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Jessica Bond - How To Become Cabin Crew

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How to Become
Cabin Crew
Orders: Please contact How2become Ltd, Suite 14, 50
Churchill Square Business Centre, Kings Hill, Kent ME19

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9781909229020, via the website www.How2Become.com,
Gardners or Bertrams.

ISBN: 9781909229020

First published 2012

Updated 2017

4 5
8 7
Copyright © 2017 Jessica Bond.

All rights reserved. Apart from any permitted use under UK

0 5
copyright law, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any
information, storage or retrieval system, without permission
in writing from the publisher or under licence from the
Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Further details of
such licenses (for reprographic reproduction) may be
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Printed by CMP (UK) Limited, G3 The Fulcrum, Vantage

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Typeset for How2Become Ltd by Gemma Butler.


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information

contained within this guide is accurate at the time of
publication. How2Become Ltd is not responsible for anyone
failing any part of any selection process as a result of the
information contained within this guide. How2Become Ltd
and their authors cannot accept any responsibility for any
errors or omissions within this guide, however caused. No
responsibility for loss or damage occasioned by any person

4 5
acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material
in this publication can be accepted by How2Become Ltd.

8 7
The information within this guide does not represent the
views of any third-party service or organisation.

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0 5


The Role of Cabin Crew 17

The Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice 25

How to Complete the Application Form 35

The Assessment Day

4 5 51

8 7
The Cabin Crew Interview

How to Deal with Complaints



0 5
Airline Contact Details 121

What to Expect if You Get the Job! 125

A Few Final Words 129

Dear Sir/Madam,

Welcome to your new guide, How to Become Cabin Crew. You will
find this guide to be an invaluable resource on your journey towards
a career with any of the worldwide airlines.

The information within this guide has been supplied by Jessica

Bond, a serving cabin crew member with a major UK-based airline.
She has 14 years of experience in the role and is also involved with
cabin crew training and recruitment within the industry.

4 5
The guide itself has been divided up into useful sections to help you
prepare effectively. To begin with, we will provide you with details

8 7
about the cabin crew role itself. This is extremely important, so
please don’t miss out this section.

0 5
Once we have covered this information, we will provide you with
advice and guidance on how to pass each element of the selection
process, including the interview.

Of course, you won’t achieve much in life without hard work,

commitment, and dedication. Please take the time to prepare for
the cabin crew selection process properly – it will be worth it!

If you need any further assistance with the selection process, please
visit our award-winning website for more resources:


Good luck and best wishes,

4 5
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8 How to Become Cabin Crew

A Few Things You Need to Know

The career of a cabin crew member is considered by many to
be a highly desirable one. As a result, it has a highly competitive
selection process. Nevertheless, there are downsides of the role
that you need to take into account before applying.

For example, for the majority of the time as a cabin crew, you will
be living out of a suitcase and working long hours. You will also
find that you’re away from loved ones for extended periods of time,
depending on the airline you work for.

4 5
Are you prepared to be away from your partner, friends, and family

8 7
weekend after weekend? Are you happy to work unsociable hours,
eating when you are supposed to be sleeping, and sleeping when

0 5
you should be eating?

These are all things that you need to consider and be aware of
before applying. You’ll no doubt be asked about the undesirable
aspects of the job during the selection interview. Therefore, you
need to plan how you’re going to convince the panel that they are
not a problem for you.

Within this guide, I will show you exactly how to do this, as well as
how to answer all the interview questions in a positive and confident

First though, let’s discuss how to choose an airline!

Choosing the Correct Airline

Each airline is a different employer and therefore the quality of
career you get from each of them will vary. Similar to how you
choose airlines as a passenger, you need to weigh up the pros and
cons of what you’re being offered as a prospective employee.
 Introduction 9

Of course, reputations of airlines with customers do not always

reflect how good of an employer they are, although you might find
this to be an important detail. In any case, you need to choose
which airline you wish to apply to very carefully.

Fortunately, there is a huge range of airlines to choose from,

depending on where you are based or how far you are willing to
travel. So, you need to go through each of the possibilities in front
of you thoroughly, and rank them based on your priorities. Do this

by looking at information such as salary, maximum working hours,
employee perks etc.– all this will vary between airlines.

Our advice would be to avoid rushing towards the first airline you see
hiring. No matter how much you want to be a cabin crew member,

taking a job with an airline involves committing your future to them

0 5
– you don’t want to do this with an employer that would eventually
prove to be unsuitable. You need to make a decision that you are
happy and comfortable with all things considered.

To begin with, you should ask yourself the following questions:

• Why do I want to be a cabin crew member?

• What do I expect to get out of my job?

• Do I mind being away from home for long periods of time?

• Is the image of the airline important to me?

• Is travelling important to me?

Once you have answered these questions honestly, you will begin
to realise the type of airline you should approach.

Why Do I Want to Become Cabin Crew?

The answer to this question is probably obvious. You want to travel
10 How to Become Cabin Crew

the world, see different countries, meet new and exciting people,
and not have a boring 9 to 5 job like the rest of us, no? If these are
your reasons for wanting to become a cabin crew member, then you
have chosen the right career.

However, when you are preparing for the selection process you
may need to change your attitude to what the career of a cabin
crew member is all about. We will cover this in more detail later, but
you need to realise that each airline is a business, solely interested

in providing a high level of customer service to everyone who flies
with them. If they provide an excellent level of service, then people
are more likely to fly with them again.
8 7
This is where you come in! Have you ever flown with a particular
airline and had a bad experience with the customer service? If you

0 5
have, would you fly with them again?

Of course, as cabin crew you would be on the front lines of this

customer service. So, start to think like the recruitment staff and
focus on the type of people they are looking to recruit – those
who are presentable, who are capable of providing a high level of
service, are reliable, and are customer-focused.

What Do I Expect to Get out of My Job?

This is another important question you should ask yourself. The
answer you come up with will very much determine the type of
airline you decide to apply for.

For instance, you may be looking to join an airline where you can
travel and spend weeks away from home. If this is so, then you
will be looking to apply to an airline where the long-haul travel
opportunities are more widely available.

However, if you are solely interested in the ‘status’ of a cabin crew

career and do not want to travel for weeks at a time, you might want
 Introduction 11

to consider a smaller, low budget airline where the travel distances

are far less.

Only you and you alone will know what you want to get out of the
job. It is important that you sit down and write out the things you
hope to get out of the job on a piece of paper. Once you have done
this, you can then start to look at the different types of airline that
are most suited to your own personal needs.

Do I Mind Being Away from Home for Long Periods of Time?

4 5
Another important question, and one you should take seriously.
Many cabin crew members enjoy being away from home for weeks

at a time and are constantly on the lookout for long haul flight
opportunities. Take a look at your own personal circumstances. Do

you have a partner? How would he/she feel about you being away

away from them?

0 5
from home for weeks at a time? How would you feel about being

If you are in the position that you have no ties or commitments, then
your choice of work and airline will be an easy one. You would find
it easier to relocate closer to an airport, if required, without those
ties holding you back.

How would you respond to an interview question of this nature?

Could you provide examples of when you have been away from
home for weeks at a time? If you progress to the interview stage,
you are more than likely to be asked a question like this – especially
if you have applied to an airline that specialises in long haul flights.

With your answer to this question, as well as your application as a

whole, you will need to demonstrate that you have thought long and
hard about your choice of career and that you are prepared for the
lengthy periods away from home.
12 How to Become Cabin Crew

Is the Image of the Airline Important to Me?

Many people are not concerned about the image of the airline and
are prepared to work for anybody, just to get the job. Ask yourself
how important airline reputation is to you and you will begin to
understand the type of airline you want to apply for. The ‘low-budget’
airlines can be great employers, as well as offer a high level of

However, you may wish to choose an airline with a different image

such as British Airways or Virgin. Whichever one you decide to
apply for, you will need to spend time studying all there is to know

about that particular airline. You are almost guaranteed to be asked

8 7
the question – ‘Why do you want to join our airline?’

Within our ‘useful contacts’ section, we have provided a list of all the

0 5
UK and International airlines’ contact details, including their website
addresses. When deciding which airline to apply for, spend a little
time visiting their website and you will begin to get a feel as to what
they are about.

The Qualities and Attributes of Cabin Crew

These are extremely important to your role as a cabin crew member
and the selection panel will be looking closely to see if you have
them. Some of the qualities and attributes you will have naturally,
but some of them will have to be acquired through practice and

• Being DEPENDABLE is an important asset, especially when

working as a team. Can the airline depend on you to turn up on
time or help out in any situation without being asked?

• What are your COMMUNICATION SKILLS like and are you an

effective LISTENER?

• Do you have a SENSE OF HUMOUR and do you have a

 Introduction 13


• Are you MATURE and ORGANISED and can you demonstrate

this to the selection panel?

• Do you take a PRIDE in your appearance and LOOK GOOD at

all times, paying close attention to this important attribute?

On the following page, we have provided you with a ‘qualities and

attributes’ check list.

4 5
We advise that you look at each one carefully and write down, in the
spaces provided, a situation where you have recently demonstrated

later point within the guide.7
each quality. Keep hold of the checklist as you will need this at a

0 5
14 How to Become Cabin Crew

The Qualities and Attributes Checklist

[ ] Dependable

[ ] Understanding

[ ] Caring

[ ] Good sense of humour

[ ] Take pride in my appearance

4 5
[ ] Motivated

[ ] Enthusiastic 8 7
[ ] Confident
0 5
[ ] Friendly

[ ] Resilient

[ ] Patient

[ ] Mature outlook

[ ] Organised

[ ] Effective listener

[ ] Good communicator
 Introduction 15

The Cabin Crew Selection Process

The cabin crew selection process is a difficult one to pass. Some
candidates will find it harder than others, but the main thing to
remember is that preparation and determination are key to your

Throughout the process you need to have a positive attitude and be

confident in your own abilities. Of course, it is quite normal to feel
apprehensive and nervous about the whole thing, but believing in
yourself is essential.

4 5
The recruitment staff want to see a person who is confident (but

not overconfident), reliable, committed, and capable of dealing with
difficult situations under pressure.

0 5
Therefore, the selection process has been designed to filter out
those who do not display such attributes. The panel wants to
choose the right people for their airline and their customers, which
is why we have already told you to learn as much as possible about
the one you want to join.

Most of the airlines have a 3 or 4 stage selection process which is

detailed as follows.

Stage 1
The application form.

Stage 2
Documentation check and written tests.

Stage 3
Presentation and team assessments.

Stage 4
Formal interview.
16 How to Become Cabin Crew

Each airline will vary slightly and it is important that you check the
process first before planning your own preparation.

However, most of them are the same in the fact that you must pass
each stage before progressing on to the next one. This means that
it is vital you give 100% preparation and commitment to each stage.

Each of them will last no longer than about an hour, and it is up

to you to constantly show the recruitment team that you have the
qualities and attributes they are looking for. Apart from this, you will

4 5
be required to demonstrate that you can provide a level of customer
service that is commensurate with their own standards, and show

team environment.

8 7
that you are dependable and will be able to work effectively in a

Obviously, this is quite a tall order for anyone regardless of their
abilities, but if you plan each stage separately and break down each

section into manageable portions, you will find it easier to handle.

Within this guide, we have broken down each of the selection areas
separately for ease of use. We recommend you use one section at
a time, as and when required.

Now let’s take a look at the role of cabin crew and why an
understanding of it is so important to helping you successfully pass
the selection process.
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The 8 7
Role of
0 Crew
18 How to Become Cabin Crew

Members of cabin crew have two main roles in their job. These
are: ensuring the safety of all the passengers and delivering great
customer service.

Cabin crew must also have excellent interpersonal skills, which

will be assessed throughout the selection process. As previously
stated, how well you can deal with members of the public will have
a big impact on your overall success.

Above all, however, the main focus of the role of cabin crew will

4 5
always be on safety. A serious decision to evacuate the aircraft
will always rest with the cockpit crew, but the cabin crew have the

responsibility to oversee the evacuation and make sure that this is
correctly carried out according to procedure.

0 5
The key role of cabin crew remains exactly as it always has been,
and that is to keep the passengers safe. The cabin crew are obliged
to provide a safety briefing before the flight and to ensure that the
passengers pay attention to it. If an emergency situation arises, the
cabin crew are trained to help everyone leave the aircraft swiftly
and safely.

The cabin crew can make or break the reputation of an airline. They
must be well-presented, professional, and make a good impression
on passengers to encourage them to use the same airline again in
the future. Airline companies know that passengers who experience
bad customer service from cabin crew will change the airline they
use; it’s as simple as that.

