Fimmu 12 667343
Fimmu 12 667343
Fimmu 12 667343
Microbes rely upon iron as a cofactor for many enzymes in their central metabolic
processes. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) superoxide and hydrogen peroxide
react rapidly with iron, and inside cells they can generate both enzyme and DNA
damage. ROS are formed in some bacterial habitats by abiotic processes. The
vulnerability of bacteria to ROS is also apparently exploited by ROS-generating host
defense systems and bacterial competitors. Phagocyte-derived O−2 can toxify captured
bacteria by damaging unidentified biomolecules on the cell surface; it is unclear whether
phagocytic H2O2, which can penetrate into the cell interior, also plays a role in suppressing
bacterial invasion. Both pathogenic and free-living microbes activate defensive strategies
to defend themselves against incoming H2O2. Most bacteria sense the H2O2 via OxyR or
PerR transcription factors, whereas yeast uses the Grx3/Yap1 system. In general these
regulators induce enzymes that reduce cytoplasmic H2O2 concentrations, decrease the
Edited by: intracellular iron pools, and repair the H2O2-mediated damage. However, individual
Michael Walch, organisms have tailored these transcription factors and their regulons to suit their
Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
particular environmental niches. Some bacteria even contain both OxyR and PerR,
Reviewed by:
Ryan J. Mailloux,
raising the question as to why they need both systems. In lab experiments these
McGill University, Canada regulators can also respond to nitric oxide and disulfide stress, although it is unclear
Nadia Benaroudj,
whether the responses are physiologically relevant. The next step is to extend these
Institut Pasteur, France
studies to natural environments, so that we can better understand the circumstances in
James A. Imlay which these systems act. In particular, it is important to probe the role they may play in
[email protected] enabling host infection by microbial pathogens.
Specialty section: Keywords: reactive oxygen species, OxyR regulator, peroxide sensing repressor (PerR), Yap1p, nitric oxide
This article was submitted to
Molecular Innate Immunity,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology THE THREAT POSED BY OXYGEN
Received: 12 February 2021 Life evolved 3.8 billion years ago in an anoxic world. The biochemical pathways of these primordial
Accepted: 19 March 2021
organisms were based upon iron-cofactored enzymes, as this transition metal is adept at both redox
Published: 27 April 2021
and ligand-exchange processes. One billion years later, the appearance of photosystem II began the
release of diatomic oxygen into the atmosphere. The oxygen levels in the atmosphere remained
Sen A and Imlay JA (2021) How
Microbes Defend Themselves From
relatively low for another billion years, because photosynthetically generated O2 was quickly
Incoming Hydrogen Peroxide. consumed through its chemical reduction by environmental ferrous iron and sulfide. Only later,
Front. Immunol. 12:667343. once these reductants had been largely titrated, did oxygen accumulate to higher concentrations (1).
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.667343 However, when it did, O2 created an environment that was—and remains—incompatible with
extant organisms, which have inherited their iron-centric and if left unchecked they can oxidize the exposed iron cofactors
metabolic plans from their anoxic forbears. of enzymes that are found throughout metabolism. Further, a
In part the problem is that molecular oxygen oxidizes ferrous secondary reaction between hydrogen peroxide and cellular iron
iron to insoluble ferric hydroxide precipitates, making it difficult pools creates hydroxyl radicals (Figure 1), which are extremely
for cells to acquire enough iron to charge their enzymes. That potent species that can directly oxidize all cellular biomolecules
problem has been substantially ameliorated by the evolution of a (7). This vulnerability to partially reduced oxygen species (ROS)
variety of iron-import tactics (2). However, in addition, oxygen is is universal among contemporary organisms. This review
kinetically active as a univalent oxidant (3). It disrupts the specifically aims to describe the strategies that are used by
metabolism of anaerobic organisms by oxidizing their low- organisms to defray the toxicity of hydrogen peroxide—and to
potential metal cofactors, thereby inactivating key enzymes, highlight the circumstances in which these defenses may not
and by adducting the radical-based enzymes that play be adequate.
specialized roles in metabolism. Contemporary anaerobes have
not solved this problem: In order to optimize their anaerobic
growth, they continue to rely upon enzymes that are directly
disrupted by oxygen, and so these microbes are constrained to REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES ARE
In contrast, organisms that committed to life in oxic OXIC CELLS
environments were able to dispense with low-potential
catalytic strategies, and they employ enzymes that molecular The significance of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was first suggested
oxygen does not damage at an important rate. Yet aerobes have by the discovery in 1900 of an enzyme devoted to degrading it:
residual problems with oxygen. Molecular oxygen is a passable catalase (8). The discoverer, Oscar Loew, noted that it is found in
univalent oxidant, and inside cells it adventitiously steals virtually all tissues, and he made the inference that H2O2 was
electrons from the cofactors of redox-active enzymes (5, 6). likely a by-product of metabolism that, if not removed, must be
The transfer of a single electron results in the formation of toxic to cells. Seventy years later Joe McCord and Irwin Fridovich
superoxide (Figure 1A); the transfer of two electrons results in chanced upon an enzyme that degrades superoxide (O−2 ) (9).
the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Both these species are Subsequent work has extended the cohort of scavenging enzymes
more-potent univalent oxidants than molecular oxygen itself, to include peroxidases and superoxide reductases, and it has
confirmed that virtually no organism lacks the ability to degrade
H2O2 and O−2 .
The model bacterium Escherichia coli contains two
A superoxide dismutases in its cytoplasm and one in its
periplasm. Its cytoplasm also features both an NADH
peroxidase (AhpCF) and two catalases (10) (Figure 2).
Interestingly, some of these enzymes take advantage of the fact
that iron can react with O−2 and H2O2: The original superoxide
dismutase was likely an iron-dependent SOD, and most catalases
use heme to degrade H2O2. Looking more broadly, similar
scavenging systems are distributed through all biological
kingdoms and in most cellular compartments, including the
mitochondria, peroxisomes, and cytoplasm of eukarya.
The importance of these enzymes was revealed by genetic
studies of E. coli: Mutants that lack cytoplasmic SODs, or that
lack Ahp and catalases, were found to be unable to grow under
oxic conditions in a standard glucose medium (10, 11). The
observation confirmed Loew’s postulate, proving both that these
species are generated internally and that if not scavenged they
will cripple cellular metabolism. Direct observation of O−2
FIGURE 1 | (A) The reduction potential of oxygen and reactive oxygen
production is not possible, but mutants that cannot degrade
species. The standard reduction potentials (pH 7) indicate that unlike O2, H2O2 release it into growth media at a rate that connotes an
superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals are potent univalent internal production rate of 10 µM/sec (12). Measurements show
oxidants. The standard concentration of oxygen is regarded as 1 M. (B) The that as little as 0.5 µM intracellular H2O2 is sufficient to poison
classes of damage caused by intracellular O−2 and H2O2. The transfer of
select biosynthetic pathways (13–15). The titers and kinetics of
electrons from redox enzymes to oxygen generates superoxide and hydrogen
peroxide. Both species can oxidize the solvent-exposed iron centers of
the scavenging enzymes are sufficient to suppress internal
mononuclear iron enzymes and [4Fe-4S] dehydratases. Additionally, H2O2 concentrations to about 50 nM—low enough to enable
directly reacts with the intracellular iron pool, which is loosely associated with metabolism to operate without bottlenecks (12).
