2019-2020 Opsres1
2019-2020 Opsres1
2019-2020 Opsres1
Vision: To become a role-model catalyst for countryside development and one of the most influential, best-managed Catholic universities in the Asia-Pacific
Mission: To offer accessible quality education that transforms students into persons of conscience, competence, and compassion.
A center of excellence in engineering and architecture education imbued with Catholic mission and identity serving as a role-model catalyst for countryside
The School shall provide accessible quality engineering and architecture education leading to highly competent professional; continually contribute to the
advancement of knowledge and technology through research activities; and support countryside development through environmental preservation and community
Within a few years after graduation, graduates of our BS Industrial Engineering programs are expected to have:
1. Demonstrated technical competence, including design and problem-solving skills, as evidenced by:
the sound technical designs and systems that conform with existing laws and ethical standards they produced
the recognition and certification they received for exemplary achievement
Relationship of the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes to the Program Educational Objectives:
ISLO1: Show effective communication
ISLO2: Demonstrate appropriate value and sound ethical reasoning
ISLO3: Apply critical and creative thinking
ISLO4: Utilize civic and global learning
ISLO5: Use applied and collaborative learning
ISLO6: Employ aesthetic engagement
ISLO7: Show Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciences to the practice of Industrial Engineering.
b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
d. Function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
f. Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write and convey ideas clearly and effectively, in person and through electronic media to
all audiences.
h. Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning and to keep current of the development in the field.
j. Have knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
l. Have knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
m. Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation to local culture and tradition as well as to the community.
n. Design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy.
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering sciences to the practice of
Industrial Engineering.
g. Demonstrate and master the ability to listen, comprehend, speak, write and convey ideas clearly
and effectively, in person and through electronic media to all audiences.
h. Have broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning and to keep current of the
development in the field.
k. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
m. Ability to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people,
materials, information, equipment and energy.
n. Engage in service-learning program for the promotion and preservation to local culture and tradition
as well as to the community.
1. Discuss the Operations Research (OR) approach, its basic concepts, techniques and application areas.
2. Develop mathematical optimization models
3. Solve optimization models using the appropriate OR tools/techniques.
4. Interpret the results of computation as basis for recommending the best decision for a problem scenario.
a b c d e f g h i J k l m n
CO1. Discuss the Operations Research (OR) approach, its basic
concepts, techniques and application areas;
CO2. Develop mathematical optimization models; E
CO3. Solve optimization models using the appropriate OR
CO4. Interpret the results of computation as basis for recommending the
best decision for a problem scenario.
IV. Textbook : Anderson, D. R. (2019). An introduction to management science: Quantitative approaches to decision making. (14th Ed.).
Australia: Cengage Learning.
V. Requirements : Seatworks
Case Studies
Written Exam
Wk 2 CO1 At the end of course Recitation Introduction Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
3 hours or topic the student Origin and Development of centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
will be able to: Operations Research Indicators: presentation Assessment
Define operations OR approach and Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
research, its origin methodology prayerfulness teachers and be used for
and development OR Application Areas students (face-to- the
Describe the OR Excellence face/online) evaluation of
approach and Indicators: Interactive student- the
methodology Competence, centered activities classroom
Understand the OR expertise, like Think-Pair-Share, activities
application areas analytical, and Brainstorming, Buzz
and give real-life logical Session etc.
examples Hands-on
Community demonstrations and
Indicators: exercises/ problem
Solidarity and sets
Respect for Coaching (special
others assistance provided
for students learning
Integrity difficulty in the
Indicators: course)
Accountability, Recitation
Transparency Written examinations
and Honesty Alternative
Societal assessments
responsibility (reflection papers/
Indicators: critical analysis)
Wk 3 CO1 At the end of course Seatwork Linear Programming (LP) Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
3 hours CO2 or topic the student Assignment Definition and centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
CO3 will be able to: Written exam Characteristics of the LP Indicators: presentation Assessment
CO4 Define the concepts Board Work Problem Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
of linear Problem Set Mathematical prayerfulness teachers and be used for
programming modeling/Formulation of the students (face-to- the
Outline the steps in LP Problem Excellence face/online) evaluation of
the formulation of Indicators: Interactive student- the
linear programming Competence, centered activities classroom
problems. expertise, like Think-Pair-Share, activities
Solve and formulate analytical, and Brainstorming, Buzz
linear programming logical Session etc.