This is why airline companies look for future cabin crew members
who go to the assessment and interview with their eyes open to
what the role of cabin crew is all about. They will want them to have
shown an interest in the airline they have applied to, by knowing
some history about the airline and where they fly to and from. They
 The Role of Cabin Crew 19

must be people who work well in a group and that have a friendly,
confident and caring nature.

Before you attend the assessments and the interview it is vital that
you understand the role as well as the key qualities required to
carry out the role competently. Let’s take a look at a sample cabin
crew job description and person specification.

Sample Cabin Crew Job Description

Members of the cabin crew are required to provide exceptional

4 5
customer service before, during, and after the flight. In addition to
this, they are responsible for the safety of themselves, the safety

of the other crew members and most importantly, the safety of the
passengers. Cabin crew are trained to a very high standard to deal

with emergency situations and to also administer first aid when

0 5
Cabin crew will carry out a number of pre-flight checks, which include
assessing all safety equipment and ensuring that the aisles and
safety routes are clear from obstructions. They will then welcome
on board the passengers and conduct a roll call once all luggage is
safely stored away and secured.

Following pre-flight safety briefings, cabin crew will serve

refreshments to passengers as well as offer duty free goods and
services. All the while, they will have to deal with any passenger
complaints, as well as deal with any other issues as and when they
arise during the flight.

Qualities of Cabin Crew

While the role will vary between airlines, there are of course
identifiable attributes that any strong member of a cabin crew
should have. See below for a breakdown of the qualities you need
in order to be an effective cabin crew member.
20 How to Become Cabin Crew

A Safety-Conscious Attitude
You will be responsible for the safety of the passengers, so you will
need to work in an organised and safe manner. You will also need
the ability to learn and retain substantial amounts of safety-related
information, procedures, and training. This is what airlines consider
to be the most important attribute.

Cabin crew need to be very flexible in order to meet the demands

and expectations of the role. Although you will receive your flying
roster a few weeks before your scheduled flights, it is important that

your diary is kept free to meet it. You may also be required to be

delays, or cancellations.
8 7
on standby and be available to fly at short notice to cover sickness,

0 5
Calm Approach and Ability to Work Under Pressure
Despite the perceived glamour of the role, cabin crews work in
extremely pressurised situations – and we’re not talking about the
altitude! Indeed, passengers can sometimes be very difficult to deal
with, and you will need to maintain a calm demeanour at all times.
You will need the ability to deal with complaints effectively while
delivering key elements of the role at the same time.

Teamwork Skills
Cabin crew very rarely work with the same people each day. You will
find that you work with a large amount of different people during your
career, as cabin crew teams vary one day to the next. Therefore,
you must have the ability to work with everyone, regardless of their
gender, background, age, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

Pride in Appearance
It goes without saying, but you must be capable of looking after
yourself and taking a pride in your appearance. Some airlines will
place more emphasis on this attribute than others.
 The Role of Cabin Crew 21

Ability to Follow Procedures

Cabin crew must be able to work unsupervised and follow
procedures religiously. Safety is paramount to the role and you
will be expected to follow your training to the letter. You will have
many rules and procedures to absorb during your training, so an
ability to learn and retain a large amount of job-related information
is absolutely necessary.

Excellent Customer Service Skills

Air cabin crew staff must have exceptional customer service skills.
The competition within the airline industry is extremely fierce, so

each airline is competing for every passenger. Of course, one of

8 7
the most important elements of customer satisfaction is the level of
service a passenger receives from the airline cabin crew staff. If an

0 5
airline can get this part right, passengers will not only come back to
them in the future, they will also recommend them to other would be
passengers. Therefore, when recruiting, airlines will place special
emphasis on this attribute.

Organisational Skills
Cabin crew staff must be organised both in their personal lives and
their work lives. You will need to keep a diary to make sure you
are available to meet your flying roster and you will also have to
work in an organised manner before, during, and after the flight.
You will have checklists to follow pre-flight and you will have certain
procedures to follow during the flight. Being organised is all part and
parcel of being a competent cabin crew member; it’s the whole job,

Numerical Competence
Cabin crew need to be competent in the use of basic arithmetic.
During the flight you will need to work with money when selling
duty free goods and refreshments. You will also need to have an
22 How to Become Cabin Crew

understanding of currency rates and conversions. Whilst you do not

need to be a mathematician to become cabin crew, you should have
a good basic understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.

Being a Role Model for the Airline

This attribute is very similar to customer service skills. The airline
wants you to paint them in the best possible light. Therefore, how
you behave whilst at work (as well as whilst away from work) is very

Excellent Communication Skills

4 5
groups of people:
8 7
Cabin crew have to be able to communicate with the following

Cockpit crew;

0 5
• Other cabin crew team members;

• Airport staff and representatives.

Of course, there will be other people you will have to communicate

with during your career, but the above four groups are the main
people you have contact with during your day-to-day duties.

So, your communication skills must be excellent. Let’s assume

that there’s a safety issue with the aircraft during the flight and you
are required to communicate a safety message to the passengers
using the public address (PA) system.

It is essential that you remain calm and communicate the message

in a confident and concise manner. If the passengers detect any
hint of stress or concern in your voice, they will become agitated.
 The Role of Cabin Crew 23

Of course, there are many other qualities required to become cabin

crew, although the above key attributes form the basis of the role.
Before you attend the assessments and interview, make sure you
learn them, understand them, and be ready to provide evidence of
where you have already performed each one in a previous role.

Let’s now take a look at ten crucial tips that are designed to help
you prepare fully for the selection process.

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7 10
0 Tips and
26 How to Become Cabin Crew

In this section of the guide, we will provide you with ten important tips
that will help guide your preparation to pass the selection process.

Tip 1 – Show Off Your Communication Skills

As previously mentioned, strong communication skills are essential
to the role of a cabin crew member.

Of course, the role is customer-focused, so in your application you

will need to demonstrate that you can communicate effectively at all
times, despite the challenges and pressures of the job.

4 5
Try to think of an occasion when somebody has annoyed you. How
did you react? Do you have the ability to stay calm in a situation

8 7
where someone is angry or upset?

Of course, everybody feels uncomfortable when faced with a

0 5
confrontational person, but it is your ability to defuse these situations
that will set you apart from the rest of the candidates.

Tip 2 – Know How to Complete the Application Form Correctly

Over 90% of candidates fail at the application form stage, a fact that
can be put down to a few reasons. Let’s explore them now.

In the majority of these unsuccessful cases, candidates fail to

demonstrate that they have the right customer service skills to
become a cabin crew member. Remember, airlines place a huge
amount of importance on the quality of their customer service – it
directly affects their profits!

This is why it is so important that you take your time when answering
customer service-related questions in the application form – they
will be make or break for you.

Even if you have very little experience with customer service, you
can still make a good impression in this area by discussing its huge
 The Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice 27

value to an airline.

So, understanding the importance of customer service and being

able to prove it throughout the selection process is vital. As well as
this, be aware that working in a customer-focused environment for
many years does not automatically mean you are good at providing
it – make sure you are not complacent and say the wrong thing!

So, before completing your application form, read my section

entitled ‘The application form’ for a detailed explanation on how to
tackle the questions.

Tip 3 – Choose the Right Airline

4 5
8 7
Part of the advice I've given you within this guide has been to do
with learning as much information as possible about the airline you

0 5
are applying to join.

Also, if you decide that you want to apply for several airlines all
in one go, you might not be able to give each application the
preparation it deserves.

So, by demonstrating at interview that you have researched the

airline in question thoroughly, you show a higher level of enthusiasm
and commitment to working with them.

The mistake too many people make is that they focus their efforts
on just ‘becoming a cabin crew member’, when they should really
be focusing their efforts on ‘becoming a cabin crew member with x

Now, try to imagine yourself as a member of the recruitment staff at

an airline. You are presented with two candidates to choose from.
They have both passed all of the assessments and would be good
for your airline. By their responses, you can tell that one has applied
for four different airlines and the other has only applied for yours.
28 How to Become Cabin Crew

Which one would you choose? It's a no brainer!

Tip 4 – Know How to Handle Complaints Effectively

It is an unfortunate fact that cabin crew staff face complaints of
some kind on most flights. So, part of the job is knowing how to
deal with them correctly. You’ll also need to be aware of how these
situations can arise.

For example, if a flight is delayed, passengers are far more likely to

complain about trivial things they wouldn’t otherwise bother about.

4 5
There are a whole host of reasons why people complain during
a flight, but the fact is you need to know how to deal with them

8 7
effectively and efficiently, no matter what state of mind you may be

0 5
So, try to imagine being on your way to the airport for a scheduled
flight when your car breaks down. Eventually, roadside assistance
arrives and your car is repaired, but already you are late for work.
Eventually, however, you arrive and board the flight ready to
commence your duties.

Obviously, you are not going to be as calm as normal following

situations like this, but you will still have to provide the same high
level of customer service. The passengers do not know or care
about your difficult and aggravating morning.

Again, it is your ability to perform in situations like these that will set
you apart from the rest of the candidates.

Tip 5 – Know What to Wear for Your Interview

‘You only get one chance to make a first impression.’

Such a true statement and one that you should keep at the forefront
of your mind at all times during the selection process.
 The Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice 29

When you walk down the high street of your local town, you will
see people from different walks of life. For right or for wrong, we all
form opinions of people without even talking to them, just by judging
them on their appearance and what clothes they are wearing.

In an interview situation of course, this phenomenon is magnified.

Not only does an interview open you up to intense scrutiny anyway,
but the role itself involves maintaining a neat and impressive

4 5
So, it is only natural the interview panel will form an opinion of you
as soon as they see you. In anticipation of this, you will need to

8 7
work to create the right impression immediately.

Whilst you will probably have a good idea on what to wear and how

to present yourself, you should still take the time to re-assess your
appearance prior to interview.

Tip 6 – Create an Effective Introduction
During the actual group interview day, you will be required to
introduce yourself to the rest of the candidates and the selection

This is done for a number of reasons. One of them is to allow the

recruitment staff to see how confident you are and how well you
present yourself. Secondly, it acts as an effective ice-breaker.

Everybody will be nervous during the interview, that’s a fact. But

you still need to create a good impression right from the offset. The
airline recruitment staff will be watching you and assessing your
abilities right from the word ‘go’.

So, it is important that you write down and practise your introduction
beforehand. Try standing up and performing your prepared
introduction in front of your friends or relatives, and you will see
30 How to Become Cabin Crew

how difficult it can be. However, the more times you practise it, the
better you will become at putting yourself across in a positive and
confident manner.

Within the ‘Assessment Day’ chapter, I have provided you with a

sample introduction to help you get started.

Tip 7 – Understand Teamwork

What does the term ‘teamwork’ actually mean? Here’s a good

4 5
“Working as part of a group towards a shared goal. In order to
achieve this goal, different members of the team take on different

8 7
So, when you are cabin crew member, it is vital that you can

0 5
contribute as an effective team member. The common goal in mind
is of course providing excellent customer service while ensuring the
safety of everyone on board.

If you are ever placed in an emergency situation, then you will need
to be able to work closely as a team to overcome any problems and
make sure that all safety precautions and procedures are followed.

Some more questions to consider:

• Are you able to create a rapport with any team you work with?

• Can you bring something valuable to that team?

• Do you make an effort to mix with the team and do you involve

Airlines will assess you in this area by incorporating a lot of group

work into the selection process. You may be asked to take part in
team discussions, and you’ll be monitored in relation to how you
 The Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice 31

react to these situations and scenarios.

Throughout this guide I will show you how to work effectively in a

team environment.

Tip 8 – Research the Airline Thoroughly

Many people do not spend enough time researching their chosen
airline. Then, when it comes to the interview, they fail to answer
specific airline-related questions effectively, and end up failing the
whole process. You will be asked questions about the airline, how it

to know as a cabin crew member.

4 5
operates, where they fly to, and other important facts that you need

8 7
This is no different to any other interview that you attend. The first
and most important topic to research is the company and the role

0 5
you are applying for.

There are a number of places that you can find relevant information
about the airline you are applying for which I will discuss later on in
the guide.

Now try to imagine what it must be like for those people who apply
for 4 or 5 airlines at a time. Can they give sufficient preparation time
to each one? Probably not.

Within the ‘Interview’ chapter of the guide, I have provided you with
a template that contains all of the areas you should research. Make
sure you do so thoroughly. Remember – knowledge is power and

Tip 9 – Know the Interview Questions

Imagine being told the type of questions that you will be asked prior
to going into your interview. Now stop imagining – I am going to do
just that for you!
32 How to Become Cabin Crew

I have spent hours talking to current serving cabin crew staff,

recruitment staff and applicants who have failed the process, in
order to obtain as many interview questions as possible. I have
also spent the time researching how to effectively answer those
questions, so you don’t have to.

