Wialon IPS v.2.1 (EN)
Wialon IPS v.2.1 (EN)
Wialon IPS v.2.1 (EN)
The Wialon IPS (v. 2.1) communication protocol was developed by Gur-
tam for use in personal and automotive GPS and GLONASS trackers which
transfer data to a satellite monitoring server using the TCP or the UDP protocol.
Table of Contents
Packet Types.........................................................................................5
Login Packet.............................................................................................7
Playback Packet..............................................................................17
Timeline Packet...............................................................................20
Ping Packet.............................................................................................21
Data Compression..................................................................................30
Field Description
# Start byte
PT Packet type (see the Packet types table)
# Delimiter
Msg Text of the message
CRC CRC16 checksum
\r\n End of the packet (0x0D0A in HEX)
Packet Types
The packet is used for the device authorization on the server. Every TCP
connection starts with sending this packet from the device to the server. Other
data should be transferred only after the server confirms the successful autho-
rization of the device.
The login package looks as follows:
Field Description
L Packet type: login packet.
Protocol_version Current protocol version. In this case, 2.0.
; Delimiter.
IMEI IMEI, ID or serial number of the controller.
Password Password to access the device. If there is none, NA is
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
Field Description
SD Packet type: short data packet.
Date Date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00. If there is no
data, NA is transmitted.
Time Time in the HHMMSS.nnnnnnnnn format, UTC±00:00. If
there is no data, NA is transmitted.
LatDeg;LatSign Latitude. LatDeg denotes degrees, LatSign denotes a
cardinal point. If there is no data, NA;NA is transmitted.
See Annex.
LonDeg;LonSign Longitude. LonDeg denotes degrees, LonSign denotes a
cardinal point. If there is no data, NA;NA is transmitted.
See Annex.
Speed Speed value, integer (km/h). If there is no data, NA is
Course Direction of movement, integer (from 0 to 359 degrees). If
there is no data, NA is transmitted.
Alt Altitude, integer (metres). If there is no data, NA is
Sats Number of satellites, integer. If there is no data, NA is
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
If the Date and Time fields contain NA, the message is registered with the
current server time.
nputs; Outputs;ADC;Ibutton;Params;CRC16\r\n
Field Description
D Packet type: extended data packet.
Date Date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00. If there is no
data, NA is transmitted.
Time Time in the HHMMSS.nnnnnnnnn format, UTC±00:00. If
there is no data, NA is transmitted.
LatDeg;LatSign Latitude. LatDeg denotes degrees, LatSign denotes a
cardinal point. If there is no data, NA;NA is transmitted.
See Annex.
LonDeg;LonSign Longitude. LonDeg denotes degrees, LonSign denotes a
cardinal point. If there is no data, NA;NA is transmitted.
See Annex.
Speed Speed value, integer (km/h). If there is no data, NA is
Course Direction of movement, integer (from 0 to 359 degrees). If
there is no data, NA is transmitted.
Alt Altitude, integer (metres). If there is no data, NA is
Sats Number of satellites, integer. If there is no data, NA is
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision. It shows the accuracy of
the coordinates transmitted by the device. The smaller this
value is, the more accurate the coordinates are. If there is
no data, NA is transmitted.
Inputs Digital inputs. Every bit of the number (beginning from the
low-order one) corresponds to one input. Integer. If there
are none, NA is transmitted.
Outputs Digital outputs. Every bit of the number (beginning from
the low-order one) corresponds to one output. Integer. If
there are none, NA is transmitted.
ADC Analog inputs. Fractional numbers separated by commas.
The sensors are numbered from 1. If there are no analog
inputs, an empty string is transmitted. Example:
Ibutton Driver key code. A string of arbitrary length. If there is
none, NA is transmitted.
Params Additional parameters. Separated by commas. See
Additional Parameters.
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
If the Date and Time fields contain NA, the message is registered with the
current server time.
