Ethnophytomedicines For Treatment of Various

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Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.

2, 2008


Sarfraz Khan Marwat*, Mir Ajab Khan**, Mushtaq Ahmad*,
Muhammad Zafar* and Fazal-ur-Rehman*

This paper is based on the results of an ethnomedicinal research work conducted in Dera Ismail Khan (D.I.Khan) district, NWFP,
Province (Pakistan) during May 2005 - March 2006. The study was focused for documentation of traditional knowledge of local
people about use of native medicinal plants as ethnomedicines. The method followed for documentation of indigenous
knowledge was based on questionnaire. The interviews were held in local community, to investigate local people and
knowledgeable persons, who are the main user of medicinal plants. The ethnomedicinal data of 35 plant species, belonging to 29
genera of 23 Angiospermic families, were recorded during field trips of the area. Among them the 4 families belong to monocot
and 19 families are of dicot. These indigenous plants were used as traditional phytotherapies for the control and treatment of
various diseases. About 51 traditional phytotherapies were investigated from the inhabitants of the area. Information regarding
their botanical name, vernacular name, family, local distribution, parts used, method of use and used for, are listed in the Table.
Plant specimens were collected, identified, preserved, mounted and vouchers were deposited in the Department of Botany,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad for future references.

Key words: Ethnophytomedicine, D. I. Khan District (Pakistan).

Dera Ismail Khan (D.I.Khan) is the southern most as medicines is an ancient and reliable practice.
district of N.W.F.P. lying between 31.15 and 32.32 Ailments and medicinal plants vary in the world,
north latitude and 70.11 and 71.20 east longitude with hence their nature, frequency and method of
an elevation of 600 meters from the sea level. It has a administration can change in relation to geography,
total geographical land of 0.896 million hectares time and knowledge. Indigenously different plants
(2214060 acres) out of which 0.300 m.ha (741315 have been used to cure a disease or several diseases at
acres) is cultivated (Khan, 2003). a time (Arshad and Rao, 2001).

Most of the D. I. Khan district is a dry alluvial plain Medicinal plants are a valuable natural resource and
commonly referred to as “Daman”. The only hills, regarded as potentially safe drugs. They have been
within the district, are those of Khisore Range which playing an important role in alleviating human
lies in the north - eastern part of the district. The sufferings by contributing herbal medicines in the
Khisore Range is also known as the Ratta Koh or primary health care systems of rural and remote hilly
Koh-e- Surkh, meaning the red mountain. It runs areas where more than 70% of population depends on
close to Indus river, in north- east to south- west folklore and traditional system of medicines. The
direction. The summer season is dry and hot. June is reason for their popularity is due to the high cost of
the hottest month during which the mean maximum allopathic medicines and side effects which
and minimum temperature is recorded around 42 oC encouraged manufacturers of Greco-Arab and
and 27 oC respectively. December, January and Ayurvedic systems of medicines to merge their
February are the cold months. In January the mean orthodox medicine with local traditional medicines in
maximum and minimum temperature is around 20 oC order to spread health coverage at a reasonable price
and 4 oC respectively. The district is bounded on the (Zaidi, 2001).
north by Tank and Lakki Marwat districts, on the east
by Mian Wali and Bhakkar districts of Punjab, on the It is often believed that remedies of natural origins
south Dera Ghazi Khan district of Punjab and on the are harmless and carry no risk to the consumer. But
west by Tribal Area adjoining Dera Ismail Khan this is not the case when toxic plants are used by
district (Anonymous, 1998). mistake or where herbal preparations are marketed
with the addition of undeclared potent synthetic
Life and diseases go together, where there is life, substances. The use of manufactured products should
diseases are bound to exist. Dependency and be governed by the same standard of safety and
sustainability of man and animal life has been efficacy as are required for modern pharmaceutical
revolving around plants through their uses as food, producers (Ahmad and Sher, 2001).
fibers and shelter, but also plants have been used to
control and ease diseases, therefore the use of plants Keeping in view the importance of flora of D.I.Khan,

* Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad – Pakistan.