Read the ‘Interview’ section of this guide thoroughly, paying

particular attention to the sample responses. Then, use the provided
template to create your own personal and individual responses to
the questions provided.

4 5
This will involve quite a lot of work but it will help you to get in the

8 7
right frame of mind for the interview.

Then, to help you prepare fully, arrange a mock interview with a

friend or relative. Get them to ask you various interview questions
and spend time practising the answers.

Try to choose someone who will give you constructive feedback as
opposed to someone who will only tell you what you want to hear.

Tip 10 – Finally, Don’t Give Up!

Too many people give up at the first attempt. Yes, it is disheartening
when you fail things in life but if you want to succeed, you should
never give up.

There have been many examples of people eventually getting hired

at the 6th attempt, or even more. The key is to keep learning and
improving your skills.

‘If you always do what you’ve always done - you’ll always get
what you’ve always got!’

If you fail something in life, look upon it as an opportunity for

improvement. Consider the following:
 The Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice 33

• Where did you go wrong?

• What can you do next time to improve? Did you ask for

• Can you learn from others?

• Are you prepared to learn from your mistakes?

If you want something enough, then you can eventually get it.
Sometimes it takes people years to get where they want to be. But

4 5
by staying focused, motivated and driven, you can be what you

8 7
Now let’s take a look at the application form and how you can
complete it to ensure success.

0 5
4 5
8 7
0 5
4 5
How to Complete
36 How to Become Cabin Crew


Around 95% of applicants fail this important stage which is usually

due to a lack of preparation.

Each airline application form will vary slightly, but within this section
I have provided you with insider tips and advice on how to complete
it correctly.

Tip 1 – Read it First

4 5
Before you complete the application form, READ all the sections,
advice, and guidance at least twice, to see what is required. For
example, at the top of the application form, or within the guidance

8 7
notes, it may ask for a particular colour of ink. Having said that, the
vast majority of application forms nowadays have to be completed

0 5
It is surprising how many people fail to follow simple instructions
when completing the form. If you do not complete the application
form as requested, then this shows an inability to follow simple
instructions – an asset that is vital to the role of a cabin crew
Tip 2 – Practise First
Make sure you print off the application form and practise first. You
are certain to make mistakes the first time round, so it is wise to
practise and write down your answers before completing your
submission for real.

The application form may also provide you with boxes in which to
complete your responses. Make sure you keep your answers within
these boxes, unless specifically instructed otherwise.

Tip 3 – Personal Details

Within the application form, it will ask you to complete your personal
 How to Complete the Application Form 37

details. This section is relatively straightforward, but some airlines

ask you to complete it as shown on your passport.

Make sure you cross-reference your passport and complete the

details as shown, if required to do so.

Tip 4 – Height and Weight

Again, some airline application forms may vary, but you may
find them asking you for your height and weight details. Please
remember that this will be checked if you make it through to the

4 5
proceeding stages, so make sure that you complete it honestly.

There have been cases where candidates put down a weight less

8 7
than they actually are, in a hope that they will shed the extra pounds
in time for the next stage, only to find that they cannot achieve this.

0 5
I advise you to be honest when completing all sections of the
application form. You may also be asked about tattoos and body
piercings. Most airlines will not accept visible tattoos and only one
earring per ear, but check first with the airline that you are applying

Tip 5 – Personal Qualities

Within the application form, you will normally be asked to complete
a section that relates to your personal qualities and attributes. The
question may read:

“What qualities do you have that will make you a successful

cabin crew member?”

Remember in the ‘QUALITIES AND ATTRIBUTES’ section I

discussed some of these, and how important they are. When
answering this section of the application form, it is important to
let the panel know you have these skills. A sample answer to this
question might be:
38 How to Become Cabin Crew

“I am an enthusiastic, loyal and resilient person who takes

great pride in my appearance. Having previously worked
in a customer-focused environment, I fully understand the
needs of others and believe my patience is a valuable asset
in situations where others require my assistance. I thrive in
any team environment and always try to use my excellent
communication skills to listen to what others have to say
whilst making valuable contributions. I have a friendly and
caring personality which enables me to be supportive of my

4 5
colleagues, and I always treat everybody as an individual.”

Now, attempt to create your own response to this question based

8 7
around your own personal qualities and attributes. Don’t forget to
consider the following keywords in your response:

0 5
KEY WORDS: Confident, enthusiastic, loyal, resilient, pride in my
appearance, customer skills, needs of others, patient, helping others,
considerate, team player, team environment, friendly and caring,
excellent communication skills, listen, valuable contributions,
supportive, capable of working under pressure, sense of humour,
organised, mature.

Tip 6 – Customer Service Response

Within the application form you may also be asked to complete
a section in relation to customer service, and where you have
demonstrated your skills in this area during a previous or current

The question may be posed in a manner similar to the following:

“Give an example of where you have provided excellent

customer service.”

Of course, every one of us has different work experiences that

 How to Complete the Application Form 39

we can draw from, but this an extremely important section of

the application form and it is important that you demonstrate the
required qualities here.

The following is an example of the type of response the panel are

seeking. Read the sample answer first and then decide how it made
you feel. Does it make you feel that the person has demonstrated
care and empathy for the customer’s situation and was it resolved
to a satisfactory conclusion?

4 5
Your customer service example is important and it could be the
difference between making or not making it through to the next

stage. Make sure you take your time when preparing your response.
Again, take the time to construct your own, individual response but

first read my example response:

0 5
“Whilst working as a sales representative for my current
employer, I received a telephone call from an unhappy
customer. Whilst listening to his concerns, I could sense
that he was beginning to regret placing an order with
our company. Before talking to him about the situation,
I tried to realise how stressful it must be for him to be in
this situation. I tried to think about what I could do to
help reduce his worries and resolve the situation to his
satisfaction. I informed him that I fully understood his
concerns and I reassured him that I would do everything
possible to help him. As soon as I told him this I could sense
how thrilled he was to know that I would be helping him.

I immediately dispatched another order whilst on the phone

to him, making sure that the order would be delivered
that same day. I also told him that I would call him later
that day to make sure he was happy with the new order.
40 How to Become Cabin Crew

Later that day, I telephoned the gentleman to check

everything was to his satisfaction. The sound in his voice
was very rewarding and I realised that with just a little
help I had made such a difference to his day, making him
feel like a valued customer.”

Further Application Form Questions

As previously stated, each airline will vary in type of responses you
are required to submit. On the following pages I have provided you

4 5
with further examples, including responses.

“Detail all customer service experience which you feel

8 7
would benefit your application.”

Once again, the question relates directly to your customer service


0 5
Some airlines require you to have a minimum of six months
experience in a customer-based environment. This can be any type
of customer experience, whether it be working in a shop, hotel,
restaurant, or even answering the phone to customers or clients.

On the following page I have provided a sample response to this

type of question.

As a starting point, you may find it helpful to write down your

customer service experience before committing to a response.
You’ll be surprised at what experience you will have and how it can
be adapted to fit the question. Once you have read my example
response on the following page, use a blank sheet of paper to
structure your own.
 How to Complete the Application Form 41

“Detail all customer service experience which you feel

would benefit your application.”

“In my current position as the manager of a restaurant,

I am required to deliver excellent customer service, which
includes the welcoming of customers, dealing with any
complaints or queries, managing and leading the team
to ensure we exceed the customers’ expectations, providing
a fast and efficient service and ensuring the team presents

set by the restaurant.

4 5
a highly professional image that represents the standards

8 7
Prior to my current position, I worked as a customer
service representative, responsible for answering calls and

0 5
dealing with queries and complaints about the service.

I was often confronted with unhappy customers and part

of my role was to defuse confrontational situations and
provide a resolution that the customers were happy with.

The best part of the job was having the ability to sort out
the customers’ problems in a satisfactory manner, making
them feel that the company genuinely cared about their
complaint or query.”

“Having applied for the position of cabin crew, you are

obviously interested in travel and people. What other
reasons do you have for applying?”

This type of question is designed to assess the reasons why you

want to become cabin crew. When responding to questions of this
nature, avoid talking about the glamorous sides of the job or the fact
that the image of cabin crew appeals to you.
42 How to Become Cabin Crew

Instead you should concentrate on the following areas:

• The reputation the airline has (providing it is positive);

• You enjoy working in a challenging role;

• The varied roster or shift system;

• Working in a customer-based role;

• Providing a high level of service.

4 5
Below I have provided a sample response to this type of question.
Take the time to read the response before using a blank sheet of

8 7
paper to construct your own individual response. Remember to be
positive and enthusiastic in your reply.

0 5
“Having applied for the position of cabin crew, you are
obviously interested in travel and people. What other
reasons do you have for applying?”

“I have always had the ambition of becoming a cabin

crew member from an early age, and now that I have the
relevant customer service skills, I am ready to pursue my
ambition. Other reasons for my application include the fact
that I enjoy working in a customer-focused environment
and thrive on the challenges that such a career brings.
There is no better feeling than successfully resolving issues
for customers and I believe I would enjoy the responsibilities
that a cabin crew member has.

I personally set myself high standards and would enjoy

working for an airline that expects the same from its staff.
I love working in a team environment where everybody
pulls together to achieve a common goal.
 How to Complete the Application Form 43

I am the type of person who works well under pressure

and would feel that the role of a cabin crew member would
be suited to my qualities and attributes.

Finally, after researching the airline, I have been impressed

by the high level of service it offers and the reputation that
it has successfully built so far. I would like to be a part of
that team and would work hard to ensure the current
standards are maintained.”

“Why are you interested in working for this airline?”

Remember the 'Top 10 Insider Tips and Advice', in particular Tip
8? – ‘Research the airline thoroughly’. This is one of the reasons

why you need to follow Tip 8. The only way that you can effectively

0 5
answer this question is to research the airline.

When answering this type of question, try to include any success

stories the airline might have achieved in recent times.

Areas that you should not include in your response relate to leave,
salary, uniform, subsidised travel and holidays etc.

Focus on the facts about the airline and try to demonstrate that
you have taken the time to look into the way it operates. Maybe
you have flown with them before and had a good experience as a

There now follows a sample response to this type of question. Read

it thoroughly before using a blank sheet of paper to construct your
44 How to Become Cabin Crew

“Why are you interested in working for this airline?”

“There are a number of reasons why I would like to

work for this airline. The first and foremost reason is the
reputation the airline has.

I would like to work for an airline that sets high standards

and takes a pride in the service it offers. I have been
impressed by the developments this airline is currently
in the process of implementing, which will mean

4 5
improvements to check-in, baggage handling, on-board
seating allocation, airport lounges, and aircraft boarding.

8 7
I believe it demonstrates a commitment to a continuing
high level of customer service, and I would like to be a part
of that team.

0 5
Because the airline is continuously improving, it is likely
to mean there will be exciting and challenging times
ahead, which appeals to me. I have also been impressed by
the on-going development and training that is available
through specialist courses provided by the airline, which
would help me to maintain a high standard throughout
my career, if I am to be successful.

Finally, I recently had the pleasure of travelling with the

airline whilst on holiday. The cabin crew were exceptional
in their professionalism and high level of service, which
makes the airline an even more appealing one to work
 How to Complete the Application Form 45

“Describe one specific time during your working career

when you have had to think quickly under pressure in
order to address a situation that required immediate action.
What prompted you to try that approach and what was the

This type of question has been designed to assess your ability to

work quickly under pressure whilst having the confidence to take
action when necessary.

4 5
Try to think of an example when you have had to work quickly under
pressure to prevent a situation from deteriorating. Make sure you

8 7
give the reasons why you took that particular action and explain the
result. You may also wish to say, at the end of your response, what

0 5
you learned from your experience.

Below I have provided you with a sample response to give you

some ideas to help you create your own.

The response I have provided explains a situation where a member

of staff is following a set routine which he/she has been given
during training (something you will be required to do as a cabin
crew member).

It also emphasises the need for ensuring everyone was safe

throughout the incident, including an explanation for why it was
necessary to remain calm (again, something you will have to do
whilst working as a cabin crew member).

“Describe one specific time during your working career

when you have had to think quickly under pressure in
order to address a situation that required immediate action.
What prompted you to try that approach and what was the
46 How to Become Cabin Crew

“Whilst working for my current employer as a shop sales

assistant, I was confronted with an emergency situation
during a busy Saturday morning. I was stock-taking in the
store room which is located on the 3rd floor of the store.
Whilst working, I suddenly began to smell a strong burning
smell but could not tell where it was coming from.

