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Level: 11th


Name: ______________________________________________________

Date: Day (Monday) , / Month (January 17Th , / year (2024)

Subject: ____ENGLISH________________________________________

Grade: ____________________________________________________

Teacher: ____Patty Cárdenas__________________________________

e-mail: [email protected]

“Kindness is a language that the deaf can

hear and the blind can see.”

- Mark Twain -
Our Father Hail Mary

Our Father who art in heaven Hail Mary, full of grace

Hallowed be thy name The Lord is with thee
Thy kingdom come Blessed art thou, among
Thy Will be done on earth women
As it is in heaven And blessed is the fruit of
Give us this day thy womb, Jesus.
Our daily bread Holy Mary, Mother of God
And forgive us our trespasses Pray for us sinners
As we forgive those Now and at the hour
Who trespass against us Of our death.
And lead us not into temptation Amen
But delivers us from evil.


In the name ….. Salutation

In the name of the Father, the 1- Praise be Jesus.

Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2- Now forever
Classroom language

Listen carefully!
Let´s start.
Are you ready?
Work in pairs.
Sit down, please.
Come to the board.
Have you finished?
Look at the picture.
Write …. in your binder.
Repeat after me.
Well done!
Be quiet, please!

Open your books at/on page ……

Classroom language

I don´t understand.
How do you pronounce……?
How do you spell ……?
I don´t know.
Can you speak more loudly?.
What does …….. mean?
Is it right?
Could you repeat it?
What page are we on?
I´m sorry. I´m late.
May I go to the restroom?
Can you speak more slowly?
How do you say ….. in English?

a- Look at the picture. Is the boy studying effectively? Find five bad habits.

b- Take the survey about your study habits. Circle your answers.

1- I choose a quiet place and I don´t allow interruptions.

always sometimes occasionally never

2- I decide when and how long I´m going to study before I start.
always sometimes Occasionally never

3- I study in different ways: I read, I write notes and I talk with my classmates.
always sometimes occasionally never

4- I organize my notes by subject so they are easy to find.

always sometimes occasionally never

5- I review my notebook every week.

always sometimes occasionally never

6- I try to wriite what I learn in my own words.

Always sometimes occasionally never

7- if I don´t understand something, I ask someone or look online.

always sometimes occasionally never

8- I keep a record of new vocabulary in my notebook or on my computer.

always sometimes occasionally never

9- I reward myself when I do something well.

always sometimes occasionally never

10- If I don´t get a Good grade, I take responsibility for it.

always sometimes occasionally never

c. check your score: always= 4 points, sometimes=3 points, occasionally=2 points and
never=1 point.


Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
1-arise arose arisen Surgir, aparecer
2-awake awoke awoken despertar
3-Bear bore Borne/born Soportar, dar a luz
4-beat beat beaten Golpear
5-bend bent bent Doblar
6-bet bet Bet Aportar
7-bind bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
8-bleed bled Bled Sangrar
9-broadcast broadcast broadcast Radiar
10-cling clung Clung Agarrarse
11-creep crept Crept Arrastrarse
12-deal dealt Dealt Tratar
13-dig dug Dug Cavar
14-dream Dreamt/dreamed Dreamt/dreamed Soñar
15-flee fled Fled huir
16-forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
17-freeze froze Frozen helar
18-grind ground ground moler
19-hang hung hung Colgar
20-hide hid hidden ocultar
21-kneel knelt knelt Arrodillarse
22-knit Knitted / knit Knitted / knit tejer
23-lay laid laid Poner, colocar
24-lead led led Guiar, conducir
25-lean leant leant Apoyarse, inclinar
26-leap leapt leapt Brincar, saltar
27-learn Learned/learnt Learned/learnt aprender
28-lend lent lent Prestar
29-lie lay lain Acostarse, descansar
30-lie lied lied Mentir
31-light lit lit encender
32-mistake mistook mistaken equivocar
33-overcome overcame overcome Vencer
34-rise rose risen levantarse
35-seek sought sought Buscar
36-sew sewed Sewed/sewn coser
37-shake shook shaken Sacudir
38-shoot shot shot disparar
39-shrink shrank shrunk Encoger
40-sink sank sunk hundir
41-slide slid slid resbalar
42-sow sowed Sowed/sown sembrar
43-speed sped sped Acelerar
44-spill Spilt/spilled Spilt/spilled Derramar
45-spit spat spat Escupir
46-split split split Partir/rajar/dividir
47-Spoil Spoilt/spoiled Spoilt/spoiled Estropear/consentir
48-stick stuck stuck Pegar, engomar
49-stink Stank/stunk stunk Apestar
50-swear swore sworn jurar
51-sweat sweat sweat Sudar
52-sweep swept swept Barrer
53-swell swelled swollen hinchar
54-swing swung swung Columpiarse
55-tear tore torn Rasgar
56-wet wet wet Mojar
If the base verb ends in t, d, then the –ed ending sounds
like “id.”

Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

/id/ sound
1-act Acted / id/ Acted / id/ Actuar
2-admit Admitted / id/ Admitted / id/ Admitir
3-avoid Avoided / id/ Avoided / id/ Evitar
4-board Boarded / id/ Boarded / id/ Abordar
5-connect Connected / id/ Connected / id/ conectar
6-connect Connected / id/ Connected / id/ Conectar
7-create Created / id/ Created / id/ Crear
8-crowd Crowded / id/ Crowded / id/ Amontonar
9-doubt Doubted / id/ Doubted / id/ Dudar
10-dust Dusted / id/ Dusted / id/ sacudir
11-fast Fasted / id/ Fasted / id/ Ayunar
12-fold Folded / id/ Folded / id/ doblar
13-grade Graded / id/ Graded / id/ Calificar
14-heat Heated / id/ Heated / id/ Calentar
15-hunt Hunted / id/ Hunted / id/ Cazar
16-inherit Inherited / id/ Inherited / id/ Heredar
17-load Loaded / id/ Loaded / id/ Cargar
18-meditate Meditated / id/ Meditated / id/ Meditar
19-mend Mended / id/ Mended / id/ Remendar
20-offend Ofended / id/ Ofended / id/ Ofender
21-opt Opted / id/ Opted / id/ optar
22-plant Planted / id/ Planted / id/ Sembrar
23-provide Provided / id/ Provided / id/ Proveer
24-remind Reminded / id/ Reminded / id/ Recordar
25-rest Rested / id/ Rested / id/ Descansar
26-reward Rewarded / id/ Rewarded / id/ Recompensar
27-roast Roasted / id/ Roasted / id/ Rostizar
28-suggest Suggested / id/ Suggested / id/ Sugerir
29-support Supported / id/ Supported / id/ Apoyar
30-suspect Suspected / id/ Suspected / id/ Sospechar
31-taste Tasted / id/ Tasted / id/ Saborear
32-treat Treated / id/ Treated / id/ Tratar
33-trust Trusted / id/ Trusted / id/ Confiar
34-vaccinate Vaccinated / id/ Vaccinated / id/ Vacunar

Sound T

If the base verb ends in k, s, ch, sh, p, f, then the –ed ending
sounds like “t.”
Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish
/t/ sound
1-attack Attacked / t / Attacked / t / Atacar
2-bless Blessed / t / Blessed / t / Bendecir
3-book Booked / t / Booked / t / reservar
4-check Checked / t / Checked / t / Revisar
5-clap Clapped / t / Clapped / t / Aplaudir
6-erase Erased / t / Erased / t / Borrar
7-face Faced / t / Faced / t / Enfrentar
8-fish Fished / t / Fished / t / Pescar
9-guess Guessed / t / Guessed / t / Adivinar
10-hope Hoped / t / Hoped / t / esperar
11-increase Increased / t / Increased / t / Aumentar
12-joke Joked / t / Joked / t / Bromear
13-kick Kicked / t / Kicked / t / Patear
14-kidnap Kidnapped / t / Kidnapped / t / Secuestrar
15-lock Locked / t / Locked / t / Echar llave
16-milk Milked / t / Milked / t / Ordeñar
17-mop Mopped / t / Mopped / t / Trapear
18-nourish Nourished / t / Nourished / t / Nutrir
19-oppress Oppressed / t / Oppressed / t / Oprimir
20-pack Packed / t / Packed / t / Empacar
21-quake Quaked / t / Quaked / t / Temblar
22-rape Raped / t / Raped / t / Violar
23-reach Reached / t / Reached / t / Alcanzar
24-reduce Reduced / t / Reduced / t / Reducir
25-rehearse Rehearsed / t / Rehearsed / t / Ensayar
26-reimburse Reimbursed / t / Reimbursed / t / Reembolsar
27-release Released / t / Released / t / Liberar/soltar
28-spank Spanked / t / Spanked / t / Nalguear
29-stretch Stretched / t / Stretched / t / Estirar
30-suck Sucked / t / Sucked / t / Chupar
31-switch Switched / t / Switched / t / Cambiar
32-thank Thanked / t / Thanked / t / Agradecer
33-touch Toched / t / Toched / t / Tocar
34-trick Tricked / t / Tricked / t / Engañar
35-undress Undressed / t / Undressed / t / Desvestir
36-unlock Unlocked / t / Unlocked / t / Quitar llave
37-unpack Unpacked / t / Unpacked / t / Desempacar
38-vanish Vanished / t / Vanished / t / Desaparecer
39-whip Whipped / t / Whipped / t / Azotar
40-wipe Wiped / t / Wiped / t / Limpiar
41-wrap Wrapped / t / Wrapped / t / envolver