** Department of Pharmacy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar – Pakistan.
Sarfarz Khan Marwat, et al. Ethnophytomedcines for treatment of various diseases in D.I.Khan District …… 306

the study confined to collect the indigenous

knowledge of local people about the medicinal uses RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of native plants. As the people of the selected areas The medicinal data of 35plant species belonging to
have empirical observation of the nature and by 23 angiosperm families was collected. Among them
communicating the other people of their culture; they monocots represented by 3-families and dicots by 20
get indigenous knowledge of local plants. So in this families. Information regarding their botanical name,
way the ethnomedicinal knowledge of plants is linked vernacular name, family, local distribution, parts
to the local culture and history. used, Method of use and used for, are listed in the
Table 1.
As inhabitants of the area are mainly using traditional
means to cure diseases and this asset of indigenous Traditional and folklore medicine bequeathed from
knowledge is transferring from generation to generation to generation is rich in domestic recipies
generation only through verbal means of and communal practice. Encompassing concepts and
communication. So this research was an effort to methods for the protection and restoration of health,
document and preserve this folk asset. traditional medicine has served as a fount of
alternative medicine, new pharmaceuticals, and
The main aims of present research work are: healthcare products. The best known examples of
i. To explore the ethnomedicinal knowledge of traditional medicine, differing in concept and
local people of D. I. Khan district. protocol, are well-developed systems such as
ii. To enlist the indigenous medicinal plants used acupuncture, Ayurvedic and Unani system of
by local people for common day ailments. medicine that have been widely used to conserve
iii. To create the awareness among the local human health in China, India and Pakistan (Hasan et
community about the protection of native al., 2007)
medicinal flora.
iv. To collect native medicinal plants of the area Nearly seventy percent of the population of urban and
for proper identification and future references. rural areas benefit from the Unani system of medicine
in spite of very sophisticated hospitals and allopathic
MATERIALS AND METHODS practitioners which work under the Government of
The study was conducted during May 2005 - April Pakistan. In the rural areas, household remedies are
2006 in different parts of the area. being used for generations. Tibb-e-Nabvi` provides
base for the traditional Unani system of medicine in
Collection and preservation of Medicinal Data Pakistan. Medicinal plants used by the practitioners
Frequent field trips were arranged in order to collect of this system are easily available in the forest,
live specimens and information about the mountains, valleys, gardens and agricultural fields.
folk/culinary knowledge of medicinal plants used by This system is relatively cheap and quite near to
the local people of Dera Ismail Khan District. The nature. In Indo-Pak subcontinent, these traditional
area was extensively surveyed for research work. systems are called as “Unani” or “Ayurvedic” system
Plants were identified with the help of available (Haq, 1993).
literature and comparing with the already identified
plant specimens of the herbarium, Quaid-i-Azam The present study provides information about some
University, Islamabad. After correct identification, therapeutic uses of 36 plant species belonging to 23
the plants were deposited in Department of Botany, families. The plants are either used singly or in
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. combination with some other plants or plant parts.
Some plant species are claimed to be quite effective
During field trips, the questionnaire (Medicinal Plants remedies for cutaneous affection of head, snakebite,
Datasheet) was used to interview the local diarrhea, and stomach troubles etc. Since the uses are
inhabitants, older people including men and women based on empirical knowledge, the scientific study of
both, who were familiar with traditional uses of all these herbal drugs is highly desirable to establish
indigenous plants. In total of 40 informants including their efficacy for safe use.
5 hakims were interviewed during survey. Interviews
were conducted with local people in different villages Various areas of D. I. Khan region are enriched with
individually following procedure as described by useful medicinal plants. However, resource based
Ahmad et al., (2004). areas are facing severe biotic interference and require
be protecting and conserving by community
participation. Community participation can be
initiated by giving incentives to local people and
Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.2, 2008 307

