssDNA molecule complementary to the immobilized
strand. By simply adding the protein-ssDNA conjugate to an aqueous solution atop the
DNA-patterned glass, the protein will also be specifically patterned according to base-
pairing chemistry.

Figure 5-01: Schematic of patterning protocol: (i) A photoresist template on a glass slide is created using
photolithography, and amine-terminated DNA oligonucleotides are drop cast where they conjugate onto
exposed glass; (ii) oligonucleotide conjugated to the surface with all photoresist stripped; (iii) hybridization
of the complementary sequence, conjugated to an antibody, to the oligonucleotide patterned on the slide
surface enables directed patterning of antibody on the surface.

The conjugation of the protein of interest – in this case, an antibody molecule – has some
special considerations. To summarize, our strategy involves the use of amine-reactive
NHS ester linkage of a heterobifunctional crosslinker to the protein. This crosslinker
contains, on one end, the amine-reactive NHS ester moiety, and on the other end, a
dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO) moiety for performing copper-free click chemistry, with a 5-
unit polyethylene glycol (PEG5) as a spacer 5. This DBCO moiety will freely react with
any azide group, and as such, the DNA intended to be conjugated to the protein is
terminated with an azide at its 5’ end.

To start, NHS ester chemistry is reactive with primary amines, which, on polypeptides,
are present on the N-terminus and on any lysine residues. The efficiency of this reaction
depends on the protonation of these amines, and so alkaline conditions are preferred to
ensure these amines are indeed protonated. It is worth nothing that free hydroxyl ions will
also hydrolyze the NHS ester, but despite this, a pH between 8.0 – 9.0 is a good range
to perform this reaction in, despite accelerating hydrolysis6. This is important because the

antibodies we purchased from vendors, if they were shipped in solution, were packaged
in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.4. As such, it is necessary to elevate the pH before
adding the heterobifunctional crosslinker.

While one could simply elevate the pH with the addition of strong base, the salt
concentration in phosphate-buffered saline is another concern. The DBCO on the
heterobifunctional crosslinker is more hydrophobic than the primary amine it replaces; at
high salt concentrations (i.e., in phosphate-buffered saline), we found that after addition
of DBCO to the protein, it could precipitate out of solution (Fig. 5-02).

Figure 5-02: Photograph of immunoglobulin protein precipitating in high salt after DBCO addition.

To remedy both this and the pH, we performed a buffer exchange via ultrafiltration
prior to addition of the heterobifunctional crosslinker. While a variety of buffer solutions
are adequate for this, we chose to use an aqueous solution 0.2 M sodium bicarbonate,
as this is easy to prepare and the weak base by itself increases the solution pH to
approximately 8.4. While this buffer exchange does not purify the protein solution of all
salt, it removes 90% of the salt such that even high degrees of DBCO labeling do not
cause the protein to crash out of solution.

Another consideration from packaging/storage of antibodies is the presence of sodium

azide. In many cases, antibody solutions are shipped with sodium azide in solution as a
preservative. However, as mentioned before, any azide will freely react with the DBCO
conjugated to the protein. As such, it is necessary to purify the reaction solution of sodium
azide before the addition of the heterobifunctional crosslinker to preserve the reactivity of
conjugated DBCO. For low concentrations (unconjugated monoclonal antibodies from
Invitrogen, 0.09% sodium azide), the aforementioned buffer exchange was adequate to
purify the reaction volume of azide. However, at higher concentrations (fluorescently
labeled monoclonal antibodies from Invitrogen, 5 mM sodium azide), our buffer exchange
process would have left the azide concentration at unacceptable levels. To remedy this,
we first quenched the amine-reactive end of heterobifunctional crosslinker with Tris-HCl
to prevent conjugation to the protein. We then added a 4-fold molar excess of this
quenched crosslinker to the protein solution containing 5 mM sodium azide and allowed
this reaction to progress for 24 hours. This step effectively prevented the free sodium
azide from reacting with new, heterobifunctional crosslinker with an intact NHS ester. As

such, this scheme ensured that the protein is primarily conjugated with reactive DBCO,
instead of DBCO that already reacted with free sodium azide.

After a few hours, any heterobifunctional crosslinker still in solution will have its NHS ester
moiety hydrolyzed. However, as the DBCO may still be intact, these functional groups
may still react with the 5’-azide DNA to be added in the next step, preventing the
conjugation of the DNA to the protein. Therefore, it is critically important to purify the
reaction volume of DBCO starting material; fortunately, this is easily accomplished with
size-exclusion chromatography, as the crosslinker molecular weight is less than 1 kDa,
whereas an immunoglobulin molecular weight easily exceeds 100 kDa. After retaining
this starting material in the chromatography matrix and retrieving the DBCO-labeled
protein, the ssDNA is added in a 2-fold molar excess to ensure efficient labeling of the
protein. Similar to the DBCO starting material, any ssDNA that is not purified from the
reaction volume prior to hybridization will contaminate the surface with starting material.
In this case, this means that ssDNA on the glass surface can hybridize with
complementary strands not conjugated to protein. As these oligonucleotides are relatively
short (20 bases), this DNA starting material can also be easily purified by size exclusion

After this multi-step conjugation and purification scheme, we finally produce an antibody
conjugated to a ssDNA molecule intended to hybridize to a complementary strand
immobilized on a glass substrate. We demonstrated the robustness of this strategy by
patterning 4 different ssDNA molecules on a glass substrate, conjugating the
complementary strands to 4 different fluorescent antibodies, and simply incubating the
glass substrate with an aqueous solution containing a diluted amount of each of these
antibody-olignucleotide complexes (Fig. 5-03). This strategy can generate patterns of
several antibodies with high resolution, demonstrating its power and utility.

