This document discusses methods for adjusting (balancing) a traverse by distributing closure errors back into angle and distance measurements. The two main methods described are the compass rule and transit rule. The compass rule distributes corrections proportional to distance, while the transit rule distributes corrections proportional to the original measurements. The document also covers computing areas using the double meridian distance and double parallel distance methods from latitudes and departures of a traverse.
This document discusses methods for adjusting (balancing) a traverse by distributing closure errors back into angle and distance measurements. The two main methods described are the compass rule and transit rule. The compass rule distributes corrections proportional to distance, while the transit rule distributes corrections proportional to the original measurements. The document also covers computing areas using the double meridian distance and double parallel distance methods from latitudes and departures of a traverse.
This document discusses methods for adjusting (balancing) a traverse by distributing closure errors back into angle and distance measurements. The two main methods described are the compass rule and transit rule. The compass rule distributes corrections proportional to distance, while the transit rule distributes corrections proportional to the original measurements. The document also covers computing areas using the double meridian distance and double parallel distance methods from latitudes and departures of a traverse.
This document discusses methods for adjusting (balancing) a traverse by distributing closure errors back into angle and distance measurements. The two main methods described are the compass rule and transit rule. The compass rule distributes corrections proportional to distance, while the transit rule distributes corrections proportional to the original measurements. The document also covers computing areas using the double meridian distance and double parallel distance methods from latitudes and departures of a traverse.
If the sum of north latitudes (NL) exceeds the sum of
➔ Adjusting a traverse, also known as “balancing south latitudes(SL), latitudes correction are subtracted traverse”, is used to distribute the closure error back from north latitudes and added to the corresponding into angle and distance measurements. south latitudes. However, if the sum of the south ➔ Condition: sum of adjusted latitudes and departures are latitudes (SL) exceeds the sum of the north latitudes zero. (NL), the corrections are applied in the opposite METHODS OF TRAVERSE ADJUSTMENT: manner. A similar procedure is used when adjusting the departures. 1. Compass rule →May be stated to be applied to the latitude (or COMPASS RULE departure) of any course is equal to the total closure in latitude ( or departure) multiplied by the ratio of the LINE DIST(m) BEARING N(+) S(-) E(+) W(-) length of the course to the total length or the perimeter LAT LAT DEP DEP of the traverse. AB 189.53 S 06° 15’ W BC 175.18 S 29° 38’ E 𝑑 𝑑 Cl=CL(𝐷) Cd=CD(𝐷) CD 197.78 N 81° 18’ W DE 142.39 N12° 24’ W EA 243.58 N 42° 59’ E Cl= correction to be applied to the latitude of any ∑ course. Cd= correction to be applied to the departure of any 1. Compute the lat and dep of each course. Always course. tabulate the results: CL= total closure in latitude or the algebraic sum of 2. Get the sum of (+) latitude, (-) latitude, (+) departure the north and south latitudes (∑NL+(∑SL). and (-) departure. CD= total closure in departure or the algebraic sum of 3. Compute the error in latitude. east and west departures (∑ED+(∑WD). →CL= (∑NL+(∑SL). d= length of any course. 