I immediately began to follow the procedures given during

my staff induction training and raised the alarm by

breaking the alarm call point located at the store room
exit. I walked calmly out of the store room, but noticed that

all the customers were ignoring the alarm and continuing
to shop.

8 7
I immediately shouted, in a calm but raised voice, for

0 5
everyone to leave the shop, via the nearest stairway exit,
due to an incident. I re-emphasised the importance that
people should not use the lifts. People began to leave via
the stairway and I went over to the till area and called
the Fire Brigade before making my way out via the stairs.

On the way down, I calmly informed other members of

staff that there was an incident and that we should leave
the shop and await the arrival of the Fire Brigade.

When we got outside, a roll-call of all members of staff

was taken. The Fire Brigade soon arrived and I informed
them of the location of the store room and the reason that
the alarm had been raised. Following their investigation,
it was found that an electrical socket had overheated and
was smouldering at the rear of the store room.

The reason that I took this action was that I am

required to follow the training provided during my staff
 How to Complete the Application Form 47

induction. Although I was effectively evacuating the whole

of the store and losing the company money, the safety of
the customers and other staff members was paramount. I
did everything in a calm manner. I needed to remain calm
throughout so that the customers would not panic whilst
evacuating. If they were to panic, then injury could have
occurred whilst they were leaving the shop via the stairs.

The end result was that everybody was accounted for and

there were no injuries. Also, the possibility of a major fire
was averted because the Fire Brigade were called quickly

and were therefore able to deal with it before it got out
of hand.”

8 7
“Describe one specific time during your working career

0 5
when you had to convey an unpopular decision to an
individual or group. How did you approach that person
or group? How did you deal with the situation? Was the
situation resolved?”

This type of question is designed to assess your ability to deal with

difficult situations in an assertive manner.

Giving unpopular news or constructive feedback is difficult, even for

the most confident of people.

When working as a cabin crew member you will sometimes be

dealing with passengers who are rude and confrontational. You
will be required to deal with these situations and sometimes give
passengers unwelcome news.

Being able to do this in an effective manner is quite a skill, and the

airline recruitment staff want to see you have the potential to do this
in a real-life situation.
48 How to Become Cabin Crew

There now follows a sample response to this type of question. Read

it carefully before structuring your own response using a blank
sheet of paper.

“Describe one specific time during your working career

when you had to convey an unpopular decision to an
individual or group. How did you approach that person
or group? How did you deal with the situation? Was the
situation resolved?”

4 5
“Whilst working in my current position as a hotel
receptionist, I was confronted with a situation where our

booked two sets of couples.

8 7
central reservation booking system had mistakenly double

0 5
The guests arrived at the hotel at midday ready to check in
for the weekend. I commenced the checking- in procedure
and it was then that I realised the rooms had already been
taken. In addition to this problem, we were fully booked
and had no spare rooms to offer them as an alternative.

I decided that the best way to approach the problem was to

be honest with them and tell them about the mistake that
we had made. However, I felt that the best place to break
the news was in a quiet room away from the reception
area. I asked my colleague to take over the reception desk
and I asked the guests to follow me to a conference room,
which was out of the way.

I sat them down and began to explain what had happened

in a calm and apologetic manner. Naturally, they were
annoyed and disappointed with the situation. I reassured
them that we would do everything in our power to resolve
the issue.
 How to Complete the Application Form 49

I then informed them that I would need a short amount

of time to resolve the issue and asked them to remain in
the bar area where they would be served complimentary
drinks and food. I then went away to speak to the duty
manager and to request permission to seek alternative
accommodation which the hotel would pay for. I returned
to the group and explained that the hotel would try to
arrange other accommodation in the area, to an equal or
higher standard than that which they had booked with us.

4 5
I explained that we would refund their payment in full as
well as paying for the new hotel room, as compensation
for the inconvenience caused.

8 7
They agreed to this and appeared to be happy with the

0 5
level of service I was offering them. The situation was
eventually resolved after I had managed to find alternative
accommodation for the guests in the local area. The
following week, I followed up with a letter to both couples
further apologising and offering them a discounted rate
for any future visits. Since then, one of the couples has
returned to the hotel and used our services.”

“Please supply any additional information which you feel

might benefit your application.”

This type of question serves one purpose – the opportunity for you
to sell yourself. The type of response you provide will be very much
dependant on your own experiences, personality and attributes.
If you are given the opportunity to supply additional information,
then you should do. Within your response, summarise your skills,
experience and attributes whilst reiterating the reasons why you
want to join their team.
50 How to Become Cabin Crew

Always make sure you end on a positive note! There now follows a
sample response to this type of question. Read the response before
using the template on the preceding page to design your own.

Finally, before submitting your application, make sure you read

each response and check for mistakes, grammar and punctuation.
Remember that you are trying to create a professional image.

“Please supply any additional information which you feel

might benefit your application.”

4 5
“I have been working hard to research both the role that
I am applying for and the airline I have chosen to join. I

8 7
have taken my application seriously and have studied the
qualities and attributes that are required of a competent

0 5
cabin crew member and I believe I would be a valuable
asset to your team.

My experience and skills already gained in my working

life will stand me in good stead to become a professional,
reliable and dedicated employee. Thank you for taking the
time to read my application.”

Now move on to the next section of the guide.

4 5
The Assessment
0 Day
52 How to Become Cabin Crew


For the majority of airlines, the assessment day will consist of the

• Introduction;

• Written tests;

• Team assessments.

4 5
The assessment day normally comes after the application form
stage. If you have progressed this far, well done! At the beginning
of the day, the airline recruitment staff will ask each candidate

members of the group.

8 7
to introduce themselves, which includes doing so to the other

0 5
This is the first chance they will get to see you and what you are
about. It is your first opportunity to create a positive impact, so
you need to ensure you prepare your introduction in advance, and
rehearse it. Many candidates will not prepare an introduction or will
not be ready for it, so having one prepared beforehand is a good

The areas that you should try to cover during your introduction are
as follows: your name, where you live, your current or previous
occupation, interests, hobbies and ambitions, and what you have

Your Introduction
Take a look at the following sample introduction.

“Good morning everybody, it’s a real pleasure to meet you

all! My name is Mark and I’m 25 years old. My current
job is as a hotel porter for a reputable leisure industry
chain which I absolutely love. I get great satisfaction from
 The Assessment Day 53

helping our guests and making their stay more enjoyable.

At the moment I am living in Worcester, but if I am

successful in my ambition to become a cabin crew member
with this airline, I will be relocating to xxxx. Recently, I
raised £500 for a local charity by walking up and down
the hotel stairs 50 times without stopping. There are 15
floors to the building and after the 10th time I wish I would
have used the lift instead!

4 5
I am so happy to be here today, and to have been given the
opportunity of fulfilling a life-long dream of becoming a

cabin crew member. I can’t wait to meet you all and look
forward to talking to so many great people, thanks.”

0 5
This introduction is extremely effective. The introduction is positive
and, therefore, should be portrayed in this manner. He talks about
a charity event where he raised money for a worthy cause. He also
uses a small amount of humour which works very well.

He talks about his current role which is customer-focused and that

he enjoys it very much. Remember, never to put down or criticise
your employer. This is not a good thing to do and it will be frowned

When it is your turn to stand up and introduce yourself, stand tall, be

positive, enthusiastic and cheerful. Be genuinely glad to be at the
assessment day and look forward to the entire process.

Using a blank sheet of paper, create your own introduction, based

on your own personal circumstances.
54 How to Become Cabin Crew

Written Tests
The majority of airlines will ask you to sit a general knowledge test
and a mathematics test. These are usually multiple-choice in nature
and the pass mark is approximately 70%.

Make sure you check with the airline first to confirm which tests you
are required to sit.

Mathematics Test
The mathematics test includes basic forms of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.

4 5
The most effective way to prepare for the mathematics test is to

8 7
practice basic arithmetic questions.

As a cabin crew member, you will be required to perform basic

0 5
mathematical sums during flights and when dealing with customers

On the following page I have provided you with a mathematics test

to help you prepare. Write down your answers on a blank sheet of
paper or use the answer sheet provided on the following page.

Allow yourself 10 minutes to complete the exercise. Calculators are

not permitted.

 The Assessment Day 55

Mathematical Calculation Test

This type of test is designed to test your basic arithmetic skills.

It will test your ability in relation to addition, subtraction, multiplication

and division and is an ideal way of practising for psychometric
tests. By practising these tests, you will find that your ability to work
quickly and accurately under pressure will improve.

The use of a calculator is not permitted during these tests and you
should not use one when attempting the following exercise. In each

4 5
question a mathematical sum is given with one area missing. This
missing area is the one you must identify as the answer.

For example:

5 + 10 = 15 – ?
8 7
Answer = 0
0 5
Explanation: 5 + 10 = 15, so therefore 15 – 0 = 15.
56 How to Become Cabin Crew

Mathematical Calculation Test – Exercise 1

1. 37 + ? = 95


2. 86 – ? = 32


3. ? – 104 = 210


4 5
4. 109 × ? = 218

8 7
0 5
5. 6 + 9 + 15 = 15 × ?

6. 34 + 13 – 4 = ? + 3


7. 35 ÷ ? = 10 + 7.5


8. 7 × ? = 28 × 3


9. 100 ÷ 4 = 67 – ?


10. 32 × 9 = 864 ÷ ?

 The Assessment Day 57

11. 11 × ? = 265 – 144


12. 14 × 28 = ?


13. (4000 + 56) ÷ ? = 1014


14. (32 × 2) × 4 = 512 – ?

4 5

15. 2.5 × 3 = 37.5 ÷ ?

8 7

0 5
16. (8 ÷ 2) × 16 = 150 – ?


17. 87 – 1 = (45 – 2) × ?


18. (17 + 15) – 8 = ? × 3


19. (7 × 10) × 3 = ? × 6


20. (19 + 19) ÷ 19 = (? × 2) ÷ 2

58 How to Become Cabin Crew

Answers to Exercise 1

1. 58

The quickest way to get to the answer is to subtract 37 from

95 which leaves 58.

2. 54

Subtract 32 from 86 to be left with 54.

3. 314

Add 210 to 104 to get 314. 4 5

4. 2
8 7
5. 2
0 5
Divide 218 by 109 to get the answer of 2.

6 + 9 + 15 = 30 so therefore 15 multiplied by 2 gives you 30.

6. 40

34 + 13 = 47. Then subtract 4 to be left with 43. Therefore 40

+ 3 gives you 43.

7. 2

10 + 7.5 will give you 17.5; therefore 15 divided by 2 will give

you 17.5.

8. 12

28 × 3 will give you 84; therefore 7 × 12 will also give you 84.
 The Assessment Day 59

9. 42

100 divided by 4 will give you 25; therefore 67 - 25 will leave

you with 42.

10. 3

32 × 9 will give you 288. Now multiply 288 by 3 to get 864.

11. 11

give you 121.

4 5
265 - 164 gives you 121; therefore 11 multiplied by 11 will also

12. 392

8 7
13. 4
0 5
14 × 28 will give you 392.

(4000 + 56) gives you 4056. Divide 4056 by the answer 1014
to get the answer 4.

14. 256

32 × 2 will give you 64. Then multiply 64 by 4 to get 256. 512

– 256 leaves you with 256.

15. 5

2.5 × 3 will give you 7.5, then 37.5 divided by 5 will leave you
with 7.5

16. 86

8 divided by 2 will give you 4. Then multiply 4 by 16 to get 64.

Then 150 subtract 86 will leave you with 64.
60 How to Become Cabin Crew

17. 2

87 – 1 will give you 86. Then, 45 – 2 will give you 43. Multiply
43 by 2 to reach 86.

18. 8

17 + 15 will give you 32. Subtract 8 from 32 to be left with 24.

Then multiply 8 by 3 to be left with the same figure 24.

19. 35

4 5
7 × 10 will give you 70 which when multiplied by 3 will give you

20. 2
8 7
210. Then 35 × 6 equals the same figure 210.

0 5
19 + 19 will give you 38 which, when divided by 19, will give
you 2. Then 2 × 2 will give you 4 which, when divided by 2, will
give you the answer 2.
 The Assessment Day 61

General Knowledge Test

Some airlines will ask you to sit a general knowledge test as part
of their selection process. The pass mark can vary but it is usually
around the 70% mark. It is advised that you check with the airline
that you are applying to join, to see whether they will require you to
sit this type of test.

