Paediatric Nephrology Resident Handbook
Paediatric Nephrology Resident Handbook
Paediatric Nephrology Resident Handbook
Laura Betcherman University of Toronto
Fahd AlShammri
McMaster University
Tom Blydt-Hansen University of British
Sarah AlTamimi
McMaster University
Rahul Chanchlani McMaster University
Laura Kaufman
Susannah Jenkins McMaster University
University of Calgary
Gabrielle Weiler
Damien Noone University of Ottawa
University of Toronto
Kristen Pederson
University of Manitoba
Maury Pinsk
HANDBOOK University of Calgary
Amrit Kirpalani
Fahd AlShammri
McMaster University Western University
Laura Kaufman
Jason McConnery
University of Toronto
Véronique Phan
Damien Noone
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Jusine
University of Toronto
Kristen Pederson
University of Manitoba
Charushree Prasad
McMaster University
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Welcome to your paediatric nephrology rotation! Kidneys are arguably one of the most
important (if not the most important!) organs in our body and have many integral functions –
management of fluid balance, acid-base homeostasis, electrolytes, toxin/waste removal,
blood pressure regulation, bone health, anemia, growth and more! A basic understanding of
kidney disease and manifestations in children is crucial as a general paediatrician.
We hope you will find this handbook a helpful guide to key concepts in renal physiology and
the clinical practice of paediatric nephrology.
This handbook will be revised and updated every 3 years, to ensure the content is up to
1. History & Physical Exam ...................................................7 1
Physical Examination.................................................................11 O
Bloodwork ...............................................................................14 E
Diagnostic Imaging...................................................................19
3. Kidney Development.......................................................22 Human Kidney
Development .....................................................22 Anatomy of the Kidney
Diagnostic Evaluation of AKI.....................................................49 N
Overview.................................................................................55 S
Etiologies .................................................................................57
Management & Follow Up ........................................................61
7. Hypertension in Children.................................................65
Etiologies .................................................................................68
Diagnostic Evaluation of HTN....................................................70
Management & Follow Up ........................................................71
Hypertension in Hospitalized Children .......................................73
Acute Severe Hypertension .......................................................73
8. Approach to Hematuria/Glomerulonephritis...................76
Upper Urinary Tract (Renal) Causes ..........................................78
Lower Urinary Tract & Systemic Causes......................................94
Making the Diagnosis ...............................................................99 N
Overview ...............................................................................114 E
Modalities ..............................................................................115
Apheresis ...............................................................................118
Post-Transplant Surveillance.....................................................133
Abnormalities of Position.........................................................143 C
Hydronephrosis ......................................................................143 S
Tubular Transport Disorders.....................................................173
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus ...............................................174
Foundations of Paediatric
1. History & Physical Exam
2. Diagnostic Tests
3. Kidney Development
4. Fluids and Electrolytes
C/S = Cesarean section
CFU = colony forming units
CKD = chronic kidney disease
Abbreviations Cl = chloride
CM = centimeter
ABC = airway breathing circulation CNS = central nervous system
ADH = antidiuretic hormone CT = computerized tomography
ADPKD = autosomal dominant polycystic CVS = cardiovascular system
kidney disease D5W = 5% dextrose in free water
AKI = acute kidney injury DCT = distal convoluted tubule
ARPKD = autosomal recessive polycystic DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis
kidney disease DMSA = dimercapto succinic acid DTPA
BMI = body mass index = diethylenetriamine pentaacetate EDTA
BSA = body surface area = ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ECG =
electrocardiogram NICU = neonatal intensive care unit
ESKD = end stage kidney nMol = nanomole
disease FWD = free water deficit NPO = nil per os (nothing by mouth)
G = gram NS = normal saline
GFR = glomerular filtration rate pCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide
GI = gastrointestinal PCT: proximal convoluted tubule
H = hydrogen RBC = red blood cell
H+N = head and neck RTA = renal tubular acidosis
HCO3 = bicarbonate SIADH = syndrome of inappropriate
Hr = hour antidiuretic hormone
mEq = milliequivalent
mL = milliliter
Na = sodium
NH4 = ammonium 6
Key elements of a renal-specific history are outlined below. Please remember that kidney
disease can manifest in a variety of ways and sometimes can be completely
asymptomatic. Therefore, the astute clinician may need to pick up on subtle signs such as
poor growth, polyuria, or fatigue.
Questions to be asked when taking a general renal history might include the antenatal
history, family history, growth and development, lower urinary tract symptoms, urine colour
and quantity. However, more specific history questions based on chief complaint are listed
• Clarify amount of fluid intake and urine output (any changes/decrease in output)? •
Difficulty breathing
• Medications, nephrotoxins
• Family history of autoimmune/rheumatological disease (including Lupus, vasculitis),
renal disease, sensorineural hearing loss, dialysis, or kidney transplantation
Concern for proteinuria/nephrotic syndrome:
• When was the increased creatinine noted? Any history of acute kidney injury? • Any
issues with failure to thrive/poor growth, short stature, decreased appetite? • Any
fatigue? Pruritus? Nausea/vomiting?
• History of associated dysuria, flank pain, fever, urgency, frequency, urinary hesitancy,
gross hematuria
• Pre-renal: any history of volume loss i.e. vomiting/diarrhea, blood loss, increased
insensible losses, cardiac surgery/poor cardiac function, decreased perfusion
• Renal: nephrotoxins, sepsis, check for symptoms of glomerulonephritis, any concern
for vascular thrombosis
• Post-renal: urine output, abdominal pain/distension, any history of kidney stones, any
urological history, any concern for neurogenic bladder
• When was it noted, is the measurement technique correct (correct cuff size, while
patient is calm, and seated, measured in right arm)?
