Flooding Results Datu Piang Draft
Flooding Results Datu Piang Draft
Flooding Results Datu Piang Draft
Barangay Balong Very High to High Barangay Balong is situated in the
northernmost portion of the
(Proper 1, Proper 2, Municipality of Datu Piang. It is a
Talitay, Mangilala, relatively flat terrain. Most residential
Banawa) areas were situated near the main
road of the municipality. However,
there are still quite a few residential
houses situated near Rio Grande de
Mindanao River and marshland area.
Residential houses, masjid, and other
establishments in Sitios Proper 1,
Proper 2, Talitay, Mangilala, and
Banawa are severely affected during
heavy downfall of rain. Flood water
reaches inside their houses. Flood
depth reaches up to 2 meters and
inundations last up to three (3)
months or more. Sheet flooding
usually occurs along roads in the
barangay and in the marshland area.
Flashflood occurs along the Rio
Grande de Mindanao River. Based
on anecdotal notes, residential
houses were affected during the
onslaught of Super Typhoon Paeng
and Ondoy. Most houses in
Barangay Mangilala and Banawa
have prepared small boats beside
their house so they can be ready in
case of evacuation during flooding
incidents. Rice fields in this sitio were
usually flooded during the rainy
season especially in the months of
August-December. Residents usually
experience flooding incidents thrice
per year. When normal downfall of
rain occurs their usual flood depth is
around 0.3m. During evacuation
according to the residents they
usually go to establishments on
elevated areas such as the main road
of the municipality. Flood recedes in
the northeastern to southwestern
portion of the barangay. As
observed, roads in this sitio lacks
proper drainage which contributes to
flooding in the area. However, the
main reason why it is flooded is
based on its geographic location,
elevation and climatological (typhoon)
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
Barangay Balanaken Very High Severe floods happened in this
(Sitio Nimao, Kinudal, barangay when Typhoon Paeng,
Ondoy, and Yolanda struck. Two
main contributors to massive floods
are the Rio Grande de Mindanao
River in the northeast and the
marshes in the southwestern
portion. When both water bodies
overflow, sheet floods happen, and
flash floods occur near the river.
Flood water could rise to two meters
in all sitios, covering almost entirely
Sitio Nimao. On the other hand,
water cannot reach the concrete
roads in Sitio Proper as they are
relatively elevated. According to the
residents, flood water stays for
three months in the Proper and two
months in Nimao and Kinudal with
water flowing back to the river and
marshes upon subsiding. Floods
happen thrice a year, with June to
October as the rainfall peak.
Barangay Buayan (Sitio Very High Typhoon Paeng and Ondoy had
Upper Mayangis, Lower once brought flood to the residents
Mayangis, Nimaw,
Sampalok, Lumpong, of Barangay Buayan. The
Mayangis 3, Glaci) barangay’s flat terrain and proximity
to water bodies like rivers and
marshes make the area susceptible
to sheet floods. Water depth during
flood ranges from 0.5 to 1 meter in
all sitios except for Sitio Glaci,
where water height could reach 1.5
meters. Moreover, according to the
residents, inundation can last for a
month, and water flows in north and
southward directions upon waning.
Flooding occurs 3 to 5 times
annually, affecting residential
houses, agricultural fields, and
some schools in Sitio Glaci.
Barangay Kanguan (Sitio High (Ungka) to Very During heavy rains or typhoons,
Pupuyo, Maligaya, High sheet floods inundate the area, with
Ungka, El-Meztizo,
Riverside) water levels reaching from half a
meter to 1.5 meters. Even normal
rainfall submerges the area,
especially in El-Meztizo and
Riverside, wherein some portions
are natural catchments and clogged
drainages prohibit water flow.
Flooding in this barangay can last
for three days to one week in
Ungka, two weeks in the Riverside,
three weeks in El-Mestizo and
Pupuyo, and more than a month in
Maligaya, with water receding
southwards towards nearby
marshes upon recession.
Inundation occurs three to four
times annually, in which during
these times, some residents find
temporary shelter in elevated
government buildings and masjids.
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
Barangay Magaslong High (Magaslong) to Very All sitio in the barangay experience
(Sitio Proper, Lintukan, High inundation, however, the severity of
Makasandag, Pedtad)
flooding is worse in Sitio
Makasandag and Pedtad. This is
due to the proximity of the two
barangays to marshes and creeks.
Water depth reaches 1.5 meters in
Makasandag and Pedtad, while
water height only rises to 1 to 1.2
meters in the other barangays.
Meanwhile, flood water stays for
three days in Magaslong, while for
the rest of the time in Makasandag
and some portions in Lintukan
except during El Nino. Stilt houses
are common in Pedtad and
Makasandag, with some boat’s
observable in the latter.
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for