Atkins or Fadkins Diet

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What is a Fad Diet?
A fad diet is a diet, weight loss plan or aid that make dieters believe that
they will achieve dramatic results over a short period of time. These
diets are usually based on popularity and word of mouth rather than
scientific information. Because of this, fad diets are restrictive and hard
to maintain, therefore not allowing dieters to stick to the diets for long
periods of times. This leads to temporary weight-loss and the inability
to achieve long term results.

How does it deviate from healthy eating?

Fad diets are eating programs that generally deviate from healthy
eating due to them being unbalanced, unhealthy and not nutritionally
sound. For example, diet pills rely on speeding up heart rates in order
to burn fat quicker. The cabbage soup diet relies on you eating
primarily one type of food, which will cause nutritional deficiencies.
The grapefruit diet will damage your metabolism and the three day
diet restricts the number of vitamins and minerals consumed. From
these examples we can see that fad diets can actually be dangerous to
your health.


The Atkins diet is essentially a low-carbohydrate diet. It aims to switch the
body's metabolism from metabolising glucose as energy over to converting
stored body fat to energy.
Dr Atkins believed that the low-carbohydrate diet produces a metabolic
advantage because "burning fat takes more calories so you expend more
calories." The diet consists of four stages: induction, ongoing weight loss,
pre-maintenance and lifetime maintenance. In the Induction stage you are
limited to 20 net grams of carbohydrates per day, this will increase in the
ongoing weight stage as you are able to increase the limit by 5 grams each
week. In the pre-maintenance stage you are able to increase carbohydrates
intake by 10 grams a week and in the lifetime maintenance stage you is
intended to carry on the habits acquired in the previous phases.

How does it suggest that you will lose weight?
How your body handles fat can be influenced by eating the right foods and
increasing up body's metabolism. When you eat fewer carb foods (especially
vegetables high in fibre) your body switches to burning fat (including your
own body fat) instead of carbs as its primary fuel source. By changing the
balance of carbs, fats and protein in your diet, you boost your energy level
and keep it on an even keel.
Fat calories are always pushed to the back of the linewhere more than
likely theyre stored. Thats why insulin is called the fat hormone. As long as
your body keeps turning glucose into fat, youre doomed to being heavy.
Fortunately, it doesnt have to be that way. Thats why cutting your carb
intake and eating mostly whole food carbohydrates is the core premise of the
Atkins Diet.

Why would a Client choose to undertake the
Atkins Diet?

The main answer to this question is to loose
weight however others might enjoy this type of
food Better.

Is the Atkins Diet safe? NO

When Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution was first published, the President of the
American College of Nutrition said, "Of all the bizarre diets that have been
proposed in the last 50 years, this is the most dangerous to the public if
followed for any length of time."

When the chief health officer for the State of Maryland,was asked "What's
wrong with the Atkins Diet?" He replied "What's wrong with... taking an
overdose of sleeping pills? You are placing your body in jeopardy." He
continued "Although you can lose weight on these nutritionally unsound diets,
you do so at the risk of your health and even your life."

What are some nutritional concerns and or diseases that can be associated
with this diet?

The downfall of the Atkins Diet is also its one saving grace--people may not be
able to tolerate the diet for long enough to suffer the long-term

The American Heart Association states: "Individuals who follow these diets
are therefore at risk for compromised vitamin and mineral intake, as well as
potential cardiac, renal [kidney], bone, and liver abnormalities overall." Low
carb diets like the Atkins diet may also hasten the onset of type II diabetes. In
short, concluded the September 2004 review in The Lancet,"low-carbohydrate
diets cannot be recommended.

The Atkins Diet Pyramid

b)The five food groups

The Healthy Food Pyramid.
How does it differ from the Healthy Food Pyramid?
What implications can this diet have on Body Image?

You probably might become fatter.

Become a Fatty.

Be called Fatty boom boom !

Same as other diets.

Proteins - Nitrogen-containing organic compounds composed
of bonded amino acid molecules. In the human body, proteins
are used as structural materials, energy sources, and chemical
messengers (ex: hormones). Major dietary sources of protein
include meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and more.

Carbohydrates - Organic compound consisting of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. Carbs provide much of
the energy that cells require. They supply materials to build
certain cell structures and store reserve energy supplies.
Carbs include sugars and polysaccharides. It is found in
grains, starchy vegetables and beans, fruit, beverages, sweets
and added sugars.
Fats - An organic molecule that includes glycerol and fatty
acids. Fats are the most common lipid. They are primarily
used to supply energy for cellular activities. Fat molecules
can supply more energy per gram than carbohydrate
molecules. Butter, cream, pizza, and soda, all contain fat.
Glucose travels in your bloodstream to fuel the mitochondria
that is responsible for your brain power. Glucose is the only
fuel normally used by brain cells. Neurons cannot store
glucose so they depend on the bloodstream to deliver a
constant supply of it. The main source of glucose is from
carbs. Jaime is right - your brain needs carbs.

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