Rate Contract Order: F.NO - NBAIR/5-74/2021-22/ 8&T

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Formerly National Bureau of Agriculturaly Important Insects)
SIhTTEARYR . . G. TAETTur, ararRs, dTG-9E oo8, 560 024. INDIA
B. No. 2491, H. A. Farm Post, Ballari Road, Hebbal, Bengaluru

080-23511982; Fax: 080-23411961; GST
Website: http://www.nbair.res. in; Email: [email protected]
(ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization)

Date: 22.10.2021
F.NO.NBAIR/5-74/2021-22/ 8&T
No.10/1, First Floor, 4th Cross,
Rahmathnagar Main Road, RT Nagar Post,
Bangalore, 560032,
Sub: Engagement of Job/work contract for Highly Skilled and Semi Skilled Manpower at ICAR-

NBAIR Bangalore.- Reg.

Ref: Your Bid Participation No. GEM/2021/B/1453452 dated 19.08.2021

With reference to this office letter of intent dated. 12.10.2021 and in continuation to your
submission of FDR no.89320300007048 amounting Rs. 475181/-towards performance Security,
the Competent Authority of this Bureau has accepted to your fim taking up the work from
16.10.2021 to 15.10.2022 with the following terms and conditions.

Manpower Outsourcing Services Minimum wage Highly-Skilled; Finance/Accounts

Accounting Operatoror Accounts Assistantsor Accounts Executive
Minimum | Number Tenure/ Total Price
Qty Percentage | ESI PF EPF
of Service| Admin daily of Duration of
charge Charge Wage working Employment
inclusivee (INR exclusive days in | (in months)
of GST per of GST a month
0.5 17.55 70.2 18.83 540 26 12 2,39,053.56
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Highly-Skilled; Admin; Administrative

Operator or Office Assistant orExecutive Assistant

Qty | Percentage ESI PF | EPF Minimum Number j Tenure/ Totai Price
of Service Admin daily of Duration of
charge Charge wage working Employment
inclusive (INR exclusive days in (in months)
of GST per of GST a month
5 0.5 17.55 70.2 18.83 540 26 12
| Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Highly-Skilled; Others; Attendant

Qty | Pereentage | ESI | PFEPF Minimum Number Tenure/ Total Price

of Service Admin daily wage | of Duration of
charge Charge exciusive working Employment
inclusive (INR of GST days in | (in months)
of GST per a month

27 0.5 |17.55 70.2 18.83 540 26 12 64,54,446.06

Manpower Outsourcing Services -Minimum wage -Semi-skilled; Admin; Multi-taskingStaff

Qty Pereentage | ESI PF EPF Minimumn Number Tenure/ Total Price
of Service Admin daily of Duration of
charge Charge wage working Employment
inclusive (INR exclusive days in (in months)
of GST per of GST a month
16 0.5 14.59 58.37 15.65 449 26
Manpower Outsourcing Services Minimum wage -Semi-skilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff
Qty Percentage ESI PF EPF Minimum Number Tenure/ Total Price
of Service Admin daily of Duration of
charge Chargewage working| Employment
inclusive (INR (INR) days in (in months)
of GST per exclusive a month
day) ofGST
24 0.5 14.59 58.37 15.65 449 26 12 47.70.364.06
Total value for one year Rs. 1,58,39,374.18

Terms &Conditions
1. The Work Contract is for One Year, extendable for another year based on satisfactory
performance and approval of competent autlhority.
2. Contracting agency is required to execute an agreement on a non-judicial stamp paper of
100/- value.
3. Contracting agency is responsible for all statutory payments of EPF and ESI to the
employees of the agency deployed to undertake the contractual Job/Work at NBAIR,
4. No advance payment will be made to the Contracting Ageney. The contractor shall
submit the copies of STATUTORY recoveries remittance made every month in
respeet of EPF & ESI amount deposited (Employee?'s + Employer's contributions) and
EPF & ESI statement showing the names of the personnel deployed to NBAIR along
with the bills for admitting the claim based on the quantum of work exeeuted for
arranging payment. While releasing payment to the contracting ageney, deduction of
Income Tax will be made as per rules.
5. The contractor should
pay the wages to employees in their bank accounts. For which,
necessary pay slip must be issued to the individual.
6. In ease of disputes between contracting agency & 1CAR-NBAIR, Director NBAIR
Bengaluru will be final authority. Any appeal will be subject to local jurisdiction
7. Minimum wages/Variable dearness allowance will be revised as per the revisions made by

the Ministry of Labour. Govt. of India.

8. The numbers of jobs / work indicated above is tentative which may be
reduced or increased
future. 18 years old.
9. The deployment of contractual personnel for job/work contract should be above
10. The contractor should submit monthly bills, latest by 7th of following
month after
payment of wages and other statutory payments (EPF, ESI etc.)
11. The contractor must be in a position to make payment to staff for atleast upto 2 (Two)
months even if the payments from office is delayed due to unavoidable circumstances.
12. The total no. of Manpower and the type of manpower may be changed from month to
month on need basis by the Direetor, 1CAR at his discretion.
13. The Competent Authority of this Bureau will decide the reduction in overall manpower
requirement and revision on type of Manpower.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this communication at the earliest.

Yours faithfully,


Copy to:
. The Administrative Office, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
2. The Finance & Accounts Officer, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
3. The In-charge, ICAR-NBAIR, Yelahanka Campus, Bengaluru
4. The PS to Director for kind information of the Director, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
5. The Dealing Assistant, C&B, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru.
6. Labour Contract File, NBAIR, Bengaluru
7. Vigilance, Officer, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
8. Guard File
9. VC, Stores, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
.)r'A*t dctr ilanara llattk
Circte Office, Hubbatti


Ref. No. : COHUB: P&E: HKP: DP J:772:2022 Date: 22.06.2022

lvl/s Ensafeguard Security Pvt Ltd.

#1011, First Floor, 4th Cross,
Rahamath Nagar Main Road,
R.T. Nagar Post, Bangalore-560032
Phone- 080-2953 7 843,94485 343 70.
Emai[- zubin_ [email protected] / [email protected]

Dear Sir,

Sub: Housekeeping services for Regional Office at Hubbatti ll.

Ref: Your Price Bid opened on 27.O4.2022.

With reference to the above, we are O,".r"O.ao *rom you that the Bank has accepted
your offer and wish to award you the House keeping services for Regiona[ office at
Hubbatti - ll subject to the fottowing terms and conditions as wetl as those stiputated in
the tender document, atready signed and confirmed by you.

. The vatue of contract is -

Rs. 4,1 7 ,994.32 + GST for 1't year.
Rs. 4,19,884.02 + GST for 2nd year.
Rs. 4,26,686.83 + GST for 3'd year.

. The work shoutd commence from 01.07.2022.

The foltowing chores are to be taken up daity by emptoying experienced personnel
whose outtook shoutd be smart and courteous at a[[ times. The various services
required are as fottows:
1. lnternal Housekeeping services - Daity services: The daity chores to be carried out
are as fottows:
1.1. The ftoors shall be swept /wet mopped at least once daity or as the case can be
so as to maintain spick and span condition throughout the day.


Circte Office

Premises & Estate Section T :0836-2239424
2nd Floor, Centrum Buitding E : [email protected]
GokuI Road, Hubbatti-580030 W : www.canarabank.com

t::?C!"rE W{4'
rJ:.rlill d{, Canara []arrk
Circte Office, Hubbatti

1.2. The workstations, tables, chairs and att other furniture shatt be cleaned
once in a day. The dustbins shatl be cteared daity once in the morning and once in the
1.3. The doormats shatt be cteaned off dust, mud and grime as required.
1.4. Entrance Lobby shatl atso be cteaned daity.
1.5. Gtass /wooden/atuminum doors and partitions to be cleaned neatly on daity
1.6. Cteaning of name ptates of sections, executives, managers and ftoor name ptates
1.7. Water cans and water botttes have to be refilted for att the staffs whenever
The above frequency is onty indicative and may be increased depending on needs.
2. lnternal Housekeeping services - Weekty services: The weekty chores to be carried
out are as fottows:
2.0. The ftoors shatl be mechanicatly/vacuum cteaned so as to maintain spick and
span condition.
2.1. The fatse ceiting, coving, wat[ panet, cornices etc., shatl be cteaned for removal
of dust, dirt, cobwebs, etc., manuatty / by using necessary equipment.
2.2. The vertical btinds/ rolter btinds shatl be cteaned of dust / dirt.
2.3. Thorough cteaning of ceiting, watl mounted fans, tight fixtures, AC indoor units
and such other equipments kept in the office area.
2.4. The gtazing of the doors, partitions, internal glazing's, windows,
partitions, etc., shatl be cteaned with gtass cteaning tiquid.
2.5. The door and window frames, panels shatt be wiped with a drylwet ctoth as the
case may be.
2.6. Att other vertica[ surfaces and horizontal surfaces shat[ be cleaned / mopped
with dry / wet mop depending upon the requirements so as to retain the initial
2.7. Chairs sha[[ be vacuum cteaned.
2.8. Dusting & cteaning of stair case raitings.
3. lnternal Housekeeping services - Other routine services:
Other routine chores to be carried out are as fottows:
3.1. Good quatity perfumes are to be sprayed twice a day in each rooms toitet/ wash
to keep the atmosphere in good fragrance and acceptable general ambience. The
floor, furniture, gtass doors, shutter, equipment, machinery etc., in the premises
shatl be presentabte, spick and span at any point of time.
3.3. Daity cleaning of founders' p hoto and bust.
4. Sanitation works: The variou s to be carried out twice in a day are as