Figure 5-03: Proof-of-concept, high-resolution patterning of four fluorescent antibodies (Alexa Fluor 405
goat anti-Mouse IgG antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-Rat IgG, Alexa Fluor 555 donkey anti-Mouse
IgG antibody, and Alexa Fluor 647 goat antiHamster IgG) in a complex geometry. Scale bar = 500 μm.

DNA-directed patterning of antibodies for label-free surface-marker screening
The ability to pattern antibodies also enables label-free screening of cell-surface markers
using microfluidic techniques such as node-pore sensing 4. As described previously, node-
pore sensing is based on measuring the modulated current that is caused by a cell
transiting a microfluidic channel that has been segmented by nodes (Fig. 5-03)4,7. If
segments between nodes are functionalized with antibodies, a cell that expresses surface
markers that can transiently interact with those antibodies will transit more slowly through
these segments. Cell transit times are reflected in the duration of the subpulses that
correspond to the cell transiting specific segments. Here, we designed and fabricated a
next-generation, surface-marker screening NPS device in which we use DNA-directed
patterning to pattern a saturating concentration of antibodies to the microfluidic channel
segments (Fig. 5-04).

Figure 5-04: Top: Enlarged, top-down view of the NPS layout, including measurement electrodes spanning
a microfluidic channel segmented with nodes and with two antibody functionalized regions (EpCAM and
IgG1). Bottom: current pulses generated when a cell transits (1) the 2-pore, 1-node sequence before the
first antibody region, (2) the single pore between antibody regions, and (3) the 3-pore, 2-node sequence
after the second antibody region. Anti-EpCAM region transit time (τEpCAM) is defined as the time between
pulses caused by a cell transiting between (1) and (2), and IgG1 control region transit time (τIgG1) is defined
as the time between pulses caused by a cell transiting between (2) and (3). Inset: representative current
traces as an MCF-7 cell passes through the different regions of the NPS device.

To demonstrate label-free surface-marker screening, we flowed MCF-7 and Jurkat cells

through an NPS device that had been patterned with anti-EpCAM antibody and a mouse
IgG1 isotype control antibody. Specific interactions between the EpCAM surface marker
highly expressed on the surface of MCF-7 cells and patterned anti-EpCAM antibody led
to significantly longer transit times (p < 0.0001) in the anti-EpCAM antibody region (677
± 124 ms) as compared to those in the IgG1 control region (428 ± 110 ms) (Fig. 5-05A).
In contrast, Jurkat cells, which do not express EpCAM, did not specifically interact with
the patterned anti-EpCAM antibodies and their transit times (1001 ± 396 ms) were not
significantly different (p = 0.203) from those of the IgG1 control region (1112 ± 483 ms)
(Fig. 5-05A). By normalizing EpCAM transit times to those of the isotype control, we were
able to distinguish MCF-7 cells from Jurkat cells based on EpCAM expression (Fig. 5-
05B). We derived a logistic regression model from this data and generated a receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve, achieving an area-under-the-curve of 0.933 for
MCF-7 (Fig. 5-05C). This statistic represents the probability of ranking an MCF-7 cell
higher than a Jurkat cell, where high-ranking events are classified as EpCAM-positive.

Figure 5-05: (A) Box plots of MCF-7 (left) and Jurkat (right) transit times as these cells traverse the anti-
EpCAM-patterned and IgG1-patterned regions (MCF-7: n = 85 cells, p < 0.0001; statistical significance
determined by a two-sample Student’s t-test. Jurkat: n = 52 cells, p = 0.203; statistical significance
determined by a two-sample Student’s t-test). (B) Histogram of normalized transit times (τN = τEpCAM/τIgG1)
for MCF-7 (n = 85 cells) and Jurkat (n = 52 cells). Lines represent log-normal distributions fitted to MCF-7
and Jurkat data. (C) Receiver operating characteristic curve for a logistic regression model derived from
transit time ratios. The curve demonstrates the trade-off between true positive and false positive rates of
classifying cells as EpCAM-positive. An area-under-the-curve of 0.933 is indicative of excellent overall
classifying performance.

