Accounting: Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination 2022
Accounting: Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination 2022
Accounting: Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination 2022
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
2. Debit Card
Is a plastic payment card that provides the cardholder electronic access to their bank account(s).
(1 mark)
Turn Over
1 A B C DD
(1 mark)
3. The general purpose financial statements are used by the users to make decisions regarding the
allocation of resources.
decision making only = 1 mark
decision making with reason = 2 marks
2. Relevance – It help users to form predictions about the outcomes of past, present and future events
Form predictions only = 1 mark
Full answer = 2marks
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
2. Source Documents
(i) Internal Memorandum, Management Letter. One correct answer = 1 mark
(ii) Bank Statement Dr, Cheque Butt, Petty Cash Voucher. One correct answer = 1 mark
3. Characteristics of VAT
It a tax on spending, expenditure borne and paid by consumers on the final goods and services
VAT is paid indirectly by the consumers
VAT is paid by those people who spend on goods and services regardless of whether they are
employed or unemployed
VAT id indirect tax
VAT is a source of income for the government
One correct answer = 1 mark
Turn Over
1. Specialised Journal
It provides record of transactions of a particular type with common characteristics
1 mark
2. General Journal
Date Particulars Debit ($) Credit ($)
Feb 13 Drawings 40
Purchases 40
½ x 8 = 4 marks
Sales Journal
Date Particulars Debit ($) Credit ($)
Feb 2 Chaundry 400
18 Shamil 88
24 Koroi 79
Sales A/c Cr 567
½ x 4 = 2 marks
(i) Cash at Bank Account
Date Particulars $ Date Particulars $
July 1 Opening Balance 10 200 July 31 Total Payments 8 050
½ mark x 4 = 2 marks
½ mark x 2 = 1 mark
½ mark x 4 = 2 marks
Turn Over
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
It is the income that is earned during the accounting period but not received on balance day.
1 mark
Doubtful debts- are those debts which are business is unlikely to be able to collect from accounts
receivable. That is the estimated amount of current revenue that will be uncollected.
1 mark
Simon Wilson
Statement of Financial Position as at 30th June 2020
Current Assets $ $ $
Inventories 10 000
Insurance Prepaid 40
Accounts Receivable 8 600
Less Provision for Doubtful Debts 500 8 100
Rent due 150
Petty Cash Advance 40 $18 330
Add Non-Current Assets
Shares in AC Limited 50 000
Fixed Assets
Delivery Vehicle 8 000
Less Provision for Depreciation 3 200 4 800
Office Furniture 4 000
Less Provision for Depreciation 1 800 2 200 7 000
Total Assets 75 330
Less Liabilities
Current Liabilities
Bank Overdraft 16 550
Salaries due 85
Accounts payable 540 17 175
Turn Over
Proprietorship $ $ $
Capital 25 420
Add Net Profit 5 235
30 655
Less Drawings 500
30 155
½ mark x 16 = 8 marks
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
To get a true and fair picture of the day to day running of the club
To check the accuracy of the financial reports for decision making process
To meet the objective of accountability and transparency as the donors and other stakeholders
would want to know how their resources have been utilized
Any correct answer for 1 mark
3. Unincorporated clubs
an association of 2 or more people who come together for a common
purpose, which is not incorporated (not legally registered).
Are organizations that are not registered under the Charitable Trust Act
Are organization that are legally registered
Turn Over
1 A B C D
2 A B C D
(2 marks)
or CA : CL
0.86: 1
0.54: 1
(viii) Accounts Average Debtors x12 ($3 400 + 4 000)/2 x 12
Receivable Net Credit sales 22 000
Turnover in
months = 37 000/22 000 x 12
=1/2 mark x 24 = 12 marks
Turn Over
(iii) Purpose
It measures the ratio of expenses in relation to sales in dollars
It indicates whether individual expense is being maintained at satisfactory
level compared to net sales.
To reflect the profit earning capacity of the business
Any correct answer for 1 mark
$8 568 $8 568
= ½ mark x 8 =4 marks
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
Opening Inventory 268 400
Add Net Purchases 72 470
= ½ x 4 marks = 2 marks
1 A B C D
(1 mark)
It is where the collection and processing of data is done by hand with the aid of some
It usually involves paper-based record keeping system. It is suitable for small business
Cost of Training- requires specialized staff personnel which leads to huge cost of
training about the hardware and software or the system in place
Power Failure- Loss of power supply may lead to disruption in work and loss of data.
System Failure- the danger of crashing due to hardware failure and the subsequent
loss of work
Computer Virus- software damage and failure may result in loss of data if backups
are not done
Ready to use- software which is suited to small firms where the frequency or volume of
transactions is very low
Customised- accounting software that is modified to meet the special requirements of the user.
It is suitable for large and medium business and can be linked to other information systems
Tailored- generally made for large business with multiple users and geographically scattered
locations. It requires specialized training for users. The secrecy and validity checks are
vigorous in such software and they offer high flexibility.
1 correct answer = 1 mark