Alphatron Pro Manual

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Alphatron Pro Manual

While playing around with my Avatar ST Synthesizer I was thinking a companion doing bass & high
sequences could be very useful. First I started to investigate for the most suited VA oscillators (not the
default ones) and did not look back to some way similar synths I did in the past like Laserblade, Fortune
Cookie or Solar/Lunar Orbit. Thus I got a real fresh start with some new ideas in mind which developed
pretty well then. Actually finding that catchy name for this one gave me a lot more headaches ;-)

Alphatron is not just a simple VA synthesizer instead in using a 3 rd oscillator with digital waves it does offer a
lot more sonic potential. Also this 3 rd oscillator serves as sync master for oscillator 2 thus creating a lot more
sonic flavours. Amplitude Modulation has got it's dedicated adjustable output and uses oscillator 2 as main
source being modulated either by osc. 1 or 3. Oscillator 1 is a polywave oscillator with up to 5 additional
waves, so you might have something like Super Saw(tm), Super Pulse, Super Ramp etc.

Another big highlight of Alphatron is the versatile step sequencer with 8 + 4 pattern slots which can be
selected at realtime for instant pattern switching. .

1 VA Oscillator with up to 6 poly waves for Saw, Ramp, Sine, Tri, and Pulse
1 VA Oscillator with single waves as above plus white and pink noise, Sync slave
1 Sample Osccillator with fairly typical digital waves with different hamonic content, Sync master
1 Ampltude Modulation with dedicated output
1 24 dB resonant Low Pass filter with dedicated ADSR EG, 4 mixable mod sources
Both EG have 3 modes: exponential, reverse exponential, and linear; and optional control for Attack and
Decay by velocity
1 Booster or Enciter selectable
1 Mystify with three selctable types (Brite, Soft, Dark)
1 bpm synced Delay with adjustable Offset controlley manually or by modsource, Pan
1 Bass Boost
1 Pan for undelayed signal
1 small Reverb for adding some nice flavour
1 Saturator
1 main Volume

3 x LFO, 1 x Duo LFO (with two waves and phase control for 2 nd wave), 1 x S&H
1 Picth LFO with option to speed up or down the LFO speed

16 Step Seqencer with Shuffle for notes and velocity plus mute buttons for each step. Setting Note Seq to off
it can serve as stepmodulator. The Gate length can be modulated by sources. Two playmodes: normal with
adjustable number of steps or Step Variation which is in fact aonther 16 step sequencer to set different
number of steps to be played in succession. Loops can be set to repeat up to 4 times, and two alternating
semitone offsets can be set e.g. for each 2 nd, 3rd or 4th loop. There are 8 pattern slots per patch and 4 global
pattern slots which can be used to instantly change pattern. Current pattern can be copied and pasted to a
selectable slot, with the global slots even among patches.

3 Wheels
8 Lazy buttons
8 GUI variants selectable

Major differences of Basic Free (less features):

Basic Free: only 64 patches, no Lazy buttons, only 4 Seq Pattern per patch & 2 global Seq Pattern, 2
voices, no selectable GUI (instead there is a choice of four different dll to download), no patch select on GUI,
but a silly scroller reminder not to forget to support the developer.

The Oscillator section

Osc. 1: VA Oscillator with up to 6 poly waves for Saw, Ramp,

Sine, Tri, and Pulse. Pulse width modulation, octave &
semitone setting, level knob, routing switch to filter otherwise
bypassing filter

Osc. 2: VA Oscillator with single waves as above plus white

and pink noise, Pulse width modulation, octave & semitone
setting, level knob, routing switch to filter otherwise bypassing
filter. Sync slave

1 Sample Osccillator with fairly typical digital waves with

different in/hamonic content, Sync master

Detune knob
Sync setting for amount & pitch
Ampltude Modulation with level knob routing switch, and
selectable 2nd source.

With Sync Amount you got a very simple form of resynthesis as one wave forces the slave wave to follow it's
contour but sound is actually done by the wave of the slave oscillator.
The Filter section

24 dB resonant Lowpass Filter, ADSR EG

with 3 modes: exponential, reverse
exponential, and linear; and optional control
for Attack and Decay by velocity. Use Rev
Exponential EG mode for real snappy
attacks required esp. e.g. for those short
resonant blips ;-)

4 selectable modsources can be mixed to

modulate Cutoff. This is a 4 channel mixer
giving a simpler acces than my prior system af balancing two sources against each other though that very
basic technique is still at work in the back the user access is now far more simple.