To further display the multiplexing capabilities of our method, we used our next-
generation NPS device to screen MCF-10A, MCF-7, and Hs 578T cells for EMT-
associated surface markers. In EMT, epithelial proteins such as E-Cadherin are down-
regulated and mesenchymal proteins such as N-Cadherin and integrin β1 are
upregulated, conferring properties that are advantageous to the migration processes
involved in development, wound healing, and metastasis 8. In larger NPS devices that
accommodated four antibody regions (Fig. 5-06), we patterned anti-E-cadherin, anti-N-
cadherin, and anti-integrin β1 in the first three regions of each device, and a mouse IgG1
isotype control antibody as a negative control in the last region. Fig. 5-07 shows the mean
normalized transit times of MCF10A, MCF-7, and Hs 578T cells. As shown, MCF-7 cells
showed significantly greater interaction with anti-E-cadherin antibodies (p < 0.0001),
reflecting their more epithelial phenotype. Conversely, Hs 578T cells showed greater
interaction with anti-N-cadherin antibodies (p = 0.0010 vs. anti-E-cadherin, p < 0.0001 vs.
anti-integrin β1), reflecting their more mesenchymal phenotype. Finally, MCF10A cells
did not show greater interaction with any of the three antibody types (p = 0.30 E-cadherin
vs. N-cadherin; p = 0.21 E-cadherin vs. integrin β1; p = 0.97 N-cadherin vs. integrin β1).

It is expected that the transformed epithelial cell line MCF-10A would not express
mesenchyme-associated N-cadherin. The lack of E-cadherin or integrin β1 expression
may be due to specific culture conditions where the formation of cell-cell junctions and
expression of ECM-adhesion proteins are not highly promoted as they would in a dense
3D culture system such as Matrigel9. Fig. 5-08 shows the surface marker expression of
single cells (MCF10A, MCF-7, and Hs 578T) as determined by NPS. Single cells show a
wide range of expression for the three surface markers screened, with epithelial MCF-7
cells being more likely to express E-cadherin and mesenchyme-like Hs 578Ts being more
likely to express N-cadherin. Our single-cell perspective revealed a subpopulation of
epithelial MCF-10A cells that had a substantial interaction with anti-E-cadherin antibodies.

Figure 5-06: Top-down view of NPS device for EMT marker screening, including measurement electrodes
and a microfluidic channel segmented with nodes and with four antibody functionalized regions (anti-E-
cadherin, anti-N-cadherin, anti-integrin β1, and IgG1).

Figure 5-07: Box plots of normalized transit times of MCF-10A cells (left), MCF-7 cells (center), and Hs
578T cells (right) as they pass through E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and integrin β1 antibody regions. Statistical
significance was determined by a Tukey method for multiple comparisons; ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001; **** p
< 0.0001. (MCF-10A: n = 99 cells. MCF-7: n = 81 cells. Hs 578T: n = 96).

Figure 5-08: Scatter plots of single-cell transit times through E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and integrin β1
antibody regions for MCF-10A cells (top), MCF-7 cells (center), and Hs 578T cells (bottom). A single cell
was considered to have a substantial interaction with an antibody if its transit time through the antibody-
patterned region was slower than its transit time through the control region by more than one standard
deviation. (MCF-10A: n = 99 cells. MCF-7: n = 81 cells. Hs 578T: n = 96).

Consequently, antibody patterning of NPS devices can be used as a label-free means to
accurately determine the presence of particular surface markers on a single cell based
on its normalized transit times through antibody-patterned regions. Given the ease with
which we can pattern antibodies using DNA-directed patterning, antibodies can be
sequentially patterned within the NPS microfluidic device to enable immunoscreening of
multiple surface markers expressed by individual cells. Our results, thus, demonstrate the
flexibility of DNA-directed antibody patterning in its ability to not only separate cell
populations via cell capture but also to enable label-free screening of specific surface

5.3 Materials and Methods

Cell culture: MCF-7, Jurkat, MCF-10A, and Hs 578T cell lines were obtained from the
University of California, Berkeley Cell Culture Facility. Jurkat cells were cultured in RPMI
1640 with 10% FBS and 1% AA and maintained at 37°C with 5% CO2. MCF-7, MCF-10A,
and Hs 578T cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS and maintained at 37 °C with
5% CO2.

Preparation of oligonucleotide-antibody conjugate using dibenzocyclooctyne

(DBCO)-PEG5-N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester heterobifunctional crosslinker:
Immediately before use, DBCO-PEG5-NHS crosslinker was prepared as a 10 mM solution
in anhydrous dimenthylsulfoxide, and 100 µg of the antibody-of-interest was buffer
exchanged using a 50 kDa Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL Centrifugal in 200 mM sodium
bicarbonate in 18 MΩ deionized (DI) water. For Tris-HCl quenching, a 4-fold molar excess
of the sodium azide concentration (as listed by the vendor) was added to the antibody
solution prior to buffer exchange. The crosslinker was added at a 32-fold molar excess to
the solution containing the antibody of interest, and the reaction was allowed to proceed
for 2 hours on a shaker at room temperature. Unreacted DBCO crosslinker was then
removed using a Centri-Spin 40. A second reaction step was conducted by reacting the
DBCO-antibody conjugate with an azide-terminated oligonucleotide at a 1:2 molar ratio
overnight at room temperature on a tube rotator. The subsequent oligonucleotide-
antibody complex was then purified from free azide-terminated oligonucleotide using a
Centri-Spin 40.

