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Sidra Ghalib
Supervisor: Dr. Zafar Jamal
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Abid
“Ethnobotany” word literally means the study of botany of the primitive human race. The
systematic study of the relationships between plants and people.
Ethnobotany is the study of how people of a particular culture and region make of used
indigenous plants. Ethnobotany explores how plants are used for such things as a
food, shelter, medicine, clothing and religious ceremonies

. Many of today’s drugs have been derived from plant sources. Pharmacognosy is the
study of medicinal and toxic products from natural plant sources.

“Ethnobotany has now emerged as an interdisciplinary study which can involve, in

addition to botany and ethnology area of archaeology, forestry, agriculture medicinal
science, economics phytochemistry, pharmacology veterinary medicine etc’’.
Ethnomedicinal Plants:
Medicinal plants can be defined as the plants that passess therapeutic
properties or exert beneficial effect on the human or animal body.
Medicinal plants have been used against various diseases for thousand of the
years, and 80% of the worldwide population still depends on the herbal
Medicinal plants have been used in herbal remedies and health care across
world due to it secondary metabolites contents.
Ethnomedicine is a field of study that raises local knowledge of the
community to maintain their health.
Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants:
Ethnoveterinary medicines are used extensively and quite effectively for
primary health care treatment and maintaining animals productive. The
knowledge is passed on verbally from generation to generation.
Ethnoveterinary practices are often cheap, safe timed and passed on local
resources and strength
Study Areas:
Tehsil Havelian is located on the Karakoram Highway and on the bank of
Dhoar River, about 15.5 kilometers south west of District Abbottabad. It is
second largest muncipal city of Abbottabad in the Hazara Division. 27
Kilometers away from Havelian in union councils Dewal Manal, Sajikot
located. The area is scenric with mountains hills and fragmented agricultural
land, fruits, orchids, pine forests and scrubby or shrubby vegetation. The
central villages of Dewal Manal union council is Dewal. The dominant local
cast of the people is Karlal.
The study area Sajikot, one of the hilly areas of the district
Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtun khwa, Pakistan situated at 34o267N latitude and
74o200 E longitude, at an altitude of 1,256 meters.
The climate of the village as a whole is somewhat moderate, with mild to war
temperature during June and July and cold temperature during the winter.
Major Forest Types:
The vegetation of the Sajikot fall into 2 major forest categories.
1. Coniferous Sub-Trophical Pine Forest (Chir Fores)
This forest is chiefly characterized the extensive growth of pinus roxburghii.
The quality and density of these forest is low due to unprotected area and
overgrazing factor are very common. The common specie Quercus
incana, Pyrus Parhia, Punica Granatum.
2. Scrub dry Sub Trophical broad leaved forests.
the forest are classified are arid forest. The quality and density of these
forests are variable. The major plants are Acacia Modesta (Phulai), Olea
ferruginea (Kahoo) Dodonea viscose (Sonatha)
Objectives of the Study:
The present study was carried out with the following objectives in mind.
1. To explore medicinal plants of the study area.
2. Documentation of traditional knowledge of medicinal plants.
3. To explore original medicinal plants recipes used by the local community.
Map of Study Area:
Present study was carried out from September 2023 to May 2024. During this period
the research site was freSquently visited for plants collection and data collection each
trip was pre-planned and effectively executed. This research project was completed in
three phase. This includes reviews of literature, field trip for plants and data collection
and compilation / documentation of data from Sajikot village district Abbottabad.

Field Visits for Plant Collection and Data Collection:

Planned field visit were conducted in the study area to collect traditional knowledge of
medicinal plants. People of different ages were interviewed according to the already
prepared questionnaire. Field trips were made to the different localities of Sajikot
Village. Plants were collected, dried and posted on herbarium sheets. Youth were
advised to learn the traditional medicinal knowledge to preserve it.
The material are used in research work during field visit, blotting, cutter, digital
camera, fielfollowing d note book, herbarium sheets , Marker, plastic
sheets, polytheme bags, voice record and GPS.
Preservation Plants:
Plant species were then passed properly dried and then mounted on herbarium sheets.
Part used were also attached to the herbarium sheets. Tage were pasted on herbarium
which contains botanical name local name family and medicinal uses of the plant
Data Analysis:
The collected data was analyzed statistically by using indices such as use value (UV)
as described below
Use Value:
The use value (UV) of therapeutic plant species is used to determine their relative
importance. It was calculated by the following formula
(Savikinetal, 2013’ Rehman et al 2023b)
Where μ
UV = ---
μ= number of informants who cite different uses of therapeutic plants
ɳ = number of informants.
Locality:____________________ Date:________________

