UC Irvine Previously Published Works
UC Irvine Previously Published Works
UC Irvine Previously Published Works
Modulation of oxidative events by multivalent manganese complexes in brain tissue
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 31(6)
HaMai, D
Campbell, A
Bondy, SC
Publication Date
CC BY 4.0
Peer reviewed
PII S0891-5849(01)00639-6
Original Contribution
Abstract—Manganese toxicity can evoke neuropsychiatric and neuromotor symptoms, which have frequently been
attributed to profound oxidative stress in the dopaminergic system. However, the characterization of manganese as a
pro-oxidant remains controversial because antioxidant properties also have been associated with this metal. The current
study was designed to address these disparate findings concerning the oxidative properties of manganese. The apparent
ability of manganese in its divalent form to promote formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within a cortical
mitochondrial-synaptosomal (P2) fraction was completely abolished by the addition of one five hundredth of its molarity
of desferroxamine (DFO), a trivalent metal chelator. This large ratio and the high specificity of DFO for trivalent metal
ions discounted the possibility of inhibition of ROS generation by direct sequestration of divalent manganese, and
implied the trace presence of a trivalent metal. Further analysis suggested that this trace metal was manganic rather than
ferric ion. Ferric ion was able to dampen the reactive oxygen species-generating capacity of manganous chloride,
whereas manganic ion markedly promoted this property attributed to manganous ion. Such findings of the potent effects
of trace amounts of trivalent cations upon Mn2⫹-related free radical generation offer resolution of earlier disparate
findings concerning the oxidative character of manganese. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.
Keywords—Manganese, Reactive oxygen species, Oxidative stress, Pro-oxidant, Antioxidant, Neurotoxicity, Transi-
tion metals, Free radicals
764 D. HAMAI et al.
also catalyze the Fenton reaction. In spite of extensive Assay for reactive oxygen species formation
research efforts, the evidence for such speculations of
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were assayed using
manganese pro-oxidant activity, based primarily on use
2⬘,7⬘-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) [22].
of the divalent salt manganese chloride (MnCl2), has
DCFH is capable of being oxidized to the fluorescent
been conflicting. Manganese has been implicated in en-
2⬘,7⬘-dichloro-fluorescein by reactive oxygen species.
hancing dopamine auto-oxidation and oxidative nigral
Although the identity of the ultimate species responsible
[10,13–15], and in inflicting damage similar to that of
for the oxidation of DCFH is not known [23], the utility
other mitochondrial toxins such as carbon monoxide and
of this probe as a sensitive measure of ROS in biological
cyanide [16]. In evaluations of the oxidative character of
systems, including isolated subcellular cerebral systems,
manganese, several groups have attributed accelerated
has been documented [24].
ROS formation to both the divalent and trivalent states of
P2 suspensions were diluted in 19 volumes of HEPES
the metal [17,18]. However, other reports contend that
buffer. Test compounds were pipetted into 96 well clus-
divalent manganese ion scavenges the ROS species su-
ter plates (Costar, Corning Inc., Corning, NY, USA) with
peroxide and hydroxyl radicals even when SOD activity
four replicates per sample, and suspended in 100 l of
is inhibited [19], and attenuates oxygen toxicity in the
Tris-buffer per well. A volume of 100 l, containing 5 l
Lactobacillus planetarium and related bacteria deficient
of P2 fraction and 95 l of 5 M DCFH-DA, was added
in the superoxide dismutase enzyme [20]. Additional
to each well for a final volume of 200 l.
anti-oxidant effects, including catalase-like dispropor-
Given the light-sensitive nature of the probe, assays
tionation of H2O2 [21], inhibition of iron-induced lipid
were carried out in a FL600 spectrofluorometer (Biotek
peroxidation and copper-dependent low-density lipopro-
Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT, USA). The microplate
tein conjugation [7] have also been demonstrated using
reader allowed for fast light excitation and precise fluo-
the same divalent salt MnCl2. Conflicting findings such
rescence capturing, thus minimizing photo-oxidation of
as these have complicated the characterization of man-
the probe [25]. The incubation temperature was main-
ganese as either a pro-oxidant or an antioxidant.