Circle Office
Premises & Estate Section cfrcu *, T :0836-2239474
2nd Ftoor, Centrum Buitding HTJSB4|X E : [email protected]
Gokul Road, Hubbatti-580030 W : www.canarabank.com
thoHl d.tl ilirnara llattk
Circte Office, Hubbatti

4.1. Cteaning of atl toitets, wiping of WC seats, ftush fittings, ftoors, dadoing etc.
4.2. Cteaning of atl sinks and counter tops, partitions, urinary statts, wash room
mirrors, etc.
4.3. Removal of garbage / trash and replacement of waste basket undertiners.
4.4. Weekly scrubbing of toitet ftoors.
4.5. Restocking the washroom suppties like tissues, soaps, etc.
4.6.Coltection and transportation of garbage / trash out of the buitding
inctuding proper disposat.
4.7. Providing and ptacing of toitet fresheners.
4.8. Providing and spraying of room fresheners.
4.9. Any internal btockages in fixtures, pipes, overhead tanks etc. must be brought to the
notice of the concerned officiats.
5. Housekeeping services in conference rooms:
5.1. There are conference rooms and video conference room in the Regional Office premises.
The interiors and atl its accessories such as tetephone instruments, light fittings, projectors,
TV screens, fans, mirrors, etc., are to be cteaned thoroughty on a daity basis. As and when
meetings are conducted, before and after the meetings thorough cteaning to be done and
ctearing the left out eatabtes, etc., needs to be undertaken by the agency.
5.2. Good quatity perfumes are to be sprayed twice a day in each room to keep the room
atmosphere in good fragrance and acceptable genera[ ambience.
6.0 External Housekeeping services: The chores to be carried out are as fo[[ows:
6.1. Att the surrounding area of the Regional Office buitding including vacant spaces, car
parking etc which are part of the ptot of our Regional Office Buitding needs to be thoroughty
6.2. Cteaning / dusting of the glass gates and grit[ gates.
6.3. Daity cteaning of founders' photo and bust.
6.4. Ftower pot maintenance- daity watering the plants & trees, remove the weeds and
manure the ptants on weekty basis.
The above list of works is onty ittustrative and not exhaustive. The housekeeping contractor
has to undertake any other work retated to cteaning as per the directions of Premises &
Estate Section, Canara Bank, Regional Office Hubbatti - ll.


Personnel Regional Office Quantity

Housekeepers Hubbatti - ll 2 Nos
(1 mate and 1 femate emptoyee to
be engaged in each of the Regional

CircLe Office
Premises &. Estate Section I :0836-2239424
2ndFtoor, Centrum Buitding E : [email protected]
GokuI Road, Hubbatti-580030 W : www.canarabank.com
rtlott &ur {lanara l}an k
Circte Office, Hubbatti


The contractor shatl abide by att the terms and conditions as was specified in the tender
. At[ [abour taws and regutations including required fiting
to Labour Commissioner Officer shatl
be comptied. The estabtishment undertaking the service contract are solety and fulty
responsible for any viotation of labour enactments or any act with regard to engaging its
supervisors and cteaning attendants/ personnet.
. A[[ Central Govt. rules issued in respect of minimum wages shat[ be comptied. The Agency has
to pay minimum wages to the personnet engaged by them as per [abour department minimum
wages act and extend other statutory benefits [ike PF, ESI and other benefits applicable to
the workmen as per workmen compensation act.
. You are to abide by att safety regutations and you are responsible for atl matters relating to
safety of att persons concerned on the site.
. The housekeeping staffs have to wear uniform and a name badge stating the person's name
and the estabtishment engaging them.
. The Housekeeping contractor shat[ not employ chitd [abour.
. A register sha[[ be maintained for noting remarks by the Bank officiats.
. The contractor sha[[ emptoy persons having good character and antecedents. The detaited list
of persons engaged and any changes made afterwards atong with names and address shoutd
be given to the concerned officiaI of Canara Bank, RO Hubbatti - ll.
. lt shatl and witl be the sote and exctusive tiabitity of the contractor to pay a[[ the amounts
tegatly due to its employees like wages, provident fund, ESl, Bonus, Uniforms or Uniform
Attowance and to compty with atl statutory Liabitities under the various [abour wetfare
enactments. ln case of any monetary damage or loss due to default of the contractor in the
discharge of these obligations, the same shall be recovered out of the contractor or from the
payments due to the contractor under this contract.
. Canara Bank sha[[ be absolved by the Agency/ Firm for any obligation/ liabitity arising on
account of any injury or loss owing to death or injury of the Contractor's employees, while at
work in the buitding premises and atso for any damage or compensation due to any dispute
between him and his emptoyees. Comptiance with a[[ duties and tiabitities arising out of any
provision of contract tabour Act (s)/ enactment(s) hitherto in force or enacted from time to
time during the currency of this agreement sha[[ be the sote responsibitity of the contractor.
The contractor shatl be hetd responsibte futty for the payment of any premium towards
insurance cover or compensation etc., in respect of his employees. The contractor shatt be
held responsible to abide by the laws of the land in force, in respect of any compensation.
. Neither the contractor nor Canara bank sha[[ recognize any association/ union of the contract
personneI engaged.
. ln case persons deptoyed by the contractor resort to any industriat action/ strike, the
contractor shatl arrange for atternative manpower so as to ensure normal operations at the
premises. ln the event of the contractor faiting to do so, Canara Bank shatl arrange for
atternative manpower at the cost of the contractor.

Circte Office
Premises & Estate Section * claq.r I :0836-2239424
2nd Floor, Centrum Buitding ;t' E : [email protected]
GokuI Road, Hubbatti-580030 W : www.canarabank.com
dr.rldl ul.t, Canirra llattk
Circte Office, Hubbatti

. Onty female attendants shatl be engaged with cteaning of ladies toitet. Likewise onty mate
attendants shatl be engaged with cteaning of gents' toilet. Any viotations in this regard wit[
be treated very seriousty and wi[[ lead to termination of the contract.
. Canara Bank has the discretion to advise the contractor to remove from the service any
person emptoyed by the contractor on condition of itl health, misbehavior, drunkenness,
improperly dressed, improper working and misconduct.

Payment wit[ be made on monthty basis based on the amount quoted for one year.
Monthty payable amount = Quoted amount/ 12.

Kindty acknowledge the acceptance of this order and arrange to commence the work from

onal Manager

.C: To The Assistant Labour Commissioner- Hubbatti - for information

C.C: To HRM Section, CO Hubbatti- for information.

C.C: To Security Cetl, CO Hubbatti - for information.

C.C: To GA Section, RO Hubbatti - ll - for information and necessary action.