creating awareness about the useful properties of survey of medicinal flora should be conducted to
medicinal plants and their commercial values. investigate and update the inventory of existing
natural plants’ resources of the area specially and
All members of community in the area, use medicinal generally throughout the Pakistan. In view of
plants. Various parts of the plant are used in curing plentiful occurrence of number of plant species in D.
different ailments. During the research project it was I. Khan and its surroundings, it is suggested that
noted that the medicinal plant wealth of D. I. Khan industrial Development Corporation of Pakistan may
District are not fully exploited. Some medicinally be persuaded to prepare a comprehensive report for
important plant species are fast dwindling, mainly the establishment of small scale processing units for
due to human interference. So, the area needs proper the valued drugs.
protection for the conservation and survival bio-
resources. The medicinal plants can be protected by CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
the conservation program by help of local people. The vast area and varied agro-climatic conditions of
Regularly chemical screening of medicinal plant and the area make it possible for almost all different kinds
their useful parts collected from the fields in different of medicinal plants in particular and other useful
seasons should be done. The oil bearing medicinal plants in general to grow. Plantation of medicinal
plants should be fenced for chemical and biological plants and other useful plants can play an important
investigation, as well as for preventing overgrazing, role in D. I. Khan area, in particular and our country’s
cutting and use as a fuel wood. economy in general, by earning valuable foreign
exchange and fulfilling our domestic requirements.
Moreover to prevent the extinction of medicinal Because every year a considerable amount of foreign
species, efforts may be made to grow the sensitive exchange is involved in the import of the drugs and
species by acclimatizing them and if required them in other products of foreign origin. The utilization of
situ as many species can be considered as an asset for indigenous drug resources (Medicinal Plants) will
human beings (Hamayun et al., 2003). Further increase the importance of the drugs and other
research works should be undertaken on base line of products of foreign origin. The utilization of
indigenous studies because there are still some indigenous drug resources (Medicinal Plants) will
diseases like “Cancer” and “AIDS”, for which there increase the importance of the local industry on the
are no identified cures. So ethnodirected studies can one hand and will minimize the expenditure incurred
help in these research works (Ahmad and Ali, 1998). on the purchase of foreign drugs on the other.
It was concluded from this study that a nationwide

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A-Calatropis procera, B- Peganum hermala C- Echinops echinatus, D- Heliotropium strigosum, E-

Withania coagulens, F- Solanum suratense

Table I List of collected plants of D. I. Khan District and their medicinal uses
S.# and Plant names and family Local Distribution Parts used Metod of use Used for
(V.# )
Bark Bark boiled in water, Abdominal pain
1 Botanical name: Khisor range, and water is used as
(141) Acacia modesta Wall. Sheikh buddin. needed.
Family: Mimosaceae
Local names:
Phulai (urdu.)

2 Acacia nilotica(L.) Delile Commonly found i. Bark i. Bark is crushed in i. To make them
(349) throughout the area water, and the water is hard and prepare
Family: Mimosaceae especially along the given to birds, also for fighting.
road side. rubbed on their face
Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.2, 2008 309

English name: and sole.

Pakistani gum- ii. Tooth and
arabic tree, ii. Bark ii. It is boiled in water gum aches.
Babul tree. and the decoction is
gargled twice a day for
Local names: 10 days. iii. Treatment of
Babul, kikar(urdu) iii. Flowers iii. Flowers are tied on blisters
Kiker(saraiki) affected area. (abscesses).
Kiker (pushto) iv. Removal of
iv. Flowers iv. Flowers are boiled Dandruff
Tibbi name: Babul in mustard oil; the oil
is applied to head.

3 Aerva javanica(Bur.f.) Daman area, Young shoot Young plants are Wounds
(42) A.L. Juss. Ex Schultes crushed to form paste; and Abscesses
Paniala, the paste is spread
Family: Amaranthaceae over affected area
Pahar pur daily, for 10 days.
Local name:
Bui booti( Saraiki)
Sparai (Pashto)

Alhagi maurorum Medic. Commonly found Leaves The leaves are boiled Abdominal
4 Family: Papilionaceae throughout the area. in water and the troubles,
(70) Syn: Alhagi camelorum decoction is taken
Fisch. Ex DC.) daily according to the De-worming
English name: need.
Camel Thorn, Local And cooling
name: effects
Jawan Janasa
Tibbi name: Jawansa

5 Calotropis procera Commonly found in Latex (milk) i. The milk (latex) is i. To soften the
(233) (Willd.)R.Br. the waste places of the applied to the area, in affected area for
area. which spine of the easy drawing
Family: Asclepiadaceae date palm has pricked date spine from
Syn: Asclepias in, to make it soft, for the body.
procera easy drawing or
Willd. expulsion.

English Name: ii. Latex (Milk) is also

Swallow wart applied to the region ii. Snake bite
of snake bite.
Local Name:
Ak or akra (saraiki) iii. The latex is applied
Ak (urdu) to affected area, where
Spulmaka (pashto) blood has coagulated, iii. Treatment of
3 times daily for 5 blood
Tibbi Name: days. coagulation.
Ushar, Aak. Madar
iv.5-8 flowers are
taken in, at a time,
with water.