tained at 37°C. Excitation and emission were set respec-
The current study was designed to address these in-
tively at 485 nm and 530 nm. The fluorescence from each
consistencies by focusing on the oxidative capacity of
well was monitored, digitized, and stored on a computer
Mn2⫹ and Mn3⫹, the two primary valence states of
using KC4 (Version 4.0) (Biotek) software. Parallel
manganese in biological tissues. The findings indicate
blanks with no DCFH-DA were included, and this value
that manganese indeed may promote unwanted free rad-
was subtracted from readings of samples to correct for
ical reactions, however, the redox dynamics between its
autofluorescence of fractions. Additionally, parallel
lower and higher valence states differ from that of other
blanks with no P2 loaded with DCFH-DA served as an
pro-oxidant metals. The key finding is that the trace
indicator of photo-oxidation of DCFH-DA. A DCF stan-
presence of a trivalent metal ion is required for the
dard curve (1–500 nM) was used for conversion of
pro-oxidant activity associated with excess Mn2⫹. The
fluorescence to pmol DCF formed/g protein/2 h.
catalytic effect of nanomolar concentrations of the triva-
lent ion on the oxidation of Mn2⫹ and redox cycling may
account for earlier conflicting reports pertaining to the Protein determination
oxidative properties of manganese salts. Protein content was assayed using the method of
Bradford [26].
Statistical analysis
Tissue preparation Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and
Brains obtained from 2–3 month old male B6C351 Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Test to assess the
strain mice were excised on ice, and the cerebral cortex significance of differences between groups. The accep-
was weighed and homogenized in 10 vol. of 0.32 M tance level of significance was p ⬍ .01 using a two-tailed
sucrose and centrifuged at 1800 ⫻ g for 10 min. The distribution.
resulting supernatant fraction was centrifuged at
31,500 ⫻ g for 10 min to yield the crude mitochondrial/ RESULTS
synaptosomal pellet (P2). This was taken up in HEPES
Differential promotion of ROS formation by divalent
buffer to a concentration of 0.1 g-eq/ml. The composi-
and trivalent manganese
tion of the HEPES buffer was (mM): NaCl, 120; KCl,
2.5; NaH2PO4, 1.2; MgCl2, 0.1; NaHCO3, 5.0; glucose, The rate of generation of ROS in a cerebral cortical
6.0; CaCl2, 1.0; and HEPES, 10 at pH 7.4. mitochondrial-synaptosomal fraction was enhanced by
Manganese and oxidative events 765
metal colloids and ligands, such as oxy-hydroxides, Fe3⫹, and those of closed shell ions, such as those in the
available in the biological environ [35]. Such catalysts alkaline earth family (e.g., Mg, Ca) [38]. The stability of
can alter the electronegativity of the metal ion [36] and this electron configuration and the reluctance to lose a
increase exponentially the rate constant of the oxidation d-electron accounts for the poor reducing ability of
reaction [37], thus overcoming the difficulty of the in- Mn2⫹ [36]. Contrastly, Mn3⫹ has much higher transition
trinsically low redox potential of the Mn2⫹ ion. probabilities compared to Mn2⫹ [38]. Its four unpaired
Mn3⫹ or intermediate complexes that are significantly electrons in the usual high-spin configuration are similar
stronger oxidizing agents may serve a similar catalytic to those of the lower oxidation state of iron, Fe2⫹, and
role in the oxidation of Mn2⫹. Given the redox potential render the ion with marked instability and high reduction
between the two ions, Mn3⫹ or ionic intermediates could and oxidation potential. Its high spin d4, Mn3⫹ is inclined
induce a shift in the electron density of the divalent ion either to lose one electron in the antibonding eg set of
to enhance its ability to oxidize or reduce. Effectively, an
orbitals to maximize ligand field stabilization or to gain
interaction between Mn2⫹ and ion catalysts could desta-
an electron to maximize electron exchange energy [36].
bilize the divalent ion and change the overall redox status
The hybrid properties of both closed shell and transition
to one that is more favorable to the oxidation of the
metal ions in Mn may manifest themselves as redox
divalent ion and the acceleration of ROS generation.
bioenergetics atypical of other transition metals.