• How high is the blood pressure (please see hypertension section to assess stage of
• Is the patient symptomatic? Headaches, chest pain, blurry vision, etc. • CNS: any
history of headaches, blurred vision, poor school performance • CVS: difference
between upper and lower limb perfusion, claudication • H+N: symptoms of
obstructive sleep apnea, i.e. any history of snoring, pauses in breathing
• Renal: history of renal disease, UTIs, glomerulonephritis etc.
• Endocrine: thyroid symptoms (headaches, tachycardia, GI symptoms, hair loss,
sweating), cortisol (Cushingoid appearance, weight gain, acne, muscle weakness),
pheochromocytoma (headaches, flushing, palpitations, sweating)
• Urinary stream/flow, when was the first wet diaper after birth?
• Antibiotic prophylaxis being used? UTI symptoms? Enuresis? Bladder emptying?
Urology follow up?
• Has this happened before? Any history of surgical interventions (stent placement,
lithotripsy, etc.)
• Tubulopathy symptoms: polyuria, polydipsia, poor growth, failure to thrive •
History of UTIs
Should include a complete physical examination with special attention to the following: •
Vital signs: Heart rate, blood pressure (need to assess in relation to sex and height),
respiratory rate, temperature, oxygen saturation
• CVS: pulses, blood pressure differential between upper and lower limbs, brachial
femoral delay, murmur, abdominal bruit, jugular venous pressure
• Resp: signs of fluid overload with crackles, tachypnea, work of breathing, stony dull
percussion with pleural effusions
• Bones: evidence of renal osteodystrophy i.e. rachitic rosary of chest, lower limb
deformities (bowing of legs), widening of the wrists, frontal bossing
Rees L, Bockenhauer D, Webb NJ, Punaro MG. Paediatric nephrology. Oxford University
Press; 2019 Feb 14.
• In neonates the serum creatinine is reflective of maternal serum creatinine for the
first 72 hours of life after which it slowly falls to reflect neonatal values.
• Creatinine is a less reliable marker in patients with low or above average muscle
2. Urea: a product of many biological pathways that is excreted by the kidneys. It is filtered
in the glomerulus and a portion is reabsorbed in the kidney tubules.
• Uremia can present with nonspecific signs and symptoms including altered mental
status, nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
• Other causes of high urea outside the kidneys include: high protein diet, GI bleed,
steroids, in catabolic states. If high ratio compared with creatinine, suggestive of pre
renal state.
(2) 24-hour urine creatinine clearance also used as a surrogate marker for
GFR • Estimated GFR (eGFR) calculated based on different formulas that use
serum creatinine or cystatin C.
measure extended electrolytes and save a urine sample for paired urine electrolytes
where possible
• Basic electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, bicarbonate
• Extended electrolytes: Calcium*, Magnesium, Phosphate
*Total or ionized. If sending total, ensure albumin sent as well to correct for
• pH, bicarbonate
6. Albumin: Protein synthesized by the liver, responsible for acting as the transporter for
many compounds and maintaining intravascular volume status.
• High albumin in the context of high calcium, hemoglobin and hematocrit may hint at
volume contraction
• pH
• Important in diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis
• Alkaline urine may cause false positive protein on dipstick
• Specific gravity
• May provide information about kidney concentrating ability
• When interpreting the dipstick positive for protein or blood, low specific gravity
may result in false negatives while high specific gravity can lead to false positive
for protein/blood.
• Blood
• Urine dip measures hemoglobin, not red blood cells
• Free myoglobin in the urine can create false positive
• Microscopic hematuria is defined as >5 RBC per high powered field (as seen on
urine microscopy)
• Protein
• A urine sample is positive for protein if the dipstick is ≥ 1+ in a urine sample
with a specific gravity of ≤ 1.015
• Leukocytes
• Pyuria is defined as ≥ 3 WBC per high power field
• Can be positive in a cystitis or pyelonephritis, but it is important to check how the
sample was taken (catheter sample or suprapubic aspirate would be the most
reliable method of sampling to assess for infection)
• Sterile pyuria is seen in certain viral or fungal infections, and Kawasaki disease
• Nitrites
• Positive in the presence of specific bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrite •
Some organisms that do not do this are Enterococcus, Pseudomonas and
• Often falsely negative in infants as urine is not held long enough in bladder for
nitrites to form
Urine culture
• Bacterial growth indicates urinary tract infection, minimum colony counts depend on
method of urine collection
Urine protein: better quantification of urine protein can be obtained by the following •
• Normal:
• Less than 2 years of age: < 50 mg/mmol
• Greater than 2 years of age: < 20 mg/mmol (< 0.02 g/mmol in some
• Nephrotic range:
• Greater than 250 mg/mmol creatinine (>0.2 g/mmol in some centres) •
Spot Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) can be used as well. It can help to
distinguish glomerular proteinuria (ACR) from glomerular + tubular proteinuria
(PCR). Used in diabetic nephropathy.