Flowers iv. Abdominal


6 Capparis desidua Khisor range, Paniala, i. Fruit i. Equal amounts of i. Rheumatism

(108) (Forsk.) Edgew. Bilot sharif, Hathala, dried fruit and sugar and general
Kulachi, Zandani, are ground to make pain.
Family: Capparidaceae Draban, Dara zinda, powder (Safoof). One
Sarfarz Khan Marwat, et al. Ethnophytomedcines for treatment of various diseases in D.I.Khan District …… 310

Paroa, Ramak, Kho-i- teaspoon of powder is

Syn: C. aphylla Roth. Bara and graveyards of taken with a glass of
the area. water twice a day for a
English Name: week.
Caper tree,
leafless caper bush. ii. Upper ii. Young shoot( ii. To relieve
tender and Tender branches) pain in their
Local Name: soft branches. crushed, mixed with bodies.
Kareeta ( saraiki), flour and given to
Kira ( pushto), animals.
Karir (urdu) iii. Bark
Tibbi name: iii. Bark is crushed iii. Wounds
Karir and applied to the
affected area.

7 Cichorium intybus L. Paniala, D.I.Khan, Aerial parts 1. Washed Fresh Diseases of liver
(48) Paroa, Draban Kalan, plants are crushed and particularly
Family: Asteraceae Pahar Pur, Dhakih, pure extract is boiled hepatitis;
Mandra Kalan until ppt. is formed.
English name: The upper clear liquid Inflammations
Cichory, is removed by of stomach and
Blue daisy, filtration and is used spleen.
25 gm twice a day for
Local name: a period as needed.
Kasni (saraiki)
Kasni (urdu) ii. Fresh plants are
Tibbi name: boiled in three times
Kasni Bastani, more water. Sugar is
Kasni, added to decoction to
Thukham-e-kasni. form syrup and the
syrup is used twice a
day for a period as

8 Citrullus colocythis (L.) Mer Dil Fruit About 10 kg. fruit Jaundice
(91) Schrad. Wanda, crushed daily, under
Family: Cucurbitaceae Shah Hassan Khel, feet until bitterness is
Syn:Cucumis colocynthis Paniala, felt , for 3-4 days. If
L. proved ineffective, I
English name: Ramak kg common salt is
Bitter Apple, Bitter mixed and continued
cucumber, Colocynth the practice for 3 days
Local name: more.
Karthuma (saraiki),
Indryan,Thuma (urdu),
Maraghoona (pashto).
Tibbi name: Hanzal.

9 Cleome brachycarpa Vahl Zandani, Dara Zinda, Whole plant Plants dried under Abdominal
(127) ex DC. Kho-i-Bara, Khisor shade are ground to Pain and
Family: Capparidaceae range, Bilot sharif make powder. The scabies
Syn: C. vahliana Fresen. pure powder (or mixed
English name: powder with equal
Local names: amount of sugar) is
Gandi booti (Saraiki) / used with water as
Ponwar, Noli, needed.
Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.2, 2008 311

10 Convolvulus arvensis L. Commonly found in the Whole 5kg plants, dried under Blood
(34) Family: Convolvulaceae cultivated field, Plant shade, are mixed with purification,
hedgerows, 12 liters water at
English Name: night. In the morning blood cancer
Field bindweed, Waste places, fences. one cup water
Green-vine (decoction) is used on and skin
Local Names: empty stomach and diseases.
Wanvehri (saraiki), one cup after 3hours
thrice a day for a
Lehli, Heran Kari, period as needed (or
Heran-paddi (urdu), continuously
in case of cancer).
Pairvathai, pairkhatoonai
Tibbi name: Heran khuri

Cuscuta reflexa Mandhra Kalan, Whole plant Plants are dried and Scabies
11 Paniala, Hathala, burnt. The ash is
(250) Family: Cuscutaceae Ramak. applied to the affected
English name:
Local name:
Loot booti (saraiki)
Zer gulay (pashto)
Akash or Amar-bail

Tibbi name: Aftimoon,


12 Cymbopogon jawarancusa Very common in Root, i. Upper parts of the Purification of

(84) (Jones)Schult. Khisor range, Also roots are boiled in blood,
Family: Poaceae found in Daman area. water. The water is
Syn: strained and is given Dyspepsia
Andropogon jawarancusa to the children along and
Jones. with sugar 2-3 times
daily. flatulence
English name:
Wild lemon grass,
Iwarancusa grass Pleasant ii. Its pleasant smell is ii. Treatment of
smell inhaled. blisters
Local name: and
Khawi,( saraiki) Typhoid
Sargarai (pashto)

