Crchim 2006 9 5-6 750 0
Crchim 2006 9 5-6 750 0
Crchim 2006 9 5-6 750 0
Account / Revue
Scientific studies on photocatalysis started about three decades ago. Titanium dioxide (TiO2), which is one of the most basic
materials in our daily life, has emerged as an excellent photocatalyst material for environmental purification. In this short account,
we will briefly discuss some fundamental studies on TiO2 photocatalysis, summarize the present commercialization of TiO2-
based products, and highlight several points for the future development of TiO2 photocatalysis. To cite this article: A. Fujishima,
X. Zhang, C. R. Chimie 8 (2005).
© 2005 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Les études scientifiques sur la photocatalyse hétérogène débutèrent il y a trois décennies. Le bioxyde de titane, un des plus
important produit dans notre vie quotidienne, s’est avéré un très bon photocatalyseur pour la purification de l’environnement.
Dans ce bref exposé, nous discuterons de certains aspects fondamentaux sur la photocatalyse du bioxyde de titane, nous énumè-
rerons certains produits commerciaux oú le TiO2 joue un grand rôle, et nous soulèverons plusieurs points quant au développe-
ment futur de la photocatalyse par le bioxyde de titane. Pour citer cet article : A. Fujishima, X. Zhang, C. R. Chimie 8 (2005).
© 2005 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Titanium dioxide; Photocatalysis; Superhydrophilicity; Self-cleaning surfaces; Air purification; Photocatalytic sterilization; Water
Mots clés : Bioxyde de titane ; Photocatalyse ; Superhydrophilicité ; Surfaces autonettoyantes ; Purification de l’air ; Stérilisation photocataly-
tique ; Purification de l’eau
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Fujishima).
1631-0748/$ - see front matter © 2005 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
A. Fujishima, X. Zhang / C. R. Chimie 9 (2006) 750–760 751
1. Introduction
and the photogenerated holes are highly oxidizing. As We found that, at these concentrations, weak UV light
shown in Fig. 2, the redox potential for photogenerated of 1 µW cm–2 was sufficient to decompose such com-
holes is +2.53 V versus the standard hydrogen elec- pounds when TiO2 photocatalysts were present. Actu-
trode (SHE) in pH 7 solution. After reaction with water, ally, the quantum yield for a simple photocatalytic reac-
these holes can produce hydroxyl radicals (•OH), whose tion, e.g., 2-propanol oxidation, on a TiO2 film in
redox potential is only slightly decreased. Both are more ambient air, reached a maximum value when the light
positive than that for ozone. The redox potential for intensity was extremely low, as shown in Fig. 3 [14].
conduction band electrons is –0.52 V, which is nega- The maximum quantum yield observed was ~28% for
tive enough to reduce dioxygen to superoxide, or to 1000 ppmv 2-propanol under tens of nW cm–2 UV illu-
hydrogen peroxide. Depending upon the exact condi- mination. The reported maximum QY for acetalde-
tions, the holes, •OH radicals, O2–, H2O2 and O2 itself hyde photocatalytic decomposition was even greater
can all play important roles in the photocatalytic reac- than 100%, due to the existence of a radical chain-type
tion mechanisms. process [15]. Thus, it is even possible to keep indoor
We started our research on photocatalytic environ- air clean with TiO2-containing wallpaper under the illu-
mental purification in the early 1990s. Besides the fun- mination of fluorescent lamps.
damental studies, we have been very interested in the The second example we show here is the antibacte-
practical environmental applications of TiO2 photoca- rial effect of TiO2 under weak UV illumination. In a
talysis. Thus, our research has been focused on the pho- typical experiment, 150 µl of an E. coli suspension,
tocatalytic processes and mechanisms on immobilized containing 3 × 104 cells was placed on an illuminated
TiO2 photocatalysts (glass, tile, and paper, etc.) under TiO2-coated glass plate (1 mW cm–2). Under these con-
weak UV illumination in the range from 1 µW cm–2 to ditions, there were no surviving cells after only 1 h of
1 mW cm–2 [8–13]. We have preferred weak UV illu- illumination [16]. By contrast, after 4 h under UV illu-
mination in our studies, since the ultraviolet light in mination without a TiO2 film, only 50% of the cells
direct sunlight is generally 2–3 mW cm–2 in Japan, and were killed. In addition, the dead cells could be decom-
that in a reasonably well-lit room is approximately posed completely by the TiO2 photocatalyst [17]. TiO2-
1 µW cm–2. Some interesting and important results have based antibacterial products, such as tiles, fibers, and
been reported during our studies, and these will be sprays, etc., have been commercialized in Japan. Anti-
described briefly below; most are closely related to prac- bacterial tiles have been applied to the floors and walls
tical applications. of several hospital operating rooms in Japan, where ster-
The first example we show here is the removal of ile conditions are crucial. After installing the tiles, the
indoor odors by immobilized TiO2 films under weak bacterial counts on the walls decreased to negligible
UV illumination. Odors that are objectionable to levels in a period of 1 h. Surprisingly, the bacterial
humans are due to compounds which are present only
on the order of 10 parts per million by volume (ppmv).
