Manual Arcadis Varic

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Maintenance Instructions


© Siemens, 2004

The protocol SPR2-310.832.01.06.02 is required for these


© Siemens, 2004
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Print No.: SPR2-310.831.01.06.02 English

Replaces: SPR2-310.831.01.05.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 08.09

2 Copyright / Version / Disclaimer
1Copyright / Version / Disclaimer

“© Siemens, 2004“ refers to the copyright of a Siemens entity such as Siemens Aktienge-
sellschaft - Germany, Siemens Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd. - China, Siemens Shang-
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Document Version
Siemens reserves the right to change its products and services at any time.
In addition, manuals are subject to change without notice. The hardcopy documents corre-
spond to the version at the time of system delivery and/or printout. Versions to hardcopy
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Siemens provides this documentation “as is“ without the assumption of any liability under
any theory of law.
The installation and service of equipment described herein requires superior understand-
ing of our equipment and may only be performed by qualified personnel who are specially
trained for such installation and/or service.

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Table of Contents 3

0 Table of Contents
1 _______ General ________________________________________________________ 5

Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Required documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
When laser light localizer is present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
When I.I. laser light localizer is present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
For systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Required tools, test equipment and aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Potentially required spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Emphasized texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Safety information and preventive measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
General safety information (in existing documents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
General electrical safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Radiation safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Safety information - risk of infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Mechanical safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Systems equipped with an I.I. laser light localizer or a single tank laser light localizer.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Information on the protective conductor resistance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
System leakage current measurement information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Explanation of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Maintenance interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2 _______ Visual and electrical inspection ___________________________________ 21

Visual inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Electrical inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Outlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 _______ Safety inspection _______________________________________________ 23

Mechanical safety inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Electrical safety inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4 _______ Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection______________ 29

Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Operating value inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Functional inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5 _______ Final result/quality inspection and maintenance _____________________ 34

Final work steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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4 Table of Contents

6 _______ Changes to previous version _____________________________________ 36

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General 5
1 General

1.1 Requirements
The prerequisites described in Chapter 1 of the Replacement Instructions apply to mainte-
nance as well.

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6 General

1.2 Required documents

• Safety information according to ARTD, part 2

• Maintenance protocol SPR2-135.832.01...
• Main system adjustment instructions SPR2-310.842.01..
• Spare parts list
• Replacement of parts: SPR2-310.841.01...

1.2.1 When laser light localizer is present

• Setting Instructions (when laser light localizer RXR2-130.032.01..

is present, delivered until March 2006)
• Installation and Setting Instructions (when SP00-000.814.08...
laser light localizer is present, delivered start-
ing in April 2006)

1.2.2 When I.I. laser light localizer is present

• Installation and Setting Instructions RXR2-130.033.03...

1.2.3 For systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer

• Installation and Setting Instructions SPR00-000.814.07...

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General 7

1.3 Required tools, test equipment and aids

NOTE The indicated items are listed in the STC (Service Tools Cat-
alog) unless otherwise stated (the STC is a component of the
Spare Parts Catalog) with the exception of items marked with

• Tool case*
• 1 set of Allen wrenches*
• Spring balance up to 200N 44 15 113 RH090
• Safety tester for leakage current and e.g., UNIMET 1100 05138727 Y0766
protective conductor resistance test safety tester
• DVM Fluke 8060A 97 02 101 Y4290
• Dosimeter, e.g., PTW Diados 97 17 612 Y0388
• Dynamic test case 37 90 156 X1963
• Precision radiation filter 99 00 598 XE999
• Set of resolution tests 28 71 820 RE999
• Set of radiation filters 97 98 596 G5321
• Centering cross (only with diamentor) 96 60 051 RE999
• SMfit Spotmeter 77 52 848
• Sealant 34 43 009
• Line impedance tester 84 28 104 Y4337
• Special oil (Optimol GmbH- Viscogen 73 95 353 RH090
KL300, 40g)

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8 General

1.4 Potentially required spare parts

• Cable deflectors steering castor large/ARCADIS Varic stand
• Cable deflectors steering castor small/ARCADIS Varic stand
• Paint stick
• Paint spray can
• Every 36 months: Lead gel battery 08079738

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General 9

1.5 Emphasized texts


Bei einer unmittelbar drohenden Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung

zum Tod oder zu einer schweren Körperverletzung führt.

