Ossuary Valey
Ossuary Valey
Ossuary Valey
spe 2
professional mourner a deathwish elope with their sweetheart
1 (dagger [-1]) (ostentatious hat) (lock of hair)
ck 3
charcoal burner fleas clear their name
(club [0]) (mangy cat) (flask of oil)
gravedigger a price on their head settle a dispute
(shovel [-1]) (broken chain) (net)
of 4 candle maker
(awl [0])
strange ideas
betray someone powerful
(stained sack)
gli 9
woodcutter jitters see the world
8 (handaxe [-1]) (mail coif [+1 Skull]) (compass)
nt 10 muck raker
(rake [0])
a superior attitude
(gauntlet [+1 Spine])
make their family proud
(hand-me-down suit)
(ladle [0]) (balm [heal once as short rest])* (dice)
Drop Dangle Reward
them. items on the fly
×× Decide the distinction
underlined = micro adventure
A Class should be Spine-, Femur- or Skull-based. between a short and
Players devise a special ability involving their Class long rest
type and agree it with the BC (for Skull this could be a ×× Give creatures Spine,
spell). Using this ability downgrades the related die. Femur & Skull stats
Every level a character gains another special ability. ×× Give big foes motives,
with a d4 does not die but falls unconscious. They ×× Roll Checks multiple
receive a scar and the relevant stat’s max. die times in really deadly
gets downgraded (e.g. their d12 max. becomes a situations