Urine electrolytes:
• Used to investigate many serum electrolyte disturbances, assess for kidney tubular
disorders, fluid status (hypovolemia), monitor progression of kidney function
• Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) %
= 100 x Urine sodium (mmol/L) × Serum creatinine (mmol/L)
Urine microscopy: Visualization of urine under microscope, may provide additional clues to
underlying kidney disease
• RBC casts
• Pathologic, suggests glomerular injury (ie. Glomerulonephritis)
• WBC casts
• Typically seen in tubulointerstitial disease such as acute pyelonephritis or
allergic interstitial nephritis
• Hyaline casts
• A few (1-2) per high powered field are normal
• Increased number can be seen in the context of strenuous exercise or
• Granular casts
• Suggests stasis within the nephron
• Can be associated with tubular necrosis
Urine stone studies: done when there are concerns for nephrolithiasis
• Urine calcium, oxalate, citrate, uric acid, all normalized for urine creatinine or urine
• Urine amino acids can be used to look for cystine (in some centres a urine
nitroprusside may be done as a screening test for cystinuria)
• Structural abnormalities
• Ex. Hydroureteronephrosis, cysts, horseshoe kidney, duplex collecting systems
• Hyperechoic or hypoechoic areas – may be seen in acute pyelonephritis • Well
defined hypoechoic or anechoic mass and absence of internal flow on power doppler
(may also include loculations or septations) – kidney abscess
• Irregular, focal indentations in the cortex overlying the medullary pyramids – suggest
areas of scarring
• Doppler ultrasound - used to assess arterial and venous flow of the kidney, useful if
clinical concern for thrombosis
• Useful to see flow through renal arteries, assess for renal artery stenosis, renal
vein thrombus, arteriovenous malformations
CT Scan
• CT angiogram is better than US at detecting renal artery stenosis
• Watch out for contrast with CT, may cause kidney injury!
• Static scan that shows uptake of tracer to the kidneys. Gold standard to detect
pyelonephritis. Useful for detecting kidney parenchymal defects/scarring and to
assess differential function.
• Normal findings are equal uptake to both kidneys (approximately 50% each)
• Areas of scarring may be indicated by reduced uptake of the tracer
MAG-3 (mercaptoacetyltriglycine)/DTPA
• DTPA is better suited to assess glomerular function (used for GFR determination)
• Gold standard to diagnose vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) and posterior urethral valves
• Fluoroscopic study to assess the lower urinary tract (urethra, bladder, ureters) • Dye
inserted through urethra (via catheter) and images taken to watch flow • Should not be
done during an acute infection as it may falsely overestimate the VUR and increase
risk of sepsis
• In girls, can consider using a nuclear cystogram: less radiation, detects reflux, but
doesn’t provide as detailed anatomy (can’t visualize urethra)
Dhull RS, Joshi A, Saha A. Nuclear Imaging in Pediatric Kidney Diseases. Indian Pediatr.
Gulati M, Cheng J, Loo JT, Skalski M, Malhi H, Duddalwar V. Pictorial review: Renal
ultrasound. Clin Imaging. 2018;51:133-154. doi:10.1016/j.clinimag.2018.02.012
Kaplan, Bernard S., M.B.B.Ch, and Madhura Pradhan M.D. 2013. Urinalysis interpretation
for pediatricians. Pediatric annals 42, (3) (03): 45-51, https://www-lib-uwo (accessed
August 16, 2020).
Porrini E, Ruggenenti P, Luis-Lima S, et al. Estimated GFR: time for a critical appraisal
[published correction appears in Nat Rev Nephrol. 2018 Dec 18;:]. Nat Rev Nephrol.
2019;15(3):177-190. doi:10.1038/s41581-018-0080-9
The kidney is a critical organ for eliminating metabolic waste products and maintaining key
homeostasis of pH, ion concentrations, and hormone status, as mentioned in the
Nephrons and the collecting duct system perform the daily functioning of the kidney.
• Human kidney development begins in the 5th week of gestation, with the first
functioning nephrons making urine by the 9th week.
• New nephrons continue to form until approximately 32–34 weeks gestation. • Further renal
growth results from the growth and maturation of already formed nephrons rather than new
• In fetal or perinatal renal injury, the developing kidney is incapable of compensating for
irreversible nephron loss.
• Nephron endowment at birth is a crucial fetal factor that may have long term impact on
the development of hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in adults.
The renal anatomy can be described in two basic forms for teaching
• The average renal length by ultrasound in healthy newborns is (4.21 +/- 0.45) cm for the
right kidney and (4.32 +/- 0.46) cm for the left kidney. They grow with age at about 0.5 cm
to 1 cm per year and achieve adult length by approximately by 18 years of age.
• Both kidneys are located retroperitoneally, at the posterior aspect of the abdominal wall,
with the right one slightly lower than the left.
• Each kidney has two layers with an outer layer called the cortex and inner brighter red
called the
• Each kidney
has a
collection of
pyramids, or lobes,
with a base bordering
the cortex and an
apex projecting as
renal papillae into the
minor calyces.
Microscopic anatomy
• The renal parenchyma consists of functional units called uriniferous tubules, which
consist of two components:
• The nephrons: the “functional units” of the kidney; cleanse the blood and balance
the constituents of the circulation.
• The nephron consists of the Bowman capsule (the most proximal structure of
nephron), proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs), the loop of Henle, and distal
convoluted tubules (DCTs).
• Nephrons have highly variable lengths, with the superficial (cortical) nephrons
are shorter, and the deep (juxtamedullary) nephrons are longer, mainly
depending on the length of the loop of Henle.
• Nephrons with glomeruli close to the corticomedullary junction have long loops of
Henle, which participate in the urinary concentration mechanism
• The collecting tubules:
• The last component of the nephron have squamous epithelium, whereas the
collecting ducts have taller epithelial cells, starting as cuboidal cells in the
cortex but growing taller along the route of descent to the renal papilla
Figure 3.2.
Figure used with permission from: Noone DG, Iijima K, Parekh R. Idiopathic nephrotic
syndrome in children. The Lancet. 2018 Jul 7;392(10141):61-74.
• Blood flow through the kidneys is surprisingly extensive (approximately 25% of cardiac
output), ensuring rapid removal of wastes from the blood.
• 90% flows through the cortex and the rest flowing through the medulla. • The renal
artery enters the renal sinus and divides into anterior and posterior branches, forming
segmental arteries.