biomolecules, including DNA. The reaction generates hydroxyl radicals, which The orbital structure of O2 restricts it to accepting a single
can damage DNA.
electron at a time, and its reduction potential (- 0.16 V) is too
FIGURE 2 | H2O2-scavenging enzymes in E. coli. Environmental H2O2 gradually diffuses into the cytoplasm, where it is degraded by NADH peroxidase (AhpCF) and
catalase (KatG). Both are induced by OxyR. Cytoplasmic H2O2 is therefore substantially lower in concentration than is extracellular H2O2. Under hypoxic conditions
OxyR also induces the periplasmic cytochrome c peroxidase (Ccp), which allows the respiratory chain to employ H2O2 as a terminal oxidant. Because H2O2 rapidly
crosses through OM porins, and Ccp activity is moderate, the periplasmic H2O2 concentration is likely equivalent to that outside the cell.
modest for it to directly oxidize most biomolecules (3). However, injuries that these ROS create. The mutants can grow at wild-
O2 can accept electrons from electron donors such as metal type rates under anoxic conditions, but they require
centers, flavins, and quinones. These are all prominent electron supplementation with aromatic and branched-chain amino
carriers in the E. coli respiratory chain, yet the rate at which cells acids if they are to grow in oxic media (11, 13–15, 20). They
produce endogenous H2O2 did not substantially diminish in are also unable to use any carbon source, such as acetate, that
mutants that lacked the respiratory enzymes, suggesting that in required a fully functional TCA cycle (21, 22). Further scrutiny
this bacterium O−2 and H2O2 are primarily produced by the identified particular enzymes whose damage resulted in
accidental autooxidation of non-respiratory flavoproteins (5, 6) these defects.
(Figure 1). These proteins are found throughout metabolism, The aromatic biosynthesis defect derives from the ability of
and many, including glutathione reductase, lipoamide H2O2 to oxidize the Fe(II) cofactor of the first enzyme of the
dehydrogenase, and glutamate synthase, have been shown to pathway, DAHP synthase (15). The resulting Fe(III) atom
release ROS in vitro (16–18). The small size of O2 prevents its dissociates. The role of the iron atom is both to bind substrate
exclusion from most active sites, and its collision with reduced and to stabilize an oxyanion intermediate in the catalytic cycle;
flavins triggers the consecutive transfer of one or two electrons, therefore, the resultant apoenzyme is completely inactive and the
generating O−2 or H2O2, respectively (19). The rate is naturally pathway fails. Other mononuclear Fe(II) enzymes such as
proportionate to collision frequency, meaning that ROS ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase, peptide deformylase,
formation is more rapid in highly oxic environments. This threonine dehydrogenase, and cytosine deaminase are similarly
math presumably underlies the observation that most damaged (13, 14). Notably, the reaction between Fe(II) and H2O2
organisms cannot tolerate oxygen levels that substantially also generates a hydroxyl radical. If the catalytic Fe(II) atom is
exceed those of their natural habitat. coordinated by a cysteine side chain, the hydroxyl radical reacts
immediately with this sacrificial residue, creating a sulfenic acid
(Figure 3) (13). Cellular thioredoxins and glutaredoxins can
reduce this moiety back to a native cysteine residue, thereby
THE CLASSES OF DAMAGE CAUSED allowing Fe(II) to bind and the activity to be restored (13). In
BY SUPEROXIDE AND contrast, when H2O2 oxidizes the Fe(II) of enzymes that lack
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE such a residue, the nascent hydroxyl radical oxidizes other active-
site ligands, creating lesions that are irreversible. These reactions
The phenotypes of SOD mutants and of catalase/peroxidase are one source of the protein carbonylation that can be detected
mutants enabled investigators to track down the specific in H2O2-stressed cells (13).
FIGURE 3 | The damage caused to mononuclear iron proteins by hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 directly oxidizes the solvent-exposed Fe(II) cofactor, which then
dissociates. The ferryl (FeO2+) species that is formed in this reaction can directly oxidize the polypeptide ligands to the iron atom, irreversibly inactivating the enzyme.
However, if a cysteine residue coordinates the iron, it will quench the ferryl radical (as shown). The enzyme activity can then be restored by reduction of the cysteine
sulfenate residue, probably by thioredoxins. OxyR induces the MntH manganese importer, allowing the proteins to be metallated with Mn(II), which provides activity
and does not react with H2O2.
The branched-chain biosynthetic defects as well as the TCA- oxidation remains high enough that mutants lacking these
cycle defects are caused by the oxidation of the [4Fe-4S] clusters repair pathways cannot grow in oxic environments (34, 35).
of dehydratase enzymes (20, 22–26). A solvent-exposed iron Thus, organisms that dwell in oxic habitats can do so only
atom of these clusters binds substrate directly, activating it for because they have acquired an array of both scavenging and
deprotonation and subsequently completing the dehydration by repair functions. The level of these enzymes is high and their
abstracting a hydroxide anion. But the same exposed iron atom synthesis is costly; accordingly, their titers have been calibrated
can be oxidized by hydrogen peroxide to an unstable [4Fe-4S]3+ to barely withstand the amount of stress commensurate with the
state (Figure 4); this valence is unstable, and the cluster quickly oxygen level of the native environment (36, 37). This
disintegrates into a [3Fe-4S]+ form that lacks the catalytic, arrangement is successful under routine growth conditions.
solvent-exposed iron atom (24). Interestingly, the hydroxyl However, we shall see that it becomes inadequate if special
radical that is formed during this process pulls a second circumstances elevate the production of ROS.
electron from the iron-sulfur cluster; thus, a hydroxide anion,
rather than a hydroxyl radical, is released into the active site, and
polypeptide oxidation is avoided. Cells continuously repair these
damaged clusters, so that the steady-state activity of these THE PROBLEM OF EXOGENOUS
enzymes reflects the balance between the oxidation and repair OXIDATIVE STRESS
rates (21, 27, 28).