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram showing the potentials for various redox Fig. 3. Quantum-yield dependence on absorbed photons at various
processes occurring on the TiO2 surface at pH 7. initial 2-propanol concentrations [17].
A. Fujishima, X. Zhang / C. R. Chimie 9 (2006) 750–760 753
Fig. 8. Photograph showing alternating self-cleaning (A) and ordinary (B) exterior wall tiles that have been placed so that water from a corru-
gated metal roof runs off onto the wall [23].
756 A. Fujishima, X. Zhang / C. R. Chimie 9 (2006) 750–760
The air cleaners are available in various sizes, which However, this attempt failed, since no semiconduc-
have been developed to clean the air in a car or in an tors thus far could meet the requirements of band
entire factory or hospital. After long-term use, the filter gap, chemical stability, and photocatalytic activity
may be poisoned by HNO3 or H2SO4 formed during together. The recently reported InTaO4 photocata-
removal of ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. The poi- lyst can photo-split water with visible light, but its
soned filter can be regenerated by simple washing with efficiency was lower than 1% [4].
water. Now, there are more than 30 companies manu- • Doping of photocatalysts with metal ions (for ex-
facturing photocatalyst-type air cleaners in Japan. Some ample Cr3+, Fe3+), which create local energy levels
air-conditioners have also been equipped with TiO2 within the band gap of the photocatalyst, with cor-
photocatalytic filters. responding absorption bands lying in the visible
spectral range [27,28]. It was assumed that the pho-
toexcitation of such impurities should lead to the
4. Future perspectives generation of free charge carriers to initiate surface
chemical processes. However, the efficiency of such
4.1. Visible-light photocatalysts
systems under visible light strongly depended on the
One of the major challenges for the scientific com- preparation method used. In some cases, such doped
munity involved in photocatalytic research is to increase photocatalysts showed no activity under visible light
the spectral sensitivity of photocatalysts to visible light, and lower activity in the UV spectral range com-
which composes the largest part of solar radiation. Ana- pared to the non-doped photocatalysts because of
tase TiO2, which is the most photoactive phase of TiO2, high carrier recombination rates through the metal
only absorbs ultraviolet light with wavelengths shorter ion levels.
than 380 nm, as shown in Fig. 11. However, the UV • Doping of photocatalysts with non-metal atoms, such
part of direct sunlight is generally in the range of as N, S and C. Asahi et al. reported significant red
2–3 mW cm−2 in Japan. The content of ultraviolet light shifts (up to 540 nm) of the spectral limit of the pho-
in indoor illumination is significantly smaller than that toactivity of TiO2 photocatalysts doped with N [29].
in sunlight, because the fluorescent lamp mainly emits They interpreted such results in terms of band gap
visible light. narrowing due to mixing of the p states of the dopants
To utilize the visible light for photocatalysis, sev- with O 2 p states forming the valence band of TiO2,
eral different approaches have been proposed: as illustrated in Fig. 12. A similar conclusion has
• Utilization of semiconductors, such as CdS, Cu2O, also been reached by Ohno et al. [30] for the spec-
Fe2O3, WO3, etc., which can absorb visible light [6]. tral changes observed for S-doped TiO2.
Among the three approaches, the third one tends to
be the best for the development of photocatalysts uti-
Fig. 11. Spectra of AM 1.5G sunlight (solid line) and a fluorescent Fig. 12. Schematic diagram of the electronic structures of TiO2 (left),
lamp (dashed line), and absorption spectrum of anatase film photo- TiO2 with light N-doping (middle) and TiO2 with heavy N-doping
catalyst (dotted line). (right).
758 A. Fujishima, X. Zhang / C. R. Chimie 9 (2006) 750–760
4.4. Popularization
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