Digital Learning For Kids
Digital Learning For Kids
Digital Learning For Kids
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4 authors, including:
Kithusshand Raveendran
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Kithusshand Raveendran on 07 January 2024.
Abstract: The current educational system changed to use the digital learning system due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. There is a huge
need for the Digital Learning platforms that could use by the students and kids for the educational purpose. The currently available digital
learning platforms needs to enhance, ensure the safety for kids, and can provide variety of services for the kids using the newly available
technologies like Text to speech (TTS), Machine Learning (ML), Image Processing, and Web scraping Technologies. The research paper is
proposing a new system that could help to the kids to the learn the things very easily via watching the videos that is generated automatically
using the new technologies.
creation of a sound from text that is as natural-sounding as the to the conception, design and innovationof these systems. [5]
human voice. The goal of TTS is to be able to produce the
entire speech spectrum of a human being, including all speech B. TTS
variations, and to lessen the robotic gasp of the output Existing information and communication technologies, de-
voice in order to increase the difference between human veloped platforms and applications for e-learning allow to
performance and machine voice. The internet is filled with successfully switch to e-learning, if this is a preferred form of
data, thus in order to fully utilize it, its content must undergo education or necessary. The mentioned applications and plat-
specific processing, and a unique online information system forms provide the necessary functions and tools for creating,
must be created. The categorization of online pages is editing and presenting the educational content in electronic
suggested as a crucial stage in those systems. Various machine form. In order to implement successful e-learning,the techno-
learning techniques have used to categorize web pages in this logical competence of teachers must be ensured, which will
research. Web scraping (also known as Screen Scraping, Web ensure the achievement of educational goals. [6] States that
DataEx- traction, and Web Harvesting etc.) It is atechnique in the demands to synthesized speech are more natural,
which meaningful data from the HTML of websitesare personalized and emotional.Speech synthesis technol- ogy
extracted and stored into a central local database based on cloud source and embedded TTS systems would
orspreadsheet. The goal of a Web scraper isconcentrated on provide higher quality and more convenient for users, and they
conversion of unstructured data while preserving in would become the hot spots of applications in the future.With
organized databases. Web scraping is presently cast-off on the development of speech synthesis, text to speech synthesis
various aspectsincluding online price comparison, weather will play a greater role in social life. [7] [8]In this paper,
data monitoring,website change detec- tion, Web mashup, Min-Jae Hwang, Ryuichi Yamamoto; Eunwoo Song, and Jae-
Web research and Webdata integration. Further, it may be Min Kim propose a TTS-driven data augmentation method
noted that Web scrapingmight be alongside the tenures of to improve a quality of non-AR TTS system. Using a large-
usage of few websites. In this research it is introduced a scale synthetic TTS database generated by high-quality AR
system which take a keyword or audio as input and using web TTS systems, they successfully improved the quality of the
scraping related paragraph or images will be extracted from a target TTS System. The future studies should test the
relevant website such as Wikipedia.Then using the extracted augmentation with various phoneme distributions, such as
image and the description a creative video is to be generated. uniformly distributed case. [8]
[1] [2]
II. RELATED RESEARCH Pre-trained models can be used to extract polarity fromdatasets
without the need to build a model from scratch. XLNet
A. Digital Learning outperforms in more tasks compared to other models but its
Zaharah, Indrayanto, C. Dhien Nourwahidah, A. Saehudin, computational complexity is very high. Performance
H. Hasan, and Kamarusdiana states that Information and evaluation with the two latest models, BiGRU and BERT using
Com- munication Technology (ICT) is a means that makes it IMDB dataset shows an improvement in accuracy with number
easier for humans to obtain, process, and communicate of epochs. The study can be further extended by comparing
information without being limited by space and time. As a the performance of various models with more datasets. [9]
result of the covid-19 outbreak, the impact of e-learning has There are five important tasks in Natural Language Pro-
an impact on all sectors, especially in the field of cessing which enable the machine or a computing device to
education. Government policy requires learning to be understand the human language. The accuracy with whichthese
carried out from home, this is to prevent the transmission of tasks are performed determine the level of natural language
the disease. Students are accustomed to learning online and understanding by the machine. This paper showcases how
many lecturers are still not proficient in using information researchers has successfully employed different machine
technology to teach using. [3] The students of early Z learning and deep learning techniques in performing such
generation at these Hungarian universities still like the tasks. These techniques have performed them far better than
traditional type of learning combined with e-learning, that is any of the traditional techniques. [10] Developed language
they like classroom activities and face- to-face education but model, based on deep learning meth- ods, can be used to
at the same time studying on their smart phones. For the generate new sequences of text that have the same statistical
Hungarian universities the application ofblended learning is a properties as the source text. Applicationof relevant language
possible transition in today’s educational shift and tertiary corpus as a training text for deep language model learning can
education should invest in providing e-learners with varying be practically used to improve speech recognition. The results
degrees of computer literacy. [4] Some e-Technologies and presented in this article concern the Polish language but the
especially the adaptive e- Learning can be useful, since it achieved research results can also be applied to other
constitutes the personal tutor for students. There are many languages. [11]
challenges in relation to the appropriate methods and
strategies, which must be applied to meet the needs of D. Web classification
students. This work, which is the result of a brief review of In this work L. Safae, B. E. Habib, and T. Abderrahim review
e-Learning and e-Technology systems, allowed to focus on the existing machine-learning algorithms used for web page
the technological and operational aspects that can contribute classification and compare them to related methods based on
some characteristics. For future work, the visual analysis of web
E. Web scraping
In this research paper, Stephanie Lunn; Jia Zhu; Monique
Ross show that web scraping and Natural Language
Processing (NLP) can be used to obtain and analyze
information from internet sources. they argue that computer
science educators should consider using these tools to
further their own work and to inform pedagogical practice.