Node-pore sensing device fabrication: Node-pore sensing (NPS) devices, designed

by N. K. Liu, consist of PDMS-molded microfluidic channels bonded to glass substrates
with microfabricated electrodes. The microfluidic channels were fabricated using soft
lithography. Specifically, a negative-master mold consisting of two overlaid SU-8 resist
feature layers was lithographically patterned onto a polished silicon (Si) wafer. The first
layer was created by spin coating SU-8 3010 resist at 3000 RPM for 30s (to create a 10
µm-thick resist layer) and then soft baked for 3 min at 95°C. The SU-8-coated Si wafer
was then patterned with a Mylar mask via UV light (365 nm; 27s at 9.5 mW/cm 2) and
subsequently baked for 3 min at 95°C. Without developing this first layer, SU-8 3025
photoresist was then spin-coated onto the Si wafer at 2500 RPM for 30s (to create a 30
µm-thick resist layer) and soft baked for 10 min at 95°C. The wafer was again UV

patterned (365 nm; 27s at 9.5 mW/cm2) with a different Mylar mask that had been
appropriately aligned to the first mask using previously defined substrate alignment
markers and baked for 4 min at 95°C. Both SU-8 layers were simultaneously developed
in SU-8 developer for 6 min. After development, the negative master mold was hard-
baked for 15 min at 150°C to increase the durability of the SU-8 features. Following the
fabrication of the negative master, PDMS was mixed at a ratio of 10:1 Sylgard 184
prepolymer base to curing agent and degassed in a vacuum desiccator for 30 minutes.
The PDMS was then poured onto a negative-master mold and subsequently cured in a
convection oven for at least 4 hours at 85°C. Once cured, the PDMS was then peeled
from the negative-master mold and inlet and outlet ports were punched using a 1.5 mm
diameter biopsy punch.

Metal electrodes were patterned onto aldehyde-functionalized glass slides using standard
microfabrication techniques. Microposit S1813 photoresist was spin-coated onto the
slides at 3000 RPM for 30s and soft baked on a hotplate for 1.5 min at 100°C. The slides
were then UV-exposed to a Mylar mask (365 nm; 34s at 9.5 mW/cm 2) and developed
using MF-321 developer. Electron-gun evaporation was used to deposit a thin film of
titanium (50 Å) and gold (400 Å). After excess metal was lifted off with acetone, the slides
were cleaned with DI water and dried with dry N2 gas. Surface patterning of
oligonucleotides (see Section 2.5) was subsequently performed to pattern
oligonucleotide-conjugated antibodies onto the slides. A protective layer of 1.3 µm S1813
photoresist was patterned over regions containing oligonucleotides prior to PDMS

To bond the NPS microfluidic channels to the electrode-antibody-patterned slides, both

the PDMS channels and slides were exposed to an RF oxygen plasma (5 ccm O 2 flow
rate, 420 mTorr chamber pressure, power = “high”; Harrick Plasma, PDC-001). Resist
used to protect oligonucleotides was stripped using acetone prior to bonding. Permanent
bonding was achieved by heating the PDMS-glass devices on a hotplate at 100°C for 10
min, thereby completing the NPS devices.

Statistical analysis: To compute the statistical significance of differences in transit time

measured by NPS, we used a two-sample Student’s t-test (2-antibody region devices) or
a Tukey method for multiple comparisons (4-antibody region devices). For logistic
regression of transit time ratios, data from MCF-7 and Jurkat NPS measurements were
assigned an “EpCAM-positive” and “EpCAM-negative” classification, respectively. Using
MATLAB, we generated a logistic regression model on EpCAM expression classification
data. From the classifier predictors, we then plotted a receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curve for classification of cell events as “EpCAM-positive.”

5.4 Conclusions

Here, we demonstrated a novel method for functionalizing microfluidic devices with

antibodies. DNA-directed patterning enables one-shot immobilization of several
antibodies along precise geometric patterns. Because of the specificity of DNA base-
pairing, antibodies are confined to a single region with minimal cross-contamination into

other patterns. Since these antibodies are only immobilized just prior to cell surface
marker analysis, this same DNA-directed patterning process can be used with any
combination of antibodies for cell subpopulation analysis; all that is needed is to conjugate
the antibodies of interest with the combination of ssDNA strands. We have demonstrated
that this technology is ready for a broad variety of surface marker screening panels for
label-free analysis via NPS.

5.5 References

1. Nagrath, S. et al. Isolation of rare circulating tumour cells in cancer patients by

microchip technology. Nature 450, 1235–1239 (2007).
2. Barriere, G. et al. Circulating tumor cells and epithelial, mesenchymal and
stemness markers: characterization of cell subpopulations. Ann. Transl. Med. 2,
109 (2014).
3. Scheideler, O. J. et al. Recapitulating complex biological signaling environments
using a multiplexed, DNA-patterning approach. Sci. Adv. 6, eaay5696 (2020).
4. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-Pore Sensing Enables Label-Free Surface-Marker
Profiling of Single Cells. Anal. Chem. 87, 2988–2995 (2015).
5. Baskin, J. M. et al. Copper-free click chemistry for dynamic in vivo imaging. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. 104, 16793–16797 (2007).
6. Anderson, G. W., Callahan, F. M. & Zimmerman, J. E. Synthesis of N-
Hydroxysuccinimide Esters of Acyl Peptides by the Mixed Anhydride Method. J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 89, 178–178 (1967).
7. Balakrishnan, K. R. et al. Node-pore sensing: a robust, high-dynamic range method
for detecting biological species. Lab Chip 13, 1302 (2013).
8. Dongre, A. & Weinberg, R. A. New insights into the mechanisms of epithelial–
mesenchymal transition and implications for cancer. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 20,
69–84 (2019).
9. Griffith, L. G. & Swartz, M. A. Capturing complex 3D tissue physiology in vitro. Nat.
Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 7, 211–224 (2006).