Sound “d”

If the base verb ends in another letter, the –ed ending

sounds like “d.”

Base form Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

/d/ sound
1-achieve Achieved / d / Achieved / d / Lograr
2-advise Advised / d / Advised / d / Aconsejar
3-allow Allowed / d / Allowed / d / Permitir
4-argue Argued / d / Argued / d / Discutir
5-bother Bothered / d / Bothered / d / Moletar
6-calm Calmed / d / Calmed / d / Calmar
7-care Cared / d / Cared / d / Cuidar/preocuparse
8-chew Chewed / d / Chewed / d / Masticar
9-crawl Crawled / d / Crawled / d / Gatear
10-damage Damaged / d / Damaged / d / Dañar
11-dare Dared / d / Dared / d / Atreverse
12-deny Denied / d / Denied / d / Negar
13-dial Dialed / d / Dialed / d / Marcar
14-entertain Entertained / d / Entertained / d / Divertir
15-exchange Exchanged / d / Exchanged / d / Intercambiar
16-fail Failed / d / Failed / d / Fallar
17-fasten Fastened / d / Fastened / d / Abrocharse / Sujetar
18-file Filed / d / Filed / d / Archivar
19-gain Gained / d / Gained / d / Ganar / obtener
20-grill Grilled / d / Grilled / d / Asar
21-handle Handled / d / Handled / d / Manejar situación
22-hire Hired / d / Hired / d / Contratar
23-hug Hugged / d / Hugged / d / Abrazar
24-imagine Imagined / d / Imagined / d / Imaginar
25-improve Improved / d / Improved / d / Mejorar
26-jeopardize Jeopardized / d / Jeopardized / d / Arriesgar
27-jog Jogged / d / Jogged / d / Trotar
28-joke Joked / d / Joked / d / Bromear
29-lean Leaned / d / Leaned / d / Inclinar
30-lie Lied / d / Lied / d / Mentir
31-measure Measured / d / Measured / d / Medir
32-murder Murdered / d / Murdered / d / Matar
33-nail Nailed / d / Nailed / d / Clavar
34-obey Obeyed / d / Obeyed / d / Obedecer
35-occupy Occupied / d / Occupied / d / Ocupar
36-perform Performed / d / Performed / d / Ejecutar
37-suffer Suffered / d / Suffered / d / Sufrir
38-suppose Supposed / d / Supposed / d / Suponer
39-tease Teased / d / Teased / d / Molestar
40-tickle Tickled / d / Tickled / d / Cosquillar
41-tie Tied / d / Tied / d / Atar
42-tremble Trembled / d / Trembled / d / Temblar
43-try Tried / d / Tried / d / Intentar
44-unfasten Unfastened / d / Unfastened / d / Desabrochar
45-whisper Whispered / d / Whispered / d / Susurrar
46-whistle Whistled / d / Whistled / d / Silvar
47-wonder Wondered / d / Wondered / d / Preguntarse
48-wrestle Wrestrle / d / Wrestrle / d / Luchar
49-yawn Yawned / d / Yawned / d / Bostezar
50-yell Yelled / d / Yelled / d / gritar
51-zoom Zoomed / d / Zoomed / d / enfocar
This is the correct way to do your homework, each time when is required.

a) Write the verb five times (base form, simple past, past participle, and
b) Repeat each verb out loud when you´re doing your exercise
c) If you don´t bring your hw, you´ll do it the double.
1) To form the simple past of most regular verbs, simply add “ed” to the base form of
the verb:
Accept – accepted
Listen - listened

2) For Verbs that are spelled with a “silent – e “at the end of the Word, add “d”:
Care - cared
Use – used

