Flooding Results Datu Piang Draft

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Barangay Balong Very High to High Barangay Balong is situated in the
northernmost portion of the
(Proper 1, Proper 2, Municipality of Datu Piang. It is a
Talitay, Mangilala, relatively flat terrain. Most residential
Banawa) areas were situated near the main
road of the municipality. However,
there are still quite a few residential
houses situated near Rio Grande de
Mindanao River and marshland area.
Residential houses, masjid, and other
establishments in Sitios Proper 1,
Proper 2, Talitay, Mangilala, and
Banawa are severely affected during
heavy downfall of rain. Flood water
reaches inside their houses. Flood
depth reaches up to 2 meters and
inundations last up to three (3)
months or more. Sheet flooding
usually occurs along roads in the
barangay and in the marshland area.
Flashflood occurs along the Rio
Grande de Mindanao River. Based
on anecdotal notes, residential
houses were affected during the
onslaught of Super Typhoon Paeng
and Ondoy. Most houses in
Barangay Mangilala and Banawa
have prepared small boats beside
their house so they can be ready in
case of evacuation during flooding
incidents. Rice fields in this sitio were
usually flooded during the rainy
season especially in the months of
August-December. Residents usually
experience flooding incidents thrice
per year. When normal downfall of
rain occurs their usual flood depth is
around 0.3m. During evacuation
according to the residents they
usually go to establishments on
elevated areas such as the main road
of the municipality. Flood recedes in
the northeastern to southwestern
portion of the barangay. As
observed, roads in this sitio lacks
proper drainage which contributes to
flooding in the area. However, the
main reason why it is flooded is
based on its geographic location,
elevation and climatological (typhoon)


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Montay Barangay Montay is situated

(Ato, Indalaguia, Very High
Malgatel, and Sailila, between Baranga Balong and
Tukana Montay, Ilud Barangay Ambadao. This Barangay
Bakingan, and Liong is a flat terrain and in low elevation.
Bintad) In Sitios Ato, Indalaguia, Malgatel,
Tukana Montay, Ilud Bakingan,
Liong Bintad and Sailila flood depth
reaches up to 2 meters or more
during heavy downfall of rain.
Normal downfall of rain results in
flood depth that reaches up to 0.6
meters. Flood inundation lasts
around 2-5 months. Most residential
areas, masjids and other
establishments experiences sheet
flooding along cemented roads and
unpaved roads of these sitios.
Residential houses situated along
Rio Grande de Mindanao River
experience flashfloods. Riverbank
erosions along the river can also be
observed affecting agricultural lands
adjacent to the river. Based on the
residents of these sitio, they were
affected during the onslaught of
Typhoon Ondoy and Paeng. Flood
recedes down to the lowly elevated
area in southern, southeastern, and
western, northern and southwestern
directions. They usually experience
flooding incidents thrice per year.
The presence of Rio Grande de
Mindanao River and marshland
area mainly contributes to flooding
in this barangay, although absence
of proper drainage system adds to


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
2. Observe sunken or displaced
road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Ambadao Very High Residentials areas, masjids,

barangay office and other
(Proper, Limba, establishments flooding during
Kurungan, Dalem, heavy downfall of rain. Flood height
Tambo) reaches up to 1 month and flood
inundation lasts up to 2 months.
Some areas in all sitios of this
barangay are situated near Rio
Grande de Mindanao River and in
creeks. Residents near drainages
experience flashfloods and
residents along unpaved and
cemented roads are affected by
sheet flooding. Based on anecdotal
notes, lowly elevated agricultural
lands are flooded with water and
flood water infiltrates their houses
during Typhoon Paeng and Ondoy.
In Sitio Kurungan flood depth
reaches up to 3 meters. Riverbank
erosion can be observed along Rio
Grande de Mindanao River, based
on the barangay official
approximately 2 meters in with of
soil is eroded every year. This
barangay experiences flooding
around thrice per year. Flood
recedes in north to northeastern,
and southwestern direction. The
presence of Rio Grande de
Mindanao River and marshland
area mainly contributes to flooding
in this barangay, although absence
of proper drainage system adds to