Circte Office
Premises & Estate Section T :0836-2239474
2nd Floor, Centrum Buitding E : [email protected]
Gokul Road, Hubbatti-580030 W : www.canarabank.com

Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687746724695
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 19-Apr-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3028104

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Government Designation|पद : Assistant Director
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Home Affairs Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 080-25520352-
Department| वभाग : Department of Home Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Organisation Name|संगठन Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
का नाम : Census of India E & F wing, 7th floor, Kendriya Sadana, Koramangala,
Address|पता :
Office Zone|कायालय े : Directorate Of Census Operations Karnataka BANGALORE, KARNATAKA-560034, India

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: PAO
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|
Director Offline
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: भुगतान का तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : ADCO
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
E & F wing, 7th floor, Kendriya Sadana, Koramangala,

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 080-25538973-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
1 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Address|पता : E & F wing, 7th floor, Kendriya Sadan,

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 034A190000764073
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 09742307843
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Address|पता :
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Male
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 29AADCE9793J1ZU

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Consignee

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 01-May-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 30-Apr-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Zipcode NA

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Post Graduation Not Required

Skill Category Unskilled

Type of Function Others

Specialization Not Required

List of Profiles Sweeper

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification High School

District NA

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 607.15 8 3.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EDLI (INR per day) 3.03

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 3.03

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 19.73

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 72.85

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 2146572.77

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 2146572.77

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 :

Title for Optional Allowances 2 :

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 2146572.77

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's premise/
designated premise.
vi. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer, in case of travel included in the scope of work, on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority
of the Buyer for undertaking such travel for the project/assignment.
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687746613474
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 31-Mar-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3027831

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Constitutional bodies Designation|पद : Senior Audit Officer
Ministry|मं ालय : Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 080-22640603-603
Department| वभाग : Indian Audit and Accounts Department Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम Principal Director of Audit (Central), Bengaluru, GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Office Zone|कायालय े : Principal Director Of Audit (central) Bangalore Address|पता : BLOCK, DEVARAJ URS ROAD,

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: BUYER
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|
Principal Director Offline
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: भुगतान का तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : Senior Audit Officer
Principal Director
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 29BLRO04364D1DM
Bangalore, KARNATAKA-560001, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 080-22640603-603 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
[email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Others; Driver - LMV

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 034A190000764073
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 09742307843
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Address|पता :
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Male
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 29AADCE9793J1ZU

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 01-Apr-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 31-Mar-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

List of Profiles Multi-tasking Staff

District NA

Specialization Not Required

Type of Function Admin

Zipcode NA

Educational Qualification Secondary School

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Post Graduation Not Required

Skill Category Semi-skilled

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 788 15 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

Bonus (INR per day) 65.64

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 102

ESI (INR per day) 26

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 5597880.63

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 5597880.63

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 : N/A

Title for Optional Allowances 3 : N/A
Designation : N/A
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : N/A

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification Secondary School

District NA

Specialization Not Required

List of Profiles Driver - LMV

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Experience 3 to 7 Years

Zipcode NA

Skill Category Skilled

Bonus (INR per day) 0 1 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 866

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 113

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 372188.39

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 372188.39

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 : N/A

Title for Optional Allowances 3 : N/A
Designation : N/A
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : N/A

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 5970069.02

Price Break up offered|मू य वभाजन क पेशकश क : Price Break up offered Document link| ाइज़ ेक अप ऑफ़र कए गए द तावेज़ लंक

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's premise/
designated premise.
vi. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer, in case of travel included in the scope of work, on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority
of the Buyer for undertaking such travel for the project/assignment.
vii. In case of services hired on annual basis and 5 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 08 days of casual leaves per year on pro-rata basis and in case of 6 working days,
the manpower will be entitled to 15 days casual leave per year on pro-rata basis. Beyond specified leaves as applicable, leave will be treated as leave without pay (LWP) for which
necessary deduction will be made by the Buyer in the amount billed by the Service Provider, if no replacement of manpower is provided.
viii. The Buyer shall have the right, within reason, to have any personnel removed who is undesirable with proper reasoning& justification.
ix. The Buyer will have option to replace the proposed manpower in case of non-performance, non-delivery or in any other exceptional case, however replacement of the
manpower will be in same category with same degree of skills, educational qualification, and number of years of experience, also prior approval for the same to be provided by the
x. In case if the Buyer has selected the option in the bid for retention of existing resource/resources of previous service provider, then service provider shall retain those resources.
In such cases, the Buyer shall be responsible for ensuring the qualification eligibility of those resources as per the contract requirement. Any extra costs incurred by Service
provider for onboarding those resources on their payroll shall be borne by Service Provider. Service Provider shall include any such costs in the service charges quoted by them
during the bid participation.

4.2 Service Provider’s Obligations:

i. The Service Provider would be required to provide sufficient and qualified manpower, capable of supporting the functioning of the project/department in a manner desired by the
Buyer. Any mismatch in demand and supply of the manpower such as number of employees, educational qualification, sectoral/ desired work experience etc. may lead to
deductions and/or replacement of the resource with the matching skillset based on the approval from buyer.
ii. Service Provider shall adhere to the timeline given by Buyer for providing the required manpower on Buyer’s premise/ designated premise.
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687703530223
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 22-Feb-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/2977704

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Government Designation|पद : Store Officer
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Mines Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 0824-2446407-
Department| वभाग : NA Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : Geological Survey of India (GSI) GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 29AAAGM0412K1ZH
Office Zone|कायालय े : MCSD GSI MANGALORE Marine and Coastal Survey Division Geological Survey of
Address|पता : India Mangaladevi Road Pandeshwar Mangaluru,

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : Yes Role: BUYER
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : Store Officer
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 29AAAGM0412K1ZH
Marine and Coastal Survey Division Geological Survey of
Address|पता: India Mangaladevi Road Pandeshwar Mangaluru,
Dakshina Kannada, KARNATAKA-575001, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 0824-2446407- Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Admin; Data Entry Operator
[email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 29AAAGM0412K1ZH
1 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Others; Driver - LMV
Address|पता : Marine and Coastal Survey Division
Geological Survey of India Mangaladevi Road
Pandeshwar Mangaluru, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Non-IT Technical; Lab. Attendant

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 034A190000764073
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 09742307843
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Address|पता :
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Male
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 29AADCE9793J1ZU

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 08-Apr-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 31-Mar-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Specialization Not Required

List of Profiles Sweeper

Zipcode NA

Educational Qualification Not Required

Skill Category Unskilled

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

District NA
Experience 0 to 3 Years

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 595 7 3.850

Bonus (INR per day) 5

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 24

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 143

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 11

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 1871048.18

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 1871048.18

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 :

Designation : Sweeper

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Zipcode NA

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Skill Category Skilled

List of Profiles Data Entry Operator

Educational Qualification Secondary School

Type of Function Admin

Post Graduation Not Required

Specialization Not Required

District NA

Bonus (INR per day) 5 2 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 788

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 32

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 189

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 11

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 706739.75

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 706739.75

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया


Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

District NA

Type of Function Others

Specialization Not Required

Zipcode NA

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Skill Category Skilled

List of Profiles Driver - LMV

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Post Graduation Not Required

Educational Qualification High School

EDLI (INR per day) 0 1 3.850

Bonus (INR per day) 5

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 788

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 189

ESI (INR per day) 32

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 11

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 353369.87

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 353369.87

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Designation : Driver-LMV

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Type of Function Non-IT Technical

Skill Category Semi-skilled

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Lab. Attendant

District NA

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Specialization Not Required

Zipcode NA

Educational Qualification High School

Bonus (INR per day) 5 4 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 671

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 27

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 161

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 11

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :
( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 1204384.9

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 1204384.9

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Designation : LAB ATTENDANT


Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 4135542.7

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's premise/
designated premise.
vi. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer, in case of travel included in the scope of work, on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority
of the Buyer for undertaking such travel for the project/assignment.
vii. In case of services hired on annual basis and 5 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 08 days of casual leaves per year on pro-rata basis and in case of 6 working days,
the manpower will be entitled to 15 days casual leave per year on pro-rata basis. Beyond specified leaves as applicable, leave will be treated as leave without pay (LWP) for which
necessary deduction will be made by the Buyer in the amount billed by the Service Provider, if no replacement of manpower is provided.
viii. The Buyer shall have the right, within reason, to have any personnel removed who is undesirable with proper reasoning& justification.
ix. The Buyer will have option to replace the proposed manpower in case of non-performance, non-delivery or in any other exceptional case, however replacement of the
manpower will be in same category with same degree of skills, educational qualification, and number of years of experience, also prior approval for the same to be provided by the
x. In case if the Buyer has selected the option in the bid for retention of existing resource/resources of previous service provider, then service provider shall retain those resources.
In such cases, the Buyer shall be responsible for ensuring the qualification eligibility of those resources as per the contract requirement. Any extra costs incurred by Service
provider for onboarding those resources on their payroll shall be borne by Service Provider. Service Provider shall include any such costs in the service charges quoted by them
during the bid participation.