• Segmental arteries ➔ lobar arteries for each renal pyramid (lobe) ➔ branch further into
interlobar arteries between the renal pyramids
• Once the interlobar arteries have penetrated to the corticomedullary junction, ➔ branch
into arcuate arteries, which run parallel to the surface of the kidney.
• At regular intervals along the arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries project radially
toward the most superficial parts of the cortex.
• As the interlobular arteries pass from the deep cortex to the superficial cortex, they send
out branches called afferent arterioles that supply blood to the glomeruli. After leaving
the glomerulus, blood enters the efferent arteriole.
• These blood vessels drain into interlobular veins, arcuate veins, interlobar veins, and
eventually the renal vein.
Important medications to note that act on the afferent and efferent arteriole: • NSAIDs
Pietilä I, Vainio SJ. Kidney development: An overview. Nephron - Exp Nephrol.
2014;126(2):40-44. doi:10.1159/000360659.
Hughson M, Farris AB, Douglas-Denton R, Hoy WE, Bertram JF. Glomerular number and
size in autopsy kidneys: The relationship to birth weight. Kidney Int. 2003;
63(6):2113-2122. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1755.2003.00018.
Potter EL. Normal and abnormal development of the kidney. Chicago: Year Book Medical
Publishers; 1972.
Hinchliffe SA, Sargent PH, Howard CV, Chan YF, van Velzen D. Human intrauterine renal
growth expressed in absolute number of glomeruli assessed by the disector method and
Cavalieri principle. Lab Invest. 1991;64(6):777–84.
Rodriguez MM, Gomez AH, Abitbol CL, Chandar JJ, Duara S, Zilleruelo GE.
Histomorphometric analysis of postnatal glomerulogenesis in extremely preterm infants.
Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2004;7(1):17–25.
First rule in nephrology to remember: the 4-2-1 rule is not always the right answer for
maintenance fluids! Maintenance fluid requirements based on the 4-2-1 rule which are used
in other areas of paediatrics were calculated based on healthy children and their calorimetric
losses, which don’t always apply to children in hospital. If children have experienced an AKI,
have polyuria or oliguria, or if they have an electrolyte abnormality, “maintenance” fluids per
the 4-2-1 rule may not be an appropriate treatment.
In admitted patients, we may need to consider additional losses in the form of vomiting,
diarrhea, CSF drain, abdominal or chest drains.
You may have heard that sodium problems are actually water problems…it’s true!
Hyponatremia is a disorder of water balance – mediated by either appropriate or
inappropriate ADH production.
Step by step:
• Acute hyponatremia
• Are there severe symptoms, such as seizures, loss of consciousness,
coma, lethargy?
• Once symptom free, we want to raise Na+ by no more than 8-10 mmol/L in
first 24 hrs
• Please note: There are multiple formulas that can be used to correct
sodium for hypovolemic hyponatremia. One option is provided below.
Remember that no formula is perfect all the time – there are many
variables that we cannot account for. Always check labs frequently to
ensure you are moving in the right direction, at the right pace, and change
your plan if needed.
EXAMPLE: Let’s say someone has a serum Na of 112. You want it to raise to
no more than 120 in the next 24 hours.
• Giving 13 mL/hr of 0.9 NS will replace the sodium deficit over 24 hours •
However, we must also account for ongoing sodium losses. You can do this
• Keep NPO, measure labs in 2-4h, measure and monitor urine output,
measure urine sodium q 4-6 hrs if possible
• Watch out! If you see the urine output increasing suddenly – this may
indicate that Na is rising rapidly because of excess volume replacement
and ADH getting suppressed too quickly. This may lead to more urinary
free water clearance.
• Hypervolemic hyponatremia
• Increased ADH and aldosterone with salt and water retention, but effective
circulating volume may still be depressed
Hypernatremia is also a disorder of water balance, usually related to a deficit of free water
(most commonly hypernatremic dehydration). Again, we want to avoid rapid correction
because the brain generates its own osmoles to compensate for the hypertonicity and cells
shrinking. If you correct too rapidly, can get cerebral edema. Sodium should drop by no
more than 8-10/24 hrs, to prevent cerebral edema.
Step by step:
1. Identify hypernatremia (Na+ >145 mmol/L).
2. Causes of hypernatremia: free water deficit due to water loss, or decreased water intake/
salt gain.
• If urine osmolality > serum osmolality: Consider renal losses, GI losses, skin, lungs,
decreased access to free water, decreased thirst
• Free Water Deficit = 0.6 x 9 kg [(174 mmol/L – 145 mmol/L)/145 mmol/L] = 1080 mL
of free water
• Another strategy:
• A general correction of 4 mL/kg of free water should lower sodium by 1 mmol/L •
Ex: 174-145 = 29.
6. Choose the correct fluid to use to replace the free water deficit.
• How much Na+ is there in each solution?
• Using the above table, you can see for example, that every 1L of 0.2NS would
provide about 800 mL of free water in this case.
• So now we need to figure out how much of each solution you would need in order to
provide 270 mL of free water (that we calculated above)
7. Calculate the insensible losses = 400 mL/m2/day. BSA is approximately 0.4 m2 in this
case. Therefore, insensible losses = 160 mL/day.
8. Add together insensibles + deficit = 160 mL/24 hours + 482 mL of 0.45 NS/24 hours =
27 mL/hr of 0.45 NS. Add dextrose to this fluid to provide glucose.