In addition to the metabolic defects described above, H2O2 Exogenous Sources of Superoxide
can also react with the cytoplasmic pool of loose iron that is used Both environmental photochemistry and chemical redox
to metallate nascent iron-dependent enzymes (Figure 1B). Iron reactions generate O−2 (38), but the steady-state level of O−2
is sticky, and this pool is thought to adhere to a wide variety of formed in this way is unlikely to be high enough to pose a risk
biomolecules, including the surface of nucleic acids (29). DNA for cells. Notably, the known targets of O−2 are iron enzymes that
thereby acts as a locus of hydroxyl radical production, and so are cytoplasmic, and O−2 is a charged species that cannot cross
DNA damage is a universal consequence of H2O2 stress (30–33). membranes to get at them (39, 40). However, both microbes and
Some oxidative base lesions are mutagenic; others comprise higher organisms have evolved mechanisms by which they can
replication blocks. All organisms therefore wield enzymes use O−2 to poison unwanted competitors.
devoted to the excision or recombinational repair of oxidative Mammals, plants, and amoebae have all weaponized an
lesions. Even though the level of endogenous H2O2 is well- NADPH oxidase to kill bacteria (41, 42). Mammalian
controlled in scavenger-proficient E. coli, the rate of DNA phagocytes engulf microbial invaders and spray them with
FIGURE 5 | Formation of ROS by phagosomes. NADPH oxidase (Nox) generates superoxide which cannot penetrate the cytoplasmic membranes of the engulfed
bacteria. It is believed that either superoxide or its protonated form injures extracytoplasmic targets. Additionally, membrane-permeable H2O2 is generated through
dismutation. Calculations suggested that the levels of O−2 , HO2• and H2O2 in isolated macrophages range from 10–50 mM, 0.1–4 mM and 1–4 mM, respectively,
depending upon phagosomal pH. Modeling predicts a similar H2O2 concentration inside neutrophils. The H2O2 levels would rise, however, if it accumulates it the
surrounding tissue.
respiration and any associated ROS formation (56). However, of H2O2 inside the macrophage phagosome, despite the rapid
this interpretation has been challenged (55, 57–59). Most of these rate at which it is formed. Estimates are that the steady-state level
protectants also have the capacity to slow metabolism, and it is falls well below 10 µM (46). Such doses may be enough to induce
well known that the efficacy of antibiotic action depends upon a stress responses in the captive bacteria, but they are unlikely to be
robust growth rate. Moreover, tests of antibiotic action did not lethal. The major caveat to this analysis is that it presumes that
detect oxidative damage to ROS-sensitive enzymes or to DNA; the environment acts as a one-way sink for the H2O2. However, if
the rate of H2O2 formation (measured in scavenging mutants) H2O2 accumulates within inflamed tissue, the H2O2 flow is
was not accelerated; and the E. coli response to H2O2 stress bidirectional, and the level that accumulates may in principle
(below) was not triggered. Finally, no clear model has emerged be far higher. Clearly, this question cries out for direct
to explain how such diverse stresses could create toxic measurements of H2O2 in vivo.
levels of ROS. More work must be done to resolve these The rate of H2O2 production in neutrophils is substantially
contradictory observations. higher than that in macrophages—but the fact that H2O2 is a
substrate of myeloperoxidase has once again been projected to
Exogenous Sources of Hydrogen Peroxide cap the level at which it can accumulate (47). In sum, although at
H2O2 is chemically formed in habitats though abiotic reactions first blush it seems a no-brainer that H2O2 would contribute
between sulfur and oxygen at oxic/anoxic surfaces and the mightily to the killing actions of these cells, that point is not
photochemical reduction of oxygen by chromophores (60–63). yet resolved.
Levels can reach 1 µM in the ocean (64, 65). It can also be
produced as part of the plant wound response, during the
inflammatory response of mammalian hosts—and, notably, as a
primary metabolic by-product of many lactic acid bacteria (66– THE ROLE OF OxyR DURING HYDROGEN
70). The latter organisms often lack respiratory chains and use the PEROXIDE STRESS
two-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to recycle reduced
NADH, thereby indirectly improving the ATP yield of what is When external levels of H2O2 exceed a few micromolar, its flux
otherwise a fermentative process. It seems likely that the excreted into microbes threatens to elevate its internal concentration to
H2O2 may suppress the growth of competitors. The ability of toxic levels, despite the action of scavenging enzymes. To cope,
lactic-acid bacteria to tolerate their own H2O2 is impressive: They virtually all microbes possess inducible stress responses that are
can achieve high densities in lab cultures in which millimolar focused upon H2O2. The paradigmatic system is the OxyR
H2O2 has accumulated. This tolerance appears to be due to the response of E. coli (71). OxyR is a H2O2-activated transcription
absence of oxidant-sensitive dehydratases and mononuclear Fe(II) factor. It is not activated merely by movement of E. coli into oxic
enzymes. This adaptation is not without a price: These bacteria are environments, and oxyR mutants are capable of normal aerobic
unable to synthesize many amino acids, and they lack a TCA cycle growth. However, OxyR is activated when exogenous H2O2
and the improved energy yield that comes with it. accumulates to ~ 0.2 mM in the cytoplasm, which is achieved
Unlike superoxide, H2O2 is an uncharged, albeit polar, by about 3 µM external H2O2 (60, 72). Null mutants cannot grow
molecule that can cross cell membranes. Because this process at these levels of environmental H2O2.
is relatively slow, when bacteria venture into environments The OxyR protein contains a sensory cysteine residue (C199)
containing extracellular H 2 O 2 , the high activities of that is directly oxidized by H2O2, generating a sulfenic acid
intracellular catalases and peroxidases succeed at lowering (-SOH) (73). As a result, the residue moves from the
internal H 2 O 2 concentrations below that of the external hydrophobic pocket in which it is buried and swings toward
environment (12). The transmembrane gradient for E. coli has the C208 residue, which then condenses to form a disulfide bond
been estimated to be 5- to 10-fold between the external world (Figure 6). This bond locks OxyR into its activated conformer,
and the cytoplasm. Indeed, although 0.5 µM internal H2O2 is and its DNA binding ability differs from that of the reduced
sufficient to impair the growth of this bacterium in lab cultures, protein. In E. coli the reduced form has little transcriptional
external concentrations of up to 5 µM seem to be tolerated impact upon most genes, but the oxidized form recruits RNA
without an overt growth defect (60). Thus the limited polymerase and thereby activates the expression of genes that
permeability of membranes to H2O2 is essential to the efficacy possess an OxyR binding site. In many other bacteria, reduced
of scavenging enzymes and to the ability of bacteria to grow in OxyR acts as a repressor, and upon its oxidation it releases the
many habitats. DNA, stimulating gene expression (74, 75). In still other bacteria
Of great interest to biologists is the role that phagocyte- gene expression is both repressed by the reduced form and
derived H2O2 may play in suppressing microbial infection activated by the oxidized form. The conformational change is
(Figure 5). The O−2 that is produced by host NADPH oxidase manifested by an alteration of its DNA footprint (76).
will dismutate, either spontaneously or via enzymic catalysis, to Free cysteine reacts very slowly with H2O2 (2 M-1 s-1), and
generate H2O2. The ability of H2O2 to cross membranes likely typical cysteine residues of proteins do, too (77). Yet in OxyR the
enables it to enter phagocytosed bacteria—but it also allows it to sensing cysteine residue reacts with a rate constant of 105
diffuse across the phagosomal membrane, into the producing allowing it to detect micromolar H2O2 in seconds (72, 78). In
cell, and potentially out into extracellular environments. that respect the hyperreactive cysteine of OxyR resembles the
Modeling suggests that this effusion sharply limits the amount catalytic cysteine residue of thiol-based peroxidases, including
that deal with the damage that H2O2 produces (Table 1). The
peroxidase AhpCF and the catalase KatG are each induced more
than 10-fold in order to scavenge H2O2 (Figure 2). Why two
enzymes? AhpCF is an efficient scavenger when the H2O2
concentration is less than 10 mM and the cell is well-fed (10).
