Nanopartículas de Galio Electropower
Nanopartículas de Galio Electropower
Nanopartículas de Galio Electropower
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The composite outline of graphitic carbon nitride (gCN) supported palladium nanoparticle (PdNPs) can
Available online 10 January 2022 act as high catalytic performance for the electro-oxidation of methanol in the presence of alkaline media.
Several characterizations evidence the successful formation of graphitic carbon nitride supported palla-
Keywords: dium nanoparticles (PdNPs-gCN) by spectroscopic and optical techniques. We applied this catalyst as the
Graphitic-carbon nitride electro-oxidation of methanol in the alkaline media shows the better catalytic behavior in methanol fuel
Palladium nanoparticle cells (DMFCs) application. The electrode preparation in the laboratory is a big challenge, especially to
Methanol oxidation
control the thickness and uniformity of the film made by hydraulic press. The catalytic performance of
Cyclic voltammetry
the synthesized material, a comparative study was also executed using gCN system, as reference material,
in support of our proposed material with excellent performances also investigated. The cyclic voltamme-
try of PdNPs-ZnO-gCN for homemade electrodes shows the rise in current density values (0.96 mA/cm2)
with per 500 scans in the presence of 0.5 M methanol and KOH (0.5 M). We went for different techniques,
such as; chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry, to check the durability of our synthesized catalyst.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Machines and Information Technology-2022.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Machines and Information Technology-2022.
K. Mishra, V. Kumar Thakur and S. Singh Siwal Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 107–111
oxidation in alkaline medium with excellent performance than 15 min with stirring, resulting in the reduction of substance. The
commercially available Pd- C catalyst [17]. reacting mixture is now filtered, and the obtained residue was
In this recent study, we demonstrate the synthesis of gCN based washed several times with DI water to get solid powdered gCN.
palladium NPs [18] as a catalyst on the homemade electrode for ZnO approximate 10 wt% doped gCN was prepared using Zinc
efficient direct methanol fuel cell application, in which both ZnO nitrate (Zn (NO3)2) and urea as precursors with solid-state pathway
and PdNPs are doped with gCN with improved properties. Various at 550◦C temperature. PdNPs (5 wt%) [11] incorporated with gCN
characterization techniques show the doping of ZnO and PdNPs on (PdNPs-gCN) was synthesized for this gCN powder with DI water
the gCN support. We found that doped catalyst has a better impact was mixed and allowed to stand for 6 h, and 10–2 M potassium
on methanol oxidation by using the homemade electrode. tetrachloropalladate (II) (K2 [PdCl4]) was applied as palladium pre-
cursor and allowed to react for two hours. Now 10–3 M NaBH4 was
2. Experiments added to the reaction mixture one stroke and allowed to react for
15 min at room temperature, known as single-step borohydride
2.1. Materials reduction method. As a result, Pd (II) was reduced to Pd (0) and
we got PdNPs. PdNPs-ZnO incorporated gCN (PdNPs-ZnO-gCN)
All the materials like chemicals as well as solvents used in this was synthesized by using solid-state route using K2 [PdCl4], Zn
work were of analytical grade. (NO3)2 and urea as precursors. The doping of various particles
was confirmed by using various characterization techniques.
2.2. Electrode preparation
3. Results and discussion
To prepare an electrode for further utilization, a glass tube of
10 mm diameter is taken by removing its rubber, and its tip was 3.1. Microscopic and optical characterization
cut with a sharp instrument and made into a glass tube. After that,
we took a copper (Cu) wire and cleaned it with sandpaper to The schematic diagram of the study is shown in Scheme 1. Fig. 1
remove deposited impurities or substances like the oxide layer. (a) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows the thin film-
Inserted this Cu-wire into the glass tube and folded it, making a like morphology with the smooth surface of gCN (graphitic carbon
coil according to the diameter of the glass tube and fixed it with nitride) of diameter 200 nm. Fig. 1(b) TEM image of PdNPs-ZnO
the tube walls by using conducting glue; this surface area is used compounds incorporated in gCN. The much dense nanoparticle of
as the active surface area of homemade electrode for the deposi- Pd and ZnO diameter 50 nm (some 8.89 nm or 14.12 nm). Decreas-
tion of synthesized catalyst. Prepared catalyst fixed on this area ing the size enhances the surface area that increases the catalytic
in pellet form by using carbon black as fixing material. activity of composite material PdNPS-ZnO-gCN for oxidation of
MeOH, increasing the value of current density while lowering the
2.3. Catalyst’s preparation potential value.
The prepared substance’s phase purity, i.e., PdNPs-ZnO-gCN,
In this study, we prepare gCN, ZnO-gCN, PdNPs- gCN and was analysed using X-ray Diffraction analysis (XRD), as shown in
PdNPs-ZnO-gCN for the electrooxidation of methanol for fuel cell Fig. 2. The most intense peak observed at around 37◦ is confirmed
application. In this experiment, CN was prepared using the previ- the formation of PdNPs. Additionally, it is also confirmed the for-
ous technique as explained by Nandi et al. [19]. The gCN was syn- mation of ZnO and gCN. The amorphous nature of the gCN provides
thesized using urea (H2N-CO-NH2) as a precursor. This urea is a large surface area to the PdNPs-ZnO for better catalytic perfor-
calcinated then mixed with deionized water (DI water) for 6 h by mance. The Fourier Transform Infrared spectra (FTIR) was per-
continuous stirring at room temperature. After this, a stroke of formed to know the effect of PdNPs doping on gCN and ZnO-gCN.
10–3 M sodium borohydride (NaBH4) was added and allowed for The above Fig. 3 shows the FT-IR spectra of PdNPs-gCN (black col-
K. Mishra, V. Kumar Thakur and S. Singh Siwal Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 107–111
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of PdNPs-gCN (black curve) and PdNPs-ZnO-gCN (red curve).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 4. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (a) gCN, (b) ZnO-gCN, (c)
PdNPs-gCN, (d) PdNPs-ZnO-gCN.
Fig. 6. (a) CV of PdNPs -gCN for homemade electrode shows the rise in the CD
values with per 500 scans in presence of 0.5 M methanol and KOH (0.5 M). (b) The
cyclic voltammetry of PdNPs-ZnO-gCN for homemade electrodes shows the rise in
current density values (0.96 mA/cm2) with per 500 scans in the presence of 0.5 M
methanol and KOH (0.5 M).
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the different electrode, (a) gCN, (b) ZnO-gCN, (c) PdNPs-gCN, and (d) PdNPs-ZnO-
K. Mishra, V. Kumar Thakur and S. Singh Siwal Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (2022) 107–111
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The authors acknowledge the support from Department of of methanol, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42 (37) (2017) 23599–23605.
Chemistry and Research & development Cell of Maharishi Markan-
deshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala, Haryana,