Mn 2⫹ ⫹ H 2 O 2 7 关Mn 2⫹ ⫺ OH 7 Mn 3⫹ ⫺ • OH兴 7 Mn 3⫹ ⫹ HO • ⫹ OH ⫺
The different properties of Mn2⫹ and Mn3⫹ and their
intermediate complexes
interaction during oxidative events may be particularly
relevant in the context of biological systems. Although
Similarly, the dampening effect of the pro-oxidant activ- the divalent state is the most stable form of manganese in
ity observed with trace additions of Fe3⫹ suggest that aqueous solutions, the trivalent state is the dominant state
this trivalent form of iron may also alter the redox status of manganese in many biological tissues and in natural
of Mn2⫹. The symmetry of the d-electron configuration water sources [38]. In blood, free, and ␣2-macroglob-
of manganous and ferric ions may confer stability to both ulin-bound Mn2⫹ is oxidized to Mn3⫹, possibly by fer-
the redox couples of manganese (Mn2⫹ 4 3 Mn3⫹) and roxidase I or ceruloplasmin, and is then bound to trans-
iron (Fe2⫹ 4 3 Fe3⫹) by reinforcing the low redox ferrin [39]. Within cells, manganese is found
potential of one another, thereby mitigating some of the predominantly in mitochondria in the divalent form,
pro-oxidant activity potentiated by Mn3⫹. where its uptake and export may be via a calcium carrier
The resistance of Mn2⫹ to oxidation differs with the [38]. The high oxidative activity of some brain regions
readiness of the lower valence states of iron and copper may facilitate oxidation of small amounts of divalent
to change to higher valence levels. For these latter tran- manganese to the trivalent state, thereby initiating Fenton
sition metals, the lower valence state exhibits greater cycling.
redox potential, higher reactivity, and greater readiness In summary, manganous ion has no intrinsic oxidant
to catalyze free radical-generating reactions. The higher potential. However, Mn2⫹may act in a pro- or antioxi-
valence state Mn3⫹ showed significant redox potential, dant manner, depending on the trace presence of either
while the lower valence state Mn2⫹ was found to be a Mn3⫹ or Fe3⫹ ion, respectively. Catalytic amounts of
modest pro-oxidant only with the trace presence of an-
trivalent manganese may promote Fenton-type redox cy-
other trivalent metal. Such a marked difference between
cling, whereas ferric iron can attenuate this process. The
the redox potential of the two valences contrast with
potent effects of trace amounts of trivalent cations upon
other transition metals, suggesting that manganese may
manganese-related free radical events may account for
possess redox dynamics that rely heavily on other medi-
the discordant literature on this subject. Our findings can
ating factors before it undergoes free radical-generating
reactions. reconcile reports of inhibition of iron-based ROS pro-
The known unusual ionic properties of its divalent and duction by manganese [40,7], and descriptions of the
trivalent states of manganese validate the potential exis- apparently intrinsic ROS-generating capacity of manga-
tence of atypical redox differentials. In contrast to other nese in both divalent and trivalent forms [18]. The co-
transition metals, manganese is most stable in aqueous, existence of both the divalent and trivalent forms of
neutral pH solutions with the oxidation number of ⫹2. manganese in biological tissues underscores the potential
Mn2⫹ is an S-state ion in the usual high-spin configura- metabolic significance of interactions of manganese in
tion with an approximately spherical distribution of the different valence states. This should serve as an impetus
five unpaired 3d-electrons about the nucleus. The half- to reframe the design of studies on manganese intoxica-
filled 3d shell of Mn2⫹ imparts the ion with a stability tion—in terms of not only elements involved, but also of
analogous to that of the higher oxidation states of iron, valence states.
768 D. HAMAI et al.
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