3) For verbs that are spelled with a “y” at the end of the Word, change the “y” to an “i”
and then add the “ed” :
Copy – copied
Deny – denied (negar)
4) For one-syllable verbs spelled with a single vowel followed by a consonant other
than w, x, and y, double the last consonant and then add the “ed”:
Bag – bagged (empaquetar)
Nap – napped (dormir la siesta)

5) For two-syllable verbs spelled with a single vowel followed by a consonant in which
the second syllable is stressed, double the last consonant and then add the “ed”
Prefer – preferred (preferir)
Regret – regretted (lamentar)

6) For the few verbs spelled with a letter “c” at the end of the Word, add a “k” after the
“c” and then add the “ed”:
Mimic – mimicked (imitar, simular)
Picnic – picnicked (merendar, comer en el campo)


1) We are going to listen to an audio once.

2) Underline any new Word that you don´t know the meaning
3) Look in the dictionary for the meaning and write it in the section:
4) Then we are going to listen again but we are going to read it out loud
at the same time twice
5) Now copy the conversation in your binder part: “exercises”
6) In groups of four, you have to memorize it and “show and tell”, four
interventions for each one

A - Paul Do you ever go to fast food restaurants, Carl?

B – Carl I rarely go to fast food, just once a month.
A What do you normally eat?
B I try to eat everything natural and organic.
I have oatmeal in the morning with skim milk and later, I have a fruit or yogurt.
A Do you ever skip breakfast?
B Yes, I do, occasionally, if I am in a rush to get to work.
A What do you usually have for lunch?
B Just a sandwich or a salad. Sometimes I eat chicken and rice or potatoes.
A And what about dinner? Is it usually heavy or light?
B I try to avoid heavy meals. I usually have fish or pasta.
A Do you ever work out at the gym?
B Yes, I do. I go to the gym twice a week. My wife also comes to the gym with
A She does? Working out together is a great idea.
It´s so nice that you have a shared interest and get the chance to be together.
B Indeed, I am very happy about that. We are lucky to have each other.
A You seem to have a balanced lifestyle. Good for you!
B Thanks, Paul, I do my best.


A - Alex Hello!
B - Sister Hi, Alex, how are you?
A I´m great, sis and you?
B Couldn´t be better.
A What are you doing right now?
B I am sitting at a café table. I´m waiting to Eric to come. We are supposed to
meet here. In the meantime, I´m having a cup of tea. How about you? What
are you doing? I hope I´m not disturbing you, am I?
A Of course not, sis. I´m always happy when you call. I´m just sitting on the
sofa. I´m watching the news.
B Where is Mary?
A Mary is cooking in the kitchen. She is making pancakes.
B How about the kids?
A They are in the backyard. They are playing soccer with their Friends.
B Are they having fun?
A Yes, they are. They are laughing and enjoying the time with their Friends.


A – other Have you traveled much so far, Sarah?
B - Sara Yes, I have, as a matter of fact.
A Have you ever been to Asia?
B Yes, I have. Many times. I´ve been to Thailand more times than I can count.
I´ve lived in Bangkok twice. I´ve run tours through the country. I´ve also
been to Japan and it was so great.
A Interesting. Have you been to China?
B No, I haven´t been there yet, but I hope to go there soon. Have you?
A Yes, I have and I plan to visit again next year. What about Europe? What
countries have you visited there so far?
B I have visited Spain, Italy and France.
A Wow, that´s so cool!
B Have you ever eaten Italian food?
A Yes, I have. I´ve eaten lasagna, spaghetti and risotto. They´re fantastic.
B Have you tried truffles?
A No, I haven´t, but I´ve Heard they´re delicious. What country has impressed
you the most so far?
B Japan has impressed me the most. There´s no place quite like it and I´m
hoping to return soon!


A You look tired, Simon. What have you been doing?
B - Simon I have been practicing the guitar since 9 o´clock this morning.
A You have been practicing for three hours? Wow! No wonder you´re so
tired. When did you take up playing the guitar?
B I haven´t been doing it for very long. This is my third week.
A I see. Has anyone been helping you with this?
B No. I have been teaching myself how top lay the guitar and have been
learning how to read music on my own.
A Have you been using tutorials or anything?
B Yes. I have been watching lots of online tutorials. I´ve been practicing for
a few hours every day. I have really been enjoying it and I´m learning
pretty fast!
A Cool!