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Duaminanga Very High Barangay Duaminga’s land area is

lowly elevated just like it’s
(Alimao, Tugal, Edza, neighboring barangays. Most areas
Kundong,Kamal) are situated in the Marshland area.
Its northwestern portion is situated
adjacent to the Rio Grande de
Mindanao River. Barangay Hall is
situated in Sitio Alimao. Residential
houses, masjids and other
establishments are severely
affected by flooding during heavy
downfall of rain. Sheet flooding
mainly occurs along paved and
unpaved roads of the barangay and
flashflood occurs along areas
situated near the river, creeks and
marsh. During heavy downfall of
rain flood depth reaches more than
1 meter. Flood water inundates up
to 7 months. In Sitio Edza a
residential unit was observed
situated along the intermittent creek
of the area. It is made up of light
materials which makes it very prone
to food hazards during the rainy
season. Normal flooding reaches
0.3 meters during normal downfall
of rain. Flood water recedes in the
north to northeastern direction
draining back to the river and in
southern direction to the marshland
area. Residents of barangay
Duaminanga experiences flooding
up to four times per year. The
presence of Rio Grande de
Mindanao River and marshland
area mainly contributes to flooding,
although absence of proper
drainage system adds to flooding.

1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Kalipapa Very High Barangay Hall of Kalipapa is

(Sitio 1, Sitio 2, and situated in Sitio 1. Sitio 1 is
Sitio 3) proximate to the Rio Grande de
Mindanao River. For the three sitios
in this barangay all areas are
affected by flooding during heavy
downfall of rain. A flood depth
reaches more than 2 meters and
lasts up to three months. Based on
anecdotal notes, this barangay is
affected during the onslaught of
Typhoon Paeng and Typhoon
Ondoy. Most areas are affected with
sheet flooding along roads and
flashflood along the river and
creeks. Flood water drains back to
the river and marshland area in a
southwestern and northeastern
direction. Climatological. Although
inadequate drainage systems
sometimes contribute to flooding the
main reason are overflowing of the
Rio Grande de Mindanao River and
marshland area during heavy
downfall of rain. As observed, roads
in this sitio lacks proper drainage
which contributes to flooding in the
area. However, the main reason why
it is flooded is based on its
geographic location, elevation and
climatological (typhoon) occurrence.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Dado Very High (Sitio 1, 2, 3 Just like the northernmost

(Sitio 1, Sitio 2, Sitio 3 4)VERIFY THE LOC barangays of this municipality,
and Sitio 4) OF SIT 4 IF IT IS Barangay Dado is also situated
ALONG THE ROAD between the Rio Grande de
Moderate (Sitio 4) Mindanao River and the marshland
area. Residential houses, masjids
and other establishments are
affected by sheet flooding along
cemented and unpaved roads.
Flashfloods occur along the river.
Agricultural lands and crops are
also severely affected during
flooding incidents including their
livestock. Sitio is near a river which
river erosion of 2-3 meters can be
observed along riverbanks. Flood
depth in Sitio 1, Sitio 2 and Sitio 3
reaches up to 0.5-1 meter and lasts
up to 2 months. In Sitio 4, flood
reaches more than 0.5 meters and
lasts up to 3 days since it is situated
along the barangay road. Barangay
roads are relatively elevated in this
area. This barangay experiences
flooding incidents around 4 times
per year and flood recedes in the
northeast and southwestern
direction going back to the river and
the marshland area. Although
inadequate drainage systems
sometimes contribute to flooding the
main reason are overflowing of the
Rio Grande de Mindanao River and
marshland area during heavy
downfall of rain.

