Workbook Wednesday 1 A2
Workbook Wednesday 1 A2
Workbook Wednesday 1 A2
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
1. plagued by visions /pleɪɡ/ /ˈvɪʒ.ən/ – охоплений видінням
2. pull yourself together /pʊl/ – взяти себе в руки
3. give a cold shoulder (idiom) /ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/ – ігнорувати
4. a peer /pɪr/ – одноліток
5. intend on /ɪnˈtend/ – мати намір
6. a boarding school /ˈbɔːr.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/ – школа-інтернат
7. an outcast /ˈaʊt.kæst/ – ізгой
8. woe /woʊ/ – скорбота
9. vivid /ˈvɪv.ɪd/ – яскравий
10. a roomie (a roommate) /ˈruː.mi/ – сусід по кімнаті
11. a hugger /ˈhʌɡ.ɚ/ – обіймач
12. Got it! /ɡɑːt/ – Зрозумів!
13. a freak /friːk/ - дивак
14. to pull strings (idiom) /pʊl/ /strɪŋ/ - використовувати зв’язки
15. the quad /kwɑːd/ – плац, двір
16. Fangs /fæŋ/ – Ікла (назва банди у школі)
17. Furs /fɝː/ – Хутро (назва банди у школі)
18. Stoners/ˈstoʊ.nɚ/ – Камні (назва банди у школі)
19. Scales /skeɪl/ – Луска (назва банди у школі)
20. Watch your back! (idiom) /wɑːtʃ/ – Будь обережним!
21. dark your step (idiom) /dɑːrk/ – ступити на поріг
22. take it to heart /hɑːrt/ – взяти близько до серця
23. a siren /ˈsaɪr.ən/ - сирена
24. a clique /klɪk/ – угрупування
25. give you a wiki /ˈwɪk.i/ - розказати всю інформацію
26. swirl around /swɝːl/ - крутитись навколо
27. to date /deɪt/- зустрічатися
28. to broke up /broʊk/ - розійтись
29. a vampire /ˈvæm.paɪr/ - вампір
30. a werewolf /ˈwer.wʊlf/ - вовкулака
Before Watching
1. Unscramble the words
1) s a c u t o t – ____________________________
2) e p e r – _______________________________
3) e m o r o i – ____________________________
4) g u h e g r – ____________________________
5) e o w – ________________________________
6) d i v i v –_______________________________
7) u q a d – _______________________________
8) i l c u q e – _____________________________
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
9) e r i s n – ______________________________
10) e t a d – _____________________________
While Watching
3. Circle the right word in characters’ quotes
1) Wednesday: “Pugsley, emotions equals weakness. Take / Pull yourself together”
2) Wednesday: “The only person who gets to torture my sister / brother is me”
3) Motricia: “Darling, how long do you intend to / on giving us warm / cold
4) Motricia: “I merely meant that finally you will be among friends / peers who
understand you”
5) Motricia: “Her name comes from a line from my favourite nursery rhyme:
Wednesday’s child is full of woe / hope”
6) Enid: “Howdy, roomie / roommate? Not a hugger. Understand / Got it!”