Personal Bio Data

Name of interviewed person: ____________________ Gender:_________________
Age: ___________________ Education: ________________ Occupation:__________

Ethnobotanical Information
Local name of plant: __________________________________________________
Part used____________________________________________________________
Is it sold in market____________________________________________________
How plant is used / recipe of Medicine____________________________________
The survey identified and recorded 30 plants species are used for
ethnomedicinal purposes these plants were represented by 23 angiospermic
families. Lumiaceae and Solonaceae were the most dominant families both
represent by 3 species and punicaceae in the smallest terms of its
ethnomedicinal uses and is represented by species only most of the ethno
medicinal plants were herbs and the major part used was leaf. This study has
help to documented traditional knowledge of plants for the first time in
Botanical Name: Ajuga bracteosa wall
Family: Hamiaceae
Vernacular Name: Kauributi
Locality: Nagri Payeen
Habit: Perennial herb
Part used: Root, Leave
Ethnomedicinal uses:
A decoction of the leaves is used for the treatment of diabetes and fever. Root is used to
treat diarrhoea and dysentery.
Folk Recipe:
Fresh leaves are collected cleaned, washed and then crushed. The plant extract is taken
from it.This extract is used by diabetic patients. The juice of root is used in the treatment
of diarrhoea and dysentery.
Botanical Name: Bauhinia ariegata L
Family: Fabaceae
Vernacular Name: Kulyar
Locality: Maqole
Habit: Shrub or small tree
Part used: Bark, Leaves
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
It was eaten as wild vegetable salads. Bark is used to treat out infections and toothaches.
Crushed leaves are used to control nasal bleeding, seed powder is given to children for
treatment of skin infection.
Folk Recipe:
The bark is boiled in about half liter of water. So water used for gargling in case of mouth
infection and toothache. Even the died bark can be used to treat toothaches fresh leaves are
collected cloan wash then crushed the leaves and extract is taken from it this extract is use
with honey in case of nasal bleeding. Seed powder is mixed with milk to cure skin
Botanical Name: Berberis lycium royle
Family: Berbaidaceae
Vernacular Name: Sombal
Locality: Phalkot
Habit: Shub
Part used: Fruit, stem, root
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
Every part of this plant has some medicinal value. Roots extract is used in the treatment of
stomachulcer, diabetes and blood purification. The root powder is also used for
teethailment worms in the mouth. The fruit of plant is also edible locally called “Sumbulo”
Folk Recipe:
Berberis lycium leaves is collected and boiled in water for one hour and the juice is
extracted by crushing the fruit through a cloth. The juice is stored in the bottles for against
blood purification and stomach cleaning, and it is also effective for diabetic patients. Root
powder is used with Desi Ghee for the treatment of teeth problems.
Botanical Name: Berginia ciliata L
Family: Bergeniaceae
Vernacular Name: Batpaya
Locality: Narwar
Habit: Herb
Part used: Whole plant
Ethnomedicinal uses:
It is used to treat back pain, fracture bone and dysentery. Rhizome of the plant is used for
the treatment of kidney stones and urinary disorders leaves are taken for ear aches.
Folk Recipe:
Roots as dried crushed into powder mixed with ghee to make paste which is applied on
fracture bone and tied with woollen cloth for whole nigh for 5 – 10 days. Rhizome crushed
into powder and tea is made and taken usually twice a day for 2 weeks to dissolve kidney
stones and also treatment of urinary disorders leaves are ground in mortar and the juice is
used to relieve ear aches.
Botanical Name: Datura straminium L
Family: Solanaceae
Vernacular Name: Datura
Locality: Narwara
Habit: Herb
Part used: flower, leave, bark
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
Green leaves are applied for the softening of the boils. Juice of the fruits is applied to
scalip for falling hairs and as antidandruff. Juice of the flower is used in earache. Bark is
used as the treatment of skin problem.
Folk Recipe:
Leaves paste is mixed with a table spoon of mustard oil. When it became soft then applied
for the softening of boils. Juice of fruit is applies on the hair to reduce hair falling and
antidandruff from hairs. Bark was boiled in the water the liquid become thick. This liquid
is used for skin problems.
Botanical Name: Melia azedarach L
Family: Meliaceae
Vernacular Name: Darek
Locality: Gohra
Habit: Tree
Part used: Seed, Leave, wood
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
Seed are given to the animal for maturity. The plant is used as a fodder for cattle and use in
the roof of huts. Leave powder is used as the treatment of diarrhea in dogs and cats wood