1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Masigay Very High Barangay Masigay is situated in a

(Silongan, Imba, Moderate (along relatively low terrain. When heavy
Tamboa) Municipal roads) downfall occurs in the barangay
flooding depth reaches up to 2
meters and lasts up to 3 months.
Normal rainfall results in flood
depths of 0.3 meters. Sheet flooding
occurs along the cemented and
unpaved roads of the barangays.
Flashfloods occur along rivers and
creeks. When flooding intensifies
residents evacuate on the main
roads of the barangay since it is
relatively elevated. Sitio Tamboa is
situated far from the cemented road
of the barangay. This sitio is
characterized by open natural
vegetation, agricultural plantations
and few residential houses. During
the onslaught of Typhoon Paeng
and Ondoy their sitio is severely
affected. Residents in Sitio Silongan
that are situated near the municipal
road experiences flooding that
reaches 1 meter flood depth and
lasts after 2 days. Water recedes in
the southwestern and northwestern
direction. This barangay
experiences flooding approximately
thrice per year. As observed, roads
in this sitio lacks proper drainage
which contributes to flooding in the
area. However, the main reason why
it is flooded is based on its
geographic location, elevation and
climatological (typhoon) occurrence.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Alonganen Very High Residential areas, masjids,

(Karsada, Tungko, barangay hall and other
Bago, Paglas, and establishments are affected by
Tugal) flooding during heavy downfall of
rain. Flood water goes inside their
houses. Flood water reaches up to
1-1.5 meters and during normal
downfall of rain floodwater reaches
up to 0.2 meters. Heavy downfall of
rain lasts up to 5 months.
Flashfloods occurs along Rio
Grande de Mindanao River and
creeks; sheet flooding occurs along
paved and unpaved roads of the
barangay. This barangay is affected
by flooding incident during the
onslaught of Typhoon Paeng,
Yolanda and Ondoy. Rainy season
of is usually experienced on the
months of June – October. Based
on the residents, they experienced
flooding 4 times per year. Flood
drains back to the main river and
marshland area in the northeastern
and southwestern direction.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
2. Observe sunken or displaced
road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Liong (Sitio Very High Barangay Liong's flat landscape

Tambo, Talitay, Tugal) makes it prone to flooding. When
the Rio Grande de Mindanao River
or nearby marshes overflow,
residential areas and farms
throughout the barangay quickly
experience inundation. Water levels
can reach a meter in Sitio Tambo,
while Sitio Talitay and Tugal typically
have flood depths of up to half a
meter. These floods last for six
months in Tambo and three months
in the two other barangays, with
water flowing back to its source
during dissipation: to the Rio
Grande de Mindanao River in Sitio
Tambo and the marshes in Sitio
Talitay and Tugal.
Similar to other barangays in Datu
Piang, Barangay Liong was
severely affected by Typhoon
Paeng. The local government has
been enforcing flood mitigating
measures on some portions of the
riverbanks, such as revetment.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
Barangay Balanaken Very High Severe floods happened in this
(Sitio Nimao, Kinudal, barangay when Typhoon Paeng,
Ondoy, and Yolanda struck. Two
main contributors to massive floods
are the Rio Grande de Mindanao
River in the northeast and the
marshes in the southwestern
portion. When both water bodies
overflow, sheet floods happen, and
flash floods occur near the river.
Flood water could rise to two meters
in all sitios, covering almost entirely
Sitio Nimao. On the other hand,
water cannot reach the concrete
roads in Sitio Proper as they are
relatively elevated. According to the
residents, flood water stays for
three months in the Proper and two
months in Nimao and Kinudal with
water flowing back to the river and
marshes upon subsiding. Floods
happen thrice a year, with June to
October as the rainfall peak.

Barangay Buayan (Sitio Very High Typhoon Paeng and Ondoy had
Upper Mayangis, Lower once brought flood to the residents
Mayangis, Nimaw,
Sampalok, Lumpong, of Barangay Buayan. The
Mayangis 3, Glaci) barangay’s flat terrain and proximity
to water bodies like rivers and
marshes make the area susceptible
to sheet floods. Water depth during
flood ranges from 0.5 to 1 meter in
all sitios except for Sitio Glaci,
where water height could reach 1.5
meters. Moreover, according to the
residents, inundation can last for a
month, and water flows in north and
southward directions upon waning.
Flooding occurs 3 to 5 times
annually, affecting residential
houses, agricultural fields, and
some schools in Sitio Glaci.