4. Compute the error in departure. D= total length of perimeter of the traverse →CD= (∑NL+(∑SL). 5. Compute the latitude correction. 𝑑 ADJUSTED LENGHTS AND DIRECTIONS → Cl=CL(𝐷) 6. Compute the departure correction 𝑑𝑒𝑝′ 𝑑 L’= √(𝑙𝑎𝑡)2 + (𝑑𝑒𝑝)2 tan Ø= → Cd=CD(𝐷) 𝑙𝑎𝑡′ 7. Compute the correct distance L’= adjusted length of a course 8. Compute the correct bearing Lat’= adjusted latitude of a course Dep’= adjusted departure of a course LINE DIST(m) BEARING N(+) S(-) E(+) W(-) LAT LAT DEP DEP AB 189.53 S 06° 15’ W BC 175.18 S 29° 38’ E CD 197.78 N 81° 18’ W DE 142.39 N12° 24’ W EA 243.58 N 42° 59’ E ∑
AB 189.53 BC 175.18 CD 197.78 DE 142.39 EA 243.58 ∑
CORR. CORR LAT DEP LENGHT BEARING AB BC CD DE EA ∑ 2. Transit rule AREA COMPUTATION → the correction to be applied to the latitude (or departure) AREA BY DOUBLE MERIDIAN DISTANCE METHOD(DMD) of any course is equal to the latitude (or departure) of the MERIDIAN DISTANCE course multiplied by the ratio of the total closure in latitude (or departure) to the arithmetical sum of all the latitude (or ➔ The distance of the midpoint of the line to the reference departures) of the transverse. meridian (N-S line). 𝐿𝑎𝑡(𝐶𝐿) 𝐷𝑒𝑝(𝐶𝐷) ➔ An adaptation of the coordinates method and is Cl=∑NL−∑SL Cd=∑ED−∑WD convenient to use when the latitudes and departures of the traverse are known. Cl= correction to be applied to the latitude of any course. RULES IN COMPUTING DMD: (DEPARTURE) Cd= correction to be applied to the departure of any 1. DMD OF THE FIRST LINE is equal to the DEPARTURE course. OF THAT LINNE. CL= total closure in latitude or the algebraic sum of 2. The DMD of any other line is equal to the DMD OF THE the north and south latitudes (∑NL+(∑SL). PRECEDING LINE, plus the DEPARTURE OF THE CD= total closure in departure or the algebraic sum of LINE ITSLEF. east and west departures (∑ED+(∑WD). 3. The DMD OF THE LAST is numerically equal to the ∑NL= summation of north latitude. DEPARTURE OF THE LINE BUT WITH OPPOSITE ∑SL= summation of south latitude. SIGN. ∑ED= summation of east departure. ∑WD= summation of west departure. FORMULAS: Double Area, DA= DMD(Latitude) LINE N(+) S(-) E(+) W(-) LAT LAT DEP DEP AB -188.40 20.63 1 BC -152.27 86.62 A=2(∑NDA+∑SDA) CD 29.92 195.50 DE 139.07 30.58 EA 171.61 159.93 ∑
AB +10.49 +8.76 BC -12.66 +11.30 CD -15.23 -13.48 DE -7.05 -27.19 EA +24.45 -6.35 ∑ 0 0 AREA BY DOUBLE PARALLEL DISTANCE METHOD(DPD) AREA COMPUTAION: PARALLEL DISTANCE (TRIANGLES) ➔ Distance of the midpoint of the line to the reference PROBLEM 1: parallel (E-W line). THE SIDES OF THE TRIANGLE ABC WERE MEASURED AS ➔ Similar to the double meridian distance method FOLLOWS AB 129.26M, BC 258.73M AND CA 211.25 M. RULES IN COMPUTING DPD: CALCULATE THE AREA 1. The DPD OF THE FIRST LINE is equal to the SOLUTION: LATITUDE OF THE LINE. 2. The DPD of the any other line is equal to the DPD OF THE PRECEDING LINE, plus the LATITUDE OF THE PRECEDING LINE, plus the LATITUDE LINE ITSELF. 3. The DPE OF THE LAST LINE is numerically equal to the LATITUDE OF THE LINE BUT WITH OPPOSITE SIGN. FORMULAS: Double Area, DA= DMD(Latitude)
1 A=2(∑EDA+∑WDA)
AB +10.49 +8.76 BC -12.66 +11.30 CD -15.23 -13.48 DE -7.05 -27.19 EA +24.45 -6.35 ∑ 0 0 PLATE NO 5
AB 410.52+X.Y N 41° 30’ W BC 532.18+Y.X N 38° 10’ E CD 450.75+X.X S70° 20’ E DE 590.08+Y.Y S60° 15’ W
AB 357.20 +60.49 -352.04 BC 183.18 +164.64 -80.30 CD 430.05 +198.57 +381.46 DA 425.18 -422.23 +49.97 ∑