Field Description
Parameter name in Latin. In lowercase. The maximum number of
Name characters is 38. Invalid characters: space, comma, colon,
number sign, line feed and carriage return (\r\n).
Parameter type:
1 — Integer / Long;
2 — Double;
3 — String (the maximum number of characters: 1344).
Value Parameter value. Depends on the parameter type.
If the value does not correspond to the parameter type, the parameter will
not be registered.
Fixed parameters
The black box packet is used to transmit messages for the past period.
The maximum number of messages that can be transmitted in one packet is
5000. The packet looks as follows:
Field Description
B Packet type: black box packet.
A set of short (SD) or extended (D) data packets without the
Data packet type field. The packets are separated by the vertical bar ( |
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
This part of the protocol describes the operation of the device and the
server as far as getting and watching video is concerned. After sending the
Request live stream, Request playback, Request video file commands, the
device is connected to the remote server specified in the command. To
authorize on the server, the device should first send the login packet and then
data packets to the server.
Video Command
playback, video
file data
Video server
Field Description
QLV Packet type: Request live stream command.
hwsIP IP address of the media server.
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
streamType Video stream type.
0 is the main video stream. Ensures the highest video
1 is a secondary video stream. Ensures a low video
\r\n End of the packet.
After a positive server answer, the device can send a live stream packet:
Field Description
LV Packet type: Request live stream command.
date Date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
time Time in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
encode Encoding:
0-10 is video encoding;
0 – h264;
11-20 is sound encoding;
11 – apdcm.
dataLen Video data size.
\r\n Indicator of the packet end.
data Binary video data. Formed according to the specified encoding.
Field Description
QPB Packet type: Request playback command.
hwsIP IP address of the media server.
date Start date of the playback request in the DDMMYY format,
time Start time of the playback request in the HHMMSS format,
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
streamType Video stream type.
0 is the main video stream. Ensures the highest video
1 is a secondary video stream. Ensures a low video
\r\n End of the packet.
Playback Packet
After a positive server answer, the device can send a playback packet:
Field Description
PB Packet type: Request playback command.
date Frame date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
time Frame time in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
encode Encoding:
0-10 is video encoding;
0 – h264;
11-20 is sound encoding;
11 – apdcm.
dataLen Video data size.
\r\n Indicator of the packet end.
Data Binary video data. Formed according to the specified encoding.
File Description
QVF Packet type: Request video file command.
hwsIP IP address of the HWS server.
Date Video start date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
Time Video start time in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00.
Dur Video duration in seconds.
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
streamType Video stream type.
0 is the main video stream. Ensures the highest video
1 is a secondary video stream. Ensures a low video
\r\n End of the packet.
After a positive server answer, the device can send a video file packet:
Поле Описание
VF Packet type: Request video file command.
date Date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
time Time in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00
dur Video duration in seconds.
chNum Channel number. Only one channel can be specified in a
container Media container:
0 – mp4.
encode Encoding:
0-10 – video encoding;
0 – h264;
11-20 – sound encoding;
11 – apdcm.
dataLen Video data size.
\r\n Indicator of the packet end.
Data Binary video data. Formed according to the specified encoding.
If the start time of a file from the device memory is later than the start
time requested by the QVF command, the device sends the actual start time of
the video file.
The start time 12:00:00 and a duration of 60 seconds have been
requested by the QVF command. However, the device only has files starting
from 12:00:30. In response to the VF command, the device will send the
parameter time=12:00:30, and a shorter duration dur=30, respectively. In this
case, the response to the command will be as follows:
Field Description
QTM Packet type: Request timeline command
sDate Start date of the time interval in the DDMMYY format,
sTime Start time of the interval in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00.
eDate End date of the time interval in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
eTime End time of the interval in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00.
chNum Channel number. Several channels can be specified in a packet
(separated by commas). Example: 1, 2, 3
\r\n End of the packet.