The VCA section

To control the output volume contour there is an ADSR EG with 3 modes:

exponential, reverse exponential, and linear; and optional control for Attack
and Decay by velocity.
Note: Using that Exponential or rev Exponential mode with Attack = 0 or
very close 0 you might experience some kind of Attack clicks because this
mode is that fast responsive. Remedy: raise Attack a litle until those clicks

Note: Using Velocity on Attack or Decay is possible in two ways – (minus) subtracts from the current slider
position while unsigned adds up to current slider position.

The Mystifier section

The Booster is some kind or Overdrive effect with quite a nice distortion which can be quite heavy though
while the Enciter is more like a presence contour enhancer.

The Mystifier is featuering three different types: Brite, Soft and Dark. Though the Mystifiers can give some
good flangerlike sounds there major task is to change the sound characteristic from metal like to shining blips
and even dark scapes depending on the modulations being used from manual to fairly slow settings or fairly
fast settings for resonant blips. The Offset can be modulated too.

Select a type (Brite, Soft, Dark) or Bypass a Mystifier. Next is Myst Offset with the amount of selected mod
source controlled by the knob. The Myst Amount can be controlled by another Mod Source. Next is the
Resonance knob with a Range selector below with Fine having the full knob range for the most relevant
resonant part. High Cut simply serves to eliminate some unwanted harsh or too high ringing. Finally there is
the Mix knob for mixing between direct and mystified FX signal plus optional modualtion.

Delay section

Delay can be set to a bpm related setting

while the Offset knob givees either manual
control for setting off bpm or if using a mod
source modulates time. So you can
manually offset the Delay to half of the
given bpm related setting. The selector below allows to choose among Normal, dotted or triplet delay and
further more there a some more modulations available. Feedback and Delay Level are obvious with the
button next to Delay Pan providing a Bypass switch.

Final Output incl. Bass Boost, Pan, Reverb & Saturator

The Saturator provides more punch and presence to the signal. The Volume knob
determines the main output level.

There is a small reverb with adjustable Width and Room/Size plus a Reverb Mix knob.
Though this is not a high end reverb it does add a nice flavour to the sound..

Bass Boost can enhance the Bass amount quite substantially. Thus use this with care.

Direct Pan is panning for the undelayed signal.

System Section

Here you can change patches, (re)name and manage patches by copying or
saving / loading single fxp instruments or complete fxb banks.
MIDI CC shows controller number and value
Setup for Voice allocation: Poly, Poly Soft, Poly Hard, Mono and Mono
Retrigger with the last one enabling Glide with adjustable Time or Rate
controlled by Wheel #3. Key Priority can be set to Off, Low, High or Last key pressed.
Transport Run can enable Start of the Step sequencer by Space bar of computer keyboard (at least in most
GUI selector allows to select 1 from 8 different GUIs.

Mod Sources

There are 3 LFO, 1 Sample & Hold and 1 Duo LFO with two waves output and phase control for 2 nd wave
which can be useful to shift modulatiion out of phase and back again..

LFO 1, LFO 2, LFO3 and DLFO have common set of waves like Sine, Triangle, Saw
and Ramp. Sample & Hold provides a random modulation signal like pulses at
varying levels in different types like Up, Down, Up&Down.

Pitch LFO

This LFO modulates pitch of the three oscillators also with selectable modes to
speed up or down the LFO.
The Step Sequencer

16 Step Seqencer with Shuffle for notes and velocity plus mute buttons for each step. Setting Note Seq to off
it can serve as stepmodulator as well. On the other hand Note Seq must be ON to play the notes.

Let's begin with the left area: Shuffle makes the sequences more groovy but one has to set the appropriate
amount for that of course.
The greyed selector for Sync S / Sync H will be described later.

Seq Tempo determines a divisor of the current host tempo for the speed = tempo of the sequencer.

Gate Len(gth) knob allows to adjust the length of the gate of each step. The Gate length can be modulated
by various sources mainly derived from velocity (proceesed in different ways which does make a huge
diffeence at times) and note values or both shown as N + V..

The top button row gives access to the control features:

Reset is obvious of course, PlayMode sets a direction to play forward, backward or random.
StepSeqs starts / stops all sequencers involved and can be driven by Transport Run of the host (mainly via
Space bar of the PC keybard) provided these support this feature..
NoteSeq sets the Note Sequencer on / off so in Off mode the velocity date serve as stepmodulator values
for modulation.