Chapter 6: Conclusions and Future Work
6.1 Summary of presented work and principal findings

This dissertation presents a body of work wherein novel microfluidic technologies—all

based on node-pore sensing—for biomarker discovery were discussed. In Chapter 2, we
explained several theoretical considerations behind these techniques, where this theory
drives both the operating principles and design criteria for the node-pore sensing devices
we used. In Chapter 3, we described practical concerns of device design, operation, and
optimization. We concluded Chapter 3 by presenting work where we tested the reliability
and reproducibility of mechano-NPS devices, ultimately providing an example of critical
characterization work and engineering analysis of our technology. In Chapter 4, we
presented an unmet need in biomedicine where drug resistance (to ATRA) in acute
promyelocytic leukemia (APL) could not be described with existing biomarkers. To tackle
this problem, we analyzed APL cells and their responses to ATRA using mechano-NPS,
looking for mechanical phenotypes associated with the drug resistant phenotype. We
ultimately found that a positive response to this drug is associated with cell softening and
investigated several potential mechanisms by which this softening is achieved. We
proposed that the organization of the nucleus and packing density of chromatin may be
major drivers of APL cell mechanical properties, and that the latter factor may also
influence how the cells respond to ATRA. In Chapter 5, we presented a novel method for
functionalizing microfluidic devices with antibodies. This new strategy is flexible,
multiplexable, and highly specific, allowing for precise patterning of antibodies in specific
geometric arrangements. We demonstrate the power of this new technique with two
proof-of-concept experiments where we analyzed several cell populations for surface

Altogether, the work described in this dissertation demonstrates advancements in

microfluidic technology that allow us to more readily analyze single cells for mechanical
properties and the expression of surface proteins. With further validating work, both
mechanical properties and surface proteins can become hallmark biomarkers of different
phenotypes such as drug resistance, or transformations such as epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transitions. Ultimately, these advancements in node-pore sensing will
enable future exploration of biomarkers in the topics of drug resistance or cancer
metastasis, as well as in other biomedically relevant topics.

6.2 Future work

6.2.1 Genomic screens for investigating the contribution of single genes to

mechanical phenotype
While we presented one method of investigating the mechanical phenotypes of cells in
Chapter 4, we unfortunately could not pinpoint a specific mechanism for how our APL
cells softened or responded to ATRA, and how these two are related. We highlighted
several transcriptional changes that occur due to ATRA or TSA treatment with RNA-Seq,
however due to the sheer volume of data, this kind of measurement is inherently noisy.
As such, it is difficult to draw concrete conclusions about how the differential expression
of certain genes might lead to cell softening or stiffening. A more granular measurement
of how transcriptional regulation might affect cell mechanics could perturb individual
genes. By modulating the expression of a single gene, we could then analyze those cells
with mechano-NPS to determine how any gene affects mechanical phenotype.

To accomplish such a task, we devised a method using Cas9-based gene editing 1,2. Cas9
has been used to great effect to specifically knock out individual genes, and the
development of lentiviral, whole-genome libraries has allowed researchers to perform
knock-out experiments across the entirety of the human genome 3. Incorporation of this
library into the lentiviral packaging process produces a pool of viruses capable of inserting
transgenic complementary DNA into host cell genomes, where this DNA contains the
instructions to prevent the expression of one host (human) gene per cell. This integration
involves a few critical genes: (1) the Cas9 enzyme itself, (2) single-stranded guide RNA
(sgRNA, or “guides”), and (3) an antibiotic selection marker. The first two components
cause the host cell to express the components for Cas9 to cut DNA at a specific location
determined by the sgRNA sequence. This nuclease activity is targeted toward a specific
gene in the host cell’s genome, and so the aforementioned library includes multiple guides
to cover the whole genome. By cutting the host DNA at a specific gene, that gene is no
longer capable of being transcribed into a functional gene product (i.e., protein), thus
knocking it out.

To study how the knockout of individual genes affects the cells, each cell should have, at
most, one integration event. The relationship between the dose of virus particles and how
many genes are knocked out is described by Poisson statistics 4. As such, to ensure that
a sufficiently small number of cells experience two integration events, the viral dose is
made such that in actuality, the majority of cells do not have viral DNA integrated at all.
Since we are interested in studying the cells where a successful knockout occurred, an
antibiotic selection marker (e.g., for puromycin) is included to selectively kill cells that did
not also receive the Cas9-sgRNA DNA and have thus not knocked out any genes. With
all of this in consideration, we applied these methods to a pool of MDA-MB-231 breast
cancer cells and generated a cell line that stably expresses Cas9 and can be freely
transfected with sgRNA through methods such as nucleofection 5.