13 Echinops echinatusDC. Kho-i-Bara, Dara Root i. Half cup distilled Urinary bladder
(128) Family: Asteraceae Zinda, Hathala, Mer Dil essence (Arq) of the diseases
Wanda. root is taken with 2
English name: gm seed powder of
Globe Thistle Tribulus terrestris
Local name: 4 times daily for1-11/
Kundiari ( saraiki), 2 months.
Oont katara( urdu),
Kharkhor (pashto). ii. Above recipe is Prostates
used at least for 3 troubles
Tibbi name: months.
Oont katara

14 Eruca sativa Mill. Cultivated in Daman Aerial parts 5 kg young branches Scabies of
Sarfarz Khan Marwat, et al. Ethnophytomedcines for treatment of various diseases in D.I.Khan District …… 312

(128) Family: Brassicaceae Area and Paniala area. along with leaves are horses
boiled in 15 kg water
English name: and decoction is
Rocket salad, obtained. Then 5 kg
Salad rocket millet flour is mixed
Local name: with the decoction and
Usoo (saraiki) is given to the horses
Jamau Tharkhae sag according to the need.
Tara meera (urdu)
Tibbi name:
JarJir / Tara Mira

15 Fagonia cretica L. Commonly found in the Whole plant i. Plant is crushed and I. Production of
(98) Family: Zygophyllaceae area, very common in decoction is taken cooling effects
Sheikh Maila and Bilot with water.
Syn: F. bruguieri D.C; F. sharif.
arabica L. ii. Plants dried under ii. Piles and
English name: Fagonia shade are ground to urinary
Local name: make powder (safoof). disorders
Dhaman (saraiki) 1 teaspoon powder is
Thand (pashto) taken with bread thrice
Tibbi name: a day.

16 Farsetia jackquemontii Paniala, Abdul Khel, Root The bark of the root is Indigestion
(173) Hook.f. Katta Khel, Shah chewed and the juice
Family: Brassicaceae Hassan Khel, Lavano is swallowed.
Syn: F. incana (L.) R.Br. Thala, Hathala.
Local Name:
Jangli mooli (urdu)
Jangli Moolai (pushto)

17 Grewia tenax (Forsk.) Fiori Khisor Range, Leaves The ash of the leaves
(183) Family: Tiliaceae Bilot Sharif, is mixed with butter to
Skiekh Budin, make poultice. The
Syn: G. populifolia Vahl Shiekh Maila poultice is applied on
English Name: wounds and blisters (
Local Name: in children).
Anjirai (Pushto)
Gunghi (saraiki)

18 Heliotropium europium L. Paniala circle, Whole plant The plant is crushed to Snake bite
(36) Family: Boraginaceae D.I,Khan, Paharpur and make paste. The paste
Syn: H. eichwaldi Daman area is applied as poultice
Steud. to the affected area
daily for 3 - 4 days.
Local name:
Peepat Booti (saraiki)

Nannorrhops ritchiana Paniala,Abdul Leaves Stalks of the leaves are Treatment of

19 (Griff.) Aitchison crushed and boiled in ‘Urine retention’
(193) Family : Palmae Khel, Shah water; the water is
Syn: Chamaerops strained and given to
ritchiana Griff. hassan Khel, the animals
particularly camels as
English name: Katta Khel needed.

Local name: Rehmani Khel,

Mazri (saraiki)
Mazarai (pashto) Khisor range,
Sheikh budin.
Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.2, 2008 313

20 Peganum harmala L. Found throughout the Seeds i. A small quantity of Diarrhoea

(113) area. harmal seeds along And
Family: Zygophyllaceae with small quantity of Indigestion
Syn: P. diauricum Pall. table salt is taken with
English Name: water for a few days.
Wild rue, Syrian rue
Local Name: ii. The smoke of the Wounds
Harmal (saraiki), fumigated seeds is And
Spalani ( pashto) passed over the inflamation
Tibbi name: wounds and inflamed
Harmal, Ispand regions. This practice
is done for a few days.