Timeline Packet
A packet with a list of video files is received in the same connection from
which the command was sent. The packet looks as follows:
Field Description
TM Packet type: Request timeline command
seqNum The number of files in the packet at the moment.
count The total number of files to be transferred.
list List of file names (separated by commas). A file name should be
transferred in the format specified below. Otherwise, it will be
File name format:
{video start time DDMMYYHHMMSS utc 0}_{duration in
seconds}_{channel number}.{file format}
Example: 010521102256_15_1.mp4, 010521112341_12_1.mp4
\r\n End of the packet.
Ping Packet
The packet is used to maintain an active TCP connection with the server
and to verify the availability of the channel. The packet looks as follows:
Field Description
US Packet type: firmware packet.
Sz Size of the binary data of the firmware (bytes).
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
BIN Firmware in binary format.
Field Description
UC Packet type: configuration packet.
Sz Size of the configuration file (bytes).
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
BIN Contents of the configuration file.
Field Description
М Packet type: message to/from the driver.
Msg Text of the message.
If the message is sent from Wialon to the device, there is no size
limit. If it is sent from the device to Wialon, the size limit is
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
Field Description
QI Packet type: the Query snapshot command.
Snapshot Packet
The packet is used to transfer the image data to the Wialon server. The
image is divided into blocks of bytes, each of which is sent to the server as a
separate packet. The recommended block size is up to 50 KB. If the server
cannot receive any image block, it disconnects. In this case, it is recommended
to reduce the size of the blocks.
The packet looks as follows:
Field Description
I Packet type: snapshot packet.
Sz Size of the binary data of the packet (for example, 51200 bytes).
Ind Index number of the transmitted block (numbering from zero).
Count Number of the last block (numbering from 0).
Date Date in the DDMMYY format, UTC±00:00.
Time Time in the HHMMSS format, UTC±00:00.
Name Name of the transmitted image.
CRC16 Checksum. See the Checksum section.
BIN Binary image block of the Sz size.
Type Code Meaning Example
AI Ind 1 Packet received. #AI#Ind;1\r\n
AI Ind 0 Error receiving packet. #AI#Ind;0\r\n
AI Ind 01 Checksum verification error. #AI#Ind;01\r\n
AI NA 0 Incorrect packet structure. #AI#NA;0\r\n
Image fully received and saved
AI None 1 #AI#1\r\n
in Wialon.
Field Description
QT Packet type: the Query DDD file command.
DriverID Driver identification.
Field Description
The packet is used to transfer DDD file data blocks and looks as follows:
Field Description
Ind. The index number of the transmitted DDD file block. Integer.
When the image is fully received and saved in Wialon, the server
response contains only one parameter: code (#AT#1\r\n).
All DDD file block packets should be transmitted using the same TCP
connection as the DDD file information packet.
Field Description
The UDP protocol is used only to transfer data from the controller to the
server. It is not possible to send commands from the server to the device using
this protocol.
Field Description
Protocol_versio Current protocol version. 2.0 is used now.
; Delimiter.
IMEI IMEI of the device.
# Start byte.
PT Packet type. See the Packet types table.
# Delimiter.
Msg Text of the message.
CRC CRC16 checksum.
\r\n End of the packet (0x0D0A in HEX).
Data Compression
Size (bytes) 1 2
Head — 0xFF.
Len. The Data field length (little-endian, 16-bit integer).
Data. The compressed binary data block of the specified size.
Transmitted as it is.
You can transfer the compressed and regular packets of the Wialon IPS
protocol simultaneously. The packets sent from the server are always regular
(not compressed) because of their small size.
When implementing the library, the identifiers
the result, but the message is valid in any case.
Checksum Calculation
Message example:
SD Sats; CRC16\r\n
Message example:
B CRC16\r\n
Message example:
T The checksum is calculated for the BIN field only.
The checksum is calculated for the part of the packet between the
packet type and the CRC16 field.
while (data_size--)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc16_table[(unsigned char)crc ^ *buf++];
return crc;