Indicates when there is an immediate danger that leads to death

or serious physical injury.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zum Tod oder zu einer
schweren Körperverletzung führen kann.

Indicates a risk of danger that may lead to death or serious phys-

ical injury.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einer leichten oder

mittleren Körperverletzung und/ oder zu einer Sachbeschädigung
führt oder führen kann.
Indicates a risk of danger that leads to slight or moderate physical
injury and/or damage to property.


Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einem unerwünscht-

en Ergebnis oder Zustand führt oder führen kann (nicht Tod,
Körperverletzung oder Sachbeschädigung).
Indicates a risk of danger that if disregarded leads or may lead to
a potential situation which may result in an undesirable result or
state (not death, physical injury or property damage).


Ist als Tipp zu verstehen. Der Anwender muss diese Anweisung

nicht unbedingt beachten. Er erfährt jedoch Vorteile, wenn er dies
Should be understood as a tip. The user does not absolutely have
to observe these instructions. However, there will be advantages
if he does.

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10 General

1.6 Safety information and preventive measures

1.6.1 General safety information (in existing documents)

WARNING Danger of injuries, death or material damage.

Non-compliance can lead to death, injury or material dam-

Please note:
¹ The product-specific safety information in these
¹ the general safety information in TD00-000.860.01...
¹ the safety information in accordance with ARTD part 2.

1.6.2 General electrical safety information

WARNING Electrical safety!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury or even death, as
well as material damage.
¹ Parts under electrical voltage are accessible when the
covers are open. To avoid danger, disconnect the sys-
tem from the power supply before opening the covers.
Disconnect the power plug.
¹ If an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is installed in
the system, the voltage output of the UPS must also be
deenergized or the voltage output plug must be discon-
¹ If work steps must be performed using electrical
power, the general safety information according to
TD00-000.860.01... must be observed.

CAUTION Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can result in material damage.
¹ When working on the system, ESD regulations must be

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General 11

1.6.3 Radiation safety information

WARNING X-ray radiation!

Non-compliance can lead to illness, irreversible damage to
body cells and the genotype, severe injury and even death.

During work on the system in which radiation must be

released, the radiation protection directives and the rules for
radiation protection according to ARTD-002.731.02.. must be
complied with.
Please note:
¹ Use available radiation protection devices.
¹ Wear radiation protection clothing (lead apron).
¹ Stay as far away as possible from the radiation source.
¹ Release radiation only if necessary.
¹ Set the radiation activity as low as possible. (Low kV
and mA values, short radiation time)
¹ Release radiation for as short a time as possible.
X ¹ Checks requiring the release of radiation are identified
by the radiation warning symbol shown on the left.

1.6.4 Safety information - risk of infection

WARNING Risk of infection due to pathogens!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ This product can be contaminated by infected blood or
other bodily fluids.
¹ Avoid all contact with blood or other bodily fluids!
¹ Strictly observe the safety information in
ARTD-002.731.37.. regarding prevention of infectious
diseases during customer service calls.

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12 General

1.6.5 Mechanical safety information

CAUTION Risk of burns from hot parts or components!

If not observed, minor to more severe burns, especially on
the hands, can occur.
¹ Parts and components (e.g., power components, cool-
ing fin, electromagnetic brakes) that can exceed 50
degrees Celsius during operation are accessible after
the covers are opened. To avoid burns, switch the sys-
tem off before touching parts or components and allow
at least 5 minutes for it to cool down.

CAUTION Risk of injury from mechanical parts!

If not observed, minor to more severe injury, especially to the
hands, can occur.
¹ After the covers are opened, parts such as flat plugs,
threaded bolts, cut-off cable ties and component edges
are exposed, and if care is not taken, they can cause
crushing, scrapes and cuts to the skin, particularly to
the hands.
¹ Perform the required work with special care and atten-
tion to detail.
¹ If necessary, wear work gloves.

1.6.6 Systems equipped with an integrated I.I. laser light localizer

CAUTION Laser emissions!