4.2 Service Provider’s Obligations:

Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687783751728
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 17-Feb-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/2966611
Schedule Name|अनुसूची नाम:Schedule 1

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Autonomous Designation|पद : RANJAN KUMAR
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Education Contact No.|संपक नंबर : -
Department| वभाग : KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO 2 AFS JALAHALLI EAST GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Office Zone|कायालय े : kendriya vidyalaya no2 afs jalahalli east Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya NO 2 AFS Jalahalli East,
Address|पता :

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: PAO
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
PGT Comp science Offline
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : Post graduate Teacher
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 29BLRK05445G1DO
Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya NO 2 AFS Jalahalli East,
Bangalore, KARNATAKA-560014, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 080-28389700-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
1 Address|पता : KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO 2 AFS Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 034A190000764073
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 09742307843
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : [email protected]
Address|पता :
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Male
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 29AADCE9793J1ZU

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 01-Mar-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 29-Feb-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification Not Required

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Skill Category Unskilled

Zipcode NA

Specialization Not Required

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

District NA

List of Profiles Sweeper

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 711 7 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 75

ESI (INR per day) 23.1

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 2153180.16

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 2153180.16

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 2153180.16

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's premise/
designated premise.
vi. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer, in case of travel included in the scope of work, on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority
of the Buyer for undertaking such travel for the project/assignment.
vii. In case of services hired on annual basis and 5 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 08 days of casual leaves per year on pro-rata basis and in case of 6 working days,
the manpower will be entitled to 15 days casual leave per year on pro-rata basis. Beyond specified leaves as applicable, leave will be treated as leave without pay (LWP) for which
necessary deduction will be made by the Buyer in the amount billed by the Service Provider, if no replacement of manpower is provided.

Contract No: GEMC-511687725808724

Contract Generated Date: 27-Oct-2022
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2101499

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: CEPTADMIN
Ministry: Ministry of Communications Contact No.: 0821-2300754-
Department: Department of Posts Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Department of Posts GSTIN: 29AAAGA0164N1ZE
Office Zone: Postal Directorate, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010,
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: Yes Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative CPMG / HOC of CEPT, Karnataka Circle, Designation: Accounts Officer CEPT
Approval: Bangalore Email ID: [email protected]
Designation of Financial Approval: General Manager, CEPT, Bangalore GSTIN: -
O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010,
Mysore, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: 0821-2300754- Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Sweeper
Email ID: [email protected]
Address: O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Office Boy
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 01-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 31-Oct-2024

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources to be
Description Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

List of Profiles Sweeper

Specialization Not Required

Skill Category Semi-skilled

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

Educational Qualification Secondary School

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Zipcode NA

District NA

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 553

5 0.850
Bonus (INR per day) 0

ELDI (INR per day) 2.765

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.765

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 66.36

ESI (INR per day) 17.97

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 2383802.02

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 2383802.02

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources to be
Description Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

List of Profiles Office Boy

Specialization Not Required

Skill Category Semi-skilled

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

Educational Qualification Secondary School

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Zipcode NA

District NA

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 553

6 0.850
Bonus (INR per day) 0

ELDI (INR per day) 2.765

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.765

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 22

Provident Fund (INR per day) 66.36

ESI (INR per day) 17.97

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 2420475.9

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 2420475.9

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 4804277.92

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the

Contract No: GEMC-511687792290570

Contract Generated Date: 28-Oct-2022
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2437418

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: SECONDARY USER
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: -782700-
Department: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya GSTIN: -
Office Zone: SHIVAMOGGA KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa,
Address: Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Chairman Vidyalaya Management Committee Kendriya Vidyalaya Designation: SECONDARY USER
Approval: Shivamogga Email ID: [email protected]
Designation of Financial GSTIN: -
Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga
Approval: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa,
Address: Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,
Shimoga, KARNATAKA-577222, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -782700-
Email ID: [email protected]
GSTIN: - Security Manpower Service (Version 2.0) - Office/Commercial/Institutions/ Residential;
Address: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - Unarmed Security Guard
577222 (Karnataka)k,

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 04-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 03-Nov-2023

Category Name : Security Manpower Service (Version 2.0)

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of resources to be hired Administrative charges in percentage (INR)

Gender Male

Duty Hours in a day 8

Qualification Not Required

Category of Skills Unskilled

Ex Servicemen Optional

Years of Experience 0 – 3 years

Age Limit Up to60 years

Zipcode NA

Additional Requirements for the Security Personnel 0

Type of Establishment / Area Office/Commercial/Institutions/ Residential

District NA

Category of Profile Unarmed Security Guard 3 0.850

Number of working days in a month 31

Tenure/ Duration of Employment 12

Basic Pay (Minimum daily wage) 625

Provident Fund (INR per day) 75

EDLI (INR per day) 3.12

ESI (INR per day) 20.31

EPF Admin charge (INR per day) 3.12

Bonus (INR per day) 0

Non Mandatory Compliance 1 (in Rupees) 0

Non Mandatory Compliance 2 (in Rupees) 0

Non Mandatory Compliance 3 (in Rupees) 0

Total Amount (Formula) :

( ((((Basic Pay (Minimum daily wage)+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day )+EDLI (INR per day)+EPF Admin charge (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+Non Mand atory Compliance 1 (in
Rupees)+Non Mandatory Compliance 2 (in Rupees)+Non Mandat ory Compliance 3 (in Rupees) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 )+ (Admin istrative charges in percentage*((Basic Pay (Minimum
daily wage)+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+EPF Admin charge (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+Non Mandatory Compliance 1 (in Rupees)+Non Mandatory
Compliance 2 (in Rupees)+Non Mandatory Compliance 3 (in Rupees))*Number of working days in a month)/100) )*Number of resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 963671.22

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 963671.22

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 963671.22

SLA Details

1. Preamble
A. All Security Man Power Service contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and
(i) General terms and conditions for Goods and Services;
(ii) Service STC contained in this document;
(iii BID / Reverse Auction specific ATC
B. The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service STC which supersede
GTC – only in case of any conflicting provisions.
C. The above set of conditions along with Scope of service including price as enumerated in the Contract Document shall be
construed to be part of the contract.
D. This document represents a Special Terms and Conditions (“STC”) governing the contract between the Buyer and
Service Provider. The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of work, Stakeholder’s obligation and terms and
conditions of all services covered as mutually understood by the stakeholders.
The main stakeholders associated with this STC are:
i. Buyer
ii. Service Provider
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also
encompasses Service Level Agreement/ penalties in case of non-adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is
assumed that all stakeholders would have read and understood the same before signing the document.
The objective of SLA is to ensure that proper elements and commitments are defined to provide consistent delivery of service to buyer by service provider. The goals of the SLA are to Provide clear
reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer and Establish Terms and Conditions for all
the involved stakeholders and ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons.

3. Scope of Service

The purpose of this service is to facilitate implementation of Security Measures at the Buyer’s premises. The service provider would provide required equipment and personnel for the mentioned shifts as per
the requirements of the buyer

3.1. The following indicate the different roles in the security services for which hiring can be done and the qualifications and experience required for the service persons .Buyer organizations are required to
indicate number of working days in a week such as 5 ,6 or 7 and event based .The contract start and end date is to be indicated along with number of service days in a month and minimum wages per shift
inclusive of E PF ESI and Administration charges etc

Role and Responsibilities

Roles Desired Qualifications Responsibilities

Overall responsible for all security, vigilance, Firefighting activities and related

Should be in a position to organize the security force, suggest improvement in all matters documentation

of policy in respect of security as an adviser.

Establishing security protocols and policies, as well as designing security plans to
protect the client’s assets,
Should be in a position to analyze security needs, identify possible security threats,
establishing necessary security parameters; and deciding on the best security measures
Creating a set of rules and security standards; designing policies to protect the
Security available and organizing the security force. Should also be having knowledge regarding
client’s interests,
fire fighting operations
Implementing security measures, providing technical supervision and advice as
Minimum Experience of 5 years required.