21 Phoenix dactylifera L. Paniala , Spines The lowest leaflets General pain

(319) Kiri khisor, Dhaki, (Leaflets) (spines) of compound
Family: Palmae Pahar Pur, D.I.Khan, leaf are crushed and
English name: Draban Kalan boiled. The strained
Date palm water is drunk as
Local name: needed.
Khaji, pind (saraiki),
Khajoor (pashto),
Khajoor ( urdu)
Tibbi name:

22 Plantago ovata Forsk. Hathala, Seeds i. 12 gm seeds are Constipation

(61) taken with milk at
Family: Plantaginaceae Kho-i-Bara, night.
Syn: P. trichophylla Nab. Jaundice,
Kohsar range ii. 12 gm seeds, sugar
English name: and 1 glass of water Spermatorrhea
Indian plantain are mixed and shake
well and is used twice
Local name: Ispighol a day.

Tibbi name: Ispaghol


23 Polygonum barbatum L. Whole plant. Plants are crushed to Joints problems

(72 ) Polygonaceae form paste; the paste is
Local name: Kara veera used as poultice on the
affected area daily for
3 days.

24 Potamogeton nodosus Badari dam (Khisor Leaves Plant is boiled in water Adjustment of
(192) Poiret. range), and its poultice is improperly
applied on improperly adjusted joint.
Family: Canal, near Awan adjusted joint to make
Potamogetanaceae pump, 30 km from it soft and then
D.i.Khan on way to properly adjust in
Syn: P. indicus Mian Wali. original position
Aut.non.Roth. easily.

English name:
Indian Pondweed

Local name:
Badari Pairkhatai
Ricinus communis L. Leaves
25 Family: Euphorbiaceae Fruit
(92) Syn: R.africanus Willd.)
Sarfarz Khan Marwat, et al. Ethnophytomedcines for treatment of various diseases in D.I.Khan District …… 314

English name:
Castor oil plant,
Local name:
Hernoli (saraiki)
Randa (pashto)
Arand (urdu)
Tibbi name: Arind

26 Saccharum benghalensis Found throughout the Leaves Ash of the leaves is Treatment of
(243) Retz. area. mixed with water, ‘urine retention’
after an hour it will disease.
Family: Poaceae settle down in the
Syn: S. munja Roxb. bottom. The strained
water is given to the
English name: animals suffering from
Munj sweet cane, ‘urine retention’
Bengal cane disease.

Local name:
Kana (saraiki),
Kana (pashto)
Sarkanda (urdu)

27 Salvadora oloides Dcne. Dara zinda, Fruit 250 gm of fruits are Tuberculosis
(172) placed in a clayey pot (T.B.)
Family: Salvadoraceae Sheikh maila, and its mouth is closed
in order to prevent the
Local names: Bilot sharif, entrance of water in
Jal (saraiki) the pot. The pot is
Plaman (pashto) Khisor range placed in a bucket of
Pilu(urdu) water for a night. The
Tibbi name: Also present in fruit is used in the
morning on empty
the graveyards stomach. Eating of
fruit of water melon
of the area. before or after the
eating of Salvadora
fruit is useful. The
treatment is continued
for a week.
Sisymbrium irio L.
28 Family: Brassicaceae Common throughout Seeds The powder of the Fever
(302) English Name: London the area. seeds is mixed with And
Rocket equal amount of sugar To produce
Local name: and is used twice a day sweat.
Khub Kalan (urdu) for a week.
Tibbi name:
Khub Kalan

29 Solanum incanum L. Khisor range, Bilot i. The powder of dried Piles

(166) sharif, Whole fruits is taken with
Family: Solanaceae Paniala. plant water for a period as
including needed.
Syn: S. xanthocarpum fruit Eczema,
ii. Distilled essence
English name: (Arq) is used. Purification of
iii. Fresh plants are blood.
Local name: boiled in 3 times more
Kundari (saraiki) water.The water is
Tibbi name: filtered and mixed
Khata-i-khurd with sugar to form
syrup which is used
twice a day as needed
for a period of 1or 2
Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.24, No.2, 2008 315

30 Solanum surattense Commonly found i. The powder of dried Piles

(52) Burm.f. throughout the area. Whole fruits is taken with
Family: Solanaceae plant water for a period as
Syn: S. xanthocarpum including needed.
English name: fruit Eczema,
Local name: ii. Distilled essence
Kandari (saraiki) (Arq) is used. Purification of
Tibbi name: iii. Fresh plants are blood.
Khata-i-khurd boiled in 3 times more
water.The water is
filtered and mixed
with sugar to form
syrup which is used
twice a day as needed
for a period of 1or 2

31 Sueda fruticosa Forssk. Commonly found in Leaves The leaves are chewed Abdominal pain
(109) Ex J.F.Gmelin Daman area. in the mouth and the
extract is swallowed.
Family: Chenopodiaceae

Syn: Salsola lana Edgew.