However, AhpCF requires NADH as a reductant, and so its
activity becomes limited when catabolic substrates are scarce. In
contrast, catalases do not require reductants, and they can
degrade H 2 O 2 faster than Ahp. However, catalases are
problematic when the H2O2 concentrations are low, since their
two-step catalytic cycle can stall with the heme in its intermediate
ferryl radical form. This species is a potent oxidant, and unless it
is quenched by a reductant, it can abstract electrons from the
surrounding polypeptide and inactivate the enzyme (81). The
KatG catalase of E. coli—and of many other bacteria—has a
channel that apparently enables small-molecule reductants to
approach the active site and quench the high-valence heme (84);
FIGURE 6 | OxyR activation in E. coli. The oxidation of the sensory C199 for this reason the enzyme is denoted a catalase/peroxidase,
cysteine by H2O2 leads to the formation of a disulfide bond between C199 though the peroxidase activity by itself is too slow to comprise an
and C208. The resulting conformational change causes OxyR to bind as a efficient scavenging mechanism (85).
tetramer to the promoter regions, which recruits RNA polymerase, and results
When H2O2 levels are high, the existential threat to bacteria is
in the transcription of genes in the OxyR regulon. In many other bacteria the
reduced form also binds DNA, albeit in an elongated conformation that that DNA oxidation will prove lethal. This damage is driven by
represses transcription; oxidation again converts it to a transcriptional the intracellular iron pool (86), and so the OxyR system employs
activator. several mechanisms to diminish it (Figure 7). Dps, a
dodecameric mini-ferritin, is induced to sequester
unincorporated iron in its hollow core (87–89). This action
AhpC of E. coli. In the latter enzyme an adjacent cationic residue requires that loose Fe(II) be oxidized to Fe(III), and for this
facilitates the deprotonation of cysteine, which provides an reaction Dps apparently uses H2O2 as a co-substrate. One benefit
order-of-magnitude improvement in its reactivity with H2O2 is that Dps will stop storing iron when H2O2 concentrations
(79). A plausible explanation for the remaining enhancement is drop. The iron-uptake repressor Fur is also induced (90). In
that the nucleophilic cysteine is arranged in a large hydrophobic unstressed cells Fur:Fe(II) complexes signal that the cell has
cleft. Surrounding hydrogen bonds could polarize the dioxygen sufficient iron, and this form occludes the promoters of genes
bond, making it vulnerable to attack, and one of the residues that encode iron import systems (2). When H2O2 is present,
can protonate the hydroxide leaving group, pulling the reaction
forward. As a result, thiol-based peroxidases have a rate constant
of 107M-1 s-1, which is appropriate for their physiological role
TABLE 1 | Genes induced by OxyR during hydrogen peroxide stress in E. coli.
(80, 81). A similar physical arrangement may explain the high
rate constant of OxyR as well. Gene Function Role during H2O2 stress
It follows that the activation of OxyR is an excellent marker of
H2O2 stress. This effect can be tracked by monitoring the ahpCF NADH peroxidase Scavenge H2O2
katG Catalase
expression of OxyR-controlled genes—or by visualizing the
ccp Cytochrome c peroxidase Uses H2O2 as a terminal electron
intrinsic fluorescence of HyPer, an engineered chimera of
OxyR and yellow-fluorescent protein (82). HyPer is as
dps Mini-ferritin Reduce the intracellular iron pool
responsive to H2O2 as is OxyR itself, and its oxidation status fur Repressor of iron import
can be visualized either by microscopy or flow cytometry. yaaA Unknown
Importantly, two-wavelength analysis can correct for variable clpSA Chaperone Activate Fe/S enzymes
HyPer content in different samples, thereby avoiding loading sufA-E Iron sulfur-assembly
artifacts that can arise when redox-active dyes are employed as hemF Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase Heme synthesis
ROS sensors. hemH Ferrochelatase
mntH Manganese importer Activate mononuclear Fe
gor Glutathione reductase Maintain the thiol status
grxA Glutaredoxin 1
When E. coli is stressed by an influx of H2O2, activated OxyR
oxyS Non-coding RNA Role unknown
stimulates the transcription of over two dozen genes (83). These isrC Non-coding RNA
mainly fall into three categories: proteins that reduce the H2O2 flu Antigen 43
concentration, proteins that shrink the iron pool, and proteins fhuF Ferric iron reductase
FIGURE 7 | OxyR control of the intracellular iron pool. In order to minimize DNA damage, OxyR decreases the intracellular iron pool by inducing Dps, YaaA, and
Fur. The Clp system maintains a small residual iron pool to enable synthesis of iron-dependent enzymes. The H2O2-responsive PerR regulon in Bacillus subtilis also
controls Fur and MrgA, which is a Dps homolog.
the oxidation of Fe(II) by H2O2 can deactivate Fur, potentially gambit, E. coli uses the Clp protease system to maintain this
leading to the disastrous import of more iron. The induction by delicate balance (27). The Clp proteins help to release some iron
OxyR of higher levels of Fur seems to partially correct this from Dps, allowing for the repair of [4Fe-4S] clusters (Figure 7).
problem (91). Finally, YaaA is a protein whose biochemical Interestingly, genetic data raise the possibility that the Clp
action is not understood but which demonstrably shrinks the proteins do so not by degrading Dps but perhaps by unfolding it.
iron pool (92). Mutants that lack any of these proteins—Dps, Not all the members of the OxyR regulon have been
Fur, or YaaA—exhibit high levels of intracellular iron and suffer explained. Glutaredoxin 1 is induced. This dithiol compound is
rapid DNA damage during protracted H2O2 stress. capable of reducing protein disulfide bonds, and it helps to
While the drop in iron pools helps protect DNA, it creates a deactivate OxyR once the H2O2 stress has dissipated (75).
problem for the synthesis or repair of iron-cofactored enzymes. However, the reasons for the induction of glutathione
Iron cofactors comprise three main types—iron-sulfur clusters, reductase and thioredoxin 2, which also reduce disulfide
mononuclear Fe(II) groups, and heme—and the OxyR system bonds, are less clear. It would be surprising if low-micromolar
turns on adaptations to sustain the function of enzymes that use H2O2 directly oxidized typical protein thiols—the rate constants
each. E. coli typically uses Isc-based machinery to build iron- for these reactions are too low (37, 77). An alternative is that
sulfur clusters (93, 94), but during H2O2 stress the secondary Suf these systems repair [4Fe-4S] enzymes and mononuclear Fe
system is induced (95, 96) (Figure 4). For unknown reasons, this enzymes: Cluster reactivation requires a dithiol in vitro (21),
system works well when iron levels are low (97), making it better and the reactivation of mononuclear enzymes can require the
than the house-keeping Isc system, which is poisoned by H2O2 reduction of an active-site disulfide (13). An alternative—
(21). The induction of a manganese importer (MntH) (98) described below—is that these sulfur reducing systems are
enables mononuclear enzymes to become metallated by Mn(II) useful if OxyR moonlights as a sensor of other thiol-
rather than Fe(II) (Figure 3). Manganese is not as efficient a derivatizing stresses.