of the plant is used for agricultural implements and mature leaves are used as fodder.
Folk Recipe:
Seed are collected and mixed with maize and given to the animal for maturity. It is also
given to buffaloes for thickness of milk. Leaves is mixed with jaggeryandused as the
treatment of diarrhoea in dogs and cats. Fruit and leaves are mixed with wheat plant to
prevent the attack of insect.
Botanical Name: Mentha spicata L
Family: Lamiaceae
Vernacular Name: Podina
Locality: Narwara
Habit: Herb
Part used: Leaves, Root
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
Leaves powder is used as relief for stomach problems, and powder is used with yogurt in
case of diarrhoea and food poisoning. Fresh leave also used in “Chutney”. Root juice of
Mentha Spicata is used for the treatment of jaundice.
Folk Recipe:
Leaves are dried and crushed then make powder from it. This powder is use with water in
case of stomach problem. And use with yogurt in case of diarrhoea and food poisoning.
Root is boiled in water and juice is extracted by crushing the roots through a cloth. The
juice used daily for the treatment of Jaundice.
Botanical Name: Nasturtium officinale
Family: Brassicaceae
Vernacular Name: Talmeera
Locality: Sajikot
Habit: Perennial herb
Part used: Leave, Seed
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
It was eaten as a wild vegetables or salads. Leaf powder is given to patients suffering from
chest infection and chest inflammation. It is also used to treat intestinal infections. Seed oil
is given to the childs for the treatment of intestinal worms.
Folk Recipe:
The leaves of Nasturtium officinate is collected and died make powder from it. Take 1/3
tea spoon with water to relieve chest infection, it also helps in intestinal infection. Two
drops of seed oil is mixed with milk and drink it removes the intestinal worms.
Botanical Name: Salvia Moorcroftiana
Family: Lamiaceae
Vernacular Name: Kaliari
Locality: Patane
Habit: Shrub
Part used: Leave, Root, Back
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
Fresh leaves powder is used as dry cough and use with water in case of diarrhoea. Root
and bark extract is used by diabetic patients is also effective for earache or otalgia.
Folk Recipe:
Fresh leaves are collected, wash dried in the sun and make powder from it. This powder is
use with honey in case of dry cough and use with water in case of diarrhoea roots and bark
is boiled in water for 10 minutes to prepare a decotion and is used for daily to control
diabetes and effective for earache.
Botanical Name: Solanum xantho carpum L.
Family: Solanaceae
Vernacular Name: Morian
Locality: Gohra
Habit: Herb
Part used: Leave Root
Ethnomedicinal Uses:
The fruit of Solanum xanthcarpum is used to reduce uric acid in the body. Leaves extract is
used in the treatment of typhoid fever.
Folk Recipe:
The fruit of solanum Xanthcarpum is mashed and boil in water till become thick then foots
are diped in the liquid it will reduce uric acid from the body. The leaves along with fruits
boils for 4 hours. The extract is mixed in curry and eats for the treatment of typhoid fever.
Local Growth Part Method of
Plant Species Family Disease treated UV
Name Form used Preparation
Diabetes, Fever,
Perennial Root,
1 AjugabracteosaL Lamiaceae Kauri buti Extract Diarrhoea 0.66
herb Laves
Leaves, Skin pimples,
2 Amaranthaceae Ganhar Herb Seed & Juice abscesses, 0.37
us L.
root hairfall
Mouth infection,
Bauhinia Shoub or Bark, Extract toothache, Nosal
3 Fabaceae Kulyar 0.571
Variegata L Small Tree Leave Powder Bleeding, skin
Stomach ulcer,
Fruit, Diabetes, blood
4 Berberidaceae Sumbal Shrub Stem, Juice, Powder purification, 0.86
Root worm in the
Back pain,
fractured bone,
Whole Paste, powder,
5 BerginiaCiliata L. Saxifragacea Batpaya Herb kidney stone, 0.57
plant juice
urinary disorder,
6 CanabisSativa L Canabaceae Bhang Herb Powder Pain, 0.33
Fruit, Juice, digestion, high
7 Citrus medica L Rutaceae Nembo Shrub 0.77
Leaves Extract blood
Convolvulus Puenimal Root, Powder,
8 Convolvulaceae Laili cancer, general 0.32
arvensis L herb leaves paste body pain
DodeneaViscos Leave, Swelling,
9 Spindaceae Sonatha Shrub Paste 0.48
aL Bark burns, bone
Boils, Hair
DaturaStramini falling,
10 Solanaceae Datura Herb Leave, Paste, Juice 0.56
um L earache, skin
Fruit, Heat problem,
11 Fragoriavesca L Rosaceae Herb Leave, Juice, Paste Constripation 0.33
Root coughing
Whole decoction infection,
12 Fumariaindica Fumariaceae Papra Herb 0.75
plant extract stomach pain,
skin pimples
gases, eye
FoeniculumVul Leave,
13 Apiaceae Saumf Herb Herbal tea sigut, 0.78
gare seed
GentianaRoyle NelaKhu Permial Whole Powder Urinary treat
14 Gentiernaceae 0.62
Karro nd Herb plant extract infection,
control sugar
15 JuglansregiaL Juglandaceae Khorr Tree leave, Herbal tea 0.36
Melia Maturity,
16 Meliaceae Darek Tree Leave, Eaten Raw 0.52
azedarach L wood Diarrhoea