Barangay Kanguan (Sitio High (Ungka) to Very During heavy rains or typhoons,
Pupuyo, Maligaya, High sheet floods inundate the area, with
Ungka, El-Meztizo,
Riverside) water levels reaching from half a
meter to 1.5 meters. Even normal
rainfall submerges the area,
especially in El-Meztizo and
Riverside, wherein some portions
are natural catchments and clogged
drainages prohibit water flow.
Flooding in this barangay can last
for three days to one week in
Ungka, two weeks in the Riverside,
three weeks in El-Mestizo and
Pupuyo, and more than a month in
Maligaya, with water receding
southwards towards nearby
marshes upon recession.
Inundation occurs three to four
times annually, in which during
these times, some residents find
temporary shelter in elevated
government buildings and masjids.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.
4. Establish and/or implement
buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Poblacion Similar to other barangays,

(Purok Kalubihan, Market Barangay Poblacion has a flat
Side A, Market Side B, Very High
Matel Bayug 2, Matel terrain and is characterized by
Bayug 1, Purok 3, residential houses and concrete
Riverside) roads. During intense rainfall, the
area gets inundated just like what
happened during Typhoon Paeng
and Ondoy. Anecdotal accounts and
flood marks imply a water depth of
0.5 to 1 meter in Purok Kalubihan
and Riverside and more than a
meter on the remaining sitios.
Inundation can last a month, and
water flows in the southwest and
northeast directions when the flood
subsides. Flood frequency ranges
from two to five years annually,
affecting residents and their

1. Develop an early warning
device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Very High Three sitios in Barangay

Barangay Dimambalas Dimambalas are susceptible to
(Sitio Proper, Tangwapo,
flooding. Sitio Proper, Tangwapo,
and Sungkang have a flat
topography and are proximal to the
Rio Grande de Mindanao River and
marshes. These sitios had
experienced sheet and flash floods
during Typhoon Paeng, Yolanda,
and Ondoy, in which water current
displaced houses and affected
roads, livestock, and crops.
Anecdotal notes indicated flood
heights greater than 2 meters
during extreme rainfall. Inundation
could last for five months in Proper
and Tangwapo, while 1 month in
Sungkang. Water flows in different
directions, normally heading to the
surrounding river and marshes upon
dissipation. Flooding occurs around
four to five times annually, with peak
rainfall from June to October.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for
Barangay Magaslong High (Magaslong) to Very All sitio in the barangay experience
(Sitio Proper, Lintukan, High inundation, however, the severity of
Makasandag, Pedtad)
flooding is worse in Sitio
Makasandag and Pedtad. This is
due to the proximity of the two
barangays to marshes and creeks.
Water depth reaches 1.5 meters in
Makasandag and Pedtad, while
water height only rises to 1 to 1.2
meters in the other barangays.
Meanwhile, flood water stays for
three days in Magaslong, while for
the rest of the time in Makasandag
and some portions in Lintukan
except during El Nino. Stilt houses
are common in Pedtad and
Makasandag, with some boat’s
observable in the latter.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.

2. Observe sunken or displaced

road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

Barangay Reina Regente High The barangay has been

(Sitio Pinguiaman, experiencing flood each time there
Tumaguinting, Talitay)
is a heavy rain or typhoon. For
instance, Typhoon Paeng had
caused flash and sheet floods to all
residents in every sitio. Flood marks
are observable on houses, with
heights of a meter in Sitio
Pinguiman, 1 to 2 meters in Sitio
Tumaguinting, and half a meter in
Sitio Talitay. According to the
residents, inundation can last for 3
to 5 months in Pinguiaman, 4
months in Tumaguinting, and 1 to 3
months in Talitay. Flood frequency
can happen once to thrice a year
affecting not only residential homes
and agricultural lands in the area
but also various structures, such as
an elementary school situated in
Sitio Pinguiman.


1. Develop an early warning

device/system (e.g.,
communication through a radio
transmitter) and implement a
coordination mechanism.
2. Observe sunken or displaced
road surfaces.

3. Construction and maintenance

of concrete drainages.

4. Establish and/or implement

buffer zones for settlements
adjacent to creeks, streams, or
river channels.

5. Observe for rapid

increase/decrease in
creek/river water levels,
possibly accompanied by
increased turbidity (soil

6. Establishment of
relocation/evacuation area that
is safe from flooding and
identification of route for

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