Should be minimum a Graduate

Availability shall be as per needs and mutually decided by the organization hiring

Should have knowledge of security related matters ,industrial safety ,fire fighting and
allied functions Should be required to carry out supervision of all security related activities in the
organization as well as advice and assist security guards and other security
Should be able to exercise command and control over the security personal deployed
related persons in carrying out their duties
Physical standards and medical fitness as per PSRA Act and Rules
Security should be able to carry out or supervise protocol activities of
receiving, escorting, seeing VIPs to and to liaise with police and other
Supervisor Should be minimum 12th Pass
investigating agencies as and when required
Should have knowledge of English, Hindi & Local Language
Should be available in general shift on All working days
Experience of 5 years

Should be a retired JCO or Equivalent from Army, Navy ,IAF, Paramilitary Forces, Central
Police Forces
Contract No: GEMC-511687721472788
Contract Generated Date: 28-Oct-2022
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2437314

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: SECONDARY USER
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: -782700-
Department: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya GSTIN: -
Office Zone: SHIVAMOGGA KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru
Address: shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: Chairman Vidyalaya Management Committee Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga Designation: SECONDARY USER
Designation of Financial Approval: Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga Email ID: [email protected]
KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru
Address: shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,
Shimoga, KARNATAKA-577222, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -782700-
Email ID: [email protected]
1 GSTIN: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Address: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 01-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 31-Oct-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

Zipcode NA

Skill Category Unskilled

Experience 0 to 3 Years

District NA

Specialization Not Required

Type of Function Others

Educational Qualification Not Required

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Sweeper

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 443 3 0.850

EDLI (INR per day) 2.21

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.21

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 53.16

ESI (INR per day) 14.39

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al
Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF
Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 572871.17

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 572871.17

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 572871.17

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises
approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration
(whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as
enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

Contract No: GEMC-511687777541437

Contract Generated Date: 28-Oct-2022
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2437587

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: SECONDARY USER
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: -782700-
Department: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya GSTIN: -
vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Chairman Vidyalaya Management Committee Designation: SECONDARY USER
Administrative Approval: Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga Email ID: [email protected]
Designation of Financial GSTIN: -
Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga
Approval: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near
vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222
Shimoga, KARNATAKA-577222, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -782700-
Email ID: [email protected]
GSTIN: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Address: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru Admin; Data Entry Operator
shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 01-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 31-Oct-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources to be Percentage of Service charge inclusive of

hired GST (INR)

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Arts, Commerce, Economics,


Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Data Entry Operator

Zipcode NA

Educational Qualification Graduate

Type of Function Admin

Experience 0 to 3 Years

District NA
Skill Category Skilled

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of

617 1 0.850

EDLI (INR per day) 3.08

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 3.08

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 74.04

ESI (INR per day) 20.05

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 265964.91

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 265964.91

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 265964.91

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to
facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of
work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of
services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any
conflicting provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of
the Contract/Agreement between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, permitted assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary
gate/ entry pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all
the labor laws.
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and
machinery etc., if required.’
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery,
printer, electricity, internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's
premise/ designated premise.

Contract No: GEMC-511687755134871

Contract Generated Date: 28-Oct-2022
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2437257

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: SECONDARY USER
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: -782700-
Department: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya GSTIN: -
vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Chairman Vidyalaya Management Committee Designation: SECONDARY USER
Administrative Approval: Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga Email ID: [email protected]
Designation of Financial GSTIN: -
Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya Shivamogga
Approval: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near
vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru shivamogga - 577222
Shimoga, KARNATAKA-577222, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -782700-
Email ID: [email protected]
GSTIN: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled;
Address: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA N R Pura Highway Road Near vaddinkoppa, Santhekaduru Others; Mali/Gardner Helper
shivamogga - 577222 (Karnataka)k,

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 01-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 31-Oct-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources to be Percentage of Service charge inclusive of

hired GST (INR)

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles

Type of Function Others

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Zipcode NA

Educational Qualification Not Required

Specialization Not Required

District NA
Skill Category Unskilled

EDLI (INR per day) 2.21 1 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.21

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 443

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 53.16

ESI (INR per day) 14.39

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 190957.06

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 190957.06

Additional Details

Title for Optional Allowances 2 :

Title for Optional Allowances 3 :
Title for Optional Allowances 1 :

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 190957.06

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to
facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of
work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of
services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any
conflicting provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of
the Contract/Agreement between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, permitted assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary
gate/ entry pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all
the labor laws.

Contract No: GEMC-511687714867231

Generated Date: 05-Jul-2022
Bid/RA No: GEM/2022/B/2210361

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Name: Mahadeva Rao D
Ministry: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Designation: administrative officer
Department: NA Contact No.: 080-23333202-
Organisation Name: Prasar Bharati Broadcasting Corporation of India Email ID: [email protected]
Office Zone: Doordarshan Kendra GSTIN: -
Doordarshan Kendra J C Nagar Bangalore-560006,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: HOO Designation: administrative officer
Designation of Financial Approval: HOO Email ID: [email protected]
Doordarshan Kendra J C Nagar Bangalore-560006,
Bangalore, KARNATAKA-560006, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Name: Mahadeva Rao D Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Contact: 080-23333202-
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Attendant
Email ID: [email protected]
Address: Doordarshan Kendra J C Nagar Bangalore-560006, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 12-Jul-2022 Contract End Date : 11-Jul-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

District NA

Type of Function Others

Zipcode NA

Skill Category Unskilled

Specialization Not Required

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

List of Profiles Sweeper

Educational Qualification Not Required

Experience 3 to 7 Years

Post Graduation Not Required

Bonus (INR per day) 0 6 0.850

EDLI (INR per day) 36

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 60

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 663

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 21.54

Number of working days in a month 30

Provident Fund (INR per day) 65

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 2170636.47

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 2170636.47

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

Educational Qualification Not Required

Skill Category Unskilled

Specialization Not Required

District NA

Type of Function Others

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Attendant

Experience 3 to 7 Years

Zipcode NA

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 663 4 0.850

EDLI (INR per day) 36

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 60

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 21.54

Number of working days in a month 30

Provident Fund (INR per day) 65

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 1447090.98

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 1447090.98

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources to be Percentage of Service charge inclusive of

hired GST (INR)

List of Profiles

Experience 3 to 7 Years

Zipcode NA

Skill Category Unskilled

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Post Graduation Not Required

Specialization Not Required

District NA

Educational Qualification Not Required

Type of Function Others

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 663 2 0.850

EDLI (INR per day) 36

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 60

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 30

Provident Fund (INR per day) 65

ESI (INR per day) 21.54

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 723545.49

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 723545.49

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 4341272.94

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part
of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.

2 Objectivesand Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:

1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer

Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified

1. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons

The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the
same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement

The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ penalties in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders have read and understood the same before signing the document.

Contract No: GEMC-511687713606376

Contract Generated Date: 27-Jul-2022
Bid/RA No: GEM/2022/B/2333472

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Name: Prakash S T
Ministry: Ministry of Education Designation: TGT
Department: Department of School Education and Literacy Contact No.: 08062-222066-
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Email ID: [email protected]
Diet Building Campus, Ramanahalli, Chikkamagaluru,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: PRINCIPAL, KV CHIKKAMAGALUR Designation: TGT
Designation of Financial Approval: PRINCIPAL, KV CHIKKAMAGALUR Email ID: [email protected]
Diet Building Campus, Ramanahalli, Chikkamagaluru,
Chickmagalur, KARNATAKA-577101, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Name: Prakash S T
Contact: 08062-222066-
Email ID: [email protected]
1 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Address: Diet Building Campus, Ramanahalli, Chikkamagaluru,

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 01-Aug-2022 Service End Date : 31-Jul-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

District NA

Post Graduation Not Required

Type of Function Others

List of Profiles Sweeper

Educational Qualification Not Required

Skill Category Unskilled

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Experience 3 to 7 Years

Zipcode NA

Specialization Not Required

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 443 3 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EDLI (INR per day) 2

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 14

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 53

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 571792.1

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 571792.1

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 571792.1

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part
of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.

2 Objectivesand Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:

1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer

Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified

1. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons

The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the
same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement

The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ penalties in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders have read and understood the same before signing the document.

4 Scope of Services
The scope of service requires the Service Provider istoprovide Manpower Hiring Services in the Buyer’s premises or the Buyer’s designated premises.The Service
Provider would be required to provide sufficient and qualified manpower, capable of supporting the functioning of the project/ department in a manner desired by the
Buyer.The services shall be rendered as per the agreement signed between the parties.The services maybe required for one or more locations.

