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A Research Proposal

Challenges faced by teachers of secondary level in teaching poem

Research methodology in English Education (Eng.Ed.445)

4-year B.Ed(2081)

A thesis submitted to the department of English Education

Jana jyoti Multiple Campus Chandrapur-6 Rautahat

Submitted by:-
Ajay Prasad kushwaha
Symbol No. 90403002
First and foremost, I would offer my sincere gratitude to my thesis
supervisor, Mr. Binodh Timalsina lecturer, Department of Eng.
Education For his wise guidance, encouragement and insightful
suggestions throughout the study. I would like to thank him for his
valuable time.
I am very grateful to Mr. Panchratna shakya, Reader
and head, department of English Education and Mr. Udaya raj
kafle, department of English jana jyoti multiple campus for their
constructive feedback during my proposal viva{orientation} and
suggestion for improvement, which raised my awareness for
carrying out this thesis.
I am indebted to Mr. Yagya Gautam and Mr.
Raj Kushwaha for their direct and indirect encouragement and
valuable academic support.

I would also like to thank Mr. Rajib paudel and pratikshya acharya
for their knd help in liberary study. Moreover, I would express my
thanks to all my all friends and colleagues who directly and
indirectly helped me in my research work.

Finally, I would like to thank Kishan Bhagat of our cyber for his
excellent computer services.
The purpose of the study was to explore Challenges faced by teachers of
secondary level in teaching poem in Bagmati Municipality. The study
employed qualitative research approach, a case study design with total of
67 participants. Data were generated with semi- structured interviews,
focus, group discussion, classroom observation and documentary
review. The study findings revealed that there were a number of
challenges faced by teachers in teaching poem.

It highlights issues such as student apathy, varying comprehension

levels, language barriers, and the complexities of interpreting poetic
devices. These challenges contribute to difficulties in engaging students
effectively and fostering a deeper appreciation for poetry. Addressing
these obstacles requires innovative teaching strategies, professional
development opportunities, and curriculum adaptations to better
support teachers in their efforts to teach poetry successfully at the
secondary level.

Keywords:- Student engagement, Curriculum adaptation, Language

barriers, Teaching strategies facing in Bagmati secondary school.

This is hereby to inform you that Ajay Prasad kushwaha(S.N.

904030002) is a regular student of Jana jyoti multiple campus, faculty of
education and B.Ed 4th year in majoring English has completed this
thesis of research methodology in Eng. Education (Eng. Edu 445) under
my guidance. I wish his every success of life in the days to come.


Mr. Binodh Timalsina

Lecturer of English
Jana jyoti Multiple campus
Chandrapur, Rautahat
I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge this thesis is original:
none of it was earlier submitted for the candidature of this research
degree to any university.

Date:- B.S. 2081/03/23

Ajay Prasad kushwaha
Symbol No. 904030002

Poem teaching is basically concerned with the increasing roles of

learners in the classroom activities and outline tasks. For this the
learners are expected to be motivated towards these activities that
help better learn the poem features. In the recent year, most of the
researcher in this field are interested to explain the role of motivation
in writing poem. So, various ways of improving the level of motivation
in poem.

Many students find classroom activities rather boring and difficult. To

make them more engaged and motivated, certain changes in the
classroom activities re to be made. Learners should be given motivation
and equal opportunities in poem writing.

It appeared that there was a need to investigate the strategies the level
of motivation in the poem teaching in Nepalese context. Therefore, this
study aimed to find out the useful ways of encouraging students to take
part in the classroom activities of poem writing lesson.
Poetry, with its intricate blend of language, imagery, and emotion,
occupies a unique place in the curriculum of secondary education.
While it offers a profound opportunity for students to explore creativity
and language, its teaching presents significant challenges to educators.
This thesis explores the multifaceted difficulties encountered by
teachers of secondary education in effectively imparting the
appreciation and understanding of poetry to their students.

The teaching of poetry demands more than the mere transmission of

literary devices and structural analysis; it necessitates a delicate balance
of technical instruction and fostering emotional engagement. This dual
challenge often leaves educators grappling with questions of how best to
engage diverse student interests and learning styles while meeting
curriculum demands. Moreover, the dynamic nature of contemporary
classrooms, characterized by varying levels of literacy and cultural
backgrounds, further complicates the task.

This thesis aims to identify and analyze these challenges

comprehensively. By delving into the pedagogical strategies employed
by teachers, examining the impact of standardized testing on poetry
education, and exploring the role of technology in modern classrooms,
this research seeks to illuminate both the barriers to effective poetry
instruction and potential pathways toward improvement.

Through an exploration of current literature, interviews with educators,

and case studies of classroom practices, this study aims to provide a
nuanced understanding of the complex landscape surrounding poetry
education in secondary schools. By doing so, it endeavors to contribute
to the ongoing discourse on enhancing literary education, ultimately
aiming to equip teachers with the tools necessary to inspire a lifelong
appreciation for poetry among their students.

In essence, this thesis seeks to uncover not only the challenges faced by
secondary-level teachers in teaching poetry but also the strategies that
Poetry, with its intricate blend of language, imagery, and emotion, occupies a unique place in the
curriculum of secondary education. While it offers a profound opportunity for students to explore
creativity and language, its teaching presents significant challenges to educators. This thesis
explores the multifaceted difficulties encountered by teachers of secondary education in
effectively imparting the appreciation and understanding of poetry to their students.

The teaching of poetry demands more than the mere transmission of literary devices and
structural analysis; it necessitates a delicate balance of technical instruction and fostering
emotional engagement. This dual challenge often leaves educators grappling with questions of
how best to engage diverse student interests and learning styles while meeting curriculum
demands. Moreover, the dynamic nature of contemporary classrooms, characterized by varying
levels of literacy and cultural backgrounds, further complicates the task.

This thesis aims to identify and analyze these challenges comprehensively. By delving into the
pedagogical strategies employed by teachers, examining the impact of standardized testing on
poetry education, and exploring the role of technology in modern classrooms, this research seeks
to illuminate both the barriers to effective poetry instruction and potential pathways toward

Through an exploration of current literature, interviews with educators, and case studies of
classroom practices, this study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the complex
landscape surrounding poetry education in secondary schools. By doing so, it endeavors to
contribute to the ongoing discourse on enhancing literary education, ultimately aiming to equip
teachers with the tools necessary to inspire a lifelong appreciation for poetry among their

In essence, this thesis seeks to uncover not only the challenges faced by secondary-level teachers
in teaching poetry but also the strategies that can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation
of this rich literary form among students.

can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of this rich literary

form among students.

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