9. Next, need to account for ongoing future losses (urine/GI). Replace this 1:1 q 2-4 hours
depending on amount of losses. Try to match the sodium content of the replacement
fluid to the sodium content of the losses (i.e. if urine sodium is 70 mmol/L, replace with
0.45 NS = 77 mmol/L of Na+).
10. Final prescription = Insensibles + Deficit + Ongoing losses = 27 mL/hr of D5/0.45NS with
mL:mL urine output replacement with 0.45 NS every 2 hours. To be safe, you can start
replacing urine output with NS instead of 0.45 NS until you can obtain a urine sodium to
confirm the correct solution to replace the urine with, to not drop the sodium too quickly.
11. If able to use the enteral route (no contraindications), can be more physiologic to replace
free water deficit through po/NG route.
12. Make sure you keep checking serum and urine electrolytes frequently, monitor ins and
outs, and adjust prescription as necessary.
Although hyperkalemia is one of our few true renal emergencies, it can be approached and
treated in a systematic fashion.
Step by step:
• Look for arrhythmia, prolonged PR interval, peaked T waves, absent P wave, widening
QRS, ST depression.
4. Emergency management:
• If non-diabetic, can trial giving just dextrose bolus and patients’ own insulin
surge should also help to shift potassium
• To eliminate potassium:
• Sodium Polystyrene (Kayexalate®) (1g/kg/dose PO, max 15 g) to help excrete
potassium in the stool if no contraindication from GI standpoint/not in the NICU
• Abnormal GFR – AKI, CKD, excess potassium intake, GI bleed, hemolysis, transfusion,
rhabdomyolysis, drugs impairing potassium excretion
• Instead, could consider using urine K/Creatinine ratio (in hypokalemia should be
<1.5, in hyperkalemia it should be >20)
Step by step:
3. Treat by giving potassium replacement IV (if unable to take oral or symptomatic) or Oral
potassium replacement
• If IV, need ECG monitoring, may need central line if giving larger concentration •
If acidotic – suggest K citrate
This is a general approach you can use for interpreting acid-base problems. Since this is
nephrology, we will focus primarily on metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis.
• *Special Note: Hydrogen cations can displace calcium bound to albumin and increase free
calcium level.
• When both acidemia and hypocalcemia, must correct calcium first before acidemia. If
you correct acidosis first, ionized calcium will drop.
Step by Step:
2. If pH <7.35, look at the bicarb (HCO3). If low – metabolic acidosis. If not, look at the
pCO2 – if high – respiratory acidosis.
3. If pH >7.45, look at the bicarb. If high – metabolic alkalosis. If not, look at the pCO2 – if
low – respiratory alkalosis.
4. Next step is to look at compensation. Remember that compensation always corrects the
pH TOWARDS normal – it doesn’t overcorrect.
• Generally expected compensation
• Acute respiratory acidosis – ↑ HCO3: ↑ pCO2 = 1:10
• Acute respiratory alkalosis – ↓ HCO3: ↓ pCO2 = 2:10
• Chronic respiratory acidosis – ↑ HCO3: ↑ pCO2= 3:10
• Chronic respiratory alkalosis – ↓ HCO3: ↓ pCO2 = 4:10
• Alternative method of approaching compensation:
• If
the compensation is as expected, then great! Only one acid-base disorder we need to
figure out. However, if it is not, then there is a mixed picture.
• For example, in metabolic acidosis, if the pCO2 is lower than expected for
compensation, then there is concurrent respiratory alkalosis. If it is higher than
expected for compensation, then there is concurrent respiratory acidosis.
• Metabolic Acidosis
• Either through loss of bicarbonate (in which chloride must increase to maintain
electroneutrality) OR addition of acid (as an anion, so chloride does not need to
• Calculate the anion gap: Na+ - (Cl-+HCO3-). Normal anion gap is between 8-12. •
Elevated anion gap – think MUDPILES
• Normal anion gap – think renal or GI loss of bicarbonate. Usually lost with cation
(Na) – anion gap is unchanged.
• GI losses – diarrhea, fistula, stoma losses
• Renal – look at Urine pH and urine anion gap
• Urine anion gap = Na+ + K+ - Cl-. This represents the unmeasured anion in
urine (ammonium, NH4+) which is how the kidney secretes acid.
• Metabolic alkalosis
• Secondary to Low H+ or High Bicarb
• Causes of low H+
• Transcellular shift. Exchange of hydrogen for potassium. If hypokalemia, K+
comes out of the cell to replace, H+ goes into the cell
• Combination
• “Contraction” or Chloride-depletion alkalosis
• Dehydration leads to decreased GFR which leads to decreased
bicarb excretion
Luke RG, Galla JH. It is chloride depletion alkalosis, not contraction alkalosis. Journal of the
American Society of Nephrology. 2012 Feb 1;23(2):204-7.
Phadke KD, Goodyer P, Bitzan M, editors. Manual of pediatric nephrology. Springer Science
& Business Media; 2013 Dec 13.
Rees L, Bockenhauer D, Webb NJ, Punaro MG. Paediatric nephrology. Oxford university
press; 2019 Feb 14.
Paediatric Nephrology
Acute Problems in
5. Acute Kidney Injury
6. Approach to Proteinuria
7. Hypertension in Children
8. Approach to Hematuria
eGPA = eosinophilic granulomatosis with
ANCA = antineutrophil cytoplasmic
antibodies FENa = fraction excretion of sodium FSGS
Yrs = years
Definitions of AKI:
• The most important advances in the AKI field would not have been possible without a
standardized AKI definition (before 2004, there were >35 definitions).
• Due to lack of a consensus definition, comparisons among studies are difficult, resulting
in a wide range of quoted epidemiology, morbidity, and mortality rates in the AKI
paediatric literature.