Buyers of this service will have the option to choose the desired manpower on thebasis of type of function, educational qualification, work experience, skill categories
as per their requirement.Buyer will also provide additional details like duration of requirement, number of manpower required etc. Service Providers will quote price as
per the given service parameters.

4.1 Service Details and Standards


Contract No: GEMC-511687750157882

Generated Date: 16-Jun-2022
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2022/B/2152680

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central PSU Designation: GENERAL MANAGER
Ministry: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Contact No.: -9986164053-
Department: ENGINEERS INDIA Limited Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: ENGINEERS INDIA Limited GSTIN: 33AAACE5318C1ZA
Office Zone: Engineers India Limited Engineers India Limited, BS-VI Auto Fuels Projects, CPCL
Address: Refinery, Manali , Chennai – 600068,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: EIL
Designation of Administrative Approval: RCM Designation: AGM
Designation of Financial Approval: RCM Email ID: [email protected]
South West delhi, DELHI-110066, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -9986164053- Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Admin; Administrative Operator or
Email ID: [email protected] Office Assistant or Executive Assistant
1 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Finance/Accounts;
Address: Engineers India Limited, BS-VI Auto Fuels Projects,
Accounting Operator or Accounts Assistants or Accounts Executive
CPCL Refinery, Manali , Chennai – 600068,
TIRUVALLUR, TAMIL NADU-600068, India Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Office Boy

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 20-Jun-2022 Contract End Date : 19-Mar-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Number of Resources to
Description Percentage of Service charge
be hired
inclusive of GST

Administrative Operator or Office Assistant or

List of Profiles :
Executive Assistant

Educational Qualification : Graduate

District : NA

Skill Category : Skilled

Zipcode : NA

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Management( Marketing/Ope rtions/Finance/

Specialization :

Experience : 3 to 7 Years

Type of Function : Admin

Post Graduation : Required

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive

of GST :
1 0.850
EDLI (INR per day) : 4.03

Bonus (INR per day) : 67

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) : 4.03

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)


Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)


Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day)


Number of working days in a month


Provident Fund (INR per day) : 97

ESI (INR per day) : 26

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in

months) :

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 279238.12

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 279238.12

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Number of Resources to
Description Percentage of Service charge
be hired
inclusive of GST

Post Graduation : Optional

Educational Qualification : Graduate

District : NA

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Specialization : Commerce

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

Accounting Operator or Accounts Assistants or

List of Profiles :
Accounts Executive

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Type of Function : Finance/Accounts

Zipcode : NA

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive

of GST :

EDLI (INR per day) : 3.67 1 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) : 61

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) : 3.67

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)


Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)


Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day)


Number of working days in a month


Provident Fund (INR per day) : 88

ESI (INR per day) : 24

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in

months) :

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 254286.18

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 254286.18

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

List of Profiles : Office Boy

Type of Function : Others

Zipcode : NA

Specialization : Not Required

District : NA

Educational Qualification : 8th

Skill Category : Unskilled

Post Graduation : Not Required

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

EDLI (INR per day) : 3.315 2 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) : 55

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) : 3.15

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) : 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) : 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) : 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST : 663

Number of working days in a month : 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) : 80

ESI (INR per day) : 22

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) : 9

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 459694.71

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 459694.71

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 993219.01

Additional Details
Designation : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Designation : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Designation : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0

Contract No: GEMC-511687778692752

Generated Date: 26-May-2022
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2022/B/2086480

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: LDC
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: 821-2345136-
Department: Department of Higher Education Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) GSTIN: -
Office Zone: Mysore Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Department of Higher
Education, Government of India, Manasgangotri,
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570006, India

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: Yes Payment Mode: PFMS
Designation of Administrative Approval: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Designation: Assistant Director (Admin)
Designation of Financial Approval: DIRECTOR Email ID: [email protected]
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Department of Higher
Education, Government of India, Manasgangotri,

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-

skilled; Others; Sweeper
Contact: 821-2345136-
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Email ID: [email protected]
GSTIN: - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Address: Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-
Department of Higher Education, Government of India, Manasgangotri,
skilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570006, India
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 01-Jun-2022 Contract End Date : 31-May-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Zipcode : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

Educational Qualification : High School

List of Profiles : Sweeper

1 3.000
Type of Function : Others
Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

District : NA

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 280395.43

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 280395.43

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Post Graduation : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

List of Profiles : Sweeper

27 3.000
Skill Category : Unskilled

Type of Function : Others

District : NA

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification : Not Required

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 6781225.65

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 6781225.65

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

List of Profiles : Mali/Gardner Helper

Post Graduation : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification : High School

1 3.000
Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

District : NA

Type of Function : Others

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 280395.43

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 280395.43

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Zipcode : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

Skill Category : Unskilled

Educational Qualification : Not Required

List of Profiles : Mali/Gardner Helper

11 3.000
Type of Function : Others

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

District : NA

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 2762721.56

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 2762721.56

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 10104738.07

SLA Details - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part
of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.

2 Objectivesand Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:

1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer

Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified

1. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons

The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the
same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement

The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ penalties in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders have read and understood the same before signing the document.

4 Scope of Services
The scope of service requires the Service Provider istoprovide Manpower Hiring Services in the Buyer’s premises or the Buyer’s designated premises.The Service
Provider would be required to provide sufficient and qualified manpower, capable of supporting the functioning of the project/ department in a manner desired by the
Buyer.The services shall be rendered as per the agreement signed between the parties.The services maybe required for one or more locations.

Contract No: GEMC-511687727449997

Generated Date: 25-Apr-2022
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2022/B/2057262

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: Assistant Director
Ministry: Ministry of Home Affairs Contact No.: -
Department: Department of Home Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner GSTIN: -
Name: Census of India 3rd Floor, E-Wing, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai
Office Zone: Directorate of Census Operations Tamil Nadu Address: 90,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: Yes Payment Mode: PFMS
Designation of Administrative Approval: Director Designation: Statistical Investigator Gr I
Designation of Financial Approval: Joint Director Email ID: [email protected]
3rd Floor, E-Wing, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai
Address: 90,
Chennai, TAMIL NADU-600090, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Admin; Data Entry
Email ID: [email protected] Operator
Address: 3rd Floor, E-Wing, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai
90, Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 01-May-2022 Contract End Date : 31-Mar-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification : Secondary School

Zipcode : NA

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Type of Function : Admin

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

1 0.850
District : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

List of Profiles : Data Entry Operator

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Total Amount (Formula) :
( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 287224.8

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 287224.8

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification : High School

Zipcode : NA

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Type of Function : Admin

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

6 0.850
District : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

List of Profiles : Multi-tasking Staff

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 1643809.6

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 1643809.6

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 1931034.4

SLA Details - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part
of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.

2 Objectivesand Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:

1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer

Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified

1. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons

The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the
same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.
sTI{tt ktfqryqrr wTq&qrq ff,fiTls BHARAT P=TRCILEUM CORPORATION !-IMITET}
x_lf{.il ]:j]T,TT E;"[ 3trrrl i A GOVEFINMINT OF ENTERPHISE )
eo-?qir.tz.1e,l'.eriz TCINDIANPHT LUBE P{.ANT
.t- -t:.,. il'-/{.$q,r ++}e. ,li,,ll.;i. t y,:, Nr:r.35. Vaidyanrlthan $tr*et, Post [3ox f,io. 1152.
;1ui|,qr'1.i, ,i I o,,o (]B;. irt? : i=tr,..l+1,: Toneliarpet, Chennai-S00 il8!. Grams : lN$T,ALKE.T
;i:i rirll : 75!i:rl!!1. 25?865..1C, 259862.rt9 Phon€i : 259523&.!" 2598$530. 25986249
;:fii,*I+N : tl{,{"2595?3BL Tele Fax . t44-2585238{i









Dear Sir,

This is with reference to your offer against our GeM Bid TENDER ENQUIRY
No: GEMl2022tBll98l707 We are pleased to place with you this letter of intent
subject to following terms and conditions

quantity Unit rate Total Pricc Total Price
Unit rate
Unit for two incl GST Excl. CST (Rs) incl
years t8% (Its) ot.l8%GS'l'
Sno Activity (Annrox. )

Providing man power for Assisting Loading and

1 Unloading ( One Skilled Labours ) Nos 24 33631.28 39684.9104 807L50.72 952437.8s
Providing man power for Assisting Loading and
2 Unloading ( Four Semi Skilled Labours ) Nos 24 t292L9.60 152479.73 3707270.40 3659499.O7
Grand Total in Rs 3908421..L2 46L1.936.92

Page I of3
sf,]I".,J $f,*ilt : g & e. ;1,q-f,qr1iz-g ria, itrtC trt)-a, lira eim6, esri, {u{- roo ior
13:{1q : 022-2271 3000, A2'2'2"27 1 40AO

SpCL CIN : L23220M|-t1 952G(-l!{]08931

Eeglisterf;C O-{fi*e' Bharai Bhavan,4&6, Currimbhuy fioac!, Ballard E$laits. F,B.ltln.6$$, l'ilurnbai-400 r]t]'!
{t tt : 022-227 1 3000. 022-2271 4000
E rnail : islforflbhariltpetroleum.!n" tjreb $ite ; v'rww"bharatpclrojeunr.in
TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE: Rs 46,11,9371- (Rs Forty Six lakh Eleven Thousand
Nine Hundred and Thirty Seven only ) inclusive of GST @ 18% for TWo Years .

