Introduction To Carbohydrates
Introduction To Carbohydrates
Introduction To Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a class of macronutrients that play a crucial role in
providing the body with energy. They are composed of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen atoms and come in various forms, from simple
sugars to complex starches and fibers.
by Sai Dinesh
Types of Carbohydrates
Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates
Also known as sugars, these are the most These include starches and dietary fibers.
basic form of carbohydrates. They are They take longer to digest, providing
quickly absorbed and provide a rapid energy sustained energy and promoting digestive
boost. health.
Monosaccharides Polysaccharides
The smallest and most basic units of Large, complex carbohydrates made up of
carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, many monosaccharides, including starch,
and galactose. glycogen, and cellulose.
Simple Carbohydrates (Sugars)
The pie chart illustrates the typical distribution of energy sources, with carbohydrates providing the
largest share at 45% of total energy intake.
Carbohydrates and Digestion
Digestion Begins 1
When you consume carbohydrates, the
digestive process begins in your
mouth. Salivary enzymes start 2 Small Intestine
breaking down the starches into The small intestine is where most
smaller sugar molecules. carbohydrate digestion and
absorption occurs. Enzymes secreted
by the pancreas and intestine continue
Absorption 3 breaking down carbs.
The simple sugars created during
digestion are absorbed through the
small intestine wall and into the
bloodstream. This provides a readily
available source of energy for the
Carbohydrates and Nutrition