Next-Generation Assessments: Automatic Question Paper Generation For Modern Classrooms
Next-Generation Assessments: Automatic Question Paper Generation For Modern Classrooms
Next-Generation Assessments: Automatic Question Paper Generation For Modern Classrooms
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E. Deployment
The system was deployed on a cloud-based server using
Docker containers. This allows for easy deployment and
scalability of the system. The system was tested on various
devices and web browsers to ensure compatibility and
F. Bloom's Taxonomy
The taxonomy divides educational objectives into three
domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The
cognitive domain is further divided into six levels, from the
lowest level of knowledge to the highest level of evaluation.
The six levels of the cognitive domain are:
Remembering: This level involves recalling information from
memory, such as facts, dates, and vocabulary.
Understanding: This level involves comprehending the
meaning of the information being learned, such as
interpreting data or explaining concepts in one's own words.
Applying: This level involves using the knowledge or skills
learned in a new or different situation, such as solving
problems or completing tasks.
Analyzing: This level involves breaking down complex
information into smaller parts to better understand it, such as
Fig 2. Flow Chart identifying patterns or relationships in data.
Evaluating: This level involves making judgments about the
The proposed system was implemented using several value or quality of information or ideas, such as critiquing an
technologies and tools, including Python for the backend, argument or assessing the credibility of a source.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend, MySQL for Creating: This level involves synthesizing information or
the database, and Flask for the framework. The system ideas to generate new knowledge or products, such as
architecture was designed based on the flowchart shown in designing a solution to a problem or creating a new theory.
Fig 2. The taxonomy has been widely used in educational settings
to help teachers and instructional designers develop learning
A. Backend Implementation objectives that are measurable and clear, and to design
The backend of the system was developed using Python and assessments that are aligned with those objectives.
Flask. The Flask framework was used to create RESTful APIs
1) Luis Enrico Lopez, Diane Kathryn Cruz, Jan Christian Blaise
Cruz, Charibeth Cheng(2020): Simplifying Paragraph-level
Question Generation via Transformer Language Models
Fig 4. Objective Questions Generated
2) Xinya Du, Junru Shao, Claire Cardie(2017): Learning to Ask:
Neural Question Generation for Reading Comprehension
Figure 3 shows the arbitrary question that was produced by
the system after reading content from a particular page in a 3) Xingdi Yuan, Tong Wang, Caglar Gulcehre, Alessandro Sordoni,
document file. The system-generated objective-type Philip Bachman, Sandeep Subramanian, Saizheng Zhang, Adam
Trischler(2017): Machine Comprehension by Text-to-Text
questions are shown in Fig. 4 for your review. Each question Neural Question Generation
that is created in this instance is distinct and will only appear
4) Qingyu Zhou, Nan Yang, Furu Wei, Chuanqi Tan, Hangbo Bao,
once in the list of questions. The user can use the question in Ming Zhou (2017): Neural Question Generation from Text: A
any format they need by downloading it. Preliminary Study
5) Lisa Bauer, Yicheng Wang, Mohit Bansal(2018): Commonsense
Overall, the proposed system was successfully implemented for Generative Multi-Hop Question Answering Tasks
using various technologies and tools. The use of Python,
Flask, and MySQL ensured the reliability and scalability of 6) Liu, C., Sun, X., Hu, D., & Liu, X. (2020). Automatic Question
generation Using Neural Networks.
the system. The frontend was designed to be user-friendly and
intuitive, providing a seamless user experience. The 7) Zhou, Y., Liu, X., & Gu, J. (2020). A Machine Learning-Based
Approach for Generating Fill-in-the-Blank Type Questions
deployment of the system using Docker containers allowed
for easy deployment and scalability. 8) Kulkarni, A., Singh, A., & Chakraborty, T. (2019). Automatic
Generation of Multiple Choice Questions Using a Combination
of Rule-Based and Machine Learning Techniques.
9) Yu, X., Wang, H., Peng, Y., & Li, X. (2021). An Automatic and
Efficient Approach for Generating Concise and Informative
In conclusion, the web app we have developed is a useful tool Answers to Questions
for generating questions from texts for various organizations.
Through our research, we have demonstrated that the app is 10) Huang, L., Zhang, C., Li, X., & Li, M. (2018). Knowledge-based
effective in generating relevant questions, and it has received Question and Answer Generation. International Journal of
Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing,
positive feedback from users.Our project has highlighted the
potential of natural language processing in developing tools 11) Gupta, S., Kumar, V., & Varma, V. (2019). Question Answering
that can assist organizations in their operations. We believe using Deep Learning: A Review. International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software
that this technology can be used in a variety of disciplines, Engineering,
including education, journalism, and research, to streamline
processes and improve efficiency. Overall, our web app has swering
the potential to be a useful tool for businesses looking to 12) Wang, J., Cheng, G., Peng, J., & Song, M. (2020). Personalized
Question Generation for Educational Purposes: A Deep Learning-
automate the process of creating questions from texts. We Based Approach
hope that this research inspires further innovation in this area
and helps to promote the use of natural language processing 13) Gkatzia, D., Mahamood, S., & Hastie, H. (2020). Dialogue
Generation for Online Learning Environments Using Natural
to develop practical solutions for real-world problems. Our Language Generation Techniques. Journal of Educational
Computing Research
research has also highlighted some areas for future
development, such as improving the effectiveness of the
question generating algorithm and investigating the
application of machine learning techniques to improve the