This product contains lasers of the class 1M.
Disregarding safety precautions can lead to bodily injury,
especially to the retina of the eye, resulting in irreversible
damage to vision.
¹ Observe the safety information in ARTD-002.731.03...
When working with the laser light localizer, do not view
the laser beams directly with optical instruments.

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General 13

1.6.7 Systems equipped with an I.I. laser light localizer or a single tank laser
light localizer

CAUTION Laser emissions!

This product contains class 2 lasers. (USA: class 2 laser).
Disregarding safety precautions can lead to bodily injury,
especially to the retina of the eye, resulting in irreversible
damage to vision.
¹ Observe the safety information in ARTD-002.731.03...
When working with the laser light localizer, do not look
directly into the laser beam.

NOTE Laser emissions!

There is no direct hazard to the eye (blinking reflex). Never-
theless do not look directly into the laser beam.

1.6.8 Information on the protective conductor resistance test

Observe the instructions in the "Safety Rules for Installation and Repair"
(ARTD-002.731.17 ...).
Additionally, country-specific regulations and norms must be observed.
The protective conductor resistance must be measured, documented, and evaluated dur-
ing maintenance.

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14 General

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sudden
or unexpected increase in the measured values may indicate
a defect in the protective conductor connections - even if the
limit value of 0.2 ohms is not exceeded. (Protective conduc-
tor or contacts).

The measurement must be performed according to DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (refer to ARTD
Part 2). The protective conductor resistance for all touchable conductive parts must be
measured during the normal operating state of the system.

Make sure that control cables or data cables between the components of the system are
not mistaken for protective conductor connections.

During the measurement, the power cable and additional connection cables which also cre-
ate the protective conductor connection between system parts (e.g. monitor cable between
the basic unit and monitor trolley) must be moved section by section to detect cable breaks.
The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.

Fig. 1: Measuring circuit for measuring the protective conductor resistance for units that are

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General 15
disconnected from power, in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C2.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

The values determined, including the measuring points, must be recorded and evaluated
in the protective conductor resistance protocol.
The measuring procedure and the measuring device used (designation and serial number)
must also be documented.

1.6.9 System leakage current measurement information

NOTE During maintenance, the system leakage current measure-

ment must be conducted and recorded as a repeat measure-
However, the first measured value must be newly determined
and a new protocol be must created under the following con-
- Lack of documentation for system leakage current mea-
- When local line voltage or line frequency deviates from the
line voltage and line frequency documented in the protocol
(e.g., in the event of a site/operator change)
- When a different procedure for measuring the system leak-
age current than the one documented in the protocol is used.
For the purpose of traceability, reference to the new protocol
must be written in the old protocol. The reason for newly
determining the first measured value must be documented
and confirmed with a name and signature.

Observe the instructions in the "Safety Rules for Installation and Repair"
(ARTD-002.731.17 ...).
Additionally, country-specific regulations and norms must be observed.

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16 General

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ The system leakage current measurement may be per-
formed on systems of protection class I only after the
protective conductor test has been passed.

First measured value

The first measured value was already determined and documented in the system leakage
current protocol. The measuring procedure was also recorded.
The measurement was performed with the recorded line voltage, line frequency and with
the recorded measuring equipment.
Perform the measurement according to DIN VDE 0751, Part 1 (see ARTD-002.731.17....),
and record the determined value.

The measuring procedure indicated in the protocol must be used.

If the first measured value has to be newly determined (see previous information), a mea-
suring procedure can be selected (direct measurement or differential measurement).
Measurement of the system leakage current according to the differential current method
(measurement setup according to (Fig. 2 / p. 16)) must be given preference, since this
method is not dangerous to the person performing the measurement and other persons.

However, please note the minimum resolution of the system leakage current measuring
instrument and any additional manufacturer's data restricting the use of the measuring

Fig. 2: Measuring circuit for measuring the system leakage current according to the differential
current method in compliance with DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C6 for protection

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class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

If the direct measurement of the system leakage current is used (measurement setup
according to (Fig. 3 / p. 17)), the system must be insulated during the measurement and
must not be touched.