The type and nature of the questions that you will be asked during
this test vary, however the general type of questions will be centred

‘who’s who’ questions.

4 5
around current affairs, political issues, capitals, currencies, and

8 7
During your preparation for these tests, try to look at the following

0 5
Currency and currency conversions;

Capitals of major cities;

• Airport locations and terminals;

• Countries;

• The 24-hour clock;

• Duty free allowances;

• Airline industry/time abbreviations – EU, UCT, BAA, GMT etc.

On the following page I have included a general knowledge test for

you to practice, to become accustomed to the types of questions
you may encounter.
62 How to Become Cabin Crew

General Knowledge Test

Allow yourself 5 minutes to complete the following exercise:

1. What is the capital of America?


2. Name a state in America beginning with ‘W’.


4 5
3. In relation to time, what do the initials GMT stand for?

8 7
Answer 0 5
4. What is the currency of Egypt?

5. What is the currency of Thailand?


6. What continent is Zambia in?


7. Which is the highest mountain in the world?


8. How many states are there in the USA?

 The Assessment Day 63

9. Where does the Chancellor of the Exchequer live?


10. What is celebrated on the 4th of July in America?


11. What do the initials BAA stand for?


4 5
8 7
12. What are the names of the 2 terminals at London Gatwick?

0 5
13. Which motorway connects Stansted Airport to the M25


14. What is the currency of Spain?


15. How many engines does a Boeing 747 have?

64 How to Become Cabin Crew

Answers to General Knowledge Test

1. Washington.

2. Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin or Wyoming.

3. Greenwich Mean Time.

4. Egyptian Pound.

5. Baht.

6. South Africa.

4 5
7. Mount Everest.

8. 50.
8 7
0 5
9. 11 Downing Street.

10. Independence Day.

11. The British Aviation Authority.

12. North and South Terminals.

13. The M11.

14. The Euro.

15. 4.
 The Assessment Day 65

The Team Assessments

Team assessments form another integral part of the cabin crew
selection process. The airline recruitment staff will be looking for
candidates to demonstrate specific qualities throughout the team
assessment. Many employers use team assessments to test
a candidate’s performance and ability, and they are a very good
indicator of someone’s confidence, motivation and enthusiasm. The
team assessment stage will usually require you, and a number of
other potential candidates, to come up with a solution to a problem,

4 5
all within a specific time frame. During the assessment, you will be
given a scenario to deal with and you’ll have to decide amongst

8 7
yourselves the most appropriate method of resolving the issue.

During the assessment, you will often see candidates fighting

0 5
to get their views across. Many candidates will start talking over
the top of other people, but this is not the best way to approach
the assessment. This is where you will have the opportunity to
demonstrate you have the right qualities to work as part of a team
and come up with answers to problems. The solution or answer that
the team come up with doesn’t have to be the right one. However,
the panel are looking for you come up with a logical solution.

An Explanation
The number of candidates taking part in the team assessment will
vary from airline to airline, but to give you an idea, there are usually
about a dozen.

At the beginning of the team assessment, you will be provided with

a brief and you will then be given a set time in order to come up
with a solution. Throughout the team assessment, you will have a
member of the airline recruitment staff monitoring the session and
scoring each of you individually.

The important thing to remember, during the team assessment, is

66 How to Become Cabin Crew

how you present yourself. Yes, it is good to provide a solution to the

problem, but there is so much more to the assessment than problem
solving. On the following page I have provided you with some of the
key areas that you will tested on during the assessment. Take a look
at each assessable area before moving onto the sample exercises.

How to Score Positively During the Team Assessments

Area Number 1 – Involving Others

During the assessment, you must try to involve other people. If during

4 5
the assessment, you notice a person who is not getting involved or
saying anything, try to involve them. Ask them a question such as –

“What do you think we should do?”. You will receive positive marks
for involving others during the assessment.

0 5
Area Number 2 – Communication Skills
Use effective listening skills throughout the assessment, both
verbal and non-verbal. Make sure you listen to what other people
are saying and use facial expressions and actions to indicate that
you are doing so.

Area Number 3 – Positive Teamworking

During the assessment, make an effort to get on with the group.
Smile, be positive and show that you have the ability to work
effectively in a team environment.

Don’t try to show off or gain points by doing things on your own.
Yes, come up with positive solutions, but involve the group and get
involved with them.

Area Number 4 – Making Positive Contributions

Try to think of positive solutions to the problem. Remember that
you don’t have to necessarily solve the problem totally, but do try to
come up with a logical solution and one that would work.
 The Assessment Day 67

If somebody doesn’t agree with your solution, be willing to change

or accept that maybe there is a better idea.

Area Number 5 – Provide Positive Feedback

If somebody comes up with a good idea during the assessment, tell
them so. Provide encouragement to the group by saying phrases
such as – “I think that’s a great idea, that would work”, or “Yes, I
think that would work, because…”

Area Number 6 – Effective Body Language

4 5
Throughout the assessment, have a positive body language. If you
are sat down, do not slouch. Instead, sit upright and be enthusiastic

about getting involved with the group. Be positive in your nature,
smile and laugh where appropriate.

0 5
Area Number 7 – Build on Ideas to Solve the Problem
If a member of the group offers a solution, try to build on it. Don’t
dismiss people’s ideas just because you don’t agree with them.
Look for ways to see if they will work.

Sample Assessments
On the following page I have provided a sample team assessment
exercise to help you prepare. Please note that airlines use a variety
of different scenarios and this is not the exact scenario that you will
be presented with on the day. It is provided as a practice aid only.

Remember that It is not the scenario that is important but, rather,

how you deal with it effectively in the team environment. If you do
not take part in the team assessments you are guaranteed to fail.
Make sure you get involved!

Take a look at the sample exercise on the following page. Once

you have read it, try to look at ways in which you could solve the
problem. On the page after, I have provided you with an indicator
sheet to help you take notes in relation to some of the key areas you
68 How to Become Cabin Crew

should be looking to demonstrate.

Sample Team Assessment – Exercise 1

Team Briefing

An important guest will be arriving the following day at your airline’s

headquarters and he has requested a selection of food to be
available. He is a major shareholder within the company.

Your task is to discuss amongst yourselves what would be the most

Please indicate why you chose your selection:
appropriate choice of food and refreshments from the list below.

List of Options:
8 7

Roast dinner;

0 5
Fish and chips;

• A selection of cold meats, salads, vegetables and fruit;

• A hot buffet including selection of wines and non-alcoholic

 The Assessment Day 69

Sample Team Assessment – Exercise 1 Indicator Sheet

Area Number 1 – Involving Others

Area Number 2 – Communication Skills

Area Number 3 – Positive Teamworking
8 7
Area Number 4 – Making Positive Contributions

Area Number 5 – Provide Positive Feedback

Area Number 6 – Effective Body Language

Area Number 7 – Build on Ideas to Solve the Problem

70 How to Become Cabin Crew

Sample Team Assessment – Exercise 2

Team Briefing

The Chief Executive of the airline has asked your team to arrange
the entertainment at the forthcoming Christmas Party.

You have a budget of £4,000 and it is your task to provide the

entertainment from the list below.

Please state why you have chosen your particular selection:

• Dave’s Disco – price £1,200;

4 5
8 7
• A ‘Hot Chocolate’ tribute band – price £2,900;

• A ‘Robbie Williams’ tribute band – price £2,500;

0 5
• A comedian – price £500;

• A 70’s funk band – price £2,200.

 The Assessment Day 71

Sample Team Assessment – Exercise 2 Indicator Sheet

Area Number 1 – Involving Others

Area Number 2 – Communication Skills

Area Number 3 – Positive Teamworking
8 7
Area Number 4 – Making Positive Contributions

Area Number 5 – Provide Positive Feedback

Area Number 6 – Effective Body Language

Area Number 7 – Build on Ideas to Solve the Problem

72 How to Become Cabin Crew

Some Final Advice

During the assessment, remember to focus on the relevant areas
that you are trying to demonstrate. Don’t become too engrossed in
providing an appropriate solution to the problem or scenario. Keep
your eye on the main objective.

If a member of the team is controlling the situation, talking too much

and not allowing others to talk, tell them politely that you would like
to talk. If you are not confident enough to do this, then try putting
your hand up.

Remember to involve others in the group.

4 5
8 7
Don’t get involved in an argument, even if somebody annoys you.

Keep an eye on the clock. You will only have a set amount of time

0 5
to provide a solution.

Remember – you will score more points for involving others and
providing positive feedback than you will for ‘controlling’ the team
and talking over everybody.

As hard as it may be, try to enjoy the assessment.

4 5
The Cabin
8 7 Crew
0 5
74 How to Become Cabin Crew

About the Cabin Crew Interview

During the selection process for becoming cabin crew you will have
to undertake at least one interview. This will usually form part of
the main assessment day; however, many airlines will also invite
you back for a further second interview if you pass the assessment
day. The questions in this guide will help you prepare for both sets
of interviews and I would urge you to use the same preparation
strategy for each interview. In this section I will look at the cabin
crew interview and what it involves.

4 5
The cabin crew selection panel are highly experienced in being able
to determine who are the right people for the job. Therefore, it is

8 7
vitally important that you prepare well for this stage. The interview
panel will normally consist of 2-3 people, with one person being a

0 5
senior member of the cabin crew training team for that particular
airline. There may also me a member of the human resources
department sitting on the panel to ensure the interview is conducted
in a fair manner.

In order to pass the interview, you will need to provide the selection
panel with evidence of where you meet the assessable qualities.
Although we will be covering the scoring criteria in the next section
of the guide, you need to have the word ‘EVIDENCE’ at the forefront
of your mind before you start your preparation.

In order to score highly during the interview, you need to come up

with examples of where you have already demonstrated the key
assessable qualities in a previous job or career. If you do this, you
will be more likely to succeed during the interview.

The interview panel will be assessing you on the following key


• Your knowledge of the airline you are applying to join;

 The Cabin Crew Interview 75

• Your knowledge of the role of cabin crew;

• What qualities and expertise you can bring to the role;

• The experiences you have that match the assessable qualities;

• Your personal appearance and presentation;

• Your communication skills;

• Your levels of confidence;

Whether or not you meet the qualities discussed in the previous
section of this guide.
8 7
So, in order to prepare fully for the above assessable areas, you
need to direct your pre-interview preparation on the following key

0 5
Research, in terms of the role you are applying for and the particular
airline you are hoping to join, is essential. During the interview, you
are likely to be asked questions relating to the following areas:

• What you know about the role of a cabin crew member.

You should study the role of air cabin crew in detail and think
carefully about what it involves. You should also think about the
positive sides of the job and also the negatives.

• The reasons for applying and why you want to join this
particular airline.
This is important because many applicants simply want to
become cabin crew and they do not care which airline it is with.
To ensure that you have a good reason for wanting to join their
airline. Keep this motto in mind:

Airline first, cabin crew second!

76 How to Become Cabin Crew

• What you know about their airline.

The most effective way to find out this information is to go to the
website of the airline you wish to join. From the website you will
be able to find out as much information as possible about what
they do, where they fly to and from, and also what their values
are. In order to help you, here is a checklist of things you need
to learn:

Airline Research Topics Checklist

Research Topic
4 5 Done?

8 7
Who are the senior airline executives and
the CEO?

0 5
What aircraft do they operate?

Where do they fly to and from?

What are the main services offered?

Have they won any awards?

What is their customer charter?

 The Cabin Crew Interview 77

How do they protect the environment?

NOTE: this is sometimes called corporate

What special services or special assistance

do they offer passengers?

How many people work for the airline?

4 5
What is the airlines history and heritage?

8 7
0 5
Where is the airlines head office located?

What is new and current within the airline?

Who, if anyone, does the airline sponsor?

What was their latest twitter post?

What was their latest Facebook post?

The above checklist is an excellent starting point to help you get

your research of the airline underway.
78 How to Become Cabin Crew

• How you deal with specific situations in your working life

and what you learn from them.
This is of particular importance and one area that may take
you some time to prepare for. This is essentially where you will
provide the panel with evidence of your previous experiences;
such as, when you have provided excellent customer service,
when you have dealt with a customer complaint and also when
you have remained calm in a difficult and distressing situation.

When responding to situational interview questions it is strongly
recommended that you use the S.T.A.R method for constructing

your responses. Here’s an explanation of what it means:

8 7
When constructing your responses to the situational questions
within this guide, create them using the following format:

S – Situation

0 5
Start off by explaining what the situation was and who was involved.

T – Task
Now move on and tell the panel what the task was that you were
required to carry out or complete.

A – Action
Then tell the interview panel what action you took and also what
action other people took when trying to complete the task.