Because the whole-genome library knocks out genes across the whole genome, there
will be several thousand genes knocked out across all the cells that remain after antibiotic
selection. To determine which of these genes are relevant to mechanical phenotype
requires additional selection, as some of these knockout events may affect cell
mechanical properties, and some may not. Fortunately, it is well-known that cell
deformability is associated with cancer metastasis, and this relationship has even been
directly measured in prior work6–11. Therefore, to separate those genes that affect
mechanics vs. those that do not, we proposed to use a transwell migration assay, wherein
cells that migrate are more likely to be softer, and cells that do not migrate are more likely
to be stiffer. The physical separation of migratory vs. non-migratory cells allows us to
make several important measurements.

First, we can directly measure the pool of migratory and non-migratory cells with
mechano-NPS, and evaluate whether migrating cells are indeed, on average, softer than
non-migrating cells. However, for such a measurement, it would not be known what gene
was knocked out and whether this promotes or discourages migration. To answer this
question, we can isolate the guides from the cells in each pool and sequence them to
determine the relative abundance of specific sgRNA in the migratory vs. non-migratory
pool. Through bioinformatic analysis, we can quantify which guides are the most enriched
in both the migratory and non-migratory pools; these “hits” constitute the genes most likely
to affect migration, and thus mechanical phenotype. As such, we can generate a list of
genes that may be the most relevant to controlling cell mechanical properties, massively
narrowing down the experimental space if we are indeed to analyze the contributions of
individual genes to mechanical properties.

From here, we can generate new cell lines with lentivirus doses providing only one guide,
allowing us to grow cells with only one gene knocked out. We can then go down our list
of hits, knocking out individual genes as such, and analyzing each single-gene knockout
line with mechano-NPS. At the end of this hit validation, we will have quantified how each
of these genes alone affects mechanical phenotype – work that has never before been
investigated, and would help reveal some of the mechanisms by which “mechanical
biomarkers” can be associated with phenotypes/phenomena such as metastasis.

6.2.2 Quantification of tumor-associated extracellular vesicles via

immunoprecipitation and lipid-inserting oligonucleotide labels
Another source of potential biomarkers are extracellular vesicles, or small, circulating,
cell-derived vesicles that arise as a byproduct of endocytosis and are widely believed to
be used for cell-to-cell signaling 12. As these vesicles are derived from cell plasma
membranes, they necessarily contain proteins from the membrane of their cell of origin.
As such, there is great interest in using extracellular vesicles as a via to identifying cells
that may be difficult to access, such as a deeply-embedded tumor where a direct biopsy
is surgically dangerous 13.

Specific capture of extracellular vesicles, then, is accomplished much like specific capture
of circulating tumor cells – often, some form of immunocapture is used to isolate tumor-
derived cells or vesicles based on the expression of a tumor-associated protein. However,
while cells are large enough to be easily analyzed after immunocapture, extracellular
vesicles are approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than cells, making traditional
methods of cell analysis incompatible with extracellular vesicles. In fact, even simple
quantification of the number of vesicles captured is no simple task, and requires highly
specialized instrumentation usually reserved for advanced characterization of synthetic

One way to quantify the capture of vesicles was described by Kozminsky et al. wherein
ssDNA labels are conjugated to cholesterol so that they readily insert into lipid bilayers
14–16. Thus, following Carey et al.15, we investigated whether we could use this strategy

to quantify the immunocapture of extracellular vesicles. If so, using an antibody against a

tumor-associated marker for immunocapture, we could then recognize an increase in

vesicle capture as a sign of a greater titer of tumor-associated markers, itself a hint as to
the presence of some form of cancer.

As with most immunocapture and immunoprecipitation strategies, the pulldown of tumor-

associated extracellular vesicles is accomplished with paramagnetic beads coated with
streptavidin, to which a biotinylated antibody is attached. By mixing these antibody-coated
beads with the sample, any particle or protein that the antibody targets will be bound to
the paramagnetic bead. These beads can be isolated from the rest of the fluid sample
with a magnetic field designed to immobilize the beads while the surrounding fluid is
aspirated and exchanged, washing the immunoprecipitation product – in this case, beads
that have captured extracellular vesicles containing the protein of interest on their

Unique to this immunocapture workflow is the addition of cholesterol-conjugated ssDNA

labels, which will nonspecifically embed themselves into the membranes of all vesicles.
Assuming even labeling of every vesicle with DNA, downstream quantification of the DNA
(via qPCR) on the immunoprecipitation product provides a proxy method for quantifying
the number of vesicles captured with antibodies. Here, we present several noteworthy
factors that affect the specificity of this assay.

We first observed that even in a negative control sample containing phosphate-buffered

saline and no vesicles, there was a significant number of qPCR products, indicating non-
specific binding of DNA labels to the immunocapture substrate. To minimize this, we first
evaluated whether a small amount of Triton-X 100 surfactant would reduce this binding
by disrupting non-covalent interactions. Performing this experiment, we eventually found
that Triton-X 100 was only successful in preventing DNA label absorption if vesicles were
isolated from culture media not containing serum (Fig. 6-01). This suggests to us that in
the process of isolating extracellular vesicles (using the QIAGEN exoEasy kit), some
component(s) of the serum used to supplement cell growth medium are eluted with the
vesicles and promote non-covalent binding of DNA labels to the paramagnetic beads,
where this binding can be disrupted with a surfactant. Interestingly, digestion of any
serum-derived protein adsorbed to the beads via incubation with 0.25% trypsin had no
effect on the absorption of DNA labels.