Fig. 3: Measuring circuit for direct measurement of the system leakage current in compliance with
DIN VDE 0751-1/2001-10, Fig. C5 for protection class I.
Pos. 1 = System
Pos. 2 = Application part type B (if available)
Pos. 3 = Measurement setup (integrated into measuring device)

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18 General

WARNING Electrical voltage!

Non-compliance can lead to severe injury and even death.
¹ No housing parts of the system may be touched during
direct measurement of the leakage current (measure-
ment setup according to (Fig. 3 / p. 17)).
¹ Third-person access to the system must be prevented.

The system must be switched on during measurement. Measuring devices with automated
measuring sequences must therefore be set to manual measurement.

Enter the highest value in the system leakage current protocol.

This value must not exceed the permissible leakage current values according to DIN VDE
0751-1/2001-10, Table F.1, line "system leakage current for units according to remarks 1
and 3" of
2.5 mA.

Measure and record the current line voltage. If the measured line voltage deviates from the
nominal voltage, correct the measured value to the value corresponding to a measurement
at the nominal value of the line voltage. This must also be documented.
Document the measuring procedure (differential measurement or direct measurement)
and the measuring device used (designation and serial number).
In the case of repeat measurements, the measured value must also be evaluated.

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sudden
or unexpected increase in the measured values may indicate
that a fault has occurred in the primary power supply circuit
(insulation damage, damage from moisture, defective inter-
ference suppressor, etc.) - even if the limit value of 2.5 mA is
not exceeded.

The evaluation is not necessary in the case of a new determination.

File the protocol sheet in the system binder or log book.

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General 19

1.7 Explanation of abbreviations

Abbrev. Explanation
SI Safety inspection
SIE Electrical safety inspection
SIM Mechanical safety inspection
PM Preventive maintenance
PMP Periodic preventive maintenance
PMA Preventive maintenance adjustments
PMF Preventive check of the operating values and functions
Q Quality quality, image quality
QIQ Image quality
QSQ System quality check
SW Software maintenance

The steps identified by these abbreviations are listed as checkpoints in the Maintenance
Protocol and must be checked off there accordingly.

NOTE The sequence for the complete inspection and maintenance

is found on the following pages.
Each step must be performed annually, unless otherwise

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20 General

1.8 Maintenance interval

• Every 12 months:
Exception: Lead gel battery UPS (uninterruptible power supply)
• The lead gel batteries of the UPS in the monitor cart must be replaced every 36 months.

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Visual and electrical inspection 21
2 Visual and electrical inspection

2.1 Visual inspection

PMP Damage
Check the entire system for damage, such as housing or paint damage.

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22 Visual and electrical inspection

2.2 Electrical inspection

2.2.1 Outlets
SIE Damage
SIE Line voltage
SIE Internal line impedance
• Check outlets used to operate the system for damage.
• Measure the line voltage and compare it to the line voltage label on the monitor cart.
• Measure the internal line impedance

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Safety inspection 23
3 Safety inspection

3.1 Mechanical safety inspection

SIM Cover panels
• Remove the cover panels from the ARCADIS Varic stand and the monitor cart.
• Check the cover panels for mechanical damage.
SIM Cable deflectors
• Check the cable deflectors at the stand and monitor cart and replace them if necessary.
SIM Integrated I.I. laser light localizer mechanics (if present)
• Inspect the integrated I.I. laser light localizer for mechanical damage.
• Check the I.I. ring for damage and to make sure it is screwed in all the way.
SIM Integrated I.I. laser light localizer function (if present)
• Check the function of the laser diodes.
• Check the adjustability of the laser light fan on the focal point of the tube housing.
SIM I.I. laser light localizer mechanics (if present)
• Check the I.I. laser light localizer for mechanical damage.
• Mount the I.I. laser light localizer on the I.I. and ensure proper locking and seating.
When doing this, pay special attention to the tension band and its closure.
• Check the I.I. ring for damage and to make sure it is screwed in all the way.
SIM I.I. laser light localizer function (if present)
• Perform maintenance on the I.I. laser light localizer according to Installation and Set-
ting Instructions RXR2-120.033.03...
SIM Laser light localizer, close to tube - mechanics (if present)
• For systems equipped with I.I. cap (delivered until March 2006): Inspect the I.I. cap of
the laser light localizer for mechanical damage.
• For systems equipped with I.I. cap (delivered until March 2006): Install the I.I. cap of the
laser light localizer on the I.I. and ensure proper locking and seating.
• For systems equipped with I.I. cap (delivered until March 2006): Check the I.I. ring for
damage and to make sure it is screwed in all the way.
SIM Laser light localizer, close to tube - function (if present)
• When laser light localizer is present, delivered until March 2006: Perform maintenance
on the laser light localizer according to Setting Instructions RXR2-130.032.01...
• When laser light localizer is present, delivered starting in April 2006: Check the function
of the laser diodes.
• When laser light localizer is present, delivered starting in April 2006: Check the adjust-
ability of the laser light fan centered on the image intensifier.
SIM Foot brake
• Check the braking effect of the foot brakes of the ARCADIS Varic stand and monitor
cart on a flat surface.