• In 2012, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) AKI Consensus
Conference recommended that the KDIGO AKI definition and staging be used to guide
clinical care and as a standardized criterion and outcome measure in AKI as shown in
(Table 5.1)
Table 5.1 Modified Kidney disease improving global outcomes (KDIGO) acute kidney injury
Stage Serum Creatinine Urine Output
Clinical classification of AKI causes:
• Occurs with prolonged and/or severe ischemia which can result in histologic changes,
including necrosis, occlusion of the tubular lumen by casts and cell debris.
1. Urinalysis (UA)
Table 5.2 History and Physical Examination Findings for Categorizing Acute Kidney Injury
Type of History Physical Exam
Pre-renal/ ● Volume loss (e.g., history • Weight loss, orthostatic
Functional of vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension delayed capillary
diuretic refill and tachycardia
overuse, hemorrhage, burns, • Poor skin turgor
ostomy losses) • Dilated neck veins, muffled
● Thirst and reduced fluid heart sounds, pulmonary rales,
intake ● Cardiac disease peripheral edema
● Liver disease
• Ascites, jaundice and other
signs of liver failure
Intrinsic renal • Rash, joint swelling, uveitis, • Periorbital, sacral, and
weight loss, fatigue, hematuria, lower extremity edema; rash;
foamy urine, cough, hemoptysis, hypertension, oral/nasal
edema, arthralgia, fever, ulcers, arthritis, fever
infectious illness • Muscle tenderness, high
• Trauma, flank pain volume status
• Prolonged hypotension • Hypertension, fundoscopic
• Trauma or myalgia examination (showing malignant
suggesting rhabdomyolysis. hypertension signs), abdominal
• History of receiving nephrotoxic bruits
medications (including over-the • Oliguria/anuria
counter like NSAIDs, antibiotics
(aminoglycosides) and some
• Recent exposure to
radiographic contrast agents
Post-renal • Poor urinary stream, history of • Bladder distention,
oligohydramnios, gross abdominal/ pelvic mass,
hematuria, passing stones, anuria
Initial laboratory tests:
2. Serum electrolytes, BUN, creatinine with calcium, magnesium, phosphate, bicarbonate
level and liver function tests with LDH
3. Coagulation profile
4. Urine tests: urinalysis and microscopy, culture, Protein/Creatinine ratio (PCR), urine
electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, creatinine, urea) – FENa can be helpful (as described above)
3. Drug level for any toxins or nephrotoxic meds and toxicology screen (if history suggest
herbal/toxic ingestions)
Kidney Biopsy
Management strategies include:
1. Fluid balance
• The fluid status of the child varies depending on the underlying cause, comorbid
conditions, and possible previous therapy.
• Monitoring patient condition closely with strict intake & output chart, daily weights,
physical examinations (blood pressure and pulse)
• Euvolemia:
• Maintain euvolemia by calculating maintenance fluid requirement.
• Total fluid intake (TFI) including medications and nutrition = insensible losses
[300 to 500 mL/m2 BSA per day] + urine and gastrointestinal losses.
• Insensible losses can be run as a continues infusion of D5/NS, with urine output/
GI losses replaced mL:mL with NS. If the patient is able to take fluids by mouth,
they could also be advised to drink their insensible losses.
• Hypervolemia:
• Child with signs of fluid overload may require fluid restriction to insensible fluid
[300 to 500 mL/m2 per day] if they are anuric.
• If fluid removal is strongly required like in heart failure or pulmonary edema cases
then may need to consider dialysis. % Fluid overload can be helpful in determining
need for RRT.
• Trial of furosemide - single high-dose bolus (2 to 4 mg/kg/dose) to children in the
early stages of oliguric AKI with hypervolemia. Stop the furosemide if no response.
2. Electrolytes and acid-base balance
• Metabolic acidosis: often doesn’t require additional treatment and resolves as the AKI
๏ May treat metabolic acidosis with IV fluid therapy using lactated ringers’ solution
or the addition of sodium citrate to enteral fluids, with caution taken to avoid
hypocalcemia (alkalosis can lead to decreased ionized calcium)
3. Hypertension
• Avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs as they may worsen the injury and delay recovery of
• Dosing adjustment of renally excreted drugs to avoid toxic accumulation of drugs and
their metabolites, particularly when GFR has dropped below 50 mL/min/1.73 m2
• Can estimate the GFR based on Bedside Schwartz equation (36.5 x ht(cm)/creatinine
rate-gfr-2009 or, if severe AKI assume GFR is <10 mL/min 1.73 m2.
• Drug levels should be routinely monitored for medications for which therapeutic
monitoring is available (e.g., vancomycin, aminoglycosides, enoxaparin, and digoxin).
5. Renal Replaxcement Therapy (RRT)
• RRT in children will be discussed in dialysis section of this handbook.
6. Nutritional Support
• AKI is associated with marked catabolism, and optimal nutritional support is crucial to
enhance the recovery process.
• Many studies report that survivors of paediatric AKI are at risk for chronic kidney disease
(CKD) including hypertension and ESRD.
• Long-term follow-up is necessary based on the long-term morbidity for children who
survive an episode of moderate or severe AKI.
• It is suggested to follow all children with moderate to severe AKI (stage 2 and above) and
those who received renal replacement therapy at least annually for five years, and
continued follow-up until adulthood if any evidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is
Chanchlani R, Nash DM, McArthur E, et al. Secular trends in incidence, modality, and
mortality with dialysis receiving AKI in children in Ontario a population-based cohort study.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019;14(9):1288-1296. doi:10.2215/CJN.08250718.