catalyst as iron, but it remains available even as Dps sequesters In E. coli both the reduced and oxidized forms of OxyR
iron, and it is unreactive with H2O2 and thereby enables the repress oxyR itself by binding over its promoter; this action
mononuclear enzymes to remain functional (13). Finally, ensures that the titers of OxyR are controlled and do not change
continued heme synthesis is facilitated by the induction of during H2O2 stress (76). Transcriptomic data suggest that
HemH, which encodes ferrochelatase (99). This enzyme inserts oxidized OxyR may repress several additional genes, including
ferrous iron into porphyrins to complete heme synthesis, but it those that encode the periplasmic disulfide bond chaperone
could potentially become a bottleneck when Fe(II) levels are DsbG, the ferric iron reductase FhuF, the inner membrane
diminished. Induction of the enzyme helps to circumvent protein of unknown function YbjC, and the NADPH
that problem. nitroreductase NfsA (83, 99). The significance of this
Thus, maintaining a balance in the intracellular iron pool regulation remains unknown.
during H2O2 stress is challenging. The cells need to keep the Most members of the regulon have functions that either
levels low enough to avoid DNA damage, but not so low that the prevent injuries or allow the cell to tolerate them. The regulon
synthesis of Fe-dependent enzymes is inhibited. As one final is very successful at this: Whereas one micromolar of H2O2 in the
environment fully blocks the growth of an OxyR-deficient strain, TABLE 2 | Mechanism of OxyR control in different bacteria.
a wild-type strain is able to adapt and grow in 10 micromolar or Bacteria Oxygen OxyR control
more (60). Indeed, a final member of the OxyR regulon, cytochrome tolerance
c peroxidase, is a periplasm-facing membrane-bound enzyme that
Acinetobacter baumannii Aerobe Activator and repressor (109)
allows E. coli to actually exploit environmental H2O2 as a respiratory
oxidant when oxygen and nitrate are unavailable (100) (Figure 2). It Caulobacter crescentus Aerobe Activator (110)
is likely that the enzyme plays a role at oxic/anoxic interfaces near Burkholderia psuedomallei Aerobe Activator and repressor (104)
the intestinal epithelium, where H2O2 may be formed and may Corynebacterium
diffuse into anoxic zones. diphtheriae
Corynebacterium Aerobe Repressor (107, 111, 112)
Deinococcus radiodurans Aerobe Activator and repressor (113, 114)
OxyR IS MODIFIED DEPENDING Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aerobe Activator and repressor (102,
108, 115)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Aerobe Repressor (106)
Neisseria meningitidis Activator and repressor (103)
The OxyR system has been most fully studied in E. coli, where it
is presumably adapted for the enteric environment. Similarly, Streptomyces coelicolor Aerobe Activator (116)
other bacteria seem to have adapted the OxyR regulon to suit E. coli Facultative Activator and repressor (83)
their particular niches; they exhibit differences in terms of the
regulation mechanism, the number of OxyR homologs, and the Haemophilus influenzae Facultative Activator (117, 118)
identity of the genes in the regulon. Porphyromonas gingivalis,
Klebsiella pneumoniae Facultative Activator (119)
for example, encounters two types of environments: the oral
cavity where the oxygen tension is high and the hemin
Rhodobacter sphaeroides Facultative Activator (120)
concentrations are low, and the periodontal pockets, which
contain mixed microbial communities that lower the oxygen
Magnetospirillum Facultative Activator (121)
levels and are bathed with proteins such as hemoglobin that serve gryphiswaldense anaerobe
as a source of hemin. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the OxyR protein
Salmonella typhimurium Facultative Activator (71)
in P. gingivalis senses both signals, as evidenced by the further anaerobe
activation of OxyR-regulated genes in a hemin-limited Serratia marcescens Facultative Activator (122)
environment under anaerobic conditions (101). Interestingly, anaerobe
measurements of the OxyR regulon genes indicate that they are Shewanella oneidensis Facultative Activator and repressor (105)
constitutively expressed. This observation is consistent with the anaerobe
idea that the OxyR protein has mutated into a locked-on form, Vibrio cholerae Facultative Activator (123–125)
presumably as an adaptation to their environment, which Vibrio vulnificus anaerobe
contains H2O2-generating lactic acid bacteria. Bacteroides fragilis Activator (126–128)
With a few exceptions (83), OxyR in E. coli predominantly Bacteroides Anaerobe
acts as an activator. However, in a variety of other organisms, it acts thetaiotaomicron
as a repressor and/or an activator, sometimes of the same gene: Porphyromonas gingivalis Anaerobe Activator (101)
Reduced OxyR is a repressor and oxidized OxyR is an activator for Tannerella forsythia Anaerobe Activator (129)
the catalases katG in Burkholderia pseudomallei, katB in Shewanella
oneidensis, kat in Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, in other organisms it may be more beneficial to preemptively
cat in Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and katA in Pseudomonas synthesize basal levels of catalase to guard against a sudden
aeruginosa (102–108). In these organisms, oxyR mutants exhibit a deluge of oxidative stress. Under those conditions, the basal
higher basal level of catalase expression compared to wild-type cells, expression can help with the initial stress, and the activation of
as measured by gene expression and protein measurements. The OxyR can further increase the scavenging enzyme titers.
presence of H2O2 further increases these levels in a wild-type cell but Organisms such as Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio vulnificus, and
not in an oxyR mutant, indicating both repressor and activator Deinococcus radiodurans each deploy two OxyR proteins. In V.
function. It is unclear why there is value in having OxyR act as a vulnificus, a facultative anaerobe that occasionally encounters
repressor in some organisms and as an activator in others (Table 2). aeration, the two proteins are calibrated to sense different levels
Its action as both a repressor and an activator may create a step- of H2O2 (123–125). The more sensitive OxyR (VvOxyR2) is
function-like turn-on switch, as a modest amount of H2O2 stress activated by endogenous H2O2 that is formed when the cell is
may be inadequate to fully convert the OxyR population to an aerated, whereas the less sensitive OxyR (VvOxyR1) is only
activator form, and the residual reduced enzyme may block the activated by an influx of exogenous H 2 O 2 from the
action of a subpopulation of oxidized protein. In organisms that are environment. Accordingly, VvOxyR2 induces a peroxidase
exposed to low, continuous levels of H2O2 stress, AhpCF may suffice (VvPrx2) that has a higher activity at lower H2O2 levels
to protect the cell from H2O2, but when H2O2 levels become high, a compared to a second peroxidase (VvPrx1) that is induced by
full commitment to catalase synthesis may be called for. Conversely, VvOxyR1. VvPrx1 becomes necessary because high levels of
H2O2 can irreversibly over-oxidize the catalytic cysteine residue host that lacked its phagocytic NADPH oxidase (135).
of VvPrx2. It is unclear why there are two OxyR proteins in D. Presumably growth of the mutant was inhibited by H2O2 that
radiodurans. The two proteins seem to regulate different genes: was created by other environmental sources, such as competing
OxyR1 activates katE and represses mntH and dps, and OxyR2 lactic acid bacteria.
represses katG and the hemin transport genes (113, 114).