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24 Safety inspection

SIM Brakes
• Use the spring balance to check whether the orbital brake, angulation brake, swivel
brake, horizontal lift brake, and vertical lift brake reach the defined braking values in the
braked state (Replacement of Parts Instructions for ARCADIS Varic).
SIM C-arm
• Perform all C-arm movements while paying attention to the bearing play and bearing
SIM Wheels
• Move ARCADIS Varic on a flat surface.
• Evaluate the straight and quiet movement of the ARCADIS Varic.
• Replace damaged wheels.
SIM Lifting column

NOTE There may not be any additional weight on the C-Arm for
these checks and adjustments, e.g. lead aprons or other
cover panels.

• Switch the system on.

• Electrically move the lifting column over its entire lift range.
- While doing this, listen for movement noises and bearing play.
- The lifting column must automatically shut off at the final positions.
- In the case of the ARCADIS Varic, a stop signal sounds when moving backward and
the lifting column does not move. A signal sounds when the backward button is again
- When the direction buttons are pressed at the same time, the lifting column must
remain in position.
• Operate the emergency stop button.
- The motorized vertical lift is blocked.
• Unlock the emergency stop button by pressing it lightly and turning to the left.
• Switch the system off.
• Oil the lifting column.
- Move the lifting column approx. 50 cm in an upward direction for this purpose.
- Remove the now visible plastic cap.
- Fill approx. 3 cm3 of special oil into the visible nipple.
SIM Cassette holder (if present)
• Check cassette holder for mechanical damage.
• Mount the cassette holder on the I.I. and ensure proper locking and seating.
SIM Warning signs
• Check the completeness and condition of the warning signs.
- If they are no longer legible, replace them.

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Safety inspection 25

SIM ID labels
• Check the completeness and condition of the ID labels.
- If they are no longer legible, replace them.

3.1.1 Monitor
SIM TFT monitor(s)
• Check monitor(s) for damage.
• Check monitor(s) for proper attachment to the monitor trolley.
• Check additional monitors for damage and proper attachment to the wall bracket / mon-
itor support system (if applicable).

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26 Safety inspection

3.2 Electrical safety inspection

SIE Cables and plugs
• Check visible system cables and plugs for damage.
SIE Fluoroscopic timer
• Check: See compulsory radiation shut off.
SIE Acoustic warning signal
• Check: See compulsory radiation shut off.
SIE Compulsory radiation shut off
• Connect the base system to the monitor cart, switch on the system, and wait for it to
X • Check the functioning of the acoustic warning signal and the compulsory radiation shut
off in accordance with the country regulations (if required). Also check the functioning of
the fluoroscopic timer in this process.
• Open local service at the imaging system PC.
• Click <Mainsystem>.
• The the Main System window that is displayed, select the correct system and click
• Under <Configuration>, click the <Buzzer> menu.
• Read out and record the configurations saved under “Buzzer settings” and “Blocktime

NOTE With the installation of the VC10A SP1 software updates, the
possible configurations for the buzzer and block time set-
tings were adapted to the current national standards and reg-
ulations and expanded accordingly.
The online help contains corresponding explanations
regarding the functions that can be configured.
Refer to the functions corresponding to the configuration for
the acoustic warning signal and mandatory shutdown of
This information is also published in the system start-up

• Refer to the functions corresponding to the configurations.