7) Enid: “Rumors’s been swirling around / about that you killed a kid at your old
school, and your parents pushed / pulled strings to get you off”
8) Enid: “Let me give you a wiki / information on Nevermore’s social scene”
9) Motricia: “I’ve been altered all family members to contact me the minute you
darken / lighten their doorstep”
10) Motricia: “I’m told girls your age say hurtful things, and I shouldn’t / should
take it to hurt / heart”
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
4. Label the pictures using the words from the box
werewolf siren Fangs Scales Furs tortured artist vampires quad
Gorgon Xavier Nevermore Bianka Enid Wednesday Pugsley
werewolves vivid Ajax plagued by visions
after Watching
5. Answer the questions
1. Who admires sadism? ____________________________________________
2. Who had to pull himself together? Why? _____________________________
3. What is “Nevermore”? ____________________________________________
4. How many schools had Wednesday changed in 5 years? _________________
5. What’s the name of Wednesday’s dorm? _____________________________
6. What was vivid? _________________________________________________
7. Who studies at Nevermore? _______________________________________
8. How many main cliques exist at Nevermore? Name them
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
9. Who is allergic to colour? ________________________________________
10.Who is Ajax? ___________________________________________________
11.Who broke with Bianka? __________________________________________
1. Label the pictures
w f a n g s f c h o
e u o y w t i l i u
r r h f z o f i n t
e s z v r n h q t c
w s c a l e s u e a
o o i m i r a e n s
l y e p f s h k d t
f z s i r e n y o h
i w o r f y z f n w
o p e e r i d a u q
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
1. to smother sb /ˈsmʌð.ɚ/ – задушити
2. a tad bit wary /ˈwer.i/ – трохи насторожено
3. make waves (idiom) /weɪv/ – створювати проблеми
4. to perpetuate /pɚˈpetʃ.u.eɪt/ – увічнювати
5. give me a run for my money (idiom) /ˈmʌn.i/ – скласти серйозну конкуренцію
6. settling in /ˈset̬ .əl/ - оселятись
7. a dorm mom /dɔːrm/ – мама гуртожитку
8. to spy on /spaɪ/ - шпигувати
9. to claw out /klɑː/ – вибратися
10. feeble /ˈfiː.bəl/- слабкий
11. perceptive /pɚˈsep.tɪv/ - проникливий
12. catch a name /kætʃ/ – почути ім’я
13. an attempt /əˈtempt/ - спроба
14. insane /ɪnˈseɪn/ - божевільний
15. latent chivalry /ˈleɪ.tənt/ /ˈʃɪv.əl.ri/ – приховане лицарство
16. gratitude /ˈɡræt̬ .ə.tuːd/ - вдячність
17. sweeten the pot (idiom) /ˈswiː.tən/ – підсолоджувати пілюлю
18. to assault /əˈsɑːlt/ - атакувати
19. remorse /rɪˈmɔːrs/ – каяття
20. drip coffee /ˈdrɪp ˌkɑː.fi/ – заварена кава
Before Watching
1. Match phrase to its right definition
1) make waves a) to make something more desirable
2) give me a run for my money b) create a significant impression, cause trouble
3) spy on c) hear the name
4) claw out d) to make it difficult for to win a game or
contest by trying hard and playing well
5) drip coffee e) very polite, honest, and kind behaviour,
especially by men towards women
6) catch a name f) to watch (someone) secretly
7) sweeten the pot g) coffee made by slowly pouring hot water
through crushed coffee beans in a coffee filter
8) chivalry h) to reach a particular place as a result of great
effort or despite great difficulties or opposition
9) a tad bit wary i) careful because you do not completely trust
someone or something
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
2. Find synonyms
1. settling in - _____________________
2. to smother - _____________________ suffocate observe
3. perpetuate - _____________________
4. spy on - ________________________ keep going
5. feeble – ________________________ effort
6. assault – ________________________ attack
7. remorse – _______________________
mad adaptation
8. perceptive – _____________________ weak
9. attempt – ________________________
10.insane – _________________________ appreciation clever
11.gratitude – ______________________
while Watching
3. Match phrases to its speaker. Who said it?
assaulted a boy
latent chivalry
no remorse
dorm mom
go slowly insane
“The locals are a tad bit wary about Nevermore, so please don’t go making any
waves, or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes”
“If you’re going to gossip about me, at least spell my name correctly”
“Mother and father sent you to spy on me, didn’t they?”
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
“Drip coffee is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no
real purpose or meaning”
“I didn’t catch your name or is that on a need-to-know basis too?”
“I wanted to make sure that Wednesday was settling in”
“Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you”
“She’s been smothering me with hospitality”
after Watching
5. Choose the right option
1) Wednesday devotes ____________ a day to write her novel.
a) one hour b) two hours c) three hours
2) The flower for Wednesday is called_____________
a) White Dalia b) Black Dahlia c) Black Ophelia
3) Wednesday challenged _______________ in fencing.
a) Rowan b) Xavier c) Bianka
4) ____________ saved Wednesday from gargoyle.
a) Rowan b) Xavier c) Bianka
5) Xavier and Wednesday knew each other when they were ___________.
a) 1 b) 10 c) 11
6) Xavier and Wednesday’s _______________________ were friends.
a) grandmother and godmother b) two godmothers c) two grandmothers
7) _____________ sent Thing to spy on Wednesday.
a) mother b) father c) mother and father
8) Wednesday’s philosophy is to_____________________.