problems Hands-on
Community demonstrations and
Indicators: exercises/ problem
Wk 7-9 CO1 At the end of course Seatwork Duality and Sensitivity Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
8 hours CO2 or topic the student Assignment Analysis centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
CO3 will be able to: Written exam Primal-Dual Relationship Indicators: presentation Assessment
CO4 Discuss the basic Board Work Formulation and Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
concept of primal- Problem Set Interpretation of the Dual prayerfulness teachers and be used for
dual relationship Problem students (face-to- the
Outline the steps in Dual Simplex Method Excellence face/online) evaluation of
the formulation and Sensitivity analysis Indicators: Interactive student- the
interpretation of dual Competence, centered activities classroom
problems. expertise, like Think-Pair-Share, activities
Solve problems analytical, and Brainstorming, Buzz
using dual simplex logical Session etc.
method Hands-on
Understand the role Community demonstrations and
of sensitivity Indicators: exercises/ problem
analysis Solidarity and sets
Respect for Coaching (special
others assistance provided
for students learning
Integrity difficulty in the
Indicators: course)
OPSRES1 | Operations Research 1
Accountability, Recitation
Transparency Written examinations
and Honesty Alternative
Societal assessments
responsibility (reflection papers/
Indicators: critical analysis)
Commitment Asynchronous
and teaching and learning
Involvement using Canvas LMS
Platform in providing
offline content
resources (readings,
lecture notes,
recorded lectures,
detailed guides, etc.,
in print or digital
format) and other
teaching and learning
through webinars,
live broadcasts, chats
and teleconferences
for real-time teacher-
student engagement.
Wk 9-11 CO1 At the end of course Seatwork Integer Linear Programming Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
7 hours CO2 or topic the student Assignment (ILP) centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
CO3 will be able to: Written exam Concepts and Formulation Indicators: presentation Assessment
CO4 Define the basic Board Work of ILP Problems Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
concepts integer Problem Set Solution Approaches - prayerfulness teachers and be used for
linear programming Graphical, Implicit students (face-to- the
Outline the steps in Enumeration, Branch and Excellence face/online) evaluation of
formulating Integer Bound Algorithm, Gomory's Indicators: Interactive student- the
Wk 13-15 CO1 At the end of course Seatwork Special Types of LP Models: Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
9 hours CO2 or topic the student Assignment Modeling and Solution centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
CO3 will be able to: Written exam Algorithms Indicators: presentation Assessment
CO4 Define the concepts Board Work Transportation Model Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
of the special types Problem Set Transshipment Model prayerfulness teachers and be used for
of LP models like Assignment Model students (face-to- the
Transportation Excellence face/online) evaluation of
model, Indicators: Interactive student- the
transshipment Competence, centered activities classroom
model and expertise, like Think-Pair-Share, activities
assignment model analytical, and Brainstorming, Buzz
Outline the steps in logical Session etc.
solving Hands-on
transportation, Community demonstrations and
transshipment, and Indicators: exercises/ problem
assignment Solidarity and sets
problems Respect for Coaching (special
Solve problems others assistance provided
involving for students learning
transportation, Integrity difficulty in the
transshipment, and Indicators: course)
assignment models Accountability, Recitation
Transparency Written examinations
and Honesty Alternative
Societal assessments
responsibility (reflection papers/
Indicators: critical analysis)
Commitment Asynchronous
and teaching and learning
OPSRES1 | Operations Research 1
Involvement using Canvas LMS
Platform in providing
offline content
resources (readings,
lecture notes,
recorded lectures,
detailed guides, etc.,
in print or digital
format) and other
teaching and learning
through webinars,
live broadcasts, chats
and teleconferences
for real-time teacher-
student engagement.
16-17 CO1 At the end of course Seatwork Network Models Christ- Media-supported Answer Key
6 hours CO2 or topic the student Assignment Definition centeredness lecture/ PowerPoint
CO3 will be able to: Written exam Shortest Route Algorithms Indicators: presentation Assessment
CO4 Define the concepts Board Work Minimal Spanning Tree Obedience and Class discussions by Rubric is to
of networks and Problem Set Algorithm prayerfulness teachers and be used for
networking Maximal Flow Algorithm students (face-to- the
techniques Project Management: PERT Excellence face/online) evaluation of
Define the concepts and CPM Indicators: Interactive student- the
of shortest route, Competence, centered activities classroom
minimal spanning expertise, like Think-Pair-Share, activities
tree, and maximal analytical, and Brainstorming, Buzz
flow algorithms logical Session etc.
Outline the steps in Hands-on
solving shortest Community demonstrations and
route, minimal Indicators: exercises/ problem
spanning tree, and Solidarity and sets
maximal flow Respect for Coaching (special
Anderson, D. R. (2019). An introduction to management science: Quantitative approaches to decision making. (14th Ed.).