Figure 6-01: Log2-fold change in qPCR products for conditions testing the absorption of DNA labels to
immunocapture beads. Samples used for immunocapture were either serum-free culture media (DMEM
(SF)), serum-supplemented culture media (DMEM), or 107 EVs isolated from culture medium with (107 EVs)
or without (107 EVs (SF)) serum. Samples were either treated with 0.25% trypsin to digest fouling protein,
or with 0.01% Triton-X 100 to disrupt non-covalent interactions.

We next evaluated the specificity of our immunocapture, or to what degree the antibody
or beads absorbed vesicles not containing the protein targeted by the antibody. We first
tested a situation where the antibody does indeed target a protein on the vesicles’ cell
line of origin, showing that the readout of qPCR products is dose dependent (Fig. 6-02).
However, in repeating this test with the same antibody, but with a sample of vesicles
isolated from cells not containing the protein of interest, we saw a similar number of qPCR
products and the same dose-dependent change (Fig. 6-02). In fact, even when
performing an identical experiment but with no antibody on the beads’ surface, which
should result in no specific or non-specific immunocapture, we saw similar results (Fig.

A549 BEAS-2B

Figure 6-02: Log2-fold change in qPCR products for conditions testing the specificity of immunocapture with
beads functionalized with an antibody against CA12, a lung cancer-associated surface protein. (Left) qPCR
results for a dilution series of EVs isolated from A549, a cell line expressing CA12. (Right) qPCR results for
a dilution series of EVs isolated from BEAS-2B, a cell line not expressing CA12.

Figure 6-03: Log2-fold change in qPCR products for a negative control for immunocapture, using beads
not functionalized with any antibody, but still coated for streptavidin. EVs from BEAS-2B were isolated,
diluted, labeled with ssDNA, and added to streptavidin-coated beads with the intention of observing the
capture of labeled EVs or DNA labels not mediated by immunocapture.

Taken together, these results demonstrate that the amplification and quantification of
qPCR products from the DNA labels is not associated with specific immunocapture of
vesicles at all. This is not to say that no vesicles are specifically immunocaptured, but that
the background of either labeled vesicles or free DNA labels overwhelms any signal that
could be measured from immunocaptured vesicles. Based on these results, especially
those in Fig. 6-03 demonstrating that streptavidin-coated beads still have a substantial
amount of absorbed labels, we recommend looking to other strategies to functionalize the
immunocapture substrate with antibodies, and to further passivate the bead surface with
a relatively inert species such as polyethylene glycol.
Finally, these two pieces of future work outlined in Chapter 6, Section 2 represent
additional avenues of research to further explore the broader topic of biomarker
discovery. The genomic screen we have begun constitutes supporting work for Chapter
4 and is a direct supplement to the use of mechano-NPS to analyze cells for mechanical
biomarkers. The detection of extracellular vesicles with oligonucleotides and qPCR is in
itself not directly related to a node-pore sensing technique, but instead constitutes another
method of biomarker discovery, wherein the proteins of extracellular vesicles are

analyzed instead of those on the surface of cells. Nevertheless, these two directions
represent future topics that can be more fully explored to either support or directly
contribute to our knowledge of biomarkers.

6.3 References

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2. Prolo, L. M. et al. Targeted genomic CRISPR-Cas9 screen identifies MAP4K4 as
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3. Shalem, O. et al. Genome-Scale CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout Screening in Human
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of Dose…. Gene Ther. 11, 879–881 (2004).
5. Distler, J. H. W. et al. Nucleofection: a new, highly efficient transfection method for
primary human keratinocytes*. Exp. Dermatol. 14, 315–320 (2005).
6. Byun, S. et al. Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells.
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7. Gossett, D. R. et al. Hydrodynamic stretching of single cells for large population
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8. Kim, J. et al. Characterizing cellular mechanical phenotypes with mechano-node-
pore sensing. Microsystems Nanoeng. 4, 1–12 (2018).
9. Tse, H. T. K. et al. Quantitative diagnosis of malignant pleural effusions by single-
cell mechanophenotyping. Sci. Transl. Med. 5, (2013).
10. Guck, J. et al. Optical deformability as an inherent cell marker for testing malignant
transformation and metastatic competence. Biophys. J. 88, 3689–3698 (2005).
11. Rianna, C., Radmacher, M. & Kumar, S. Direct evidence that tumor cells soften
when navigating confined spaces. Mol. Biol. Cell 31, 1726–1734 (2020).
12. Alberts, B. et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. (W.W. Norton & Company, 2017).
13. Nanou, A. et al. Tumour-derived extracellular vesicles in blood of metastatic cancer
patients associate with overall survival. Br. J. Cancer 122, 801–811 (2020).
14. Kozminsky, M., Carey, T. R. & Sohn, L. L. DNA‑Directed Patterning for Versatile
Validation and Characterization of a Lipid‑Based Nanoparticle Model of SARS‑
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15. Carey, T. R. Detection and Characterization of Lipid Bilayer Nanoparticles. PhD
Thesis (University of California, Berkeley, 2021).
16. Carey, T. R. et al. Detecting Intact SARS-CoV-2 Using Exogeneous
Oligonucleotide Labels. medRxiv (2021).

