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1. (a) Control movement of materials in and out of the cell;
Enclose the cell contents
(b) Site of protein synthesis;

 Presence of stomata to allow passage of gases;
 Presence of intercellular spaces/air passages to allow free circulation of air;
 Thin to allow easy diffusion of gases;
 Flattened shape to offer large surface area of air to reach cells;
 Moist inner surface of cells to allow easy diffusion of gases;
 Exposure to air to allow easy diffusion of gases;
Mark only first two.

(b) Stomata

3. i) Identical – a fertilized ovum divided into two; and develops into two
separate embryos;
ii) Fraternal – two different ova are fertilized;(by different sperms)

4 -Cools the plant cells

- Provide mechanism through which mineral salts and water are transported in
plants cell
- Removal of excess water from the plants.
- Maintain turgor of cells

5. Process by which the leaf is made devoid of starch; (by keeping it in dark (about 48
hours); so that all starch present is used up.)

6. -By increasing internal leaf temperature thus high rate of evaporation of water from
the leaf;
-By increasing the size of stomata opening aperture hence large surface area for
water loss;

7. -brightly colored petals;

-Sweet scented
- nectar from nectaries (nectaries glands);
They Mark only first two

8. - Absorption of digested food materials

- Secretion of digested enzymes/hormones/mucus
- Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles of alimentary canal to
bring about peristalsis
- Chewing/mastication(movement of jaw muscles)

9. iron-anaemia, Vit A-Night blindness/poor night vision

10(a) -lack of nucleus increasing the surface area of haemoglobin package;

-Small in size to squeeze in the small capillaries;
-Numerous/many to increase surface for efficient transport of oxygen;
-Biconcave to increase the surface area for oxygen to diffuse in;
Mark only first two.

(b) – Weak carbonic acid;

- Hydrogen carbonate;
- Carbaminohaemoglobin
11. – Bryophyta;

12 (a) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)/ Vasopresin;

(b) Diabetes insipidus; rej. Water diabetes

13(a) (i) Primary consumer;

(ii) Secondary consumer;

(b) -Pollutes environment;

- kill non-targeted organisms
Mark first one
c)grass/plants cow tick

14.– Hydrolysis of stored food;

-Acts as a solvent for hydrolysed foods;
-Medium of transport;
-Activation of enzymes for hydrolysed foods;
-Medium for enzymatic reactions;
-Soften seed coat to allow plumule and radical to come out;
Marked only first two

15(a) Desctruction of fossils by geological activities;

- Distortion of information due to sedimentation;
- Missing record/linkss;
only first two

(b) – the theory of need;

- the theory of use and disuse;
- acquired traits can be inherited;
16. Red blood cells draw in water by osmosis. They swell/enlarge and the cell
Bursts ( by a process called haemolysis)

17 (a) G U A C U C A
RNA strand
(b) Three;
18. To maintain osmotic pressure of the cells in the tissue; to as to obtain accurate
To avoid the cell gaining or loosing water;which can inaccurate resu;lts
19(a) - To investigate products of (aerobic) respiration
To investigate the gas produced during respiration
Reject anaerobic respiration
(b) – Lime water form white precipitate; to show that carbon IV oxide is produced;
- blue cobalt II chloride turns pink; due to the presence of water produced when food
Mark the two points independently
20. A camel is a desert animal, a larger nephron increases the surface area; for
reabsorption of water; to conserve it; while a whale is an aquatic animals (hence
does not need to conserve water)

21.(a) Converts Ammonia to nitrites;

(b) Converts nitrites to nitrates;
(c) Fix nitrogen into ammonia which is then converted to nitrates;

22. (a) Cut /chew/crush/grind food to increase surface area for digestion;/easy
(b) Contain water which is a medium for chemical reactions; / acts as a solvent.
- Contain salivary amylase/ptyalin which digests starch to maltose.
-contain mucus/mucin to lubricate food material
Any first one.

23(a) Prokaryotic – nuclear materials not membrane bound (naked;)

Eukaryotic – nuclear bound by membrane; NB-Use sentence connector i.e. use of
while for student to score)

(b) (i) Monera;

(ii) Protoctista/plantae/animalia/fungi;

24 (i) The lungs – oxygen;

(ii) Active muscles carbon IV oxide;/ lactic acid.

25– Water vapour accumulates in the pits/depression; lowering the water vapour
concentration gradient thus lowering the rate of water loss from the leaves.

26.– Are small and light to be carried easily by wind;

-Develop wing-like extensions to increase surface area for increased buoyancy in
the air;
-Have hair like structures or floss to increase buoyancy in the air; (only first two).

27(a) By engulfing and digesting pathogens;

-By secretion of antibodies; which destroy pathogens and their products.

(b) blood clotting to stop further bleeding

28. Size of cell = diameter of field of new =
No of cells

= 300µm.

Actual size = == 3µm.

29 (a) Hepatitis B;

(b) – Breast feeding;

- Through placenta;
30a (i) A – Axon;
D – myelin sheath;

(ii) insulate the axon;

b) – growth of mammary glands

- Inhibit FSH;
- Inhibit prolactin release
- Inhibits contraction of myometrium;
Only first two

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