Step Var give access to the sequencer for number of step variation which is in fact aonther 16 step
sequencer to set different number of steps to be played in succession to be set up in the row below.
If this one is not active the number of steps will be played as set at the steps selector and the next three
selectors will be greyed as disabled.

If Steps Var is active a loop of the set step number can be repeated up to 4 times by the selector at Repeat.
Or even at stettings like 1:3 where change happens after 1st and the following 3 rd loop.
The next three selectors are related to each other: two alternating semitone offsets can be set for each 2 nd,
3rd or 4th or 2nd and 4th loop.

Maybe you got already an idea how flexible and versatile this 'little' step sequencer is as it does offer a lot of
play variatons just for one pattern alone.

Transpose allows to shift the octave for the notes to be played or even to transpose at realtime via MIDI

UnMute is a simple utility to unmute all Mute buttons in the bottom row.

There are rows with selectors to set velocity and notes

There are 8 pattern slots per patch (P1 - P8) and 4 global pattern slots (G1 - G4) which
can be used to instantly change pattern. Please note the Global slots are valid for the
whole bank not only the current patch. These are handy to store pattern temporarily in
order to copy these to a different patch for example.
Current pattern can be copied and pasted to a selectable slot, with the global slots
even among patches.

Simply press copy to store the pattern into the internal buffer, select a target pattern slot and press paste
button – that's it plain and simple.
Another positive sideefect is, that you'll actually see the data of th epossibel target slot displayed – so you
might still decide for different slot to select.
Now to the selector for Sync S / Sync H: Basically Soft Sync S will work fine which uses the hosttempo like
e.g. 90 as value to drive the internal clock. However this or that host might give a certain offset after time so
you might try Sync H which uses the host clock pulse to sync the internal clock. There is a drawback though
as this can only be used on Seq Tempo settings on basis of a quarter note (¼) and down which should be
the majority of cases at all. Thus for not matching setiings Sync H is disabled. Also it is advisable to set
shuffle to 0 i.e. turned fully to the left.

Trick: To unmute all steps and remute to current settings simply copa curretn pattern into memory buffer,
UnMute All steps, and later Paste old setting back to current pattern.

The famous HGF Lazy buttons

8 Lazy buttons: Oscillator & Filter, LFOs, Mystifier, Step Variator

note data all steps, note data odd steps, dto even steps, velociy,

As for Note data this is a quite intelligent Lazy as it will give in most cases matching notes thus a pattern may
require only a lttle tweaking then ;-)
Credits and further info
The Synthesizer has been created by H. G. Fortune with Synthedit by Jeff McClintock.

Patches were kindly done by Dimitri

Schkoda (DS or no sign), Bob ODonnell (BM), and
Heinrich of Sanguinea Project (SP)
This VSTi uses further modules by David Haupt, Kelly D. Lynch, Peter Schoffhauzer, Daz Diamond, Lance
Putnam, Etric van Mayer, Oli Larkin et al.

VSTI by H. G. Fortune:
More VSTI:
H. G. Fortune
G. Hager
Almaweg 49
53347 Alfter
email: [email protected]
official support forum on kvr:

Open group for users, fans, friends and supporters: on

This is not a technical support forum rather than for latest news, communication among members e.g.
sharing ideas, videos and music.

Thanks to all who have helped and do support my work!

Appendix 1
List of waveforms in oscillator 3
000 A-Clavikhan 020 A-InHrmDrill 4 040 BN-FMishSaxy 060 CC-InHhrmOrg2
001 A-Corasca 021 A-InHrmSync 041 BP-FMishSoft 061 CG-OvertoneOrg2
002 A-Cormons 022 A-Lorda 042 BQ-FMishShena 062 CK-JumpinOrg
003 A-Farrancolin 023 A-Lormarin 043 BR-FMishOboe 063 CG-InharmOrg3
004 A-Fedirun 024 A-Metallic 044 BT-FMishHollow 064 CK-InharmOrg4
005 A-FM-Brite 025 A-Quirib 045 BU-FMishOrg 065 CR-InharmLite
006 A-FM-Lite 026 A-Shadizar 046 B-FX-Rattler 066 CT-Overtones
007 A-FM-Dark 027 A-Suleyka 047 B-Rhythmic 067 CB-FM-BelPiano
008 A-Inharm-015 028 A-Tedalda 048 B-SnH-Blipps 068 CC-ClaviOrg
009 A-Inharm-032 029 A-Trianna 049 B-StepFlow 069 CG-RoundClavi
010 A-Inharm-045 030 A-Trimari 050 CU-RoundOrg 070 CR-SoftClavi
011 A-Inharm-213 031 A-XPulsed 051 CS-BellOrg 071 CL-MedClavi
012 A-Inharm-282 032 BC-FMSpectral 052 CP-FMishSoftOrg 072 CF-HollowClavi
013 A-Inharm-IX 033 BC-FMMedOrg 053 CPFMishLiteOrg 073 CE-BriteClavi
014 A-Inharm-V 034 BF-FMishNarrow 054 CP-RoundInharm 074 CB-NarrowClavi
015 A-Inharm-VI 035 BS-SoftNarrow 055 CS-HighOrg 075 CS-HiClavinet
016 A-Inharm-XI 036 BF-FMRhodish 056 CQ-InharmOrg 076 CU-FakeEGuit
017 A-InHrmDrill 1 037 BK-SoftOrg 057 CA-HiBellOrg 077 CT-Inharm3
018 A-InHrmDrill 2 038 BK-FMishBrite 058 CD-HollowOrg 078 CR-Wahhh
019 A-InHrmDrill 3 039 BK-BriteOrg 059 CB-OvertoneOrg1 079 CR-FMHeavy