1 The contractor has to pay minimum wages to their employees as per the minimum
Wages act of Government of Tamil Nadu or Central Government whichever is
2 The contractor has to comply with all the statutory guidelines i.e. payment of
minimum wages, P.F, @ l2o ,[email protected],[email protected]% etc, as and when revised
by the Govt. of TN. or Central Government whichever is higher.
3 Contractor has to pay additional wages as per the BPCL policy, and on
submission of bill same will be reimbursed to contractor by BPCL.
4 Contractor has to pay wages to his staff through NEFT mode only and has to
submit details along the monthly bills.
5 A contractor has to pay any escalatior/de-escalation of rates of technician,
supervisor, unskilled and semi-skilled helper as and when it is revised by Govt. of
TN. or Central Government whichever is higher Escalation/de-escalation. BPCL
is not liable to reimburse any escalation/ de-escalation to contractor as per the
tender terms & conditions.
6 The contractor shall specify and obtain approval of the plant Manager or his
authorised representative about the uniform to be provided by him to the personal
deployed. In case the workmen do not wear the uniform and follow safety
measures penalty will be imposed as deemed fit by BPCL on such
7 The contractor must ensure that his workmen wear uniform, helmet, safety shoes
and hand gloves during the working hours.

CONTRACT PERIOD: 01.05.2022TO30.04.2024 (Two Years )

PAYMENT: Payment will be made within 30 days from the submission the bill. Bill
has to be submitted on monthly basis along with the PF/ESI payment challan of the
last month. Income taxlother statutory duties/ taxes will be deducted at source as per
rules at prevailing rates.

SECURITY DEPOSIT: Please arrange to submit a DD or Bank Guarantee from

Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank of Rs 4,61,194.00 (Rupees Four Lakhs Sixty One
Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Four Only) drawn in favour of Bharat
Petroleum Corporation Limited , within 15 days of receipt of this LOI. The
Bank Guarantee should be valid for the contract validity period plus six months
by way of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee.

Page 2 of3
All other terms and conditions illustrated in GeM Bid TENDER ENQUIRY
Bid No: GEMl2022tBll98l707 remain unchanged and will be enforce during the
entire contractual period.

You are requested to return the duplicate copy of this LOI duly signed and stamped
by you as a taken ofyour acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

*''/ "v
\'- (M"N"'
lplRrur ffnruacrn
Accepted the above

Signature & Seal of Authorized Signatory

Page 3 of3

Contract No: GEMC-511687760196777

Generated Date: 07-Apr-2022
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2022/B/2009638

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: Store Officer
Ministry: Ministry of Mines Contact No.: 0824-2446407-
Department: NA Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Geological Survey of India (GSI) GSTIN: 29AAAGM0412K1ZH
Office Zone: MCSD GSI MANGALORE Marine and Coastal Survey Division Geological Survey of
Address: India Mangaladevi Road Pandeshwar Mangaluru,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: Yes Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: DY DIRECTOR GENERAL AND HOD Designation: Store Officer
Designation of Financial Approval: DY DIRECTOR GENERAL AND HOD Email ID: [email protected]
Marine and Coastal Survey Division Geological Survey of
Address: India Mangaladevi Road Pandeshwar Mangaluru,
Dakshina Kannada, KARNATAKA-575001, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others;

Contact: 0824-2446407-
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Admin; Data
Email ID: [email protected]
GSTIN: 29AAAGM0412K1ZH Entry Operator
Address: Marine and Coastal Survey Division Geological Survey of India Mangaladevi
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Others; Driver
Road Pandeshwar Mangaluru,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Non-IT

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 08-Apr-2022 Contract End Date : 07-Apr-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Type of Function : Others

Post Graduation : Not Required

Skill Category : Unskilled

Experience : 3 to 7 Years
7 0.850
District : NA

Specialization : Not Required

List of Profiles : Sweeper

Educational Qualification : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 1661237.76

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 1661237.76

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

District : NA

Educational Qualification : Secondary School

Post Graduation : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

List of Profiles : Data Entry Operator

2 0.850
Specialization : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

Type of Function : Admin

Experience : 3 to 7 Years

Skill Category : Skilled

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 628155.53

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 628155.53

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

List of Profiles : Driver - LMV

Educational Qualification : High School

Post Graduation : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

Specialization : Not Required

1 0.850
Type of Function : Others

Skill Category : Skilled

District : NA

Experience : 3 to 7 Years

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 314077.76

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 314077.76

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

List of Profiles : LAB ATTENDANT

Educational Qualification : High School

Post Graduation : Not Required

Zipcode : NA

Specialization : Not Required

4 0.850
Type of Function : Non-IT Technical

Skill Category : Semi-skilled

District : NA

Experience : 3 to 7 Years

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 1070905.06

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 1070905.06

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 3674376.11

Additional Details
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Designation : SWEEPER
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Designation : DRIVER
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0

SLA Details - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Non-IT Technical; LAB ATTENDANT

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting

Contract No: GEMC-511687702564103

Generated Date: 30-Mar-2022
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2022/B/2044928

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: Buyer1
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: 816-2959066-
Department: Department of School Education and Literacy Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) GSTIN: -
Office Zone: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA TUMAKURU Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru Amalapura Village,
Address: Korategere Main Road, Arakere Post,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: PRINCIPAL, KV TUMAKURU Designation: Buyer1
Designation of Financial Approval: PRINCIPAL,KV TUMKUR Email ID: [email protected]
Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru Amalapura Village,
Address: Korategere Main Road, Arakere Post,
Tumkur, KARNATAKA-572106, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: 0816-2959066- Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others;

Email ID: [email protected] Sweeper
Address: Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru Amalapura Village, Korategere Main Road,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Others;
Arakere Post,
Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 01-Apr-2022 Contract End Date : 31-Mar-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

List of Profiles : Sweeper

District : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

4 0.850
Skill Category : Unskilled

Type of Function : Others

Experience : 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification : Not Required

Zipcode : NA
Total Amount (Formula) :
( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 752006.74

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 752006.74

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization : Not Required

Skill Category : Skilled

List of Profiles : Mali/Gardner Helper

District : NA

Experience : 3 to 7 Years
1 0.850
Type of Function : Others

Post Graduation : Not Required

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Zipcode : NA

Educational Qualification : High School

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 180585.44

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 180585.44

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 932592.18

Additional Details
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Designation : GARDENER
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0

SLA Details - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.