A What did you do yesterday afternoon, Jessica?
B - Jessica I went shopping at the mall.
A Really? Did you buy anything?
B I bought a beautiful dress and some shoes for a party I went to last night.
A Were they expensive?
B No, they weren´t. they were on sale. It was a really Good deal.
A Tell me about the party. Did you enjoy it?
B Yes, it was terrific. It was my cousin´s birthday.
A Did you take Vivian with you?
B No. She couldn´t come because she was ill, so I went alone.
A That´s too bad. What did you enjoy most about the party?
B I loved the music. I couldn´t stop dancing. The snacks and drinks were
delicious too!
A It seems you had a great time.
B I did!


A – other Hi Paul! What happened? Why are the police here?
B - Paul There was an accident here and I witnessed it.
A When did it happen? And what were you doing?
B It happened 15 min. Ago, while I was walking down the Street. A car was
pulling out from the car park when a van came towards it. The van driver
was driving dangerously at full speed. They collided with each other. It
seems that the van driver was texting while driving and didn´t notice the
car. That´s what the police officers were saying when I overheard them!
He wasn´t paying attention at all!
B Was he hurt?
A No, he wasn´t. he seemed fine. But the car driver was hurt. He was
bleeding. The ambulance took him to hospital.
B It´s reckless and irresponsible to text while driving.
A I couldn´t agree more!


A - Amanda Hi, Olivia, what a surprise!
B - Olivia Hi, Amanda! It´s so Good to see you!
A Are you doing shopping, too?
B Yes, I´ve just bought a dress. It´s for my sister.
A It´s for her birthday?
B No, I had borrowed her dress to go on a date and something happened to
it. By the time I left the restaurant, it had gotten dirty. I think I had
accidentally spilled some juice on it. I had tried everything to get the stain
out before I finally gave up. The dress was ruined.
A Had you asked your sister´s permission before you borrowed it?
B Unfortunately, no. She had already left for her nightshirt when I needed to
borrow the dress.
A How did she react when she found out?
B She was very upset because she had just bought it a few days ago. That´s
why I came here, to buy her a new dress.
A So does this dress look exactly the same way?
B Yes, I was very lucky. I´ve learned my lesson. I´ll never borrow things
without permission from now on.


A – other man How was your weekend, Jonathan?
B - Jonathan Not as I had expected it to be, unfortunately.
A How´s that? what happened?
B Well, my wife and I were supposed to have a romantic weekend trip. We
had been planning it for ages! I´d really been looking forward to it!
A So did something come up?
B The morning we were going to leave, my parents-in-law showed up at
our house uninvited. They had traveled a long distance to spend the
weekend with us. We had been organizing things for the trip all
morning. So we had to cancel our trip at the last minute.
A Oh, that´s such a shame!
B I had been working so hard all last week so I needed this trip!
A Yeah, I can imagine.
B I´d been waiting for our getaway for weeks!
A Don´t worry, I´m sure there will be another chance for you to go on that
B I surely hope so!


A – girl Listen, Grace, I´m going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to
B - Grace Sure, count me in. Where are you going to hold the party?
A I´m going to hold it in the backyard. I hope the weather will be fine.
B I hope so too. Are Cynthia and Matthew coming to the party?
A Yes, of course. They are going to help out with the cooking.
B Hey, I´ll help, too!
A Would you? That would be great! Thanks! I appreciate it.
B I´ll make turkey meatballs and crispy chicken wings!
A That sounds delicious! I´m sure everybody will love them.
B How many people are going to be there?
A About twenty.
B I see. What time will the party start?
A At 8 o´clock in the evening.
B Okay. I´ll be there. Is there a dress code?
A No, it´s just a casual get together.
B Great! I´ll see you on Saturday!
A Okay, see you then!


A - man Next summer we will have worked in the same boring job with the same
company for seven years. Can you believe that?
B - woman Do you think you´ll still be working here ten years from now?
A No way! I´m pretty optimistic about the future. I think I´ll have quit by then. I
´ll be running my own company and will have become my own boss! I will be
working very hard to grow my business
B That seems like a pretty lofty goal. Will you still be living here?
A Yes, of course, I love living here. How about you?
B Well, in ten years, I´ll have paid off all my debts. I think I´ll still be here, but
with any luck, I´ll have found a better job. I hope I´ll have seen more of the
world by then.
A Yeah, me too. I hope I will have accomplished a lot of things by the time I´m


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