In some bacteria the OxyR regulon includes genes that are
unrelated to iron control or H2O2 degradation. Superoxide
dismutase is regulated by OxyR in P. gingivalis and THE THIOL-SENSING MECHANISM
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, seemingly implying that superoxide OF Yap1p
stress occurs concomitant with H2O2 stress (101, 130, 131).
Perhaps the obligate anaerobe P. gingivalis, like Bacteroides The model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae also activates a
thetaiotaomicron (132, 133), generates toxic doses of both defensive response when it senses hazardous H2O2 in its
superoxide and H2O2 whenever it enters oxic environments; environment—but although it depends upon a thiol-based
thus, it may use H2O2 as a proxy to detect aerated habitats. In sensor to do so, the sensor is unrelated to OxyR. Yap1p is the
contrast, P. aeruginosa is an aerobe—but its special feature is that key transcription factor (138). Its amino-terminus has a bZip
in competitive environments it synthesizes pyocyanin, a redox- DNA-binding domain, but in the absence of H2O2, Yap1p
active compound which can produce both ROS, perhaps to shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm (Figure 8).
poison competitors (134). This behavior may necessitate the However, when H2O2 levels rise, Yap1p is indirectly activated.
simultaneous synthesis of both superoxide and H2O2 defenses The cytoplasmic Gpx3 is a glutathione peroxidase whose
lest P. aeruginosa also poison itself. Meanwhile, DNA-binding catalytic Cys36 residue is alternatively oxidized to a sulfenic
assays and transcriptional analyses have shown that in acid by H2O2 and reduced to the thiol by glutathione, with the
Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense OxyR induces the synthesis average redox state dictated by the level of H2O2. This sulfenic
of genes involved in magnetosome production (121). acid form can react with the C598 residue of Yap1p, which is part
Magnetotactic bacteria make internal magnetic particles as a of the cysteine-rich domain in the N-terminus, to form an
way to orient themselves and dive into deeper water where there interprotein disulfide intermediate. Subsequent thiol-disulfide
is less oxygen to impair these oxygen-sensitive bacteria; one exchange reactions lead to the formation of an intramolecular
infers that H2O2 is an environmental signal that triggers this disulfide bond between Yap1 C303 and C598, causing global
defensive taxis. Together, these data indicate that OxyR has been conformational change. As a result, the Yap1 nuclear export
adapted by different organisms in ways that fit their unique signal is hidden, which blocks its interaction with the nuclear
environmental niche. exporter Crm1 (139–141). The resultant nuclear localization of
A key question is whether OxyR plays a leading role in Yap1p results in the activation of several genes. Thus, unlike
defending bacteria from the H2O2 that phagocytes produce as OxyR, the cysteine residues of Yap1p do not directly react with
part of the cell-based immune response. Calculations predict H2O2. This difference may ensure that Yap1p stays activated
phagosomal H2O2 levels (47, 66) that are adequate to activate even after migrating into the nucleus, where the H2O2 may not
OxyR, at least in E. coli (60), and local H2O2 levels could be as high as in the cytoplasm.
conceivably rise far higher in contained environments, such as In broad outline, the membership of the Yap1p regulon
abscesses. Infection data support this idea. OxyR is important in overlaps with that of the OxyR regulon (Table 3). These
the colonizing ability of pathogens such as E. coli O1:K1:H7, proteins scavenge H2O2, change iron levels, and influence the
Bacteroides fragilis, and Hemophilus influenzae: Mutants lacking thiol status of the cell (146, 147). Yap1p induces several
oxyR were unable to colonize animal models or to induce peroxidases, including Ahp1, Gpx2, and Tsa1, that scavenge
abscesses in competition assays where they were mixed with cytosolic H2O2; it is currently unclear why there are three such
wild-type cells (118, 126, 135). Biofilms can also shelter bacteria systems. The glutathione reductase GLR1 is induced to reduce
from external stressors—perhaps including H 2 O 2 that is the glutathione disulfide that is formed when Gpx2 reduces
produced by an inflammatory response. The OxyR responses H2O2. Additionally, Yap1p also drives synthesis of Ctt1, a
of Serratia marcescens, Neiserria gonorrhoeae, Klebsiella cytosolic catalase. The mitochondrial iron exporter Mmt1 is
pneumoniae, and Tannerella forsythia mediate biofilm also induced. It has been hypothesized that iron is exported in
formation, a process that helps the bacteria to persist in hosts order to avoid H2O2 damage to the mitochondrial DNA (145).
(119, 122, 129, 136). The OxyR system is required for swarming Alternatively, the flow of iron into the cytosol may help the
motility and the production of exotoxins by P. aeruginosa: oxyR repair of Fe-S clusters of H2O2-sensitive enzymes, such as
mutants were non-motile on plates and were unable to inhibit LeuCD, that are localized there. Similar to OxyR, Yap1p is
dendritic cell proliferation (134, 137). However, while these ultimately turned off by a thioredoxin system that consists of
observations demonstrate a role for OxyR in coping with host thioredoxins Trx1 and Trx2 and thioredoxin reductase
environments, they do not directly implicate the host response as Trr1 (148).
the source of the H2O2 stress. Indeed, models of urinary tract The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe features an
infection demonstrated that oxyR mutants of E. coli were interesting orthologue of the Yap1 system: Nuclear localization
unsuccessful at colonization—but this phenotype persisted in a of the Pap1 transcription factor is accomplished when it receives
FIGURE 8 | Yap1p activation. H2O2 oxidizes the C36 residue of glutathione peroxidase (Gpx3). The resulting sulfenate interacts with C598 in the C-terminal domain
of Yap1p to form a intermolecular disulfide bond. Subsequent thiol-disulfide exchange reactions produce C303-C598 and C310-C629 disulfide bonds in Yap1p.
Yap1p accumulates in the nucleus, leading to the activation of the Yap1p regulated genes. When H2O2 diminishes, Yap1p is reduced by the thioredoxin system; this
change makes its nuclear export signal accessible to Crm, causing Yap1p to be transported back out of the nucleus.
TABLE 3 | Genes induced by Yap1p during hydrogen peroxide stress in yeast. PerR takes advantage of the reaction between Fe(II) and H2O2 to
detect the stress. Most extensively studied in Bacillus subtilis
Gene Function Role during H2O2 stress
(150–152), PerR is a Fur homolog containing a structural zinc
AHP1 Cytoplasmic alkyl hydroperoxidase Scavenge H2O2 (142–144) site and a regulatory metal binding site. It was probably easy to
GPX2 Cytoplasmic glutathione peroxidase evolve Fur to sense H2O2 stress: Fur:Fe(II) already reacts with
TSA1 Cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxidase
H2O2, and Fur and PerR are sufficiently similar in primary
CTT1 Cytoplasmic catalase T
sequence that genomic inspection cannot reliably distinguish
MMT1 Mitochondrial iron exporter Reduce the mitochondrial
iron pool (145)
the two.
