Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
of norm and value of certain society. Furthermore, Henry Hudson states that, “
Literature is the expression of what is being watched by people in daily life,
what is contemplated and felt about the interesting life, essentially is the
expression through the language” ( Hardjana, 1981:10).
It gives us a clear explanation that people need many ways to express
their impressions about human experiences and the life itself, one of this is a
form of literary work. It becomes an answer or way to show an area to discuss
the human life‟s experiences.
Drama is one kind of literature works which has a different genre with
others. It serves an imitation of life more life fully in the world of literature.
For, it has a unique aspect such us the dialogue and actions of the characters. It
means that the characters and the dialogue among them in drama have a big
role to make the drama more interesting as stated in the American Literature:
“For many of us, an interest of in literature is an outgrowth of our interest in
people and their personalities. Drama is particularly satisfying in this respect,
for plays are inevitably and immediately concerned with the human beings“
(Hoeper, 1993: 46 ).
It means that character in the literature is identical with the real person
since it is an imitation of life. Therefore, it has psychological aspect that can be
analysed. The psychological aspect of character in a literary work is so various.
One of the psychological topics which are very interesting to discuss is the
neurotic personality and its cause. In the field of psychology, the neurosis is
caused by many factors. One of them is caused by the disturbances in
interpersonal relationship of human in his childhood. Apparently, this
disturbance is very responsible to the later development of someone
personality, since its influence needs and the strategies that adopted to cope
those needs. It explains clearly in the Dictionary of Behavioural Science as
follow : “ Each individual has two fundamental needs : safety and satisfaction.
The gratification of the satisfaction needs without feelings of safety and
acceptance produces basic anxiety, a basic feeling which leads to the
development of neurosis” (Wolman, 1973: 28).
Psychology. Based on the background of the study, the researcher will make a
B. Literature Review
There are some previous studies on this object of study. It can
beessay to compare the differences and similarities of this study with
theprevious study, so it can keep the originality of the writer study.The
first study about An Enemy of the People drama is conducted by
Nurcahyani Retno Pambudi, a Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
student, in her article publised on March, 2014, entitled “Struggle for
Public Welfare in An Enemy of the People Drama (1882) by Henrik Ibsen:
A Sociological Approach”.
She concludes that the result of her study is Henrik Ibsen shows the
social reality of Norway. Although Norway in late nineteenth century was
developing country, Henrik Ibsen also criticized the society for ignoring
the bad impact of the development public and physical environment.
The second is study which was conducted by Mordecai Roshwald
(2004). A new critical edition of drama entitled “The Alienated Moralist in
An Enemy of the People”. Roshwald concludes that the doctor is a defiant
and militant moralist. He believes that he is true and the people are
wrong. Consequently he suffers for his independent and unbending
stand, is not an unfamiliar phenomenon, whether in the annals of human
history or in the experience of contemporary societies.
Then, Candra Bagus Santoso (2008) by his research paper “Making
Meaningful Choices In Ibsen‟s An Enemy Of The People Drama (1882):
An Existentialist Criticism”. He focused in how the actor makes a
meaningful choice in his problem. Candra shows what actors do to finish
some problem with the government in his city. He uses an existentialist
criticism to analyze this drama.
5. Paper Organization
The research paper is organized as Chapter I contains Introduction;
including Background of the Study, Limitation of the Study, Problem
Statements, Objectives of the Study, Benefits of the Study, Research
Methodols, and Thesis Organization. Chapter II contains Notion of
Individual theory ,Basic concept of Individual Psychology, Notion of
Loyalty Structural Element of Drama, and Theoretical Applications , while
Chapter III Contains Structural Analysis and Discussion. Chapter IV is
Psychological Analysis of Enemy of the People, and Chapter V is
Conclusion, Pedagogical Implication, and Suggestions.