Assgnmnt 11 - Anecdotal Record
Assgnmnt 11 - Anecdotal Record
Assgnmnt 11 - Anecdotal Record
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Anecdotal records is a record of some significant item of conduct, a record of an episode in the
life of students, a word picture of the student in action, a word snapshot at the moment of the
incident, any narration of events in which may be significant about his personality
Informal device used by the teacher to record behaviour of students as observed by him from
time to time.
It provides a lasting record of behaviour which may be useful later in contributing to a judgment
about a student.
1. They tend to be less reliable than other observational tools as they tend to be less formal and
3. It is difficult for the observer to maintained objectivity when he/she records the incident
4. When incidents are noted and read out of context, they may lose their meaning
5. The observer tends to record only undesirable incident and neglect the positiveincident.6.
They present only a verbal description of the incident. They do not reveal causes. Although,
the anecdotal records have certain limitation, it is possible to make anecdotal records effective
by keeping following principle in the minds of the observers
• Restrict observation to those aspects of behaviour which cannot be evaluated by other means
• Concentrate on only one behaviour
• Observation should be selective
• An observation blueprint or guide should be prepared in advance
• Records should be complete
• They should be kept by all teachers and not only by the student's teacher
• Record the incident or action as soon as possible after it has happened
• They should be compiled and filed
• They should have an interpretative value
• They must be available to specified school or college personnel
• They should be emphasized as an educational resource
• They should not be confined to recording negative behaviour pattern
• They should be recorded regardless of the directions of behaviour
• The teacher should have the practice and
• Training in making observation and writing anecdotal records.
Anecdotal record is a brief account of a critical incident. Anecdotal records of critical incidents
that occur during a student's clinical experience are quite useful provided focus is on incident.
That reflects effective behaviours and ineffective behaviours. Both types of incidents should
be recorded briefly. The first part of an anecdotal record should be factual, simple, and clear.
• Name of student
• Unit/ward/department
• Date and time
• Brief report of what happened.
The second of the anecdotal record may include additional comments, analysis and conclusions
based on interpretations and judgments.
• What happened?
A. Accuracy
B. Brevity
C. Clarity
Descriptive reports
The instructor writes a brief report on student nurse's performance over a given period. These
reports are quite useful if instructor highlights student's strengths and weaknesses in a
systematic way. Instructor decides what to include in a report and she may quite inconsistent
unless she is guided by some kind of a structure. Otherwise, these types of reports turn out to
be subjective assessments
Anecdotal Notes:
Anecdotal notes are frequently used in nursing education for recording data about the student's
practice and reliability. The concerns expressed relate to the format of the note, the system of
collecting the notes, and the use made of the information collected
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