Kaddourah A, Basu RK, Bagshaw SM, Goldstein SL; AWARE Investigators: Epidemiology of
acute kidney injury in critically ill children and young adults. N Engl J Med 376: 11–20, 2017
Kellum JA, Lameire N, Aspelin P, et al. Kidney disease: Improving global outcomes (KDIGO)
acute kidney injury work group. KDIGO clinical practice guideline for acute kidney injury.
Kidney Int Suppl. 2012;2(1):1-138. doi:10.1038/kisup.2012.1
Proteinuria refers to loss of protein in the urine. While this may be indicative of kidney
damage, the etiology may also be benign. A broad approach to proteinuria, as well as the
common causes, are discussed here. Significant proteinuria may present with nephrotic
syndrome, which will also be discussed.
How do you measure urine protein? (See Chapter 2: Diagnostic Tests for
• Hint: are their eyes puffy in the morning? Have they been diagnosed with “allergies”
because of swollen eye lids? Are they finding it hard to get their socks/shoes on? Do
they notice an imprint from their socks at the end of the day?
• This will help assess severity of presentation and guide decision-making around
inpatient versus outpatient management
• Ask to see a previous photo of the patient to assess for differences in facial
General Investigations
• Urinalysis
• Urine protein-to-creatinine (measures all protein)
• Urine albumin-to-creatinine (measures ‘glomerular’ protein)
• 24-hour urine collection for protein and creatinine that more accurately quantifies the
proteinuria (urine creatinine can help to determine if the collection is adequate).
• C3/C4
• ANA, dsDNA, hepatitis B and C, HIV
• If presenting with clinical signs concerning for nephrotic syndrome, consider checking
serum lipids and cholesterol (although these are not required to confirm the diagnosis
of nephrotic syndrome)
• Diagnosis:
• A first morning urine negative for proteinuria on 3 consecutive days • a 'split urine’
collection (they fill one container with an entire day’s urine starting with their 2nd
void of the day, and fill another with the next day’s 1st void, then we compare the
‘upright’ vs ‘supine’ urine samples)
2. Transient
• Temporary proteinuria that occurs in the context of a febrile illness (temperature >
38.3°C), exercise, dehydration, cold exposure, or stress
• Diagnosis: Requires repeat urine testing after the acute trigger has resolved to
determine is proteinuria is still present.
Note: every well-appearing child with isolated proteinuria should have multiple first
morning urine samples to rule out the benign causes before moving towards the more
extensive work-up for pathologic causes
• Many low molecular weight proteins are reabsorbed in the tubules, therefore damage
to the tubules results in urinary loss of these proteins.
• Tubular proteinuria often occurs in the context of generalized tubular dysfunction
(Fanconi syndrome), which is typically due to an underlying disease
• Management:
• Depends on the underlying etiology.
• Fanconi syndrome is typically managed by correcting the electrolyte abnormalities.
If cystinosis is the diagnosis, cysteamine is part of the therapy.
• Tubulointerstitial nephritis may require a biopsy and subsequent steroid therapy,
along with treatment of the underlying cause
4. Glomerular
• Glomerular proteinuria can be divided into nephrotic range which may or may not be
associated with nephrotic syndrome, or non-nephrotic range
• Isolated Proteinuria:
• Minimal change disease
• Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children
• Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
• FSGS is a histological pattern of kidney injury, it’s not in itself a diagnosis • It
may be idiopathic (this is typically related to some immune dysregulation
leading to an FSGS injury pattern, and can cause mild proteinuria up to a full
nephrotic syndrome)
• Diagnosed on biopsy
• It can also be seen (very rarely) in neonates due to circulating auto-antibodies
• Treatment dependent on underlying etiology or degree of proteinuria level of
kidney impairment. May consider prednisone, or tacrolimus/calcineurin
inhibitor if severe. Renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade indicated.
• IgA Nephropathy
• Typically presents with hematuria, but can involve proteinuria
• Glomerulonephritis (Henoch-Schonlein purpura (IgA vasculitis), lupus nephritis,
ANCA, anti-GBM disease)
• Alport syndrome
• Diagnosis is by clinical and biochemical findings, more definitively by kidney biopsy. •
Management dependent on the underlying etiology
Nephrotic syndrome
1. Nephrotic range proteinuria
2. Hypoalbuminemia
3. Edema
6.1 Image from BC Children's Nephrotic Syndrome Physician Handbook) 6 0
*Please note, some centres use g/mmol as their screening units, therefore normal urine
PCR = <0.02 g/mmol, abnormal would be 0.02 – 0.2 g/mmol, and nephrotic range
would be >0.2 g/mmol)*
The most likely diagnosis in paediatrics is minimal change disease, and this is often a
presumptive diagnosis (even without biopsy).
• May consider diuretics; this should be discussed with a nephrologist • Fluid and salt
restriction (one example in the table below)
• FeNa may be helpful to determine if will respond to diuretics alone or need albumin
and diuretic
Acute Complications
• Consider the most serious complications of nephrotic syndrome:
• Thromboembolism: Pathophysiology is multifactorial, however the loss of anti
thrombotic protein and protein S, in addition to increased hepatic synthesis of pro
thrombotic factors are thought to play a role
• Infection: Multifactorial pathophysiology including urinary losses of proteins involved
in the complement pathway,
• If there are concerns (i.e.. Fever) culture and start empiric antibiotics covering for
pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and gram-negative bacteria
(predominantly Escherichia coli)
Disease Management
• These patients are followed by paediatric nephrology long-term (depending on the
centre, nephrology may only follow complicated cases of nephrotic syndrome)
• Oral steroids are the typical starting therapy for new onset nephrotic syndrome •
Generally started at 60 mg/m2/day (or 2 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks, then tapered per local
institutional protocols until discontinued
• Parents check urine daily at home to monitor proteinuria and response to therapy
Long-Term Management
• 70-75% of children will relapse and require re-treatment with steroids (usually not as
• If steroid resistant (unable to achieve remission after 4-6 weeks of steroids) then plan
kidney biopsy. Management will be dependent on biopsy results. Often may use second
line immunosuppressive medications and consider genetic testing.