R – Result
Finish off by telling the panel what the result was following your
actions and the actions of the other people involved in the situation.
Always try to ensure that the result is a positive one!

If you follow the above method for creating your responses to

situational interview questions, then your responses will be formulaic,
concise and in a logical sequence. This will help you to gain higher
 The Cabin Crew Interview 79

scores in the assessable area of effective communication.

• Challenges faced by the airline.

This can be a tricky one to answer; however, just by typing in
the words “challenges faced by the airline industry” in to any
one of the search engines you will be able to formulate you
own views on this subject. To give you an idea of the different
challenges at the time of writing, here are my thoughts:

1. The environmental impact of the airline industry and

an airlines carbon footprint.

4 5
This is a challenge simply because the demand for air traffic

is increasing and is set to continue. With more and more
people wanting to fly it is a challenge for airlines to meet
their targets.
0 5
2. The competition within the industry.
The competition is becoming fiercer with more airlines
offering flights at cheaper prices. Attracting and retaining
customers is getting harder. However, by offering excellent
customer services they are far more likely to return and use
the airline again in the future. This is how cabin crew can
help the airline meet this challenge.

3. The rising cost of fuel.

With the rising cost of fuel, it is difficult for airlines to keep
their costs down without passing on the added expense to
their passengers.

Of course, the above 3 challenges are not the only ones facing
the airline industry, but they are a good starting point.

• Your own personal qualities and attributes.

In order to prepare for questions based around this topic, it is
essential that you to think carefully about the role of cabin crew
80 How to Become Cabin Crew

and also the qualities required to carry out the role competently.
It is important that you have these qualities and attributes and
be able to demonstrate them during the interview.

• Your strengths and weaknesses.

Only you will know what these are; however, the following are
good strengths to have when applying for this type of job:

• Resilience and confidence;


Caring nature and attitude;

4 5

• 8 7
Excellent team working skills;

Empathy and understanding;

• 0 5
Good communication skills;

Personal pride in appearance.

In terms of weaknesses, we all have them and anyone who says

otherwise is not being honest. However, be careful what weaknesses
you discuss. This is a good weakness to give during the cabin crew

“My weakness is that I detest lateness and on occasions in

the past I have been known to be quite blunt and to tell
people my thoughts whenever they are late for a meeting
or appointment that we have pre-arranged. Because I
am never late myself, I expect this of other people and
my comments have sometimes been taken the wrong
way. However, I am learning that not everyone has high
standards in relation to punctuality and I try not to say
anything to them.”
 The Cabin Crew Interview 81

The above response is quite a good one as it demonstrates to the

panel that you are never late, something which is crucial to the role
of cabin crew. Whatever weakness you decide to give, make sure
you tell the panel that you are taking steps to improve on your weak

• Team-working skills
The interview panel will most certainly want to hear evidence
of where you have worked effectively as part of a small team.

Cabin crew are required to work with other team members to
achieve a common goal. That goal is essentially to get the

passengers to their destination on time whilst ensuring their

8 7
safety and providing excellent customer service. Before you go
to the interview make sure that you are capable of providing

examples of where you have worked effectively as part of a
team. Here is a list of just some of the qualities required to work

as an effective team member:

• Good communicator;

• Good listening skills;

• Understanding of others;

• Able to focus on the end goal;

• Being adaptable and flexible;

• Supporting other team members;

• Being aware of yours and the other team members

strengths and weaknesses;

• Hardworking and focused;

• Professional and conscientious;

• Open to feedback.
82 How to Become Cabin Crew

Before you go to the cabin crew interview, you should learn and
understand the above list of teamworking qualities.

• Respect and diversity

As cabin crew you will be required to work with and interact with
people from all walks of life. It is absolutely crucial that you are
capable of working with anyone, regardless of their age, sex,
religious beliefs, background, sexual orientation, disabilities or

and responses to help you prepare.

4 5
Let’s now take a look at a number of sample interview questions

8 7
0 5
 The Cabin Crew Interview 83

Question Number 1:

Why do you want to become a cabin crew member?

You will, most probably, have already answered this question when
completing the application form. If this is the case, have a look at
your application form response prior to the interview to make sure
you give an alternative answer and also that you do not contradict
yourself the second time around.

following elements:

4 5
When answering this question, concentrate on covering the

8 7
The main reason why – your ambition;

The suitability of your personal qualities and attributes;

The positive aspects of the role – variety, flexibility, working with
others, etc;
• Helping others/customer care, etc.

I have provided you with a sample response to this type of question.

Once you have read my response, use it to construct your own

using a blank sheet of paper.

Sample Response

“This is something that I have always wanted to do. Ever

since I flew on holiday as a child, I have aspired to be a
member of a cabin crew team.

Although I enjoy my current job, I would now like a career

that is more challenging, varied and exciting.

I believe my own personal qualities would suit the role of

84 How to Become Cabin Crew

a cabin crew member and I get great satisfaction from

working in a team environment, where everybody is
working towards the same goal.

I understand that delivering a high level of service to the

customer is a priority in this industry, and this is something
that I would enjoy doing.”

Key Areas to Consider

• The positive aspects of the job;

4 5
The main reason for wanting to become a cabin crew member:

• Working in a team environment;

• Providing a high standard of customer care.

 The Cabin Crew Interview 85

Question Number 2:

Why do you want to work for our airline?

Once again, you may have already answered this question during
the application form stage. If this is the case, remember to check
your answer first before attending the interview.

When answering this question, you must be positive about their

airline. The main reason for the panel asking this question is that

4 5
they want to know you have researched them thoroughly, and that
you are serious about wanting to join them. Many candidates apply
for many different airlines just because they want to become a

8 7
cabin crew member. Wanting to join their particular airline is just as
important as wanting to become a cabin crew member.

0 5
When answering this type of question, try to cover the following

• Their reputation (providing it is positive);

• The quality of their product;

• The airlines ambitions and achievements;

• What they stand for.

Now, take a look at the sample response that follows before creating
your own using a blank sheet of paper.

Sample Response

“Prior to attending the selection process, I researched

a number of different airlines before deciding to apply
for yours. I was impressed by the quality of service the
airline offers and I already know that it has an excellent
reputation. Your customer service standards are high and
86 How to Become Cabin Crew

the quality of training all cabin crew members receive is


Having spoken to some of your existing employees, all of

them were very happy in their work and stated that you
are a very good employer. You are an exciting airline that
has achieved much to date and I like the fact that you are
always looking for innovative ways to improve and develop.

I would like to work for an airline that cares about its

4 5
customers, which you do. If the customer is happy and
their experience of flying with you is a good one, they are
likely to come back again.

8 7
I would love to be a part of this team and believe the

qualities I have will help it to continue to move forward
and stay ahead of its competitors.”
Key Areas to Consider:

• The airline’s reputation;

• The quality of their product and what they stand for;

• The airline’s ambitions and achievements.

 The Cabin Crew Interview 87

Question Number 3:

What makes you better than the next candidate and,

therefore, why should we offer you the position?

This is another opportunity for you to sell yourself. This is quite a

common question during interviews and the way you approach it
should be in a positive manner.

The question is designed to assess your confidence and determine

4 5
the type of qualities you have. Don’t fall into the trap of answering
this question in the same way that most people do.

8 7
Many people will reply with a response along the following line:

“I am the best person for the job because this is something that I’ve

0 5
always wanted to do. I am a hard worker who is enthusiastic and
determined to be successful.”

This type of response is not factual or unique in content. Try to

focus your response on the job and how best you match it. The
airline wants to know that they’ll look back in a year's time, and think
that they are glad they employed you.

Take a look at my sample response before constructing your own

using a blank sheet of paper.

Sample Response

“I have researched both the role that I am applying for,

and your airline. Looking at the required skills of the role
and the type of person you are looking for, I believe I am
the best person for the job.

I have a proven track record in delivering a high level

of customer service and have experience in dealing with
88 How to Become Cabin Crew

customer complaints. I have been on a number of training

courses before and always ensure that I put in the required
amount of work to successfully pass them to a high

I am a confident and reliable person who works very well

in a team environment. In my previous role as a restaurant
manager, I often had to work to tight schedules and always
remained calm when under pressure.

4 5
Finally, my personal circumstances are extremely flexible
and, having studied the role of a cabin crew member, I

understand the obligations and requirements in terms of
availability. If successful, I promise that I won’t let you

down and I will work hard to make sure that I live up to

Key Areas to Consider:
expectations of the airline.”

• Your previous experience and how it relates to the role;

• Be positive, confident and upbeat in your response;

• Cover the key qualities and attributes and match them with your
own experience.
 The Cabin Crew Interview 89

Question Number 4:

What are your weaknesses and what do you need to work


This is a classic interview question and can be quite difficult to

answer for many people.

Those people who say they have no weaknesses are not telling the
truth. We all have areas that we can improve on, but you need to be

4 5
careful what you disclose when responding to this type of question.

For example, if you tell the panel that you are an awful time keeper

8 7
you might as well leave the interview there and then! They will
admire your honesty, but the role requires people who are punctual
and are not going to be late for work.

0 5
The best way to prepare for this type of question is to write down
all your weaknesses. Once you have done that, pick one that you
can turn into a positive. Look at the sample response that follows
and see how I have turned the weakness around to our advantage.

Once you have read the response, use a blank sheet of paper to
prepare your own response based on your own circumstances.

Sample Response

“That’s a difficult question to answer but I am aware of a

weakness that I have. I tend to set myself high standards
both personally and professionally.

The problem is, I sometimes expect it from other people,

too. For example, I find it difficult to accept it when people
are late for an appointment that we have agreed.

In those situations, I need to learn to let it go over my

90 How to Become Cabin Crew

head and just accept that everybody is different.”

Key Areas to Consider:

• Be honest, but don’t talk about any weaknesses you may have
that are in relation to the job description;

• Turn your weakness into a positive;

• Say that you are working on your weakness;

If you really cannot think of a weakness, tell them about one
that you used to have.
8 7
0 5
 The Cabin Crew Interview 91

Question Number 5:

Describe a situation at work where you have had to be


Part of the essential criteria for becoming a cabin crew member is

that you are flexible. This means that you are flexible in terms of the
roster and your availability.

In order for the airline to operate effectively, it needs people who

4 5
do not want to work a normal 9-5 jobs. You may have to be at the
airport for 3am to prepare for your flight at 5am. Are you flexible
enough to do this?

8 7
Many cabin crew staff say that the most frustrating aspect of their
job is the instability of the life and the roster changes. Obviously,

0 5
the airline wants to know that this is not going to be a problem
for you. Therefore, when responding to this type of question, you
need to provide an example where you have already demonstrated
commitment and flexibility to a previous or current role.

Read the sample response I have provided before using a blank

sheet of paper to create your own response.

Sample Response

“Whilst working in my current role as a hairdresser, I

was asked by my employer to work late every Saturday
evening. The reason for this was that several clients could
only make appointments between 6pm and 8pm on
Saturday evenings. Although I usually go out on a Saturday
night, I decided to agree to the additional hours. The salon
was doing well and was beginning to get a very good
reputation. I wanted to help the salon provide a high level
of service to its customers and understood that if I didn’t
92 How to Become Cabin Crew

work late on those evenings they would lose the custom.

Fortunately, 2 months on, another member of the team

has volunteered to help me cover the Saturday evenings,
so I now only have to work every other Saturday.

I fully understand that cabin crew members need to be

flexible in terms of their roster and working hours. My
personal life would allow for this and I believe it is a small
sacrifice to pay for such a rewarding career. I can be relied
upon to be flexible when required.”

Key Areas to Consider:

4 5

8 7
Demonstrate that your personal circumstances allow for

0 5
Provide an example where you have gone out of your way
to help your employer. Tell them that you understand how
important flexible working is to the role of a cabin crew member.
 The Cabin Crew Interview 93

Question Number 6:

What challenges will our airline face in the future and how
could you, as a cabin crew member, help us to overcome

This type of question serves two main purposes for the panel. The
first purpose is that it assesses how much you understand about
the airline industry, in terms of its competitiveness.

4 5
The second purpose is that it assesses your awareness of how
influential cabin crew staff are in their role.

8 7
Cabin crew are some of the most important employees of an airline.
If passengers have an unpleasant experience during a flight, then
they are unlikely to return to that airline. There are so many different

0 5
airlines to choose from and competition is fierce, so staying ahead
of the game and providing an exceptional level of service is
important. Even if the airline is low budget, in terms of its airfare
price, it is still important that the cabin crew staff are friendly, helpful
and customer-focused.