Appendix 01: Lilliefors tests for mechanical phenotyping data to determine
distribution normality.

The whole-cell deformability index wCDI (left) and recovery time constant τ (right) of
AP-1060 cells measured on three different mechano-NPS devices were tested for
normality using a Lilliefors test. A p-value less than 0.05 indicates a failure to reject the
null hypothesis that the distribution of wCDI or recovery time constant for that device
came from a normal distribution with an unspecified mean and standard deviation. *The
test statistic exceeded the tabulated values in the MATLAB R2020a implementation of
the Lilliefors test.

Appendix 02: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to compare wCDI
distributions from replicate devices.

The distributions of wCDI for cells analyzed by seven different mechano-NPS devices
were tested pairwise to determine if the data from each device came from equivalent
distributions. A significance criterion of α = 0.05 was adjusted for multiple comparisons
(21 pairwise comparisons) by a Bonferroni method. As such, any pairwise test with a
p-value less than 0.0024 indicates that the data from the two devices tested are not
sampled from the same distribution.

Appendix 03: Frequencies of MCF 10A cell recovery categories measured at Site
A and Site B.

MCF-10A cells measured with mechano-NPS at Site A and Site B were classified
according to whether they recovered from deformation instantaneously (ΔTr = 0 ms),
within a finite time window (0 < ΔTr < 100 ms), or had prolonged recovery (ΔTr > 100 ms).

Appendix 04: Geometric dimensions of mechano-NPS devices.

Microfluidic feature MCF-10A devices AP-1060 devices

Channel height 22.3 µm 12.9 µm

Inline filter pore width 22 µm 20 µm

Pore width 22 µm 13 µm

Pore length 700 µm 800 µm

Node width 85 µm 85 µm

Node length 50 µm 50 µm

Contraction segment width 10.5 µm 7.0 µm

Contraction segment length 3000 µm 2000 µm

Recovery segment length 700 µm 290 µm

Targeted strain 0.30 0.35

Appendix 05: Power analysis for wCDI and recovery time constant by mechano-
NPS experimental groups.

Recovery time
constant (ms)
Min. Actual Min. Actual
Group 1 Group 2 N1 N2 Power effect effect Power effect effect
size size size size

AP-1060 NB4 246 124 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

AP-1060 + ATRA 246 333 0.08 0.033 0.012 0.96 N/A N/A

AP-1060 + ATRA + ATO 246 424 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

+ ATRA + ATO 333 424 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

NB4 + ATRA 124 402 1.00 N/A N/A 0.01 27.7 1.09

NB4 + ATRA + ATO 124 419 0.03 0.049 0.014 1.00 N/A N/A

NB4 + ATRA + ATRA + ATO 402 419 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

AP-1060 + Colcemid 614 236 1.00 N/A N/A 0.13 33.6 9.64

NB4 + Colcemid 123 167 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

AP-1060 S-phase 268 282 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

S-phase +
AP-1060 268 209 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A
AP-1060 S-phase +
282 209 0.80 0.032 0.032 0.90 N/A N/A
S-phase Colcemid

NB4 S-phase 341 122 0.98 N/A N/A 0.70 62.0 55.8

S-phase +
NB4 341 151 0.95 N/A N/A 0.07 55.7 16.3
NB4 S-phase +
122 151 0.05 0.10 0.02 1.00 N/A N/A
S-phase Colcemid

AP-1060 Sync
+ TSA 155 84 1.00 N/A N/A 0.27 81.4 54.1
+ LatA
AP-1060 Sync
+ ATRA 155 199 1.00 N/A N/A 0.29 52.6 29.9
+ LatA
AP-1060 Sync
+ ATRA 84 199 1.00 N/A N/A 0.11 42.2 15.2
+ Lat A + TSA
NB4 Sync
+ TSA 75 114 0.68 0.094 0.083 0.44 55.9 38.9
+ LatA
NB4 Sync
+ ATRA 75 95 0.79 0.103 0.101 0.47 61.3 43.8
+ LatA
NB4 Sync
+ ATRA 114 95 0.09 0.058 0.019 1.00 N/A N/A
+ LatA + TSA

AP-1060, AP-1060,
343 191 0.99 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A
CD11b- CD11b+

NB4, CD11b- NB4, CD11b+ 234 212 0.99 N/A N/A 0.25 25.2 13.4

AP-1060 + LatA 268 327 0.05 0.023 0.002 1.00 N/A N/A

NB4 + LatA 341 239 0.13 0.055 0.016 0.80 38.2 38.0

NB4 DNA Low NB4 DNA High 125 123 0.92 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

HL-60 + ATRA 184 252 1.00 N/A N/A 1.00 N/A N/A

Post-hoc power analysis was performed on all statistical tests for mechano-NPS
measurements of wCDI and recovery time constant. Table rows correspond to specific
comparisons made between experimental Group 1 and Group 2 with respective sample
sizes N1 and N2. Bonferroni corrections to the default significance criterion 𝛼 = 0.05 were
made for experiments with multiple comparisons. For tests with statistical power equal to
or less than 0.80, a minimum effect size for 𝜋 = 0.80 and actual effect size are reported.


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