Australia: Cengage Learning.
Cobb & Douglas (2018). Operations research. Forest Hills, NY: Willford Press.
Hillier, F. (2015). Introduction to operations research (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Render, B., Stair, T. et.al. (2015). Quantitative analysis for management (12th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc.
San Cristobal Mateo, J. R. (2015). Management science, operations research and project management: modelling, evaluation,
scheduling, monitoring. England: Gower.
Rardin, R. (2017). Optimization in operations research 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson.
San Pedro, L. S.L. (2017). Operations research for business management. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing
Sirug, W. (2015). Basic quantitative methods for business: an introduction to operations research/management science (revised).
Intramuros: Mindshapers Co.
Taha, H.A. (2017). Operations research: an introduction (10th ed.) England: Pearson Education Limited
Online References:
Books 24x7
G.B. (2016). Linear programming and extensions. Retrieved from eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) database.
Truma, Y. (2014). Linear programming: Theory, algorithms and applications. Retrieved from eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Students are held responsible for meeting the standards of performance established for each course. Their performance and compliance with other course
requirements are the bases for passing or failing in each course, subject to the rules of the University. The students are expected to take all examinations on the
date scheduled, read the assigned topics prior to class, submit and comply with all the requirements of the subject as scheduled, attend each class on time and
participate actively in the discussions.
Furthermore, assignments such as reports, reaction papers and the like shall be submitted on the set deadline as scheduled by the faculty. Extension of
submission is approved for students with valid reasons like death in the family, hospitalization and other unforeseen events. Hence, certificates are needed for
official documentation. Students assigned by the University in extracurricular activities (Choral, Dance Troupe and Athletes) are excused from attending the class,
however, said students are not excused from classroom activities that coincide the said University activities. Special quiz is given to students with valid reasons
like death in the family, hospitalization and other unforeseen events. Hence, certificates are needed for official documentation. Likewise, special major examination
is given to students with the same reasons above. Attendance shall be checked every meeting. Students shall be expected to be punctual in their classes. And
observance of classroom decorum is hereby required as prescribed by student’s handbook.
Academic Integrity
It is the mission of the University to train its students in the highest levels of professionalism and integrity. In support of this, academic integrity is highly valued and
violations are considered serious offenses. Examples of violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Plagiarism – using ideas, data or language of another without specific or proper acknowledgment. Example: Copying text from the Web site without quoting or
properly citing the page URL, using crib sheet during examination. For a clear description of what constitutes plagiarism as well as strategies for avoiding it,
students may refer to the HAU Student Handbook 2019-2020, Table of Offenses and Corresponding Sanctions B.7. For citation styles, students may refer to
APA Style 6th Edition.
2. Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, materials, or study aids during examination or other academic work. Examples: using a cheat
sheet in a quiz or exam, altering a grade exam and resubmitting it for a better grade. For the Policy in Cheating, students may refer to the HAU Student
Handbook 2019-2020, Appendix I.
3. Fabrication – submitting contrived or improperly altered information in any academic requirements. Examples: making up data for a research project, changing
data to bias its interpretation, citing nonexistent articles, contriving sources. Student may refer to HAU Student Handbook 2019-2020, Table of Offenses and
Corresponding Sanctions B.7.
1. Students should not incur absences of more than 20% of the required total number of class and laboratory periods in a given semester.
a. The maximum absences allowed per semester are:
For subjects held 1x a week, a maximum of 3 absences;
For subjects held 2x a week, a maximum of 7 absences; and
For subjects held 3x a week, a maximum of 10 absences.
2. A student who incurs more than the allowed number of absences in any subject shall be given a mark of “FA” as his final rating for the semester, regardless
of his performance in the class.
3. Attendance is counted from the first official day of regular classes regardless of the date of enrolment.
Other Policies
Departmentalized when it comes to major exams such as Prelim, Midterms and Finals.
Minimum of two (2) quizzes for every one (1) unit course will be given per semester.
Drills, Exercises, Seat works, Projects, Recitation/Role playing will be given to the students and will be graded as part of class standing.
Homework Policy will be given at the discretion of the faculty and will be graded as part of class standing.
Date Date
Prepared By: Reviewed By: Checked By: Certified By: Approved By:
Prepared: Effectivity:
Maria Elena Y. Engr. Ruselle Melani B. Cabrera, PIE Dr. Bonifacio V. Ramos Dr. Filipina I. De Guzman
May 2020 May 2020 Timbang, PIE Andrew P. Manalang Chairperson, Industrial Director, Dean, School of Engineering
Faculty OBE Facilitator Engineering Program University Library and Architecture