a) kill and live b) kill or be killed c) no philosophy
9) Wednesday wrote __________ novels about young detective Viper.
a) 3 b) 13 c) 30
10) Jericho is a ________________.
a) school b) town c) city
1.Translate words and phrases and make up sentences with them
1) Шпигувати - _________________________
2) Проникливий - _______________________
3) Спроба - ____________________________
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
4) Божевільний - _______________________
5) Атакувати - _________________________
6) Каяття - ____________________________
8) Вибратися - ________________________
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
1. to wolf out /wʊlf/ – обертатися (на вовка)
2. potato potahto (idiom) /pəˈteɪ.t̬ oʊ/ – одне і те саме
3. If the buckled shoe fits (idiom) /ˈbʌk.əl/ – що правда очі коле?
4. cheer up /tʃɪr/ – підбадьорити
5. suck at sth /sʌk/ – не вдається, не твоє
6. no charge (idiom) /tʃɑːrdʒ/ – безкоштовний, вільний
7. curfew /ˈkɝː.fjuː/ – комендантська година
8. Have some dead weight I need to lose first /weɪt/– позбавитись балансу (когось)
9. to burn moonlight /bɝːn/ /ˈmuːn.laɪt/ – поспішати, час спливає
10. cry heart out /kraɪ/ /hɑːrt/ – виплакати всі очі
11. behind bars (idiom) /bɪˈhaɪnd/ /bɑːr/ – за гратами
12. a murder /ˈmɝː.dɚ/ - вбивство
13. stroll /stroʊl/ – прогулянка
14. be ambushed /ˈæm.bʊʃ/ – потрапити у засідку
15. in solitary /ˈsɑː.lə.ter.i/ – в самотності
16. hint /hɪnt/ – натяк
17. a seer /sɪr/ – провидиця
18. a gargoyle/ˈɡɑːr.ɡɔɪl/ – горгулья
19. a normie /ˈnɔːr.mi/ – звичайна людина
20. kooky /ˈkuː.ki/ - дивний
21. spooky /ˈspuː.ki/ - моторошний
Before Watching
1. Match two parts of phrases
1) Behind ____ a) charge
2) Wolf ____ b) moonlight
3) Cry heart ____ c) up
4) Some dead weight ____ d) out
5) Burn ____ e) bars
6) No ____ f) shoe fits
7) In ____ g) potahto
8) Be ____ h) at
9) Suck _____ i) ambushed
10) Cheer _____ j) out
11) Potato ______ k) solitary
12) If the buckled ______ l) to lose first
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
1) As a ____________, the elderly hag had the power to see the future and heal the
2) I'm telling you, it's _______________.
3) I wish I wanted to be normal, because then I could just be a _____________, and
I'd still have friends.
4) After dinner, we went for a ______________ along the beach.
5) She approached the window, amazed at the snow, until her gaze fell to a figure
kneeling like a dark ___________ in the middle of the white lawn.
6) The city ordered a _____________ soon after the rioting started.
7) Two sisters have been charged with __________.
8) She's got this _____________, high-pitched voice.
9) You can't take a __________, can you? Just go away and leave me alone!
while Watching
3. Fill in the missing words from the Vocabulary box
curfew seer solitary stroll student
bars time hint
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
4. Match characters’ quotes to the right scene and translate them
after Watching
5. Choose TRUE or FALSE
1. Wednesday’s uncle spent 15 years in a Tibetan monastery. True / False
2. Gomes Addams is Wednesday’ uncle. True / False
3. Wednesday plays the oversized violin. True / False
4. Enid cannot wolf out. True / False
5. Wednesday cried once when she was 6. True / False
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films
6. Wednesday had a pet dog, Nero. True / False
7. Tyler helped Wednesday for money. True / False
8. Tyler described Wednesday as a spooky person. True / False
9. Rowan tried to kill Wednesday. True / False
10.Wednesday was supposed to destroy Nevermore, in Rowan’s words. True / False
11.Wednesday wanted to stay at Nevermore because she liked it. True / False
Complete 1. in prison
2. the same thing' used when someone says
the same thing in 2 different ways
6. turn into werewolf
7. run out of time, like the sun will come
up soon
9. strange or eccentric
11. without having to pay
@marysakalosh lessons_with_great_films