Look at my sample response on the following page before

constructing your own answer using a blank sheet of paper.

Sample Response

“The airline industry is extremely competitive and the

expectations of the customer is always on the increase.
People generally want to pay less for their service but still
expect a high level of customer care.

In addition to the competitiveness of the modern-day

market, there is also the issue of security and the financial
implications this has in terms of additional training and
94 How to Become Cabin Crew

advanced security measures. The cost of fuel and salary

expenses will continue to increase, which will undoubtedly
influence the cost of the product.

Therefore, it is important that cabin crew members

provide the highest level of customer service at all times.

Customers are prepared to pay that little bit extra for a

high-quality service and the cabin crew staff are responsible
for delivering it.

4 5
Ensuring the customer is satisfied with the service will
mean they are far more likely to come back to the airline

8 7
time and time again. More importantly however, they will
recommend the airline to their friends and relatives.”

Key Areas to Consider:

• 0 5
Competitiveness of the industry, security issues and increased
operating costs for the airline;

• High customer expectations and how cabin crew can help

deliver this;

• A quality service means customers are far more likely to return

and use the service again.
 The Cabin Crew Interview 95

Question Number 7:

Do you think you will find the change of lifestyle difficult to

adapt to, if you are successful in becoming a member of the
cabin crew team?

There is only one answer to this question and that is ‘No, it will not
be difficult to adapt to’.

When answering questions of this nature, tell them that you have

the change of lifestyle it will bring.

4 5
researched the role and are fully aware of the implications, including

8 7
Also, remember to touch on the specifics about the change in
lifestyle, what it means to you and how you have prepared for it.

0 5
Don’t be afraid to say that some areas will be a challenge for you,
but that you are fully committed and prepared for everything the job

There now follows a sample response. Once again, read it and take
any useful ideas from it. Then prepare your own based on your own
individual circumstances.

Sample Response

“Although this is something that I have dreamt of doing

for many years now, I have still taken the time to consider
the lifestyle change and how it will affect me.

Whilst some areas will be challenging, I am 100% confident

I will not have any problems adapting. My personal
circumstances are such that I can work the roster system
comfortably and I am prepared for being away from home
for extended periods, as and when required.
96 How to Become Cabin Crew

I have few personal commitments at home and am fully

prepared for the lifestyle change, if I am successful in my
application. In fact, I am very much looking forward to the
change, as it is something I have wanted for a long time.

I live life to the full and my personality is one that is

adaptable to most circumstances.”

Key Areas to Consider:

4 5
Smile and be enthusiastic in your response;

Talk about the change in lifestyle for you and how you have

8 7
prepared for it. You have thought long and hard about this
career and your personal circumstances are suited to the role.

0 5
 The Cabin Crew Interview 97

Question Number 8:

How would you deal with somebody in a work situation

who you felt was not pulling their weight and working as
part of the team?

This type of question can be asked in a variety of formats.

You may be provided with a situation based around somebody not

pulling their weight during a flight, or it may be a question asking

4 5
you to provide an example of where you have dealt with this type of
situation in your current or previous role.

8 7
Whichever is the case, the question is designed to assess your
assertiveness and confidence, whilst being tactful. They are not
looking for you to respond in a confrontational manner but, instead,

0 5
looking for you to approach the person and resolve the issue with
the minimum of fuss. To ignore the issue is not an option.

There now follows a response which gives an example of a work

situation. Somebody is taking too many breaks and not pulling their

Once you have read the example, try to think of any experiences
you have where you have had to deal with this type of issue. Then,
use a blank sheet of paper to create a response.

Sample Response

“Whilst working in my current role as a waiter for a local

restaurant, I was aware of a colleague who was taking
more breaks than he was entitled to. Whilst he was taking
these additional breaks, the rest of the team would have to
cover for the shortfall. Unfortunately, the customer would
then suffer as the time it took for them to be served would
98 How to Become Cabin Crew

increase. I decided to approach the person in order to

resolve the issue. I walked over to him and asked him in a
friendly manner if he would come and help the rest of the
team serve the customers. I told him that we were busy
and that we needed his help. Fortunately, he responded
in a positive manner and realised that he was taking
advantage of his rest periods. Since then, there has not
been an issue.

It is important that the team gets on and works well
together. We cannot afford to have confrontational

situations and the best way to resolve issues like this is to
be honest and tactful.”

Key Areas to Consider:

8 7

• 0 5
Do not be confrontational;

Be tactful in your approach, focusing on the customer as the

priority. Effective teamwork is essential;

• Do not ignore the situation, but instead deal with it tactfully.

 The Cabin Crew Interview 99

Question Number 9:

How do you feel about working with people from different

cultures and backgrounds?

This is quite a common interview question and one that you need
to be prepared for. Respect for diversity is essential to the role of a
cabin crew member. You will be working with both colleagues and
customers from diverse cultures and backgrounds and, therefore,
it is important that you are comfortable with this. We live in a

4 5
diverse community that brings many positive aspects that we can
learn from. When answering the question, you should be aiming to

demonstrate that you are totally at ease when working with people
from different cultures and backgrounds. You may wish to give an

example of this in your response.

0 5
Take a look at the following response to this question before using
a blank sheet of paper to construct your own answer to this type of

Remember to be honest in your reply and only state the facts about
your feelings towards people from different cultures. If you are
not truthful in your response, you will not be doing yourself, or the
airline, any favours.

Sample Response

“I am totally at ease in those situations, in fact I don’t even

think about it. This has never been a problem for me.

I have a sincere interest in people from different cultures

and backgrounds and have learnt many things from them
in the past. I would like to think that we can all learn
something from everybody, regardless of their culture or
background and this is part of the job that I would look
100 How to Become Cabin Crew

forward to.

There are so many different and exciting things to learn

in life and this can only be achieved by meeting, respecting
and understanding people from diverse cultures and
backgrounds. Teams that are diverse in nature have a
better chance of delivering a higher quality of service. If
the customer base is diverse, then so should the workforce
that delivers the service.”

Key Areas to Consider:

4 5
Be honest when answering this type of question;

8 7
Demonstrate that you understand diversity and the benefits this
brings to society. Provide examples where appropriate.

0 5
 The Cabin Crew Interview 101

Question Number 10:

What is the best example of customer service that you

have come across?

The majority of airlines pride themselves on their high level of

service. However, some are better than others.

This type of question is designed to see how high your standards

are, in relation to customer service. Those people who have a great

4 5
deal of experience in a customer-focused environment will be able
to answer this question with relative ease.

8 7
However, those who have little experience in this area will need to
spend more time preparing their response.

0 5
Try to think of an occasion when you have witnessed an excellent
piece of customer service and show that you learned from it. If
you are very confident, then you may have an occasion when you,
yourself, provided that service. Whatever response you provide,
make sure it is unique and stands out.

There now follows a sample response that relates to an individual

who went that extra mile to make certain the customer was happy.

Once you have read it, use a blank sheet of paper to create your

Sample Response

“Whilst working as a shop assistant in my current role, a

member of the public came in to complain to the manager
about a pair of football shoes that he had bought for his
son’s birthday. When his son came to open the present
on the morning of his birthday, he noticed that one of
the football boots was a larger size than the other. He
102 How to Become Cabin Crew

was supposed to be playing football with his friends that

morning and wanted to wear his new boots.

However, due to the shop’s mistake, this was not possible.

Naturally, the boy was very upset. The manager of the shop
was excellent in her approach to dealing with situation.
She remained calm throughout and listened to the
gentleman very carefully, showing complete empathy for
his son’s situation. This immediately defused any potential

4 5
She then told him how sorry she was for the mistake that

had happened, and that she would feel exactly the same if
it was her own son who it had happened to. She then told

the gentleman that she would refund the money in full

0 5
and give his son a new pair of football boots to the same
value as the previous pair.

The man was delighted with her offer. Not only that, she
then offered to give the man a further discount of 10%
on any future purchase, due to the added inconvenience
that was caused by him having to return to the shop to
sort out the problem. I learned a lot from the way my
manager dealt with this situation. She used exceptional
communication skills and remained calm throughout. She
then went the extra mile to make the gentleman’s journey
back to the shop a worthwhile one.

The potential for losing a customer was averted by her

actions and I feel sure the man would return to our shop
 The Cabin Crew Interview 103

Key Areas to Consider:

• Use an example where somebody has gone the extra mile;

• Remember that part of the role of a cabin crew member is to

provide a high level of customer service;

• Tell them what you learned from the experience.

4 5
8 7
0 5
104 How to Become Cabin Crew

Question Number 11:

What do you think makes a successful cabin crew team?

Part of the role of a cabin crew member is to be a competent and

effective team player. The purpose of this question is to assess your
knowledge of what a team is and how it operates effectively. Some
of the important aspects to remember, when operating as a cabin
crew team member, are as follows:

Gets on well with the rest of the team;

4 5
Offers effective solutions to problem solving;

Utilises effective listening skills both verbal and non-verbal;


Makes an effort to involve others;

Can be adaptable and willing to try others’ ideas;

Gives positive feedback to the rest of the team;

• When things are going wrong, remains positive and enthusiastic.

These are just a few examples of how a member of a team can help
contribute in a positive way.

Now, look at the sample response that follows. Then use a blank
sheet of paper to construct your own answer.

Sample Response

“There are a number of crucial elements that would

make a successful cabin crew team. To begin with, it is
important to have several types of people in terms of their
personalities, views and opinions. This way you are more
likely to get a variety of options and solutions to problems
 The Cabin Crew Interview 105

when they arise.

The team members need to be positive, enthusiastic and

have the ability to get on with each other. There should
be no confrontation between members of the team and
an understanding from everyone that they are working
together to achieve a common goal of delivering a
high-quality service, all the while ensuring the absolute
safety of passengers.

4 5
Each member of the team should be a competent
communicator and be able to listen to other people’s

ideas and opinions. Flexibility in the team is also important
to try new and different ideas when appropriate.

Every team member should provide encouragement and
work hard together when the pressure is on. Above all,
cabin crew are role models for the airline, and each member
of the team should uphold the values of their employer.”

Key Areas to Consider:

• Utilise key words in your response;

• Demonstrate that you understand the qualities of an effective


• Remember the ultimate aim of delivering a high-quality service

and ensuring the safety of all passengers.
106 How to Become Cabin Crew

Question Number 12:

Have you ever lost your temper?

This is a great interview question and is not easy to answer.

All of us have lost our temper at some point, but you need to be
careful as to how much you disclose.

Part of the role of a cabin crew member is to remain calm under

pressure and you need to demonstrate this in your response. They

4 5
do not want to employ people who lose their temper at the slightest
hint of confrontation. It is during these times that you will need to

8 7
use your skills to defuse the conflict.

The question is designed to see how honest you are, and whether

0 5
you are a naturally aggressive person. It is ok to lose your temper
at times during your personal life, but it is not welcome as a cabin
crew member.

How would it look if you saw a cabin crew member losing his/her
temper during a flight? It would be embarrassing and unprofessional!

Look at the sample response that follows before taking the time to
construct your own.

Sample Response

“On the whole I am a calm person and do not become

aggressive or confrontational.

Whilst it is only natural to be annoyed with people from

time to time, I see no point in losing my temper.

It is just wasted energy.

I understand that cabin crew staff cannot lose their

 The Cabin Crew Interview 107

temper with passengers, it would be highly unprofessional.

I appreciate that it must be frustrating at times dealing
with difficult passengers, but the way to resolve issues is to
remain calm and be patient.”

Key Areas to Consider:

• Try to use ‘non-confrontational’ words and phrases during your

response – patience, calm, understanding, etc;

Demonstrate your understanding of the cabin crew’s role and

the importance of remaining calm and professional.

8 7
0 5
108 How to Become Cabin Crew

Question Number 13:

If you were not successful today, would you re-apply?

There is only one answer to this type of question and that is “Yes,
I would.”

The question is designed to see how dedicated you are to their

particular airline. The important thing to remember, when responding
to this type of question, is to mention that you would look to improve
on your weak areas for next time.

4 5
Determination is the key to success and if you are not accepted the

8 7
first time, you will work hard to improve for the next time.

Most people, if asked this question think they have failed and are

0 5
not going to be offered a job. Do not fall into this trap. It is a question
that is designed to see how committed you are to join their airline!
Be positive in your response.

There now follows a sample response to this type of question. Once

you have read it, take the time to construct your own using a blank
sheet of paper.

