Module 06 - Survey 223

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For any closed traverse, the linear misclosure must be adjusted (or distributed) throughout the traverse to “close” or
“balance” the figure. This is true even though the misclosure is negligible in plotting the traverse at map scale. There
are several elementary methods available for traverse adjustment, but the two most commonly used are the Compass
Rule (Bowditch Method) and the Transit Rule. However, adjustment by least squares is a more advanced technique
that can also be used.

A. Compass Rule

The compass or Bowditch rule which was named after the distinguished American Nathaniel Bowditch 1773 – 1838 is
a very popular rule for adjusting closed traverse of the several methods used for balancing latitudes and departures,
perhaps the most commonly use is this rule it is simple to apply and at the same time theoretically sound. The compass
rule is based on the assumption that all length were measured with equal care and all angles taken with approximately
the same precision. It is also assumed that the errors in measurement are accidental and that the total error in any side
of the traverse is directory proportional to the length of traverse.

The corrections are given by the following equations.

𝒅 𝒅
𝑪𝒍 = 𝑪 𝑳 ( ) 𝑪𝒅 = 𝑪𝑫 ( )


Cl = Correction to be applied to the latitudes of any course

Cd = Correction to be applied to the departures of any course
CL = Total closure in latitude or the algebraic sum of the North and South of latitudes
CD = Total closure in departure or the algebraic sum of the West and East of departures.
D = Total length or the perimeter of the traverse
d = length of any course/line in the traverse

B. Transit Rule

The method of adjusting a traverse by the transit rule is similar to the method using the compass rule the main difference
is that with the transit rule the latitudes and departures corrections depends on the length of the latitude and departure
of the course respectively instead of both depending on the length of the course.

The transit rule has no sound theoretical foundation since it is purely empirical. It is not commonly used has the
compass rule, however it is best suited for surveys where the sides of the traverse are measured by the assumption
that the angular measurements are more please than the linear measurements and that the errors in traverse are
accidental. Since it is merely a rule of thump it may not be applicable in some instances.

The transit rule may be stated as follows the correction to be applied to the latitudes (or departures) or any course is
equal to the latitude (or departure) of the course multiplied by the ratio of the total closure in latitudes (or departures)
of the traverse.

These corrections are given by the following equations.

𝑳𝒂𝒕 (𝑪𝑳) 𝑫𝒆𝒑(𝑪𝑫)

𝑪𝒍 = 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒅 =

Cl = Correction to be applied to the latitudes of any course
Cd = Correction to be applied to the departures of any course
CL = Total closure in latitude or the algebraic sum of the North and South of latitudes. (ΣNL + ΣSL)
CD = Total closure in departure or the algebraic sum of the West and East of departures. (ΣE D + ΣWD)
ΣNL = Summation of North latitudes
ΣSL = Summation of South latitudes
ΣED = Summation of East departures
ΣWD = Summation of West departures

Adjusted Lengths and Directions

After the latitudes and departures of the course of a closed traverse have been so adjusted, the bearings of the courses
and their lengths should also be adjusted to the corresponding to the adjusted latitudes and departures the following
are the equations used for purpose.


L’ – Adjusted length of a course

Lat’ – Adjusted Latitude of a course
Dep’ – Adjusted Departure of a course
𝛼 – Adjusted horizontal angle between the reference meridian and a course

Sample Problem:

1. Given the accompanying tabulation are the observed data for a closed traverse. Determine the latitude and
departure of each course. Adjust these values by applying the Compass Rule and Transit Rule. Compute for
the adjusted/corrected length and bearing of each course. Tabulate the data completely.

Length Azimuth from

LINE Bearings Latitudes Departures
(m) North
AB 233.10 122°30’
BC 242.05 85°15’
CD 191.50 20°00’
DE 234.46 333°35’
EF 270.65 254°08’
FA 252.38 213°00’

Area Computations

There are a number of important reasons for determining areas. One is to include the acreage of a parcel of land in
the deed describing the property. Other purposes are to determine the acreage of fields, lakes, etc., or the number of
square meters to be surfaced, paved, seeded, or sodded. Another important application is determining end areas for
earthwork volume calculations.

Methods of Measuring Areas

Both field and map measurements are used to determine area. Field measurement methods are the more accurate
and include (1) division of the tract into simple figures (triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids), (2) offsets from a straight
line, (3) coordinates, and (4) double-meridian and double-parallel distances. Some of these methods is described in
sections that follow. Methods of determining area from map measurements include (1) counting coordinate squares,
(2) dividing the area into triangles, rectangles, or other regular geometric shapes, (3) digitizing coordinates, and (4)
running a planimeter over the enclosing lines.

Area by Double-Meridian Distances (DMD) Method

This method is used to compute for the area of a closed traverse by utilizing the values of each course’s latitude and
departure. The usual steps are as follows:

1. The DMD of the first line is equal to its departure.

2. The DMD of the next line is equal to the DMD of the preceding line plus departure of the preceding line plus
the departure of the line itself.
3. Apply the second step to the remaining lines or courses of the closed traverse.
4. To check the correctness of the computations made, the DMD of the last line should be equal to the value of
its departure but opposite in sign.
5. Add a new column and designate it as the Double-Area column (2A).
6. To get the double area of each line or course, multiply their DMD to the corresponding latitude of each line
(including the sign).
7. After obtaining the double area of each course, add the values and divide the sum by two.
8. The computed value in Step 7 is the area of the closed traverse.

Sample Problem:

Determine the area of the closed traverse using the DMD Method given the tabulation shown below:

Area by Double-Parallel Distances (DPD) Method

This method is used to compute for the area of a closed traverse by utilizing the values of each course’s latitude and
departure. The usual steps are as follows:

1. The DPD of the first line is equal to its latitude.

2. The DPD of the next line is equal to the DPD of the preceding line plus latitude of the preceding line plus the
latitude of the line itself.
3. Apply the second step to the remaining lines or courses of the closed traverse.
4. To check the correctness of the computations made, the DPD of the last line should be equal to the value of
its latitude but opposite in sign.
5. Add a new column and designate it as the Double-Area column (2A).
6. To get the double area of each line or course, multiply their DPD to the corresponding departure of each line
(including the sign).
7. After obtaining the double area of each course, add the values and divide the sum by two.
8. The computed value in Step 7 is the area of the closed traverse.

Sample Problem:

Determine the area of the closed traverse using the DPD Method given the tabulation shown below:


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