• In these cases, referral to paediatric nephrology should be initiated if not already done
Bergstein JM. A practical approach to proteinuria. Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;13(8):697-700.
Noone DG, Iijima K, Parekh R. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children. Lancet. 2018 Jul
7;392(10141):61-74. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30536-1. Epub 2018 Jun 14. Erratum in:
Lancet. 2018 Jul 28;392(10144):282. PMID: 29910038.
Definition of HTN
• BP levels in children should be interpreted based on sex, age, and height. New normative
BP tables based on normal-weight children have been introduced by the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
• Hypertension in children is defined as a BP ≥95th percentile for age, sex, and height (in
children 1-12 years) or ≥130/80mmHg (in children ≥13 years) on 3 separate consecutive
Figure 7.1. Blood pressure categories and definitions
Figure used with permission from Saini P, Betcherman L, Radhakrishnan S, Etoom Y. Paediatric
hypertension for the primary care provider: What you need to know. Paediatrics & Child Health. 2021
Measurement of BP in Children
• It is important to obtain multiple measurements over time before diagnosing HTN. • The
initial BP measurement may be oscillometric (on a calibrated machine that has been
validated for use in the paediatric population) or auscultatory (by using a mercury or
aneroid sphygmomanometer) .
• An appropriately sized cuff should be used for accurate BP measurement. the initial BP is
elevated (≥90th percentile), providers should perform 2 additional oscillometric or
auscultatory BP measurements at the same visit and average them.
• If using auscultation, this averaged measurement is used to determine the child’s BP
category. If the averaged oscillometric reading is ≥90th percentile, 2 auscultatory
measurements should be taken and averaged to define the BP category.
BP Measurement Frequency
• Guidelines recommend annual BP screening for healthy children aged 3 and above •
Some children should have BP measured before 3 years and at every health encounter:
• obesity (BMI ≥95 percentile)
• kidney disease
• diabetes
• aortic arch obstruction or coarctation
• those who are taking medications known to cause HTN
• prematurity
• For these reasons, the routine application of ABPM is recommended, when available. •
For technical reasons, ABPM may need to be limited to children ≥5 years of age who can
tolerate the procedure and those for whom reference data are available.
Primary HTN
• Primary HTN is now the predominant diagnosis for hypertensive children and
• General characteristics of children with primary HTN include a) older age (≥6 years), b)
positive family history (in a parent and/or grandparent) of HTN, and c) overweight and/ or
• Children and adolescents ≥6 years of age do not require an extensive evaluation for
secondary causes of HTN if they have a positive family history of HTN, are overweight or
obese, and/or do not have history or physical examination findings suggestive of a
secondary cause of HTN.
Secondary HTN
• Children <6 years of age are more likely to have a secondary cause for their hypertension
• Causes of secondary hypertension include:
• Renal (renovascular and renal parenchymal disease, congenital
abnormalities) • Cardiac (coarctation of aorta)
Renal Causes
• Renal disease and renovascular disease are among the most common secondary causes
of HTN in children.
• Renal parenchymal disease and renal structural abnormalities account for 34% to 79% of
patients with secondary HTN. Common causes are acute glomerulonephritis, interstitial
nephritis, renal scarring, obstructive nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease, etc.)
• It is appropriate to have a high index of suspicion for renal and renovascular disease in
hypertensive paediatric patients, particularly in those <6 years of age, or teenagers with
low BMI if no other risk factors, particularly with stage 2 hypertension.
• Causes of renovascular disease can be fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), Takayasu arteritis
(TA), mid-aortic syndrome.
1. ECG: no role of ECG in HTN in children
• Repeat echocardiography performed to monitor improvement at 6- to 12-month
3. Ultrasound kidney with doppler is recommended for children especially <6 years of age
with hypertension (Should be done in all children before starting ACE inhibitor/ARB)
In children and adolescents diagnosed with HTN, the treatment goal with
nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy should be a reduction in SBP and DBP to
<90th percentile and <130/80 mm Hg in adolescents ≥ 13 years old.
• Recommend moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 3 to 5 days per week (30–60
minutes per session) to help reduce BP.
Pharmacologic Treatment
• Pharmacologic treatment of HTN in children and adolescents should be initiated with an
ACE inhibitor, ARB, long-acting calcium channel blocker, or a thiazide diuretic. β-blockers
are not recommended as initial treatment in children.
• Diuretics: Electrolyte disturbances
• β-blockers: bradycardia, hypoglycemia. Should be avoided in patients with asthma. •
Depending on repeated BP measurements, the dose of the initial medication can be
increased every 2 to 4 weeks until BP is controlled (eg, <90th percentile), the
maximal dose is reached, or adverse effects occur.
• Although the dose can be titrated every 2 to 4 weeks using home BP measurements, the
patient should be seen every 4 to 6 weeks until BP has normalized.
• If BP is not controlled with a single agent, a second agent can be added to the regimen
and titrated as with the initial drug.
• Paediatric HTN has been well studied in the ambulatory setting but not so much in
hospitalized children
• Children experiencing a sudden rise in BP, regardless of whether or not it meets the
stage 2 threshold
• This corresponds to a SBP of above 160 mmHg in children 13 years and older or above
135 mmHg in a 1-year-old child
Treatment options:
• IV hydralazine
• IV labetalol
• IV nitroprusside
• IV nicardipine
• PO nifedipine