Dhimas Bagus Praditya - Berkas Lamaran - Compressed

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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Dhimas Bagus Praditya

Jenis Kelamin : Laki - Laki
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Malang, 02 – Agustus - 2001
Alamat : Jl. Medokan Asri Timur IV Blok F No. 29, Kali Rungkut, Surabaya
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Agama : Islam
Nomor Handphone : 081230718624
Email : [email protected]

SDN Maneron 1 (2007 - 2013)
SMPN 1 Sepulu (2013 - 2016)
SMAN 1 Arosbaya (2016 - 2019)
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (2019 - 2024)

Pengalaman Organisasi:
Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja (2016 - 2019)
English Conversation Club (2016 - 2019)
Keluarga Muslim (2019 - 2020)

Minat dan Keahlian :

Ms. Office
programmer Pasic : Html, Css, Javascript, Python

Demikian daftar riwayat hidup ini saya buat untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Hormat Saya,

Dhimas Bagus Praditya

Fresh Graduate

Saya Dhimas Bagus Praditya S1 - TEKNIK INFORMATIKA | IPK 3.67
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura | 2019 - 2024
Sarjana Teknik Informatika
Menguasai Pengolahan data menggunakan
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.
microsoft excel
Aktivitas terakhir saat ini aktif Menguasai pembuatan website dan pengolahan
sebagai pencari kerja dan selama database

kuliah menguasai pengolahan SMA - IPA

database dan mahir dalam Sman 1 Arosbaya| 2016 - 2019
Menjadi Wakil Ketua Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja
menggunakan microsoft office
Menjadi Anggota English Conversation Club
tools. Saya memiliki kemampuan
untuk bekerja baik secara KEMAMPUAN
mandiri maupun dalam tim.
Microsoft Office
Prinsip yang saya pegang teguh Excel, Powerpoint, Word

dalam hidup saya adalah Programmer Basic

Html, CSS, PHP, Python
kejujuran, kerja keras dan
tanggung jawab yang tinggi TeamWorks
dalam menjalankan tugas. Detail Oriented
Good Communication Skill


Coding Studio | 9 - Februari - 2024
[email protected]
Mempelajari shortcut excel dan beberapa rumus
https://www.linkedin.com/i yang berguna di dunia kerja seperti : sum,
n/dhimas-bagus-praditya- average, max, min, count, vlookup, hlookup, pivot
9753a7308/ table dll.


Kali Rungkut, Surabaya,

Jawa Timur
Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks

The student has successfully achieved student level credential for completing CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks course
administered by the undersigned instructor. The student was able to proficiently:

Configure switches and end devices to provide access to local and Create IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes and verify network
remote network resources. connectivity between devices
Explain how physical and data link layer protocols support the operation Explain how the upper layers of the OSI model support network
of Ethernet in a switched network. applications.
Configure routers to enable end-to-end connectivity between remote Configure a small network with security best practices.
devices. Troubleshoot connectivity in a small network.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Academy Name

Indonesia 29 Jun 2021

Location Date

Laura Quintana
VP & General Manager, Cisco Networking Academy
Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks

The student has successfully achieved student level credential for completing CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks course
administered by the undersigned instructor. The student was able to proficiently:

Configure switches and end devices to provide access to local and Create IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes and verify network
remote network resources. connectivity between devices
Explain how physical and data link layer protocols support the operation Explain how the upper layers of the OSI model support network
of Ethernet in a switched network. applications.
Configure routers to enable end-to-end connectivity between remote Configure a small network with security best practices.
devices. Troubleshoot connectivity in a small network.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Academy Name

Indonesia 29 Jun 2021

Location Date

Husni .

Instructor Instructor Signature

Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

Cybersecurity Essentials
For completing the Cisco Networking Academy® Cybersecurity Essentials course, and demonstrating the following abilities:

Describe the tactics, techniques and procedures used by cyber Explain how cybersecurity professionals use technologies, processes
criminals. and procedures to defend all components of the network.
Describe the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as Explain the purpose of laws related to cybersecurity.
they relate to data states and cybersecurity countermeasures.
Describe technologies, products and procedures used to protect
confidentiality, ensure integrity and provide high availability.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017



Academy Name

Indonesia 20 Jul 2022

Location Date

Laura Quintana
VP & General Manager, Cisco Networking Academy
Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

