Unit V
Unit V
Unit V
C. Jung’s article “On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry” examines the
principles of psychology as a science, their connections to creative work, and the process of
its development. He acknowledges that despite their apparent disparities, these two domains
are intricately interconnected. According to the psychoanalyst, the connection between genre,
gender, and psychology in a work is superficial rather than substantial, as all works,
regardless of their characteristics, have a psychological aspect and are created by individuals.
Jung believed that psychology is a science, while artistic endeavour is not. It can only be
observed from an aesthetic standpoint, not from psychological principles.
Jung thinks that art and science are inherently distinct from each other, each
possessing unique characteristics that can only be understood within their respective domain.
Therefore, when discussing the connection between psychology and art, we will focus solely
on the aspects of art that may be analysed through psychology. The conclusions drawn by
psychology from the investigation will be limited to the mental process of artistic creation
and will not pertain to the core essence of art.
All individuals possess parental influences, have either a father or mother complex,
possess knowledge of sexuality, and hence display common and typical human distinctions.
Jung provides an example where one poet is impacted by their relationship with their father,
another by their connection to their mother, and a third by sexual maturity or experience.
Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that all these traits are characteristic of ordinary
Z. Freud’s school of medical psychology provided literary historians with fresh
opportunities to link and compare works of art with personal, private feelings.
Jung viewed Freud’s theory as a tool to gain profound insight into the artistic concerns
of poets, particularly those rooted in early childhood experiences. Jung does not wholly
dismiss his teacher’s teachings; he believed they could be utilised effectively without being
taken to extremes.
The psychoanalysis of art does not reveal the subtleties of the work, as seen in literary
and psychological analysis. The artist’s childhood and relationship with his parents, no matter
how intriguing, are not the determining factors in understanding his works.
Freud utilised his psychoanalytic theory to delve into the secondary level of human
psychology, known as the subconscious. Nevertheless, all of his approaches were more
medically oriented. He thoroughly examined each incident, utilising connections and other
techniques to uncover the repressed unconscious or subconscious, which likely contained a
sexual connotation. Not all aspects of a work of art are related to the sexual drive, known as
In his article “On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry,” Jung emphasises
the need for analytical psychology to eliminate medical bias when approaching works of art,
as art should not be treated as a disease.
When a botanist studies a plant, the plant can reveal information about its species, but
this is not comprehensive of all plant life. Psychology and psychoanalysis do as well.
The writer’s intentions may be to write in a certain manner, but the work itself
ultimately determines its context, forms, and means. In this scenario, the writer is positioned
one level below the work, serving as a conduit between spoken words and written text. Jung
emphasises the need of prioritising the creative effort and the final artistic product over the
writer’s identity. He believes that the artist is subordinate to the work, which dictates to the
writer rather than the other way around. Jung believed that the idea of the artist being in
charge of their work is an illusion. He suggested that individuals may think they are guiding
the creative process, but in reality, they are being influenced and directed by external forces.
The originator of analytical psychology’s theories provide literary and other critics
with extensive options to analyse artistic works. Long-established works can be reinterpreted
to reveal entirely new perspectives and ideas. When new aspects are observed in art, they are
not mere creations of the artist’s imagination. These elements must truly exist for individuals
to perceive them. Therefore, everything has been present from the start, but concealed by
symbols and archetypes. Symbolic literature does not require explicit explanation of its
symbols, as Jung believed it inherently conveys that what is expressed is not literal but holds
a concealed significance.
Do art and artistic work have meaning? Art may lack inherent meaning, with
individuals attributing significance by drawing inferences and expressing opinions. Jung
believes that everything has significance and purpose, and anything that appears meaningless
should be analysed through psychoanalysis and archetypes. The psychoanalyst suggests that
everything is rooted in the unconscious mind and its archetypes.