• In accordance with the the local configuration, check the the acoustic warning signal
function and the mandatory shutdown of radiation function. Also check the fluoroscopy
clock function.
SIE Check the radiation release switch
• Check the functioning of the hand and foot switches for radiation release.
X • check the cables of the radiation release switches for mechanical damage.
• Check the cables for cable breakage via movement.

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Safety inspection 27

SIE Dose rate

X • Switch the system on.
• Check the dose rate (see the ARCADIS Varic service instructions for this purpose).
SIE Radiation indicator
• Activate fluoroscopy briefly.
X ¹ The radiation indicator on the operating part of the ARCADIS Varic stand and the
radiation indicator on the monitor cart must light.
• Switch the system off.
SIE Iris collimator
• Check the iris collimator and correct it if necessary.
X - Select I.I. full format and activate fluoroscopy briefly.
- The collimator plates must be clearly visible at the image edge.
- Select zoom format and activate fluoroscopy briefly.
- The collimator plates must be slightly visible at the image edge.
SIE Conductive rubber
• Check conductive rubber on the ARCADIS Varic stand and the wheels of the monitor
cart for damage or contamination, and replace or clean them as necessary.
SIE Ground wire test

NOTE Observe the notes on the protective conductor test in the

"General" chapter.
The protective conductor test is part of the safety inspection
and can only be carried out after all the covers have been
See chapter "Final work steps"

• Perform, document and evaluate the protective conductor test after all work steps have
been completed and all cover panels closed. The protective conductor resistance must
not exceed 0.2 ohms. See chapter "Final work steps."
SIE System leakage current

NOTE Observe the instructions for the system leakage current mea-
surement in the "General" chapter.
The system leakage current measurement is part of the
safety inspection may be performed only after the protective
conductor test has been passed.
See chapter "Final work steps"

NOTE Measure, record, and evaluate the leakage current. Refer to

the "Final work steps" section.

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28 Safety inspection

• Perform, document and evaluate the leakage current measurement after all work steps
have been completed, all cover panels closed, and the protective conductor test has
been passed. The leakage current must not exceed 2.5 mA. See chapter "Final work

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Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection
4 Maintenance, operating value, and functional

4.1 Maintenance
PMP Cleaning the system
• Clean the entire system:
- Visible cables
- Outside surfaces
- Running surfaces of the wheels
- Interior space
PMP System ventilation
• Clean the ventilation slots of the ARCADIS Varic stand and monitor cart.

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30Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection

4.2 Operating value inspection

PMF Event log
• Read out and evaluate the system event log.

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Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection

4.3 Functional inspection

4.3.1 Monitor
SIE TFT monitor
• Check the TFT monitor with the image quality assurance test.

4.3.2 Unit
SIE Cassette exposure collimation (if present)
• Check cassette exposure collimation.
X - Attach the cassette holder with the cassette and film to the I.I.
- The iris diaphragm opens fully when the cassette is inserted.
- The mA display switches to mAs in the exposure data field and the operation indica-
tor switches off.
- Initiate an exposure with 40 kV and 5 mAs and develop the film. The collimator plate
should run in parallel to the edges of the film and should be visible at all four sides of
the film and on the film edge.
- The iris collimator will move to the size set previously under fluoroscopy when the iris
collimator buttons are pressed simultaneously.
• Correction:
- See the Main System Adjustment Instructions, "Setting the cassette exposure colli-
SIE Dose-area product meter (if present)
• Check the dose-area product meter and test its accuracy (see the Main System Adjust-
ment Instructions SPR2-310.842.01...).
SIE Air kerma meter (if present)
• Check the air kerma meter and test its accuracy (see the Main System Adjustment
Instructions SPR2-310.842.01...).
PMF Laser camera connection (if present)
• Check the function of the laser camera connection.
PMF Check the operating function.
• Check all system operating functions.
PMF Monitor display of the iris collimator aperture
• Select I.I. full format.
• Close the iris collimator (X-iris) completely.
• Mark the diameter of the iris collimator aperture displayed on the monitor.
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly. The actual diameter of the iris collimator is visible. The
monitor display previously shown has to coincide in position and diameter with the
actual iris collimator aperture.
• Open the iris collimator completely.
• Mark the diameter of the iris collimator aperture displayed on the monitor.