PerR acts as a dimeric repressor when it is bound to either Mn
GSH1 Cytoplasmic glutamylcysteine
synthetase (II) or Fe(II). Under most growth conditions, PerR has a greater
GLR1 Cytoplasmic glutathione reductase Maintain the thiol status binding affinity for Fe2+. However, in iron-limited medium that
(142, 146) has been supplemented with manganese, PerR binds to Mn(II).
TRX2 Cytoplasmic thioredoxin The identity of the metal is functionally important, as Mn-bound
TRR1 Cytoplasmic thioredoxin reductase
PerR does not react with H2O2. This is probably by evolutionary
design, as manganese-rich/iron-poor cells are intrinsically less
vulnerable to H2O2. Because manganese supplants iron in
a disulfide bond from thiol peroxidase [reviewed in (149)]. One
mononuclear enzymes and a paucity of iron precludes much
intriguing feature of its regulon is that it includes not only familiar
DNA damage, cells need not waste resources defending
H2O2 defenses but also drug-resistance genes. This feature raises the
themselves against H2O2. In contrast, Fe-bound PerR reacts
possibility that H2O2 stress is frequently imposed upon S. pombe by
with H2O2 (Figure 9) with a rate constant of 105 M-1 s-1,
natural antibiotics, much as the linkage of drug pumps and SOD to
which approximates that of OxyR (153); the similarity in rate
the SoxRS system of E. coli reveals that redox-cycling drugs are a
constants suggests that the same level of H2O2 may be toxic in B.
natural source of superoxide stress.
subtilis as in E. coli. The reaction oxidizes two of the His ligands
bound to iron, forming 2-oxo-histidine; because the oxidized
THE Fe-BASED SENSING MECHANISM ligands cannot bind metal and the oxidation cannot be reversed,
OF PerR the repressor is permanently inactivated (154). Intriguingly, in
vivo studies have shown that the majority of PerR in
Some bacteria rely on a thiol-independent mechanism of H2O2 Staphylococcus aureus (PerRSA) is present in the oxidized form
sensing. Unlike OxyR and Yap1p, the transcriptional repressor during aerobic growth, whereas this is not true of the B. subtilis
FIGURE 9 | PerR activation. PerR is a dimeric DNA-binding protein, and it BACTERIA USE PerR DIFFERENTLY
binds two metal ions per monomer. The first ion is a structural Zn2+ that is BASED ON THEIR NICHE
necessary for dimerization and structural integrity. The second metal ion
enables DNA binding, and can either be Fe2+ or Mn2+. Only PerR bound to
Similar to OxyR, PerR has also been adapted by bacteria to fit
Fe2+ is responsive to H2O2. The oxidation of Fe2+ by H2O2 generates a
localized hydroxyl/ferryl radical, which irreversibly oxidizes either of two His
their particular niches. Differences have emerged in the types of
ligands (H37 or H91) to form 2-oxo-histidine. Metal binding is blocked, PerR PerR, what it senses, and the genes that it controls. Most bacteria
dissociates from promoter sites, and the regulon is induced. have a single PerR regulator, such as Staphylococcus aureus,
Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, and Helicobacter
hepaticus (161–165). On the other hand, Bacillus Licheniformis
PerR (PerRBS) (155). When PerRSA and PerRBS were alternately has one PerR and two PerR-like proteins, both of which can
expressed in the same organism, the KatA activity and transcript sense H2O2 by histidine oxidation (166). Other bacteria contain
levels of PerR-regulated genes were higher with PerRSA. One both OxyR and PerR, including N. gonorrhoeae, B.
explanation is that PerRSA is more reactive than PerRBS and can thetaiotaomicron, and D. radiodurans (133, 167, 168); it is not
sense lower concentrations of H2O2. yet clear why they would require both sensing systems.
The inactivation of PerR results in the derepression of the PerR The importance of PerR in different organisms may reflect the
regulon, which again controls proteins that scavenge H2O2 and that circumstances under which these bacteria experience H2O2 stress.
lower the level of loose intracellular iron (156) (Table 4). AhpCF and Low-level aeration induces the PerR regulon of the anaerobe
KatA are induced to reduce the intracellular H2O2 levels. MrgA, Clostridium acetobutylicum, perhaps due to endogenous H2O2
which is a homolog of Dps, sequesters iron. Fur, as in E. coli, helps to formation (169); as oxygen levels rise, induction of the regulon is
reduce the intracellular iron levels by repressing iron import. The critical for cell survival. In Campylobacter jejuni, a microaerophile
hemAXCDBL operon encodes the early steps of heme biosynthesis. that lacks SoxRS and OxyR homologs, the superoxide dismutase
Unlike E. coli, where OxyR induces the ferrochelatase HemH, B. sodB is induced in perR mutants (170). These observations
subtilis PerR does not regulate the ferrochelatase. indicate that PerR may not be limited to defending cells against
Interestingly, the constitutive expression of the B. subtilis only H2O2.
PerR regulon—in a perR mutant—causes trouble by excessively Surprisingly, it has been shown that perR mutants of S.
lowering the pool of intracellular iron (159). These mutants are aureus, S. pyogenes, and Group A Streptococcus have lower
more resistant to H2O2 but have trouble growing. It is unclear virulence and lower intracellular survival in infected
which enzyme-activity deficiency causes the poor growth. The macrophages (161, 164, 171, 172), even though the
iron deficiency was tracked to the combined repression of iron derepression of the PerR regulon might be expected to induce
uptake by Fur, plus iron depletion due to the induction of KatA. defenses against the oxidative stress these bacteria encounter in
Under these inducing conditions KatA becomes the single most their hosts. It is possible that the constitutive induction of the
abundant protein in the cell, comprising a whopping 10% of the PerR regulon causes secondary growth defects similar to what is
seen in B. subtilis (159). If so, it may explain why the perR However, other in vivo studies have elicited contradictory
mutants of these pathogens are unable to colonize their hosts. In results. Chemostat cultures of E. coli that were grown
S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, PerR represses the anaerobically in the presence of 5 mM NO induced genes
expression of ferritin under low-iron conditions where PerR associated with NorR, NsrR, and Fur but not OxyR (188). Studies
binds to Mn, and induces it in the presence of iron, indicating that have used even higher concentrations of NO sources, such as 1
that like in B. subtilis, PerR can regulate metal homeostasis mM acidified NaNO2, activated NO-detoxifying systems such as
independently of oxidative stress (161, 173). hmpA, norV, and norW, but not OxyR (189). It is possible that the
identity and dose of these nitrosative stressors as well as the growth
conditions contributed to the discrepancies.