Sample Response

“Yes I would, most definitely. I have researched many

different airlines and this is the one that I would like to
join. If I am not successful at this attempt, then I will go
away and look for ways to improve. Whilst I would be
disappointed, I would not be negative about the situation.
One of my qualities is that I have the ability to accept,
and work on my weaknesses. If there was the option for
feedback, I would take this up and improve on the areas I
needed to work on.
 The Cabin Crew Interview 109

However, I would love to be successful at this attempt and

do believe that I am ready to become a competent and
professional cabin crew member with your airline.”

Key Areas to Consider:

• The only real answer to this question is ‘yes’;

• Be positive about the prospect of not being successful and tell

them that you would work on your weaknesses;

Don’t be afraid to be confident in your own abilities.

8 7
0 5
110 How to Become Cabin Crew

Question Number 14:

How many times have you called in sick within the last

This is an easy question to answer, but one that can do you some
damage if you have a poor sickness record.

The ideal answer here is zero days. The airline need people who
are reliable.

4 5
If a member of the cabin crew calls in sick on the day of their flight,
this will cause problems for the airline. They then have to dedicate

cover for the sick person.

8 7
time and resources to phone around and find somebody else to

0 5
Genuine sickness cannot be avoided. However, in every job
there are people who take advantage of sick leave, which costs
employees thousands of pounds every year.

The airline industry is keen to avoid employing people who have a

poor sickness record.

There now follows a sample response which is based on an

individual who has no record of sickness within the last 12 months.

Sample Response

“I have had no days off sick within the last 12 months.

I am an honest person and would only ever call in sick if

I really could not make it to work. I understand that the
airline needs to employ reliable people and if a member of
the team goes sick, you will need to find somebody else to
cover for them.”
 The Cabin Crew Interview 111

Key Areas to Consider:

• The fewer days you take off, the better;

• Be aware of the implications for the airline if an employee is

constantly calling in sick;

• Genuine sickness cannot be avoided.

In the next section of the guide I will provide you with a useful section
that will teach you how to deal with customer complaints, something

which you will get asked about during the interview!

8 7
0 5
4 5
8 7
0 5
4 5
How to 8 7
Deal with
0 5
114 How to Become Cabin Crew

Dealing with Complaints

Within the next few pages, I have provided you with some
information on how to deal with complaints effectively. A good
starting point when thinking about this issue is to imagine yourself
as a passenger on a flight.

The service has not been fantastic and you want to complain. Are
you concerned the fact that one of the cabin crew staff went sick
at the last minute and the crew are short? No, of course you’re

not. Neither are you concerned about the fact that other people
are complaining at the other end of the aircraft. In fact, all you are

concerned with is that your complaint gets dealt with quickly and

8 7
During your career as a cabin crew member, you will be faced with

0 5
highly stressful situations in relation to difficult customers and you
will need to react appropriately.

In any industry or profession where a customer is complaining,

there are 5 key areas that the complainant is concerned with:

• They want someone to listen to their complaint;

• They want someone to understand why they are complaining;

• They want someone to sort out their complaint as soon as


• They would like an apology;

• They want someone to explain what has gone wrong.

Cabin crew members are required to deal with complaints in

an efficient and effective manner. If you are successful in your
application, your training course will cover these core skills in detail.
 How to Deal with Complaints 115

However, having knowledge of how to deal with customer complaints

during the selection process will assist you. You may be asked a
question during the interview that relates to customer complaints,
so having the ability to explain how they are dealt with is a positive

When dealing with customer complaints in any form, you will need
to follow an action plan. This action plan is explained in detail on
the following pages. The plan follows a structured format and each

area follows on systematically from the other. To begin with, you will
listen to the complaint using effective verbal and non-verbal listening

skills. Most people associate communication skills primarily with the
spoken word.

8 7
However, these cover many areas. Having the ability to actively

0 5
listen is a key factor to resolving the complaint successfully. Take a
look at the stages of dealing with complaints before reading each
individual section.

• Listen to the complaint;

• Apologise and appreciate;

• Gather information;

• Provide a solution;

• Reach an agreement;

• Take action;

• Follow up.

At the end of the explanations, I have provided you with a ‘Dealing

with Complaints’ exercise to help you put these skills into practice.
116 How to Become Cabin Crew

Listen to the Complaint

The key factor when dealing with the complaint is to listen. Listening
effectively can be done in a number of ways. This can be achieved
through facial expression, body language, oral confirmation and
clarification techniques.

If the passenger is sat down in their chair, then you may wish to
crouch down to their level. This will alleviate any confrontational
body position where you are looking down at the complainant. This

Then, listen to the complaint in full.

4 5
will also prevent the need for speaking any louder than necessary.

8 7
Maintain good eye contact throughout, nod, use an interested facial
expression and confirm back to the passenger what they have

0 5
told you. If the passenger begins to shout, becomes aggressive
or confrontational, or even starts swearing, then you will have to
be assertive in your response and inform them that their language
will not be tolerated. Inform them that you want to deal with their
complaint quickly and to their satisfaction, but it must be done in a
calm manner.

Apologise and Appreciate

Once you have listened to their complaint, you need to apologise
and explain that you fully understand how they feel. This will
usually have the effect of defusing any confrontation and will
make the complainant feel that they are being heard. It is all about
establishing a rapport with the passenger and making them feel that
their complaint is important. The following is a sample response to
a customer’s complaint:

“Thank you for taking the time, sir, to explain what the
problem is. If the same situation had happened to me I
would certainly feel as you do.”
 How to Deal with Complaints 117

In just two sentences, you have made the complainant feel valued
and understood. Now you can begin to resolve the issue and you
will find it easier to talk to them from now on.

Providing their complaint is genuine, you should now take ownership

of the complaint and see it through to a successful resolution. You
have listened to their complaint and acknowledged there is an
issue. Now move on to establishing the facts, which will give you
the tools to create a successful resolution.

Gather Information

4 5
When dealing with a complaint as a cabin crew member, the next

important stage is to gather as much essential information as
possible. The reason for doing this is that it will allow you to make

a more informed judgement about the situation and it will also allow

0 5
you to take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Complaints take time to deal with and detract you from other
important duties. When a member of the team is dealing with a
complaint, the rest of team must make up for the deficit in numbers.
Therefore, if the situation that led to the complaint in the first instance
can be avoided in the future, this will help the flight to run smoother
and allow the cabin crew staff to concentrate on their primary role –
providing a high level of customer service and ensuring the safety
of all passengers.

When gathering information, concentrate on the following areas:

• What is the complaint in relation to?

• What are the facts of the incident?

• Who was responsible?

• How would the passenger like the problem to be resolved?

118 How to Become Cabin Crew

Once you have gathered all the facts, you will then be able to take
action to resolve the issue.

Provide a Solution
Coming up with a suitable solution to the customer’s complaint can
be difficult, especially if they are reluctant to accept any reasonable
offering. Therefore, it is important that you remain calm throughout.

Make sure that the solution/s you offer are relevant to the situation
and are achievable. If they are not, then do not make the mistake

4 5
of offering something you cannot deliver. This will just make the
situation worse. When providing a solution, ask the customer if your

8 7
offer is acceptable. For example:

“Would you like me to get you another drink?” or “Would you like me

0 5
to see if we have an alternative meal?”

By offering different solutions to the complainant, you are asking

them to make the decision for you, and therefore making your
life easier. This way, they will end up getting what they want and,
therefore, will be happy with the resolution.

Remember – when dealing with the complaint, never take it

personally and never be rude or confrontational.

Reach an Agreement
Once you have offered the solution, make sure you get the
complainant’s approval first. This will prevent them from
complaining about the action you are taking to resolve the issue.
The most effective method of achieving this is through verbal

For example:

“Ok sir, to resolve the issue, I will go away and get you
 How to Deal with Complaints 119

another meal. I will make sure that the meal is hot. Is this
alright with you?”

Reaching an agreement is important psychologically. The

passenger will feel that you are being considerate to their needs
and, by reaffirming the solution with them; you are showing them
that you have their interests at heart.

Take Action
Plain and simple. Now that you have reached an agreement, get

4 5
on with the task in hand. If it is going to take you a while to take the
action agreed upon, you might find it useful to inform the passenger.

8 7
“Ok, I will now go and get your meal. This might take me
a few minutes, so please bear with me.”

0 5
In the final section of the guide I will provide you with a ‘useful
contacts’ section to help you search for cabin crew jobs with the
major airlines.
4 5
8 7
0 5
4 5
122 How to Become Cabin Crew

Within this section of the guide I have provided airline contact

details to make it easier for you to research and apply.

Most airlines provide recruitment information through their websites.

When researching the role of both a cabin crew member and the
airline, your first port of call should be the website. This will provide
you with plenty of up-to-date information about the airline, its
products and service, possible future developments and how they

4 5
Take a piece of paper and a pen, and then spend some time studying
the website of your chosen airline. Write down any information that

8 7
will help you during your application.

You will also find that many airlines allow you to apply online through

their online application form. If this is the case, remember to print off
your completed form before submitting it. You will need to refer to it

prior to the assessment centre.

Make sure to check that you meet the minimum requirements of

the airline you wish to apply for, before submitting your application
form – many of them vary.

While there are hundreds of available airlines, see below for a list of
the most common ones, as well as their website details:




 Airline Contact Details 123





4 5

8 7







4 5
8 7
0 5
4 5
What 5 7
to8Expect if
You Get the Job!
126 How to Become Cabin Crew

The Training Process

Now I don’t want you to get too far ahead of yourself, but in this
section, you’ll find information about the cabin crew training process
– i.e. how they train up cabin crew members who have been offered
the job!

One thing to be aware of – the training process of cabin crew can

last around 6 weeks with near-constant examinations. It’s possible
to fail parts of this process and have to go through retakes, which
could delay your start time.

4 5
So, here is a list of topics an airline will cover during the training

8 7
Standard Operating Procedures;

0 5
Safety Equipment;

Abnormal and Emergency Procedures;

• Aircraft Type Specific;

• First Aid;

• Survival, Search and Rescue;

• Aviation Security;

• Dangerous Goods;

• Passenger Management;

• Grooming;

• Cabin Service;

• Disability Awareness;
 What to Expect if You Get the Job! 127

• Food Hygiene;

• Keeping Airline Incidents and Occurrences Confidential

Expect a pass mark of between 82-93%, calculated after near-daily

examinations during the 6-week training course.

Other Information to Consider

While you’ll be delighted to have been offered a cabin crew job
– as you should be – there are some important, albeit potentially


4 5
unpleasant, pieces of information you should be aware of from the

8 7
Here is a list of details you should consider and ask about having
been offered a job by an airline:

0 5
Opportunities for career progression;

Seasonal contracts;

• PDRs – Professional Development Reviews;

• Expected vaccinations for particular airlines and costs;

• Hidden training costs;

• Uniform costs;

• US visa costs – some airlines will reimburse;

• CRC checks cost – anything from £25 - £125, some airlines

will reimburse. If you have a drink driving conviction and are
successful with airlines that operate to the US, the application
will be pulled as the US border will not permit entry;

• Airline social media policies.

128 How to Become Cabin Crew

Of course, you should only start worrying about the above details
once you’ve had the big questions answered. For example:

• What’s your basic salary?

• Are there any possibilities of earning commission?

• Will you be paid differently for flights involving different sectors?

• What exact allowances and benefits are available to you?

4 5
8 7
0 5
4 5
A Few8 7Final
130 How to Become Cabin Crew

You’ve now reached the end of How to Become Cabin Crew. By

using this book, you’ve given yourself the knowledge you need to
prepare as well as you can for the competitive and intensive process
of becoming a member of a cabin crew of your choice.

For any process, it is helpful to keep the following in mind:

The Three ‘P’s

1. Preparation. Preparation is key to passing any test; you won’t

4 5
be doing yourself any favours by not taking the time to prepare.
Many fail their tests because they did not know what to expect or
did not know what their own weaknesses were. Take the time to go

8 7
over any areas you may have struggled with. By doing this, you will
become familiar with how you will perform on the day of the test.

0 5
2. Perseverance. If you set your sights on a goal and stick to it, you
are more likely to succeed. Obstacles and setbacks are common
when trying to achieve something great, and you shouldn’t shy
away from them. Instead, face the tougher parts of the test, even
if you feel defeated. If you need to, take a break from your work to
relax and then return with renewed vigour. If you fail the test, take
the time to consider why you failed, gather your strength and try

3. Performance. How well you perform will be the result of your

preparation and perseverance. Remember to relax when taking
the test and try not to panic. Believe in your own abilities, practise
as much as you can, and motivate yourself constantly. Nothing is
gained without hard work and determination, and this applies to
how you perform on the day of the test.

We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours!


4 5
8 7
0 5


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