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32Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection

X • Release fluoroscopy briefly. The actual diameter of the iris collimator is visible. The
monitor display previously shown has to coincide in position and diameter with the
actual iris collimator aperture.
• Select I.I. zoom format.
• Close the iris collimator (X-iris) completely.
• Mark the diameter of the iris collimator aperture displayed on the monitor.
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual diameter of the iris collimator is visible. The monitor display previously
shown has to coincide in position and diameter with the actual iris collimator aperture.
• Open the iris collimator completely.
• Mark the diameter of the iris collimator aperture displayed on the monitor.
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual diameter of the iris collimator is visible. The monitor display previously
shown has to coincide in position and diameter with the actual iris collimator aperture.
PMF Monitor display of the slot diaphragm positions
• Select I.I. full format.
• Completely close the slot diaphragm and rotate the slot diaphragm from its basic posi-
• Mark the distance and angle of rotation of the displayed slot diaphragm position on the
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual position (distance of the blades and angle of rotation) of the slot diaphragm
is visible. The monitor display previously shown must correspond in position and angle
of rotation with the actual slot diaphragm position.
• Open the slot diaphragm completely and rotate it again.
• Mark the distance and angle of rotation of the displayed slot diaphragm position on the
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual position (distance of the blades and angle of rotation) of the slot diaphragm
is visible. The monitor display previously shown must correspond in position and angle
of rotation with the actual slot diaphragm position.
• Select I.I. zoom format.
• Completely close the slot diaphragm and rotate the slot diaphragm from its basic posi-
• Mark the distance and angle of rotation of the displayed slot diaphragm position on the
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual position (distance of the blades and angle of rotation) of the slot diaphragm
is visible.
• The monitor display previously shown must correspond in position and angle of rota-
tion with the actual slot diaphragm position.
• Open the slot diaphragm completely and rotate it again.

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Maintenance, operating value, and functional inspection

• Mark the distance and angle of rotation of the displayed slot diaphragm position on the
X • Release fluoroscopy briefly.
The actual position (distance of the blades and angle of rotation) of the slot diaphragm
is visible. The monitor display previously shown must correspond in position and angle
of rotation with the actual slot diaphragm position.

NOTE Perform this check with the lowest possible kV values so that
the front edges of the slot diaphragm plate are effectively

PMF Battery replacement in the UPS

As a preventive measure, the lead gel battery installed in the UPS must be replaced every
36 months.
The replacement procedure is described in the supplied installation instructions from the
manufacturer as well as in the Replacement of Parts Instructions SPR2-310.841.01.

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34 Final result/quality inspection and maintenance
5 Final result/quality inspection and maintenance
SIE IQ quick test
• Test the image quality according to the ARCADIS Varic image quality assurance test.
Include additional monitors (if applicable).
PMP Maintenance
• Entire system: Improve damage to paint as possible.

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Final result/quality inspection and maintenance 35

5.1 Final work steps

SIE Ground wire test

NOTE Observe the instructions for the protective conductor test in

the "General" chapter of these instructions.

• Measure, document, and evaluate the protective conductor resistance.

¹ The protective conductor resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sudden
or unexpected increase in the measured values may indicate
a defect in the protective conductor connections - even if the
limit value of 0.2 ohms is not exceeded. (Protective conduc-
tor or contacts).

SIE Leakage current measurement

NOTE Observe the leakage current measurement instructions in

the "General" chapter of these instructions.

• Measure, document, and evaluate the leakage current.

¹ The leakage current must not exceed 2.5 mA.

NOTE For evaluation purposes, the first measured value and the
values documented during previous maintenance or safety
checks must be compared to the measured values. A sudden
or unexpected increase in the measured values may indicate
that a fault has occurred in the primary power supply circuit
(insulation damage, damage from moisture, defective inter-
ference suppressor, etc.) - even if the limit value of 2.5 mA is
not exceeded.

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36 Changes to previous version
6 Changes to previous version
Safety inspection chapter:
Section SIE, mandatory shutdown of radiation revised.
Section SIE, dose rate added.
Maintenance, Operating Value, Functional Inspection chapter:
Section SIE, dose rate moved to Safety Inspection chapter.

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