Appendix 2
MIDI-Implementation of MIDI CC for buttons, sliders & knobs (recognized data valid from 0-127)
MIDI CC from 33 to 63 are not assigned so you might use these for your own assignments provided your
MIDI Controller Hard/Software does support these as normal controllers.
ModWheel =1 = 33 Filter Shuffle = 90
Wheel 3 =3 = 34 Cutoff = 70 GateLen = 91
Main Vol =7 = 35 Reso = 71 = 92
=8 = 36 Mod 1 = 72 = 93
Bass Boost =9 = 37 Mod 2 = 73 = 94
Direct Pan = 10 = 38 Mod 3 = 74 DLfo Phase = 95
Rev Room = 11 = 39 Mod 4 = 75
Rev Width = 12 = 40 EG - A = 76 Pattern Slots
Rev Mix = 13 = 41 EG - D = 77 P1 = 102
Rev Color = 14 = 42 EG - S = 78 P2 = 103
Saturate = 15 = 43 EG - R = 79 P3 = 104
Delay Offset = 16 = 44 P4 = 105
Dly Fdbk = 17 = 45 VCA EG P5 = 106
Dly Lvl = 18 = 46 EG - A = 80 P6 = 107
Delay Pan = 19 = 47 EG - D = 81 P7 = 108
= 48 EG - S = 82 P8 = 109
Oscillators = 49 EG - R = 83 G1 = 110
Detune = 20 = 50 G2 = 111
Wav Sel Osc 1 = 21 = 51 Mystify G3 = 112
Osc 1 Lvl = 22 = 52 Booster = 84 G4 = 113
Wav Sel Osc 2 = 23 = 53 Offset = 85 = 114
Osc 2 Lvl = 24 = 54 Myst Amnt = 86 = 115
Wav Sel Osc 3 = 25 = 55 Resonance = 87 = 116
Osc 3 Lvl = 26 = 56 Mix Dry : Wet = 88 = 117
AM Level = 27 = 57 High Cut = 89 = 118
PWM Osc 1 = 28 = 58 = 119
PWM Osc 2 = 29 = 59
Sync Amount = 30 = 60 Start/Pause = 64
Sync Pitch = 31 = 61 NoteSeq = 67
= 32 = 62 StepVar = 69
= 63

You might use MIDI Learn or Edit via right click with mouse on the resp. Item (knob, button, selector etc.) to
change these assignments. Note: certain elements on the GUI do not support this.
Save patchbank with your MIDI CC assignments.
Terms of License Agreement:

You are NOT ALLOWED to sell the program or charge for the access to the free version.
You are allowed to distribute the free version of this program (online or on magazine CD's)
as long as You do not charge for this program! Anyway You are requested to send an info
about such a distribution.

You may use the program in personal and/or commercial music (credits are welcome). But
You are not allowed to make samples (looped or unlooped) for commercial sampling CDs
without prior permission. You are allowed to run the registered i.e. Pro version of the
program on different computers as long as You are the only person having access to and
using the program.

You are not allowed to modify, decompile or reverse-engineer the program. This program
is not copy-protected but protected by national & international (copyright-) laws.

Changes & enhancements may be made without prior notice and a grant that further
editions will read patches from former version cannot be given.

The software is supplied as is. Use this program on Your own risk and Your own

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