Cybersecurity Essentials
For completing the Cisco Networking Academy® Cybersecurity Essentials course, and demonstrating the following abilities:

Describe the tactics, techniques and procedures used by cyber Explain how cybersecurity professionals use technologies, processes
criminals. and procedures to defend all components of the network.
Describe the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as Explain the purpose of laws related to cybersecurity.
they relate to data states and cybersecurity countermeasures.
Describe technologies, products and procedures used to protect
confidentiality, ensure integrity and provide high availability.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017



Academy Name

Indonesia 20 Jul 2022

Location Date

Muhammad Iqbal

Instructor Instructor Signature

Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials

The student has successfully achieved student level credential for completing CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials
course administered by the undersigned instructor. The student was able to proficiently:

Configure VLANs and Inter-VLAN routing applying security best Explain how to support available and reliable networks using dynamic
practices. addressing and first-hop redundancy protocols.
Troubleshoot inter-VLAN routing on Layer 3 devices. Configure dynamic address allocation in IPv6 networks.
Configure redundancy on a switched network using STP and Configure WLANs using a WLC and L2 security best practices.
EtherChannel. Configure switch security to mitigate LAN attacks.
Troubleshoot EtherChannel on switched networks. Configure IPv4 and IPv6 static routing on routers.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Academy Name

Indonesia 4 Jul 2022

Location Date

Laura Quintana
VP & General Manager, Cisco Networking Academy
Social Cisco Networking Academy
Certificate of Course Completion

CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials

The student has successfully achieved student level credential for completing CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials
course administered by the undersigned instructor. The student was able to proficiently:

Configure VLANs and Inter-VLAN routing applying security best Explain how to support available and reliable networks using dynamic
practices. addressing and first-hop redundancy protocols.
Troubleshoot inter-VLAN routing on Layer 3 devices. Configure dynamic address allocation in IPv6 networks.
Configure redundancy on a switched network using STP and Configure WLANs using a WLC and L2 security best practices.
EtherChannel. Configure switch security to mitigate LAN attacks.
Troubleshoot EtherChannel on switched networks. Configure IPv4 and IPv6 static routing on routers.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Academy Name

Indonesia 4 Jul 2022

Location Date

Ika Oktavia Suzanti

Instructor Instructor Signature

Tanggung Jawab
Sosial Cisco Networking Academy
Sertifikat Penyelesaian Kursus

Pendahuluan Tentang Keamanan Cyber

Siswa berhasil memperoleh kredensial tingkat siswa karena telah menyelesaikan kursus Pendahuluan Tentang Keamanan Cyber
yang dipimpin oleh instruktur yang bertanda tangan di bawah. Siswa telah memahami:

Implikasi global ancaman cyber. Mengapa keamanan cyber merupakan profesi yang semakin
Hal yang membuat jaringan rentan terhadap serangan. berkembang?
Dampak serangan cyber pada industri. Peluang yang tersedia untuk memperoleh sertifikat keamanan jaringan.
Pendekatan Cisco untuk deteksi dan perlindungan dari ancaman.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Nama Akademi

Indonesia 23 Sep 2021

Lokasi Tanggal

Laura Quintana
VP & General Manager, Cisco Networking Academy
Tanggung Jawab
Sosial Cisco Networking Academy
Sertifikat Penyelesaian Kursus

Pendahuluan Tentang Keamanan Cyber

Siswa berhasil memperoleh kredensial tingkat siswa karena telah menyelesaikan kursus Pendahuluan Tentang Keamanan Cyber
yang dipimpin oleh instruktur yang bertanda tangan di bawah. Siswa telah memahami:

Implikasi global ancaman cyber. Mengapa keamanan cyber merupakan profesi yang semakin
Hal yang membuat jaringan rentan terhadap serangan. berkembang?
Dampak serangan cyber pada industri. Peluang yang tersedia untuk memperoleh sertifikat keamanan jaringan.
Pendekatan Cisco untuk deteksi dan perlindungan dari ancaman.

Dhimas Bagus Praditya 190411100017


Trunojoyo University of Madura (UTM)

Nama Akademi

Indonesia 23 Sep 2021

Lokasi Tanggal

Dwi Kuswanto

Instruktur Tanda Tangan Instruktur

Issued to

For completing the course


Completed on February 9, 2024

Certificate ID: 77E5BDE459-77E59E9AFD-75C1617C5C

Scan QR Code to verify the certificate


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