Leave, Powder Stomach
17 Mentha spicata Lamiaceae Podina Herb 0.71
Root Juice Problem,
Malva Whole Powder, eruption,
18 Malvaceae Sonchal Herb 0.35
neglecta plant Decoction Allergic

worms, Chest
Nasturtium Paernial Leave,
19 Brassicaccae Talmeera Powder, oil infection, 0.68
officinales herb Seed Chest

Leave, Thyroid
Oleaferruginea Oli, Herbal
20 Oleaceae Kahu Tree Fruit, Disorder, 0.51
Royle tea
Heart Attack,
heat strokes,
Oxalis Leave, Extract,
21 Oxialidaceae Jandora Herb stomach 0.42
corniculata Root Powder disorder,
Heart attack,
Leave, heart stokes,
22 Punicagranatum Punicaceae Darruna Tree Bark, stomach 0.86
Fruit disorder,
Muscular pain,
Seed, rheumatic
Pinusr oxburghi Gum Paste,
23 Pinaceae Cheer Tree Resin, affection, bone 0.57
isargent smoke fracture, joint
Solanium Kachmac Fruit, Paste, purification,
24 Solanaceae Herb 0.75
Nigrum L. h Leave Extract Skin Diseases,
cooling agent
Malaria, Liver,
Whole Soaking, Disorder,
25 SwertiaChirata Gentianaceae Charaita Herb 0.89
plant paste bloating,
Saliva moor Leave, Otalgia, Dry
26 croftiana wall Liamiaceae Kaljari Shrub root, cough, 0.67
ex.benth bark diarrhoea

Solonumxanth Fruit, Uric Acid,

27 Solanaceae Morian Herb Extract 0.59
acarpum Leave typhoid fever

Taraxacum Leave, Constipation,

28 officinale Asteraceae Hand Herb flower, Extract purify blood, 0.36
weber root urine flow

Leave, Constipation,
29 Polygonaceae Hand Herb flower Extract purify blood, 0.36
root urine flow

Fruit, Gum
30 Rutaceae Timber Tree bark, Powder bleeding, 0.68
alatum DC
seed anthetmintic





Herb Shrub Tree

No of plant species on the basis of habit






Stem Flower Fruit Leaf Root Whole Plant Bark

No of plant species part used for Ethnomedicines


Contribution of plants by major families

The study area Sajikot is rich in vegetation having a variety of plant species
renging from herbs to tall trees. The ranging from herbs to tall trees, the area has
gained much attention because of a recently explored famous Sajikot waterfall
and has attracted may tourism from across Pakistan and abroad. Although the area
has a rural touch but still has basic facilities available to local communities. The
people still largely rely on local various needs. As the area is rich in plant
wealth, the local communities are very much dependent upon various plants
resources, for example they use different plants as fuel wood, as veterinary
medicines as fodder species and above all as medicinal plants. During this study it
can be concluded that people use 30 different plants for various medicinal
purposes and the old age people are the main focus as they have a sound
knowledge of medicinal values of these plants. They use the plants in unique
ways that is reported folk recipes. They proved to be very much beneficial and
There is a dire need of conservation of various plant resources for this purpose
people should be provided with various facilities to reduce load on plant species.
Secondly, more elderly people should be approached to preserve this knowledge
medicinal uses of plants young generation should be taken on board and they
should be properly educated about the plant wealth especially the sustainable use
of plants. Furthermore, more research work is needed in the area by exploring
investigating the phytochemisty of unexplored plants. Isolation of various
chemicals will definitely open new doors of research.

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