DO OxyR, Yap1p, AND PerR USEFULLY The role of Yap1p in protecting yeast from nitrosative stress is
DETECT OTHER STRESSORS? also unclear. Exogenous nitrosoglutathione elicited the synthesis
of superoxide dismutase and catalase, and this response
The reactive sensors of OxyR and PerR—a hyperreactive thiol depended upon Yap1p (190). However, a study that used a
and Fe(II), respectively—can be modified by reactive species nitric oxide donor did not detect this effect (191). The
other than H2O2, and this observation raises the question of possibility exists, then, that the effects of NO and/or
whether these transcription factors profitably respond to these nitrosothiols upon OxyR and Yap1p are adventitious.
other stresses. The effectors that have been examined most Similarly, exogenous NO can react with the Fe(II) in bacterial
closely are nitric oxide (NO) and disulfide stress. PerR and, by inactivating the repressor, trigger induction of its
cesses (174, 175), and it is deliberately generated at toxic levels regulon (192). However, members of this regulon do not provide
by macrophages as part of the cell-based immune response (176). any obvious route to remediate this stress, and so it seems likely
It is a radical species that can pair with the unpaired d-orbital that effect is merely incidental to the iron-binding activity of NO.
electrons of iron; as a result, NO binds heme, exposed iron-sulfur “Disulfide stress” is a term attached to conditions that create
clusters, and mononuclear iron, potentially inhibiting the and disseminate disulfide bonds among cellular proteins. In many
enzymes that possess these cofactors (177–180). Many bacteria studies it is imposed by exposing microbes to diamide, a manmade
use NO-sensing transcription factors to control the synthesis of reagent designed to create disulfide bonds from cellular thiols (193).
NO scavenging enzymes. In E. coli, NorR is a Fe(II)-based In some bacteria diamide elicits defensive responses that include the
regulator that induces the NorVW NO reductase, while NsrR induction of redoxin-based disulfide-reducing systems; these
is a [2Fe-2S]-containing transcription factor whose binding by regulons (194, 195) are independent of the systems that detect
NO triggers the induction of nitric oxide dioxygenase (Hmp) and suppress H2O2 stress. Diamide can activate OxyR inside E. coli,
(181, 182). NsrR also appears to regulate a more expansive but very high doses are needed (75). One wonders, then, what the
regulon, although the roles of other members are less clear natural circumstances are that trigger “disulfide stress” responses.
(183). The Vibrio fischeri NsrR regulates an alternative oxidase Further, because OxyR-controlled redoxins have not yet been
that is more resistant to inhibition by NO than are conventional assigned a role in defraying H2O2 stress, it is formally possible
respiratory oxidases; thus, this feature of the NsrR regulon allows that the sensory thiol of OxyR serves a second purpose of detecting
this squid symbiont to sustain its respiration despite the NO that and defusing thiol-targeting electrophiles.
is generated by its host (184). NO has a second route of toxicity, Thus far, the only condition under which disulfide stress is
too: Its reaction with superoxide, which is also produced by known to naturally occur in E. coli is during periods of rapid cystine
macrophages, forms peroxynitrite (ONOO-), a potent univalent import (196). This situation arises when sulfur-limited cells, which
oxidant that can penetrate into phagocytosed bacteria (185). induce all forms of sulfur importers, encounter cystine. Gross over-
The Stamler group has presented evidence that OxyR also import of cystine results, and disulfide-exchange reactions cause
provides protection against NO stress (186, 187). Null mutants disulfide bonds to be transferred from the imported cystine to
grew poorly during anaerobic respiration of nitrate, a process that cytoplasmic proteins. OxyR is modified, and it induces its regulon.
might release some NO. Notably, the sensory cysteine of OxyR was Both the thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems that it induces act to
nitrosylated, a modification that appeared to activate OxyR so that minimize the disulfide stress. Disulfide stress can also be imposed by
it induced a set of genes distinct from the conventional H2O2- exposing cells to antimicrobial plant compounds such as diallyl
driven response. The hcp operon was among those genes, and this thiosulfinate and diallyl polysulfanes; the induction of ahpC, trxA,
group has proposed that Hcp contributes to the broader and trxC results (197). It seems unlikely that E. coli naturally
nitrosylation of cellular proteins, in a way that protects cells encounters these chemicals.
from nitrosative stress. The chemistry by which NO would Similar stresses can activate Yap1p of yeast. It is directly
chemically derivatize the OxyR thiol is not clear; NO is a radical modified by diamide—without the mediation of Gpx3—and the
species, so an oxidant, perhaps iron, needs to be involved to absorb H2O2-sensing C303 is not involved in the resultant conformational
the extra electron. Derivatization by Hcp is plausible; nitrosothiols change (198). Instead, disulfide linkages are formed between C598
readily react with activated cysteine residues, including that of and C620, C620 and C629, and C598 and C629. Glutathione
OxyR, and this modification can perturb its behavior and has even reductase and thioredoxin are subsequently induced. However,
been shown to initiate catalase synthesis—although it would seem broadly speaking, the activation of these systems by disulfide-
to lack value in this situation. generating agents—and perhaps by nitrogen species—has
attracted a fair amount of attention without compelling evidence situations. The rationale for these differences is not always clear;
that these outcomes are not accidental. in particular, we do not yet understand why some organisms use
OxyR as a sensor, why others use PerR, and why a third set
employ both. Thus, if we are to fully understand oxidative stress,
we will need to continue to expand these studies beyond E. coli
WHAT’S NEXT? and yeast, and we will need to evaluate the intensity of H2O2
To date, the mechanisms by which H2O2 poisons bacteria have been stress and the role of these systems in natural habitats.
explored primarily in test tubes. From those studies we have learned For many microbiologists, the key questions concern whether
that H2O2 stress is iron-focused, driven by reactions with enzymic host-generated H2O2 plays a role in suppressing invasion by
iron-sulfur clusters and Fe(II) prosthetic groups and with the pool most bacteria—and, if it does so, by which strategies dedicated
of loose iron. The high rate constants of these reactions, and the pathogens manage to circumvent this stress. It may seem
abundance of vulnerable enzymes, means that low-micromolar intuitively obvious that phagocytic H2O2 is a potent defense,
concentrations of H2O2 suffice to bring bacterial growth to a halt. but back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that the H2O2
The known defenses remediate the same injuries that have been levels may not rise as high as workers have sometimes
discovered, which provides confidence that the overall picture has assumed. Part of the difficulty here is that phagocytic action
come into shape. In E. coli, the most-examined microbe, it appears has typically been studied using as prey the same professional
that the endogenous levels of H2O2 in the fully aerated bacterium pathogens that have, by definition, developed ways to elude the
falls just short of the threshold for H2O2 toxicity—and for the toxicity. We endorse the idea of studying the process using the
induction of emergency responses. Those responses, then, evidently 99% of bacteria that phagocytes efficiently kill.
exist to shield the cell from external H2O2.
The next step is to figure out how this information translates
to real-world environments. The broad distribution of H2O2 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
defenses, and in particular of inducible defenses, suggests that
AS is the first author and JI is the last author. Both authors have
H2O2 stress is a pervasive phenomenon that extends, at least
contributed to the writing. All authors contributed to the article
episodically, to most biological habitats. Yet the actual
and approved the submitted version.
circumstances and severity of oxidative stress remain poorly
understood. Plausible sources of stress range from the redox
collision that occurs at oxic/anoxic interfaces to the oxidative FUNDING
burst of mammalian and plant defenses. We infer that different
microbes may encounter this stress in different circumstances, as This work was supported by grant GM49640 from the National
the defensive regulons have been modified to suit their specific Institutes of Health.
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