Since new information is constantly being generated, finding
new acquisition methods can only serve to benefit
education. [15] In this paper, V. Singrodia, A. Mitra, and S.
Paul have reviewed the various aspects of Web Scrapper.
they have seen the operating principle, strength and
drawbacks and finally viewed the applications of web
scrapping system. Web scraping is a recognizable phrase A. Extract the information
which has expanded its meaning owing to the requirement While generating the text descriptions for relevant key words
of ”free” data. [16] The main outcomes of this project were web scraping is used.Web scraping is basically extract- ing
user friendly search interface, indexing, query processing, data from website using a bot or a web crawler.It is an
and effective data extraction technique based on web automated process which is using Hypertext Transfer Protocol
structure,form submission analysis and new submission plan. or web browser.First it is used to fetch data from website
Hidden web data need synthetic and semantic matching to and extract data from it.Web page content is downloaded as
fully achieve automatic integration in this thesis fully fetching and stored for later processing.Later they are
automatic and domain dependent prototype system is processed and stored in a database or excel files.
proposed that extract and integrate the data lying behind the
search form. [17] B. Generating text description using extracted
information and summarizing that text description into
III. METHODOLOGY meaningful sen- tences.
D. Website Classification
Classify websites is needed ac-cording to the categories.
Which are
Tree, Random Forest, Artificial Neural Networks, Support The reached accuracy was,
Vector Machine are some machine learning algorithms used in
clas- sification. Naive Bayes Classifier has been as the main
algorithm and other algorithms.
1) Naive Bayes Classifier: This classifier based on 3) Linear Support Vector: Here the training data is repre-
Bayes’s Theorem.It gives an assumption of independence sented by points in a space. Separate the categories by a gap as
among other predictors.It make sense that when there is a wide as possible.when new points added it has to decide which
particular feature in the class, it is not related to another space does it belongs to. This algorithm is highly effective
feature present in the same class. All properties contribute in high dimensional spaces and memory efficient. But the
independently to the probability even they depend on each algorithm does not directly provide probability estimates.
other.This algorithm is easy to use for comparatively
large data sets.In the below figure it is given the Bayes
Theorem which use to implement Naive Bayes Classifier.
Confusion Matrix
Confusion matrix is a popular measure for classification
problems.Confusion matrix visualize the performance of a
classification matrix.It represent the counts from predicted
and actual values.This figure shows the formula which uses
to calculate the accuracy of a model. Since accuracy might
be deceptive when applied to unbal- anced data sets,
alternative metrics based on confusion matrix are also
relevant for assessing performance. The reached accuracy was,
Digital Learning comes with many advantages and dis-
advantages to kids.Advertising is relatively harmful for
kids.Easily kids can be influenced by kids. Because their
critical thinking skills and impulse control aren’t fully de-
veloped.Thus adult contents, food advertising, drugs, cultural
G. Merge audio and images to design and create a biases etc. During Covid-9 most of the educational bodies
digital video production team. faced this type of issues and they had to delay their
teaching.Also with the current economic crisis all the
Deliver digital video production with the combining of transportation has come under limitations and it is same as the
image and audio was the next step.Modern technologies covid pandemic.This kind of system helps in this kind of
is used for this too.Combined images and audio have used to situation for all the educational sector. Parents can turn on
deliver video production. OpenCV is used to develop real- monitor privacy settings on personal devices, apps, social
time computer vision.Also MoviePy i a python modeule media, virtual assistants, and wireless networks.Also they can
which is used for video editing.It can do basic operations like use a plan with children to help guide them toward quality
cut, concatenation, title insertions. Using this real-time media content with fewer ads.Use this plan to talk with
optimized Computer Vision library and MoviePy was children about data collection and media content with fewer
developed a video using the scraped images and generated ads.As well as it is okay to talk to school administrators, and
audio. teachers about avoiding digital products with advertising and
using digital privacy settings on the education technology
H. Mobile application tools they use. As a solution It is been categorized all the
For developing mobile application Flutter was used.It is a keywords into categories which can be easily recognized by
modern mobile app developing tech stack created by the system and stop proceeding for unnecessary contents.
Google.It is open source UI software development kit.It is
used to develop Android, iOS, web apps and many other
from a single codebase. Fig. 1 shows the app UI that was
developed for the digital learning.
I. Web development
React is used mostly in building Front End of web ap-
plications.It is free and open source.It is a javascript
library for building user interfaces based on UI
components.React is maintained by Meta and commiunity
of individual developers and companies.React’s modular
nature makes its code more flexible and easier to maintain
when compared to competing frontend frameworks.
Businesses benefit greatly from this flexibility in terms of
time and money savings. Fig. 2
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