Local name:Lana, Lani

32 Tribulus terrestris L. Common in sandy soils Seeds i. The seeds are Urinary bladder
(73) of waste places and ground to make diseases
Family: Zygophyllaceae cultivated fields as a powder; 2 gm powder
is taken with Half cup
Syn: T. bicornutus weed. distilled essence (Arq)
Fisch.) of the root of Echinops
echinatus 4 times
English name: daily for1-11/ 2
Caltrop, Puncture vine , months.
Prostate troubles
Local name: ii. Above recipe is
Bhakra, Gokhru used Nocturnal
Fruit at least for 3 months. emission.
Tibbi name:
Gokhru, iii. The fruit is crushed
Khar-e-khashak, and dried. Sugar, as
Bhakra needed, is mixed with
the dried powder and
is used.

33 Viola stocksii Boiss. Khisor range, Bilot Whole plant The whole plant, along Virility
(143) sharif, Darazinda and with seeds, is ground (masculine
Family: Violaceae Sheikh Maila. to make powder. 2 gm sexual power)
powder is used with 1
Syn: V. cinerea Hook.f. teaspoon butter early
and Thomas.) in the morning on
empty stomach as
English Name: needed.
Blue violet.
Local Name:
Makhanr booti

Tibbi name:
Makhni Booti

34 Withania coagulans ( Paniala, Khaisore

(138) Stocks) Dunal range, Koh-i-Bara, Fruit 5-6 dried fruits are Cooling effect
Sarfarz Khan Marwat, et al. Ethnophytomedcines for treatment of various diseases in D.I.Khan District …… 316

Family: Solanaceae Sheikhbudin. soaked in 2-3 cups of

Syn:Puneeria water at night; in the And
coagulens Stocks) morning the soaked
English name: White fruits are squeezed and Purification of
Winter Cherry the water is strained. 1 blood.
Local name: cup of water is used
Akri (saraiki), on empty stomach.
Panir (urdu)
Khamazoor (pashto)
Tibbi name: Thukham-e-

35 Withania somnifera (L.) usually found in Root Dried roots are ground Rheumatism
(78) Dunal. graveyards, waste and to make powder; 1 gm And
Family: Solanaceae stony places. powder is taken with General body
Syn: Physalis somnifera water twice a day. pain
English name:
Winter cherry

Local name:
Rutkan, Isgand

Tibbi name:
Asgand Nagaori,

Leaves Leaves are crushed Abscesses

36 Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. Common throughout with loaf sugar (gur)
(105) Family: Rhamnaceae the area particularly in and soap to make
Paniala region. paste. The paste is
Syn: Z. jujuba Lam. not applied on the
of Mill.) abscesses.
English Name:
Local Name:

Ahmad, M. and H. Sher. 2001. Medicinally important wild Hamayun, M., A. Khan and M. A. Khan. 2003. Common
plants in view of Ethnobotanical study of District medicinal folk recipes of District Buner, NWFP,
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Anonymous. 1998. District Census Report of Dera Ismail Hasan, A., M. A. Khan and M. Ahmad. 2007. Authenticity
Khan. Census Publication No. 50. Population of folk medicinal plants of Pakistan. Taxonomic
Census Org. Statistic Div. Govt. of Pakistan, and Chemical Methods. 1: 3-4.
Islamabad. pp.1-2.
Khan, R. U. 2003. Facts about AZRI. Pak. Agric. Res.
Arshad, M. and A. R. Rao. 2001. Medicinal Plants of Council, Arid Zone Res. Instt. Ratta Kulachi,
Cholistan Desert Medicinal Plants of Pakistan. D.I.Khan. pp. 2-4.
Zaidi, S. H. 2001. Existing Indigenous Medicinal Plant
Haq, I., 1993. Medicinal Plants- Report of committee on Resources of Pakistan and their Prospects for
Economic and Therapeutic importance of Utilization. Medicinal Plants of Pakistan. 53p.
medicinal plants. Ministry of Health. Govt. of

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