Contract No: GEMC-511687726782041

Generated Date: 30-Dec-2021
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2021/B/1747278

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Autonomous Designation: SSA
Ministry: Ministry of Education Contact No.: 080-28460979-
Department: School Education and Literacy Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan GSTIN: -
Office Zone: Kendriya Vidyalaya RWF Yelahanka RWF West Colony, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru.,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: PRINCIPAL, KV RWF Designation: SSA
Designation of Financial Approval: PRINCIPAL, KV RWF Email ID: [email protected]
RWF West Colony, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru.,
Bangalore, KARNATAKA-560064, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: 080-28460979- Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Email ID: [email protected]
1 GSTIN: -
Address: RWF West Colony, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru., Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-KR-12-0000230
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male
29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU , 29AADCE9793J1ZU ,

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 01-Jan-2022 Contract End Date : 31-Dec-2022

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification : Not Required

Post Graduation : Not Required

Experience : 3 to 7 Years

Zipcode : NA

Specialization : Not Required

5 0.500
List of Profiles : Sweeper

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Skill Category : Unskilled

District : NA

Type of Function : Others

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 1403087.4

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 1403087.4

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

(Unit Price)
Description Number of Resources to be hired
Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

List of Profiles : Mali/Gardner Helper

Specialization for PG : Not Applicable

Specialization : Not Required

Type of Function : Others

Experience : 3 to 7 Years
1 0.500
Skill Category : Semi-skilled

Zipcode : NA

Post Graduation : Not Required

Educational Qualification : High School

District : NA

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+ELDI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+ELDI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons : 195581.88

Total Addon Value 0

Total Value Including Addons 195581.88

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 1598669.28

Additional Details
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : NA
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : NA
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : NA
Designation : HOUSE KEEPING
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : NA
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : NA
Designation : GARDENER
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : NA

SLA Details - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
Contract Contract No: GEMC-511687700876155
Generated Date:20-Jan-2021
Bid/RA/PR No:GEM/2020/B/750079

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: CEPTADMIN
Ministry: Ministry of Communications Contact No.: 0821-2300754-
Department: Department of Posts Email ID: [email protected]
Organisation Name: Department of Posts GSTIN: 29AAAGA0164N1ZE
Office Zone: Postal Directorate, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010,
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: Yes Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: General Manager, CEPT Designation: Accounts Officer CEPT
Designation of Financial Approval: AO, CEPT Email ID: [email protected]
O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010,
Mysore, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: 0821-2300754-
Email ID: [email protected]
1 Human Resource Outsourcing Service
Address: O/o GM, CEPT Mysuru - 570010,
Mysuru, KARNATAKA-570010, India

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 034A190000764073
Contact No.: 09742307843
Email ID: [email protected]
Davanagere, KARNATAKA-577002, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Male

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

Service Details

Contract Start Date : 01-Feb-2021 Contract End Date : 31-Jan-2022

Unit Price
Total Amount (Formula)
(((Minimum Wage Per Day (Including ESI,PF,ELDI, PF Admin Charge,other components) in INR
Quantity Exclusive of GST*Number of Service Days in a Month) +((Minimum Wage Per Day (Including
Service (Number of ESI,PF,ELDI, PF Admin Charge,other components) in INR Exclusive of GST*Number of Service Days in a
over and
Resources) Month)*(0.18))+(Minimum Wage Per Day (Including ESI,PF,ELDI, PF Admin Charge,other components) in
INR Exclusive of GST*Number of Service Days in a Month*Other Charges Including Allowances over
and above Minimum Wage (% Per Month)/100))*(Contract Period/30)*Number of Resources)
Wage (% Per

Billing Cycle : 30 day
Category Name :
Human Resource
Outsourcing Service
Category of Service :
Cleaning Staff Female
Number Of Working
Days in Week : 7
Qualifications :

8 0.010 2,086,794.4
Experience (in Years)
: 0-3
Buyer Parameter &
Add-ons :
Minimum Wage Per
Day (Including
Admin Charge,other
components) in INR
Exclusive of GST :
Number of Service
Days in a Month : 30
Total Amount Including All Duties and Taxes in INR 2,086,794.4

SLA Details - Human Resource Outsourcing Service



1. Preamble

All Human Resource Outsourcing Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and

(i) General terms and conditions for Goods and Services;

(ii) Service STC contained in this document;

(iii) Product Specific STC, if applicable, as defined in Service Catalog of the product which includes SLA for the Service for that
particular product;

(iv) BID / Reverse Auction specific ATC.

For the purpose of interpretation, the above terms and conditions are to be considered in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC shall
supersede Product Specific STC which shall supersede Service STC which shall supersede GTC, to the extent of any conflicting

The above set of conditions along with the scope of supply including price as enumerated in the Contract document shall be
construed to be part of the contract.

This document represents a Special Terms and Conditions ("STC") governing the contract between the Buyer and Service Provider.
The purpose of this document is to outline the scope of work, Stakeholder's obligation and terms and conditions of all services
covered as mutually understood by the stakeholders.

1. Stakeholders

The main stakeholders associated with this SLA are:

Service Provider(s)/Service Provider


The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses
payment terms and penalties in case of non-adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders would
have read and understood the same before signing the STC.

1. Service Scope

3.1 Introduction

Human Resources (HR) as a service on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) website would help provide the Buyers with support
services to assist in their day-to-day operations by empaneling Service Providers with manpower adept in the field of administration.
The service is geared to feature a full array of qualified professionals with different areas of expertise.

Twenty-Six areas of professional services have been considered as a part of HR services. These are manpower with expertise in the
fields of administration, audit, court reporting, messenger services, receptionists, service order dispatching, personnel assistance,
etc. as listed below. However, the list of available expertise can be modified as per the requirements of the Buyer.

The key features of the proposed service shall be as follows:

Availability of manpower on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis or as per order. The manpower shall be available in different
geographic regions.
Divisional Office, "Jeevan Prakash'l

rrrt-fi-q *q:T dlrr ft-.rq
P.B.No.3 7, Mysore-B'loi:e Roacl,
Mysore- 570015,
Phone No: 0821,-2498494
- os.m' [email protected]
Ref:0S/STY Date : 01,.01.2021,


# 979 /2,Znd Flooc
Dr, B. R.Ambedkar Circle,
Opp : Jayadeva Petrol Bunk,
1st Cross, K,T.J.Nagaa
Phone No,701.9022377

Dear Sir / IUadam,

This has reference to your application regarding empanelment for panel of suppliers.
We are pleased to inform you that the competent authoiity t rr approved your firm
empanelment in our panel of Service Providers for oFFICE upKEEp & GRDEN MAINTENANCE
AND SECURITY SERVICES in Mysore Division for the period of three years
with effect from
0-1/01/202L to 31'/1'2/2023. However Corporation ..ru.,ou, the righito cancel/blacklist
firm at any time from the panel during this period, if found not suitable.

The terms and conditions of the empanelment are as follows:

1. You should reply promptly to our tender enquirers from time to time. If for
reasons yotl are not able to submit quotation for particular item/enquiry you have to
send a regret letter as response to tender enquiry Please note that response to everv
enquiry is a lvlUST.

2. You should execute the orders placed with you as per our order specifications
requirement from time to time and also to the satisfaction of the office.

3. The terms and conditions specified by us in our order and also as per notice
empanelment dt. 1,0/07 /2020 shall be binding on you and no correspondence
in the
matter shall be entertained by us.

4' If you fail to execute the orders within specifiecl time limit ancl if any complaint
received from user departments regarding supply of inferior quality/qurniity,
deiay in
execution of work etc, or failing to abide by this offico terms ancl conditions
corporation reserves the right to impose penalty/reject the materials suppliecl ancl
also to delete name of your firm from the approved list of dealers and no
correspondence in the matter shall be entertained by this office,

5' You will be required to provide for an EMD at the rate and amount as
decided by this
office. The EMD will be payable by DD / Bankers cheque payable at Mysore.
6. If there is any change in respect of information given by you in the questionnaire
form , like change of address, telephone nurnbel rnobile no, Bank details etc., it should
be immediately intimated to us.

7. You will be continued as our panel supplier trntil our intimation to the contrary.

We look forward foryour esteemed co -operation in future.


Yours faithfully,


feHT aHr4 Aviation Business Unit

Ref: AV.SR.BLRICont Date: 01.06.2021

This is to certify that, M/s ENSAFEGUARDS SECURITY PVT LTD., Davanagare
has been providing housekeeping/driver management service to our Aviation Fuelling
Station having area 30,000 sqft at HAL Airport from 01/02/2019 to till date and service
been providing satisfactorily and the contract value amount to Rs.
48,54,130/- on an
The persons engage by the agency are honest & bearing good characters.

This certificate is issued on specific request of the vendor without any risk or
responsibility on the part of the company or any its employees.

For Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

S. Anand Kumar
Regional Coordinator South & SM BLR AFS
+91 9810994566/ +91 80 25220095

fad sfea: wa w, in , àard rz. zat 400 001,

Balard Mumbai- 400 001, India
Registered Omce: Bharat Bhayan, & 6, Cummbhoy Road, Estate,
Emalt: [email protected] 4H2 Webete: www.bharatpetroleum.in 3SA KCIN: L23220MH1952Goooes31


Bharat Petroleum
Aviaton Fueling Staion =Strategic
Near NAL (WTC), Kempapura
Aviation Service ( ) Yemalur (PO.). Bangalore IATA Partner
Kanataka - 560 037


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